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173504-Khadja-Tul-Kubra - Online Hostel Management System-1

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SEPTEMBER 22, 2019




SESSION: 2017-2019

Revision History
Date Description Author Comments
Version 1.0 Khadija Tul Kubra

Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the following:

Signature Printed Name Title Date

Sir Usman Ghani Supervisor, CSIT 21306

Table of Contents

1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Scope 1
1.3 Overvie 2
1.4 Reference Material 2
1.5 Definitions and Acronyms 2
2.1 Technology to be used 2

2.2 Design Language 3

2.3 System Environment 3

2.4 General Constraints 3

2.5 Application Overview 3

2.6 Assumptions 3

3.1 Web Architecture 4

3.1.1 Architecture Design 4

3.1.2 Block Diagram 5

3.2 Decomposition Description 6

3.2 Use cases 6

3.2.1 User Registration 7

3.2.2 Login 8

3.2.3 Contact Management staff 9

3.2.4 Booking Room Instruction 10

3.2.5 Payment 11

3.2.6 Logout 12

3.2.7 Cancellation of Room 13

3.2.8 Contact us 14

3.2.9 Delete Account 15

3.2.10 Feedback 16

3.2.11 Modify login Password 17

3.2.12View Report 18

3.2.3 Class Diagrams 19 Registration 19 Login 20 Reservation 21 User 22 Payment 23 Entire System 24 Contact us 25 Booking room 26

3.2.4 Sequence Diagrams 27 Registration 27 Login 28 Feedback 29 Password 30

3.2.5 Activity Diagram 31 Registration 32 Login 33 Make Reservation 34 Booking room 35 Payment 36

3.2.6 State Transition Diagram 37 Registration 37 Login 38 Student Room Details 39 Cancel Room 40

3.3. Design Rotational 40

4 Data design 41

4.1 Design Description 41

4.1.1 Data objects 41 Admin 41 User 41 Room 41 Payment 42 Registration 42 Login 42 Hostel 42

4.1.2 DFD of Entire Model 43

4.2. Data dictionary 43

4.2.1 User 43

4.2.2 Admin 44

4.2.3 Room 44

4.2.4 Reservation 44

4.2.5 Payment 44

4.2.6 Registration 45

4.2.7 Feedback 45

5 Component Design 45

5.1 Objects 45

5.1.1 Login 45

5.1.2 User 47

5.1.3 Payment 49

5.1.4 Reception list 50

5.1.5 Admin 51

5.1.6 Room 52

6 Human Interface Design 52

6.1 Overview of user interface design 52

6.2 Screen Images 53

6.2.1 Registration 53

6.2.2 Login 54

6.2.3 Forget Password 54

6.2.4 Payment 55

6.2.5 Comment 56

6.2.6 Room Reservation 57

6.2.7 Manager 58

6.2.8 Reception list 59

6.2.9 Logout 60

6.2.10 Booking Room 61

6.2.11 User Record 62

6.2.12 Contact us 63

6.2.13 User Reset Password 64

6.2.14 Feedback 65

6.2.15 Home Page of OHMS 66

7 Requirement Matrices 67

Online Hostel Management System


The Software Design Document is a document to provide documentation which will be

used to aid in software development by providing the details for how the software should be
built. The software design for the project including use case models, sequence diagrams,
collaboration models, object behavior models, and other supporting requirement information.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Software Design Document is to provide a description of the design
of a system fully enough to allow for software development to proceed with an understanding of
what is to be built and how it is expected to built. The Software Design Document provides
information necessary to provide description of the details for the software and system to be
built. The primary purpose of this document is to provide the detail description of the design
element of the Online Hostel Management System. This will guide in the design of the
application. The SDD shows how the software system will be structured to satisfy the
requirements identified in the software requirements specification. It is a translation of
requirements into a description of the software structure, software components, interfaces and
data necessary for the implementation phase.

