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Curriculum-Map Unit-1 Factoring

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Key Stage Standards:

At the end of grade 10, the learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense
(sets and real numbers); measurement (conversion of units); patterns and algebra (linear equations and inequalities in one and two variables, linear
systems of linear equations, and inequalities in two variables, exponents and radicals, quadratic equations, inequalities, functions, polynomials, and
polynomial equations and functions); geometry (polygons, axiomatic structure of geometry, triangle congruence, inequality and similarity, and basic
trigonometry);statistics and probability (measures of central tendency, variability and position; combinatorics and probability) as applied – using
appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, and decisions in real

Grade Level Standards:

At the end of Grade 8, the learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (factors of polynomials, rational
algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables); geometry
(axiomatic structure of geometry, triangle congruence, inequalities in a triangle, and parallel and perpendicular lines); and statistics and probability
(probability of simple events) as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making
connections, representations, and decisions in real life.

Unit 1: Factoring Polynomials Number of Days: 10
Content Standard/s: Performance Standard/s:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of
Polynomials. polynomials and solve these problems accurately using a variety of
Performance Task:

Points of Integration:
A. K to 12 exits:
B. Interdisciplinary:
C. 21st century interdisciplinary theme:
Lesson Number / Learning Key Teaching Assessment Whole Child Tenet Resources
Title / Focus Objectives Understanding Strategies / Strategies
(KU) and Key Activities
Questions (KQ)

Lesson 1.1: Factors KU:  Modeling  Entry Card Healthy  Worktext

Factoring Mathematical  Response Cards
different types of
Polynomials with polynomials with
processes reveal  Exit Sheet Engaged
common common useful patterns.  Written
Monomial Factor monomial factor Exercises Supported
(M8AL-Ia-b-1) KQ:
No. of Days: 2 How does Challenged
Solves problems algebra simplify
Lesson Focus: involving factors mathematical
of polynomials.
 Greatest (M8AL-Ib-2)
tasks and
Common operations?

Lesson 1.2: Factors KU:  Modeling  Three-column Healthy  Worktext

Difference of Two completely the Mathematical Chart
difference of two
Squares squares
processes reveal  Thumbs Up / Safe
(M8AL-Ia-b-1) useful patterns. Sideways /
No. of Days: 1 Down Engaged
Solves problems KQ:  3-2-1 Activity
Lesson Focus: involving factors How does  Written Supported
 Factoring of polynomials. algebra simplify Exercises
(M8AL-Ib-2) mathematical Challenged
Difference of
Two Squares tasks and

Lesson 1.3: Factors KU:  Modeling  Anticipation / Healthy  Worktext

Sum and completely the Mathematical Reaction Guide
sum and
Difference of Two difference of two
processes reveal  Written Safe
Cubes cubes useful patterns. Exercises
Lesson Number / Learning Key Teaching Assessment Whole Child Tenet Resources
Title / Focus Objectives Understanding Strategies / Strategies
(KU) and Key Activities
Questions (KQ)
(M8AL-Ia-b-1) Engaged
No. of Days: 1 KQ:
Solves problems How does Supported
involving factors
Lesson Focus: of polynomials.
algebra simplify
 Factoring Sum (M8AL-Ib-2) mathematical Challenged
and Difference tasks and
of Two Cubes operations?

Lesson 1.4: Factors KU:  Modeling  Thumbs Up / Healthy  Worktext

Factoring Perfect completely Mathematical Sideways /
perfect square
Square Trinomials trinomials
processes reveal Down Safe
(M8AL-Ia-b-1) useful patterns.  Response Cards
No. of Days: 2  Entry Card Engaged
Solves problems KQ:  Written
Lesson Focus: involving factors How does Exercises Supported
 Factoring of polynomials. algebra simplify
(M8AL-Ib-2) mathematical Challenged
Perfect Square
Trinomials tasks and

Lesson 1.5: Factors KU:  Modeling  Pre-Test Healthy  Worktext

Factoring Mathematical  Red / Green /
perfect quadratic
Quadratic trinomials of the
processes reveal Yellow Cards Engaged
Trinomials of the form ax2 + bx +c useful patterns.  Extended Task
form ax2 + bx + c where a = 1  Incomplete Supported
where a = 1 (M8AL-Ia-b-1) KQ: Sentences
How does  Written
No. of Days: 2 Solves problems algebra simplify Exercises
involving factors mathematical
of polynomials.
Lesson Focus: (M8AL-Ib-2)
tasks and
 Factoring operations?
Lesson Number / Learning Key Teaching Assessment Whole Child Tenet Resources
Title / Focus Objectives Understanding Strategies / Strategies
(KU) and Key Activities
Questions (KQ)
Trinomials of
the form ax2 +
bx + c

Lesson 1.6: Factors KU:  Modeling  Pre-Test Healthy  Worktext

Factoring General Mathematical  Cubing  Red / Green /
Quadratic quadratic
processes reveal  Student Recap Yellow Cards Engaged
Trinomials trinomials useful patterns.  Extended Task
(M8AL-Ia-b-1)  Incomplete Supported
No. of Days: 2 KQ: Sentences
Solves problems How does  Written
Lesson Focus: involving factors algebra simplify Exercises
of polynomials.
 Factoring mathematical
Quadratic tasks and
Trinomials of operations?
the form ax2 +
bx + c where

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