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Beat Eczema: Susan Clark

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Susan Clark

CHAPTER ONE: What is Eczema ........................................................... 3

CHAPTER TWO: Types of Eczema ....................................................... 4

CHAPTER T HREE: Eczema and Food...................................................... 9

CHAPTER FOUR: Beat Eczema.............................................................. 11

CHAPTER FIVE: Additional elements for cure....................................... 21

Cures for infants and children …………………………..22

CHAPTER SIX: Conclusion…………………. ....................................... 24

What is Eczema

Eczema is a general term used to describe a variety of conditions that cause an itchy,
inflamed skin rash. Atopic dermatitis, a form of eczema, is a non-contagious disorder
characterized by chronically inflamed skin and sometimes intolerable itching.

Atopic dermatitis refers to a wide range of diseases that are often associated with stress
and allergic disorders that involve the respiratory system, like asthma and hay fever.
Although atopic dermatitis can appear at any age, it is most common in children and
young adults. Symptoms usually abate before the age of 25 and do not affect the patient's
general health.
About one in ten babies develop a form of atopic dermatitis called infantile eczema.
Characterized by skin that oozes and becomes encrusted, infantile eczema most often
occurs on the face and scalp. The condition usually improves before the child's second
birthday, and medical attention can keep symptoms in check until that time.
When atopic dermatitis develops after infancy, inflammation, blistering, oozing, and
crusting are less pronounced. The patient's sores become dry, turn from red to brownish-
gray, and skin may thicken and become scaly. In dark-skinned individuals, this condition
can cause the complexion to lighten or darken. Itching associated with this condition is
usually worst at night. It can be so intense that patients scratch until their sores bleed,
sometimes causing scarring and infection.
Atopic dermatitis affects about 3% of the population of the United States, and about 80%
of the people who have the condition have one or more relatives with the same condition
or a similar one. Symptoms tend to be most severe in females. Atopic dermatitis can
erupt on any part of the skin, and crusted, thickened patches on the fingers, palms, or the
soles of the feet can last for years. In teenagers and young adults, atopic dermatitis often
appears on one or more of the following areas:
• elbow creases
• backs of the knees
• ankles
• wrists
• face
• neck

• upper chest

Types of Eczema

Atopic Dermatitis: Atopic Eczema varies in severity but in general is characterized

by red, weeping, crusted patches of inflamed skin that itch constantly. The distribution of
the skin lesions depends on the child's age. In infants, the skin lesions are usually found
on the face, scalp, diaper area, body folds, hands, and feet, and tend to be exudative
(oozing fluid that has escaped from blood vessels as a result of inflammation). Infants old
enough to crawl may have patches of inflamed skin on the neck and trunk as well. In
older children, the affected areas are usually located on the wrists, ankles, back of the
neck, insides of the elbows, and the backs of the knees. The skin lesions in older children
are more likely to be lichenified than exudative. Lichenification is the medical term for a
leather- or bark-like thickening of the outermost layer of skin cells (the epidermis) as a
result of long-term scratching or rubbing of itching lesions. In addition, the normal
markings of the skin are exaggerated in lichenification.
The lesions of AD are accompanied by intense pruritus, which is the medical term for
itching. Children with atopic dermatitis often have a lowered threshold of sensitivity to
itching, which means that they feel itching sensations more intensely than children
without the disorder. The pruritus often creates a vicious cycle of itching and scratching,
which leads to more widespread rash, which leads to more itching. The child may scratch
the affected skin only intermittently during the day, however. It is common for children
with AD to do more scratching in the early evening and at night; moreover, disruptions of
normal sleep patterns are common in these children.

Causes and Symptoms

The causes of atopic dermatitis were not completely understood as of 2008 but are
thought to be a combination of genetic susceptibility, damaged skin barrier function, and
abnormal responses of the child's immune system to environmental triggers. With regard
to genetic factors, the disorder has been tentatively linked to loci on chromosomes 11 and
13. A child with one parent with AD has a 60 percent chance of developing the disorder;
if both parents are affected, the risk rises to 80 percent. Nearly 40 percent of newly
diagnosed children have at least one first-degree relative with atopic dermatitis.

