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Session 4 (Aggravating Circumstances)

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______________________________________________ Basis

CIRCUMSTANCES AFFECTING They are based on the greater perversity of the offender
CRIMINAL LIABILITY manifested in the commission of the felony as shown
_____________________________________________ by:
Circumstances affecting criminal liability (JEMAA) 1. The motivating power itself;
1. Justifying circumstances; 2. The place of commission;
2. Exempting circumstances; 3. The means and ways employed;
3. Mitigating circumstances; 4. The time; and
4. Aggravating circumstances; and 5. The personal circumstances of the offender or the
5. Alternative circumstances. offended party

Other two circumstances found in the RPC affecting Kinds of aggravating circumstances (BAR 1999)
criminal liability 1. Generic or those that can generally apply to almost
1. Absolutory cause – has the effect of an exempting all crimes.
circumstance as it is predicated on lack of voluntariness. Examples:
(no penalty is imposed by reason of public policy) a. Dwelling
b. Recidivism
Example: In cases of instigation and in case a relative of c. In consideration of price, reward or promise
a principal is charged as an accessory (Art. 332, in d. Night time
crimes against property) (except an accessory who
profits or assists an offender to profit from the effects of 2. Specific or those that apply only to particular crimes.
the crime), he is exempt from criminal liability. Examples:
a. Cruelty in crimes against persons (RPC, Art. 14)
2. Extenuating circumstances – has the effect of b. Treachery in crimes against persons (RPC, Art. 14)
mitigating the criminal liability of the offender. c. The victim is the offender’s parents, ascendants,
guardians, curators, teachers, or persons in
Example: authority, in less serious physical injures (RPC, Art.
(1) In the offense of infanticide, concealment of 265, par. 3).
dishonor is an extenuating circumstance insofar as the d. Unlicensed firearms in robbery in band (RPC, Art.
pregnant woman and the maternal grandparents are 296)
concerned. e. Abuse of authority or confidential relations by
guardians or curators in seduction, rape, acts of
(2) In the offense of abortion under Art. 258, the liability lasciviousness, white slavery and corruption of
of a pregnant woman will be mitigated if her purpose is minors (RPC, Art. 346)
to conceal dishonor. (Such circumstance is not available f. Positive finding in the use of dangerous drugs for
to the parents of the pregnant woman). crimes punishable under RA 9165 (Dela Cruz v.
People, GR 200748, July 23, 2014)
(3) Also, under Art. 333, if the person guilty of adultery
committed the offense while being abandoned without 3. Qualifying or those that change the nature of the
justification, the penalty next lower in degree shall be crime.
imposed. Examples:
a. By means of poison
b. With the aid of armed men
AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES c. Treachery, in killing persons
(ART. 14, RPC d. Grave abuse of confidence which makes stealing
as qualified theft
Aggravating circumstances
4. Inherent or those that must accompany the
Those which, if attendant in the commission of the commission of the crime.
crime: Examples:
1. Serve to have the penalty imposed in its maximum a. Abuse of public office in bribery;
period provided by law for the offense; or b. Breaking of a wall or unlawful entry into a house
2. Change the nature of the crime. in robbery with the use of force upon things;
c. Fraud in estafa; 3. Disregard of age, sex, or dwelling of the
d. Deceit in simple seduction;
e. Ignominy in rape;
offended party; (BAR 1996, 2009)
f. Evident premeditation in robbery and estafa; 4. Abuse of confidence and obvious
g. Disregard of respect due the offended party on ungratefulness;
account of rank in direct assault; 5. Palace and places of commission of
h. Superior strength in treason; and
i. Cruelty in mutilation.
6. Nighttime, uninhabited place or band;
5. Special or those that cannot be offset by an ordinary (BAR 1994, 1997, 2009)
mitigating circumstance and has the result of imposing 7. On occasion of calamity or misfortune;
the penalty in the maximum period.
Examples: 8. Aid of armed men, or persons who insure
a. Quasi-recidivism (RPC, Art. 160); or afford impunity;
b. Complex crime (RPC, Art. 48); and 9. Recidivist ;(BAR 1993, 2009, 2014)
c. Taking advantage of public position and
10. Reiteracion;
membership in an organized or syndicated crime
group [RPC, Art. 62, par. 1(a)]. 11. Price, reward, or promise;
d. The use of a loose firearm when inherent in the 12. By means of inundation, fire, poison,
commission of a crime (RA 10591, Sec. 29) explosion, stranding of a vessel or
intentional damage thereto, derailment
Generic aggravating vis-à-vis Qualifying
of a locomotive, or by the use of any
other artifice involving great waste or
CIRCUMSTANCES 13. Evident premeditation; (BAR 1991,
Affects only the imposition Affects the nature of the 2009)
of the penalty prescribed, crime or brings about a
but not the nature of the penalty higher in degree
14. Craft, fraud or disguise; (BAR 1995)
crime committed. than that ordinarily 15. Superior strength or means to weaken
prescribed. the defense;
Can be offset by an GR: Cannot be offset by 16. Treachery;
ordinary mitigating any mitigating
circumstance. circumstances. 17. Ignominy;
18. Unlawful entry;
XPN: Privileged mitigating 19. Breaking wall;
20. Aid of minor or by means of motor
Both must be alleged in the information in order to be
appreciated. vehicle or other similar means; and
21. Cruelty. (BAR 1994)
When there is more than one qualifying aggravating
circumstance present, one of them will be appreciated Position and standing of the accused considered as
as qualifying aggravating while the others will be aggravating
considered as generic aggravating. Where a person found guilty of violation of Gambling
law is a man of station or standing in the community,
Circumstances which aggravate the maximum penalty should be imposed (U.S. v.
Salaveria, G.R. No. L-13678, November 12, 1918).
criminal liability (Very Important!!!)
1. Advantage taken of public position;
2. Contempt or insult to public authorities;
Aggravating circumstances which do not have the 1. Abused his public position; or
effect of increasing the penalty 2. At least, the use of the same facilitated the
Aggravating circumstances which: commission of the offense.
1. In themselves constitutes a crime especially
punishable by law [RPC, Art. 62(1)]; To be applicable the public officer must have used his:
2. Included by law in defining a crime and prescribing a. Influence
penalty [RPC, Art. 62(1)]; and b. Prestige
3. Inherent in the crime to such a degree that it must of c. Ascendancy [IPA]
necessity accompany the commission thereof [RPC,
Art. 62(2)]. There is no abuse of public position when the offender
could have perpetuated the crime even without
Aggravating circumstances personal to the offenders occupying his position.
Aggravating circumstances which arise:
1. From the moral attributes of the offender; When taking advantage of public position not
2. From his private relations with the offended party; considered as an aggravating circumstance
3. From any other personal cause. This circumstance is not applicable in offenses where
taking advantage of official position is made by law an
Appreciation of personal aggravating circumstances integral element of the crime, such as in malversation or
It shall only serve to aggravate the liability of those in falsification of document committed by public
persons as to whom such circumstances are attendant officers.
(RPC, Art. 62, par. 3).

