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February 5, 2021 Strathmore Times

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FEBRUARY 5, 2021

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Page 3 Siksika response

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A new documentary shows how Siksika Health

Services (SHS) responded to an outbreak of COV-
ID-19 in Siksika Nation.
The film, Siksika Cares, highlights the ways
Harvesting hemp health care professionals worked together and ap-
proached the outbreak during its first 125 days.
The documentary was produced to show how
COVID-19 Update Siksika Nation faced one of its greatest challenges,
in Strathmore & said Tyler White, SHS chief executive officer.
“We were probably one of the first First Nations
Wheatland County
hit with a large outbreak in Alberta,” said White.
(as of February 2, 2021)
“Reflecting on that experience, we all felt strongly
that we needed a way to tell our story.”
537 Cases
The film presents individual parts of Siksika’s
36 Active | 489 Recovered overall response, but also how they worked along-
12 Deaths side one another.
“It reflects the different facets of the team,
Wheatland whether it be nursing, EMS, community health or
LIQUOR DISCOUNTER long-term care – just different components com-
ing together.”
It also shows how SHS adapted to a new and
uncertain situation, noted White.
“Being innovative and creative, but also listen-
Old Milwaukee
15 Cans

ing to our community, was very helpful in our ap-

$7.99 $18.99 $19.99 proach,” he said. “We were always able to adjust,
602 Westmount Road, Strathmore tweak, and I think strengthen our services as we
(Beside 7-11 on Highway 1) | 403-934-5551
moved forward.”
Siksika Cares is the work of filmmaker Trevor
Solway, who originates from Siksika.
“Anytime as a filmmaker I can give back to my
community and just play my role as a storyteller,
I’ll always find time to do that,” he said.
The documentary was produced with the help
of the SHS communication teams, including Kelsey
Solway (Trevor’s cousin) and Jennifer Kohlham-
“To have their insight was really important,” he
said. “They helped with crafting the story and get-
ting access to the doctors and health experts and
professionals who are really busy. They made it
Look on Page 8 for happen.”
Town of Strathmore But from a filmmaking standpoint, Solway did
Municipal Notices
Contact Us Today!
most of the technical work on his own, including
lighting, shooting, audio and editing. A purrfect night
“It was a one-man crew,” he said. “On most pro- Barb Stefanich (l-r) and Michéle Shave, co-founders of Happy Cat Sanctuary with the
403.934.5589 fessional film sets, that’s not really how we roll. Strathmore Wheatland Chamber of Commerce business award they won for best non- But in this pandemic, we couldn’t have a big crew, profit. During the awards, Happy Cat also received over $3,500 in donations during a
so we kept things pretty simple.” painting auction. See Page 4 for more coverage.
www. Continued on Page 4
Sean Feagan Photo

$234,900 $79,900 $249,900 $134,900


Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021

Local 4-H clubs secure funding

JANET KANTERS changes, supporting volunteers or initiatives and the 4-H clubs that are 4-H Canada CEO, Shannon Benner.
Times Editor purchasing resource materials. helping develop our future leaders.” “The FCC 4-H Club Fund helps build
The FCC 4-H Club Fund will pro- The Club Fund is part of FCC’s com- capacity for 4-H clubs and leaders to
Thanks to the support of Farm vide $100,000 to 203 4-H clubs, dis- mitment of $250,000 to 4-H Canada. create programming that focuses on
Credit Canada (FCC), several area 4-H tricts, and regions across Canada in In addition to supporting local 4-H delivering world-class positive youth
clubs have been granted up to $500 2021. club activities through the FCC 4-H development in order to engage re-
to support their activities. “By providing opportunities for Club Fund, this contribution supports sponsible, caring, and contributing
The Crowfoot 4-H Multi Club, the young people to learn and grow, 4-H national and provincial 4-H initiatives. youth leaders who effect positive
Standard Sheep Club and the Strath- clubs across the country are prepar- “For over a quarter of a century, change within their communities and
more Rusty Spurs 4-H Club will each ing the next generation for success,” FCC has been a committed partner, in the world around them.”
put their funding toward developing said Todd Klink, executive vice-presi- helping 4-H Canada empower young The next application period for the
existing programs, covering costs dent and chief marketing officer at leaders at the grassroots level in com- FCC 4-H Club Fund opens in August
associated with local events and ex- FCC. “FCC is proud to support these munities across the country,” said 2021.


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February 5, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Hemp industry growing

up and branching out Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment

SEAN FEAGAN Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter 403-324-2222
Alberta’s hemp industry is gaining momentum and diver-
sifying, according to research and business leaders in the KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
province. 587-390-0596
The accomplishments and potential of the crop were dis-
cussed during a Jan. 28 workshop by InnoTech Alberta, an
applied research and technology organization and subsid- 403-983-2121
123 2nd Ave,
iary of Alberta Innovates, a provincial agency. Strathmore, AB
Alberta is a key player in Canada’s hemp industry, ex-
plained Jan Slaski, InnoTech principal researcher. Over the
last six years, an average of 200,000 acres per year were
grown across Canada, of which 30 to 40 per cent was pro-
duced in the province, he said.
But Alberta hemp is still just sprouting. Jan Slaski with InnoTech Alberta with some hemp-based products. Tasty fresh and frozen
“I believe that here in Alberta, we have even bigger po-
tential to develop and expand further the hemp industry,”
Janet Kanters Photo
Ukrainian food, just like you
he said. said Vegreville Mayor Tim MacPhee. would find in
Slaski represents Alberta in the Canadian Hemp Trade Al- “All this research and innovation was done based on cli- Baba’s kitchen!
liance, which forecasts that by 2023, the hemp industry in mate conditions, and soil conditions around the Vegreville
Canada will be a billion-dollar industry. area,” he said. “What a bonus that is for our local farmers.”
InnoTech has shown hemp successfully grows in Alberta, The town has responded by investing in the industry, se-
so now it is focusing on advancing the value and supply curing financing over the last three years to build a new
chain, by testing emerging research, developing industrial- 85-acre industrial park to attack hemp processors and manu-
scale production and processing, and manufacturing materi- facturers. Construction is starting this spring.
als and products for commercial use, said Steve McMahon, While the Jan. 28 workshop focused on hemp production
chief operating officer. in northern parkland regions of the province, hemp is grown RESTAURANT OPEN
3 to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday
“This is a big deal – it’s a big shift,” he said. locally in Wheatland County. According to Russell Muench-
Noon to 8 p.m. Friday & Saturday for
Hemp plants feature leaves, roots, flowers, seed, fibre and rath, the county’s agricultural manager, it is a matter of time
Dine In, Take Out and Delivery
shives (the wood inner portion of the stalk), which together until more hemp is grown in the county and the irrigation
offer an array of commercial and industrial applications, ex- available here makes hemp a viable option for local produc- Dining Room OPEN for Dine-in
plained McMahon. Examples include fibre materials, paper, ers. starting Feb. 9
fuel energy, food products, textiles, cosmetics and medical “I haven’t seen a lot (hemp), but it’s around; there’s still
products, and the list goes on. lots of potential for it down here,” he said.
Slaski likened the industry to a four-cylinder engine, with With processing plants located far away from Wheatland
each cylinder representing each sub-industry focused on ap- County, seed production might be a better option for local Take-out or Dine-in Buffet Dinner
plications of different part of the plant. producers than hemp for fibre, he added. Also, fibre produc- for 2 for $49.99
“The Canadian hemp industry will reach its potential by tion requires a cutter and baler, which some might lack. Available February 12, 13 & 14
seizing the value of the whole hemp plant and is on the right The greatest benefit of hemp to local producers might Now taking reservations for Dine-in and take-out
path to achieve this goal,” he said. be its use in crop rotation, particularly for areas containing for Valentine’s Day
Seed production is the most established usage stream for clubroot. Your choice of soups: english clam chowder with
“It can fit into that rotation to be out of canola for extra bacon or borscht
the plant. But starting three or four years ago, hemp for fibre
Your choice of appetizer: taco dip and chips or
started to be grown in the province, he said. Then, two years years, to not just rely on your traditional wheat and barley,” seafood dip and crackers
ago, with the introduction of the federal Cannabis Act, hemp said Muenchrath. “It’s always good to have another crop to Your choice of 6 hot dishes: chicken kiev, garlic
production for cannabidiol (CBD) took off. The fourth cylin- fit in the rotation.” roasted potatoes, glazed carrots, garlic sausage,
der, that is has not quite started firing up just yet, is the use cabbage rolls, loaded perogies, fresh garlic buns
Your choice of dessert: 4 mini assorted cheesecakes
of hemp grain for livestock feed.
or small strawberry or chocolate trifle for 2
Alberta HUB, an alliance of 43 member communities, Each dinner for 2 comes with your choice of a
post-secondaries, businesses and industry representatives in chocolate smash heart box filled with various
northeast Alberta, has been at the forefront of the hemp in- chocolates to share, and a chance to win a
$25 gift certificate to Dobre Food & Catering.
dustry in Alberta. The Alberta HUB region spans nine coun- Unit D, Spots are limited, payment is required with
ties, three First Nations and four Metis settlements.
The region is emerging as a global leader in industrial
202 Canal Court, reservation. Call to reserve your spot today!