1.2 Scope
The purpose of this system is to make better “Online Hostel Management System”. The
“Online Hostel Management System’’ designed to facilitate users of it. The “Online Hostel
Management System” which help them to save the records of the students about their rooms and
other things. It helps them from the manual work from which it is very difficult to find the
records of the students .The “Online Hostel Management System” needs to create the “Online
Hostel Management system” (OHMS) to organize the rooms, mess students records and the other
information about the students how many students can live in a room, and the students of the
hostel can be recognized from their ID card number. This software product is used to improve
their services for all the students of the hostel. Through this you can check the personal profile of
all the current students within few minutes the data base of a system will help you to check a

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particular one. The system will help you to check the mess bills of every student and the
student’s hostel dues. The owner wants to start business with new plan and minimum staff is
required and functionality is more gained. This Software Design Document is for a base level
system which will work as a proof of concept for the use of building a system the provides a base
level of functionality to show feasibility for large scale production use. This Software Design is
focused on the base level system and critical parts of the system.

1.3 Overview
First section contain introduction of the project, second section of SDD contain system
overview, in this section describe overall system in high level definition. Third section contains
system architecture of the project; main components and its sub components are define in section
three. Four sections contain data design in this section design the system using Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD) and Data Flow Diagram (DFD) etc. Selection five contains
component design, in which different comments are design. Section six of the SDD contains
Human Interface Design and Last section contains the Requirements Matrix.

1.4 Reference Material


1.5 Definitions and Acronyms

 SDD Software Design Document
 OHMS Online Hostel Management System
 ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
 DFD Data Flow Diagram
 UML Unified Modeling Language

2.1 Technology to be used
OHMS system requires HTML, CSS, JavaScript, J-Query, and Bootstrap. HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, J-Query and Bootstrap are used for front-end designing of the site. PHP is used for
the back-end processing. MySQL is database technology used for storing records about rooms,

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candidates, registration and other entities of the system. OHMS system will interact with DB
through ODBC.
2.2 Design Language
UML (unified modeling language) used to indicate the design of any system. ERD Entity
Relationship diagram, DFD Data Flow Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Sequence
Diagrams and State Machine Diagrams also used during development of online hostel
management system. These all diagram indicate the design of online hostel management system.
2.3 System environment
The OHMS system is designed to work on all operating system that can support a current
Media and latest web browser. The OHMS system is accessible through any
Laptop/desktop/Tablets/Smartphone that is connected to the server. It is accessible at all times.
2.4 General constraints
This system will be completed using MY SQL relational database. The developer of this
system require local web server for testing to include Apache web server 2.0, PHP 5.0, My SQL
5.1 or higher.

2.5 Application overview

Online hostel management system is basically developed to help the customers. Online
hostel management system is available for all types of customers who want to registered and
select room accessories without going to outside. By using this system user can get all detail
about hostel. This system manages customer detail, order detail, available rooms detail, account
detail etc.
2.6 Assumptions
Some of the dependency related to our system is working internet connection. The user of
the system is aware of basic operations of a computer and web pages. The user also
understands the standard terms used for operation.

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3.1. Web Architecture

The online Hostel Management System application will run on client-server
system architecture. Where the client will connect to the web server using current internet
browser and TCP/IP connection. Using Web Application communication with Web
Server, save data in database or get data from database by communicating web server
with database. The web server will communicate with a MYSQL database and internet.

3.2.1 Architecture Design

In online hostel site user that login must be registered and have more rights as compare
to visitors. User can search anything and visit the site without login. Registered user give

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feedback and feedback receive by administrator .Record of registered user and record of select
rooms store in database. All records are updated by database. The block diagram below shows
the principal parts of the system and their interaction. This section we describe the subsystem
and their working of the online Hostel management system.

3.2.2 Block Diagram

User User User User User User User

Registration Login Room Reservatio Database management Payment Reporting


Web application

Web server

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3.2 Decomposition Description
Registration procedures are used to register new user member and log in used to access
his/her account. Only register users are log in later, because only those people log in, who have
their already register account.

3.2 Use Cases

3.2.1 User Registration

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Actor User

Pre-Condition 1) Connect with OTS.

