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Service Manual: Foreword

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The Operator's Manual

You and others can be killed or seriously injured

if you operate or maintain the machine without
first studying the Operator's Manual. You must
understand and follow the instructions in the
Operator's Manual. If you do not understand
anything, ask your employer or JCB dealer to
explain it.

SERVICE MANUAL Do not operate the machine without an Operator's

Manual, or if there is anything on the machine you
do not understand.

Treat the Operator's Manual as part of the machine.

Keep it clean and in good condition. Replace the
Operator's Manual immediately if it is lost, damaged
or becomes unreadable.

SD70/80 Axle
01 - Machine
24 - Brake System
25 - Steering System
27 - Driveline
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
75 - Consumable Products
78 - After Sales

EN - 9823/1500 - ISSUE 1 - 08/2018

This manual contains original instructions, verified by

the manufacturer (or their authorized representative).

Copyright 2018 © JCB SERVICE

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any other means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise,
without prior permission from JCB SERVICE.

Spine Cards


Volume 1 Volume 2

SD70/80 Axle SD70/80 Axle

EN 9823/1500 EN 9823/1500


Volume 3 Volume 4

SD70/80 Axle SD70/80 Axle

EN 9823/1500 EN 9823/1500


01 - Machine
Contents Page No.

Acronyms Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 01-2

01-03 Safety
01-03-03 Safety - Yours and Others ............................................................................................... 01-3
01-03-06 Safety Warnings ............................................................................................................... 01-4
01-03-09 General Safety ................................................................................................................. 01-5
01-03-12 Maintenance Safety ......................................................................................................... 01-6
01-03-18 Operating Safety .............................................................................................................. 01-8
01-06 About this Manual
01-06-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 01-13
01-06-06 Using the Manual ........................................................................................................... 01-14

Acronyms Glossary

PIL Parts Identification List

01 - Machine
03 - Safety

03 - Safety

Contents Page No.

01-03-03 Safety - Yours and Others ............................................................................................... 01-3

01-03-06 Safety Warnings ............................................................................................................... 01-4
01-03-09 General Safety ................................................................................................................. 01-5
01-03-12 Maintenance Safety ......................................................................................................... 01-6
01-03-18 Operating Safety .............................................................................................................. 01-8

01 - 1 9823/1500-1 01 - 1

01 - 2 9823/1500-1 01 - 2
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
03 - Safety - Yours and Others

03 - Safety - Yours and Others

Health and Safety

All machinery can be hazardous. When a machine

is correctly operated and maintained, it is a safe
machine to work with. When it is carelessly operated
or poorly maintained it can become a danger to you
(the operator) and others.

In this manual and on the machine you will find

warning messages, you must read and understand
them. They inform you of potential hazards and how
to avoid them. If you do not fully understand the
warning messages, ask your employer or JCB dealer
to explain them.

Safety is not just a matter of responding to the

warnings. All the time you are working on or with the
machine you must be thinking of what hazards there
might be and how to avoid them.

Do not work with the machine until you are sure that
you can control it.

Do not start any work until you are sure that you and
those around you will be safe.

If you are not sure of anything, about the machine or

the work, ask someone who knows. Do not assume


• Be careful
• Be alert
• Be safe.

01 - 3 9823/1500-1 01 - 3
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
06 - Safety Warnings

06 - Safety Warnings

Health and Safety

In this manual there are safety notices. Each notice

starts with a signal word. The signal word meanings
are given below.

The signal word 'DANGER' indicates a hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

The signal word 'WARNING' indicates a hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.

The signal word 'CAUTION' indicates a hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury.

The signal word 'Notice' indicates a hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in
machine damage.

The safety alert system symbol (shown) also helps

to identify important safety messages in this manual.
When you see this symbol your safety is involved,
carefully read the message that follows.

Figure 1. The safety alert system symbol

01 - 4 9823/1500-1 01 - 4
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
09 - General Safety

09 - General Safety Lifting Equipment

You can be injured if you use incorrect or faulty lifting
Health and Safety equipment. You must identify the weight of the item to
be lifted then choose lifting equipment that is strong
enough and suitable for the job. Make sure that lifting
Training equipment is in good condition and complies with all
To operate the machine safely you must know the local regulations.
machine and have the skill to use it. You must abide Raised Equipment
by all relevant laws, health and safety regulations
that apply to the country you are operating in. The Never walk or work under raised equipment unless
operator's manual instructs you on the machine, its it is supported by a mechanical device. Equipment
controls and its safe operation; it is not a training which is supported only by a hydraulic device can
manual. Ensure that you receive the correct training drop and injure you if the hydraulic system fails
before operating any machinery. Failing to do so will or if the control is operated (even with the engine
result in incorrect operation of the machine and you stopped).
will be putting yourself and others at risk. In some Make sure that no-one goes near the machine while
markets, and for work on certain jobsites, you may you install or remove the mechanical device.
be required to have been trained and assessed in
accordance with an operator competence scheme. Raised Machine
Make sure that you and your machine comply with Never position yourself or any part of your body
relevant local laws and jobsite requirements – it is under a raised machine which is not correctly
your responsibility. supported. If the machine moves unexpectedly you
Care and Alertness could become trapped and suffer serious injury or be
All the time you are working with or on the machine,
take care and stay alert. Always be careful. Always Lightning
be alert for hazards. Lightning can kill you. Do not use the machine if there
Clothing is lightning in your area.
You can be injured if you do not wear the correct Machine Modifications
clothing. Loose clothing can get caught in the This machine is manufactured in compliance with
machinery. Keep cuffs fastened. Do not wear a prevailing legislative requirements. It must not be
necktie or scarf. Keep long hair restrained. Remove altered in any way which could affect or invalidate its
rings, watches and personal jewellery. compliance. For advice consult your JCB dealer.
Alcohol and Drugs
It is extremely dangerous to operate machinery when
under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Do not
consume alcoholic drinks or take drugs before or
while operating the machine or attachments. Be
aware of medicines which can cause drowsiness.
Feeling Unwell
Do not attempt to operate the machine if you are
feeling unwell. By doing so you could be a danger to
yourself and those you work with.
Mobile Phones
Switch off your mobile phone before entering an
area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Sparks
in such an area could cause an explosion or fire
resulting in death or serious injury.
Switch off and do not use your mobile phone when
refuelling the machine.

01 - 5 9823/1500-1 01 - 5
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
12 - Maintenance Safety

12 - Maintenance Safety Hydraulic Pressure

Hydraulic fluid at system pressure can injure you.
Health and Safety Before connecting or removing any hydraulic hose,
residual hydraulic pressure trapped in the service
hose line must be vented. Make sure the hose
Raised Machine service line has been vented before connecting or
Never position yourself or any part of your body removing hoses. Make sure the engine cannot be
under a raised machine which is not correctly started while the hoses are open.
supported. If the machine moves unexpectedly you 'O' rings, Seals and Gaskets
could become trapped and suffer serious injury or be
killed. Badly installed, damaged or rotted 'O' rings, seals
and gaskets can cause leakages and possible
Air Conditioning Maintenance accidents. Renew whenever disturbed unless
The air conditioning system is a closed loop system otherwise instructed. Do not use Triochloroethane or
and contains pressurised refrigerant. No part of the paint thinners near 'O' rings and seals.
system should be disconnected until the system Arc Welding
has been discharged by a refrigeration engineer
or a suitably trained person. You can be severely To prevent the possibility of damage to electronic
frostbitten or injured by escaping refrigerant. components, disconnect the battery and the
alternator before arc-welding on the machine or
Compressed Air attached implements.
Compressed air is dangerous. Wear personal If the machine is equipped with sensitive electrical
protective equipment. Never point a compressed air equipment, i.e. amplifier drivers, electronic control
jet at yourself or others. units (ECUs), monitor displays, etc., then disconnect
Springs them before welding. Failure to disconnect the
sensitive electrical equipment could result in
Always wear personal protective equipment when
irreparable damage to these components.
dismantling assemblies containing components
under pressure from springs. This will protect against Parts of the machine are made from cast iron, welds
eye injury from components accidentally flying out. on cast iron can weaken the structure and break. Do
not weld cast iron. Do not connect the welder cable
Metal Splinters
or apply any weld to any part of the engine.
You can be injured by flying metal splinters when
Always connect the welder earth (ground) cable to
driving metal pins in or out. Use a soft faced hammer
the same component that is being welded to avoid
or copper drift to remove and install metal pins.
damage to pivot pins, bearings and bushes. Attach
Always wear personal protective equipment.
the welder earth (ground) cable a distance from the
Communications part being welded no more than 0.6 m.
Bad communications can cause accidents. If two Counterweights
or more people are working on the machine, make
Your machine may be installed with counterweights.
sure each is aware of what the others are doing.
They are extremely heavy. Do not attempt to remove
Before starting the engine make sure the others are
clear of the danger areas. Examples of danger areas
are: the rotating blades and belt on the engine, the Accumulators
attachments and linkages, and anywhere beneath or The accumulators contain hydraulic fluid and gas at
behind the machine. People can be killed or injured high pressure. Prior to any work being carried out
if these precautions are not taken. on systems incorporating accumulators, the system
Repairs pressure must be discharged by a JCB dealer, as
the sudden release of the hydraulic fluid or gas may
If your machine does not function correctly in
cause serious injury or death.
any way, get it repaired straight away. Neglect of
necessary repairs could result in an accident or affect Hot Components
your health. Do not try to do repairs or any other Touching hot surfaces can burn skin. The engine and
type of maintenance work you do not understand. To machine components will be hot after the unit has
avoid injury and/or damage get the work done by a been running. Allow the engine and components to
specialist engineer. cool before servicing the unit.
Soft Ground
A machine can sink into soft ground. Never work
under a machine on soft ground.