hemp production and manufacturing, said Bob Bezpalko, Al- Strathmore, AB Retail Products available!
berta HUB executive director. Last year, about 14,000 acres Search: Dobre Food and Catering
of hemp was grown for seed, fibre, CBD or a combination 403.934.6044 on Facebook for all our SPECIALS!
of all three, he said. But in 2019, 25,000 acres were grown.
Alberta HUB’s northerly location is advantageous for grow-
prowatersystems 135 3rd Ave, Strathmore
ing hemp for fibre because longer hours of sunshine in the 403-902-9963 or 403-870-6343
summer, cooler nights and long dews have been shown to to book events, make reservations, or for more info.
result in a 30 per cent increase in hemp biomass, he said.
InnoTech Alberta boasts Canada’s largest hemp research Water Softeners, Iron Filters
facility, located in Vegreville, Alta., which is part of Alberta
HUB. There is a local benefit of having this facility in town, & Drinking Water Systems


Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021

Area businesses and persons honoured Small Businesses of the Year:

Lil Hoots
Medium Business of the Year:
SEAN FEAGAN This was the first year the awards, featuring an opening StrathmoreNow/
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
performance by local country musician Drew Gregory, were 104.5 More Country
held virtually. According to Hayley Poirier, SWCC chair, the Large Business of the Year:
The hard work and dedication of local businesses and
awards “was lighthearted. It was fun. It was an amazing Tina’s No Frills
individuals was recognized on Jan. 29 during the Strath-
evening.” Best Home-Based Business:
more Wheatland Chamber of Commerce (SWCC) business
Poirier said the show was a success in part due to vol- CHF Photography
unteers Cody Holdaway and Amanda VandenBrink from New Business of the Year:
Strathmore High School, and the technical team of Scott PJs Diner

Pass the Salt

Silva and Nolan Sander for their work throughout the night. Downtown Business of the Year:
Decluttering? Tips for selling your used items online Rebecca Cummings of Pure Bliss Massage helped with the Strathmore Value Drug Mart
The start of a new year is a great time
to clean out your home and organize
theme, Glam In Jams, she said. Wheatland Business of the Year:
your living spaces. But what should FAITH
event wasFOR 2021by Shawn
hosted promises of God,
Kisling, SWCC andexecutive
that EH Farms
you do with the gently used clothing,
furniture, home items, or electronics director, and Natalie Johnstone Godofblessed
them because Ag Business of the Year:
that you aren’t using anymore?
Fortunately, online marketplaces, such
When Country.
I thought of the many of their faith in Him. Origin Malting & Brewing
as Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, During the show, local Jennifer Mamer created a painting Social Media Pioneer:
Ebay, and Poshmark, make it easy to changes that we have Hebrews chapter 11 starts
sell without even leaving your home. that was auctioned via chat throughout the night, with the StrathmoreNow
That said, there are a few perils to experienced throughout
proceeds destined for the winner out by
of saying, “Now faith
the non-profit of the Customer Service Business of the Year:
selling used items online. To avoid the
dangers and to successfully make the last year, and the is the assurance
year, Happy Cat Sanctuary. Once the bid approached of things$700, Lil Hoots
sales, BBB recommends the
following tips. affect locals
several Covid-19andhas on all
businesses hoped for,
offered the conviction
additional of
donations Youth Entrepreneur of the Year:
to ofthe
us point
even as over $3,500things
we enter
where was not seen.”
raised for It’s oftenCat
Happy Evan Weal, Weal Deals Landscaping
How to Stay Safe When Making Online Sales
Choose an appropriate platform.
this year, I was reminded
Sanctuary. hard to believe by faith; Individual Customer Service
Nerdwallet recommends that “before you sell stuff online to make extra money, determine the
ideal venue for your goods.” There are dozens of online marketplaces to choose from, but
“The businesses
of the promises all steppedbecause
of God up andfaithstarted
calls usdonating
to Winner of the Year:
many of them focus on a specific kind of used goods, such as electronics or designer clothing.
Before you create an account with a marketplace, make sure it is a good fit for the kind of money to this worthwhile
that never change. The cause,” said Poirier.
believe in what is beyond Randy, Strathmore Home Hardware
goods you want to sell.
From a list of over 100 finalists, 13 awards were given out Nonprofit Business of the Year:
Know the worth of your items and price appropriately. Scripture says in Malachi obvious and observable
To determine the value of an item you want to sell, Consumer Reports suggests searching for to the following organizations: The Happy Cat Sanctuary
similar items on the site where you plan to list. If you are selling an item that was never used
and is still in its original packaging, remember that technically it is still coming to the buyer chapter 3 verse 6 that God facts that we can see and
second-hand, so you’ll need to charge a little less than the original retail value if you want to
make a sale. never changes. Likewise, in touch and understand. But
Watch out for shady buyers.
Con artists often pose as buyers in scams. Sometimes they offer to overpay for an item, but
that’s not their only tactic. Beware of buyers who ask
describing the un-changing isn’t that exactly what faith
you to make transactions outside of the selling platform or those who
ask for personal information, such as your banking information. nature of God the author is? John R. Stott helps us
Be extra cautious when making local sales.
Some platforms allow you to meet up with people in your local area to exchange your item
of the book of Hebrews in understand what faith looks
for cash in person. While this can be an effective way to sell big items and avoid marketplace
fees, use caution when meeting up with strangers. Don’t be quick to give them your home chapter 13, verses 5 and like with the words, “Faith
address, instead ask buyers to meet you in a safe place, such as outside your local police
department. Never meet up with a buyer you don’t know alone. Always bring your partner or
a friend to make the transaction. 6 say that God “will never is a reasoning trust, a trust
Always protect your personal information.
As you sell items online, keep your sensitive personal information under lock and key. Avoid
leave us or forsake us”, which reckons thoughtfully
communicating with buyers outside of the online platform you are using to make the sale and
don’t give out your home address, phone number, or email address. and that “Jesus Christ is and confidently upon the
the same yesterday and trustworthiness of God.”
*Trademark(s) of the International Association of Better Business Bureaus used under license. today, yes and forever.” We need that kind of faith
In chapter 11 of Hebrews in God to carry us through The COVID-19 Re-
sponse Unit (CRU)
the author wrote about 2021.
Thought for the faith of many an Old
drive-thru testing
facility in Siksika
the Week Testament character, and John Duerksen
by their examples it is clear Assoc. Pastor Photo Courtesy of
All living that they believed in the Strathmore Alliance Church Trevor Solway
are in some Documentary
state of
105 Main St. Carseland highlights
growing or Meeting in the Lutheran Church 403-991-6143

112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956
Pastor: Donald Pierre
Pastor: Kevin Enns
A physicist Services held every Saturday
Sabbath School: 10 AM
Broadcasting services on
church Facebook page. pandemic response
Worship Service: 11 AM
Continued from Page 1 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC
Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym However, Solway received the help
709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore of a Siksika resident, Lars Duck Chief,
(1 PET. 2:9) to capture drone imagery of Siksika’s
Pastor: Fr. Tomy Manjaly
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore landscapes.
403-714-2283 Masses: Saturday 5 pm | Sunday 10 am “We started from one end of the re-
Pastor: Sunday Adeola
Will be offering online services serve and went to other to get all these
until further notice. different drone shots,” he said. “Our re-
103 - 227 3rd Ave. • 587-727-0649 serve is the second largest in Canada, so
Rev. Malcolm Kern it was a full day of capturing stuff.”
HOPE COMMUNITY Sunday worship online at Directing a drone was a new experi-
COVENANT CHURCH ence for Solway. “With a camera, you’re
245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424 “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ”
Pastor: Heidi Wiebe
used to tilting and panning up and
Weekly online services available STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH down and side to side, and zooming” 50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 he said. “But to have the mobility of a
Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer drone unlocked a lot of creativity for
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda me, and (Duck Chief) was a great col-
All services and gatherings are
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue
cancelled until further notice. laborator.”
403-934-3025 The film was shot in just eight days in
Rev. Pamela Scott
In-person services and gatherings are
September and October 2020.
LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN “The numbers were low and life
cancelled until further notice.
112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374
Online services available at seemed normal,” said Solway. Short-
Pastor: Dawn Nelson ly after that though, case numbers in-
All worship services and gatherings are
The office will be open part time. creased again, more lockdowns hap-
closed until further notice.
The office will be open part time. pened and subjects became busy again.
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! “So, we just kind of finished right on
102 Canal Gardens
time,” he added.
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 Solway hopes the documentary exem-
325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543