2) User must know the registration procedure.
3) Have valid user name.
4) Have valid email
5) Have valid phone no.
6) Have valid password

Post-Condition Verification message to user

Description To register new user.

User Action: 1) User request to open up a sign up form.

3)Fill the all information that require
System Response 2) System show sign up form.
4) Process the information and display the message to user that user
successfully register or not.

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3.2.2 Login

Actor Manager/student

Pre-condition OHMS site should be open

Post-condition User has logged in site

Description User enters id and password for login

Actor action 1) User open OHMS site.

3) User selects login option.
5) User fill up user name, password and submit form

System response 2) Display home page of site.

4) Display login form.
6) Display message that you are successfully login or display error message

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3.2.3 Contact Management Staff

Actor User and OHMS

Pre-Condition 1) Open OHMS.

2) Know the procedure to connect with management

Post-Condition Management details

Description Customer connects with management staff.

User Action
Click on about us.

System Response System Display management information like company name,

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3.2.4 Booking Room Instruction

Actor User

Pre- condition Online OHMS site should be open.

Post-condition User select their room

Description User can view select room of OHMS.

User action
1) User selects room in OHMS.
System response 2) System process the user request to select room in OHMS.

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3.2.5 Payment




Actor Customer, Manager

Pre-Condition Log in to the system

Post-Condition Current payment Update

Description Validate and keep save the record

Action 1)Input total payment

2)Credit Card detail

System After enter the detail the system record information and handle error

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3.2.6 Logout

Actor Admin

Pre-Condition User wants to logout after performing our tasks.

Post-Condition User cans successfully logout.

Description User cans logout after performing different task on his account

Action User can click on the logout button to be logout from the system.

System When User click on button he successfully logout from system.


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3.2.7 Cancelation of Room

Actor Admin

Pre-condition 1. Connect with OHMS.

2.Log in
3. Know the specific cancel the room
Post- condition Verify message to admin

Description Canceled the specific room

User action 1. Click on specific room, open its option and give the specific

System response 2. Process the admin request and cancel the specific room

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3.2.8 Contact Us

Actor User and OHMS

Pre-Condition 1) Open OHMS

2) Know the procedure to connect with company
Post-Condition Company details

Description Customer connects with company.

User Action
Click on about

System Response System Display company information like company name, address
,phone no.

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3.2.9 Delete Account

Actor Admin.

Pre-Condition 1. Open OHMS

2. Admin has valid email and password
Post-Condition Successfully deleted record.

Description Deleted new record.

User Action
1. Click on delete record button.
3. Select specific record
System Response 2. Browse to select specific record.
4. Delete them.

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3.2.10 Feedback

Actor User

Pre-condition The user wants to write something.

Post-condition The user click successfully gives the feedback about the HMS site.

Description The user can give the desired feedback about the site for the drawbacks and
for enhancement purpose.

Actor action 1)user login

2) User write feedback and click feedback option

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3.2.11 Modify Login Password

Actor Admin and system(OHMS)

Pre-condition 1) Connect with OHMS.

2) Admin must have an account
3) Have valid email and password
Post-condition Successfully reset or not.

Description To reset admin password.

User action 1) Click on reset Admin password button

3) Enter old and new password and click on change password button
System response 2) Open reset admin password page.
4) Process them and display a message to admin that the passwords are
successfully reset or not.

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3.2.12 View Report

Actor Administrator

Description Administrator can view reports

Pre-Conditions 1. System must be connected with the backend system.