Appreciation of an aggravating circumstance if there

are several accused TO PUBLIC AUTHORITIES
GR: The circumstances which serve to aggravate or (ART. 14 [2], RPC)
mitigate the liability of those persons only who had
knowledge of them at the time of the execution of Basis
the act or their cooperation therein are those The greater perversity of the offender, as shown by his
which consist in the: lack of respect for the public authorities.
1. Material execution of the act; or
2. Means employed to accomplish it Requisites of contempt or insult to public authorities
as an aggravating circumstance
XPN: When there is proof of conspiracy, in which case 1. That the public authority is engaged in the exercise of
the act of one is deemed to be the act of all, his functions;
regardless of lack of knowledge of the facts 2. Such authority is not the person against whom the
constituting the circumstance (RPC, Art. 62, par. 4). crime is committed;
3. Offender knows him to be a public authority; and
TAKING ADVANTAGE 4. His presence has not prevented the offender from
OF PUBLIC POSITION committing the crime.

(ART. 14 [1], RPC) Public authority

Public authority also called a “person in authority”
Basis is a public officer directly vested with jurisdiction ,
The greater perversity of the offender, as shown by the whether as an individual or as a member of some court
means: or governmental corporation, board, or commission,
1. Of personal circumstance of the offender; and shall be deemed a person in authority. A barrio captain
2. Used to secure the commission of the crime. and a barangay chairman shall also be deemed a person
in authority (Art 152 as amended by PD No. 1232).
Taking advantage of public position
It is considered as an aggravating circumstance only NOTE: Teachers, professors and persons charged with
when the offender is a public officer. The offender must the supervision of public or duly recognized
have: private schools, colleges and universities, and
lawyers in the actual performance of their Age
professional duties or on the occasion of such Age applies in cases where the victim is of tender age
performance, are persons in authority only for or is of old age. It applies when the offender is the
purposes of direct assault and simple resistance. father, mother, son or daughter of the offended party.

Necessity that the offender has knowledge that the Sex

public authority is present Sex refers to the female sex, not to the male sex.
Knowledge that a public authority is present is
essential. Lack of such knowledge indicates lack of When aggravating circumstance of disregard of rank,
intention to insult the public authority. age, sex not considered for the purpose of increasing
DISREGARD OF RANK, SEX, 1. When the offender acted with passion or
obfuscation (All three circumstances);
AGE OR DWELLING 2. When there exists a relationship between the
(ART. 14 [3], RPC) offended party and the offender (circumstance of
sex only), e.g. parricide, rape, abduction and
Par. 3 provides for four aggravating circumstances seduction; or
which, if present in the same case, should be 3. When the condition of being a woman is
considered independently of each other and indispensable in the commission of the crime.
numerically reckoned accordingly (People v. Santos, et
al., G.R. No. L-4189, May 21, 1952). Disregard of rank, age or sex is essentially applicable
only to crimes against honor or persons. They are not
Basis taken into account in crimes against property. They do
The greater perversity of the offender, as shown by the not apply to the special complex crime of robbery with
personal circumstances of the offended party and the homicide which is classified as crime against property
place of commission. (U.S. v. Samonte, 8 Phil. 286).