01 - 6 9823/1500-1 01 - 6
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
12 - Maintenance Safety

Working Under the Machine

Make the machine safe before getting beneath it.
Make sure that any attachments on the machine are
correctly attached. Engage the park brake, remove
the ignition key, disconnect the battery. If the machine
has wheels use blocks to prevent unintentional
Lifting the Machine
Under no circumstances must the engine be run with
the transmission in gear and only one driving wheel
jacked clear of the ground, since the wheel on the
ground will move the machine.
Certain seals and gaskets (e.g. crankshaft oil
seal) on JCB machines contain fluoroelastomeric
materials such as Viton®, FluorelTM and
Technoflon®. Fluoroelastomeric materials subjected
to high temperatures can produce highly
corrosive hydrofluoric acid. This acid can severely
burn. New fluoroelastomeric components at
ambient temperature require no special safety
precautions. Used fluoroelastomeric components
whose temperatures have not exceeded 300 °C
( 571.6 °F) require no special safety precautions. If
evidence of decomposition (e.g. charring) is found,
refer to the next paragraph for safety instructions.
Do not touch component or surrounding area.
Used fluoroelastomeric components subjected to
temperatures greater than 300 °C ( 571.6 °F) (e.g.
engine fire) must be treated using the following
safety procedure. Make sure that heavy duty gloves
and special safety glasses are worn: Thoroughly
wash contaminated area with 10% calcium hydroxide
or other suitable alkali solution, if necessary use
wire wool to remove burnt remains. Thoroughly
wash contaminated area with detergent and water.
Contain all removed material, gloves etc. used in this
operation in sealed plastic bags and dispose of in
accordance with Local Authority Regulations. Do not
burn fluoroelastiometric materials.
Hydraulic Hoses
Never re-use hydraulic hose end crimps or use
reusable hose end crimps.
Personal Protective Equipment
Use the appropriate personal protective equipment
before performing maintenance on the machine,
otherwise you could be injured.
Working at Height
Use appropriate access equipment such as ladders
or a working platform if it is necessary to work at
height to perform maintenance tasks on the machine.
If you do not use suitable access equipment there is
a risk of falling, resulting in personal injury or death.

01 - 7 9823/1500-1 01 - 7
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
18 - Operating Safety

18 - Operating Safety exhaust extractor. If you begin to feel drowsy, stop

the machine at once and get into fresh air.

Health and Safety Worksites

Worksites can be hazardous. Examine the site
Training before working on it. You could be killed or injured
if the ground gives way under your machine or if
Make sure that you have had adequate training and piled material collapses onto it. Check for potholes
that you are confident in your ability to operate the and hidden debris, logs, ironwork etc. Any of these
machine safely before you use it. Practice using the could cause you to lose control of your machine.
machine and its attachments until you are completely Check for utilities such as electric cables (overhead
familiar with the controls and what they do. With and underground), gas and water pipes etc. Mark
a careful, well trained and experienced operator, the positions of the underground cables and pipes.
your machine is a safe and efficient machine. With Make sure that you have enough clearance beneath
an inexperienced or careless operator, it can be overhead cables and structures.
dangerous. Do not put your life, or the lives of others,
at risk by using the machine irresponsibly. Before you
start to work, tell your colleagues what you will be Communications
doing and where you will be working. On a busy site,
use a signalman. Before doing any job not covered Bad communications can cause accidents. Keep
in this manual, find out the correct procedure. Your people around you informed of what you will be
local JCB distributor will be glad to advise you. doing. If you will be working with other people,
make sure any hand signals that may be used are
understood by everybody. Worksites can be noisy, do
Fuel not rely on spoken commands.
Fuel is flammable, keep naked flames away from the
fuel system. Stop the engine immediately if a fuel Parking
leak is suspected. Do not smoke while refuelling or
working on the fuel system. Do not refuel with the An incorrectly parked machine can move without an
engine running. Completely wipe off any spilt fuel operator. Follow the instructions in the Operator's
which could cause a fire. There could be a fire and Manual to park the machine correctly.
injury if you do not follow these precautions.
Banks and Trenches
Machine Condition
Banked material and trenches can collapse. Do not
A defective machine can injure you or others. Do not work or drive too close to banks and trenches where
operate a machine which is defective or has missing there is danger of collapse.
parts. Make sure the maintenance procedures in this
manual are completed before using the machine. Safety Barriers

Machine Limits Unguarded machines in public places can be

dangerous. In public places, or where your visibility
Operating the machine beyond its design limits can is reduced, place barriers around the work area to
damage the machine, it can also be dangerous. keep people away.
Do not operate the machine outside its limits. Do
not try to upgrade the machine performance with Sparks
unapproved modifications or additional equipment.
Explosions and fire can be caused by sparks from
Engine/Steering Failure the exhaust or the electrical system. Do not use the
machine in closed areas where there is flammable
If the engine or steering fails, stop the machine as material, vapour or dust.
quickly as possible. Do not operate the machine until
the fault has been corrected. Hazardous Atmospheres

Exhaust Gases This machine is designed for use in normal out

door atmospheric conditions. It must not be used
Machine exhaust gases can harm and possibly kill in an enclosed area without adequate ventilation.
you or bystanders if they are inhaled. Do not operate Do not use the machine in a potentially explosive
the machine in closed spaces without making sure atmosphere, i.e. combustible vapours, gas or dust,
there is good ventilation. If possible, install an without first consulting your JCB dealer.

01 - 8 9823/1500-1 01 - 8
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
18 - Operating Safety

Regulations clearly. Modification of the machine's configuration

by the user (e.g. the fitting of large and non-
Obey all laws, worksite and local regulations which approved attachments) may result in a restriction of
affect you and your machine. the machine visibility.

Electrical Power Cables Hands and Feet

You could be electrocuted or badly burned if you get Keep your hands and feet inside the machine. When
the machine or its attachments too close to electrical using the machine, keep your hands and feet clear
power cables. You are strongly advised to make of moving parts. Keep your hands and feet within the
sure that the safety arrangements on site comply operator compartment while the vehicle is in motion.
with the local laws and regulations concerning work
near electric power lines. Before you start using the Controls
machine, check with your electricity supplier if there
are any buried power cables on the site. There is You or others can be killed or seriously injured
a minimum clearance required for working beneath if you operate the control levers from outside the
overhead power cables. You must obtain details from machine. Operate the control levers only when you
your local electricity supplier. are correctly seated.

Working Platform Passengers

Using the machine as a working platform is Passengers in or on the machine can cause
hazardous. You can fall off and be killed or injured. accidents. Do not carry passengers.
Never use the machine as a working platform
unless with approved man-basket or man-crate (if Fires
If your machine is equipped with a fire extinguisher,
Machine Safety make sure it is checked regularly. Keep it in the
correct machine location until you need to use it. Do
Stop work at once if a fault develops. Abnormal not use water to put out a machine fire, you could
sounds and smells can be signs of trouble. Examine spread an oil fire or get a shock from an electrical
and repair before resuming work. fire. Use carbon dioxide, dry chemical or foam
extinguishers. Contact your nearest fire department
Hot Components as quickly as possible.

