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October 9, 2020 Strathmore Times

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OCTOBER 9, 2020

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of Lights a
go in 2020
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Come the long nights of winter, Strathmore

will be a brighter place thanks to a group of
Hard work harvesting hardworking volunteers.
The Celebration of Lights is a yearly event
featuring light displays around the baseball
COVID-19 Update diamonds at the Strathmore ag grounds. It
in Strathmore & is an affordable and accessible opportuni-
ty for residents to celebrate the holidays,
Wheatland County
explained committee chairperson Jennifer
(as of October 6, 2020)
“It’s a free program we can offer to the
98 Cases
community so anyone can come out, enjoy
4 Active | 92 Recovered them and be part of the Christmas season,”
2 Deaths said Mamer.
While similar events exist in larger com-
munities such as Calgary and Airdrie, the
Celebration of Lights is truly Strathmore-
“We’ve been out to some of the bigger
parks in the city, and in all honesty, with a
much smaller community and a much small-
er budget, our park is as good, if not bet-
ter,” said Mamer. “We build all of our pieces,
whereas most other places purchase theirs.”
But there is still work to do.
The Celebration of Lights committee is
seeking volunteers to help design, build and
set up its displays. There will be one large
display like that of two years ago, when
a 20- by 30-foot display was constructed,
explained Mamer, who worked previously
as the event’s artistic director. Additional-
We offer digital imaging, intra-oral camera, patient education
systems, general practice IV sedation, oral sedation and nitrous
sedation, chairside computers, quiet electric handpieces.
ly, several smaller displays will be built on
Call Us Today • 403-934-5292
temporary fencing.
#105f 100 Ranch Market, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 0A8 For this work, volunteers are needed for
work parties at the ag grounds, held Mon-
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS;
Dr. Sharif Faizi DMD; Dr. Simarjyot Randhawa BDS days from noon to 4 p.m., Wednesdays from
9 a.m. to noon, and Saturdays from 10 a.m.
Look on Page 2 for to 4 p.m. There is no minimum time re-
Town of Strathmore quirement for volunteering.
Municipal Notices Those that participate will have their work
seen from far and wide, said Mamer. “Be-
Orange Shirt Day helps with healing
Contact Us Today! The Town of Strathmore held an event at the Strathmore Civic Centre in recognition of Orange
cause of where Strathmore is located, we’re Shirt Day on Sept. 30. Two Siksika residents shared survivor stories of their time in residential
403.934.5589 on the takeoff and landing zones from the schools before a healing dance and song was provided by Indigenous dancers and drummers. Calgary airport, so you can actually see the Orange shirts and masks were given out at the event to be worn in solidarity and remembrance.
park from the air.”
www. Continued on Page 5
Adelle Ellis Photo



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Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • October 9, 2020

Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing

6' 2m

Town of Strathmore Community Page

For more information on COIVD-19 visit our trusted sources at and
For local COVID-19 information:

Next COTW Council Meeting: October 14, 2020 It's Fire Prevention Week!
This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign is, “Serve Up Fire Safety in the
Kitchen!” Did you know cooking is the leading cause of home fires and fire
Aquatic Center COVID-19 Protocol Update related injuries. In fact Thanksgiving is the leading day for fires involving cooking
Our Strathmore Aquatic Center is now open seven days a week. Check our equipment. Here are a few simple but important actions you can take to keep
online swim schedule at: yourself and those around you safe in the kitchen.
The hot tub and change rooms are now open. Please continue to register
for your public swim, lane swim or steam room time on our website through • Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, boiling, grilling, or broiling food.
PerfectMind at • If you are simmering, baking, or roasting food, check it regularly and stay
in the home.
• Always keep a lid nearby when cooking. If a small grease fire starts, slide
Please Remember 2020 Property Tax Payment is the lid over the pan and turn off the burner. Leave the pan covered until
Due: Saturday, October 31, 2020. it’s cool.
• Keep anything that can catch fire away from your stovetop.
The Town of Strathmore is reminding owners that your 2020 Property Tax payment • Loose clothing can hang down onto stove burners and catch fire. Wear
is due Saturday, October 31, 2020. Please note that the Town Office is not open short, close-fitting, or tightly rolled sleeves when cooking.
on the weekend. • Have a “kid-free zone” of at least 3 feet (1 metre) around the stove and
areas where hot food or drink is prepared or carried.
The Payment Drop Box, located outside of the main doors of the Town Office, will
be open on the weekend to deposit cheques. For tips, fun activities and education visit:
There are several property tax payment options available for you: Prevention-Week
• Internet Banking – pay your property tax online through your bank’s internet bill
payment option. Please allow up to two business days for payment processing;
some banks may take longer.
• Pay your property taxes in-person by cheque, cash or debit at the Town Office
until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 30, 2020.
Happy Thanksgiving!
• Most financial institutions will accept property tax payments while doing your
regular business.
• Town Office Drop Box – place your property tax payment in our drop box located
at the Town Office outside the main entrance. Cheques only, please do not
deposit cash. Town Office is located at 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, Have a Safe Thanksgiving
AB. The Town of Strathmore wishes you and family a safe and happy Thanksgiving
• Are you interested in paying your property tax bill in 12 monthly instalments holiday!
rather than a single annual payment? Consider signing up for the Tax Instalment Please remember it remains important to practice safe holiday entertaining to
Payment Plan Service (TIPPS) - you can join the TIPPS program anytime (a 10% protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community. Be mindful in helping
penalty will be calculated into the payments after October 31, 2020). to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Government of Alberta has published
some tips to help you stay safe this holiday. You can find their safe entertaining
**Non-receipt of your property tax bill does not exempt you from late payment guide on our website:


Seniors' Housing Project Community Engagement
The Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre is excited to be offering a NEW
The Wheatland Housing Management Body (WHMB) is embarking on a new seniors'
fitness class in October and November! housing project. They are looking for community feedback to drive our design
HIGH transforms old school aerobics into a highly addictive new fitness experience decisions to develop program requirements and the schematic design for the new
that combines simple, modern fitness techniques (e.g. HIIT. Plyometrics, etc.) with lodge and hospice care facility.
music you know and love. This results in a high energy, INTENSE and fun workout
that leaves participants feeling HIGH and wanting more. All fitness levels welcome! There will be five live online community engagement sessions:
• Session 2: October 15, 2020
We are following COVID-19 health protocols.
• Session 3: October 22, 2020
For more information or to register contact the Strathmore Motor Products Sports • Session 4: October 29, 2020
Centre at 403-361-2121. • Session 5: November 5, 2020
Session Details
These sessions will be uploaded to the website for people to view on their own time.
Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm
Dates: Oct. 20, 22, 27, 29 and Nov. 3, 5, 10, 12
Location: Gymnasium (full gym if we get more than 8 registered; half gym if we get The goals for these engagement sessions are to understand the social and cultural
context of Strathmore and Wheatland County and to empower the community to
shape the project vision.
Cost: $64 for members; $72 for non-members,

680 Westchester Road, Strathmore AB T1P 1J6 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit
October 9, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Carseland Post Office break-in Hon. Leela Sharon Aheer,

SEAN FEAGAN hours, the outside doors to the post office have Chestermere-Strathmore
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter remained unlocked. The thieves used this as an
opportunity to pry into about 20 of the boxes,
Just months after reopening, the Carseland Post said Bev Ross, the executive assistant with the STRATHMORE OFFICE:
Office has been targeted by thieves yet again. Carseland and District Community Association Meetings by appointment
The Carseland Post Office sat closed for months and Agricultural Society.
following an overnight break-in in late December “It’s frustrating, especially when we just got 403-962-0126
2019. But after the community banded together to things up and running again,” said Ross. Chestermere.Strathmore@
secure funding and a new postmaster was hired, However, the overall damage was limited, she
residents rejoiced when it reopened in August. noted.
Now, just months later, it has been targeted Temporarily, the doors will be locked after 5
again. While the office itself was not accessed, p.m., explained the Carseland postmaster, who PO Box 2527,
thieves targeted the parcel boxes located in the requested to not be identified. But operations Strathmore, AB
adjoining hallway sometime during the evening should soon return to normal, she said. T1P 0H3
of Sept. 30. “We get knocked down, we get back up again,
To allow residents access parcel boxes after like we always do – we’re not going anywhere.”