Pastor: Elizabeth Karp
Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail plifies the dedication of Siksika Health
Pastor: Dave Mackie
Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe Services.
Worship Sundays 10:30 am
Associate Pastor: John Duerksen “The team has been working real-
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm

Sundays 10 am
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
Joine in person or online ly hard and a lot of it sometimes goes
of worship unnoticed,” he said. “Siksika Health
jumped out ahead, responded in their
own way, and I’m sure saved a lot of

CALL 403-934-5589
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Siksika Cares is viewable on the Sik-
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | sika Nation Administration Facebook
403-983-2746 | | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m.
February 5, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

Off-site levy increases

being considered
SEAN FEAGAN lots in Strathmore. Therefore, this planned in-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter crease in the northwest, for example, would re-
sult in a $4,000 to $5,000 fee increase per lot,
The Town of Strathmore is considering increas- depending on lot density. For a new house con-
es to offsite levies, the charges developers pay to struction, this equals to about a two per cent in-
help with infrastructure costs. crease in total building cost.
Updates to the current off-site levy bylaw are Rates were compared among neighbouring
needed to fund infrastructure costs in Strathmore communities. The suggested rates would be
into the future, according to a presentation by higher than in High River ($118,271 to $147,093)
Ethan Wilson, Town of Strathmore project en- and Crossfield ($66,826), and the minimum rate
gineer, during the town’s Jan. 13 committee of in Chestermere ($111,648). The suggested rate
the whole meeting. But the amount by which the in Strathmore south and Strathmore northeast
rates will increase is up for debate. would be lower than the maximum in Ches-
The town’s existing off-site levy bylaw was termere ($202,578), but the rate in Strathmore
passed in 2015. Currently, the town’s levies are northwest exceeds this value. Off-site levy rates
charged as both a general levies, applicable to all would still be lower than in Okotoks, Airdrie and
developments, and as special assessments, which Calgary, however.
are charged in certain areas. The seven special ar- Town council has the option of not increasing
eas differ by geographical extent and charge per rates to the level recommended by ISL. Keeping
hectare, meaning levy charges vary across town, rates similar to these communities will help en-
from about $128,000 to $138,000 per hectare. sure the town stays competitive in the develop-
“This is a bit of a confusing method in terms of ment market, according to town administration.
you need to find your exact point on the map and However, if rates are not increased to the amount
then determine which special assessments apply recommended by ISL, the town would need to
to you,” said Wilson. supplement infrastructure projects with funding
Strathmore town council recently approved up- sources other than levies, including taxes.
dates to the town’s master servicing studies, out- Councillor Melanie Corbiell raised concern
lining all the infrastructure work the town needs about slowing down development in Strathmore.
and costs to do that work. These studies were “Building has been slow in the last couple
performed by ISL Engineering, an engineering years, and I believe it’s been picking up as of late,
and land services consultant. especially this year, so it would really concern me
ISL was then tasked to perform an off-site levy to hinder or even deter people from wanting to
review, to assess the levy rates needed to fund develop here,” she said.
these infrastructure needs based on the expected This sentiment was echoed by Councillors Ja-
date of construction, explained Wilson. son Montgomery and Denise Peterson.
ISL recommends charging levies across three “My concern is seeking a 49 per cent increase
areas in town (northeast, northwest and south), would be a determinant at this point to develop-
instead of having the special assessment areas, ment in an area where we have been recently see-
because this would add consistency and make it ing some good progress,” said Peterson.
easier for developers to determine rates before The updated bylaw will be brought to council
applying for a new development. in March, said Wilson.
Per-hectare rate increases recommended by There is also now the ability to charge levies
ISL are most in the northwest ($206,072 from for community recreation facilities, fire halls, po-
$137,893, a 49 per cent increase), followed by lice stations and libraries because of changes to
the northeast ($197,490 from $137,893, a 46 per the Municipal Government Act (MGA) in 2018.
cent increase), then in the south ($151,621 from The cost of these items was not included in the
$128,680, an 18 per cent increase). ISL analysis. Town administration is planning to
Increasing off-site levies may affect the cost of determine an applicable levy for recreation and
development and will indirectly increase the cost protective services, which will be performed in-
to build a house or commercial development. A house, and brought to council after the off-site
hectare of development produces about 12 to 15 levy review.

Stabilizing Alberta’s performing

arts, sports, rodeo sectors
JANET KANTERS arts, sport and rodeo organizations. The funding
Times Editor will help these organizations continue to operate
and reopen when it is safe to do so.
The provincial government is investing $17 mil- “This funding is critical to supporting venues
lion to ensure the stabilization of performing arts, and events that build and sustain vibrant commu-
sports and rodeo organizations. nities and our cultural heritage and our mental
Alberta’s live experience organizations have lost well-being,” said Leela Sharon Aheer, Minister of
a full season of programming and revenue but still Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women,
have ongoing overhead costs. The Stabilize Pro- and Chestermere-Strathmore MLA.
gram will provide one-time grant funding to sup- Continued on Page 7
port live experience presenting and performing

Mario Prusina Publisher

Janet Kanters Editor
Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising
Jody Schneider Production
123 Hillview Lane
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman MLS#A1063082
5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms,
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 double attached garage
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, and large fenced yard
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Tammy Lambert - Realtor
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative.
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021

Kindergarten Registration is now open!



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February 5, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7

Ag society planning
new riding arena
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Schmidt said the new arena will likely be medium-sized,
Strathmore RCMP are reminding
with seating for up to about 1,500 people. residents to Lock-It or Lost-It
The Strathmore and District Agricultural Society is plan- “It’d be a mid-range facility, but one with ample seating so following several thefts
ning to build a riding arena that would provide a place for that we can have attended events.” from vehicles.
rodeo activities throughout the year. The specifics of the arena’s design are yet to be deter-
The project was a key piece of the organization’s five-year mined, but it is being envisioned with a main entranceway - Locking your vehicle doors is a
strategic plan, completed in the fall of 2019, explained Ryan with a front office and concessions area, leading to double quick and simple way to help
Schmidt, Strathmore and District Agricultural Society general doors into the arena area. The dirt or sand-filled arena will prevent this crime.
manager and CEO. feature seating on both sides, cattle handling systems, chutes - Hide loose change inside the
“It will be a western events venue, focused on supporting and gates for different events, and likely horse showering vehicle where it can’t easily be seen
our deep farming and ranching heritage,” he said. facilities. There could also be pens for people keeping their
The purpose of the structure is to allow the ag society to
and take all items of any value with
horses overnight, noted Schmidt.
accomplish its mission throughout the seasons. The ag society is also considering including a campsite, as you when leaving your car.
“Right now, most of our agricultural related events kind of this is commonly sought by people travelling with western - Never leave your vehicle
stop when the snow flies, but by having an indoor facility, events needing a spot for their camper. running unattended.
we’ll be able to accomplish our mission year-round,” said But much still needs to be decided. For now, the ag soci-
Schmidt. ety has assembled an advisory committee of representatives Strathmore RCMP ask residents to
While there are indoor riding arenas around locally, they from across western events and groups who, together with help do their part by ensuring their
lack seating capacity for handling larger events, he added. a designer, will finalize the look of the project. From there, property is properly locked.
The new venue will be designed to host a range of shows, mockups of the design will be created to estimate cost.
including barrel racing, rodeo, open riding cattle shows, cut- With those pieces in hand, the ag society will seek govern-
ting horse and reining horse, and 4-H events. ment grants, corporate sponsorship, and if necessary, pursue 1-800-222-TIPS
“It’ll run the gamut across all the western events,” said financing to get the project funding together by the end of
Schmidt. the year. Once the ag society completes planning and design (1-800-222-8477)
The ag society intends to site the facility on property it and if funding can be secured in 2021, the arena would be
owns near the corner of Township Road 244 and Range Road constructed in 2022.
250, just east of Strathmore. That would mean the new arena would be ready in 2023,
Several members of the ag society board and rodeo com- so its grand opening would coincide with the 50th anniver-
mittee visited arenas around the province to see how their sary of the ag society.
features and designs vary. These ranged from the massive “That’s kind of been in the back of our mind the whole
Calnash Trucking Ag Event Centre in Ponoka to smaller ven- time – to try and time those together,” said Schmidt. 403-934-5552
120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore

Grant for live experience sector YOUR WEEKLY

Continued from Page 5 $250,000 to a maximum $1 million) forming arts venues or live experience Gord Morck Pharmacist
dollar-for-dollar to eligible non-profit venues are also eligible. Capsule Comments
“Reinvigorating our live experience organizations that host rodeos and pro- According to Statistics Canada, every
sector will also bring back jobs and fessional and elite amateur sports. Non- $1 million in output from live perfor- Medicine has progressed greatly since the
foster tourism to support our economic profit organizations that own and/or mance businesses generates about 17 1800s. The medical theory of disease put
recovery. When arts, culture, sport and operate dedicated presenting and per- direct and indirect jobs in the province. forth by the Greek physician, Hippocrates,
heritage thrive, Alberta thrives.” said that disease was caused by the imbal-
ance of four “humours”. These were blood,
Non-profits that host rodeos, profes-
phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Even
sional and elite amateur sports organi-
though Hippocrates died in 370 BC, his ideas
zations, and non-profits that own and/
on disease persisted well into the 19th cen-
or operate dedicated presenting and
tury but his ethics of medical practice persist
performing arts venues can apply for
operational funding through the Stabi-
lize Program to offset financial losses. In a small study in England, researchers
looked at a low carbohydrate diet for type 2
Qualifying organizations will be eligi-
diabetes to achieve a remission of their dis-
ble for a one-time grant of up to 25 per
ease. The researchers put a group of people
cent of eligible expenses based on 2018
on this diet for an average of 23 months and
and 2019 financials.
recorded a 43% remission rate in type 2 dia-
Organizations may use funds for on-
betes. More study will be done on this idea
going operational costs, such as utili-
in the future. Diabetics are cautioned not to
ties, rent, insurance and programming, change their diet until they have consulted
to support their reopening. The Stabi- with their doctors or diabetic healthcare pro-
lize Program allocates $12 million, and fessional.
applications will be accepted until mid-
Vitamin D is very popular and its deficien-
night Feb.18.
cy has been linked to many diseases….even
The Stabilize Donation Matching
COVID-19. The American epidemiologist,
stream will allocate $5 million to match
Dr. Fauci says he takes it. Even though proof
private donations (from a minimum is lacking in many cases, many people take it
and in moderate doses, it is not harmful.
Residential As many as one in four women experience
urinary incontinence and the numbers rise
Acreage into those above 80 years of age. Causes
Award Winning include vaginal and urinary tract infections,
pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Uri-
nary incontinence is an embarrassing and
annoying problem but there is help to lessen
Well-appointed studios, one and two bedroom + den suites the problem. Your doctor is a good source of
Kitchenettes with easy to access cupboards, counters, sink, small fridge and microwave advice in this matter.
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email. Sign up today for the
Value Drug Mart E-letter.
Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021

Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing

6 feet 2 meters

Town of Strathmore Community Page

Next Council Meeting: Commitee of The Whole
Meeting February 10 at 9:00am

For Local COVID-19 Information

Offices Open Virtually

We have officially moved into the new Strathmore Municipal Building; our ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR
physical offices are accessible by appointment only until further notice. Indoor Competition TOS2021-04
recreation facilities also remain closed until further notice. Full-Time – Permanent (35 Hrs/Week)
The following facilities remain accessible by phone 8:30am-4:30pm.
Fire Hall: 403-934-3022 Competition TOS2021-01
FCSS: 403-934-9090 Term – May 4 to September 6, 2021
Main Line: 403-934-3133
Municipal Enforcement: 403-361-2112
Competition TOS2021-05
Residents needing to make payments can pay using the following methods: Full Time – Permanent (40 Hrs/Week)
• Residents can now make an appointment with the Town to make a View the job description and apply at
payment. Appointment time slots are 30 minutes and are available from
10-11:30am and 1:30-4pm. To book an appointment with our service desk
please call Catherine Merrells at 403-934-3133 extension #423. COVID
protocols apply. Please wear a mask, sanitize and sign in on arrival.
• Mail your cheque payment or post-dated cheque to the Town of Strathmore,
PO Box 2280, 1 Parklane Dr, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K2. Be sure to include
your bill stub or account number.
• A night drop box for cheque payments and post-dated cheques is available at
the old Town Office, 680 Westchester Road. Be sure to include your bill stub
or account number.
• Most banking institutions have the Town of Strathmore listed for making
payments via Internet and telephone banking. Please be sure to use all
the digits of your account number without the decimal point. Payments are
received and processed by the Town within two to three days.
Making our Intersections Safe
• With “My Strathmore”, you can pay your utility bill online securely and
Earlier this month our Operations team worked with Municipal Enforcement
conveniently with Visa or MasterCard. If you do not already have an account,
to perform a visibility triangle assessment at the northeast corner
you can request an account through> My Strathmore. If you
of Centennial Drive and Maplewood Drive. This assessment helps to
require assistance, please call us at 403-361-2101.
determine visibility issues. It was determined that items located at this
• Credit card payments can also be processed over the phone. corner created visibility issues for vehicles turning into traffic. This week
- Utility payment, call Utilities at 403-361-2101 or email our Operations Team removed the items which will prevent vehicles from unsafely pulling into the intersection to check for oncoming traffic. Many of
- Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP) Questions or Tax payment, the items such as the garbage can, the pet waste bag dispenser, and the
call 403-361-2114 or email HEAL sign will be relocated further east down the pathway in the spring.
- Business license payment, call 403-934-3133, wait for the
planning and development prompt or email
Wildflower Ranch Water Main Break Repair
On Monday, February 1, 2021 EPCOR will be repairing a water main leak
in the Wildflower Ranch neighbourhood. The repairs are expected to be
completed by Friday, February 5.
Water service to your property will continue throughout the repair work.
Do you have Government Residents west of Wheatland Trail may experience reduced water pressure
during this time. Residents may also notice a temporary change in the
Issued Identification? aesthetics of their drinking water, including cloudy water or minor sediments.
We recommend running your cold water tap for approximately three minutes
Government-issued identification (ID) is required to access many important or until water runs clear. These temporary changes are not harmful to
services, including education, employment, housing, and government residents and the water remains safe to drink.
supports. If you or your family members need help obtaining ID, our office The toboggan hill and pathways surrounding the Wildflower Reservoir will be
can help. ID may be provided at no cost to those facing financial barriers. closed while the repair is completed. We will work as quickly and safely as
For more information please contact the Strathmore FCSS office at 403- possible to minimize any inconvenience. Construction is weather dependent.
Funding for this program has been provided by the Government of Canada’s If you have questions about this construction, please contact
Reaching Home program and is available until March 31, 2021. EPCOR at 403-934-9440
PO Box 2280, 1 Parklane Dr., Strathmore AB, T1P 1K2 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit
February 5, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

SEAN FEAGAN mance activities will also be permitted, if related to
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter school activities, such as gym class. FLAMAN AG SALES