Touching hot surfaces can burn skin. The engine and Roll Over Protection
machine components will be hot after the unit has
been running. Allow the engine and components to If the machine starts to roll over, you can be crushed
cool before servicing the unit. if you try to leave the cab. If the machine starts to roll
over, do not try and jump from the cab. Stay in the
Travelling at High Speeds cab, with your seat belt fastened.

Travelling at high speeds can cause accidents. Confined Areas

Always travel at a safe speed to suit working
conditions. Pay extra attention to proximity hazards when
operating in confined areas. Proximity hazards
Hillsides include buildings, traffic and bystanders.

Operating the machine on hillsides can be Safe Working Loads

dangerous if the correct precautions are not taken.
Ground conditions can be changed by rain, snow, ice Overloading the machine can damage it and make it
etc. Check the site carefully. When applicable, keep unstable. Study the specifications in the Operator's
all attachments low to the ground. Manual before using the machine.

Visibility Lightning
Accidents can be caused by working in poor visibility. If you are inside the machine during a lightning storm
Use your lights to improve visibility. Keep the road stay in the machine until the storm has passed. If
lights, windows, mirrors and cameras clean (when you are outside of the machine during a lightning
fitted). Do not operate the machine if you cannot see storm stay away from the machine until the storm

01 - 9 9823/1500-1 01 - 9
01 - Machine
03 - Safety
18 - Operating Safety

has passed. Do not attempt to mount or enter the

machine. If the machine is struck by lightning do
not use the machine until it has been checked for
damage and malfunction by trained personnel.

01 - 10 9823/1500-1 01 - 10
01 - Machine
06 - About this Manual

06 - About this Manual

Contents Page No.

01-06-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 01-13

01-06-06 Using the Manual ........................................................................................................... 01-14

01 - 11 9823/1500-1 01 - 11

01 - 12 9823/1500-1 01 - 12
01 - Machine
06 - About this Manual
00 - General

00 - General


This manual is built up in a modular way to

include procedures for disassembling, inspection
and assembly of JCB axles and gearboxes. It should
be noted that procedures given in this manual are for
transmission assemblies only. Service procedures
specific to machine transmission installations are
given in the relevant machine service manual.

When applicable, procedures in this manual

are referred to in the JCB machine service
manual. To check the cross reference see the
transmission Technical Data pages in the machine
service manual. There are many transmission
variants, ensure that you are referencing the
correct procedures for the applicable transmission

01 - 13 9823/1500-1 01 - 13
01 - Machine
06 - About this Manual
06 - Using the Manual

06 - Using the Manual


Information in this manual conforms to a standard List). These headings are assigned numerical
JCB service manual format. The format uses section identification references.
headings taken from a PIL (Parts Identification

Table 1.
Example Section Main Assembly / Head- Component / Sub-head-
ing ing
PIL reference 27 06 09
Heading Driveline Semi automatic gearbox Clutch- mainshaft

Information within each PIL reference is included • Make sure that the applicable fixings are to the
under a set of standard headings such as correct specification. If necessary discard the
Introduction, Component Identification, Technical original fixings and replace them with new ones.
Data and Operation for example. Where additional The relevant procedures indicate when this is
relevant information is contained within another PIL necessary.
reference a cross reference is provided. • Make sure that the applicable fixings and
threaded holes are free from contamination.
Diagnostics This includes dirt, debris, old sealants and
compounds, fluids and lubricants.
Information in this manual can help you diagnose
machine faults.

Before attempting to diagnose possible faults check

the following.

• Ensure that the operator understands the

machine controls, functions and use. Refer to
the applicable Operator Manual.
• Check that the maintenance record complies
with the applicable schedule for the operating
environment. Refer to PIL 78-24.
• Check that the fluids in use comply with the
standards specified. Refer to PIL 75-00.
• Ensure that the machine electronic set-up is
applicable. Use the applicable Servicemaster
vehicle set-up tool. Refer to PIL 33-57-03.
• Use the applicable Servicemaster diagnostics
tools. Refer to PIL 33-57-03.

Torque Tightening
When you replace components, always tighten the
applicable fixings to the correct torque value. Use the
torque tightening values contained in the individual
procedures (Remove and Install, Disassemble and
Assemble etc.). If no torque values are specified,
use the standard torque tightening values. Refer
to Fasteners and Fixings, Screws, Bolts, Nuts,
Technical Data (PIL 72-00). For the torque setting to
be effective, do the following before you install the

• Make sure that all the applicable component

assemblies are correct.

01 - 14 9823/1500-1 01 - 14
24 - Brake System
Contents Page No.

Acronyms Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 24-2

24-03 Service Brake

24-03-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 24-3
24-18 Park Brake
24-18-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 24-13
24-18-15 Pad ................................................................................................................................. 24-22
24-18-21 Disc ................................................................................................................................ 24-24

Acronyms Glossary

LED Light Emitting Diode

RPM Revolutions Per Minute

24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake

03 - Service Brake

Contents Page No.

24-03-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 24-3

24 - 1 9823/1500-1 24 - 1

24 - 2 9823/1500-1 24 - 2
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

00 - General Technical Data

Refer to: PIL 27-20-00.
Technical Data ................................................. 24-3
Check (Leaks) ................................................. 24-4
Bleed ............................................................... 24-5
Disassemble and Assemble ............................ 24-6

24 - 3 9823/1500-1 24 - 3
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

Check (Leaks) Special Tool: Pressure Gauge (0-40 Bar)

(Qty.: 1)
Special Tools
Description Part No. Qty. Figure 3.
Hand Pump Pressure 892/00223 1
Pressure Gauge (0-40 892/00278 1

Description Part No. Size
JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP 4002/0501 1L
15 4002/0503 5L

WARNING Before working on the brake system,

make sure that the machine is on solid level
ground. Put blocks on all wheels to prevent the
machine rolling. B
WARNING Do not use the machine with any part
of its brake system disconnected or inoperative.
When the test has been completed, make sure all B Brake piston port
brake system components are installed and the
system is operating correctly. 5.2. You must fill the hand pump with the
specified fluid. Make sure that you do not
exceed the specified value.
Make sure you do the test when the axle is cold.
Pressure: 69bar (1,000.0psi)
1. Make the machine safe. Consumable: JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP 15
Refer to: PIL 01-03. 5.3. Use the hand pump to generate a pressure
in the brake piston case.
2. Remove the brake piston feed pipe.
5.4. If the pressure decreases quickly or if there
Figure 2. is no pressure indication then the seal is
damaged. Replace the seal with a new one.
6. Check the condition of the piston seal for small
cuts or nicks.
A 6.1. Install an adaptor attached with a piece of
clear tube of the specified length to the
brake piston port. Refer to Figure 4.
Length: 122mm

A Brake piston feed pipe

3. Plug all the open ports and hoses to prevent
4. Fill the brake piston case with the specified fluid.
Consumable: JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP 15
5. Check the condition of the piston seal for
5.1. Install the specified tool to the brake piston
Special Tool: Hand Pump Pressure Test
(Qty.: 1)

24 - 4 9823/1500-1 24 - 4
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

Figure 4. Bleed
WARNING Before proceeding with the bleed
procedure it is important to make sure that the
park brake is engaged and that one pair of wheels
C is chocked on both sides.
WARNING Use of incorrect fluid will cause
serious damage to the seals which could in turn
cause brake failure.

1. Make the machine safe.

Refer to: PIL 01-03.
2. Fill the master cylinder tank with the specified
B fluid.
Refer to: PIL 75-00-00.
3. Make sure that the fluid level does not fall below
B Brake piston port the "minimum" mark when you do the bleed
C Level line procedure.
6.2. Fill the tube until approximately three 4. Bleed the brake system as follows:
quarters full with the specified fluid.
4.1. Attach a tube to the right side brake bleed
Consumable: JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP 15 screw.
6.3. Mark a level line of the brake fluid on the 4.2. Make sure that the free end of the tube is
tube.Refer to Figure 4. put fully into the fluid in a suitable container.
6.4. After the specified duration, check if the 4.3. Open the brake bleed screw and apply full
level has decreased below the original pedal stroke of the brake pedal until all air
marked line. If it has decreased then check is removed.
the brake piston seal for small nicks, cuts or
wear. 4.4. Push the pedal fully and close the brake
bleed screw.
Duration: 30min
4.5. Do the step 4.1 to 4.4 again with the use of
the left side bleed screw.
4.6. Top up the tank to the full mark.
Figure 5.