Legion formalizing
Remembrance Day plans
SEAN FEAGAN at the town’s Civic Centre, and instead will be held at the
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter branch, where “it’s a little easier to control the crowd,” said
Auger. “Weather depending, we might be able to do it out-
The Strathmore Legion has set its ex- side in front of our cenotaph right at the branch, and hope-
ecutives for the year following an elec- fully we can block off part of the street and have people join
tion and is looking to formalize its Re- us there.”
membrance Day plans. Due to COVID-19, there will be no marching, the cadets
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch will not participate and the laying of the wreaths will be dif-
#10 held its elections on Sept. 22 to ferent. Instead, the ceremonies will feature speakers and a
select a new executive team that will roll call of the local veterans that have passed, said Auger.
work through to November 2021. Alan During the meeting, the group also discussed its finances,
Auger remains branch president, while including bringing in a new point of scale system, which will
Abbie Wilcox-Giroux was elected first “help bring us into the 2000s,” said Auger. “The tills that we
vice president and Bruce Westgard sec- use at our branch are a little antiquated, so this new system
ond vice president. will help us track inventories and make it easier to do pric-
Kevin Clark is the Poppy Chair and ing.”
Sgt. At Arms, a position which ensures They also decided not to lock-in funds from guaranteed
meetings remain in order. The Sgt. At investment certificates (GIC) in case they are needed. Since
Arms also attends ceremonies, such as reopening, the branch has “not quite been breaking even,”
Remembrance Day, Colour Parties and said Auger.
flag bearing. However, slowly but surely, more people are coming back.
The new service officer is Dawn “We’ve got event plans, people are coming in booking their
Clark, who will help any veterans that Christmas parties, ceremonies of life and other events, so
come to the branch for assistance. we’re gaining a little momentum.”
Claire Wiseman, hired for public re- The legion has been helped by partnering with PJ’s Diner,
lations, will finish the group’s website which is providing the legion with food service, including a
and manage its Facebook page. Jenny new wing night on Thursdays.
Schumann is the acting past president “It’s brought a lot of new faces, and I think it’s brought a
and membership chair. Karen Oliph- few new memberships in as well,” said Auger. “When people
ant is responsible for bingo, and Teresa come into the legion, they realize what it has to offer, and
Stark rounds out the executive team. that it’s not just an old boys club – our doors are open and
With many of the executives being in we invite people to come in and check us out, and PJ’s has
their second year of the position, they helped us do that.”
have more confidence to get things
done, said Auger. “Everyone has a
bright outlook and a lot of good ideas,
so I see us prospering here.”
The group is working to formalize its
Remembrance Day plans, but is plan-
ning either an indoor or outdoor cer- Unit D,
emony, or a combination of the two, 202 Canal Court,
he said. “We’re just getting ready to put Strathmore, AB
them on paper,” said Auger.
The ceremonies will not be held
Water Softeners, Iron Filters
Call 403-934-5589 & Drinking Water Systems

Mario Prusina Publisher

Janet Kanters Editor
Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising
Jody Schneider Production
3 Bedrooms,
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman, Florence Kalia
Fully developed,
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 Walk out basement,
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, HUGE yard
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Tammy Lambert - Realtor
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative.
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • October 9, 2020

Fire safety key in the kitchen

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter’ but once it is lifted, residents must at-
tain a burn permit to light fireworks or
The kitchen is the heart of many homes – and it is also fires other than small recreational fire
where many fires start. pits, incinerators, burning barrels and
October is Fire Safety Month. This year, the focus is on fire other exemptions.
prevention measures in the kitchen, where many avoidable Wheatland FCSS is holding a smoke,
residential fires ignite. fire and safety “lunch and learn” work-

Pass the Salt

In Strathmore, 24 residential fires started in the kitchen
between 2007 and 2016, according to provincial fire data. In
2011 and 2012, most Alberta home fires started in kitchens
shop at noon on Oct. 21. This session,
held at the Wheatland County Munici-
pal Operations Centre, is free to all
(15WHY andDID20SARAHper centLAUGH? of home fires, to reveal who this guest
respectively), truly
according to Wheatland County residents.
The question in the title is one is –
the Alberta Fire Commissioner’s Statistical Report, 2011-2012.the Lord, something neither
The by Godimportant
in one of thestep to prevent Sarah nor Abraham
kitchen had is
fires anyto never

scripture readings set for the reason to suspect up to that point.
leave the kitchen when using the stove or oven, explained
second Sunday after Pentecost. And then the passage uses that
Thomas Jukes, Wheatland County’s deputy regional fire chief.
Abraham has extended generous revelation as a segue to a far more

isolation with
“That way,
hospitality if something
to three strangers, one does important
start, you get that
question, early noti-
“Is anything
fication,” he said.
of whom announces that by this too wonderful for the Lord?” – a
One of the
time next year, simplest
Sarah, childlessand mostquestion effective which prevention
demands thetools is

a pot lid,past
and well accessible
menopause, nearby.
will “If answer,
there’s“No!” a grease fire, put the
out bytosimply
birth putting the lidHere,
a son. Overhearing on.”as elsewhere in Genesis,
this while
But alone incan
residents her tent,
alsoSarah prepareand byindeed
getting throughout scripture, fire
an ABC-class
tell us
if they are capablethis
be invaluable in extinguishing a fire and stopping its spread.
reveals himself enough
as “the God
to women to
the God who store,does thecan
who gives
and training
but that has not stopped Biblical life to the dead and calls into being SEAN FEAGAN
Smart approaches in the kitchen can also help prevent
commentators, mostly men, from the things that were not”, as Paul Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
avoidable injuries. When cooking,
censuring her for it – certain that
the handles of pots and
will summarize later in Romans 4.
pans should be turned
they know her laughter to be of a inwards, to stop
In a time whenchildrenlife seemsfrom reach- A new program is attempting to help
up and pullingsort
disbelieving them off the counter
– indeed constrained and andpotentially
turned upsidescald- people with disabilities connect to their
affront to God. But Notthewearing
passage loose down, clothing,
the generous especially
hospitality long,
of communities and conduct self-advocacy
baggy sleeves,
itself makes canjudgement.
no such also preventthis clothing
God whofrom walks with inadvertently
us still by providing them with tablet devices.
In the context
catching fire fromof the story it is
exposure to ainvites us to laughhe
lit element, in anticipation
explained. The COVID-19 pandemic has isolated
equally possible
Setting the clocks that Sarah backlaughs of a wondrous
is a good reminder joy yettotochange
come. Forthe
many people, but particularly so for
because she
batteries allows herself
of smoke alarms a briefand neither
carbon death, nor life, nordetectors,
monoxide angels,
those living with disabilities. In turn,
moment of anticipatory joy over
noted Michael Bourgon, Wheatland County’s manager nor rulers, nor things present, nor of

GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS IN! Call 403-934-5589 a long-held desire, even though
logic tells her it is impossible. And
one smoke alarm be installed on
things to come, nor Covid-19, nor
emergency and fire services. It is recommended that at least
anything else in all creation is
every level of a home, in-
this isolation impacts the physical, so-
cial, mental and emotional health and
three chapters later, God himself able to separate us from the love well-being of people living with dis-
joins in basements.
Sarah’s laughter when the of God in Christ Jesus. Indeed, abilities, according to the federal gov-
child whosethe name home,
is laughterBourgon
is advises
“Is anythinghomeowners
too wonderful forto thead- ernment.
here to FireSmart recommendations
indeed born. Whatever her reason, Lord?” (www.wildfire.alberta. To help alleviate this isolation, Alber-
Thought for ca/firesmart/),
Sarah’s laughter isincluding
known only tokeeping any burnable materials tans Advocating for Change Together
the Week 100 feetand
herself from any structure, keeping
to God. lawns
Rev. Malcolm Kern,maintained
Priest and (AACT), a self-advocacy network of
~ And so, rather
trimmed, and than using judge Sarah,arrestors
spark St. Michael
when&using All Angels a fire pit. people with developmental disabilities
the passage
There uses the question
is currently a fire ban advisory Anglican Church
in Wheatland County,
Do we see and their allies, has started a program
to provide free tablets (such as iPads)
ourselves STRATHMORE ALLIANCE BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH and training to people with disabilities
in rural and Indigenous communities.
realistically? 325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543
Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail
105 Main St. Carseland
403-934-9337 The program is being funded by a grant
Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe Pastor: Kevin Enns from Calgary FCSS.
Associate Pastor: John Duerksen
Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde Broadcasting services on
“We have been gravely concerned
Cancelled all operations and services church Facebook page. about the impact COVID-19 has had
until further notice. on the mental health of adults with developmental disabilities who have
HOPE COMMUNITY been isolated for months,” said Kath-
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424
leen Biersdorff, an ally with AACT, in a
403-934-3025 Pastor: Heidi Wiebe press release. “Public health rules have
Rev. Pamela Scott In person services have been cancelled. stripped away choice for people whose
In-person services and gatherings are Preschool cancelled. choices were already limited by pover-
cancelled until further notice. Online services available.
ty and opportunity.”
Online services available at The pandemic has shuttered many of
The office will be open part time. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC the in-person supports for people with
Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym disabilities, explained Chelsea Pratch-
HARVEST HEALING CENTRE CHURCH 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore ett, the program coordinator for cen-
102 Canal Gardens 403-934-2641
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 Pastor: Fr. Tomy Manjaly
tral Alberta. “In some cases, agencies
Pastor: Elizabeth Karp Masses: Saturday 5 pm | Sunday 10 am closed down entirely, and while some
Pastor: Dave Mackie agencies are starting to reopen and
Worship Sundays 10:30 am have programs again, those programs
103 - 227 3rd Ave.
are very limited in capacity,” she said.
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
of worship 587-727-0649 “What we’re hoping to do is to reach folks who are feeling isolated and dis-
STRATHMORE SEVENTH-DAY Rev. Malcolm Kern connected and equip them with the
ADVENTIST CHURCH Sunday Worship 10 am tools and training they need.”
Meeting in the Lutheran Church “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ”
By providing opportunities for new
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956
Pastor: Donald Pierre STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH digital connections, the project will re-
Services held every Saturday 50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 move barriers for participants, and will
Sabbath School: 10 AM Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer help connect them to the self-advocacy
Worship Service: 11 AM Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda
community so they can engage to give All services and gatherings are cancelled until further notice. them a stronger voice in decisions af- fecting them, according to the news re-
(1 PET. 2:9) LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN AACT is hosting a series of online

