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Statistics 1 Normal Distribution: Edexcel

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Statistics 1
Normal Distribution

Edited by: K V Kumaran 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Normal distribution past paper questions

1. The random variable X is normally distributed with mean 177.0 and standard deviation 6.4.

(a) Find P(166 < X < 185). (4 marks)

It is suggested that X might be a suitable random variable to model the height, in cm, of adult males.

(b) Give two reasons why this is a sensible suggestion. (2 marks)

(c) Explain briefly why mathematical models can help to improve our understanding of real-world
problems. (2 marks)

Jan2001, Q2

2. The continuous random variable Y is normally distributed with mean 100 and variance 256.

(a) Find P(Y < 80). (3)

(b) Find k such that P(100  k  Y  100 + k) = 0.5l6. (5)

June 2001, Q3

3. The duration of the pregnancy of a certain breed of cow is normally distributed with mean  days and
standard deviation  days. Only 2.5% of all pregnancies are shorter than 235 days and 15% are longer than
286 days.

(a) Show that   235 = 1.96 . (2)

(b) Obtain a second equation in  and  . (3)

(c) Find the value of  and the value of  . (4)

(d) Find the values between which the middle 68.3% of pregnancies lie. (2)

Jan 2002, Q5

4. A random variable X has a normal distribution.

(a) Describe two features of the distribution of X. (2)

A company produces electronic components which have life spans that are normally distributed. Only 1%
of the components have a life span less than 3500 hours and 2.5% have a life span greater than 5500 hours.

(b) Determine the mean and standard deviation of the life spans of the components. (6)
The company gives warranty of 4000 hours on the components.
(c) Find the proportion of components that the company can expect to replace under the warranty.


May 2002, Q5 10
5. Strips of metal are cut to length L cm, where L  N(, 0.52).

(a) Given that 2.5% of the cut lengths exceed 50.98 cm, show that  = 50. (5)

(b) Find P(49.25 < L < 50.75).


Those strips with length either less than 49.25 cm or greater than 50.75 cm cannot be used.

Two strips of metal are selected at random.

(c) Find the probability that both strips cannot be used. (2)

Nov 2002, Q4

6. A drinks machine dispenses coffee into cups. A sign on the machine indicates that each cup contains 50 ml
of coffee. The machine actually dispenses a mean amount of 55 ml per cup and 10% of the cups contain
less than the amount stated on the sign. Assuming that the amount of coffee dispensed into each cup is
normally distributed find
(a) the standard deviation of the amount of coffee dispensed per cup in ml, (4)

(b) the percentage of cups that contain more than 61 ml. (3)

Following complaints, the owners of the machine make adjustments. Only 2.5% of cups now contain less
than 50 ml. The standard deviation of the amount dispensed is reduced to 3 ml.
Assuming that the amount of coffee dispensed is still normally distributed,

(c) find the new mean amount of coffee per cup. (4)

Jan 2003, Q3

7. The lifetimes of batteries used for a computer game have a mean of 12 hours and a standard deviation of 3
hours. Battery lifetimes may be assumed to be normally distributed.

Find the lifetime, t hours, of a battery such that 1 battery in 5 will have a lifetime longer than t. (6)

June 2003, Q2

8. Cooking sauces are sold in jars containing a stated weight of 500 g of sauce The jars are filled by a machine.
The actual weight of sauce in each jar is normally distributed with mean 505 g and standard deviation 10

(a) (i) Find the probability of a jar containing less than the stated weight.

(ii) In a box of 30 jars, find the expected number of jars containing less than the stated weight. (5)

The mean weight of sauce is changed so that 1% of the jars contain less than the stated weight. The standard
deviation stays the same.

(b) Find the new mean weight of sauce. (4)

Nov 2003, Q3 11
9. The random variable X is normally distributed with mean  and variance  2.

(a) Write down 3 properties of the distribution of X. (3)

Given that  = 27 and  = 10

(b) find P(26 < X < 28).


Jan 2004, Q2

10. A health club lets members use, on each visit, its facilities for as long as they wish. The club’s records
suggest that the length of a visit can be modelled by a normal distribution with mean
90 minutes. Only 20% of members stay for more than 125 minutes.

(a) Find the standard deviation of the normal distribution.