A Brake bleed screw

24 - 5 9823/1500-1 24 - 5
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

Disassemble and Assemble

(For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead, 70- 3. There are two counterplates, one at each end
Series, SD70) of the brake pack, which are not secured to the
plate carrier.
Description Part No. Size 3.1. If the plates are to be reused, mark
the position of counterplate (x2) to help
Special HP Grease 4003/2020 0.5 kg
4003/2017 0.4 kg
4003/2006 12.5 kg 3.2. Remove the counterplate (x2).
4003/2005 50 kg 4. Remove the circlip.

WARNING A raised and badly supported 4.1. If the brake pack is to be reused, mark
machine can fall on you. Position the machine the positions of the plates before you
on a firm, level surface before raising one end. remove them. (Note:The plate carrier has
Ensure the other end is securely chocked. Do an internal chamfer at the end which faces
not rely solely on the machine hydraulics or jacks away from the drivehead).
to support the machine when working under it.
Disconnect the battery, to prevent the machine 5. The wear limit of friction plates is to the depth of
being started while you are beneath it. circumferential grooves.
5.1. Check all the plates for flatness
Central Drivehead - Standard Retraction and damage. A small scoring of the
counterplates is normal.
This procedure can be done without removing 5.2. If the plates are damaged, replace the
the swivel hub or driveshaft. JCB recommends complete brake pack assembly. Do not
you to remove the axle from the machine before replace individual plates.
you disassemble the axle brakes. Refer to: PIL
27-20-00. 6. Remove the reaction pins (x3). Check the
reaction pins for damage.
7. If required, carefully remove the brake piston
1. Use a suitable heavy duty socket to remove the from the housing.
7.1. If required, use a suitable hydraulic hand
2. Use a suitable jack to lift the axle arm off the pump to force the piston out of the housing.
8. Remove and discard seal 1 and 2.
2.1. Remove all traces of the gaskets from the
mating faces. 9. Inspect the housing bore for damage and
scoring. Nicks or cuts in the seals may be
responsible for loss of brake fluid.

24 - 6 9823/1500-1 24 - 6
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

Figure 6.




A Bolt B Counterplate (x2)

C Plate carrier D Circlip
E Reaction pin F Brake piston
G Seal 1 H Seal 2

24 - 7 9823/1500-1 24 - 7
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

Assemble Central Drivehead - Positive Retraction

1. The assembly procedure is the opposite of This procedure can be done without removing
the disassembly procedure. Additionally do the the swivel hub or driveshaft. JCB recommends
following steps. you to remove the axle from the machine before
you disassemble the axle brakes. Refer to: PIL
2. Install new seal 1 and 2.
2.1. Make sure that the seals are seated
squarely in their grooves. Disassemble

3. Carefully press the piston into the housing. 1. Drain the oil from the axle hub.

4. Assemble the friction plates and counterplates 2. Use suitable lifting equipment to support the axle
(x2) onto the plate carrier. arm.

4.1. Soak the new friction plates in Mobil 424 Oil 2.1. Remove the bolts.
before assembly. Install the circlip (x2).
3. Use a suitable jack to lift the axle arm off the
4.2. If the original brake pack is being reused, drivehead.
return the plates to their original positions.
3.1. Remove all traces of the gaskets from the
4.3. Make sure that the mark made during mating faces.
disassembly are aligned.
4. There are two counterplates, one at each end
5. Locate the reaction pin (x3) into the grooves. of the brake pack, which are not secured to the
plate carrier.
5.1. Apply a layer of grease to the reaction pin
and push the reaction pins fully into their 4.1. If the plates are to be reused, mark
location holes in the housing. the position of counterplate (x2) to help
Consumable: Special HP Grease assembly.

6. Install one counterplate into the housing. 4.2. Remove the counterplate (x2).

6.1. Install the brake pack and the other 5. Remove one circlip.
counterplate. 5.1. If the brake pack is to be reused, mark the
6.2. Make sure that the chamfered end of positions of the plates before you remove
the brake carrier faces away from the them.
drivehead. 5.2. Make a note that the plate carrier has an
6.3. Put the reused counterplates to their internal chamfer at the end which faces
original positions. Push the brake pack fully away from the drivehead.
into the housing.
6. The wear limit of the friction plates is to the depth
7. Apply a layer of Loctite 574 to the mating face of of the crosshatching.
the drivehead.
6.1. Check all the plates for flatness and
7.1. Apply a layer of Loctite 243 to the threads damage. A small wear and polishing of the
of bolts 1. counterplates is normal.
7.2. Locate the axle arm onto the drivehead, 6.2. If the plates are damaged, replace the brake
with the embossed word ‘TOP’ on the axle pack complete assembly. Do not replace
arm uppermost. individual plates.

8. Install the bolts. 7. Remove the reaction pins (x3). Check the
reaction pins for damage.
9. Check the grade of bolts installed.
8. Remove the piston housing from the drivehead.
9.1. Tighten the bolt of grade 8.8 to the correct
Refer to: PIL 27-22-00.
torque value.
Torque: 244N·m 9. Remove threaded pins and spring. Check the
threaded pins and springs for damage.
9.2. Tighten the bolt of grade 12.9 to the correct
torque value. 10. If required, carefully remove the brake piston
Torque: 400N·m from the housing.

24 - 8 9823/1500-1 24 - 8
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

11. Remove and discard the seal 1 and 2. 12. Inspect the housing bore for damage and
scoring. Nicks or cuts in the seals may be
responsible for loss of brake fluid.

Figure 7.






A Axle arm B Bolt

C Counterplate D Friction plate
E Plate carrier F Circlip (x2)
G Reaction pin (x3) H Brake piston
J Housing K Seal 1

24 - 9 9823/1500-1 24 - 9
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

L Seal 2 M Threaded pin

N Spring

24 - 10 9823/1500-1 24 - 10
24 - Brake System
03 - Service Brake
00 - General

Assemble Refer to: PIL 75-00-00.

1. The assembly procedure is the opposite of

the disassembly procedure. Additionally do the
following steps.
2. Install new seal 1 and 2.
2.1. Make sure that the seals are seated
squarely in their grooves.
3. Install the springs and threaded pins.
3.1. Carefully press the piston into the housing.
4. Assemble the housing and piston to the
Refer to: PIL 27-22-00.
5. Assemble the friction plates and counterplates
onto the plate carrier.
5.1. Soak the new friction plates in Mobil 424 Oil
before assembly. Install the circlip (x2).
5.2. If the original brake pack is being reused,
return the plates to their original positions.
5.3. Make sure that the marks made during
disassembly are aligned.
6. Locate the reaction pin (x3) into their grooves.
6.1. Apply a layer of the grease to the reaction
pin and push the reaction pins fully into their
location holes in the housing.
7. Install one counterplate into the housing.
7.1. Install the brake pack and the other
7.2. Make sure that the chamfered end of
the brake carrier faces away from the
7.3. Put the reused counterplates into their
original positions. Push the brake pack fully
into the housing.
8. Apply a layer of Loctite 574 to the mating face of
the drivehead.
8.1. Apply a layer of Loctite 243 to the threads
of bolts 1.
8.2. Locate the axle arm onto the drivehead,
with the embossed word ‘TOP’ on the axle
arm uppermost.
9. Install the bolts and tighten the bolts to the correct
torque value.
Torque: 244N·m
10. Fill the differential with the recommended oil to
the correct level.

24 - 11 9823/1500-1 24 - 11
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake

18 - Park Brake

Contents Page No.

24-18-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 24-13

24-18-15 Pad ................................................................................................................................. 24-22
24-18-21 Disc ................................................................................................................................ 24-24

24 - 12 9823/1500-1 24 - 12
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

00 - General Technical Data

Technical Data ............................................... 24-13
Check (Operation) ......................................... 24-14
Adjust ............................................................ 24-15
Disassemble and Assemble .......................... 24-18

Torque Figures

Figure 8.

A Bolt B Bolt
C Bolt

Where appropriate , the grade of bolts is indicated in


Always use the new bolts.

Table 2. Torque Values

Item Description Nm
A (grade 12.9) 166
B (grade 9-12) 29
C (grade 10.9) 255

24 - 13 9823/1500-1 24 - 13
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

Check (Operation) Figure 9.

