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Engineering Standard

SAES-A-103 30 April 2005

Discharges to the Marine Environment
Environmental Standards Committee Members
Hejazi, Ramzi Fouad, Chairman
Abdulkader, Khaled Abdullah, Vice Chairman
Ayoubi, Ensan Mahmoud
Barrie, David George
Carne, Malcolm
Conner, William Glenn
Harbi, Nassir Thaali
Kadhim, Mohammad Hassan
Khalaf, Adli Shafik
Kunnummal, Noushad
Mulhim, Khalid Abdul Aziz
Nassar, Rafat Mohammad
Qahtani, Saleh Yahya
Reed Jr., Philip Edward
Rehm, Thomas E.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 Design and Operation.................................... 4
5 Sampling and Verification.............................. 8
6 Definitions...................................................... 9

Table A - Effluent Discharge Limitations(1)......... 12

Table B - Recommended Analytical Methods
for Compliance Testing................................ 14

Appendix I.......................................................... 15
Appendix II......................................................... 16

Previous Issue: 30 June 2003 Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 1
Primary contact: Yusef H. Fadlalla on 873-6017
Document Responsibility: Environmental SAES-A-103
Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

1 Scope
1.1 This Standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing direct
discharges into the marine environment from existing, new and modified Saudi
Aramco facilities whether they are onshore or offshore. This includes treated
sanitary effluents, industrial wastewater, cooling water, brine discharges,
discharges from offshore drilling operations and any other types of direct
discharges into the marine environment.
1.2 This Standard does not apply to marine vessels. Refer to Saudi Aramco Sanitary
Code (SASC-S-09), ROPME Protocol, and MARPOL for compliance
requirements and standards covering marine vessels.
2 Conflicts and Deviations
2.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards and Procedures (SAESs and SAEPs), specific Corporate
General Instructions (GIs), Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code (SASC), Materials
System Specifications (SAMSSs), Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry
standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Company or
Buyer Representative through the Manager, Environmental Protection
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Any conflict between this standard and the most recent government or Saudi
government-ratified regional or international standards or regulations, requires
compliance with the most restrictive.
2.3 Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Environmental Protection
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
3 References
The selection of procedure or method, material and equipment, and the design,
construction, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this
standard shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below, unless
otherwise noted.
3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from Cleaning, Flushing,
and Hydrostatic Tests

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

SAEP-339 Marine Dredging and Landfilling Approval and

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code
SASC-S-02 Sanitary Wastewater and Sewerage Systems
SASC-S-09 Marine Vessels
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards
American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition, 1999
American Society for Testing and Materials, 2003-2004 Annual Book of ASTM
Standards – Section 11, Water and Environmental Technology
3.3 Government Documents and Standards
Document No. 1409-01, and updates "Environmental Protection Standards",
Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) (Formerly Meteorology
and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA)
"Environmental Protection Manual", and updates Directorate General for Yanbu
Project, Madinat Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah, Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu,
"Royal Commission Environmental Guidelines, and revisions, 3rd Edition, 1994
3.4 Regional and International Protocols
"Protocol concerning Marine Pollution resulting from Exploration and
Exploitation of the Continental Shelf", Regional Organization for the Protection
of the Marine Environment, 1989 (ROPME)
"International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution form Ships, 1973 as
modified by the Protocol of 1978 and six Annexes relating thereto",
International Maritime Organizations Marine Pollution Convention, MARPOL
"United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea" (see Article 145 – Protection
of the Marine Environment)
"Regional Convention for the Conservation of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
(PERSGA) (also known s the Jeddah Convention), 1992"
4 Design and Operation