In addition to genetic susceptibility, AD is the end result of a complex inflammatory

process involving abnormalities in the child's skin and immune system. Some researchers
have noted that the skin of people with AD contains lower levels of fatty acids, which
may cause the skin to lose moisture more readily and become more sensitive to chemicals
and other irritants. Others point to decreased production of a hormone in the immune
system called interferon-gamma that ordinarily helps to regulate the body's response to

allergens. People with AD may be hypersensitive to irritants because they have
abnormally low levels of interferon-gamma in their systems.

About 80 to 90 percent of children with AD also have unusually high levels of an

antibody called IgE in their blood. Antibodies are specialized proteins produced by the
immune system that seek out and destroy bacteria, viruses, and other invaders. The high
levels of IgE in the blood of AD patients are produced by hyperactive T helper 2 cells
reacting against antigens in the environment. Although the role of increased IgE
production in the development of atopic dermatitis was not fully understood as of 2004,
measuring the level of this antibody in a sample of blood serum may be done to help
distinguish AD from other skin diseases with similar symptoms.
The basic symptoms of AD have already been described. Dermatologists classify the
lesions of AD into three basic categories:
• Acute lesions: These include extremely itchy reddened papules (small solid eruptions
resembling pimples) and vesicles (small blister-like elevations in the skin surface that
contain tissue fluid) over erythematous (reddened) skin. Acute lesions produce a watery
exudate and are often accompanied by exfoliation (scaling or peeling of layers of skin)
and erosion (destruction of the skin surface).

• Subacute lesions: These are characterized by reddening, peeling, and scaling but are
less severe than acute lesions and do not produce an exudate.

• Chronic lesions: These are characterized by thickened plaques of skin, lichenification,

and fibrous papules.

It is possible for a child or adolescent with chronic atopic dermatitis to have all three
types of lesions at the same time.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is the name for any skin inflammation that occurs when the skin's
surface comes in contact with a substance originating outside the body. There are two
kinds of contact dermatitis, irritant and allergic.

Thousands of natural and man-made substances can cause contact dermatitis, which is the
most common skin condition requiring medical attention and the foremost source of
work-related disease. Florists, domestic workers, hairdressers, food preparers, and
employees in industry, construction, and health care are the people most at risk of

contracting work-related contact dermatitis. Americans spend roughly $300 million a
year in their quest for relief from contact dermatitis, not counting the considerable sums
devoted by governments and businesses to regulating and policing the use of skin-
threatening chemicals in the workplace. But exactly how many people suffer from
contact dermatitis remains unclear; a 1997 article in the Journal of the American Medical
Association notes that figures ranging from 1% to 15% have been put forward for
Western industrial nations.

Seborrheic Dermatitis


Seborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by

scaly lesions usually on the scalp, hairline, and face.
Seborrheic dermatitis appears as red, inflamed skin covered by greasy or dry scales that
may be white, yellowish, or gray. It can effect the scalp, eyebrows, forehead, face, folds
around the nose and ears, the chest, armpits (axilla), and groin. Dandruff and cradle cap
are mild forms of seborrheic dermatitis, and appear as fine white scales without

Types of eczema conclusion

There are other types of eczema such as discoid eczema and varicose. However, Atopy is
by far and away the most common form of eczema.

Once you are born with Atopy you are atopic forever. However, with the help of this
guide you will not develop eczema as a result ot it.

Causes of Eczema
Eczema can be triggered by many different things. Eczema sufferers may have one or
many triggers that bring on the eczema. These triggers are either allergens or non-
allergens. I have listed a small list below of common occurrences from each group.