WARNING Do not use a machine with a faulty E

park brake.
WARNING Non approved modifications to drive B
ratios, machine weight or wheel and tyre sizes
may adversely affect the performance of the park
brake. D
WARNING If the machine starts to move during
the park brake test, immediately apply the foot A
brake and reduce the engine speed.
Make sure that all the routine health and safety
precautions are observed before operating the

1. Make the machine safe.

Refer to: PIL 01-03.
2. Fully apply the park brake.
3. Make sure that the two brake pedals are locked
A Park brake lever
4. Start the engine and raise the lift arm to the B Gear lever
appropriate travelling position. C Brake pedal
D Drive selector switch
5. Put the gear lever into fourth gear. E Instrument panel
6. Push down hard on the brake pedal.
7. Select forward drive on the drive selector switch.
8. Test the park brake as follows:
8.1. Move the park brake lever fractionally
forward until the warning light on the
instrument panel goes OFF.
8.2. Slowly release the brake pedal.
8.3. If the machine has not moved, use the
accelerator pedal to gradually increase the
engine speed to 1500RPM (Revolutions
Per Minute). The machine should not move.
8.4. Do not do this test for more than the
specified duration.
Duration: 20s
8.5. Reduce the engine speed to idle and put the
gear lever in neutral.
8.6. Move the park brake lever to the fully ON
position from its partially applied position.
8.7. Lower the lift arm and stop the engine.

If you have any queries concerning this test

procedure or park brake adjustment, consult your
local JCB distributor.

24 - 14 9823/1500-1 24 - 14
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General


WARNING The park brake must not be used to Cable adjustment

slow the machine from travelling speed, except
in an emergency, otherwise the efficiency of the 1. If there is no adjustment at the lever or the caliper
brake will be reduced. Whenever the park brake then change the brake pads.
has been used in an emergency the brake pack Refer to: PIL 24-18-15.
must be renewed.
WARNING Before checking the park brake, park 2. Always use a new cable, if the cable is worn or
on level ground. Put blocks each side of all four damaged.
wheels. Ensure that all three air tank warning 3. Disengage the park brake (lever in horizontal
lights are out. Release the park brake, then stop position).
the engine and disconnect the battery so that the
engine cannot be started. If you do not take these 4. Turn the handle grip counterclockwise to centre
precautions the machine could run over you. the pin in the slot.
Notice: Over adjustment or failure to disengage
5. Release the locknut (x2) and adjust the cable
the park brake properly will cause excessive wear
length to give the caliper lever movement of the
of the park brake mechanism.
specified distance at the outer cable fixing hole.
WARNING If the machine starts to move during
Distance: 10–15mm
the park brake test, immediately apply the foot
brake and reduce the engine speed. 6. The total clearance between the brake pad to
WARNING Do not use a machine with a faulty brake disc should be the specified value.
park brake. Dimension: 0.5–0.75mm
WARNING Non approved modifications to drive
ratios, machine weight or wheel and tyre sizes 7. Make sure that there is sufficient play for
may adversely affect the performance of the park movement of the operating lever, for a positive
brake. brake application, and that the lever returns to
the rest position when the park brake is released.
The park brake must be engaged fully when the 8. Test the park brake.
lever is vertical. The park brake indicator light should
Refer to: PIL 24-18-00.
illuminate when the brake is engaged with the
forward and reverse lever away from neutral (starter 9. Make final adjustments at the park brake lever if
switch at IGN). the park brake fails the test.
Refer to: PIL 24-18-00.
Park brake adjustment- Type A
Figure 10.
Lever adjustment
1. Make the machine safe.
Refer to: PIL 01-03.
2. Disengage the park brake (lever in horizontal A
3. Turn the handle grip half a turn in a clockwise
direction.Refer to Figure 10. B

4. Test the park brake. A Handle grip

B Pin
Refer to: PIL 24-18-00.
5. If the brake fails the test, do steps 2 to 4 again.
6. If no more adjustment is possible and the pin is
at the end of its travel, then adjust the cable at
the caliper.
Refer to: PIL 24-18-00.

24 - 15 9823/1500-1 24 - 15
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

Figure 11. Figure 12.



C Locknut (x2) F
D Operating lever
E Outer cable fixing hole

Switch adjustment C Locknut (x2)

F Proximity switch
1. Select the ignition key switch to the ON position,
do not start the engine.
Park brake adjustment- Type B
2. Select forward or reverse gear.
If the park brake caliper assembly is disassembled
3. Lift the handbrake to the ON position. or the brake pads are new then set the caliper as
4. Adjust the locknut (x2) and use the feeler gauges
to set the proximity switch so that there is 1. Disengage the park brake (lever in horizontal
clearance of the specified value between the end position).
of the switch and the handbrake lever.
2. Turn the handle grip to centre the pin in the slot.
Distance: 2–3mm
3. Adjust the cable length to engage the park brake
5. The LED (Light Emitting Diode) on the switch fully when the park brake lever is vertical.
must be illuminated and the alarm should sound.
3.1. Release and adjust the locknut (x2)
6. Tighten the locknut (x2) to the correct torque
value. 3.2. If further adjustment is necessary then
adjust at the park brake lever.
7. Release the park brake and stop the alarm.
4. If there is not sufficient adjustment in the cable
8. Do the adjustment of the park brake. then remove the screw, anti-rotation clip and then
Refer to: PIL 24-18-00. remove the operation lever from its mounting
5. Turn the lever one notch clockwise of the spline.
6. Install the anti-rotation clip and screw again.
7. Tighten the screw to the correct torque value.
8. Bend the tab of the clip to secure the screw.
9. Test the park brake.
Refer to: PIL 24-18-00.
10. If the park brake is fully engaged, it electrically
disconnects the transmission drive which

24 - 16 9823/1500-1 24 - 16
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

prevents the machine movement with the park 15. Make sure that the brake pedals are locked
brake ON. together, push the brake pedals and select
forward drive.
11. Move the park brake lever forward until the
warning light is just extinguished. 16. Slowly release the brake pedals. If the machine
has not moved use the accelerator to gradually
12. Hold the lever in this position during the test. increase the engine speed to 1500 RPM
(Revolutions Per Minute).
13. Make sure you do not move the lever too far
forward otherwise the park brake will not operate 17. Make sure that the machine is not moving. Do
fully. not test for more than the specified duration.
14. Make sure that the park brake is fully engaged. Duration: 20s
Select the third gear.
18. If the machine has moved then examine the
caliper or the pads and reset them again.

Figure 13.




A Handle grip B Pin

C Locknut (x2) E Park brake lever
F Screw G Clip
H Operation lever

Table 3. Torque Values

Item Nm
C 29
F 12.5–15.5

24 - 17 9823/1500-1 24 - 17
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

Disassemble and Assemble

Safety Critical Installation 7. Push out the rotor the remove the ball spacer and
the ball bearings.
This is a safety critical installation. Do not attempt
to do this procedure unless you are skilled and 8. Make sure you keep the ball bearings properly in
competent to do so. a container.
Installation and mounting of the park brake caliper
requires tightening of the mounting bolts to a specific 9. Push out the mounting bushes and then remove
torque figure. Do not attempt to do this job unless you the dust seals.
have the correct tools available. 10. Remove the O-rings.

Disassembly 11. Remove the rotor seal and then the bearing ring.

1. Remove the caliper and the brake pads. 12. Note that the rotor seal may be located on the
rotor shaft or may have been left in the calliper
Refer to: PIL 24-18. housing.
2. Hold the lever against the tension of the spring. 13. It is not necessary to replace the shaft seal
3. Remove the screw and both the washer 1, unless it is excessively worn or damaged.
washer 2. 13.1. If removal is necessary, use a suitable
4. Note the position of the lever with respect to the spacer block and a bench press to push
splines of the rotor shaft. the seal out from inside the housing.
13.2. Clean out any remains of the seal after
5. Mark the end of the shaft and lever to assist in removal.
6. Remove the lever and the spring.

24 - 18 9823/1500-1 24 - 18
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

Figure 14.







A Carrier side pad B Lever side pad

C Screw D Washer 1
E Washer 2 F Lever
G Spring H Rotor
J Ball spacer K Ball bearings
L Mounting bushes M Dust seals
N O-rings P Rotor Seal
Q Bearing ring R Housing

24 - 19 9823/1500-1 24 - 19
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

S Shaft seal

24 - 20 9823/1500-1 24 - 20
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
00 - General

Assembly 15. Install the dust seals to the housing and put
mounting bushes.
Before assembly make sure all parts are clean and
serviceable. Refer to: PIL 24-18. 16. Make sure that the dust seals locate in their
location grooves on the bushes and housing.
1. If removed, Install a new shaft seal. Use a
17. Lubricate and install new O-rings. Wipe off any
suitable spacer block and bench press to push
excess grease.
the seal into the housing.
18. Before you install the caliper, make sure that the
2. Apply silicon grease on the shaft, the outer
lever rotates smoothly and that the lever side
diameter and ball pockets of rotor and the ball
pad returns to the off position when the lever is
pockets of housing.
3. Install the three ball bearings into the pockets in
19. Install the brake caliper.
the housing. Install the ball spacer.
20. Install and adjust the park brake cable.
4. Apply silicon grease on the bearing ring and
install the ring to the inner diameter on rotor seal. Table 4. Torque Values
5. Assemble the rotor seal to the rotor. Item Description Nm
6. Move the rotor through the casting and seat the C Screw 13–16
ball pockets against the bearings.
7. Position the spring over the shaft of rotor.
8. Put the large diameter end of the spring into hole
in the face of the housing. Refer to Figure 15.
Figure 15.