322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore 112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374
Pastor: Dawn Nelson
meetings this fall, including a mixture
Pastor: Sunday Adeola All worship services and gatherings are of town halls and learning opportuni-
ties. The first session, a discussion on

Will be offering online services closed until further notice.
until further notice. The office will be open part time. self-advocacy, will be held on Nov. 2 Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! from 1 to 2 p.m.
For details about the project, contact
Pratchett at,

CALL 403-934-5589 The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints

60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen |
403-983-2746 | | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m. www.
October 9, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

Local resident faces multiple child pornography charges

SEAN FEAGAN nicipal police, has charged 26 suspects “The internet isn’t anonymous and ploitation offences between May 20 and
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter with 63 offences. Strathmore resident these arrests demonstrate ALERT’s will- June 23, announced on June 26. ICE re-
Joseph Cadrain, 32, has been charged ingness to travel to all corners of the ported a record number of investigative
Investigations by the RCMP of online with making, accessing and possessing province to make arrests, put predators referrals in March, when 243 instances
child sexual exploitation has led to the child pornography. behind bars and keep kids safe,” said of online child exploitation in Alberta
arrest of over two dozen suspects from Most of the arrests resulted from in- Supt. Dwayne Lakusta, ALERT chief ex- was reported, exceeding the unit’s two-
across Alberta, including a Strathmore vestigative referral from the RCMP’s Na- ecutive officer, in the release. year average of about 110.
man. tional Child Exploitation Crime Centre, Strathmore RCMP worked in collabo- ICE speculates that an increase in the
The Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) which works with internet and social ration with ICE during the investigation number of investigative referrals is like-
unit of the Alberta Law Enforcement Re- media providers to track and investigate and subsequent arrest. ly to be in-part related to “digital depen-
sponse Teams (ALERT), a collaborative child sexual exploitation online, accord- The arrests follow 18 suspects across dency” during COVID-19 isolation mea-
policing effort between RCMP and mu- ing to an ALERT press release. Alberta being charged with 65 child ex- sures, according to the press release.

A week to support small businesses we can share in discussing opportunities and possibili-
ties, we can lift others and get ideas flowing with more
SEAN FEAGAN cent) and staffing challenges (18 per cent), among oth- people.”
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter er reasons. These supports are nothing new, however. The coun-
But small businesses in Wheatland County are not ty’s economic development division has been hosting
The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on small alone. online “infinite possibilities” calls since March 2020 to
businesses, but over Small Business Week, Wheat- As part of this year’s Small Business Week, Oct. 18 to have businesses and support organizations collaborate
land County is providing more resources to help them 24, Wheatland County Community and Development in working through this year’s economic challenges.
weather the storm. Services, in partnership with Community Futures Wild These calls, held every Thursday from 1 to 2 p.m., grew
Small businesses in Canada are facing a time of tur- Rose, is providing a series of information sessions, in- into a “share session” across levels of government and
moil. Of the businesses responding to a survey con- cluding talks and webinars, to help businesses with support from different ministries looking to work and
ducted by the Canadian Federation of Independent planning, marketing and operations. share directly with businesses, explained Matthew
Business (CFIB), 72 per cent reported reduced sales, “We are inviting businesses to attend these sessions Boscariol, general manager of community and devel-
59 per cent reported reduced staff levels, while only 64 throughout the week to learn and share ideas on how opment services, in the release. “We have seen since
per cent reported being fully open, as of Sept. 2, 2020. to work through the challenges that COVID and the the beginning of the pandemic, the importance of com-
Businesses reported decreased revenue from having economic downturn are creating,” said Wheatland munication and reaching out.”
fewer customers (58 per cent), customers spending County Reeve, Amber Link, in a press release. “We To see a full list of events and register visit the
less on average (48 per cent), operational challenges know innovation and adaptation are happening in our county’s community and development services website
(27 per cent), ongoing government restrictions (20 per region and with our business support partners, and if (

The ABCs of psychology: F is for Fall….ing Apart?

RACHEL DUNDAS, R PSYCH, CPT up to 20 per cent in the general popula- health supports is available for commu- For 24/7 support for Albertans call
Times Contributor tion, with depression rates more than nities. WE NEED YOUR HELP to know the Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-
doubling, up to 10 per cent from four what residents of Strathmore, Wheat- 303-2642.
Ahh yes, the welcome shift that is fall. per cent. One third of Canadians also land County and the surrounding ar- (Rachel Dundas, R Psych, CPT is a
In past years I have enjoyed the return reported increased cannabis and alco- eas need as our province moves into Registered Psychologist, Certified Play
of cosy sweaters, pumpkin spice, and hol consumption. This study utilized recovery. Write us at communityneeds@ Therapist and the Executive Director of
the routine that ensues as things settle demographic and regional quotas to to Wheatland County Counselling Inc. in
back into familiar work and school rou- ensure the data was weighted accord- have your say. Strathmore and Drumheller)
tines. This year, though, everything felt ing to the most recent gender, age and
different. The usual lead up to return

regional census data to reflect the actual
to school didn’t feel the same. Adver- population of adult Canadians. A prob-
tisements of crisply sharpened pencils ability sample of this size carries a mar-


and smiling faces were replaced with gin of error of ± 2.3 per cent, 19 times
hand sanitizer displays and mask de- out of 20. In other words, this study is
bates. Back to school shopping trips considered a reliable and valid repre-
looked and felt different with manda- sentation of Canadians across Canada.
tory masks. Even the first day of school This is pretty serious stuff.
was different this year with staggered The downturn in our economy, slow
entry and changes to everyday school reopening, social isolation and uncer-
procedures. But what else has changed tainty over the future has driven our
as a result of COVID-19? society into a state of ongoing nervous
In mental health support services we system activation (think of a brain con-
are seeing the trend of increased mental stantly flooded with stress hormones);
health needs that was predicted when our adrenal systems are becoming fa-
the pandemic hit. A recent study by Dr. tigued. Just as many adults may be feel- CALL US @
David Dozois from the University of
Western Ontario looked to determine
ing the effects of ongoing stress, worry,
depression and anxiety, so are the chil-
the mental health impact that the pan- dren and teens in our lives. We cannot VISIT US @
demic has had on Canadians. The results forget our children and teens and how
are shocking. Published in The Journal they have been impacted as well.
of Canadian Psychology, Dozois report- Even though the ripple effects of
ed that rates of “high to very high” anxi- COVID-19 will be present for years to
ety have quadrupled from five per cent come, we must remember this is tem-
porary. Government initiatives have
Christmas Park been launched, and funding for mental

Continued from Page 1

The displays could also brighten the

spirits of those away for the holidays.
“We have done virtual tours with peo-
ple if they have family overseas or in Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment
the military who can’t make it home,”
she said. Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker
The committee is also seeking vol- 403-324-2222
unteers to help keep the park open by
performing security and counting ca-
pacity. KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
The park will be open from Nov. 28, 587-390-0596
the last Saturday of November, until Jan.
8, 2021. It will be open each evening
from 6 to 9 p.m. Attendance is free, but 123 2nd Ave,
the group is encouraging donations. Strathmore, AB
Those interested in volunteering can
contact Jennifer Mamer at 403-604-3951
for information.
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • October 9, 2020