Ways of committing the aggravating circumstance Dwelling

under this paragraph Dwelling is a building or structure exclusively used for
That the act be committed: rest or comfort, which includes temporary dwelling,
1. With insult or in disregard of the respect due to the dependencies, foot of the staircase and enclosure of the
offended party on account of his: house. It does not necessarily refer to the permanent
a. Rank residence or domicile of the offended party or that he
b. Age must be the owner thereof.
c. Sex
2. In the dwelling of the offended party, if the latter has He must, however, be actually living or dwelling
not given sufficient provocation. therein even for a temporary duration or purpose. It is
not necessary that the accused should have actually
“With insult or in disregard” entered the dwelling of the victim to commit the
In the commission of the crime, the accused offense. It is enough that the victim was attacked inside
deliberately intended to offend or insult the sex or age his own house, although the assailant may have devised
of the offended party. means to perpetrate the assault, i.e. triggerman fired
the shot from outside the house, while his victim was
Rank inside.
It refers to official, civil, or social position or standing.
It is the designation or title of distinction used to fix the Even if the person attacked is only a welcomed guest of
relative position of the offended party in reference to the owner of the dwelling, as long as neither he nor the
others. There must be a difference in the social owner gave no provocation, there is an aggravating
condition of the offender and the offended party. circumstance of dwelling.

Dwelling not aggravating

1. When the owner of the dwelling gave sufficient and
immediate provocation;
2. When the offender and the offended party are 3. That the act be committed with obvious
occupants of the same house; ungratefulness.
3. In the crime of robbery by use of force upon things;
4. In the crime of trespass to dwelling; NOTE: The ungratefulness must be of such clear and
5. The victim is not a dweller of the house; and manifest ingratitude on the part of the accused.
6. When both the offender and the offended party are
occupants of the same house except in case of PALACE AND PLACES OF
adultery in the conjugal dwelling, the same is
aggravating; however, if one of the dwellers therein COMMISSION OF THE OFFENSE
becomes a paramour, the applicable aggravating (ART. 14 [5], RPC)
circumstance is abuse of confidence.
ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE OR The greater perversity of the offender, as shown by the
place of the commission of the crime, which must be
(ART. 14 [4], RPC)
Places of commission of offenses
Basis The crime is committed:
The greater perversity of the offender, as shown by the 1. In the palace of the Chief Executive;
means and ways employed. 2. In his presence;
3. Where public authorities are engaged in the
NOTE: These are two separate aggravating discharge of their duties; or
circumstances. 4. In a place dedicated to religious worship.

Abuse of confidence NOTE: The place where public authorities are

This circumstance exists only when the offended party discharging their duties is not aggravating in
has trusted the offender who later abuses such trust by direct assault on a person then engaged in the
committing the crime. performance of judicial duties because the
circumstance is absorbed in the nature of the
Requisites of abuse of confidence crime (People v. Perez, CA, 57 O.G. 1598).
1. The offended party had trusted the offender;
2. The offender abused such trust by committing a Par. 5 vis-à-vis Par. 2
crime against the offended party; and PAR. 5 PAR. 2
3. The abuse of confidence facilitated the commission Places of Commission Insult to Public
of the crime Authorities
Public duty is performed in Public duty is performed
The confidence between the parties must be immediate their office outside their office
and personal, as would give the accused the advantage Offended party may or Public authority should
or make it easier for him to commit the crime. The may not be the public not be the offended party
confidence must be a means of facilitating the authority
commission of a crime. In both, public authorities are in the performance of
their duties
Abuse of confidence is inherent in the following crimes
1. Malversation (RPC, Art. 217); Place dedicated to religious worship
2. Qualified Theft (RPC, Art. 310); The place must be permanently dedicated to public
3. Estafa by conversion or misappropriation (RPC, Art religious worship. Private chapels are not included.
315); and
4. Qualified Seduction (RPC, Art. 337). NOTE: To be considered aggravating, the accused must
have purposely sought the place for the
Requisites of obvious ungratefulness commission of the crime and that he committed it
1. That the offended party had trusted the offender; there notwithstanding the respect to which it was
2. Abused such trust by committing a crime against the entitled, and not where it was only an accidental
offended party; and
or incidental circumstance (People v. Jaurigue, et reasonable possibility of the victim receiving some
al., C.A. No. 3824, February 21, 1946). help.
NIGHT TIME, UNINHABITED PLACE Instances when uninhabited place is aggravating
To be aggravating, it is necessary that the offender
OR BY A BAND took advantage of the place and purposely availed of it
(ART. 14 [6], RPC) as to make it easier to commit the crime.