Animal hair
Animal Dander
Anima Saliva
Tree Pollens
Dust mites
Grass pollens
Fungal spores
Certain bedding stuffings
Washing powders
Fabric softeners
Skin lotions
Anesthetic creams
Certain Food additives
Some drugs (asprin, beta-blockers)

Food Allergens
Peanut butter



Manufactured heat (electric blankets)
Certain fumes
Excessive exposure to water
Physical exercise

Rough fabrics

This list is just a small portion of the master list. New triggers are being discovered on a
daily basis. Atopy eczema is on the rise. Roughly 24% of the population is either
suffering from eczema or have in the past. That number is 8x greater than the level of
eczema sufferers before 1960.
These numbers are believed to be this disproportionately higher because of increased use
of central heating, higher uses of chemicals and a host of various other pollutants. This
theory is supported by the fact that 60% of all eczema sufferers also suffer from asthma.


Eczema and

In order to get rid of eczema, you need to improve your immune system. In the next
section, we will discuss how using natural fresh foods in order to do that. This method
will also improve cellular activity and stabilize your metabolism.

Most of the foods that we eat are processed foods. When you process food you remove
the water content of that food. They are also depleted of their nourishment. The body was
not built to deal with processed food. It has difficulty breaking it down. During this
breakdown, there is an overwhelming amount of toxins created.
On the other hand, the intake of raw foods into your body will be welcomed. These raw
foods will release nutrients into your bloodstream. Vitamins, enzymes, minerals and
more. You will also see other benefits such as the loss of mood swings.
You are about to learn a practical method of eating the right kinds of food. These foods
will improve your well being. These foods will improve your immune system. These
foods will improve your skin and will beat your eczema.

There are different categories of food that we will be using. Each category plays its own
role in beating your eczema.

Food Categories

Biogenic Foods
These should compose 25% of daily food intake. These foods are able to support the
regeneration of cells and tissue in your body.
Cereals, seeds, nuts, sprouted seeds, whole grains

Bioactive Foods
These should compose 50% of daily food intake when eaten together with biogenic
"sprouts". They synthesize entirely new compounds which perform superior biogenical
and biological functions:

Destroying Biostatic and Biocidic processes, microbes, and faulty digestive processes.
They strengthen the oxygen transport and cell respiration.

More efficient metabolic action accelerates cell renewal and stimulates natural self-
healing (even in some cases of carcinoma).
No destruction of enzymes, hormones, some vitamins and minerals by heat.
No heating of fats and oils (when they become toxic).

No deterioration of the quality of proteins; amino acids are ready, transmuted and pre-
Astronomic increase in all vitamins.

Biogenic and bioactive foods are digested without increase of leucocytes (white blood
cells) in the stomach which always occurs with foods denatured by heat and processing.

This leaves the leucocytes free and active in the blood-stream for more efficient defense
from multitudes of invaders in the air, the total environment. Note: we breathe 700 quarts
(1200-1300 liters?) of air per hour.

During and after eating a normal cooked dinner our blood pressure rises and our pulse
rate can double which can, if smoking and drinking is added, predispose to heart attacks.
So plants in their vital freshness give us: 1. Fats in the form of unsaturated essential fatty
acids. 2. Carbohydrates which digest slowly, releasing energy for long periods. 3.
Complete proteins in the form of pre-digested amino-acids.

There is a way of storing fresh vegetables to our great advantage - Sauerkraut. It

synthesizes the whole vitamin B complex (including B12) and vitamin K by natural lactic
acid fermentation. It must be made with organic vegetables. No salt, vinegar, water or
anything is added. Unpasteurised nut and seed cheese and yogurt; kefir, etc are all lactic
foods. Note: Antibiotics kill all intestinal bacteria, so it is most important to take
acidophilus products to reline the intestines with the right "friendly" bacteria, destroying
the harmful gas, odor, and disease-forming bacteria.

Biostatic Cooked Foods

These should compose 25% of daily food intake.
These foods do nothing for the detoxification process but add energy and richness to the

Biocidic Foods
The foods in this category should be avoided completely. These are the foods that most of
us eat on a daily basis. Foods include anything made from white flour, red meats, snack
foods, soft drinks and more.