Groups speak out about

COVID-19 impacts on seniors
SEAN FEAGAN facilities, which had more extensive
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter outbreaks and more deaths, according
to research published in the journal
The disproportionate impact of CO- Vulnerable Populations.
VID-19 on seniors in Alberta shows the The disease exposed the shortcom-
Strathmore RCMP are reminding failures of the province’s seniors care ings of the seniors’ care system, from
residents to Lock-It or Lost-It system, according to two Alberta orga- decades of privatization and inequity
nizations. from “perpetual cost-costing.”
following several thefts
On Oct. 1, the International Day of According to the organizations,
from vehicles. Older Persons, the Friends of Medicare change is needed, including getting
- Locking your vehicle doors is a and Public Interest Alberta’s Senior profits out of senior care, ensuring the
Task Force, composed of over 15 se- system is easy to access and navigate,
quick and simple way to help niors groups and allied organizations, legislating staff-to-patient ratios and
prevent this crime. hosted a press conference to discuss is- stopping the offloading costs of items
- Hide loose change inside the sues facing seniors in Alberta. on residents.
vehicle where it can’t easily be seen The group spoke out against the dis- “We are calling for a fundamental cul-
and take all items of any value with proportional impact of COVID-19 on se- tural change in seniors’ care, a move
you when leaving your car. niors. In Alberta, 97 per cent of COVID- away from the culture of corporatiza-
- Never leave your vehicle related deaths have been people aged tion,” said Sandra Azocar, executive
running unattended.
60 or older, including 165 residents in director of Friends of Medicare, in a Blanket exercise
continuing care, as of Oct. 1, 2020. release. “We are calling for changes in Shelley Wade (l-r) and Charlotte McLeod with the
Across the nation, 81 per cent of CO- provincial policy to reflect the values Aspen Family and Community Network Society
Strathmore RCMP ask residents to VID-19 deaths were residents of long- of public health care, to embrace clear explain the Kairos Blanket Exercise, a workshop
help do their part by ensuring their term care homes, according to the Roy- provincial standards that will improve exploring the nation-to-nation relationship be-
property is properly locked. al Society of Canada, a rate outpacing access to care and to establish ways of tween Indigenous and non-Indigeneous peoples
other countries worldwide. These im- assessing the quality of care that our se- in Canada at the Strathmore Civic Centre on

1-800-222-TIPS pacts have been the worst in for-profit niors receive.” Sept. 23. Sean Feagan Photo

Alberta’s economic recovery
LEELA SHARON AHEER sponsors, and we were so pleased to I am so pleased to share with you the
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA be able to participate. Congratulations protocol agreement that our Premier
to our farmers, agri-food producers and and our Minister of Indigenous Rela-
I’m so honoured as always to be able ranchers who are the heartbeat of our tions, Rick Wilson, has signed with the
represent you, and this past weekend, communities. Also, congratulations on Stoney Nakoda-Tsuut’ina Tribal Coun-
403-934-5552 I was able to join Strathmore radio sta- an incredible crop year. cil. What is so exciting is that this agree-
120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore
tion, More Country as they delivered To our teachers, thank you for your ment is the first of its kind between
meals for the grain rush. Thank you incredible work, adaptability and love these governments. They become true
YOUR WEEKLY to everyone involved in giving back of our kids. We are so proud to honour partners and build upon strong rela-
HEALTH ADVICE to our amazing farmers, and sending
meals into the fields. There are so many
you every day and especially on Oct. 5
on National Teachers Day.
tionships to work towards addressing
important issues. This works towards
reconciliation and moreover a pros-
perous future for First Nations and all
Albertans. Protocol agreements func-
tion as a broad umbrella for meaning-
Gord Morck
ful discussion and information sharing,
and to explore issues that affect our


Capsule Comments governments. Alberta’s first protocol
In Europe, 80% of prescriptions are dispensed in agreement was signed in April 2016
the drug company’s blister-packaging. This type with Treaty 8 First Nations. In Septem-
Because water quality in our community means everything. Take a short survey
of packaging is also used in Canada but to a less- ber 2019, the Blackfoot Confederacy
about your water utility service and you could win a $100 VISA gift card.
er degree. Blister packaging is more child-proof
renewed their protocol agreement with
and it also gives the product a barrier of protection Use the QR Code or visit to take our survey and win!
from moisture and air that can have a negative ef- the province.
fect on the drug In 2020-21, the Alberta govern-
Losing your sense of smell can be very frustrat- ment will provide the Stoney Nakoda-
ing and reduce your quality of life, It’s called anos- Tsuut’ina Tribal Council a $200,000
mia. It also can affects your enjoyment of food. It grant to support the agreement’s imple-
means you can’t detect danger smells like natural mentation. The agreement will remain
gas or smoke from a fire. Almost 5% of world’s
population suffer from it. Older people often have
in place for as long as both parties wish
it and may not know it. Causes of anosmia can to keep it active.
be sinus disease, head injury, environmental inju- Thank you for giving me the privi-
ry (exposure to toxic chemicals), cocaine, certain leged to serve as your MLA. As always,
medical conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons we love to hear from you and please
MS, or simply aging. Some medications can also
reach out to my office anytime.
cause it. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned.
(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect
Following WWII, polio was the most feared com-
municable disease in the world. The virus was first for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of
identified in 1908 by Karl Landsteiner but it took Status of Women and Minister of Cul-
almost 50 years to develop a vaccine. Because of ture and Multiculturalism)
the success of the polio vaccine and the acceptance
by the public, Canada was declared polio-free in
In the U.K. since smoking in public (bars, restau- Residential
rants etc) has been the law, there has been a reduc- Acreage
tion in hospital admissions for children with asth-
ma symptoms. There are also less people smoking Award Winning
which has also contributed.
M-F: 9 - 7 pm • Sat: 9 - 6 pm
Sun & Holidays: 11 - 5 pm
Strathmore 132 - 2nd Ave.
Alisa Wurz
(403) 934-7903
Ph: 403-934-3122 alisawurz@
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Get the latest new products, special
savings, contests and more sent directly Visit my Website to find your
to your email. Sign up today for the DREAM HOME @
Value Drug Mart E-letter.
October 9, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7

Volunteers with Power Growers, a group led by TransAlta retirees, harvest their Get Growing Garden to provide vegetables to the
Calgary Food Bank on Sept. 22. Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply donated the acre of land for the garden, which was
previously used to grow sod.
Photos Courtesy of Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply

Food bank surging with vegetables thanks to Power Growers

SEAN FEAGAN cated on an acre previously used to grow sod on ties; the food bank is such an important provider to folks in
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter the company’s property east of Strathmore. need out there.”
“In a season that started out with so much un- Once received by the Calgary Food Bank, the produce is
Albertans in need will receive thousands of certainty back in the spring, the Get Growing Gar- sorted then enters the organization’s emergency food ham-
pounds of fresh vegetables thanks to a season’s den has been a real joy for our organization and pers or is shipped to other food banks across the province,
worth of work by a group of volunteers and a local one we’re proud to be involved with,” said Brian including in Edmonton and Medicine Hat, explained Lynn
business that gave them room to grow. Bolger of Eagle Lake Professional Supply, in an Tipper, community engagement coordinator. “We want to
Since 1999, a group of TransAlta retirees have email. provide the most nutritious hamper we can for our clients
been growing vegetables and donating them to “They’ve been a phenomenal support for us by and having the fresh produce in there is invaluable.”
the Calgary Food Bank through an initiative called offering that land and their irrigation system,” said
Projects Organized with Energetic Retirees, or Fred Ritter, Power chair. “It’s been tremendous.”
“Power” for short. After a season planting, weeding and maintain-
Throughout this time, the Power Growers have ing the garden, the Power Growers harvested
operated a garden on an AltaLink property hous- on Sept. 22. The 35 volunteers collected 23,362
ing its Janet substation, located just southwest of pounds of produce, mainly root vegetables, includ-
Chestermere. But when Altalink needed to con- ing onions, carrots, beets and potatoes, as well as
struct a maintenance complex, the garden had to zucchini and spaghetti squash.
be relocated. Zucchinis, harvested since early August, have
To help with the relocation, the group ap- been particularly prolific, with 116 plants yielding
proached Eagle Lake Professional Supply for com- over 4,000 pounds of fresh produce for donation.
post, of which the company donated a few truck- “It’s been a great producer,” said Ritter.
loads to the cause. But after seeing the group in The Power Grower’s other garden, at Janet, was
action, Eric Heuver, the company’s president, of- harvested by 45 volunteers on Sept. 29, yielding
fered the group land to establish a new garden. 15,869 pounds of fresh produce, he said.
Taking up this offer, the Power Growers expand- “Close to 40,000 pounds of produce has gone to
ed their operations this year to include another the food bank this year,” said Ritter. “It’s for a good
garden plot, coined the Get Growing Garden, lo- cause, especially with the need in the communi-