Consideration of the circumstances Band

These circumstances should be considered separately. It means that there are at least four armed
malefactors acting together in the commission
Instances when night time, uninhabited place or band
of the offense.
is considered aggravating
The RPC does not require any particular arms or
1. It facilitated the commission of the crime;
weapons, so any instrument or implement which, by
2. It especially sought for by the offender to ensure the
reason of intrinsic nature or the purpose for which it
commission of the crime
was made or used by the accused, is capable of inflicting
NOTE: “Especially sought” means that the offender
serious injuries.
sought it in order to realize the crime with more
The aggravating circumstance of by a band is considered
3. The offender took advantage thereof for the purpose
in crimes against property and in crimes against
of impunity. “Impunity” means to prevent the
persons only. This aggravating circumstance is not
offender from being recognized or to secure himself
applicable in crimes against chastity.
against detection and punishment.
NOTE: “Took advantage” means that the accused
availed himself thereof for the successful ON OCCASION OF CONFLAGRATION
consummation of his plans. SHIPWRECK, EARTHQUAKE, EPIDEMIC
Night time
Night time or nocturnity is a period from after sunset (ART. 14 [7], RPC)
to sunrise, from dusk to dawn. It is necessary that the
commission of the crime was commenced and Basis
completed at night time. The basis of this aggravating circumstance has reference
to the time of the commission of the crime. The reason
Darkness of the night makes nighttime an aggravating is the debased form of criminality met in one who, in
circumstance. Hence, when the place of the crime is the midst of a great calamity, instead of lending aid to
illuminated or sufficiently lighted, nighttime is not the afflicted, adds to their suffering by taking
aggravating. It is also necessary that the commission of advantage of their misfortune.
the crime was begun and completed at night time.
Hence, where the series of acts necessary for its When considered as an aggravating circumstance
commission was begun at daytime and was completed The crime is committed on the occasion of a
that night (People v. Luchico, G.R No. 26170, December conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or
6, 1926), or was begun at night and consummated the other calamity of misfortune and the offender takes
following day (U.S. v. Dowdell, Jr., et al., G.R. No. 4191, advantage of it.
July 18, 1908), the aggravating circumstance of
nighttime was not applied. AID OF ARMED MEN
(ART. 14 [8], RPC)
Uninhabited place
It is where there are no houses at all, a place at a
When circumstance is present
considerable distance from town or where the houses
It is present when the crime to which it is attached to is
are scattered at a great distance from each other. It is
committed with the aid of:
not determined by the distance of the nearest house to
1. Armed men; or
the scene of the crime but whether or not in the place
2. Persons who insure or afford impunity
of the commission of the offense there was a
judgment of another crime embraced in the same title
of the Revised Penal Code.
Requisites Requisites (Memorize)
1. That armed men or persons took part in the 1. That the offender is on trial for an offense;
commission of the crime, directly or indirectly; and
2. He was previously convicted by final
2. That the accused availed himself of their aid or
relied upon them when the crime is committed. judgment of another crime;
3. Both the first and second offense are
NOTE: Arms is not limited to firearms. Bolos, knives, embraced in the same title of the RPC; and
sticks and stones are included. Aid of armed men 4. Offender is convicted of the new offense.
includes armed women.
Effect of recidivism in the application of penalties
Circumstances when aid of armed men is not GR: Being an ordinary aggravating circumstance,
considered as an aggravating circumstance recidivism affects only the periods of a penalty.
1. When both the attacking party and the party attacked
were equally armed; XPN: In prostitution (Art. 202, as amended by RA10158),
2. When the accused as well as those who cooperated and gambling, (PD 1602, which repealed Art. 192
with him in the commission of the crime acted of the Code) wherein recidivism increases the
under the same plan and for the same purpose penalties by degrees.
(there is conspiracy already. All are principals); and
3. The casual presence of the armed men near the place
where the crime was committed when the accused
Q: Suppose, the first offense in 1975 was homicide, then
did not avail himself of their aid or relied upon
the second offense in 2004 was murder. Can
them to commit the crime.
aggravating circumstance of recidivism be
Q: What aggravating circumstance will be considered if
there are four armed men?
A: YES, because homicide and murder are crimes both
under crimes against persons, hence both crimes are
A: If there are four armed men, aid of armed men is
embraced in the same title of the RPC.
absorbed in employment of a band. If there are three
armed men or less, aid of armed men may be the
aggravating circumstance.
NOTE: If both offenses were committed on the same
date, they shall be considered as only one;
hence they cannot be separately counted in
(PARA. 6) MEN (PAR. 8)
order to constitute recidivism. Also, judgments
Requires more than three At least two armed
of conviction handed down on the same day
people (≥4 PERSONS) malefactors
shall be considered as only one conviction.
At least four malefactors This circumstance is
shall have acted together present even if one of the
Effect of pardon to recidivism
in the commission of an offenders merely relied on
GR: Pardon does not obliterate recidivism, even if it is
offense their aid, actual aid is not
absolute because it only excuses the service of the
penalty, not the conviction.
Band members are all Armed men are mere
principals accomplices
XPN: If the offender had already served out his
sentence and was subsequently extended pardon.
(ART. 14 [9], RPC) NOTE: If the President extends pardon to someone who
already served out the principal penalty, there is a
presumed intention to remove recidivism.
Recidivist(Very Important!!!)
Effect of amnesty to recidivism
A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one
crime shall have been previously convicted by final
Amnesty extinguishes the penalty and its effects, thus NOTE: The price, reward or promise need not consist of
it obliterates recidivism. or refer to material things, or that the same were
actually delivered, it being sufficient that the offer
REITERACION made by the principal by inducement be accepted
by the principal by direct participation before the
(ART. 14 [10], RPC) commission of the offense.