(b) Find the probability that a visit lasts less than 25 minutes.

The club introduce a closing time of 10:00 pm. Tara arrives at the club at 8:00 pm.

(c) Explain whether or not this normal distribution is still a suitable model for the length of her visit.(2)

June 2004, Q5

11. The random variable X  N(,  2).

It is known that P(X  66) = 0.0359 and P(X  81) = 0.1151.

(a) In the space below, give a clearly labelled sketch to represent these probabilities on a Normal curve.

(b) (i) Show that the value of  is 5.

(ii) Find the value of . (8)

(c) Find P(69  X  83).


Nov 2004, Q3

12. The random variable X is normally distributed with mean 79 and variance 144.


(a) P(X < 70), (3)

(b) P(64 < X < 96). (3) 12
It is known that P(79 – a  X  79 + b) = 0.6463. This information is shown in the figure below.


79 – a 79 79 + b

Given that P(X  79 + b) = 2P(X  79 – a),

(c) show that the area of the shaded region is 0.1179.


(d) Find the value of b. (4)

Jan 2005, Q7

13. A scientist found that the time taken, M minutes, to carry out an experiment can be modeled by a normal
random variable with mean 155 minutes and standard deviation 3.5 minutes.


(a) P(M > 160), (3)

(b) P(150 ≤ M ≤ 157), (4)

(c) the value of m, to 1 decimal place, such that P(M ≤ m) = 0.30. (4)

June 2005, Q6

14. The heights of a group of athletes are modelled by a normal distribution with mean 180 cm and a standard
deviation 5.2 cm. The weights of this group of athletes are modelled by a normal distribution with mean 85
kg and standard deviation 7.1 kg.

Find the probability that a randomly chosen athlete

(a) is taller than 188 cm, (3)

(b) weighs less than 97 kg. (2)

(c) Assuming that for these athletes height and weight are independent, find the probability that a
randomly chosen athlete is taller than 188 cm and weighs more than 97 kg. (3)

(d) Comment on the assumption that height and weight are independent. (1)

Jan 2006, Q7 13
15. From experience a high jumper knows that he can clear a height of at least 1.78 m once in 5 attempts. He
also knows that he can clear a height of at least 1.65 m on 7 out of 10 attempts.

Assuming that the heights the high jumper can reach follow a Normal distribution,

(a) draw a sketch to illustrate the above information, (3)

(b) find, to 3 decimal places, the mean and the standard deviation of the heights the high jumper can reach,

(c) calculate the probability that he can jump at least 1.74 m. (3)

May 2006, Q5

16. The measure of intelligence, IQ, of a group of students is assumed to be Normally distributed with mean
100 and standard deviation 15.

(a) Find the probability that a student selected at random has an IQ less than 91. (4)

The probability that a randomly selected student as an IQ of at least 100 + k is 0.2090.

(b) Find, to the nearest integer, the value of k. (6)

Jan 2007, Q7

17. The random variable X has a normal distribution with mean 20 and standard deviation 4.

(a) Find P(X > 25). (3)

(b) Find the value of d such that P(20 < X < d) = 0.4641. (4)

June 2007, Q6

18. The weights of bags of popcorn are normally distributed with mean of 200 g and 60% of all bags weighing
between 190 g and 210 g.

(a) Write down the median weight of the bags of popcorn. (1)

(b) Find the standard deviation of the weights of the bags of popcorn. (5)

A shopkeeper finds that customers will complain if their bag of popcorn weighs less than 180 g.

(c) Find the probability that a customer will complain. (3)

Jan 2008, Q6

19. The weights of bags of popcorn are normally distributed with mean of 200 g and 60% of all bags weighing
between 190 g and 210 g.

(a) Write down the median weight of the bags of popcorn. (1)

(b) Find the standard deviation of the weights of the bags of popcorn. (5)

A shopkeeper finds that customers will complain if their bag of popcorn weighs less than 180 g.

(c) Find the probability that a customer will complain. (3)

Jan 2008, Q6 14
20. A packing plant fills bags with cement. The weight X kg of a bag of cement can be modelled by a normal
distribution with mean 50 kg and standard deviation 2 kg.

(a) Find P(X > 53). (3)

(b) Find the weight that is exceeded by 99% of the bags. (5)

Three bags are selected at random.