2. Administrator must open reports form and can view reports.
Steps 1. Administrator open the reports form.
2. Then enter the information of Reports in form.
3. Then click on “Save” button
4. Viewed information of the reports is successfully saved
Post-Conditions 1. Now all information of reports is saved.
2. Information is entered in the reports form

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Class Diagram Registration

User Registration
-userName: string -name: string
-DatabaseNme: string
-userId: string -emailId: string
-password: string
-age: int -password: string
-gender: string -gender: string +searchTable()
-address: string 1..* -address: string +insertTable()
-phoneNo: int +updateTable()
+addUserDetails() 1..* -hobby: string 1..* +deleteTable()
+updateUserDetails() +searchRecord()
+deleteUserDetails() +getName()
+manageUserDetails() +setName()
+viewUserDetails() +getEmailId()

-studentEmail: string
-adminName: string
+studentId: string
-adminId: string
-password: string
-address: string
-phoneNo: int
-phoneNo: int
-address: string
-gender: string

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-userName: string Login
-userId: string -DatabaseNme: string
-userId: string
-age: int -password: string
-userName: string
-gender: string
-password: string +searchTable()
-address: string 1..* * +insertTable()
1..* +login()
+addUserDetails() 1 +updateTable()
+updateUserDetails() +deleteTable()
+deleteUserDetails() +searchRecord()
+manageUserDetails() +insertRecord()
+viewUserDetails() +updateRecord()

Student Administrator
-studentEmail: string -adminName: string
+studentId: string -adminId: string
-password: string -address: string
-phoneNo: int -phoneNo: int
-address: string -gender: string
+viewDetails() +viewStudentRecord()
+signIn() +updateStudentrecord()
+signOut() +deletestudentRecord()

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 20 9/27/2019 Reservation

Reservation Room
-name: string RoomType
-emailIdL: string -arrivalDate: int -roomNumber: int
-phoneNo: int -departureDate: int -idType: string
-roomDescrption: string
-address: string +customizedPrice: int -descrption: string
-capacity: double
-status: string * -roomPrice: double
+view() * *
+search() +newReservation() +newRoomType()
+getService() +modifyReservation() +destroyRoom()
+confirmReservation() +destoryReservation()
+pikUpInformation() * Service
-idService: string
-description: string
+unitPrice: double

Student Aministrator +newService()

Payment +destroyService()
-name: string -adminName: string 0..1
-adress: string -adminId: string -customerId: char
-phoneNo: int -phoneNo: int -name: string
-hobby: string -address: string -amount: double *
-password: string -bill: int -invoiceNumber: int Charges
+viewStudentRecord() -transaction: int -paymentDate: int *
+viewDetails() +searchStudentRecord() -date: int
-total: int
+signIn() +updateStudentRecord() +updateBill() +units: int
* -status: string
+signOut() +logOut() +confirmBill() -quantity: double
+searchBill() +newInvoice()
+generateBill() +destroyInvoice() +newCharge()
+makePayment() +printInvoice() +destroyCharge()

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 21 9/27/2019 User

-userName: string
-name: string
-userId: string
-emailId: string
-age: int
-password: string
-gender: string
-gender: string
-address: string
-address: string
-phoneNo: int 1..* +addUserDetails()
-hobby: string +updateUserDetails()

1 Student
Login -studentEmail: string
-adminName: string
-userId: string +studentId: string
-adminId: string
-userName: string -password: string
-address: string
-password: string -phoneNo: int
-phoneNo: int
-address: string
+login() 1..* -gender: string
+verifyDetails() +viewDetails()
+forgetPassword() +signIn()
+resetPassword() +signOut()

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-customerId: char
-name: string -name: string
-emailIdL: string -amount: double
-phoneNo: int -bill: int
-address: string -transaction: int
1..* 0..1
+view() +updateBill()
+search() +confirmBill()
+getService() +searchBill()
+confirmReservation() +generateBill()
+getBookStatus() +makePayment()
+pikUpInformation() +confirmTransaction()

Student Creidt

-name: string Aministrator -number: int Checque

Cash -expDate: int
-adress: string -adminName: string -bankName: string
-phoneNo: int -adminId: string -name: string +updateNo() -password: string
-hobby: string -email: string +deleteNo()
-phoneNo: int -password: string +autohride()
-password: string -address: string
+viewDetails() +viewStudentRecord()
+signIn() +searchStudentRecord()
+signOut() +updateStudentRecord()