Basis Appreciation
The greater perversity of the offender as shown by his It is appreciated against both the principal by
inclination to commit crimes. inducement and principal by direct participation.

Requisites Effect on criminal liability of the one giving the offer

1. That the accused is on trial for an offense; This aggravating circumstance affects or aggravates not
2. That he previously served his sentence for another only the criminal liability of the receiver of the price,
crime to which the law attaches an equal or greater reward or promise but also the criminal liability of the
penalty, or for two or more crimes to which it one giving the offer.
attaches lighter penalty than that for the new
offense; and To consider this circumstance, the price, reward, or
3. That he is convicted of the new offense. promise must be the primary reason or the primordial
motive for the commission of the crime.
NOTE: It is the penalty attached to the offense, not the
penalty actually imposed that is actually Illustration: If A approached B and asked the latter what
considered. he thought of X, and B answered “he is a bad man” to
which A retorted, “you see I am going to kill him this
Reiteracion vis-à-vis Recidivism afternoon”. And so, B told him, “if you do that I’ll give
REITERACION RECIDIVISM you P5,000.00” and after killing X, A again approached
It is necessary that the It is enough that a final B, told him he had already killed X, and B in compliance
offender shall have served judgment has been with his promise, delivered the P5,000.00. In this case,
out his sentence for his rendered in the first the aggravating circumstance is not present.
first offense offense
Previous and subsequent Offenses should be BY MEANS OF INUNDATION, FIRE,
offenses must NOT be included in the same title
embraced in the same of the RPC EXPLOSION, POSION, ETC.
title of the RPC (ART. 14 [12], RPC)

IN CONSIDERATION OF A PRICE Aggravating circumstances under this paragraph

If the crime be committed by means of the following:
REWARD OR PROMISE 1. Inundation;
(ART. 14 [11], RPC) 2. Fire;
3. Explosion;
Basis 4. Poison;
The greater perversity of the offender, as shown by the 5. Stranding of the vessel or intentional damage
motivating power itself. thereto;
6. Derailment of locomotion; or
Requisites of “in consideration of a price, reward, 7. By use of any other artifice involving great waste
or promise” and ruin.
1. There are at least two principals
a. Principal by inducement NOTE: Any of these circumstances cannot be considered
b. Principal by direct participation; and to increase the penalty or to change the nature of the
2. The price, reward, or promise should be previous to offense, unless used by the offender as means to
and in consideration of the commission of the criminal accomplish a criminal purpose. It is also not aggravating
act. when the law in defining the crime includes them. (E.g.
Fire is not aggravating in the crime of arson.)
hatched or what time had elapsed before it was
carried out.