Strathmore Dairy Queen fundraising

for local children’s hospitals
JANET KANTERS Canadians to do the DQ Dip & Curl Dance, a simple three-
Times Editor step dance routine inspired by DQ’s iconic soft dipped cone.
From now until Oct. 11, every time someone posts a video
Dairy Queen in Strathmore is in the of them doing the DQ Dip and Curl dance to Instagram and/
midst of a fundraising initiative to raise or Facebook using the hashtag #DQDanceChallenge and
much needed funds for Alberta Chil- tagging @DQCanada, DQ will donate $1 to local children’s
dren’s Hospital to support the children hospitals through Children’s Miracle Network up to $25,000.
and families in need. Dairy Queen is encouraging Canadians to challenge friends
As part of the fundraising initiative, through tagging them in their post to help spread the word.
$2 or more will be donated from every
Blizzard sold and $5 will be donated for
every DQ Cake or Blizzard Cake eight-
inch or larger sold. Funds will be raised
through in-store, pick-up and drive thru
The fundraising initiative began Oct.
5 and goes through Oct. 11.
On average, 35,000 children enter a
Children’s Miracle Network hospital
each week. That’s 5,000 per day or 62
per minute. According to a news release
from Dairy Queen, to support the chil- Get a Rebate of

dren and their families receiving treat-
ment at Alberta Children’s Hospital,
Dairy Queen employees, franchisees,
volunteers and stakeholders come to- Get a Rebate of 403-902-5800

gether throughout the year to help raise
when you purchase 4 select† window
funds. Since the partnership began in
1984, DQ has become a top contribu-
treatments with PowerView ® Automation. See our display at
tor to Children’s Miracle Network, with SEPTEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 14, 2020

over $135 million raised to-date in sup-

port of sick and injured children across BUY MORE. SAVE MORE.†
Serving Strathmore,
North America.
In addition to the in-store fundraising, Chestermere and area
Dairy Queen is calling on Canadians to
take part in the DQ Dance Challenge Contact us today to book a
with a goal to spread joy through move- FREE in-home consultation!
ment as a simple way to raise money to
provide healing and happiness to kids
†For fulldetails,
details, visit
across Canada.
Dairy Queen’s Dance Challenge asks
Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • October 9, 2020

New pathway
A new pathway around Kinsmen Lake near the new municipal building is now accessible to the public.
Progress on the new building continues, with landscaping ongoing and exterior finishing underway.
Sean Feagan Photo

Community engagement starting

for Wheatland Lodge replacement
SEAN FEAGAN The engagement process will be led
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter by Berry Architecture + Associates,
which has also developed a website
An architect has been selected to de- to support the process (www.berryar-
sign a new seniors’ living facility to re-
place Wheatland Lodge, so community wheatland/).
input is now being sought to direct the This process will include five engage-
process. ment sessions, held Oct. 8 (from 7 to 8
Wheatland Housing Management p.m.), Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29 and Nov.
Body (WHMB), in partnership with the 5. Each session will focus on a different
Wheatland Hospice Society, has been aspect or theme. The answers garnered
developing plans to construct a new from each week will be incorporated
165-room seniors living facility and hos- into each following week.
pice in Strathmore. A process to select Each session will be held via Zoom
an architect for the design was conduct- – the link to the Zoom meeting will
www. ed, and ultimately Berry Architecture be provided on the engagement web-
+ Associates of Red Deer was awarded site, as well as on the Wheatland Lodge
the job. Facebook page.
Now with an architect selected, a If anyone cannot attend the Zoom
working group is looking to move for- meeting, they will have an opportunity
ward with a plan for the building. But to provide input on that week’s theme
they want the design and location of for several days afterward.
the structure to reflect the views of the Updates about the project will be pro-
community. vided on the community feedback web
To support this goal, the group is con- page and on the website of each partner
ducting a 12-week community engage- organization. “We want everyone in the
ment process. This initiative was dis- surrounding area to know about this
For A Limited Time Only cussed during an Oct. 5 Facebook Live project and how they can get involved,”

session, featuring Glenn Koester, WHMB said Cook.
chair and Wheatland County councillor; The process, including the selection
Vicki Cook, Wheatland Lodge CAO; and of a site and provision of a completed
Barry Nephin of the Wheatland Hospice schematic design, is scheduled to wrap-
Society. up by December. That way, by the end
“We want to get this project right, of the year, the project then could be
5-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage which means that we need to hear from
the community,” said Koester. “By lis-
considered “shovel-ready,” meaning
it will be ready for construction and
tening to the needs of current and fu- hence be more likely to be funded by

Find Your Way Home. ture residents, our team will be able to
design a building that is right for the
the government, explained Koester. “So
that’s why it’s so important to get the
people who will live there.” community engagement done now.”

First Reconciliation/Holy Communion

Preparation Classes
For students who are in Grade 2 (age 7-8 and up)
who are ready to receive Our Lord
in the Sacrament of First Communion

Talk To Us Today!

*Terms and conditions apply. Limited time offer.

Visit for more details.
Sacred Heart Parish
October 9, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

May 8, 1954 ~ September 26, 2020 THE PUBLIC SOMETHING RCL #10 Ladies Auxiliary
Eileen Christensen (nee Sayer) of Hussar, wife of the late Lyle Christensen
passed away peacefully at her home in Hussar. Eileen was born in Bassano
RIGHT NOW and would like
this message seen across
Annual Harvest Dinner
and spent most of her life in Hussar. She was predeceased by her husband Alberta. The Blanket Clas- Saturday, October 17th, 2020
Lyle, parents Joe & Caroline Sayer and her sister Shirley. sifieds or Value Ads reach Two Settings/Max 60 per
REMEMBERING Eileen is survived by her brothers Brian (Heather) (Elaine), Bob, sister Donna (Mark) and over 600,000 Alberta read-
ers weekly. For as little as
Early 4:30 till 6:30pm/ Late 7:00 till 9:00 pm
OUR ROOTS numerous nieces and nephews whom she cherished.
Eileen enjoyed hosting family get togethers at her home and holding a bar-b-que on her lawn
$269.00 + GST for a blan- Tickets $20
ket classified or $995 for a Seating Arrangements (Cohort) and
~ Hussar for the Hussar Daze Parade. She had many friends and members of the family that she kept Value Ad, get your message contact info required at time of purchase
in constant contact with. Eileen was very proficient at crocheting afghans to give to family
Sundowners Club and charities through the Senior’s group.
out! Business changes, the
need for staff, items for sale,
Masks required during Buffet service only
Tickets available at the RCL #10 Bar
A private family Service of Committal will be held Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. cancellations, Tenders…. As
JOHN GODSMAN at the Hussar Cemetery with Pastor Dan Hendrickson officiating. Flowers are gratefully people are increasingly stay-
Times Contributor declined, memorial donations may be made to Hussar Cemetery Fund or the Sundowners ing home, they will rely on

The Hussar Sundowners Club

Senior’s Centre.
Courtney-Winter’s Funeral Homes are in care of the arrangements.
this information even more
to stay informed in your area ORGANIZATIONAL
had its beginning in April 1983, and across the province.
KEEP people in the loop.
when 21 seniors met with rep- Our 89 Weekly Community for Wheatland Surface
resentatives of WFCSS, in the Newspapers can help. Call Rights Group on
community hall to plan the this newspaper NOW or
Thursday, October 15 • 2:30 p.m.
development of a senior cen-
tre. Grant money was obtained
Obituary email classifieds@awna.
com for details. 1-800-282- at the Crowfoot Community Hall
6903, 780-434-8746 X225.
from Alberta Culture Facility, CHRISTIE, Mary Theresa (Van Bavel) This meeting is for landowners
New Horizons and the Hussar November 23, 1933 – October 1, 2020 who have concerns regarding leasing
Recreation Board, and a fund- with energy companies.
raising committee canvassed God saw Mom getting tired and a cure was not to be MISC Please forward this information to others.
So he put his arms around her and whispered “come to me”
the community which respond- GET UP TO $50,000 from the
ed generously. The charter to Mom passed away quietly and peacefully with her children by her side at sunset on the Government of Canada. Do
become a society was granted evening of October 1, 2020. you or someone you know HELP WANTED
She will be deeply missed by her son Wayne and her daughters Valerie, Rhonda (Nelson), have any of these condi-
on Aug. 15, 1983. Membership
Darlene and Marlene (Ernie). tions? ADHD, Anxiety, Arthri-
was set at age 50 and over, with tis, Asthma, Cancer, COPD, Strathmore Station
She was a very proud grandmother to Stephanie (Jeremy) Coby, Isaiah, Ava & Foster Goertz, Restaurant & Pub
annual dues of $5 per person. Depression, Diabetes, Diffi-
Erin (Dee) Stockwell, Kristin (Kevin) Lainee, Livy & Lincoln Krall, Tanner (Kim) Brinley & Em- 380 Ridge Road
The building committee con- berley Stockwell, Bailey (Dan) Brooklyn & Cohen Hautzinger, Tyson (Kelin) Holden & Harvey
culty Walking, Fibromyalgia,
tracted Paetkau Construction to Irritable Bowels, Overweight, Strathmore AB
Goebel, Devon (Matt) Decker & Quinn Leboldus, Taylor (Chelsea) Joey, Bennett & Adaline
build their 40x70 foot building, Trouble Dressing...and Hun- Is Hiring:
Christie, Taralyn (Sultan) Reign, Sloan & Arie Nelson, Lyndsay (Evinn) Beck. dreds more.  All Ages & Med-
and it opened on Jan. 1, 1985. 1 Full Time, Permanent
Mom was the middle child to Jack and Loretta Van Bavel and was raised on a farm east of ical Conditions Qualify. Have