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

4.1 Design of Wastewater Treatment Equipment

New and modified facilities shall comply with SAES-A-104 (Wastewater
Treatment, Reuse and Disposal) for design criteria of wastewater treatment
4.2 Discharges from Existing Facilities
4.2.1 Existing, facilities, except for sewage discharges which meet criteria in
Section 4.2.4, shall comply with the point-of-discharge standards in the
Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) Document No.
1409-01 (see requirements in Table A). They shall also comply with the
Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment
(ROPME) Protocol, the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, and, if applicable,
Royal Commission Requirements. Except in cases where only
comminution and disinfection is required (as indicated in Section, the facility is only required to comply with the coliform bacteria
and residual chlorine concentration standards in Table A, and those
restrictions outlined in Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP)
platforms are individually considered separate facilities. (e.g., separate
accommodation and production platforms are separate facilities).
4.2.2 No marine discharge is allowed in the Yanbu Royal Commission Area,
except for untreated once-through cooling water unless approval of the
General Supervisor EED is given and a permit for the discharge is issued
by the Yanbu Royal Commission.
4.2.3 Under no circumstances shall hazardous waste be discharged offshore
from either existing, new, or modified facilities; in quantities considered
detrimental to the marine environment. The General Supervisor,
Environmental Engineering Division (EED) will advise, on a case-by-
case basis, on the proper disposal methods with input from the General
Supervisor, Environmental Compliance Division (ECD).
4.2.4 Limitations on Sewage and Wastewater Discharges Sewage to be discharged to the marine environment from an
onshore facility, or from an offshore facility located less than
4 nautical miles from land and manned by 10 or more people,
shall have a sewage treatment plant approved by the General
Supervisor, Environmental Engineering Division and meeting
all design criteria in SAES-A-104. Sewage to be discharged to the marine environment from an
onshore facility, or from an offshore facility located less than 4
nautical miles from land and manned by less than 10 people,
shall be comminuted and disinfected. A sewage treatment
plant is not required. Exceptions to this disinfection

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

requirement will be considered on a case-by-case basis and

only granted if approved by the General Supervisors of EED
and ECD. Sewage to be discharged to the marine environment from a
facility which is located greater than 4 nautical miles from
land, and manned by 10 or more people, shall be comminuted
and disinfected. A sewage treatment plant is not required. Sewage to be discharged to the marine environment from a
facility which is located more than 4 nautical miles from land,
and manned by less than 10 people, shall be comminuted but
does not need to be disinfected. A sewage treatment plant is
not required. Sewage and wastewater discharges shall not produce visible
floating solids or cause discoloration of the surrounding water. Grey water to be discharged directly to the marine environment
from GOSPs' accommodation platforms shall be disinfected.
Grey water can be discharged without treatment, on a case by
case basis, with the approval of the General Supervisors of
EED and ECD.
4.2.5 Limitations on Solid Waste Discharges Disposal of food waste from offshore facilities into the sea is
prohibited closer than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land. Food waste may be discharged from offshore platforms into the
sea 12 nautical miles or more from the nearest land, but only
after comminution. Disinfection is not required. Comminuted
food waste shall be capable of passing through a screen with
openings no greater than 25 millimeters. No discharge of rubbish or trash is allowed, including but not
limited to plastics, paper products, glass, metal, or crockery. Offshore domestic waste shall be brought onshore for treatment
and disposed of per SAES-S-007, "Solid Waste Landfill
4.3 Discharges from New and Modified Facilities
4.3.1 New and modified facilities shall comply with the point-of-discharge
standards promulgated by the Presidency of Meteorology and
Environment (PME) (formerly Meteorology and Environmental
Protection Administration - MEPA) in Document No. 1409-01 (see
Table A), and revisions, except as specified below. They shall also
comply with the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Environment (ROPME) Protocol, and the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code.