Step One:
Apple Detox

To have the best chance to beat eczema and to have the best results it is first recommended
that you detoxify your body. Detoxing will give you clear skin, increase your energy levels
and a greater sense of alertness.
One of the best ways to accomplish this detox is with an Apple detox. That means that you
will eat nothing but apples for 2-3 days. Now you can eat all the apples you want during the
day so there is no need to be hungry.
WARNING: Do not follow this plan if you are pregnant, suffer from liver disease or suffer
from kidney disease. You can still use apples to help you by eating it the day after you have
either eaten too much or ate the wrong combinations.
Apples are not only full of nutrients but they contain them in an excellent balance. Apples
contain vitamin A and C. They also contain iron, iodine, magnesium, calcium and
potassium. The high fiber content allows the apple to bind water which will increase fecal
Apples contain acids which prevent digestive problems. They are very helpful in avoiding
kidney stones. They also will help prevent bad breath.
You should buy a variety of apples so you don’t get too tired of the same taste. You should
eat the entire apple including the skin. Do not eat the wood stem. Remember, you can eat
as many as you want.
One of the things that you may experience during this is what is known as a cleansing
crisis. This may involve sever headaches, upset stomach, mood swings and loose bowels.
If you suffer from any of these, do not worry. These are actually good signs. Your body is
eliminating wastes and toxin. In order to cure yourself of eczema, it is essential to rid
yourself of these toxins. Not everyone will experience the side effects. This is also not a
reason to be concerned. If you stick to the diet plan for 2 -3 days, you will rid your body
of these wastes.

Once these 2-3 days of detoxification are over, you will be ready to move forward. There
are some kitchen appliances that you may want to buy that can help you with the food

Food Processor

Citrus Juicer

There are some rules that you will want to follow during the next 10 days to help with
your eczema.

1. Eat only fruit for breakfast. You can eat as much as you want.
2. When you eat fruit, only eat fruit. Fruit can be digested very quickly when eaten
by itself.
3. Never eat a protein (red meat, eggs, seeds, dairy product, nuts) with a starch
(bread, potatoes, cereal). They require to different types of acid for digestion. The
mixture of these digestive acids can cause toxicity in your system.
4. Do not eat Biocidic foods while you are on this plan. These include white bread,
sugar, coffee and all readymade food.
5. Eat limited amounts of Biostatic foods. Biostatic foods will give you bursts of
energy but do nothing for our eczema cure. They will add some variety to your
plan. These foods include cooked vegetables, dairy products, fish, chicken and
whole grains.
6. Eat one large Biogenic meal every day. Biogenic foods give you the vitamins and
enzymes you need. Make sure that this meal includes sprouted seeds and grains.

7. Drink 2 glasses of carrot juice daily. This will speed up the skin healing.

Food Recap: As a reminder these are the 4 food categories and some examples of food
in those categories.

Biogenic Foods: life-generating (25%)

Sprouted grains, sprouted seeds, soaked nuts, cultured and fermented foods (seed or
milkyogurts, raw, unpasteurized cheeses, seed cheeses and live sauerkrauts or
fermented vegetables.)

Bioactive Foods: life-sustaining (50%)

Raw fruits, raw vegetables, miso, fruit and vegetable juices (freshly made from organic
produce), fruit smoothies (made from fresh fruit, seed and nut meals, dried fruit, raw
honey, organic plain yogurt, etc.)

Biostatic Foods: life-slowing (25%)

Freshly prepared, whole, organic cooked foods (not microwave-cooked foods!)

Biocidic Foods: life-destroying (0%), avoid as much as possible

TheShopping List
Note: Avoid all flesh foods. Avoid all pre-packaged processed foods, such as boxed
cereals, soy milks, frozen foods, canned soups, bottled juices and powdered mixes.
Always purchase fresh, organic, non-heat treated, non-irradiated and non-GMO
(genetically modified) foods. Also avoid hydrogenated oils, refined sugars and salt
(except for Celtic Salt).

Biogenic Foods:
Sprouting seeds: wheat, rye, alfalfa, fenugreek, red clover, radish

Seeds for soaking or seed milk: raw, untoasted, unsalted sesame, whole flax-
seed, buckwheat groats and hulled sunflower
Nuts: almond, pecan, walnut, hazelnuts, brazil, etc.