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 23 9/27/2019 Entire system

User Registration
-name: string -name: string
-name: string
-emailIdL: string -email: string
-adress: string
-phoneNo: int -dateOfBirth: int
-phoneNo: int
-address: string -phoneNo: int
-hobby: string 1 -address: string Login
-password: string +view() 1
+search() +show() -userId: int
+getService() +edit() 1 -password: int
+confirmReservation() +signUp()
+signOut() +setId()
+getBookStatus() +upDate()
+pikUpInformation() +setPassword() +getId()
+getPassword() +login()
+getEmailId() +logOut()
Aministrator +setEmailId()

-adminName: string
-adminId: string
-phoneNo: int Payment
-address: string
-customerId: char Reservation
+viewStudentRecord() -name: string ViewRoomDetails
+searchStudentRecord() -amount: double -arrivalDate: int
+updateStudentRecord() -bill: int -roomNO: int -departureDate: int
+logOut() -transaction: int +customizedPrice: int
-status: string
+updateBill() +updateRoomDetails()
+confirmBill() +addRoomDetails() +newReservation()
+searchBill() +deleteRoomDetails() +modifyReservation()
+generateBill() +destoryReservation()

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 24 9/27/2019 Contact us

Login Administrator

-userId: string -adminName: string

-userName: string -adminId: string
-password: string -address: string
1 -phoneNo: int
+login() -gender: string
+forgetPassword() +viewStudentRecord()
+resetPassword() +updateStudentrecord()


-userName: string Contact US
-userId: string
-age: int -contactNo: int
-gender: string -emailId: string
-address: string 1..* +getContactNo()
+addUserDetails() 1..* +setContactNo()
+updateUserDetails() +clickContactUs()

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 25 9/27/2019 Booking Room

-customerId: char
-name: string -roomNumber: int
-amount: double pay 1..* -roomDescrption: string 1
-bill: int -capacity: double
-transaction: int +newRoom()
+updateBill() +destroyRoom()
+confirmBill() +printOccupation()
+confirmTransaction() 0..*
-adminName: string
-emailId: string -adminId: string
User -name: string * -phoneNo: int
-phoNo: int -address: string
-name: string
-address: string
-emailIdL: string +viewStudentRecord()
-phoneNo: int 0..1 +viewAvailability() +searchStudentRecord()
-address: string 1 +bookUnit() +book +book +updateStudentRecord()
+cancelUnit() +logOut()
+search() Booking
+getService() 0..1
+confirmReservation() -dateOfBooking: int
+getBookStatus() -bookingDescription: string
+pikUpInformation() -unitOfDate: int
1 +deleteBooking()

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3.2.4 Sequence Diagrams Sequence Diagram for sign in

: user
: Registration

1 : signin()

2 : validate information()

3 : wrong information()

4 : sucessfully signin()

5 : signout()

6 : sucessfulley signout()

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 27 9/27/2019 Sequence Diagram for Customer Login

: customer : search : logout

: login

1 : Enter EmailId and Password()

2 : Verify EmailId and Password()

3 : successfully login()

4 : Invaild emailId and Password()

5 : Enter Emailid and password again()

6 : customer can search any room()

7 : logout()

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 28 9/27/2019 Feedback

: customer : Feedback : Admin

1 : Enter Emailid and Password()

2 : Verify EmailId and Password()

3 : give Feedback()

4 : take Feedback()

5 : give response() Sequence diagram for password

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: user
: password

1 : Enter password()

2 : forget password()

3 : get secert information()

4 : direct snd password()

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: user
: password

1 : Enter password()

2 : forget password()

3 : get secert information()

4 : direct snd password()

3.2.5 Activity Diagram

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Start State

Request to open

Not open successfully

Open Registration Form

Open fille

Fill Registration Form

Invaild input

Fill form

Submit Form

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 32 9/27/2019 Activity Diagram Login

Enter Login ID

validate login Id

Invalid user


Check availability of seats

is available


Invalid Info
Display Reservation Form

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 33 9/27/2019 Activity Diagram for make Reservation