T Spring hole
U Lever outside edge
9. Locate the small diameter end of spring around
the outside edge of lever. Refer to Figure 15.
10. Install the lever and align the lever to the mark
made at the time of disassembly.
11. Hold the lever against the tension of the spring
and install the washer 1 and washer 2.
12. Install the screw and tighten the screw to the
correct torque value.
13. Install the brake pads.
14. Apply silicon grease to the dust seals and the

24 - 21 9823/1500-1 24 - 21
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
15 - Pad

15 - Pad Check (Condition)

WARNING Oil on the brake disc will reduce
Check (Condition) .......................................... 24-22 brake effectiveness. Keep oil away from the
Remove and Install ....................................... 24-23 brake disc. Remove any oil from the disc with
a suitable solvent. Read and understand the
solvent manufacturer's safety instructions. If the
pads are oily, install with the new pads.

The minimum thickness of the friction material on

either pad is 1mm, but it is recommended new pads
are installed as pads worn to this limit may not be
able to be adjusted.

Check the condition of the disc surface. Replace the

disc if badly warped, pitted or worn.

Replace the cable if worn or damaged.

24 - 22 9823/1500-1 24 - 22
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
15 - Pad

Remove and Install Figure 16.

WARNING This is a safety critical installation. Do

not attempt to do this procedure unless you are
skilled and competent to do so. Installation of this
component requires tightening of the mounting
bolts to a specific torque figure. Do not attempt
to do this job unless you have the correct tools
WARNING Before working on the brake system,
make sure that the machine is on solid level
ground. Put blocks on all wheels to prevent the
machine rolling.

WARNING! Brake pads generate dust which if

inhaled, may endanger health. Wash off the caliper
assemblies before commencing work. Clean hands D
thoroughly after work. F

1. Make the machine safe. Refer to (PIL 01-03). E
2. Remove the park brake calliper from the axle
mounting bracket.
Refer to: PIL 24-18-18.
3. Press the carrier side pad into the housing and B
then remove the pad.
3.1. Make sure any residual silicone used for C
pad retention during assembly is removed.
A Carrier side pad
4. Carefully remove the lever pad from the rotor B Lever pad
inside the housing using a flat blade screwdriver. C Rotor
D Housing
5. Do not damage the plastic clip in the centre of the E Hole location
rotor (there is no need to remove the rotor from F Anti-rattle pad
the calliper).
6. Inspect the brake pads for wear and damage. Install
1. Install the pad to the lever side of the calliper.
2. Put the pad in position inside the housing.
3. Put the plastic clip in the centre of the rotor into
the hole, and press the pad into position.
4. Make sure that the plastic anti-rattle pad is
correctly installed.
5. Install the pad to the carrier side of the calliper.
6. Apply a small amount of silicone sealant to the
back outer edge of the backing plate to hold the
pad in place within the housing.
7. Install the caliper.
Refer to: PIL 24-18-18.

Note: If there is insufficient adjustment after

installation of the new pads change the brake cable.

24 - 23 9823/1500-1 24 - 23
24 - Brake System
18 - Park Brake
21 - Disc

21 - Disc

Remove and Install

Special Tools
Description Part No. Qty.
Flange Spanner 992/04800 1

WARNING This is a safety critical installation. Do

not attempt to do this procedure unless you are
skilled and competent to do so. Installation and
mounting of the park brake caliper requires torque
tightening of the mounting bolts to a specific
torque figure. Do not attempt to do this job unless
you have the correct tools available.
WARNING Before checking the park brake, park
on level ground. Put blocks each side of all four
wheels. Ensure that all three air tank warning
lights are out. Release the park brake, then stop
the engine and disconnect the battery so that the
engine cannot be started. If you do not take these
precautions the machine could run over you.

1. Make the machine safe.
Refer to: PIL 01-03.
1. Disconnect the propshaft from the rear axle.
Refer to: PIL 27-47-00.
2. Remove the caliper from the axle mounting
Refer to: PIL 24-18-00.
3. Remove the stake nut and the brake disc from
the drive pinion shaft.
4. If the axle is not installed to a machine then attach
the specified tool to prevent the brake disc and
drive pinion shaft to turn when you loosen or
tighten the stake nut.
Special Tool: Flange Spanner (Qty.: 1)

1. The installation procedure is the opposite of the
removal procedure. Additionally do the following
2. Tighten a new stake nut to the correct value.
3. Re-stake the nut with a correct square end
staking tool.

Table 5. Torque Values

Item Description Nm
1 Stake nut 300

24 - 24 9823/1500-1 24 - 24
25 - Steering System
Contents Page No.

Acronyms Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 25-2

25-00 Steering System

25-00-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 25-3
25-15 Proximity Switch
25-15-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 25-5
25-18 Front Track Rod
25-18-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 25-7
25-33 Link Arm
25-33-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 25-15

Acronyms Glossary

2WD Two Wheel Drive

4WD Four Wheel Drive
LED Light Emitting Diode

25 - Steering System
00 - Steering System

00 - Steering System

Contents Page No.

25-00-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 25-3

25 - 1 9823/1500-1 25 - 1

25 - 2 9823/1500-1 25 - 2
25 - Steering System
00 - Steering System
00 - General

00 - General


Whenever any hydraulic steering component is

disconnected or removed the system must be bled
as follows.

With the engine running, this procedure must be

carried out in the correct order that is laid down. You
must not alter the order of selections and operations.

1. Select the 2WD (Two Wheel Drive) steer mode.

1.1. Turn the steering wheel to left, until front
wheels are fully locked to the left.
1.2. Turn the steering wheel to the right, until
front wheels are fully locked to the right.
2. Select the 4WD (Four Wheel Drive) steer mode.
2.1. Turn steering wheel to left, until front wheels
are fully locked to the left.
3. Select the 2WD steer mode.
3.1. Turn the steering wheel to full right lock.
3.2. Turn the steering wheel to full left lock.
3.3. Turn the steering wheel to full right lock.
4. Select the 4WD steer mode.
4.1. Turn the steering wheel to left, until the front
wheels are fully locked to the left.
5. Select the 2WD steer mode.
5.1. Turn the steering wheel to full right lock.
5.2. Turn the steering wheel to full left lock.
5.3. Turn the steering wheel to full right lock.
6. Select the 4WD steer mode.
6.1. Turn the steering wheel to left, until front
wheels are fully locked to the left.
7. Select the 2WD steer mode.
7.1. Turn the steering wheel to full right lock.
7.2. Turn the steering wheel to full left lock.
7.3. Turn the steering wheel to full right lock.
8. Select the 4WD steer mode.
8.1. Turn the steering wheel to left, until the front
and rear wheels are fully locked.

25 - 3 9823/1500-1 25 - 3
25 - Steering System
15 - Proximity Switch

15 - Proximity Switch

Contents Page No.

25-15-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 25-5

25 - 4 9823/1500-1 25 - 4
25 - Steering System
15 - Proximity Switch
00 - General

00 - General Figure 17.

Adjust E C

Make a note that the illustration shows a typical

proximity switch installed on central drivehead axle.
The proximity switch installed on the offset drivehead
is similar.

1. Align the wheels in the straight ahead position.

1.1. Measure the steering ram position to make
sure that the wheel is in the straight ahead
position. E

2. Set the steering so that dimension 1 is equal on

both sides.
3. Remove the proximity switch cover. A

4. Switch on the ignition key.

5. Loosen the proximity switch locknut.
6. Slide the switch in line with the target disc.
7. Loosen the bolts from the bracket.
8. Adjust the assembly up or down to bring the
switch to the centre of the target disc.
9. Tighten the bolts.
10. Make sure that the LED (Light Emitting Diode) is A
not illuminated. If LED is illuminated, loosen the
switch. F
11. Tighten the proximity switch towards the target B
disc until the LED on the switch illuminates.
A Target disc
12. Add a further 1 to 1.5 turns of the locknut. B Steering ram
C Cover
13. Tighten the locknut. D Locknut
E Bolts
F Dimension 1

25 - 5 9823/1500-1 25 - 5
25 - Steering System
18 - Front Track Rod

18 - Front Track Rod

Contents Page No.