Seeds for growing indoor greens: wheat, whole buckwheat, lentils, garlic and
scallions (bulbs)
Fermented Dairy Products: plain and organic kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese

Raw Cheeses (cow, sheep, goat, such as Alta-Dena brand, 1-800-MILK-123)

Bioactive Foods:
Dried Fruits: raisins, currents, pineapple, apple, pear, etc.
Raw, Fresh Fruit: Purchase fruit that is locally grown or in season if possible
(orange, apple, banana, persimmon, lemon, pineapple, blueberries,
blackberries, strawberries, etc.)

Raw, Fresh Vegetables and other Fruits: avocado, carrots, bell pepper, tomato,
cucumber, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, onion, garlic, ginger, etc.

Biostatic Foods:
Organic brown rice
Organic whole wheat berries, rye, spelt, millet, and other grains
Organic beans: kidney, pinto, chickpea, navy, etc.
Organic potato (white or sweet)
Vegetables for cooking: broccoli, squash, onion, carrot, kale, etc., etc.
Fresh uncooked peanuts (still in the shell)

Suggested Condiments:
Oils: Cold pressed, organic if possible such as olive, Udo’s Choice, Flax, etc.
Celtic Salt
Sandwich Spread: (Nasoya Nayonaise (organic), organic produced mustard.
Organic Jelly
Raw Honey or Pure Maple Syrup, grade B (organic)

Herbal Teas (non-caffeine)

Spices (non-irradiated, organic)

Sample Menu
Here are just a few recipes. You can create your own as well.

Fruit Muesli
1 diced organic apple (peeled)
1 ripe banana or 2 tablespoons raisins or other dried fruit
2 tablespoons sesame meal. (Grind with an inexpensive coffee grinder such as the ones
available at Wal-Mart.)

¼ cup salad sprout mix (alfalfa, radish, clover and fenugreek) or buckwheat greens
dash of cinnamon

1 tablespoon organic peanut butter

Mix ingredients in bowl being careful not to bruise the sliced apple. Eat immediately.

Basic Biogenic Salad

¼ - ½ cup salad sprouts (alfalfa, fenugreek, clover, etc.)
1 cup buckwheat greens
1 tablespoon chopped wheat grass (snipped fine with scissors)
To this basic mixture, you may choose to add fresh, green leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, carrots,
celery, bell pepper, fresh herbs, onion, cucumber, tomato, avocado, etc. Simple dressings may
be added, such as fresh lemon or orange juice, olive oil, herbs, grated Parmesan cheese, Celtic
salt and powdered kelp, or the raw-tomato soup – see below.

Avocado Sandwich
1 avocado
1 tablespoon organic peanut butter
½ cup sprouts (alfalfa, radish, clover, etc.) or buckwheat greens
1 Tbsp. chopped onion
dash of Kelp

Spread avocado on a piece of sourdough bread. Add sprouts, onion and kelp. Serve as an
open face sandwich.

Raw Corn Soup

2 ears sweet corn (raw)
1 avocado or ¼ cup of soaked almonds (dry and grind into fine meal)
1 red bell pepper (diced)
Celtic salt

1 ½ cups warm water

Cut corn from cob. Blend with water at low speed, to smooth consistency. Blend in avocado.
Add salt or kelp. Serve with diced bell pepper.

Date & Prune Delight
5 pitted dates (soaked for 2 hours)
3 large pitted prunes (soaked for 2 hours)
½ cup cold water
1 or 2 ripe bananas

Blend soaked fruit and cold water to a smooth consistency. Add a quarter cup of hot
water. Serve over sliced bananas.

3 ripe tomatoes
1 med. red bell pepper (diced)
1 med. cucumber (diced)
1 Tbsp. olive oil
water as needed

½ cup mixed vegetables and sprouts

1 Tbsp. herbs
Celtic salt
Juice of 1 lime or lemon

Blend tomato, pepper, oil and water until smooth. Chop in vegetables and sprouts.
Season to taste.

