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Study Guide Fetal Heart Monitoring2

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Unit: Fetal Heart Monitoring

Topic Outline
1. Definition

NCM107&NCM104 Related Learning Experience

2. Purposes
3. Equipment’s Needed
4. Proper procedure

Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
• To monitor the progress of a woman’s contraction pattern.
• To monitor the condition of the fetus in response to the stress of uterine contractions.


Fetal heart tone monitoring measures the heart rate and rhythm of the baby (fetus). This
lets your healthcare provider see how the baby is doing. the healthcare provider may do fetal
heart monitoring during late pregnancy and labor. One way of assessing the status of the fetus by
noticing the characteristics and rate of fetal heart tones. Normally, the heartbeat of the fetus ranges
from 120-160 beats/ min.
If the baby's heart rate is too high (tachycardia), too low (bradycardia), or
otherwise abnormal, this is a sign of fetal distress. Fetal distress can mean that
the baby's body is trying to compensate for oxygen-depriving conditions; it is considered a
medical emergency and should be promptly addressed.

Equipment’s Needed
- Stethoscope
- Watch with second hand
- Drapes

1. Explain the patient the purpose of the > The patient will feel reassured if procedure is
procedure explained and if she is handled gently and
2. Ask the patient to void. > A full bladder will prevent adequate
distention of vagina and emptying her bladder
will make her pelvis and uterus ready for
3. Screen and position the patient on the > To find out the period of gestation, the
examining table in a supine position exposing presenting part and if there is excessive fluid or
abdomen. any detectable abnormality.
4. Ascertain the presentation and position of > To monitor the abnormality of position of the
the fetus by (performing the 4 steps of fetus.
Leopold’s Maneuver) palpating the abdomen of
the mother.
5. If the uterus is contracting, place the bell of > In order to assess accurately the fetal heart
the stethoscope over the quadrant of the tone.
mother’s abdomen where the fetus back is
6. Listen for and count the fetal heart tone in > Assess accurately the fetal heart rate and in
one full minute. order to allow for variations.

All information contained in this module are property of UCU and provided solely for educational purposes. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of UCU, is strictly prohibited.
7. Take note of the rate, regularity, strengths, > Any abnormality should be reported
and any deviation of the fetal heart tone. promptly. Surgery may need if abnormality
8. Make the patient comfortable. > To convey respect and promotes rest and
9. Chart the characteristics of fetal heart tone > Contribute to continuous data collection for

NCM107&NCM104 Related Learning Experience

along the position on the abdomen where fetal patient care plan.
heart tone was obtained.

Manual and Checklists on Health Care Procedures First Edition 2009

Demonstration Link (Fetal heart tone)

View this demonstration by clicking the following link
to learn more about fetal heart monitoring.

Pregnancy is full of tests to monitor how mom and baby are doing: blood and urine tests,
genetic screening, ultrasounds, and others depending on your circumstances. Fetal heart rate
monitoring also may be performed during your prenatal care, but it certainly will be done during
labor and delivery.
Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring keeps track of your baby’s heart rate and helps
determine the strength and duration of your contractions. Listening to your baby’s heart rate is one
way we can tell how he or she is doing on their way to meet the world.

Readings and References

Manual and Checklists on Health Care Procedures First Edition 2009

All information contained in this module are property of UCU and provided solely for educational purposes. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of UCU, is strictly prohibited.

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