(c) Find the probability that two weigh more than 53 kg and one weighs less than 53 kg. (4)

May 2008, Q7

21. The random variable X has a normal distribution with mean 30 and standard deviation 5.

(a) Find P(X < 39). (2)

(b) Find the value of d such that P(X < d) = 0.1151. (4)

(c) Find the value of e such that P(X > e) = 0.1151. (2)

(d) Find P(d < X < e). (2)

Jan 2009, Q6

22. The lifetimes of bulbs used in a lamp are normally distributed.

A company X sells bulbs with a mean lifetime of 850 hours and a standard deviation of 50 hours.

(a) Find the probability of a bulb, from company X, having a lifetime of less than 830 hours. (3)

(b) In a box of 500 bulbs, from company X, find the expected number having a lifetime of less than 830
hours. (2)

A rival company Y sells bulbs with a mean lifetime of 860 hours and 20% of these bulbs have a lifetime of
less than 818 hours.

(c) Find the standard deviation of the lifetimes of bulbs from company Y. (4)

Both companies sell the bulbs for the same price.

(d) State which company you would recommend. Give reasons for your answer. (2)

May 2009, Q8

23. The heights of a population of women are normally distributed with mean  cm and standard deviation 
cm. It is known that 30% of the women are taller than 172 cm and 5% are shorter than 154 cm.

(a) Sketch a diagram to show the distribution of heights represented by this information. (3)

(b) Show that  = 154 + 1.6449. (3)

(c) Obtain a second equation and hence find the value of  and the value of . (4)

A woman is chosen at random from the population.

(d) Find the probability that she is taller than 160 cm. (3)

Jan 2010, Q7 15
24. The distances travelled to work, D km, by the employees at a large company are normally distributed with
D  N( 30, 82 ).

(a) Find the probability that a randomly selected employee has a journey to work of more than 20 km.

(b) Find the upper quartile, Q3, of D. (3)

(c) Write down the lower quartile, Q1, of D. (1)

An outlier is defined as any value of D such that D < h or D > k where

h = Q1 − 1.5 × (Q3 − Q1) and k = Q3 + 1.5 × (Q3 − Q1).

(d) Find the value of h and the value of k. (2)

An employee is selected at random.

(e) Find the probability that the distance travelled to work by this employee is an outlier. (3)

June 2010, Q7

25. The weight, X grams, of soup put in a tin by machine A is normally distributed with a mean of 160 g and a
standard deviation of 5 g.

A tin is selected at random.

(a) Find the probability that this tin contains more than 168 g. (3)

The weight stated on the tin is w grams.

(b) Find w such that P(X < w) = 0.01. (3)

The weight, Y grams, of soup put into a carton by machine B is normally distributed with mean  grams
and standard deviation  grams.

(c) Given that P(Y < 160) = 0.99 and P(Y > 152) = 0.90, find the value of  and the value of . (6)

Jan 2011, Q8

26. The random variable X ~ N(μ, 52) and P(X < 23) = 0.9192.

(a) Find the value of μ. (4)

(b) Write down the value of P(μ < X <23). (1)

May 2011, Q2

27. Past records show that the times, in seconds, taken to run 100 m by children at a school can be modelled by
a normal distribution with a mean of 16.12 and a standard deviation of 1.60.

A child from the school is selected at random.

(a) Find the probability that this child runs 100 m in less than 15 s. (3)

On sports day the school awards certificates to the fastest 30% of the children in the 100 m race. 16
(b) Estimate, to 2 decimal places, the slowest time taken to run 100 m for which a child will be awarded
a certificate. (4)

May 2011, Q4

28. A manufacturer fills jars with coffee. The weight of coffee, W grams, in a jar can be modelled by a normal
distribution with mean 232 grams and standard deviation 5 grams.

(a) Find P(W < 224). (3)

(b) Find the value of w such that P(232 < W < w) = 0.20. (4)

Two jars of coffee are selected at random.

(c) Find the probability that only one of the jars contains between 232 grams and w grams of coffee.(3)

Jan 2012, Q7

29. The heights of an adult female population are normally distributed with mean 162 cm and standard deviation
7.5 cm.

(a) Find the probability that a randomly chosen adult female is taller than 150 cm. (3)

Sarah is a young girl. She visits her doctor and is told that she is at the 60th percentile for height.