Almond Milk
¼ cup almonds
dash Celtic salt

2 cups warm water

Soak almonds overnight and remove skins. Blend with warm water, honey and Celtic
salt to taste.

Fig Soup
9 dried organic figs (soaked for 4-6 hours)

1 cup warm water Blend until smooth. Makes a tasty meal.

Lemonade Water
Juice of 1 lemon or lime
Honey, grade B maple syrup or Stevia (optional)
2 cups water
1 crushed mint leaf (optional)

This is a wonderful drink. It will help you transition off of caffeine. Wait until you feel
hungry to have this drink.

Raw Tomato Soup
4 or 5 ripe roma tomatoes
1 small red pepper
1 cup of fresh wheat or nut milk or water
juice of one small lemon

1-1/2 tablespoons of organic mustard

2 tablespoons olive oil
Celtic Salt (to taste)
2 tablespoons raw honey
Basil and oregano (fresh or dried)
Curry seasoning to taste

Blend ingredients together, adding additional water to reach desired consistency. Heat to
body temperature. Do not cook. Garnish with grated raw cheese and chopped garlic or
onion greens. Enjoy!

Orange and Cinnamon-maple Carrot Salad

3 or 4 medium carrots (grated)
juice of 1 orange
1 tablespoon grade B maple syrup
1 tablespoon sesame meal
1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)
½ teaspoon cinnamon

Place all ingredients in a bowl and toss together. Serve immediately. This goes good on the
Biogenic salad or as a side dish with a piece of sourdough bread.

Perfect Rice
The most delicious rice we have ever cooked is organic Basmati Brown rice. And this is
an easy way to prepare it. (Be sure to wash the rice at least three times before cooking.)
Put about 1 inch of water in the bottom of a medium or larger size crock-pot.

Add 1 cup of washed rice in a small, stainless steel mixing bowl, one that will fit down in
your crock-pot. (Make sure that your bowl does not touch the inside wall of the crock-pot,
so that it can be easily removed.)
Add 2 cups of water and 1 teaspoon Celtic Salt to the rice.
Place the bowl of rice in the crock-pot. Do not put a lid on the don't need it.
Put the lid on the crock-pot and set on high temperature.

In about two hours, or when you can see that the water is completely cooked out and there
is none remaining on the bottom of the bowl (check it with a spoon), your rice
is done and ready to eat. This rice smells yummy when it is cooking...reminds us of
the smell of buttered popcorn. The rice will be tender and delicious. Season to taste.


Elements for

The following are additional elements that will help you beat your eczema.

Adults should take vitamin E, approx 400 IU per day. It will dramatically
relieve itching and lubricate dry skin.

To allow the skin to breathe more easily you should wear cotton and other
natural fiber.

Investigate and eliminate allergens. Eczema may be caused by certain allergy.

The most common culprits are those that come into contact with the skin such
as detergents, perfumes and soap etc.

Oils can produce remarkable results in the skin. Try flaxseed oil, salmon
oil, evening primrose and blackcurrant. Try each one separately. Once you
are happy add and additional oil

If the air in your house is usually dry through central heating for instance,
set up a humidifier.

Stay out of the sun and avoid sunbathing at all cost.

Taking vitamin A, (10,000 to 25,000 IU per day) can be of great benefit.

It helps to soften the skin. Taken in emulsion form is easier to absorb and
safer at high doses.

Alternate cures for

If you are reluctant to use the food cure for your child, there are some options that
you can look at.