Rules as to the use of fire

1. Intent was only to burn but somebody died – The
crime is arson, the penalty is higher because somebody CRAFT, FRAUD, OR DISGUISE
2. If fire was used as means to kill – the crime is murder
(ART. 14 [14], RPC)
not arson and fire cannot be appreciated as aggravating
To be appreciated, these circumstances must have
3. There was an intention to kill and fire was used to
facilitated or be taken advantage of by the offender in
conceal the crime– there are two separate crimes:
the commission of a crime.
arson and murder.
EVIDENT PREMEDITATION Craft involves intellectual trickery and cunning on the
(ART. 14 [13], RPC) part of the accused in order not to arouse the suspicion
of the victim.
The basis has reference to the ways of committing the Fraud
crime. Fraud refers to the insidious words or machinations
used to induce the victim to act in a manner which
Essence enables the offender to carry out his design.
The essence of evident premeditation is that the
execution of the criminal act must be preceded by cool Craft and fraud may be absorbed in treachery if they
thought and upon reflection to carry out the criminal have been deliberately adopted as means, methods or
intent during the space of time sufficient to arrive at a forms for the treacherous strategy, or they may co-exist
calm judgment. independently where they are adopted for a different
purpose in the commission of the crime.
1. Determination – the time when the offender Disguise
determined to commit the crime; Disguise means resorting to any device to conceal
2. Preparation – an act manifestly indicating that the identity.
culprit has clung to his determination; and
3. Time – a sufficient lapse of time between the Necessity that the accused be able to hide his identity
determination and execution, to allow him to reflect all throughout the commission of the crime
upon the consequences of his act and to allow his
conscience to overcome the resolution of his will. It is not necessary that the accused be able to hide his
identity all throughout the commission of the crime.
Reason for requiring sufficient time The accused must be able to hide his identity during the
The offender must have an opportunity to coolly and initial stage if not all throughout the commission of the
serenely think and deliberate on the meaning and the crime and his identity must have been discovered only
consequences of what he planned to do, an interval later on to consider this aggravating circumstance.
long enough for his conscience and better judgment to
overcome his evil desire. Craft, Fraud and Disguise distinguished

Conspiracy presupposes premeditation CRAFT FRAUD DISGUISE

GR: Conspiracy generally denotes premeditation. Involves the use Involves the use Involves the use
of intellectual of direct of devise to
XPN: In implied conspiracy, evident premeditation may trickery and inducement by conceal identity
not be appreciated, in the absence of proof as to cunning not to insidious words
how and when the plan to kill the victim was arouse the or machinations
suspicion of the
victim 1. Means were purposely sought to weaken the
defense of the victim to resist the assault
2. The means used must not totally eliminate possible
defense of the victim, otherwise, it will fall under
(ART. 15 [16], RPC)
(ART. 14 [15], RPC) Basis
The means and ways employed in the commission of
Abuse of superior strength the crime.
It is the use of purposely excessive force out of
proportion with the means of defense available to the Treachery
person attacked. Treachery (aleviosa) refers to the employment
of means, method, or form in the commission
Requisites of abuse of superior strength of the crime against persons which tend
1. That there be notorious inequality of forces between
directly and specially to insure its execution
the offender and the offended party in terms of their
age, size, and strength without risk to himself arising from the
2. That the offender took advantage of this inequality of defense which the offended party might
forces to facilitate the commission of the crime. make.

Abuse of superior strength considered as aggravating Elements of treachery

The aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior 1. The employment of means of execution that would
strength depends on the age, size, and strength of the insure the safety of the accused from retaliatory
parties. It is considered whenever there is a notorious acts of the intended victim and leaving the latter
inequality of forces between the victim and the without an opportunity to defend himself; and
aggressor. 2. The means employed were deliberately or
consciously adopted by the offender (People v.
Determination of the presence of abuse of superiority Nelmida, et al, G.R. No. 184500, September 11,
Abuse of superiority is determined by the excess of the 2012).
aggressor’s natural strength over that of the victim,
considering the position of both and the employment of Rules regarding treachery
means to weaken the defense, although not annulling 1. Applicable only to crimes against persons.
it. The aggressor must have taken advantage of his 2. Means, methods, or forms insure its execution but
natural strength to insure the commission of the crime need not insure accomplishment of crime.
(People v. Salcedo, G.R. No. 178272, March 14, 2011). 3. The mode of attack must be thought of by the
offender, and must not spring from the unexpected
“Means to weaken defense” turns of events
It exists when the offended party’s resisting power is
materially weakened. Treachery cannot co-exist with passion or obfuscation
(People v. Pansensoy, G.R. No. 140634, September 12,
NOTE: Means to weaken the defense may be absorbed 2002).
in treachery. E.g. When the accused throws a sand
directly into the eyes of his victim, this has the effect of Frontal attack does not negate the presence of
weakening the defense of his victim as well as insuring treachery
the execution of his act without risk to himself. In this Although frontal, if the attack was unexpected, and the
case, only one aggravating circumstance will be unarmed victim was in no position to repel the attack,
appreciated, namely treachery, and the circumstance of treachery can still be appreciated (People v. Pelis, G.R.
means to weaken the defense will already be absorbed. No. 189328, February 21, 2011).