Except in cases where only comminution and disinfection is required (as
indicated in Section, the facility is only required to comply with
the coliform bacteria and residual chlorine concentration standards in
Table A, and those restrictions outlined in Individual platforms
(e.g. accommodation, production) in gas oil separation plants (GOSPs)
are each considered a separate facility.
4.3.2 New and modified facilities located offshore shall comply with the
limitations on sewage and solid waste discharges in Section 4.2.
4.3.3 New and modified facilities which are located in areas governed by a
Royal Commission shall comply with the Standards promulgated for
those areas or the Standards herein, whichever are more stringent. Royal
Commission boundary maps are attached (see Appendix I & II).
4.3.4 New and modified facilities shall incorporate Best Practical Technology
(BPT) at the time of design for control of discharges to the marine
4.3.5 Facility operators are required to submit an operating plan, in the form of
an Operations Instruction Manual (OIM), to the General Supervisor,
Environmental Engineering Division; to obtain approval for salinity,
turbidity and other general discharge requirements and limitations.
4.3.6 Dilution of wastewater with water of a better quality shall not be
acceptable as a primary method of treatment to comply with the point-of-
discharge Standards. The point of compliance is the discharge of the
treatment system before any dilution water is added.
4.3.7 The General Supervisor, Environmental Engineering Division shall
determine salinity and turbidity requirements for discharging wastewater
directly to the marine environment on a case-by-case basis. Temperature
requirements shall also be determined on a case-by-case basis with
approval from PME, if required.
4.3.8 The General Supervisor, Environmental Engineering Division with input
from the Coordinator, Environmental Coordination Division shall
determine the necessity of more restrictive limits in biologically unique
or highly sensitive areas. The General Supervisor, Environmental
Compliance Division shall provide input in areas where there is a danger
to public health.
4.3.9 Adverse effects of discharges to the marine environment such as bottom
scour, recirculation and sediment deposition shall be avoided and will be
evaluated by the General Supervisor, Environmental Engineering
Division to ensure that impacts to the local oceanography and ecology
are minimal.

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

4.4 Slop Reception Facilities

All marine loading and unloading facilities are required to provide slop
reception facilities. Refer to SAES-A-104 for design requirements.
4.5 Discharges from Drilling Operations
4.5.1 No discharge of oil-based drilling fluid or alternative oil-based drilling
fluid shall be allowed as per the ROPME Protocol Concerning Marine
Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental
4.5.2 Oil-based drilling fluids shall not be used in drilling operations without
consulting with EED/EPD. If an exception is made and oil-based
drilling fluid is used, the cuttings shall be effectively cleaned using Best
Practical Technology (BPT) to minimize the oil concentration before
being discharged. The discharge point of the cuttings shall be well
below the surface of the water and as near to the seafloor as possible. In
any case, the discharge shall not take place in areas designated as
biologically sensitive (see section 4.5.5).
4.5.3 Drill cuttings produced when alternative oil-based drilling fluids such as
mineral oils have been used shall not be discharged unless they have
been determined to be non-toxic. LC50 toxicity test results shall be
reviewed by the General Supervisor, Environmental Engineering
Division before discharge will be allowed. In the absence of toxicity test
results, the cuttings will be considered to be contaminated with oil-based
drilling fluid unless other relevant toxicity data has been reviewed and
accepted by the General Supervisor, Environmental Engineering
4.5.4 Water-based drilling fluid shall not be discharged if it contains persistent
systemic toxins.
4.5.5 Drill cuttings produced when water-based drilling fluid has been used
shall not be discharged where they will have a detrimental impact on
areas designated as biologically sensitive. The potential for impacts on
sensitive areas from drill cuttings disposal will be determined on a case-
by-case basis by the General Supervisor, Environmental Engineering
4.6 Discharges from Pipeline Hydrotest Operations
Disposal of hydrotest water into the marine environment shall be in accordance
with SAEP-327.
4.7 Discharges from Dredging and Landfilling Operations

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Discharge of dredge spoils or discharges associated with landfilling operations