The government of Alberta has announced a

Also, indoor fitness may reopen, but only for
one-on-one training scheduled by appointment. No
plan to ease COVID-19 health measures in a series sports, competitions, team practices, league play or Please welcome Kyle Fox to the Flaman Sales
of steps, depending on the number of associated group exercise are yet permitted. team. He is excited to help you find the right
hospitalizations in the province. If after three weeks there are less than 450 hos- solutions for your farming operation. With many
Premier Jason Kenney announced the changes in pitalizations, the province will consider moving to
a Jan. 29 press conference. The restrictions will be step two, which could result in the easing of some
years of hands on, dirt on the boots experience in
eased in four steps, based on the number of hos- restrictions related to retail, community halls, ho- the agricultural community, he will be covering the
pitalized COVID-19 patients across the province, tels, banquet halls and conference centres. Central Alberta Territory.
including intensive care patients. The third step will occur when hospitalizations
Hospitalizations were chosen as a benchmark are lower than 300 and will see easing of restric-
metric because it is a clear indication of healthcare tions related to places of worship, adult team Give Kyle a call at 780.777.2389
capacity, stated Kenney. sports, museums, art galleries, zoos and interpreta- or email
Step one will take effect when the number of tive centres, indoor seated events (e.g., movie the-
hospitalizations fall below 600. As of Jan. 29, there atres, auditoriums), casinos and libraries.
were 594 people with COVID-19 in hospital, so the Step four will start when hospitalizations are less Flaman Alberta is a local supplier of AGI, Batco, Meridian, &
province is planning to move to this step on Feb. 8. than 150 and could see easing of restrictions for in- Springland Auger & Conveyors, J&M Grain carts, Pro Grain
Under step one, restaurants, cafes and pubs can & Tridekon Baggers, Bin Fans & Aeration Solutions, Wishek
door entertainment centres, conferences and trade
& Farm King Discs, Schulte Products, Chem Handlers &
reopen for in-person dining, but they must collect shows, performance activities (e.g. singing, danc-
Three Point Equipment, Smoothwall and Corrugated Bins
contact information of one person from the dining ing, wind instruments), outdoor sporting events, and much more.
party for contact tracing. Up to six people are al- wedding ceremonies and events, funeral recep-
lowed per table and they must be from the same tions, workplaces, indoor concerts and sports, fes-
household or the two close contacts for people liv- tivals, day camps and overnight camps. The work-
ing alone. Liquor service must end at 10 p.m., while ing from home restriction is also active until this
dining is to close by 11 p.m. Entertainment, such as step.
VLTs, pool tables and live music is not permitted.
Indoor and outdoor children’s sports and perfor-
The three-week re-evaluation window will be
used for each step.
Like Us on Facebook!

Pedigreed Seed
Certified No. 1 CDC Copeland Barley
Certified No. 1 ACC Brandon Wheat
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Certified No. 1 ACC Wheatland Wheat

for more information
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021

2021 census
a few months
SEAN FEAGAN mation about Canada’s producers and
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter farmland. Its questionnaire features 74
questions about business structure, la-
The 2021 census will soon be under- bour, equipment, technology and prod-
way, to learn about Canadians and the ucts (e.g., crops and livestock), among
places they live and work – as well as other topics.
what they grow. All agricultural operations in Canada
to our The purpose of the census is to give are legally required to complete the

Canadians access to timely, relevant census questionnaire which provides
and quality information on Canada’s nationally comparable data supporting
economy and society for debate, re- complete farm analysis.

& Donor for the

search and decision-making, according Population and dwelling counts will
to Statistics Canada. be released in early 2022, followed by
There are two censuses being con- several major census data releases later

Business Excellence
ducted this year: the 2021 Census of in that year. Agricultural information
Population and the 2021 Census of Ag- will start to be released in May 2022.
riculture. The 2016 census showed that while
Statistic Canada conducts a Census of three in five Canadians live in Quebec

Awards for 2020!

Population census every five years. This and Ontario, Canadians are increasing-
year, the census will be conducted in ly moving west. It also showed Canada
May, and Statistics Canada is working having an increasingly urbanized popu-
on plans to deliver a “contactless cen- lace, with 12.5 million living in Toronto,
sus” if COVID-19 remains a threat. Montreal and Vancouver, out of about
The 2021 census obtains income in- 35.2 million Canadians.
formation from personal income tax To help conduct the survey, Statistic

and benefit data files provided by the Canada is currently hiring 32,000 Cen-
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and, sus enumerators, as well as crew lead-
starting this year, immigration informa- ers, across the country. Enumerators are

tion (i.e., status, year of immigration) responsible for door-to-door footwork,
Town of Strathmore wag Bags
from administrative files from Immi-
gration, Refugees and Citizen Canada
including collecting questionnaires,
capturing addresses, dropping off let-
TOS Rec Department (IRCC). This is done to reduce the bur- ters, following up with respondents and
Origins Brew den on Canadians and improve data shipping completed questionnaires. To
Wheatland County quality, according to Statistics Canada.
Hunger Paynes be eligible, you must be 18 years or
SWCC The 2021 Census of Agriculture is older and a Canadian citizen or eligible
PJ’s Diner also being conducted to provide infor- to work in Canada.
G & S Airport Conveyor
4 Sisters Kitchen & Table
Laser Fab
Strathmore Form Province funds
Newsy Neighbour
Strathmore Times
Eh Farms
Country House Cookies spinal muscular
DQ Strathmore
Mike’s Bar & Grill atrophy treatment
The Roadhouse SEAN FEAGAN Throughout their life, children with
Remax “Calgary and Local Journalism Initiative Reporter the disease are likely to require some
Area Realtors” combination of supportive respiratory,

Alberta will begin funding a gene nutritional and musculoskeletal care
Eh Farms therapy treatment for child spinal mus- to function. When left untreated in its
onator cular atrophy (SMA), a degenerative most severe form, SMA results in the re-
Strathmore Stampede neuromuscular genetic disorder, on a quirement for permanent ventilation or
Pure Bliss Massage Therapy Beyond the case-by-case basis. death by age two, in more than 90 per

Rocking R Guest Ranch Leaf Cannabis On Jan. 17, Tyler Shandro, Minister
of Health, announced in a press confer-
cent of cases.
Zolgensma, produced by Novartis
ence the province would fund Zolgens- Pharmaceuticals, gives new hope for
Phoenix Signs and Graphics ma, the only gene therapy treatment children born with the disease. This
approved by Health Canada for SMA,
Country House Cookies on a case-by-case basis. The cost of the
treatment is a one-time injection that
uses a virus vector to insert a working
Strathmore High School treatment is about $2.7 million.
SMA is a progressive motor neuron
copy of the relevant gene into the pa-
tient’s body, replacing the missing or
disorder, meaning it is marked by the defective gene, to halt disease progres-
degeneration of motor neurons in the sion.
spinal cord and brainstem, causing Drug treatments for SMA exist, but
muscles to get progressively weaker require hospital visits for affected chil-
over time. This includes muscles used dren, are administered through a spinal
for head and neck control, sitting, tap, and require maintenance dosing
crawling, walking and swallowing. several times a year.
It is a genetic disease, being most of- Zolgensma was approved by Health
ten caused by an infant receiving two Canada for children less than two years
defective copies of a single gene, called of age in December. A review by Cana-
SMN 1, located on chromosome five. dian Agency for Drugs and Technolo-
While considered rare, found in about gies in Health (CADTH), an assessment
one-in-10,000 infants, it is the leading of whether provinces are recommended
genetic cause of infant death and is the to list a drug as a funded medication.
second most common autosomal reces- In the meantime, Alberta will immedi-
sive disorder (caused by having two ately fund the treatment for children
copies of a defective gene) after cystic approaching the age cutoff while wait-
fibrosis. About one in 50 people carry ing for the drug review and approval
one copy of the defective gene. process to be completed, said Shandro.
February 5, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11

Researcher seeks
perspective on
Blackfoot games
SEAN FEAGAN aspect of Blackfoot culture alive,” she
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter said.
Many of the traditional Blackfoot
A researcher at the University of Leth- games known – some of which are
bridge is studying Blackfoot games and still played today – fall into a category
Adventurous cat rescue is looking for local perspectives to help. known as hand games or stick games.
For her honour’s psychology research These have many variants and intrica-
Strathmore fire fighters were called to rescue a cat that had climbed up a tall tree in Strathaven on Jan. project at the University of the Leth- cies, but generally are typically played
31. After 20 to 30 minutes, the cat – Marley – was brought down to the ground safely and reunited with
its people via a Facebook appeal.
bridge, Marley HeavyShield, a Blackfoot in teams where marked “bones” are
Photo Courtesy of Florence Kalia researcher from Kainai, is exploring hidden by one team and another team
various aspects of traditional Blackfoot guesses their location.