25-18-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 25-7

25 - 6 9823/1500-1 25 - 6
25 - Steering System
18 - Front Track Rod
00 - General

00 - General Repair
Special Tools
Repair .............................................................. 25-7
Description Part No. Qty.
Remove and Install ......................................... 25-8
Ram Seal Installation 892/00334 1
Disassemble and Assemble .......................... 25-10 Tool

The diameter and position of pins is determined by

the diameter and radial width of the gland seal being
installed. The pins are installed into the threaded
holes in the tool body, the spacing of the holes are
designed to suit small or large diameter gland seals.

1. Install a new gland seal, do the following.

1.1. Open the ram seal installation tool as
shown. Refer to Figure 18.
Special Tool: Ram Seal Installation Tool
(Qty.: 1)
1.2. Insert the new gland seal.
1.3. Make sure that the seal is installed behind
the two front pins but in front of the rear pin
as shown. Refer to Figure 18.
Figure 18.

A Rod seal
1.4. Close the tool as shown. Refer to Figure 19.
1.5. Make sure that the seal forms a reniform
(kidney shape).
Figure 19.

1.6. Locate the seal in the end cap groove as

shown. Refer to Figure 20.

25 - 7 9823/1500-1 25 - 7
25 - Steering System
18 - Front Track Rod
00 - General

Figure 20. Remove and Install

Working Under the Machine
Make the machine safe before getting beneath it.
Make sure that any attachments on the machine are
correctly attached. Engage the park brake, remove
the ignition key, disconnect the battery. If the machine
has wheels use blocks to prevent unintentional

1. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses.
1.7. When the seal is in position, open the tool
to release the seal. 2. Plug all the open ports and hoses to prevent
1.8. Make sure that the seal is correctly installed
in its groove. 3. Put a label on the hoses to help installation.
1.9. Remove the tool. 4. Remove the split pin and the nut.
5. Remove the track rod ball joint from the wheel
hub assembly.
6. Remove the bolt (x4).
7. Remove the power track rod from the axle.
8. If necessary, remove the link arm.
Refer to: PIL 25-33-00.

25 - 8 9823/1500-1 25 - 8
25 - Steering System
18 - Front Track Rod
00 - General

Figure 21.


A Axle
B Power track rod
C Nut
D Bolt (x4)

1. The installation procedure is the opposite of the
removal procedure. Additionally do the following
2. Tighten the bolts to the correct torque value.
3. Make sure that the split pin is installed.
4. Check the condition of the hydraulic hoses for
5. Check the hydraulic oil level and top up to the
correct level.
6. Bleed the steering system.

Table 6. Torque Values

Item Description Nm
D Bolt (Grade 8.8) 476
D Bolt (Grade 10.9) 620

25 - 9 9823/1500-1 25 - 9
25 - Steering System
18 - Front Track Rod
00 - General

Disassemble and Assemble

Rams 3. Make sure that all threads are free from grease,
hydraulic oil and sealant.
Use the alphabetical sequence shown on the
illustration as a guide to disassembly. Refer to Figure 4. Wait for the specified duration to allow solvent to
22. dry before you apply Loctite.
Duration: 15min
4.1. Make sure that lubricants used during
1. Hold the ram assembly on a suitable clean assembly do not come into contact with
workbench. Loctite.
2. Remove the end caps (x2). 5. Install the gland seal.
3. Pull the piston rod assembly from the cylinder. Refer to: PIL 25-18-00.

3.1. Do not allow the piston rod to come 6. Install the wiper seals.
into contact with the cylinder bore. The
6.1. Make sure that the seals are pressed in
cylinder bore may be damaged by careless
square to the end cap.
6.2. Do not press onto the lip of the seal.
4. Position the piston rod assembly on the
workbench in place of the ram cylinder. 7. Install the new seal and wear rings to the piston
5. Remove the seal and the wear rings from the
piston head. 8. Clamp the cylinder vertically and lower the piston
rod assembly from the top. Make sure not to
5.1. The piston head cannot be removed from allow the piston rod to come into contact with the
the rod. cylinder bore.
5.2. If there is damage to the rod or piston head,
8.1. Make sure that to engage the piston head
replace the complete assembly.
new wear rings and seal carefully into the
6. Carefully inspect the bore of the cylinder and the cylinder. If the piston head wear rings or
piston rod outer diameter for scoring, nicks and seal are damaged during this stage, they
burrs. must be discarded.

6.1. If such damage is visible, the components 9. Apply Loctite Activator to the threads of the end
must be renewed. caps and cylinder.
6.2. If burrs are evident on the ends of the piston 10. Allow the Activator to dry for the specified
rod at positions, remove by careful filing. duration before you bring into contact with the
7. Make a note that both end cap assemblies are
the same, disassemble as follows. Duration: 15min

7.1. Remove the O-ring, end cap seal and the 11. Make a note that neither Loctite nor Activator
wiper seal in the specified sequence. must be allowed to contact seals, bearing rings
or O-rings.
8. If necessary, renew the bearing bush. However,
time will be saved if a complete end cap and bush 12. Apply Loctite 932 to the threads of the end caps,
assembly is obtained. install the new O-ring.
13. Make sure that there are no burrs at the ends of
Assemble the piston rod.
1. The assembly procedure is the opposite of 14. Install an end cap over the piston rod. Apply light
the disassembly procedure. Additionally do the hand pressure to the cap to engage the gland
following steps. seal on the piston rod.
2. Clean the threads of the end caps and cylinder 14.1. Do not use excessive force. Screw on the
with a wire brush. first end cap and then fix the assembly on
the strip/rebuild bench.

25 - 10 9823/1500-1 25 - 10
25 - Steering System
18 - Front Track Rod
00 - General

14.2. Install the remaining cap and then tighten Loctite 262 or 932 with Activator at the
the cap to the correct torque value. specified temperature is as specified.
15. Make a note of the following. Temperature: 20°C (68.0°F)
Duration: 1h
15.1. If hydraulic oil contacts uncured Loctite a 15.3. There are minimum periods between
weakening of the bond will result. assembly and filling the ram with oil.
15.2. The cure times vary according to the
ambient temperature and type of Activator 16. When operating in cold weather conditions,
used. The approximate cure time for which are consistently below freezing, it is
recommended that the track rod is operated
slowly to its full extent in both directions before
commencing normal working.

Figure 22.






A End cap B Piston rod

C Seal D Seal
E O-ring F Cap seal

25 - 11 9823/1500-1 25 - 11
25 - Steering System
18 - Front Track Rod
00 - General

G Wiper seal H Bearing bush

Table 7. Torque Values

Item Nm
A 678

25 - 12 9823/1500-1 25 - 12
25 - Steering System
33 - Link Arm

33 - Link Arm

Contents Page No.

25-33-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 25-15

25 - 13 9823/1500-1 25 - 13

25 - 14 9823/1500-1 25 - 14
25 - Steering System
33 - Link Arm
00 - General

00 - General

Remove and Install

Remove Figure 24.

1. Remove the power track assembly from the axle. B C D

Refer to: PIL 25-18-00.
2. Hold the power track assembly on a suitable work
bench. Refer to Figure 23.
Figure 23.
A Lock nut
B Adjusters
C Surface 2 (Surface to hold inner ball joint)
D Surface 1 (Flat surface to hold piston rod)
E Target disc

3. Hold the piston rod at the flat surface 1 with a Install

suitable spanner. Refer to Figure 24.
1. The installation procedure is the opposite of the
4. Hold the inner ball joint at surface 2 with an open removal procedure. Additionally do the following
ended spanner. Refer to Figure 24. steps.
5. Remove the ball joint/link arm assembly from the 2. Install the target disc (if applicable).
piston rod.
3. If the link arms are replaced, check the wheel
6. Make a note that the piston rod operates at full alignment.
length, any damage to the surface will cause oil
leaks. 3.1. Set the wheels to the straight ahead
position and measure the dimension 1 and
7. Do not attempt to hold the rod diameter with pipe dimension 2 (at the outer edge of the wheel
grips. hub).
8. Do the above steps for the remaining link arm 3.2. Check the difference between the
assembly. dimension 1 and dimension 2.

9. Where applicable remove the target disc. 3.3. If the difference between the dimension 1
and dimension 2 is less than the specified,
10. If the inner or outer ball joints need to alignment is correct.
be replaced, install the replacement link arm Dimension: 1mm

25 - 15 9823/1500-1 25 - 15
25 - Steering System
33 - Link Arm
00 - General

Figure 25.