(b) Assuming that Sarah remains at the 60th percentile, estimate her height as an adult. (3)

The heights of an adult male population are normally distributed with standard deviation 9.0 cm.

Given that 90% of adult males are taller than the mean height of adult females,

(c) find the mean height of an adult male. (4)

May 2012, Q6

30. The length of time, L hours, that a phone will work before it needs charging is normally distributed with a
mean of 100 hours and a standard deviation of 15 hours.

(a) Find P(L > 127). (3)

(b) Find the value of d such that P(L < d) = 0.10. (3)

Alice is about to go on a 6 hour journey. Given that it is 127 hours since Alice last charged her phone,

(c) find the probability that her phone will not need charging before her journey is completed.(4)

Jan 2013, Q4 17
31. The weight, in grams, of beans in a tin is normally distributed with mean  and standard deviation 7.8.

Given that 10% of tins contain less than 200 g, find

(a) the value of , (3)

(b) the percentage of tins that contain more than 225 g of beans. (3)

The machine settings are adjusted so that the weight, in grams, of beans in a tin is normally distributed with
mean 205 and standard deviation .

(c) Given that 98% of tins contain between 200 g and 210 g find the value of . (4)

May 2013, Q6

32. The time, in minutes, taken to fly from London to Malaga has a normal distribution with mean 150 minutes
and standard deviation 10 minutes.

(a) Find the probability that the next flight from London to Malaga takes less than 145 minutes.(3)

The time taken to fly from London to Berlin has a normal distribution with mean 100 minutes and
standard deviation d minutes.

Given that 15% of the flights from London to Berlin take longer than 115 minutes,

(b) find the value of the standard deviation d. (4)

The time, X minutes, taken to fly from London to another city has a normal distribution with mean μ

Given that P(X < μ – 15) = 0.35

(c) find P(X > μ + 15 | X > μ – 15). (3)

May 2013_R, Q4

33. The heights of adult females are normally distributed with mean 160 cm and standard deviation 8 cm.

(a) Find the probability that a randomly selected adult female has a height greater than
170 cm. (3)

Any adult female whose height is greater than 170 cm is defined as tall.

An adult female is chosen at random. Given that she is tall,

(b) find the probability that she has a height greater than 180 cm. (4)

Half of tall adult females have a height greater than h cm.

(c) Find the value of h. (5)

May 2014, Q7 18
34. The time taken, in minutes, by children to complete a mathematical puzzle is assumed to be normally
distributed with mean μ and standard deviation σ. The puzzle can be completed in less than 24 minutes by
80% of the children. For 5% of the children it takes more than 28 minutes to complete the puzzle.

(a) Show this information on the Normal curve below. (2)

(b) Write down the percentage of children who take between 24 minutes and 28 minutes to complete the
puzzle. (1)

(c) (i) Find two equations in μ and σ.

(ii) Hence find, to 3 significant figures, the value of μ and the value of σ. (7)

A child is selected at random.

(d) Find the probability that the child takes less than 12 minutes to complete the puzzle. (3)

May 2014_R, Q6

35. The random variable Z ~ N(0, 1).

A is the event Z > 1.1

B is the event Z > –1.9

C is the event –1.5 < Z < 1.5

(a) Find

(i) P(A),

(ii) P(B),

(iii) P(C),

(iv) P(A ∪ C).


The random variable X has a normal distribution with mean 21 and standard deviation 5.

(b) Find the value of w such that P(X > w | X > 28) = 0.625.


May 2015, Q6 19
36. The time, in minutes, taken by men to run a marathon is modelled by a normal distribution with mean 240
minutes and standard deviation 40 minutes.

(a) Find the proportion of men that take longer than 300 minutes to run a marathon. (3)
Nathaniel is preparing to run a marathon. He aims to finish in the first 20% of male runners.

(b) Using the above model estimate the longest time that Nathaniel can take to run the marathon and
achieve his aim. (3)
The time, W minutes, taken by women to run a marathon is modelled by a normal distribution with mean μ
Given that P(W <  + 30) = 0.82,

(c) find P(W <  – 30 | W < ). (3)

May 2016, Q6

37. Yuto works in the quality control department of a large company. The time, T minutes, it
takes Yuto to analyse a sample is normally distributed with mean 18 minutes and standard
deviation 5 minutes.
(a) Find the probability that Yuto takes longer than 20 minutes to analyse the next sample.
The company has a large store of samples analysed by Yuto with the time taken for
each analysis recorded. Serena is investigating the samples that took Yuto longer than
15 minutes to analyse.
She selects, at random, one of the samples that took Yuto longer than 15 minutes to analyse.