A&W helps to end

games through an Indigenous lens, “They’re actually very popular and are
she explained. To inform her research, played in major tournaments through-
HeavyShield is collecting data from two out Canada and the United States,” said
sources: interviews with knowledge HeavyShield.

youth hunger
keepers and an online survey. Another popular game still played to-
The research is being supervised by day is the feather game, which has some
Jennifer Williams, a psychology profes- similarities to the stick game, but often
sor, and Robert Williams, a health sci- features songs.
JANET KANTERS Eighty per cent of Mealshare’s finan- ences professor who is also a research The interviews HeavyShield is con-
Times Editor cial support stays in local communities coordinator for the Alberta Gambling ducting with elders and knowledge
where the Mealshare item was pur- Research Institute. keepers from the community will pro-
A&W Canada and Mealshare are part- chased, and 20 per cent goes interna- HeavyShield is seeking to learn what vide the traditional and cultural context
nering to help end youth hunger. tionally to Save the Children. games are played and their rules, and for the games.
For every Mealshare item purchased On Mealshare Mondays, customers she is also studying whether they fea- “So, what they are, how to play them
at an A&W location, one simple healthy can order a Cheddar Bacon Uncle Burger ture gambling and how they were af- and how colonization changed them,”
meal will be provided to a youth in Combo and one meal will be provided to fected by colonialism. she said.
need. a youth in need through Mealshare. Any “The answers to the questions I’m ask- She is also conducting a survey to
According to a news release, the part- day of the week, customers can “Make it ing can teach a lot of people about an provide information on what Blackfoot
nership has a goal of sharing 1.25 mil- a Mealshare” by adding $1 to their order. aspect of Blackfoot culture that may not games look like today and how preva-
lion meals per year, and all Canadian When customers do this, one meal will have been considered previously, for lent they are. Available online, it is open
A&W locations are participating, includ- be provided to a youth in need through both Indigenous and non-Indigenous to anyone 18 years or older from Kainai,
ing Strathmore’s A&W location. Mealshare. people,” said HeavyShield. Piikani and Siksika. Participants can en-
Published literature on Blackfoot ter to win both a hand drum and beaded

Recovery fund saving jobs

games is scarce. What exists focuses on medallion made by Kalli Eagle Speaker,
modern forms of gambling, such as bin- a Blackfoot artist Kainai.
gos and casinos, and is centred around “By taking the two halves together,
issues like problem gambling. the result will, hopefully, be a grander
SEAN FEAGAN CFWR region, according to the organiza- “I’m hoping my research may play a picture of the development and resil-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter tion. These loans have helped rural busi- part in keeping this knowledge of this ience of traditional Blackfoot games.”
nesses in the region maintain 165 jobs.
At a time when many local businesses Across the region, Strathmore busi-
and non-profits are struggling, the Re- nesses have received the highest amount
gional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) of loans cumulatively, followed by those
has helped many keep employees. in Three Hills. Between April 1 and Dec.
Part of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic 31, the three sectors receiving the great-
Response Plan, the RRRF provides loans est number of loans were professional
to small- and medium-sized businesses services (13), retail (11), and accommo-
impacted by the pandemic. These loans dations and food services (8).
are intended to help businesses not eli- As tourism is one of the most impact-
gible for other federal business supports ed sectors in Alberta and the region,
cover ongoing costs and resume normal CFWR aims to allocate a minimum of 25
business operations. per cent of RRRF funds to support tour-
Across multiple streams of the pro- ism. Between April 1 and Dec. 31, 32 To all of Strathmore, County of Wheatland and our friends a far.
gram, rural businesses in Western per cent of these loans in the region tar-
Canada access RRRF funding through geted businesses in the tourism sector.
The Christmas Hamper Society would like to give a sincere
Community Futures, a non-profit busi- CFWR continues to offer $40,000 busi- thank you to all the Businesses, Individuals, Schools, Churches
ness loan and development organiza- ness loans through the RRRF, which are and Groups that supported our society this year with monetary,
tion. Strathmore and Wheatland Coun- zero-interest (through to Dec. 31, 2022)
ty are part of the Community Futures and partially forgivable (if 75 per cent of food, toy, gift card, and material donations.
Wild Rose (CFWR) region, which also loan is repaid by Dec. 31, 2022). This is
includes Chestermere and Rocky View possible because of additional funding, With your help the Society was able to provide
County, among other local municipali- part of an initial $18.9 million allocated
ties. to the Community Futures Network of 232 food hampers and 282 toy bags.
Since May 2020, 57 loans have been Alberta. Loans must be repaid by Dec.
approved, totalling $1.8 million in the 31, 2025.
We could not have provided hampers for these families without
you and a dedicated team of volunteers.
Questions? So many people took on additional duties and hours this year
due to COVID-19 and we cannot thank you enough.
Comments? Story Ideas? Happy to say all kept safe.
Let us know how we're doing. The generosity of this community is outstanding
Your opinion is something we always want to hear. and truly valued.
Call or contact us online.

Take care,

202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, AB
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021


Parole Board
Amplifon is the global leader in hearing
healthcare with more than 10 million
satisfied customers worldwide.
LEELA SHARON AHEER lar atrophy (SMA) may now be eligible
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA to receive funding for gene replace-
ment treatment. SMA is a rare genetic
This week, Alberta’s government an- disease that affects a small number of
20+ nounced the membership of the newly children and adults in Canada. Access-
RECHARGEABLE established Alberta Parole Board. The ing this treatment will mean a world of
SOLUTIONS! announcement is part of a broader set difference for these few brave children
of concrete actions designed to get a and their families. Zolgensma was ap-
fair deal for Albertans by ending the proved by Health Canada in December
agreement with the Parole Board of 2020. I was so happy to be able to par-
Canada. ticipate in some fundraising for Mighty
The Alberta Parole Board will over- Max, the young boy from Fairview who
see parole hearings for inmates serving is currently suffering from this terrible
sentences for fewer than two years in disease.
provincial correctional institutions, and Jan. 27 marked Holocaust Remem-
allow Alberta to continue to assert its brance Day. On that day in 1945, the
jurisdictional authority and create a survivors of the Nazi death camp at
more responsive justice system that re- Auschwitz-Birkenau were liberated,
flects the needs of our province’s com- bringing an end to the Holocaust of the
munities. The new, independent Alber- Jewish people. We remember the Ho-
ta Parole Board will provide a fairer, locaust and the murder of six million
faster, more responsive and responsi- Jews by the Nazis and their allies. We
ble justice system that better protects honour those taken by standing togeth-
300 Merganser Dr W, Unit 106A Albertans, their loved ones and their er to build a better future free from hate
property from repeat offenders. A pro- for all Albertans. I remember the many
Chestermere, AB vincial parole board will help end the mothers, father, brothers, sisters, fam-
“revolving” door of the justice system ily and friends whose lives were forever
that often enables repeat offenders to altered by this grave atrocity. The past
target Albertans, particularly those liv- must never be forgotten. On Jan. 27, we

65% OFF
ing in rural areas. honoured those Holocaust survivors

The provincial parole board is com- who continue to share their stories, and
up prised solely of Albertans from across we rededicated ourselves to the critical

the province. Chairing the board will be ongoing work of Holocaust education
former chief of the Calgary Police Ser- and commemoration.
& ENJOY UP TO 2 FREE ACCESSORIES*! vice and former Chief Superintendent Finally, Alberta’s government is work-
of the RCMP K Division, Rick Hanson. ing with the Agriculture Financial Ser-
QUOTE REF: BOGO65PC The remaining members include North- vices Corporation to make crop insur-
land School Board trustee Randy An- ance more affordable for farmers by
derson, ALTIA-ABM Inc. vice-president providing a 20 per cent discount this

INTEREST-FREE FINANCING Paul M. Bourassa, former central Alber-

ta Mental Health Review Board chair
year. I know this is very important to
many constituents across the Ches-
Craig Paterson, Alberta Health Services termere-Strathmore riding. By cutting
FOR 24 MONTHS** INSTANT APPROVAL project manager Shelly Takacs, lawyer crop insurance premiums by 20 per
Angela Tripathy and Mackenzie County cent, Alberta’s government will save
councillor Lisa Wardley. This week’s an- farmers $55 million in insurance costs.
nouncement follows legislation that Al- This reduction will help farmers miti-

Call and book a

berta’s government passed last summer gate the impacts of the looming 500 per
to respond to the needs of its citizens, cent increase to the federal carbon tax,
especially rural Albertans who have
complimentary hearing
a misguided Clean Fuel Standard and
been victimized by repeat offenders an impending punitive fertilizer limit
for property crimes. I have heard from imposed by the federal government. I

test today! many of my constituents regarding ru-

ral crime, and this is a step in the right
direction in protecting Albertans.
am so grateful to our farmers who work
so hard to put food on our tables.
It’s no secret that many Albertans

In other good news, Alberta has re- are going through a difficult time. We
ceived its second positive grade for just passed Bell Let’s Talk Day which
red tape reduction from the Canadian acknowledges that we must speak up
Federation of Independent Business – bravely about mental health, especially
an A. We are glad to see that Alberta is as we cope with COVID-19. Many peo-
the most improved province in Canada ple are struggling with loneliness, isola-
when it comes to red tape reduction – tion, addiction, and lost savings, busi-
Now offering a strategy that, when done right, saves nesses and jobs. You don’t have to be
expanded Albertans both time and money. Cutting alone and silence will not have the final
hygiene & safety red tape is a key factor in our strategy
to help businesses recover following
word. I encourage you to take a peek
at for ad-
protocols! the current COVID-19 pandemic. If you ditional support.
have any ideas about how Alberta can As always, I love to hear from you.
further reduce red tape, please share
them at (Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect
Earlier this week, Health Minister for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of
Tyler Shandro announced that Alberta Status of Women and Minister of Cul- children suffering from spinal muscu- ture and Multiculturalism)

*Offer valid on selected models. Discount is applicable to binaural purchase, the second aid only.