User LoginID Authentication

if valid

Yes No
Display Reservation Form Request For Reservation Invalid user

Submit reservation form verify reservation detail

is valid


Invalid Info
Reservation Successfully

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 34 9/27/2019 Activity Diagram for booking room

View the site

Check Availability of room



Book room

Submit Details Fill Details

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Receive Payment Validate Credit Card

Rejected Accepted

Finalize Reservation

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3.2.6 State Transition Diagram State Diagram of Registration New User

SDD Document 1.0 P a g e | 37 9/27/2019 State Diagram for Login User State Diagram for Student Room Details

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Start State Request For Cancel Room


Invalid user Admin

Search specific room

Room not found Search Room

If Found

Cancel Room

3.3 Design Rationale

There are several benefits to using a software system hostel management system. The
most important benefit of a software system is the use of a central database. This database is the
basis for all actions in the system and can be used to help in all of the system’s processes,
meaning all of the required information is stored in one central location and thus is easily
accessible. This is a far more reasonable storage method than a paper-based file system, where
the time of traveling to and physically searching the records for the required information could
be a weight. OHMS is developed using modular strategies. In modular programming parallel
coding, testing is performed the result in rapid development. Because system develop in smaller
modules is to manage, code, test and maintain

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4.1 Data Description

All the information is stored in database. MySQL database is used to store all the information of
Online Hostel Management System. PHP is used to insert, delete, and update data.PHP script is
used to manipulate the information, get information from the database or put information into
database, a local web server also used with PHP script.
4.1.1 Data Object Admin

Name: Name of admin

Gender: Gender of admin
Id: Email id of admin for login
Password: Password of id for login
Phone No: Admin phone no
Address: Address of admin User

Name: Name of user

Gender: Gender of user
Id: Id of user
Password: Password of user
Phone No: Phone no of user
Address: Address of user Room

Room no: Number of room

Room type: Type of room

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Room charge: Charges of room Payment

User id: id of the User

User name: Name of the User
Bill id: id of the Room
Bill date: Date of the bill
Charges: Charges of the reserved room Registration

First name: First name of the user

Last name: Last name of the user
Phone no: User contact no
Address: Address of the user
Gender: Gender of the user
Email id: Email id of the user
Date of birth: Date of birth of the user Login

Id: Email id of user for the login

Password: Password of the id to login the site Hostel

Name: Hotel name is uniquely identifies the hostel.

Id: Hotel id represents hostel.
Description: The description tells us about hostel room and its services

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4.1.2 Entire data model

4.2 Data Dictionary

4.2.1 User

Parameter Parameter Type

Name String
Email id Int
Password Char
Phone No Int
Address String

4.2.2 Admin

Parameter Parameter Type

Name String

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Address String
Gender String
Phone No Int
Id Int

4.2.3 Room

Parameter Parameter Type

Room Id Int
Room No Int
Fare Double
Room Type String

4.2.5 Reservation

Parameter Parameter Type

Room no Int
User Name String
Fare Double
Room details String
Date of reservation String

4.2.5 Payment

Parameter Parameter Type

User id Int
Name String
Bill Id Int
Bill Date Int
Charges Double
Payment Char

4.2.6 Registration

Parameter Parameter Type

First Name String
Last Name String

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Gender Char
Email Id Int
Date of birth Int
Phone No Int

4.2.7 Feedback

Parameter Parameter Type

User Name String
Email Id Int
Date string

5 Component Design
5.1 Objects

5.1.1 Login

Class Name: Login Details

Attributes Attributes Description

ID ID is used to access the each user separately.

User Name Name is used to store the name of the user.

Address Name is used to store the name of the user.

CNIC CNIC of the user is stored in the attribute

Method Method Description

registration() A method which is used to perform registration when user wants to register with the

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Pseudo Code

1. Start
2. Get the all required information from user
3. If all fields are filled Display “Successfully register” message
4. Else If any field is not filled Display “All fields must be filled”
5. Store the information in database.
6. End

login() A method used to perform login when user wants to login with the site.
Pseudo Code
1. Start
2. Get the user name and password from user
3. Match both password and user name with the user name and password in MYSQL
4. If one of these is incorrect Print “Invalid information”
5. Else If both are match
6. Print “Successfully login”
7. End

set Password() Set password method is used to set password of the user.
Pseudo Code:
1. Input user name and ID.
2. Match both ID and name with the name and ID of the user in the database.
3. If both are matched then set password successfully
4. Else Print message “Incorrect Information”

setEmail() This method is used to set email ID of the user.

