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A Qualitative Study of The Effects of Social Media in The Attitudes of A Students in Don Eulogio de Guzman Memorial National Highschool Year 2o19

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A Research Study Presented to the Faculty of

Don Eulogio de Guzman Memorial National High School
Calumbaya, Bauang La Union

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in the Subject Partcial Research I

Runes Venus B.
Balatero Ma. Christina M.
Bate Deserie Joy N.
Bucao Jobert R.
Bongayan Jennybabe A.
Caluza Duffny Nicole S.
Cortez Diana B.
Garcia May-Ann E.
Guerrero Joshua M.
Himpayan Jomer L.
Background of the study
In the early 1792, the telegraph was invented. This allowed messages to be

delivered over a long distance far faster than a horse and rider could carry them.

Although telegraph messages were short, they were a revolutionary way to convey

news and information.

Interacting with friends and family across long distances has been a concern

of humans for centuries. When face-to-face discussions are impossible or

inconvenient, humans have dreamed up plenty of creative solutions, deeper than

you might imagine. The earliest methods of communicating across great distances

used handwritten letter delivered by hand from one person to another. In other

words, letters. The earliest form of postal service dates back to 550 B.C., and this

primitive delivery system would become more widespread and streamlined in

future centuries.

Technologies are still in use today, although the modern versions are much

more sophisticated than before. Telephone lines and radio signals enabled people

to communicate across great distances constantly, something that mankind had

never experienced in the early years. Technology began to change very rapidly in

the 20th Century. After the first super computers were created in the 1940s,

scientists and engineers began to develop ways to create networks between those

computers, and this would later lead to the birth of the Internet. The earliest forms

of the Internet, such as CompuServe, were developed in the 1960s. Primitive

forms of email were also developed during this time.

According to Drew Hendricks, the first recognizable social media site, Six

Degrees, was created in 1997. It enabled users to upload a profile and make

friends with other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites became popular, creating

a social media sensation that’s still popular today. The social media revolution we

faced several years ago made it easier to stay in touch with friends, family and

others. We can easily share photos, interesting or funny links as well as

communicate with our friends and loved ones, but there are also some negative

effects of it.

According to the study of North-central University, ssocial media websites are

as helpful as much as they are harmful, here are some of the most predominant

problems we are currently facing with social platforms

1. Decreased Sociability

The more you rely on social media for your communication and conversations,

the less you will be able to hold your own face to face that will lead a person to

rely its emotions in social media.

2. Lowered Concentration and Productivity

Instead of focusing in doing the one’s priorities or must-to-do task, he or she

will spend more of his or her time in scanning on gadgets or laptop that causes

low productivity and concentration.

3. Loss of Family Time

Unlike the traditional family bonding, where parents and their children tend to
have a bonding while playing, watching movies together or having a picnic at a

park now, they just usually sit on a couch and scroll through their accounts all


4. Increased Stress & Anxiety

Things that trends in social media can easily make a person indulge to it, that

whenever he or she is not yet satisfied it will cause him or her stress and

anxiety. It makes someone achieve its value by the social media’s standard.

5. Worsened Self-Expression Skills

Typing out messages on Facebook or Instagram usually involves the use of

hash-tags and short slang words that are common on the internet that can

make someone’s IQ poorer.

6. Exchanging Reality for the Internet

Possibly the worst problem that comes out of using social media frequently is

the fact that we are slowly losing sight of reality and truth.

Social networking is an extremely useful invention, but the most frequent

users of social networking are the youth of the world where they can be easily

influenced not even knowing if it is right or wrong. Mostly, students often spend

their time using the internet not only for academic purposes but also for gaming,

shopping, and interacting. According to Christer De Guia (2018), students of this

generation have all the opportunities an advantages because of the internet where

they use it for entertainment and educational resources. Social media is now the
basis of the society’s standard for what is beautiful, intelligent, poor, rich and

such, that has a negative impact to the students thinking, reasoning, and the way

how they treat what and who surrounds them. Social media offers a trendy way to

keep in touch with new things and what’s going on around the world. It becomes a

dangerous medium capable of great damage if we handled it carelessly, it can

affect one’s life in just one click. Like on what everyone is saying “Think before

you click” always be mindful on every posts.

1.2 Framework of the study

A theoretical framework shows the relationship between things in a given

phenomenon, whereas the students and the use of social media is the given. The

Theory of Dialogic communication of Kent and Taylor is a validated and a useful

framework for how an organization build and maintain their online relationships.

The organization is represented by the students and how they can maintain and

established a good relationship with others with the effect of social media. This

theory is about enhancing the interaction and builds up social relationships

through virtual and personal, where someone can be transparent and real because

it is the foundation on how to build a mutual trust and have a good relationship to

others (Waters et al. 2009). It is important to build a good relationship virtually as

long as that one can also apply it in reality. We must willing to interact with other

people to understand their position, to adjust our needs and to meet their needs

and expectation as well. In building relationship motivate each and every one to

create a meaningful and long-term relationship

1.3 Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine what are the effects of social media to the attitude of

students. Furthermore, it seeks to answer questions in the problems encountered

by a student because of social media

1. What is the social media application or website used?

2. What are the main reason of the students in 11 HUMSS Strand in using


3. What is the number of hours consumed by Grade 11 HUMSS Students

in using Internet?