Prevention and care:

• Moisturize - As eczema is characterized by very dry skin, keeping your baby's skin
moisturized can really help to reduce discomfort - try generously applying a natural
aloe Vera lotion several times a day but especially after a bath.
• Careful bath times –
Bathe your baby in lukewarm (rather than warmer) water
Avoid using soap based bath products and instead go for those designed for
babies with sensitive skin.
Leave washing your baby with product until just before you take them out the
bath as this means they will not be sitting in 'soapy' water.
Always pat rather than rub your baby dry as rubbing removes some of the much
needed oils that form part of the skin's defense.
Only bathe your baby 2-3 times per week.
• Avoid detergents - Household detergents such as washing powders can be irritating
to your baby's skin so try to use sensitive products and dry linen outside on the line
rather than in the tumble dryer whenever possible.
• Choose cotton - Clothing your baby in cotton rather than in synthetic or woolen
materials will enable your baby's skin to breathe and help to reduce irritation.
Cotton bedding will again stop your baby from overheating, becoming clammy and
flaring up.
• Go dust free - Keeping your home and especially your baby's nursery dust free may
help to reduce eczema flare ups. Keep soft furnishings in the nursery to a minimum
and try to vaccuum as often as possible. Keeping your home well aired should help
too. If you have longer pile carpets rather than wooden or laminate flooring, sitting
or laying your baby on a cotton or plastic play mat can be better than playing
directly on the carpet.
• Keep pets away - Pet hair is a common irritant so at the minimum you should keep
your pets out of your baby's nursery and wash your baby's hands when they have
been touching animals.
• Minimize scratching - Itching and scratching can make eczema flare ups worse by
breaking the skin and letting infections in. Try keeping your baby's nails short and
fitting them with cotton mittens and socks before a nap to help to reduce this.
Oatmeal Bath
When baby's skin gets very itchy, an oatmeal bath can be very soothing and help skin heal.
Put two cups of oats in a food processor (or use a coffee grinder) and grind them into a
powder. Add the oatmeal powder to a running bath of warm (not hot) water and stir well.
Soak in the oatmeal bath for 15 minutes, rinse with clean water and dab the skin dry with a
soft towel. When baby's eczema breakouts are bad, it is safe to sooth them with an oatmeal
bath twice daily.

Natural Skin Wash

As mentioned above, you want to avoid any harsh skin care for baby. The following natural
skin wash is very gently and helps with the itch. Combine 1 tsp of comfrey root, 1 tsp of
white oak bark, 1 tsp of slippery elm bark and two cups of water in a bowl. Mix well, and
then pour it into a pot. Heat over medium heat until it comes to a boil and then simmer for
thirty minutes. Allow the mixture to cool, then strain out the solids and use the liquid like
any face wash.
While this mixture may not completely clear up baby's eczema, it is a natural, gentle and
effective cleanser that will help reduce the itching and inflammation.

Healing Lotions
When eczema really flares up, you want to get baby's skin healed back up as soon as
possible. Healing lotions can help shorten the healing time and moisturize and protect your
skin from future outbreaks at the same time.
Lotions to look for ate those made with blueberry leaves. Blueberry leaves are very good at
relieving the inflammation of eczema and at improving the irritation that accompanies
Zinc is another great ingredient. Apply zinc lotion directly on the affected area. Zinc can
also be taken as a supplement in pills. Taking regularly, it can be an effective eczema
To help heal the skin, use a lotion containing vitamin E, or apply vitamin E oil directly on
the affected area. It will quickly reduce itching and improve healing. Continue applying the
vitamin E oil until the skin is healed.

Probiotics – See the supplement guide for more information on this for infants.

Licorice Gel – Licorice gel has proven helpful in reducting the swelling and redness in
children. You can use 1% or 2% licorice gel for best results.

This guide may not seem like it will do the trick. I want to assure you that the fastest
way to beautiful skin is through the food you eat.

Follow this guide. Follow the food plan as closely as possible. You will see a
difference. Here is the best part of this plan. Not only will your eczema go away but
you will have more energy, have a more stable mental attitude and many other “side
effects” that eating this way will bring you.

If you follow this plan to the letter, you should see results in as little as 10 days. Some
are completely cured in 10 days while others take a little longer. If you are not cured
in 10 days, do not give up. Some people may take up to 30 or 60 days. It really
depends on how much toxins and waste they have stored in their body.

I know it is not easy to change your entire diet. Know that 1000s of people have taken
this leap before you. They were able to do it and so can you. They were able to beat
eczema and so can you.

Enjoy your itch free life,

Susan Clark

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