The official opening was held Strathmore. She attended Elwood & Namaka Schools. It was while riding the school bus a child under 18 instantly
April 24, 1985. that she first met the love of her life, reuniting with Dad a few years later at a Saturday night receive more money. CALL
The centre is a gathering hop at the Legion Hall. Mom and Dad wed April 18, 1953, the first couple to be married in THE BENEFITS PROGRAM
the newly built Catholic Church. Mom kept very busy helping Dad on the farm while raising 1-(800)-211-3550 or Send
place most mornings for the
5 children, especially with the twins being the youngest. They both held a strong faith in the a Text Message with Your $15 Hourly, for 40 Hours per week,
“boys” to enjoy coffee, con- Catholic Church attending every Sunday in the church they were married in. Mom & Dad Name and Mailing Address to
versation, pool and cards. The to start ASAP
started their married life on the Desmet farm, later moving to a basement suite in Strathmore 403-980-3605 for your FREE
Experience: 2-3 years required
“girls” meet each Monday af- and then finally settling at the Stead farm to raise their family until their retirement back to benefits package.
ternoon for tea, conversation, Strathmore in 1987. Mom was a member of the Catholic Woman’s League receiving her Skills: Prep and cook full course meals and individual
65-year pin as well as a long-standing member of the Crowfoot Community Association and HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENT. dishes. Ensure quality of food and determine
crafts, art classes and exercise.
Other medical conditions size of food proportions, plan menus, food costs,
Considerable interclub activi- a Leader of the Crowfoot 4-H Sewing Club. A large garden was planted every year and beef
causing TROUBLE WALK- monitor and order supplies. Inspect and clean
ties with Bassano, Rockyford was raised which fed the family year-round. Mom & Dad spent many hours on the road
ING or DRESSING? The Dis- kitchen and food service areas. Adhere to policies
and Standard seniors clubs driving the siblings to various sporting events, 4-H events and many other school and com- ability Tax Credit allows for and procedures in preparation, cooking and safe
munity activities. Mom and Dad moved to Strathmore in 1987 where Mom became busy $3,000 yearly tax credit and
took place in the past years. handling of food and train and supervise staff in
babysitting her grandchildren as well as many other children in the community, something $30,000 lump sum refund. same. Work with specialized cooking equipment
In 1986, the Hussar Lions she truly loved. Take advantage of this offer. (deep fryer, etc.) and work with minimal supervision.
Club provided a blood pres- Mom touched everyone she met with her kind words and beautiful smile. Mom and Dad Apply NOW; quickest refund Organized job task planning abilities, flexibility,
sure machine. A footcare clinic resided in the Wheatland Lodge later moving to Sagewood where she formed a loving bond Nationwide: Expert help. reliability, initiative, significant use of memory, and
started in 1987. In 2017, the with all her friends & staff who cared for her. Special thanks to Dr. Piesas and Dr. Young for 1-844-453-5372. paying attention to details is also required skills.
club received county grants their great care for both of the them over the years. We hold close to our hearts many pre- Also, must have the ability to work well with others
cious memories of our beloved Mom, Gramma and Great Gramma. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad in a fast-paced environment while under pressure.
to renovate the washrooms to
Mom was predeceased by her parents Jack & Loretta Van Bavel and her husband Stan in credit? Bills? Unemployed? Standing and/or walking for extended periods, some
make them more wheelchair Need Money? We Lend! If
2013 and her infant great grandchildren Holden Goebel and Lincoln Krall both in 2016. lifting. Must Speak, Read, Write fluent English
accessible. A viewing for friends and family will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at you own your own home -
The members enjoy bus trips Wheatland Funeral Home, Strathmore (202 Lakeside Blvd). Proper Covid precautions will be you qualify. Pioneer Accep- How to Apply: By mail,
to Camrose for dinner shows tance Corp. Member BBB. in person between 11:00 and 17:00, or
in place. A private funeral mass by invite only, will be celebrated on Saturday, October 17,
and casino visits, to Calgary 1-877-987-1420. www.pio-
2020 at 11:00 a.m. A live stream of the funeral mass will be available on Saturday, October email:
for shopping and casino, and 17 approximately 20 minutes prior to the mass beginning. When available, a link to the live
the Spruce Meadows Christmas stream will appear below this obituary. CRIMINAL RECORD? Why
light display. During the Sum- Mary had a huge devotion to the Rosary. In lieu of a prayer service, we ask that you take a suffer employment/licensing Strathmore Station
mer Days parade, the club al- few moments to pray the Rosary in memory of Mary. loss? Travel/business oppor- Restaurant & Pub
Interment will follow at Strathmore Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made tunities? Be embarrassed? 380 Ridge Road
ways has two members walking
directly to the Catholic Church Building Fund (23 Strathmore Lakes Way, Strathmore, AB, T1P Think: Criminal Pardon. US Strathmore AB
to raise funds for the Wheat- 1L7), Wheatland Area Hospice Society (PO Box 2154, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1K2 or online at entry waiver. Record purge. Is Hiring:
land Hospice. or a charity of your choice. File destruction. Free con- 1 Permanent, Full Time,
Monthly meetings are held on To send condolences, please visit Mary’s obituary at sultation. 1-800-347-2540. to start ASAP
the third Thursday, with a pot-
luck supper beforehand. Every
Tuesday evening is cribbage
and the fourth Wednesday is
CIALISTS. Life Insurance,
U.C.W.P. Mortgage Insurance,
movie night with free popcorn.
In December 2019, 98 members
Obituary Financing, Critical Illness, In-
vestments; RRSP, TFSA, RIF,
$15 Hourly, for 40.00 Hours per week
Experience: of 2 to 3 years required
now pay $15 per month, per RESP. Disability and Sickness
WILSON, Kenneth (Smoky) Insurance. Contact Leonard
Skills: Ability to supervise and co-ordinate the
year, which covers participa- 780-905-2580.
activities of 5-10 kitchen and food service helpers
Mr. Kenneth (Smoky) Wilson passed away peacefully on Wednesday, Septem- and food service servers while ensuring great
tion in the Christmas party, St
ber 30th, 2020 in Strathmore at the age of 72. Smoky is survived by his son food service and quality control of foods. Culinary
Patrick’s Day celebrations, bus Slim (Heather) Wilson, grandchildren Jason and Layne; brothers Tim Wilson, SNOWBIRDS! Osoyoos, BC
knowledge required. Will be responsible to train
trips and summer barbecue. – Canada’s warmest cli-
Dave (Penny) Wilson; nieces Breanne and Alison; aunt and uncle Frances staff in job duties, sanitation, and safety procedures
mate. Very special weekly
and Dee Goble. Smoky was predeceased by his parents Hugh & Georgina, and his brother & monthly rates available
and ensure that those duties and procedures are
Rocky (Allen). followed. Must possess great oral communication,
through April, 2021. Choose
Smoky was born in Calgary on May 24, 1948 and was raised in the Gleichen area. He had excellent problem solving skills, and organized job
from studio, 1 & 2 bdrm lux-
a love for chuckwagon racing and horses in general. In 1983 he was the North American task planning abilities. Candidate to have excellent
ury condos from $36/night!
Chuckwagon Champion. Smoky made the final four at the Calgary Stampede in both 1984 client focus attitude and address customer concerns
www. osoyoossnowbirds.
and 1986. Later in his life he could be found at local rodeos proudly watching his horses and complaints. Required to maintain records for
com; 1-888-OSOYOOS.
buck. stock, repairs, sales, wastage, and some scheduling.
Candidate to have the ability to work well with others
Smoky enjoyed gardening and many family gatherings. He will be sadly missed by his family
in a fast-paced environment while under pressure.
and all who knew him.
A Funeral Service for Smoky was held at Mountain View Funeral Home on Tuesday, October
GET YOUR Standing and/or walking for extended periods.
Speak, Read, Write English
6, 2020. Graveside Service followed at Mountain View Memorial Gardens. To express con- CLASSIFIED
dolences, please visit:
ADS IN THE How to Apply: By mail,
in person between 11:00 and 17:00, or
TIMES! email:
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • October 9, 2020


