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Cooking Fruits and Vegetables

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Kitchen Chemistry

Aprilia Fitriani
Cooking Fruits and

Aprilia Fitriani
Plants as Food

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 3

Why Plants Are not Meaty?

Kemampuan penyerapan air

akar dan mineral

kemampuan Pengikatan
permukaan karbondioksida
daun dan oksigen

organisme lain

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 4

Why Plants Have Strong Flavors
and Effects?

Capsaicin (flavor Kelompok

pedas dan efek alkaloid yang
panas) pahit

Alisin pada
Astringent tannin

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 5



09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 6

Essential Nutrients in Fruits and
• Vitamin C
• Asam folat
• Vitamin A

• Mencegah kerusakan oksidatif

• Penghambatan pertumbuhan
Antioksidan sel kanker dan sel tumor

• Serat larut (pektin; inulin)

Fiber • Serat tidak larut (lignin;

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 7

Toxin in Fruits and Vegetables
• Pahit
Alkaloid • Bersifat toksik pada kons. Tinggi (kentang hijau)
• Kafein dan nikotin

• Pahit
Cyanogens • Menghasilkan hidrogen sianida (reaksi

• Menghambat kinerja tripsin dalam GI track.

Tripsin inhibitor dan • Lektin: mengikat sel usus dan mencegah
lektin penyerapan nutrisi

• Garam dari asam oksalat

Oksalat • Natrium dan kalium soluble; kalsium insoluble
dan mengkristal

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 8

Post Harvest Deterioration - Vegetables
There’s no match for the flavor of a vegetable
picked one minute and cooked the next
Begins to The change
change is the worse

Exceptions include plant

parts designed to

Plant cells are hardier than animal cells and

may survive for weeks or even months. But
cut off from their source of renovating
nutrients, they consume themselves and
accumulate waste products, and their flavor
and texture suffer.
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Post Harvest Deterioration - Fruits
Some fruits may actually get better after harvest
because they continue to ripen

Harvest Ripening Deteriorate

Eventually fruit and vegetable cells

alike run out of energy and die, their
complex biochemical organization
and machinery break down, their
enzymes act at random, and the
tissue eats itself away

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 10

Post Harvest Deterioration
The spoilage of fruits and vegetables is hastened
by microbes, which are always present on their
surfaces and in the air.

Bacteria, molds, and yeasts all attack

weakened or damaged plant tissue,
break down its cell walls, consume
the cell contents, and leave behind
their distinctive and often
unpleasant waste products.

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 11

Handling Fresh Produce – Storage
Storage Atmosphere

• All plant tissues are mostly water, and require a humid

atmosphere to avoid drying out, losing turgidity, and damaging
their internal systems.
• Best to keep plant foods in restricted spaces—plastic bags, or
drawers within a refrigerator—to slow down moisture loss to
the compartment as a whole and to the outside.
• living produce exhales carbon dioxide and water, so moisture
can accumulate and condense on the food surfaces, which
encourages microbial attack.
• Lining the container with an absorbent material—a paper
towel or bag—will delay condensation.
• The metabolic activity of the cells can also be slowed by
limiting their access to oxygen  MAP/Coating

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Handling Fresh Produce – Temperature
• Cooling slows chemical reactions in general, so it slows the metabolic
activity of the plant cells themselves, and the growth of the microbes that
attack them.
• A reduction of just 10ºF/5ºC can nearly double storage life.
• However, the ideal storage temperature is different for different fruits and
• But fruits and vegetables native to warmer regions are actually injured by
temperatures that low


• The most drastic form of temperature control is freezing, which stops the
overall metabolism of fruits, vegetables, and spoilage microbes.
• It causes most of the water in the cells to crystallize, thus immobilizing
other molecules and suspending most chemical activity.

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 13

How Heat Affects The Qualities of Fruits and
• Pigmen warna tanaman/tumbuhan dipengaruhi oleh pemasakan
• Pigmen larut air mudah luruh saat perebusan
• Pigmen larut lemak lebih stabil pada saat perebusan

• Perubahan jaringan sayur dan buah

• Keluarnya komponen flavor maupun terbentuknya komponen baru

Komponen Nutrisi
• Merusak beberapa komponen nutrisi
• Meningkatkan nilai cerna komponen nutrisi

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How Heat Affects The
Color Qualities of Fruits
and Vegetables?
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How Heat Affects The Qualities of Fruits and

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09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 17
Can we help to keep green
fruits and vegetables bright?

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How Heat Affects
The Color Qualities
of Fruits and
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Can we help to keep purple
fruits and vegetables?

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How Heat Affects The Texture
Qualities of Fruits and Vegetables

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How Heat Affects The Texture
Qualities of Fruits and Vegetables

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How Heat Affects The Texture
Qualities of Fruits and Vegetables

09/05/2019 Kimia Dapur 2018/2019 23

How to Prevent Texture Fruits And
Vegetables Softening?

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How Heat Affects The Flavor
Qualities of Fruits and

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How Heat Affects The Nutritiion Value
Qualities of Fruits and Vegetables

• Vitamin
Reduces • Antioksidan
• Suhu, dan oksigen.

• Size reducing
Leaching • Large volume of water/oil
• Water/oil soluble vitamin

• Menurunkan bahaya m.o.

Enhancement • Mudah untuk dikonsumsi (tekstur yang lunak)
• Meningkatkan daya cerna dalam GI track (ex:pati)

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