Cannot be combined with other discounts. ** See clinic for more financing details.
Expires 3/31/2021. © 2021 Amplifon Canada. All Rights Reserved.
February 5, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 13

Crop insurance

MAID’S expansion could increase

suicides in Canada

premiums to drop
To the Editor called empathetic act (“death
In February, the Senate will with dignity”) of helping peo-
consider Bill C-7, the expansion ple kill themselves, contradicts
of assisted suicide or Medical Canadians’ heartfelt concern
Assistance in Dying (MAID), for those contemplating self
after its passage by the House destruction. I would argue in
of Commons on Dec. 10, 2020. the affirmative. SEAN FEAGAN ance program in Alberta can give producers a bit of
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter a break when they need it most,” said Darryl Kay,
The expansion removes vital Professor Theo Boer, a mem-
safeguards for the vulnerable, ber of the Regional Euthana- AFSC’s chief executive officer, in a press release.
will increase MAID deaths, and sia Review Committee in the Alberta farmers might have a little more money Premiums are based on actuary risk-assessments
ultimately desensitize society Netherlands, concludes from in the bank this year, after the lowering of crop based on the number and intensity of predicted
to the horror of suicide. his analysis of suicide statistics insurance premiums. weather-related events. However, as actual events
It seems that our Canadian in the Netherlands for 10 years, On Jan. 25, Agriculture Financial Services Cor- are variable, they may occur more or less frequent-
government wears a two-faced that the legalized expansion of poration (AFSC) announced crop insurance pre- ly than predicted.
Janus mask when it comes to “assisted dying” causes suicide miums would be reduced by 20 per cent in 2021. Overall, the last decade has been a favourable
suicide. One face expresses rates in the general popula- About 72 per cent of farmers in the province enroll one for the province, with fewer widespread
unspeakable sadness at the tion to increase (e.g., 1,353 in in Alberta’s crop insurance program each year. weather events causing losses than predicted. This
suicides (which have increased 2007; 1,811 in 2019 – a rise of The change will result in a producer with 2,000 means the amount of premiums collected have ex-
under rolling COVID-19 lock- 33.8 per cent), as compared to insured acres saving about $8,000, according to ceeded payments, according to AFSC.
downs) of its victims. The oth- countries having no “assisted AFSC. Producers across the province are expected The result has been a “healthy” crop reserve fund,
er face reveals a resolute ac- dying practice” (Schadenberg, to save about $55 million on crop insurance pre- making a premium discount this year possible. So,
ceptance of assisted suicide or Euthanasia Prevention Coali- miums. if any major events take place, the fund balance
MAID as a “treatment option.” tion, Sept. 4, 2020). “I’m thrilled that we can pass these savings on to would decrease, and this discount strategy would
MAID, which became law in A government that legalizes our clients and proud that our healthy crop insur-
2016, is currently being ex- assisted suicide – let alone re- need to be revisited, according to the organization.
panded to include those whose fuses to halt the killing of ba-
death is “not reasonably fore- bies in their mothers’ wombs
seeable,” i.e., to the chronically – has plunged the nation so

ill, disabled, and – in typical deeply into the culture of
government doublespeak – to death that one must challenge
those not mentally ill, but men- its true compassion for all who

tally anguished. To individuals are driven to the brink. The
whose death is foreseeable, current expansion of MAID to
Bill C-7 eliminates the 10-day include those whose death is
waiting period between ap- “not reasonably foreseeable”
proval for MAID and the lethal not only extends the swath of

injection. So, legally, a person the Grim Reaper’s scythe, but
could request MAID, have it also creates a climate where
approved, and be killed within suicide appears a socially ac-
the space of a day. ceptable solution to suffering.
The question arising from
this two-faced approach to sui- Veronica Rochford

cide is whether MAID, the so- Strathmore

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Call 403-934-5589
Page 14 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021
Obituary Obituary Thank You
SIMARD, MILLER, Thank you goes out to all of you that reached
Joseph Francis Honore Frances Lorraine out to us in regards to Gerry’s passing.
January 26, 1924 Frances Lorraine Miller of Gleichen, Thank you for all the cards and flowers,
– January 28, 2021 Alberta passed away suddenly Janu- Facebook messages and phone calls, and also
Honore Simard of Cluny, Alberta passed away at the ary 25, 2021 in Strathmore General for the donations to the Heart and Stroke
Hospital. She was born in Bassano on March 26, We’re Open and Accepting Clients!
High River Hospital on January 28, 2021 at the age fund. We so appreciated them all.
of 97 years. 1950.
Thank you to Dean at the Strathmore, AB. 403-934-5294
Honore was born in Cluny, Alberta on January 29, Fran was predeceased by her parents, Pete and
Verna Dankworth of Standard. She is survived by her Wheatland Funeral Home for
1924 where he spent his early years. He left school
all of your support. Alberta’s only licensed and
before graduating to help his Father “Joe” operate a husband, Kevin Miller of Gleichen; son, Dale Ryder
of Glaslyn, SK; daughter-in-law, Amy Ryder; grand-
approved Locally Owned
local grain elevator. He worked at various jobs in the Evelyn, Cindy, Barb & our families
daughters, Paige and Shelby and great granddaugh- Residential Memory Care Home
Cluny area until he joined the Canadian Army in 1943.
After completing his training in Camrose and Camp ter, Avia; one brother, Edgar Willard of Agassiz, BC; as since 2000
well as numerous extended family all over Western
Borden in Manitoba he sailed for England on the The Nightingale Community Association
Queen Mary. He proudly served his country in Italy, Canada.
Fran started her work life working at the Weissman
would like to thank
France, Germany, Holland and Belgium until the end
corner Café at Standard Corner. She also worked at
Shirley and Fred Armstrong for their
of WWII. In November of 1945 he returned to Canada 25+ years of service to our community.
on the Queen Elizabeth. Wilson’s Corner. The Husky gas station on Fairmont Whether it be their long standing seats on the
Upon his return to Cluny, he worked in the family dairy Drive in Calgary. Fran worked as a Logger in Nova Community Association Board of Directors,
business until 1951 when he was then employed on Scotia and a great companion of the long drives she volunteering their time at nearly every community
the local provincial highway maintenance crew. In shared with her husband as a long haul truck driver. function, or always being there when we need
She worked as a Foster parent in both Calgary and in FORM 5
June of 1954 he took over as the Cluny Postmaster fundraisers, their countless contributions to our
Strathmore. Fran worked in the green houses in both Irrigation Districts Act (Section 85/86)
where he worked until his retirement in 1986. community are recognized and appreciated. We wish
As his parents aged, Honore became the primary Nova Scotia and in Alberta. She ended her employ- you health & happiness in your future endeavors. NOTICE OF APPLICATION
caregiver for his Mom and Dad which allowed them ment career in Gleichen working in the grocery store “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by TO CHANGE THE AREA OF
to live out their last days in the family home in Cluny. and the liquor store in Gleichen. Fran was very active the compassionate actions of its members” ~Coretta Scott King AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT
After his retirement he enjoyed a quiet life in Cluny in the St Andrew’s Anglican Church Ladies Associa-
which was enhanced when he moved into his dream tion and the Gleichen Community Ladies Association. TAKE NOTE that applications have
Like Us
home on his farm atop the hill a mile east of town. A celebration of life will be held later in the year for been received by the Western Irrigation
Honore lived a quiet life there where on a clear day family, friends and community. District to change the area of the District.
To send condolences, please visit Fran’s obituary at 1st & 2nd Cut
he enjoyed a view extending to the Rocky Mountains
in the west. on Hay Alfalfa
Grass Mix
Applications to REMOVE parcel(s) that consist of:
He subsequently moved to a retirement home in High
River in September of 2017. Facebook! • Straight grass
Name of
Number of
Irrigation Acres
Legal Land
Honore will be remembered as a quiet, hard working hay for horses
gentle man with a smile for everyone. • Dairy quality Charles Bechtold, 30 4;25;24;11;;3,4
Honore is survived by three sisters; Aurette “Pat” (Al- • Test results Beverly Thiessen,
lan) Schikosky of Calgary, Mary Sanders of Tamworth, available Elviera Gertrude
Ontario, Carole (Bruce) Clark of High River; brother • Sold by the Sims, John Walter
John (Joey) of High River; sister-in-law Joyce of Alix Bale or Ton
Thiessen, Mary
as well as numerous nieces and nephews. He was • No rain Elizabeth
predeceased by his brothers Joe and wife Aileen, Au- ~ Slimmon, Hedy
gust “Gus”; sister Jeanette Arbeau and her husband Wayne 403-934-4407
Larry; brother-in-law Stewart Sanders and niece Nellie Mayes
Joanne Kaiser. LOOKING TO BUY feed barley & Werner Allen
The family would like to thank his family doctor Joni
or feed wheat. Call Gary at Thiessen
780-674-0673 or Schmidt
McNeely of Strathmore for her many years of kind Livestock at 780-674-2851. Fairwest 90 4;22;23;3;SE
and compassionate care; Dr. Ashref Jeeva – his fam- Farms Ltd.
ily doctor in High River for his gentle and understand- HEATED CANOLA buying
ing care; the staff at Seasons Retirement Home in Green, Heated or Spring- Any person wishing to complain is required to
High River for their dedication and support and the thrashed Canola. Buying: submit a written complaint to the Western Irriga-
3rd floor staff at the High River Hospital for gentle and oats, barley, wheat & peas tion District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road,
thorough care in his final days. for feed. Buying damaged Strathmore, Alberta, T1P 1K3 within 30 days after
A Private Family Graveside Service will be held at the or offgrade grain. “On Farm the date of the publication of this notice.
Ouelletteville Cemetery near Cluny. Pickup” Westcan Feed & David McAllister, P. Eng, MSc, MBA
To send condolences and view Honore’s Tribute Page Grain, 1-877-250-5252. General Manager
please visit Western Irrigation District
Caring for the family is Lyle Reeves
Funerals of High River (Craig Snod-
grass) 403.652.4242. TENDER
515 Acres Class 2 & 3 Land near Drumheller
for sale by Tender
INDIVIDUAL Log & Tin Cattle Company offer a package of high quality grazing/farming land
(#2 & 3) located in Kneehill County for sale by tender. All lands are connected.