Manderley Turf Products Inc.
255041 Twp Rd 234
General Farm TOBER 17th, 2020  LIVE &
erage $50. Installation ONLY
$19. Includes: hole augered.
Wheatland County, AB Labourer (s) Seasonal Shotguns, Handguns, Militar-
ia. Auction or Purchase: Col-
Wurzel Dip enzyme injection,
bark mulch application, stak-
Looking for:
1442578 Alberta Ltd. lections, Estates, Individual ing. Minimum order 20. One-

FARM Duties: General farm maintenance,

Fencing, Cleaning stable, barns
Items. Contact Paul, Switzer’s
Auction: Toll-Free  1-800-
time fuel charge: $125-150.
Crystal Springs. 403-820-

Seasonal, Full-Time Work
and pens and more
No experience or education
Location is 20 minutes south of Strathmore
Global Training Centre is currently accepting
applications for a LABOURER to join our
maintenance team.
694-2609,  sales@switzer-  or  www.swit-
0961. Quality guaranteed.

4 Vacancies Wage range: $15.00 - $18.50 / Hour

Responsibilities include:
Job Length is 4-6 Months
Hours: 36 to 55/week
 Getting your hands dirty NOTICES
Benefits available
Wage is $16/hr  Building and yard work
Shared accommodations may be available
 General duties as assigned
Benefits include:
4% Vacation Pay per payperiod.
Please send resume to: Ideal candidates must be:
1442578 Alberta Ltd.  Hard working and mechanically inclined Midwest Hutterian Brethren
Medical Insurance provided. Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3  Energetic, personable and well groomed
Call: 403-934-4331 • Fax: 403-934-6668
 Responsible, reliable and self-motivated
Duties include:
• Operation of tractors to mow grass,
 Able to work well with others in a team NOTICE OF APPLICATION
cultivate and seed fields. environment Notice is given that Midwest Hutterian
• Harvesting sod.  Licensed driver with reliable transportation Brethren filed applications under the provisions
• Equipment Maintenance. Cattle Herdsperson Career minded candidates only please. of the Water Act to;
• Irrigation work, moving irrigation systems, 1442578 Alberta Ltd. Starting wage is commensurate with experience. - construct a reservoir (activity) on unnamed
set up and take down. Duties: Monitor the health and welfare of our Benefit package available. tributary to Severn Creek located at SW 15-
• Yard Maintenance. cattle, administer treatment, sort and load cattle, 026-21-W4M;
wean calves and assist with general farm duties, Please send resume to: and
• Pallet Repairs.
• Lots of repetitive tasks, handling heavy
Operate and maintain farm machinery and Global Training Centre - to divert water up to a maximum of 27,739
loads, physically demanding. Attention
equipment. Horse riding is a must. P.O. Box 2099, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K1 cubic meters of water annually.
2 to 3 years of experience and education Fax: 403-934-3990 / email:
to detail, sitting, standing, walking, bending, The diverted water will be used for irrigation
Location: is 20 minutes south of Strathmore
crouching and kneeling. purposes on SW 15-026-21-W4M and SE 16-
Wage range: $15.00 - $17.50 / Hour
CLOSING DATE: Open until suitable
Hours: 36 to 55/week 026-21-W4M.
candidate is found
Expected start date April 5 - Oct. 31, 2021. Permanent full time. Benefits available
Any person who is directly affected by these
Shared accommodations
applications may submit a written statement of
Apply by mail or email only. May be available FEED AND SEED BUSINESS OPP concern within 7 days of the date of this notice
Mailing address: 55403 Range Road, Please send resume to: HEATED CANOLA buying BLANKET THE PROVINCE for the activity and within 30 days of this notice
222 Sturgeon County, AB. TOA 1N1 1442578 Alberta Ltd. Green, Heated or Spring- with a classified ad. Only for the diversion of water to:
Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 thrashed Canola. Buying: Environment and Parks
Email address: Call: 403-934-4331 • Fax: 403-934-6668
$269 (based on 25 words
oats, barley, wheat & peas or less). Reach 89 weekly Regulatory Approvals Centre for feed. Buying damaged newspapers. Call NOW for 5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
or offgrade grain. “On Farm details. 1-800-282-6903 Ext 9915 - 108 Street
3” wide
3.75” wideversion
GET YOUR CLASSIFIED IN THE TIMES! Call 403-934-5589 3.75” wide version
Pickup” Westcan Feed &
Grain, 1-877-250-5252.
225; Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8
Phone: 780-427-6311
Fax: 780-422-0154
Join us for Regional Meetings
The written statement of concern should
November 17-26, 2020 include the following:
All meetings will be held in person from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 1-888-875-INNS | • the application numbers:
1-888-875-INNS |
with an online option available. OneStop 5046105 (001-00467683) for the activity

Organizations & SAFE MEETINGS & and 001-00464809 for the diversion of water;
• describe concerns that are relevant to
Date Location & Regions Venue SOCIAL EVENTS matters regulated by the Water Act.
Nov 17, 2020 Lethbridge AWC & ABC
Region 1 The Coast Hotel • explain how the filer of the concern will
be directly affected by the activity and/or
• Meetings and Holiday Parties diversion of water proposed in the application.
Nov 18, 2020 • Meetings
Strathmore and Holiday
Region 2 Parties
Strathmore Civic Centre
• provide the legal land location of the land
• Serving up to 50 people owned or used by the filer where the concerns
Nov 19, 2020
Serving upAWCto& ABC
50 people
Bowden Community Hall
described are believed to be applicable.
• Sanitized Function
Region 3
Rooms • Sanitized Function Rooms • state the distance between the land
AWC & ABC Bonnyville Centennial
Nov 23, 2020 Bonnyville owned or used by the filer and the site in the
Region 4
• Socially Distanced Events
Centre • Socially Distanced Events application; and
Nov 24, 2020
• FullWestlock
Service, No Contact
Region 5 Westlock Inn
Buffets • Full Service, No Contact Buffets • contact information including the full name
and mailing address of the filer. Please provide
AWC Region 5 &
Nov 26, 2020 Rycroft ABC Region 6 Rycroft Ag Centre the telephone number and/or email address for
BOOK| NOW! BOOK NOW! ease of contact.

403-723-4027 | SALES@DFIC.CA
1.800.365.9111 403-723-4027 SALES@DFIC.CA Environment and Parks will review each
written submission, seek more information
if needed, and notify each filer by letter of
WE’RE SAFE, WE’RE CLEAN, WE’RE FUN! WE’RE SAFE, WE’RE CLEAN, WE’RE FUN! the decision to accept or reject their written
submission as a valid statement of concern.

The Public Notice of this application will also
WANTED be posted on the Department’s website at

Canadian Prairie Pickers Canadian Prairie Pickers

Please quote file numbers: 5046105 (activity)
and 00464809 (diversion of water)

Statements of concern submitted regarding

are once again touring the area! are once again touring the area! this application are public records which are
accessible by the public and the applicant.
Paying Cash For Coin Collections, Paying Cash For Coin Collections, Failure to file a statement of concern may
affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with
Silver & Gold Coins, Silver & Gold Coins, the Environmental Appeals Board.
Royal Can. Mint Sets. Royal Can. Mint Sets. Copies of the application and additional
Also Buying Gold Jewelry Also Buying Gold Jewelry information can be obtained from:
Garry Entz

$ $ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
$ $
$ $ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
$ $ Box 190, Standard, AB T0J 3G0
Phone 403-494-9628
Office 403-677-2665 ext. 107


Fax 403-677-2662

To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit
call Kellie at 1-778-257-8647
Bonded since 1967
call Kellie at 1-778-257-8647
Bonded since 1967
Like Us on Facebook!
October 9, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11