shall be in accordance with SAEP-339, Marine Dredging and Landfilling
Approval and Permitting.
5 Sampling and Verification
5.1 The proponent organization shall be responsible for providing information
specified by the General Supervisor, Environmental Compliance Division for
determining compliance of a facility with the point-of-discharge standards on a
case-by-case basis.
5.2 Facilities are required to measure, at point of discharge of treated sanitary
wastewater, daily effluent residual chlorine and pH and monthly effluent total
coliform bacteria; and maintain records onsite for review by EPD staff as
5.2.1 Moving vessels are excluded from requirements under 5.2.
5.2.2 Discharges that are only comminuted are excluded from the requirement
of effluent measurements under 5.2. However, visual checks should be
recorded to ensure compliance with
5.2.3 Discharges that comminuted and disinfected should be sampled for pH,
Chlorine, and Coliform bacteria as per 5.2 above.
5.2.4 Offshore facilities with STPs will be inspected, and their effluents
sampled by EPD staff to monitor sanitary wastewater parameters as with
onshore marine discharge STPs. Facilities are still required to monitor
pH, Chlorine and Total Coliform as per 5.2 above these facilities.
5.3 The General Supervisor, Environmental Compliance Division shall validate the
data and determine the compliance status of facilities.
5.4 All analytical methods shall be approved by the Manager, R&D Center. Any
analytical methods other than those specified in Table B of this standard shall be
validated by approved quality control (QC) methods prior to their acceptance for
compliance analysis.
6 Definitions
Alternative Oil-Based Drilling Fluid: drilling fluid in which the oil-water emulsion
phase contains greater than or equal to 10% of low aromatic content mineral oil or other
alternative low toxicity oil.
Best Practical Technology (BPT): a term used by PME indicating pollution control
technology which will provide acceptable performance in meeting approved standards,
but does not reflect the most advanced technology available. BPT is typically used in
the control of conventional pollutants which are normally found in sanitary, industrial
and/or similar wastewaters.

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Facility: any installation which may be a source of pollution or environmental

deterioration. For offshore installations such as GOSPs, each platform (e.g.,
Accommodation, Production) is considered a separate facility.
GOSP: Gas Oil Separation Plant.
Grey Water: Sanitary wastewater other than that containing medical waste, kitchen
waste or human excrete (from toilets and urinals); discharged from any appliance or
fixture such as showers, sinks, or bath water.
Hazardous Waste: waste material or a mixture of waste having chemical, biological or
radiological properties capable of producing adverse effects on health, safety, or the
environment. Such material may be flammable, toxic, reactive, corrosive, oxidizing,
carcinogenic, radioactive, or a compressed gas.
LC50: the lethal concentration at which 50% of the test population dies over a
specified period of time.
Marine Environment: sea and intertidal zone area.
MEPA: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Defense & Aviation, Meteorology
and Environmental Protection Administration established under Royal Decree No.
7/M/8903, dated 21/4/1401 H (25 February 1981) (presently known as the Presidency
of Meteorology and Environment (PME)).
Modified Facility: this is any facility where major expenditure of funds occurs for
equipment addition or replacements, or when a change in the operation or design of the
facility results in an increase in the discharge of wastes. For the purpose of this
definition, any replacement of equivalent kind and capacity is not considered a
Nautical Mile: equivalent to 1.85 km.
New Facility: a facility which receives executive management final project approval
after the issuance date of this standard.
Oil-Based Drilling Fluid: drilling fluid in which the oil-water emulsion phase contains
greater than or equal to 10% diesel.
PME: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Defense & Aviation, Presidency of
Meteorology and Environment [formerly known as Meteorology and Environmental
Protection Administration (MEPA), established under Royal Decree No. 7/M/8903,
dated 21/4/1401 H (25 February 1981)].
Point-of-Discharge: most accessible plant wastewater discharge point where final
effluent can be sampled. This should be after treatment but prior to the addition of any
dilution water.
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu: a jurisdictional authority that administers
activities within the defined areas of Madinat Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah and Madinat Jubail
Al-Sinaiyah (see Appendix I & II).

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Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Rubbish: non-putrescible domestic and commercial solid waste constituents, e.g.,

paper, plastic, glass, tin cans, and wood.
i) Drainage and other waste from any form of toilet, urinal or water closet;
ii) Drainage from medical premises such as dispensary or sick bay, via wash-basins,
wash-tubs and drains located in such premises;
iii) Other wastewaters when mixed with significant quantities of the drainage defined
Toxic Substance: any substance which may result in death, disability or discomfort to
man or animal whether by direct contact, inhalation or ingestion; and substances that
may cause damage to vegetation.
Trash: similar to rubbish but primarily consists of paper, cardboard and wood.
Wastewater: any contaminated water from domestic, industrial or agricultural
activities including sanitary wastewater.
Water-Based Drilling Fluid: drilling fluid in which the oil- water emulsion phase
contains less than 10% diesel.