Pseudo Code

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1. Start
2. Get the email ID from user.
3. Match Email ID with the user Email ID in MYSQL database.
4. If Email ID is incorrect the Print “Invalid information”
5. Else Set password.

sendPassword() This method specifies that it can possible that user forget his/her password so if user
forget password then this method send password to the user.
Pseudo Code

1. Start
2. Get the email ID from user.
3. Match Email ID with the user Email ID in MYSQL database.
4. If Email ID is incorrect the Print “Invalid information”
5. Else Set password.

5.1.2 User

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Class Name: User
Brief Description: User class used to explain all the attributes and methods that
define all the activities of user.
Attributes Attributes Description
Username: string Refers the user name
Address: string Refers the address of user
User type: string Refers the type of user
Methods Methods Description
view room Details() User can use view detail () function to view all available room
Pseudo code
It check the room is available or not for booking.
Add details( Name, Address, E-mail, phone no, room no)
String name;
String address;
String email;
Int phone no;
Int room No;
1. Input the record of each person in database to keep the
data safe.
2. Safe current address for any problem.
3. Display complete detail.
check-In() Pseudo code
Check the condition of the room and services. Add details(id,
address, email, phone no)
Int id;
String address ;
String email;
Int phone no;
1. Input complete details.
2. Database connection is created.
3. Login.

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check-Out() Pseudo code
Checkout the complete inventory and facilities. Add
details(id, address, email, phone no)
Int id;
String address ;
String email;
Int phone no;
1. Input complete details.
2. Database connection is created

5.1.3 Payment
Class Name Bill /Payment
Brief Description This table contains the payment. List item, Name, price and type
will describe.
Attributes Attributes Description
Name: Name of the user
Price: Describe the total price of the thing.
List Item: How many list items used and receive
Type: Type of receive thing.
Operation Description
Pseudo code
check-On Customer receives the bill.
check-Out After receive the bill check-out.
check-In() Add bill details( Name, Price, List item, Type ) {
String name;
Int price;
String list item;
String type;
1. Update & check the record.
check-Out() Add Bill Details( Name, Price ,List item, Type)
String name;
Int price;
String list item;
String type;
1. Pay the bill and clear

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2. . 2. Receive the receipt

5.1.4 Reception list

Class Name Receptionist
Brief Description This class keeps records the complete information about booking and
inventory management It contains whole information about hotel
Attributes Attributes Description
Name: Name identifies the person.
Address: Address represents the current address of this person.
Email: It represents the e-mail id of this person to contact them safely
Phone No: The phone no of this person
Methods Description
Pseudo code
Check Room Availability() It check the room is available or not for booking.
Add details( Name, Address, E-mail, phone no, room no)
String name;
String address;
String email;
Int phone no;
Int room No;
1. Input the record of each person in database to keep the data safe.
2. Safe current address for any problem
. 3. Display complete detail
generate Bill() Generate the bill of customer and keep the record. Add details( Name,
Address, E-mail, phone no)
String name;
String address;
String email;
Int phone no;
1. Input the record of each person in database to generate the bill.
2. Check the list item.

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5.1.5 Admin

Class name: Admin

Brief Description: The admin class manages all details about room booking and its
Attributes Attributes Description
Name It is store admin name who is used in the class for checking
booking or accept or reject visit the site
Id It is store email id for the object.
Password It is store password.
Phone NO It is store phone No of the user that is used to contact with the
Gender It is store gender details about user.
Method Method Description
addAdmin() This is the description of the method used to add more admin
Program description
IF user login=valid
Admin add new admin
Display message” you are not admin that’s why you cannot view
the record”.

delete Admin() This is the description of the method used to delete admin or
remove a user from admin rights.
Program description
IF user login=valid
Delete the admin
Message” you are not an admin you can’t delete admin”.