The TODDLE INN Apartments for Rent
3 Bedroom Condos
for Rent
Handy Kinda Guy PLUMBING
2 Storey, 3 Bedroom
• Painting • Plumbing
• Small Renovations
• Hotwater Tanks
• Renovations
• Service Work
• Furnaces
• Hydronic Heating
• Gas Fitting
We’re Open and Accepting Clients! Space available Units downtown • Decks & Fences • New Construction • Sewer Cleaning/
for newborn to 12.
- • Bathrooms • Commercial Sewer Camera
Strathmore, AB. 403-934-5294 Subsidy available.
1&2 Bedroom Units
in adult only building • APPLIANCE PRESTON & DYLAN CARL
Alberta’s only licensed and
approved Locally Owned
Please call -
Tenants pay all utilities

(403) 934-5139

Residential Memory Care Home For more information Call BOB 403-861-7822
sponsible non-smoking,
non-drinker single lady. No
All Decked Out AB ROOFING
ROSEBUD GAS pets. In nice neighbourhood, @ 403-934-5687

walking distance to Ranch
Market. Avail. Oct. 15. Call
403-651-3400. EMERALD
General Contracting
Phone: 403-533-3882 MANAGEMENT
Fax: 403-533-2243 3 BDRM double-wide on & REALTY LTD.

acreage. 10 min South
Natural Gas Heat
- Next best thing to a chinook!
of Strathmore. Room for
horses. $950/mo + power. 1 & 2 bedroom

Box 320, Rockyford, Alberta T0J 2R0 Gas included. Call 403-888-
bungalow, bi-lvl ALUMINUM RAIL
& 2 stry units with Prairie Home Roofing
If you require Natural Gas CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2 parking, some VINYL DECKING Ltd.

Service in the Rosebud Gas bdrm. ½ month rent free

with a six month lease. Heat
fully renovated Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Co-op Franchise Area in 2020 & water included. No pets. & include W/D. Bill Evans 403-901-8875 PrairieHome
Prairie HomeRoofing
Please call for availability. Family Friendly. Wes Breault 403-999-7097 Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
please call 403-533-3882 No Pets.
Get thejob
the job done
done right
Roofing •
•theRoof Repair
Siding time!
Call Keli 403-324-2944.
before October 19, 2020.
Metal Roofing • Siding
Soffit & Fascia • Eavestrough
From $925.
Residential Roofing••Roof
Natural Gas is still your best buy! Upper floor, 2 BDRM Apt. + Utilities. Soffit & Fascia
Roofing 403-796-5381
W/D. NP/NS. $900/mo + Ask about our GENERAL CONTRACTORS Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
Soffit Fascia 403-901-7484
•• Eavestrough
Strathmore Eavestrough

$900 S.D. Utilities not incl. rental incentives: Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Call 403-934-4769.
403-801-2021 Calgary 403-796-5381
Residential Roofing • Roof Repair


Metal Roofing • Siding
Soffit & Fascia • Eavestrough

FB Boersema & Partners Ltd. FREE ESTIMATES Calgary 403-796-5381
SHOP SPACE for Lease
Strathmore 403-901-7484

Designers and Builders of Energy Efficient Homes

Up to 5,500 sq. ft. “Let us put YOUR thoughts on paper FREEESTIMATES

------- and build it to your satisfaction.”
1 Bay - 2,500 sq. ft.
Certified I.C.F. Installers SEPTIC SERVICES
2nd Bay - 3,000 sq. ft.
Will rent separately.
$10/sq. ft - Taxes incl., Serving the Foothills since ‘78.
Utilities extra
Strathmore 403-560-0002 HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC

McNeill’s Inc.
McNeill’s Inc.
Gates Email:
“Everything you need to turn raw land into your home”


APPLIANCE REPAIR SPECIALIST Dennis McNeill - Master Electrician Ace Custom
SERVICING MOST Dennis 403-934-7249
McNeill - Master Electrician LICENCED HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC Repair, Build & Upholstery
MAKES AND MODELS 403-934-7249 Specializing in: Strathmore AB
Strathmore, Alberta
Ryan Mack • Tractor & Combine Repairs • Furniture
& DUCT Alberta
CLEANING • Acreage Equipment • R.V. Interiors
Red Seal Journeyman
403-324-8750 • Lawn & Garden • Golf Cart, Bike, ATV,
Snowmobile Seats & Boat Interiors From “General Maintenance” • Equipment and Vehicle Fronts
to “Major Overhauls”
Shop located 10 minutes east of Strathmore For more information
Call Debi 403-901-0342
ELECTRICAL Murray or Text 403-324-7710
403-540-8264 403-934-2675
Proudly Serving Wheatland County and Area Since 1988 WATER WELL DRILLING
Farm & Yard - Bucket Truck Service FURNACE & DUCT CLEANING MECHANICAL Iron Filtration Services | Water Softeners
Master Electricians Reverse Osmosis Systems | And More!
Mobile Licensed
Phone: 403-934-7188 THE CARPET COP Heavy Duty Mechanic
Email: Kelly Camden 403.991.6192 Ty Schneider 403.875.7013

Serving Southern Alberta Since 1999 403-934-4271
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • October 9, 2020

Upcoming Meetings Wheatland County

Assessment Review Board
Until further notice, Council and committee meetings
will be held via teleconference, including: Wheatland County Assessment Review Board (ARB) is
an independent and impartial tribunal that hears and
October 13 at 9 AM: MPC Meeting adjudicates formal complaints against the assessments of
October 20 at 9 AM: Organizational Meeting any property, business or local improvement in Wheatland
October 20 at 11 AM: Council Meeting County. Candidates must have good analytical skills, the
November 10: Council Meeting ability to be fair and open-minded, and a capacity to work
November 17: MPC Meeting collaboratively with stakeholders, the General Chair, other
- 2020 Agenda packages can be found on our website.
ARB members and staff.
If you require more information, please contact the
Please be advised, that the Wheatland County Administration Office re-opened to the public on July 6, 2020. Wheatland County Assessment Review Board Clerk, Cindy
In adherence with Alberta Health Services’ recommendations, front office staff will limit the number of visitors in Ramsay, at (403) 934-3321. Please forward letters of interest
the front lobby to upkeep the health and safety of everyone in the building. Office hours will remain the same, to prior to December 15,
Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the exception of statutory holidays. The Public Works and ASB
shops will remain closed to the public for the foreseeable future.

2020 General and Annual Property

Assessment Inspections
Wheatland County Assessment Services will be performing the 2020 general property assessment inspection for the majority of improved parcels located in
Ranges 17 to 20 (easterly portion of the County and along highway 56). The purpose of these inspections is to update property assessment information.
Assessment staff will also be performing the 2020 annual property assessment inspection throughout the entire County. The purpose of these annual inspections
is to gather information on new or incomplete buildings constructed in prior years.
Both inspections will require taking digital exterior photographs and may require measuring of buildings. Due to COVID 19, Assessment Services will try to perform
most inspections visually from the road, but occasionally may require an onsite inspection. If required, a call back card will be placed on the main entrance door of
the residence or another conspicuous location. The inspections will occur during September, October and November of 2020.
All assessors carry personal identification, wear a high visibility vest and the vehicle entering the yard site will be clearly marked with a Wheatland County logo.
Assessors will be adhering to all safety procedures.
Assessment Services is striving to prepare and maintain a fair and equitable property assessment base and would like to thank residents in advance for their
cooperation during the 2020 assessment inspections.
Should concerns arise during these inspections, please contact the Senior Assessor at 403-361-2009 or

A Vision for the Future

Reviewing the Wheatland County MDP
The Wheatland County Municipal Development Plan (MDP) was approved by Council in 2013 to provide a County vision for 30 years. Today,
six years later, the County wants to ensure the vision, policies and objectives within the MDP are being met and remain relevant, through
a comprehensive review and update. The MDP Review process will include a significant public engagement process to provide multiple
opportunities for County residents and stakeholders to participate and share their ideas.

Project Timeline Community Visioning

The County is hosting a two-part webinar series to engage
Setting the Stage Growth Strategies and Council residents and stakeholders. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU
November 2019 – Directions Spring 2021 to ensure our MDP reflects the ideas and aspirations of the
January 2020 Fall 2020
people who live, work and play in Wheatland County.

PART 1: Preserving Our Heritage

Watch a recording of the webinar held on August 20,
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
2020 and complete the online survey.

PART 2: Managing Growth, Infrastructure and Servicing

Community Visioning Draft Plan Participate in a live webinar to share your ideas and
August / September 2020 Winter 2020 thoughts about the future of Wheatland.

Visit to get involved!


Effective: August 6, 2020 a Fire Ban - Advisory has been declared in Wheatland County. This ban represents a moderate fire risk. Permit burning in the
County is banned. All outstanding permits are suspended until further notice. This ban prohibits: Fire Permits and Fireworks Permits
Please visit for status updates and more information.

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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