Revision Summary
30 April2005 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
with minor changes.

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Table A – Effluent Discharge Limitations(1)

(MEPA vs. Jubail & Yanbu Royal Commission Limits)

PME (2) Jubail Royal Commission (3) Yanbu Royal Commission (4)
Maximum Maximum
Allowable Allowable Mo. Average Allowable Mo. Average
Parameter (5) Effluent Effluent Effluent Effluent Effluent
Level Leavel Level Level Level

Physio-Chemical Pollutants
Floatables None Nil Nil Nil Nil
pH 6-9 units 6-9 units 6-9 units 6-9 units 6-9 units
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 15 mg/l 40 mg/l 25 mg/l 40 mg/l 25 mg/l
Temperature (6) Case/Case 10°C - Case/Case Case/Case
Turbidity (7) 75 NTU 75 NTU 50 NTU 15 NTU 8 NTU
Salinity (above ambient) - - - ±2.0 ppt ±1.0 ppt
Organic Pollutants (mg/L)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 25 50 25 30 15
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 150 350 150 200 75
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 50 150 50 150 50
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 5 10 5 5 2.5
Total Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 0.1 - - 0.5 0.1
Oil & Grease (8) 8 15 8 10 8
Phenols 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.1
Non Organic Pollutants (mg/L)
Aluminum - 25 15 25 15
Ammonia (total, as Nitrogen) 1.0 3 1 3 1
Arsenic 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1
Barium - 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0
Cadmium 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01
Chlorine (residual) (9) 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.3 <0.2
Chromium (total) 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1
Cobalt - 2.0 0.1 2.0 0.1
Copper 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2
Cyanide 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05
Dissolved Oxygen - 2 min.(10) - 4 min.(10) 5 min.(10)
Fluoride - 25 15 25 15
Iron - 10 5 10 5
Lead 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1
Manganese - 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.2
Mercury 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.005 0.001
Nickel 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2
Phosphates (total, as P) (9) 1.0 2 1 2 1.0
Sulfide - 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05
Zinc 1.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 1.0
Biological Pollutants 30-day
(MPN/100 ml (11) Average:
Total Coliform 1000 2400 1000 2400 1000

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Table A - Effluent Discharge Limitations(1) (Cont'd)

(MEPA vs. Jubail & Yanbu Royal Commission Limits)
Notes For Table A:
1) Royal Commission Standards shall apply to Saudi Aramco facilities within the Royal Commission jurisdictions.
See Appendices I and II for Royal Commission boundary maps.
2) Limits taken from Section 13 – Performance Standards for Direct Discharge; Environmental Protection Standards (General
Standards) Document No. 1409-01; Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA).
3) Limits taken from the Royal Commission Environmental Guidelines – 3rd Edition.
4) Limits taken from Environmental Protection Manual, Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu/Yanbu Project, Madinat Yanbu
5) See Table B for analytical methods.
6) Delta of 10°C for Jubail Royal Commission limits.
7) Nephelometric Turbidity Units. Also to be determined on a case-by-case basis; in areas deemed by EED to be biologically
8) Not to exceed 15 mg/l in any individual discharge.
9) Not applicable for wastewater reuse applications or discharge into evaporation ponds.
10) Whereas all other parameters set maximum levels, oxygen depletion is detrimental to organisms such that the mg/l value for
dissolved oxygen is to be considered a minimum value.
11) Most Probable Number.