5.1.6 Room

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Class name: Room
Brief description The all information about room detail.
Attributes Attributes description
Room It is store room id
Room type It is store room type
Room No It is store room no
Method Method Description
bookRoom() This method used for only room booking.
Program Description
If(c.getroom Id()==room id)
User selects room name
Room type
room place
Display “Successfully book room”
Display “there is no result found against this room no”
updateRoom() This method used to update available room details.
Program Description
IF user id && user password==valid
Add more details about hostel
Display “Enter valid id and password”
viewRoom() This method used for view hostel details or booking details.
Program Description
If user id && password ==valid
Display rooms list
Display “You are not registering only register user book room
and view rooms list or much more.


6.1 Overview of User Interface
Difference interfaces are provider for different users, admin has difference user
interface that is a simple user of the site. First of all, user creates his/her account by simply fill
the registration form after registration user log in to access his/her account. If user log in
successfully, then he/she perform different operation like create account, perform transaction,
create category and show the summery.

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6.2 Screen Images

6.2.1 Registration Form

The below registration form are used to register the user on this site according to fill the
required form fields. These fields are used to represent the user information that is stored in
Registration Form

First Name Phone No

Last Name DOB

Email Address Nationality

6.2.2 Login

6.2.2 Login Password Residence

6.2.2 Login Male

Female Sign UP

6.2.2 Login

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6.2.2 Login Screen
This form required user email and password for login to the site. Because only authorized
user uses this site according to enter their email and password. Only register user have the
facility to login this site according to fill this fields.


Email Id:


6.2.3 Forget Password Screen

This screen will open when user forget his/her password.

Email Id:


Login Forget password?

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6.2.4 Payment screen

It will be the payment screen when user pay amount to the OHMS.

Payment Customer Id

Postal code Card NO

Card type Details

Make payment Cancel

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6.2.5 Comment screen
This section provides the facility to register user to give their view about the site or
room details. And register user place their comment or view according to fill the required
form fields before login to the site


Email Address:

Mobile No:



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6.2.6 Room Reservation screen
If the room is available then customer fills the form and gets the room. By clicking
submit button.

Room Reservation

Name of customer:

Id of customer:


Phone NO:

Room No:


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6.2.7 Manager Screen
The manager get information add new detail by clicking add button. Update data by
update button delete the old record by using delete button.
6.2.8Reception list screen




Phone NO:

Add Update Delete

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6.2.8 Reception list screen
This screen contains the whole information about the receptionist to add the current
information address and phone no of customer. And update the changes in database of




Phone No: Update



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6.2.9 Logout screen

This screen after generating the bill clears the record of the customer.

Customer Name:

Customer Number:

Generate Clear

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6.2.10 Booking Room

User Name:


Phone No:

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6.2.11 User Record

User Information System

User Name:

User ID:

Email ID:

Phone Number:

Update Record Add Record Delete Record Clear Record

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6.2.12 Contact us
This is the contact us screen when the user want to contact with the OHMS he/she use
this screen.

First Name:

Last Name:


Contact us by:

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6.2.13 User Reset Password

Old Password:

New Password:

Confirm New Password:

Reset Password Cancel

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6.2.14 Feedback

Email Id:


Feedback: Yes No

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6.2.15 Home page of OHMS

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7. Requirements Matrix

Compon Registr Login/ Admi Fee Repor Use Datab Bookin Paymen Pac Stude Hos
ent ation Logou n dba ts r ase g t kage nt tel
Require t ck room
3.1 x
X x x X
3.2 x x x x X
UC3 v
3.3 x x
3.4 x x x x
3.5 x x x
UC3 
3.6 x x x
3.7 x x x x x
3.8 x x 

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3.9 xx
3.10 x x x
3.11 x x x
3.12 x x x x
3.13 x x x
3.14 x x x
3.15 x x x

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