OFFICE RENTAL This package is cross fenced and seeded to multi-grass species to support
effective rotational grazing. 120 Acres were sprayed out fall 2020, ready for
seeding in spring. Pumped dugout water is supplied via 4000 m of above ground
and underground pipe to seven (7) locations. The package of lands is as follows:

AVAILABLE • SE 5-29-20 W4 - 160 acres with +/- 140 ac. cult., and 20 ac. native pasture,
coulee and a large dug out with stock watering pump/pipeline site. 2M is the
dominant land class.
Move your home business into an elegant office in • SW 4-29-20 W4 - 155 acres with 98+/- ac. cult., and 57 ac. of native pasture
and coulee. 3MT is the dominant land class. 80 acres sprayed out fall 2020.
downtown Strathmore. 4 large hopper bins included. Smaller hopper bin is excluded from sale.
• Block 1 (Plan 9212068) SW 9 + NW 4-29-20 W4 - 200 acres with +/- 92 ac. cult.
And 108 ac. of native pasture, coulee and a dugout. 3MT is the dominant land
All utilities and internet included. Comes with the use of an class. 40 acres sprayed out fall, 2020.
elegant board room, kitchen and extra storage. • Annual oil lease revenue: $10,095.00.
• Previously 330 acres was cropped annually and is well rested.
• Possession of lands to occur April 1, 2021 upon completion of sale.
Call 403-934-5589 to view. • Solar water pumping system and cattle handling system negotiable at time
of sale
Strathmore Business Centre, 129, Second Ave.
The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted
Sealed written bids must be accompanied by a 10% deposit in the form of a
certified cheque or bank draft and must be received by not later than noon
February 22, 2021.
Tender agreements may be acquired from and returned to:
Lynn Woods Law Office
Box 2335
#101, 318-3rd Ave, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
Phone (403) 934-6333 Fax (403) 934-6355
For further information on this property, please call or text
Randy Tooth 403-809-1795

Check Out the Strathmore TIMES! www.Strathmore or on Facebook
February 5, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 15

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To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit Call Phone: 403-361-2980 / fax: 403-361-2989
call Kellie at 1-778-257-8647 403-934-5589
Box 1 Site 22 RR 2, Strathmore AB, T1P 1K5
Bonded since 1967
Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • February 5, 2021

Upcoming Meetings In adherence with Alberta Health Services’

Until further notice, Council and committee meetings will be held recommendations, front office staff will limit the number
via teleconference, including: of visitors in the front lobby of the administration office to
February 9: MPC Meeting upkeep the health and safety of everyone in the building.
February 16: Council Meeting Office hours will remain the same, Monday to Friday,
March 2: Council Meeting from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the exception of statutory
holidays. The Public Works and ASB shops will remain
To join the call, dial 403-917-1764 and enter the PIN 47001 when closed to the public for the foreseeable future.
prompted. Agenda packages can be found on our website.

Seeking Applications for the

Wheatland County Council Remuneration Committee
Wheatland County is currently recruiting community members to get involved in local Residents who are interested in sitting on the committee are encouraged to apply
government by participating in the Council Remuneration Committee. The function before March 12, 2021. Applications can be submitted online. Those selected for an
of the committee is to present recommendations regarding the compensation interview will be contacted by March 31.
amounts for Council members. The recommendations are presented to Council
and taken into consideration for use in the first year of the following Council term.
Applications for the Council Remuneration Committee will be accepted between
February 1, 2021, and March 12, 2021. Apply by March 12, 2021 at
There are three spots on the Committee open to Wheatland County residents
over the age of 18. Each committee member will commit to meeting from April
to September and play an important role in developing the recommendations for
Council with the support of Administration. The final recommendations will be
presented to Council in early fall of 2021 prior to the 2021 Municipal Election.

Careers with Wheatland County COVID-19

Wheatland County is seeking a: HELP SLOW THE SPREAD

• Senior Planner - closes Feb. 8 Here’s how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19:
• Fleet Coordinator - closes Feb. 5
• Special Projects Coordinator - closes Feb. 5 ☑ Avoid touching your face ☑ Cover coughs and sneezes
☑ Self isolate if feeling sick ☑ Practice physical distancing
For more information and to review other current ☑ Properly wash hands often ☑ Disinfect frequently touched
postings or apply, visit items and surfaces
Latest updates at

Public Hearings 2021 Election Nominations

Nomination period closes: Sep. 20, 2021, at 12 p.m.
Wheatland County Council will consider the following applications for Public
Hearing on the meeting date as indicated below. Nominations for Councillors will be accepted by
the Returning Officer until 12 p.m. on Monday,
For more information, visit September 20, 2021. Prospective candidates filing
their nominations must schedule an appointment
These public hearings can be accessed electronically by dialing in to
with the Returning Officer.
403-917-1764 and when prompted, entering the PIN 47001.
Further information on nomination requirements are available at:
Public hearings begin at 9 a.m. and proceed until all applications have been heard:
Public Hearing: Public Hearing:
February 16, 2021 at February 16, 2021 at
9 a.m. 9 a.m.
Bylaw: 2021-01 Bylaw: 2020-39 Road Closure
Legal Description: NE 24 & SE 25-25-24-4
NW-16-24-26-W4M Applicant: Western Irrigation District
Proposal: To redesignate +/-10.00 acres Proposal: to close a portion of
from Agricultural General District to undeveloped original Road allowance
Industrial General District within NW-16- lying between NE 24 & SE 25-25-24-4
24-26-W4M to accommodate a future that lies within the alignment of Canal
subdivision for an existing packaging ROW Plan 1290. The proposed area
business. of road closure would be transferred
to the Applicant and consolidated with
their lands in exchange for a portion of
Plan IRR 257 that lies within the existing
developed road allowance alignment of
Township Road 254, to be dedicated as
Road Plan by the applicant.

More information regarding the public hearing process can be found

on our website at

Comments may be forwarded in writing to Wheatland County or made in person

at the above meetings. The application files may be reviewed during regular office
hours – Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any comments provided will become
part of the public record in accordance with Section 40 (1) of the Alberta Freedom of
Information and Protection Privacy Act. Any personal information on submissions
made regarding applications is collected under the authority of the FOIP Act Section
33 (c) and subsequent versions.

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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