Requisites of means to weaken defense In the spur of the moment

There is no treachery if the attack was made at the spur Ignominy when a woman is raped in the presence of
of the moment. his husband
Ignominy can be appreciated. Rape is now a crime
against persons (RA 8353). Presence of the husband
qualifies the crime of rape under Art. 266.
Instances that may be absorbed by treachery
1. Abuse of superior strength UNLAWFUL ENTRY ART. 14 (18), RPC
2. Aid of armed men
3. By a band Unlawful entry
4. Means to weaken the defense Unlawful entry is aggravating when one who acts, not
5. Craft respecting the walls erected by men to guard their
6. Night time property and provided for their personal safety, shows
7. Evident Premeditation greater perversity, a greater audacity and hence the
law punishes him with more severity.
Q: A followed the unsuspecting victim, B when he was
going home and thereafter, deliberately stabbed him There is unlawful entry when an entrance is effected
in the back which resulted in B falling to the ground by a way not intended for the purpose.
and was thereby further attacked by A. Was there
treachery? NOTE: This circumstance is inherent in the crimes of
trespass to dwelling and robbery with force upon
A: YES. B was defenseless and he was not given the things. But it is aggravating in the crime of
opportunity to resist the attack or defend himself. A robbery with violence against or intimidation of
employed means which insured the killing of B and persons.
such means assured him from the risk of B’s
defense. Stabbing from behind is a good indication
of treachery (People v. Yanson, G.R. No. 179195,
October 3, 2011) BREAKING WALL
(ART. 14 [19], RPC)
(ART. 14 [17], RPC) Requisites
1. A wall, roof, window, or door was broken
Ignominy 2. They were broken to effect entrance
It pertains to the moral order, which adds disgrace to
the material injury caused by the crime. Ignominy adds It is aggravating only where the offender resorted to
insult to injury or adds shame to the natural effects of any of said means to enter the house.
the crime. Ignominy shocks the moral conscience of
man. Instances where breaking is lawful
1. An officer, in order to make an arrest, may break
Application open door or window of any building in which the
Ignominy is applicable in: person to be arrested is or is reasonably believed to
a. Crimes against chastity, be (Sec. 11, Rule 133 of Rules of Court);
b. Less serious physical injuries, 2. An officer, if refused admittance, may break open any
c. Light or grave coercion, and door or window to execute the search warrant or
d. Murder. liberate himself (Sec. 7, Rule 126 of Rules of Court);
No ignominy when a man is killed in the presence of 3. Replevin (Sec. 4, Rule 60 of Rules of Court).
his wife
The circumstance of ignominy will not be appreciated if Breaking wall vis-à-vis Unlawful entry
the offender employed no means nor did any BREAKING WALL UNLAWFUL ENTRY
circumstance surround the act tending to make the It involves the breaking of It presupposes that there
effects of the crime more humiliating. the enumerated parts of is no such breaking as by
the house. entry through the window.
Cruelty not inherent in crimes against persons
In order for it to be appreciated, there must be
positive proof that the wounds found on the body of
the victim were inflicted while he was still alive to
AID OF MINORS OR USE OF MOTOR unnecessarily prolong physical suffering.

VEHICLES OR OTHER SIMILAR MEANS NOTE: In mutilation, outraging of a corpse is considered