4. What is the psychological effect of using Social Media to the Grade 11

HUMSS students?

1.4 Definition of terms

Technology is an application of science used to solve problems. We apply

technology in almost everything that we do in our daily life, for communication,

transportation, learning, manufacturing, securing data and so much


Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through

verbal or nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication, writing and

graphical representations and signs, signals, and behaviour.


Network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices,

peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing data.


Virtual is a popular among computers scientist and is used in a wide variety of

solutions. A digitally replicated version of something real, essence to be described

as a digital rendition.
1.5 Research Paradigm

Input Process Output

1. The social media 1. Determining the 1. List of social

application or website social media media application
used application or or website used
website used
2. The main reason of
2. The effects of
the students in Grade 11 2. Analysing the main social media in
reason of students in
and 12 HUMSS Strand the attitudes of a
Grade 11 and 12
HUMSS Strand students
using Social Media
3. The number of hours
3. Determining The 3. IEC Material
consumed by Grade 11
number of hours
and 12 HUMSS Students consumed by Grade
in using the internet 11 and 12 HUMSS
Students in using the
4. The psychological
effect\s of Social Media
to the Grade 11 and 12 4. Identifying the
psychological effect
HUMSS students of Social Media to
the Grade 11 and 12
HUMSS students

Figure 1.the research paradigm of the study
Chapter II


This part of research designs, sources of data and procedures in gathering the data

needed that will answer the research problems.

Research Design

The research study utilized the descriptive research design. Descriptive research

design is a scientific method of which involves observing and describing he behaviour

of a subject without influencing it in any way and a study designed to depict the

participants in an accurate way.

The researchers described and identified the effect of social media to the attitude

of students in Don Eulogio De Guzman Memorial National High School Academic

Year 2019-2020

Sources of data

The respondents consisted of one hundred sixty four (164) using social media

came from Grade 11 and Grade 12 of Don Eulogio De Guzman Memorial National

High School for the school year 2019-2020. Data were gathered thru questioners that
were answered by the respondents and thru documents from trusted internet sites.

Table 1. Population of Humanities of Social Sciences in DEGMNHS

Humanities of Social Sciences (Grade 11 and Grade 12)

For the School Year 2019-2020

Grade 12 ARISTOTLE 51
Grade 12 SOCRTES 46
Grade 12 PLATO 46
Grade 11 GALILEO 49
Grade 11 DESCARTES 45
Grade 11 THALES 47

The above the table shows population of Senior High School HUMSS students in

DEGMNHS S.Y 2019-2020. It was used to determine the number of sample

population to be used as respondents, The researchers used Solvin’s formula and

computation is shown below:

n= population

E= margin of error

N= sample population

1+N (e) 2

1+279 (0.05) 2


The computed size was 164. From 279 HUMSS students 166 were selected as

respondents thru random sampling. Using a pure chance selection the researchers

assure very member the same opportunity to be in the sample. The basis of this is to

know the effect of social media to the attitude of students. The research will be

sample population in HUMSS strand. To properly distribute the sample population of

the following formula was used.

Table 2. Population and Sample of Senior High School HUMSS students in

DEGMNHS using Social Media


12 11

PLATO 38 10 THALES 47 12
Total 138 35 Total 141 35

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The questionnaire were formulated by the researchers. In conducting this study the researcher
had collaborated with Mr. Jade L. Balicat a senior high school teacher. The partner teacher was the

one who checked the survey questionnaire that was answered by the respondents from Grade 11

and Grade 12 HUMSS students. The research used structured questionnaire to present the total

number of effects of Social Media to the students of HUMSS Senior High School.

The total number of most chosen effects of Social Media to the users were gathered as this

could bring an impact to the students who are using this social media. This study is mainly to help

the students as well as their parents to address the effect of social media in the attitude of the


Analysis of Data

The retrieved questionnaires tallied, tabulated, analysed and interpreted.

To determine the percentage of the users of Social Media, number of hours the

users consume during weekends and weekdays, and what influenced the users to use

Social Media, the researchers conducted survey and used tallying to know the results.

To determine the effect of Social Media in the attitude of HUMSS students who

uses Social Media, the researcher used weighted mean and ranking.

1 .What are the application used?

a. Facebook

b. Google

c. YouTube

2. Is it helpful to gather information and data reliably?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

3. Is it helpful to improve one’s character and behaviour?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

6. What is the main reason of the application?

a. To interact or connect to other people

b. To get information on what is happening

c. Past time

7. Does it to satisfy you?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

8. Does it help you improve your capability in terms of socialization and


a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

9. How long do you use

a. day

b. month
c. year

10. How long does it take you to finish your assignments, research, or project by using

the internet?

a. 1 Hour

b. 3 Hours

c. 5Hours

11. What is the psychological effect of social media to a student?

a. Inadequate sleep

b. Exposure to cyberbullying

c. Lack of physical activity

12. What is the positive outcome of social media?

a. Get informed

b. Build Productive Relationship

c. It builds confidence

13. What is the negative outcomes of the social media?

a. Health Problem

b. Internet Addiction

c. Poor Concentration when it comes on studying

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