(b) Find the probability that this sample took Yuto more than 20 minutes to analyse.
Serena can identify, in advance, the samples that Yuto can analyse in under 15 minutes and
in future she will assign these to someone else.
(c) Estimate the median time taken by Yuto to analyse samples in future.
May 2017, Q5

38. A manufacturer has a machine that fills bags with flour such that the weight of flour in a bag is normally
distributed. A label states that each bag should contain 1 kg of flour.

(a) The machine is set so that the weight of flour in a bag has mean 1.04 kg and standard deviation 0.17
kg. Find the proportion of bags that weigh less than the stated weight of 1 kg. (3)

The manufacturer wants to reduce the number of bags which contain less than the stated weight of 1 kg. At
first she decides to adjust the mean but not the standard deviation so that only 5% of the bags filled are
below the stated weight of 1 kg.

(b) Find the adjusted mean. (3)

The manufacturer finds that a lot of the bags are overflowing with flour when the mean is adjusted, so
decides to adjust the standard deviation instead to make the machine more accurate. The machine is set
back to a mean of 1.04 kg. The manufacturer wants 1% of bags to be under 1 kg.

(c) Find the adjusted standard deviation. Give your answer to 3 significant figures. (3)

Jan 2014_IAL, Q6 20
39. The random variable Y ~ N(μ, σ2).

Given that P(Y < 17) = 0.6 find

(a) P(Y > 17) (1)

(b) P(μ < Y < 17) (2)

(c) P(Y < μ | Y < 17) (2)

June 2014_IAL, Q4

40. One event at Pentor sports day is throwing a tennis ball. The distance a child throws a tennis ball is modelled
by a normal distribution with mean 32 m and standard deviation 12 m. Any child who throws the tennis
ball more than 50 m is awarded a gold certificate.

(a) Show that, to 3 significant figures, 6.68% of children are awarded a gold certificate. (3)

A silver certificate is awarded to any child who throws the tennis ball more than d metres but less than 50

Given that 19.1% of the children are awarded a silver certificate,

(b) find the value of d. (4)

Three children are selected at random from those who take part in the throwing a tennis ball event.

(c) Find the probability that 1 is awarded a gold certificate and 2 are awarded silver certificates. Give your
answer to 2 significant figures. (4)

June 2014_IAL, Q7

41. The birth weights, W grams, of a particular breed of kitten are assumed to be normally distributed with
mean 99 g and standard deviation 3.6 g.

(a) Find P(W > 92). (3)

(b) Find, to one decimal place, the value of k such that P(W < k) = 3P(W > k) (4)

(c) Write down the name given to the value of k. (1)

For a different breed of kitten, the birth weights are assumed to be normally distributed with mean 120 g.

Given that the 20th percentile for this breed of kitten is 116 g

(d) find the standard deviation of the birth weight of this breed of kitten. (3)

Jan 2015_IAL, Q7 21
42. Police measure the speed of cars passing a particular point on a motorway.

The random variable X is the speed of a car.

X is modelled by a normal distribution with mean 55 mph (miles per hour).

(a) Draw a sketch to illustrate the distribution of X. Label the mean on your sketch. (2)

The speed limit on the motorway is 70 mph. Car drivers can choose to travel faster than the speed limit but
risk being caught by the police.

The distribution of X has a standard deviation of 20 mph.

(b) Find the percentage of cars that are travelling faster than the speed limit. (3)

The fastest 1% of car drivers will be banned from driving.

(c) Show that the lowest speed, correct to 3 significant figures, for a car driver to be banned is 102 mph.
Show your working clearly. (3)

Car drivers will just be given a caution if they are travelling at a speed m such that

P(70 < X < m) = 0.1315

(d) Find the value of m. Show your working clearly. (4)

June 2015_IAL, Q5

43. Rosie keeps bees. The amount of honey, in kg, produced by a hive of Rosie’s bees in a season, is modelled
by a normal distribution with a mean of 22 kg and a standard deviation
of 10 kg.