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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Table B – Recommended Analytical Methods for Compliance Testing

APHA-Standard Methods (1)

Parameter ASTM Standards (2)
or Other Approved Method (3)
Physico-Chemical Pollutants
pH D1293-84
Filterable Residue (TDS) Method 2540-B
Non-Filterable Residue Method 2540-D
Temperature Method 2550-B
Turbidity Method 2130-B
Organic Pollutants
Biochemical Oxygen Demand Method 5210-B
Chemical Oxygen Demand Method 5220-C
Total Organic Carbon Method 5310-C
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen D3590-89
Total Chlorinated Hydrocarbons APHA 509 (4)
Oil and Grease Method 5520-C
Phenols Method 5530-D
Non Organic Pollutants
Ammonia as N D1426-89
Arsenic Method 3500-As-B, 3500-As-D
Cadmium Method 3500-Cd-B, 3500-Cd-C
Chlorine (Residual) Method 4500-CI-B, 4500-CI-I, 4500-CI-G
Chromium Method 3500-Cr-B, 3500-Cr-C
Copper Method 3500-Cu-B, 3500-Cu-C
Cyanide (Total) Method 4500-Cn-E
Dissolved Oxygen Method 4500-O-G
Lead Method 3500-Pb-B, 3500-Pb-C
Mercury Method 3500-Hg-B
Nickel Method 3500-Ni-B, 3500-Ni-C
Phosphate (Total as P) D515-88
Sulfide Method 4500-S2-E
Sulfite Method 4500-SO3-B
Zinc Method 3500-Zn-B, 3500-Zn-C
Biological Pollutants
Total Coliform Method 9221-B, 9221-C

(1) American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for The Examination of Water And Wastewater.
(2) American Society for Testing and Materials, Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
(3) The Saudi Aramco Research & Development Center shall approve other analytical procedures for environmental
(4) American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.

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Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Appendix I


1 2 988 937.799 368 018.817

2 2 986 938.261 367 987.185
3 2 986 837.826 374 335.718
4 3 000 384.696 374 550.034
5 2 994 935.414 362 364.382
6 3 008 432.297 362 577.907
3 008 491.079
6A 358 862.316
6B 3 011 708.430 359 618.354

6C 3 020 951.933 351 268.071

6D 3 018 387.000 348 518.000
6E 3 015 986.464 348 963.503
6F 3 012 237.555 346 976.416 6E ARABIAN GULF
7 3 008 643.449 349 230.990
8 2 987 758.512 326 659.119

9 2 970 196.478 342 908.599 6F 6B

10 2 988 686.533 361 035.589
10A 2 988 678.046 361 601.443
10B 2 988 855.399 361 441.227 6A 6
10C 2 988 892.264 361 482.036 7
10D 2 989 085.118 361 476.252
10E 2 990 521.507 363 066.290
10F 2 990 925.409 363 086.796
10G 2 991 423.429 363 638.088

10H 2 991 413.349 364 213.134

10J 2 991 043.422 364 318.243
10K 2 990 241.255 364 278.877 4
13 2 990 257.040 364 324.769
14 2 990 122.384 365 035.412
15 2 989 364.078 365 531.201
16 2 989 115.433 366 143.576

10G 10H
10D 1516 1
UTM ZONE 39 10
8 2 3

10D 10H

10 10J




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Issue Date: 30 April 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2010 Discharges to the Marine Environment

Appendix II



3. SCALE = 1 : 200,000


10 No.
1 2 642 546.475 431 426.087
14 2 2 645 880.576 434 192.737
15 2 648 177.312 436 098.579
16 3
17 4 2 651 939.921 431 564.245
5 2 658 258.936 423 948.316
6 2 660 300.666 421 496.690
18 2 662 821.938 416 022.384
8 2 660 905.966 415 602.850
NOT TO SCALE 9 2 659 878.058 415 320.853
10 2 660 741.371 413 442.393
11 2 660 697.182 413 422.084
12 2 660 649.878 413 379.735
13 2 660 614 227 413 347.200
7 14 2 660 483.789 413 248.554
15 2 660 453.067 413 229.323
16 2 660 303.284 413 177.535
8 17 2 660 171.260 413 101.903
18 9 6 18 2 659 742.060 412 598.905
19 2 658 206.254 411 528.518
19 5



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