(ART. 14 [20], RPC) as an aggravating circumstance. If the victim was
already dead when the acts of mutilation were
Aid of minors being performed, this would qualify the killing to
The use of a minor in the commission of the crime murder due to outraging of his corpse.
shows the greater perversity of the offender because he
is educating the innocent minor in committing a crime. Ignominy vis-à-vis Cruelty
It is intended to discourage the exploitation of minors IGNOMINY CRUELTY
by criminals taking advantage of their irresponsibility Ignominy refers to the Cruelty refers to the
and the leniency of the law for the youthful offender. moral effect of a crime physical suffering of the
and it pertains to the victim purposely intended
Use of motor vehicle considered moral order, whether or by the offender
The use of motor vehicles in the commission of a crime not the victim is dead or
poses difficulties to the authorities in apprehending the alive
offenders. This circumstance is aggravating only when
used to facilitate the commission of the offense.
Other aggravating circumstances
NOTE: If motor vehicle is used only in the escape of the 1. Organized or syndicated crime group;
offender, motor vehicle is not aggravating as the 2. Under influence of dangerous drugs; and
law says that “the crime was committed by means 3. Use of unlicensed firearm.
of motor vehicle.”
It should be understood as referring to motorized CIRCUMSTANCE
vehicles or other efficient means of transportation
similar to automobile or airplane. NOTE: PD 1866 (as amended by RA 8294) has been
superseded by the new Firearms law (RA 10591).
Loose firearm
(ART. 14 [21], RPC) Loose firearm refers to an unregistered firearm, an
obliterated or altered firearm, firearm which has been
Cruelty lost or stolen, illegally manufactured firearms,
There is cruelty when the wrong done was intended to registered firearms in the possession of an individual
prolong the suffering of the victim, causing him other than the licensee and those with revoked licenses
unnecessary moral and physical pain. in accordance with the rules and regulations (par. (v),
Sec. 3, RA 10591).
NOTE: The basis of this aggravating circumstance is the
means and ways employed in the commission of Use of unlicensed firearm under the old Firearms law
the crime. (RA 8294)
1. If homicide or murder is committed with the
Requisites use of unlicensed firearm, such use of
1. That at the time of the infliction of the physical pain, unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an
the offended party is still alive. aggravating circumstance.
2. That the offender enjoys and delights in seeing his
victim suffer gradually by the infliction of the physical 2. If an unlicensed firearm is used to commit a
pain. crime other than homicide or murder, such as
direct assault with attempted homicide, the use the death of any person or persons, the use of such
of unlicensed firearm is neither an aggravating explosives, detonation agents or incendiary devices
nor a separate offense (People v. Walpan shall be considered as an aggravating circumstance (Sec.
Ladjaamlam, G.R. No. 136149-51, September 2, RA 8294).
19, 2000).
Use of loose firearm considered absorbed as an
element of the crime committed 9165 AS QUALIFYING AGGRAVATING
If the use of loose firearm is in furtherance of or CIRCUMSTANCE
incident to, or in connection with the crime of rebellion
or insurrection, or attempted coup d’etat, such shall be Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the
absorbed as an element of the crimes mentioned (par. contrary, a positive finding for the use of dangerous
2, Sec. 29, RA 10591). drugs shall be a qualifying aggravating circumstance in
the commission of a crime by an offender, and the
Q: If an unlicensed firearm was used to kill a person, application of the penalty provided for in the Revised
can he be held guilty for a separate offense of illegal Penal Code shall be applicable (Sec. 25, RA 9165). (BAR
possession of firearms aside from murder or 2005, 2009)
Other aggravating circumstances in drug related cases
A: NO. Where murder or homicide results from the use 1. If the importation or bringing into the Philippines
of an unlicensed firearm, the crime is no longer of any dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursor
qualified illegal possession, but murder or homicide, and essential chemicals was done through the use of
as the case may be. In such a case, the use of the a diplomatic passport, diplomatic facilities or any
unlicensed firearm is not considered as a separate other means involving his/her official status intended
crime but shall be appreciated as an aggravating to facilitate the unlawful entry of the same (par. 3,
circumstance. In view of the amendments Sec. 4, RA 9165).
introduced by RA 8294 to PD 1866, separate 2. If the sale trading, administration, dispensation,
prosecutions for homicide and illegal possession are delivery, distribution or transportation of any
no longer in order. Instead, illegal possession of dangerous and/or controlled precursor and essential
firearms is merely to be taken as an aggravating chemical transpired within one hundred (100)
circumstance in the homicide case (People v. meters from school (par. 2, Sec. 5, RA 9165).
Avecilla, G.R. No. 117033, February 15, 2001). 3. For drug pushers who use minors or mentally
incapacitated individuals as runners, couriers and
NOTE: Same ruling will be applicable in the new messengers, or in any other capacity directly
Firearms law. connected to the dangerous drug and/or controlled
precursor and essential chemical trade (par. 3, Sec. 5,
In Section 29 of RA 10591, the use of a loose firearm, RA 9165).
when inherent in the commission of a crime punishable 4. If the victim of the offense is a minor or mentally
under the RPC or other special laws, shall be considered incapacitated individual, or should a dangerous drug
as an aggravating circumstance. and/or controlled precursor and essential chemicals
involved in any offense be the proximate cause of
Otherwise, the use or possession of loose firearms and the death of the victim (par. 4, Sec. 5, RA 9165).
violation of other penal law shall be treated as distinct 5. In case the clandestine laboratory is undertaken or
crimes and will thus be punished separately. established under the following circumstances:
a. Any phase of the manufacturing process was
Use of Explosives conducted in the presence or with the help of
When a person commits any of the crimes defined in minor/s;
the RPC or special laws with the use of hand grenade(s), b. Any phase of manufacturing process was
rifle grenade(s), and other explosives, including but not established or undertaken within one hundred
limited to 'pillbox,' 'molotov cocktail bombs,' 'fire (100) meters of a residential, business, church
bombs,' or other incendiary devices capable of or school premises;
producing destructive effect on contiguous objects or c. Any clandestine laboratory was secured or
causing injury or death to any person, which results in protected by booby traps;
d. Any clandestine laboratory was concealed with
legitimate business operations; or
e. Any employment of a practitioner, chemical
engineer, public official or foreigner (Sec. 8, RA
6. In case the person uses a minor or a mentally
incapacitated individual to deliver equipment,
instrument, apparatus, and other paraphernalia for
dangerous drugs (par. 3, Sec. 10, RA 9165).
7. Any person found possessing any dangerous drug
during a party, or a social gathering or meeting, or in
the proximate company of at least two (2) person
(Sec. 13, RA 9165).
8. Possession or having under his/her control any
equipment, instrument, apparatus and other
paraphernalia fit or intended for smoking,
consuming, administering, injecting, ingesting or
introducing any dangerous drug into the body,
during parties, social gatherings or meetings, or in
the proximate company of at least two (2) persons
(Sec. 14, RA 9165).

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