(a) Find the probability that a hive of Rosie’s bees produces less than 18 kg of honey in a season. (3)

The local bee keepers’ club awards a certificate to every hive that produces more than
39 kg of honey in a season, and a medal to every hive that produces more than 50 kg in a season. Given
that one of Rosie’s bee hives is awarded a certificate

(b) find the probability that this hive is also awarded a medal. (5)

Sam also keeps bees. The amount of honey, in kg, produced by a hive of Sam’s bees in a season, is modelled
by a normal distribution with mean μ kg and standard deviation σ kg.
The probability that a hive of Sam’s bees produces less than 28 kg of honey in a season is 0.8413.

Only 20% of Sam’s bee hives produce less than 18 kg of honey in a season.

(c) Find the value of μ and the value of σ. Give your answers to 2 decimal places. (6)

Jan 2016_IAL, Q5 22
44. A machine fills bottles with water. The volume of water delivered by the machine to a
bottle is X ml where X ~ N(μ, 𝜎2).
One of these bottles of water is selected at random.
Given that μ = 503 and 𝜎 = 1.6,
(a) find
(i) P(X > 505)
(ii) P(501< X < 505)
(b) Find w such that P(1006 – w < X < w) = 0.9426
Following adjustments to the machine, the volume of water delivered by the machine to a
bottle is such that μ = 503 and 𝜎 = q.
Given that P(X < r) = 0.01 and P(X > r + 6) = 0.05,
(c) find the value of r and the value of q.
June 2016_IAL, Q7

45. The random variable X ~ N(μ, σ2)

Given that P(X > μ + a) = 0.35 where a is a constant, find
(a) P(X > μ – a)
(b) P(μ – a < X < μ + a)
(c) P(X < μ + a | X > μ – a)
October 2016_IAL, Q1

46. The label on a jar of Amy’s jam states that the jar contains about 400 grams of jam. For
each jar that contains less than 388 grams of jam, Amy will be fined £100. If a jar contains
more than 410 grams of jam then Amy makes a loss of £0.30 on that jar.
The weight of jam, A grams, in a jar of Amy’s jam has a normal distribution with mean
μ grams and standard deviation σ grams. Amy chooses μ and σ so that P(A < 388) = 0.001
and P(A > 410) = 0.0197.
(a) Find the value of μ and the value of σ.
Amy can sell jars of jam containing between 388 grams and 410 grams for a profit of £0.25.

(b) Calculate the expected amount, in £s, that Amy receives for each jar of jam.
October 2016_IAL, Q5

47. In a factory, a machine is used to fill bags of rice. The weights of bags of rice are modelled
using a normal distribution with mean 250 g.
Only 1% of the bags of rice weigh more than 256 g.
(a) Write down the percentage of bags of rice with weights between 244 g and 256 g. (1)
(b) Find the standard deviation of the weights of the bags of rice. (3)
An inspection consists of selecting a bag of rice at random and checking if its weight is
within 4 g of the mean. If the weight is more than 4 g away from the mean, then a second
bag of rice is selected at random and checked. If the weight of each of the 2 bags of rice
is more than 4 g away from the mean, then the machine is shut down.
(c) Find the probability that the machine is shut down following an inspection.
Jan 2017_IAL, Q6 23
48. At a school athletics day, the distances, in metres, achieved by students in the long jump
are modelled by the normal distribution with mean 3.3 m and standard deviation 0.6 m.
(a) Find an estimate for the proportion of students who jump less than 2.5 m.
The long jump competition consists of 2 jumps. All the students can take part in the first
jump and the 40% who jump the greatest distance in their first jump qualify for the
second jump.
(b) Find an estimate for the minimum distance achieved in the first jump in order to
qualify for the second jump.
Give your answer correct to 4 significant figures.
(c) Find an estimate for the median distance achieved in the first jump by those who
qualify for the second jump.
The distance of the second jump is independent of the distance of the first jump and is
modelled with the same normal distribution. Students who jump a distance greater than
4.1 m in their second jump receive a certificate.
At the start of the long jump competition, a student is selected at random.
(d) Find the probability that this student will receive a certificate.
June 2017_IAL, Q3 24

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