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Laws of Preferential Application."

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Characteristics of Criminal Law case the offense will be tried by the

1. General
- However, the President of the
2. Territorial Philippines, may, in the interest of
justice, order or direct at any time
3. Prospective before arraignment that any such
Generality – Criminal law is binding on all crimes or offenses be tried by the
persons who live or sojourn in Philippine proper civil courts.
territory. - Examples of these service-connected
violations are Disrespect toward the
- No foreigner enjoys in this country President, disrespect toward superior
extra-territorial right to be exempted officer, mutiny or sedition, conduct
from its laws and jurisdiction, with the unbecoming an officer and a
exception of heads of states and gentleman, and general article of the
diplomatic representatives who, by Articles of War.
virtue of customary law of nations, are
not subject to the Philippine territorial Prosecution of an accused before a court
jurisdiction. martial is a bar to another prosecution of
the accused for the same offense.
Jurisdiction of the civil courts is not
affected by the military character of the - Since the case before the court-martial
accused. is criminal, not administrative, it would
be, a bar to another prosecution for the
- General Rule. However, it can be same offense, because the latter would
controlled by an expressed legislation to place the accused in double jeopardy.
the contrary.
Offenders accused of war crimes are triable
Civil courts have concurrent jurisdiction by military commission.
with general courts-martial over soldiers of
the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Exceptions to the general application of
Criminal law.
- Civil courts have jurisdiction on
persons subject to military law. - Article 2 of the Revised Penal Code –
- Even in times of war, provided that in “Except as provided in the treaties and
the place of the commission of the laws of preferential application.”
crime, no hostilities are in progress and Treaties or treaty stipulation
civil courts are functioning.
- Exception to the general application of
When the military court takes cognizance our criminal law.
of the case - Example is Bases Agreement entered
- The Articles of War apply, not the into by PH and US, the latter being
Revised Penal Code. consented to have jurisdiction over:

Jurisdiction of military courts a. Any offense committed by any person

within any base, except where the offender
- Shall have jurisdiction on Members of and the offended party are both Philippine
AFP, members of the Citizen Armed citizens (not members of the armed forces of
Forces Geographic Units, and other the US on active duty) or the offense is against
persons subject to military law, who the security of the Philippines;
commit crimes or offenses punishable
by RPC or SPL, shall be tried by the b. Any offense committed outside the bases by
proper civil court, except when the any member of the armed forces of the US in
offense is service connected, in which which the offended party is also a member of
the AF of US; and
c. Any offense committed outside the bases by Not applicable when the foreign country
any member of the AF of US against the adversely affected does not provide similar
security of US. protection to our diplomatic representatives.
RP-US Visiting Forces Accord Persons Exempt from Operation of our
Criminal Laws:
The PH agreed that:
1. Sovereigns and other chiefs of state.
a. The US military authorities shall have the
right to exercise within the PH all criminal and 2. Ambassadors, ministers plenipotentiary,
disciplinary jurisdiction conferred on them by ministers resident, and charges d’affaires.
the military law of the US over US personnel
- It is well established that they possess
in RP.
immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the
b. US authorize exercise exclusive jurisdiction country.
over US personnel with respect to offenses,
Consul is not entitled
including those relating to the security of US
punishable under US laws, but not under the - But is subject to the laws and
laws of RP. regulations of the country to which he
is accredited.
c. US military authorities shall have the
- Together with the consuls are the vice-
primary right to exercise jurisdiction over US
consuls and other commercial
personnel subject to the military law of the US
representatives of foreign nations.
in relation to: 1. Offenses solely against the
property or security of the US or offenses
solely against the property or person of US
personnel; and 2. Offenses arising out of any
act or omission done in performance of official
Laws of preferential application
Example: Rep. Act No. 75 – diplomatic
representatives and their domestic servants.
- Penalizing acts which would impair the
proper observance by the Republic and
inhabitants of the Philippines of the
immunities, rights, and privileges of
duly accredited foreign diplomatic
representatives in the Philippines.
- General rule: ambassador, public
minister, domestic servant of any such
ambassador or minister, cannot be
prosecuted in courts.
- Exception: the same shall not apply to
any case where the person against
whom the process is issued is a citizen
or inhabitant of the RP. Also, to the
domestic servant of an ambassador,
unless the name of the servant is
registered under DFA transmitted by
Foreign Affairs Secretary to the Chief of
the Police of the City of Manila.

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