F Dimension 1 G Dimension 2

4. If necessary, adjust the wheel alignment.

4.1. Loosen the lock nut.
4.2. Turn the threaded adjusters equally to
obtain the correct alignment.
4.3. Tighten the lock nuts.
5. Adjust the proximity switch.
Refer to: PIL 25-15-00.

25 - 16 9823/1500-1 25 - 16
27 - Driveline
Contents Page No.

Acronyms Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 27-2

27-20 Axle(s)
27-20-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 27-3
27-20-15 Breather .......................................................................................................................... 27-21
27-22 Drivehead
27-22-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-23
27-22-06 Crownwheel .................................................................................................................... 27-34
27-22-09 Pinion Gear .................................................................................................................... 27-36
27-22-10 Pinion Seal ..................................................................................................................... 27-38
27-24 Differential
27-24-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-41
27-27 Hub
27-27-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-47
27-47 Propshaft
27-47-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-61

Acronyms Glossary

DTI Dial Test Indicator

LSD Limited Slip Differential

27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)

20 - Axle(s)

Contents Page No.

27-20-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 27-3

27-20-15 Breather .......................................................................................................................... 27-21

27 - 1 9823/1500-1 27 - 1

27 - 2 9823/1500-1 27 - 2
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction ...................................................... 27-3 Axles are an integral component of a wheeled
Technical Data ................................................. 27-4 vehicle. The axle transmits a driving torque to the
Component Identification ................................. 27-6 wheel, as well as maintaining the position of the
Drain and Fill ................................................... 27-8 wheels relative to each other and to the vehicle body.
Check (Level) .................................................. 27-9
Lubricate ........................................................ 27-10
Remove and Install ....................................... 27-12
Disassemble and Assemble .......................... 27-20

27 - 3 9823/1500-1 27 - 3
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Technical Data

For: Central Drivehead, 70-Series

..................................................... Page 27-4
For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series
..................................................... Page 27-5

(For: Central Drivehead, 70-Series)

You must install the correct ratio axle to a machine in
relationship to the gearbox ratio. Do not install a new
axle with a different ratio to the axle to be replaced.

Table 8.
Description Data
Type 3 piece spiral bevel input with epicyclic hub reduction
and inboard braking
Designation SD70/PT
Installation Rigid pad mount or trunnion mounted
Number of steer cylinders 1 (Double rod)
Weight (dry, with no steer cylinders and without 410kg approximately
Half (axle) shaft braking/type 3 or 5 plate (each half shaft)
Input type Yoke
Oscillation 0 ± 5°
Toe-in 0°
Castor angle 0°
Camber angle 1°
King - pin inclination 0°
Hub reduction 5.4:1

Table 9.
Description Data
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6
Overall 10.46:1 12.4875:1 13.7:1 15.78:1 18.16:1 24.975:1
Crownwheel 1.937:1 2.313:1 2.538:1 2.923:1 3.363:1 4.625:1
and pinion
Number of
Crownwheel 31 37 33 38 37 37
Pinion 16 16 13 13 11 8

Table 10.
Description Data
Type Oil-immersed multi-plate disc
Actuation Hydraulic
Location Inboard - axle centre casing (2 brake packs)
Friction plates 3 or 5 per pack
Outside diameter 220mm
Inside diameter 180mm
Nominal facing area/plate 0.012616m²

27 - 4 9823/1500-1 27 - 4
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Description Data
Hydraulic piston diameter 216mm
Piston operation Standard or positive retraction

(For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series)

You must install the correct ratio axle to a machine in
relationship to the gearbox ratio. Do not install a new
axle with a different ratio to the axle to be replaced.

Table 11.
Description Data
Type Spiral bevel input with epicyclic hub reduction
Designation SD70/PT
Installation Centre pivot
Number of steer cylinders 1 (Double rod)
Weight (dry, with no steer cylinders and without 385kg approximately
Hub reduction 5.4:1
Input type Yoke
Oscillation 0 ± 5°
Toe-in 0°
Castor angle 0°
Camber angle 1°
Kingpin inclination 0°

Table 12.
Description Data
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6
Overall 10.46:1 12.4875:1 13.7:1 15.78:1 18.16:1 24.975:1
Crownwheel 1.937:1 2.313:1 2.538:1 2.923:1 3.363:1 4.625:1
and pinion
Number of
Crownwheel 31 37 33 38 37 37
Pinion 16 16 13 13 11 8

27 - 5 9823/1500-1 27 - 5
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Component Identification

For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series

..................................................... Page 27-6
For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead
..................................................... Page 27-6

(For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series)

Figure 26.




A Yoke connection to propshaft B Pinion

C Crownwheel D Differential unit
E Drive shaft F Universal coupling
G Reduction gear hub H Steer swivel trunnion bearings
J Axle pivot K Oil fill and level plug
L Drain plug

(For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead) The drivehead houses the differential gearing and
two oil immersed disc brake units. The axle arms
3 Piece Axle house the driveshafts. Specially shaped spider gears
in the differential provide torque proportioning, which
The illustration shows a typical 3 piece steer drive make sure drive power will be kept on one wheel if
front axle. the other is slipping. The wheel hubs are connected
to the driveshafts through universal joints which drive
The axle consists of a centre casing (drivehead) and sun-and-planet gears inside the hubs.
two axle arms and swivel wheel hubs.
The drive yoke, pinion, crownwheel and differential
unit are all components of the drivehead.

27 - 6 9823/1500-1 27 - 6
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Figure 27.




A Yoke connection to propshaft (axle input) B Pinion

C Crownwheel D Differential unit
E Driveshaft F Universal coupling
G Reduction gear hub H Steer swivel trunnion bearings
L Inboard oil-immersed multi-plate disc brake M Brake actuating piston
N Hydraulic brake lines

27 - 7 9823/1500-1 27 - 7
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Drain and Fill (For: SD70/80 Axle, Offset Drivehead)

For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead Make sure that you change the differential oil after
..................................................... Page 27-8 correct intervals. Refer to: PIL 78-24-06.
For: SD70/80 Axle, Offset Drivehead
..................................................... Page 27-8 Drain

(For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead) 1. Make the machine safe.

Refer to: PIL 01-03.
Make sure that you change the differential oil after
correct intervals. Refer to: PIL 78-24-06. 2. Park the machine on a level ground.
3. Put a suitable container underneath the drain
Drain plug.
1. Make the machine safe. 4. Remove the fill/level plug and the drain plug.
Refer to: PIL 01-03.
5. Allow the oil to drain.
2. Park the machine on a level ground.
6. Clean and install the drain plug.
3. Put a suitable container underneath the drain
plug. 7. Tighten the drain plug to the correct torque value.

4. Remove the fill/level plug and the drain plug. Fill

5. Allow oil to drain. 1. Fill the axle with the correct axle oil through the
fill/level hole.
6. Clean and install the drain plug.
Refer to: PIL 75-00-00.
7. Tighten the drain plug to the correct torque value.
2. Make sure that the oil is in level with the bottom
Fill of the fill/level hole.

1. Fill the axle with the correct axle oil through the 3. Clean and install the fill/level plug.
fill/level hole. 4. Tighten the fill/level plug to the correct torque
Refer to: PIL 75-00-00. value.

2. Make sure that the oil is in level with the bottom Figure 29.
of the fill/level hole. A
3. Clean and install the fill/level plug.
Figure 28.

A Fill/level plug
B Drain plug
Table 14. Torque Values
Item Nm
A 79
A Fill/level plug B 79
B Drain plug

Table 13. Torque Values

Item Nm
B 80–100

27 - 8 9823/1500-1 27 - 8
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Check (Level) Figure 31.

For: SD70/80 Axle, Offset Drivehead

..................................................... Page 27-9
For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead
..................................................... Page 27-9

(For: SD70/80 Axle, Offset Drivehead)

Make sure that you check the differential oil level
after correct intervals. Refer to: PIL 78-24-06.
1. Make the machine safe. A Fill/level plug
Refer to: PIL 01-03.
2. Park the machine on a level ground.
3. Remove the fill/level plug.
4. Make sure that the oil is in level with the bottom
of the fill/level hole. If necessary, top up with the
correct axle oil.
5. Clean and install the fill/level plug.
6. Tighten the fill/level plug to the correct torque
Figure 30.

A Fill/level plug

Table 15. Torque Values

Item Nm
A 79

(For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead)

Make sure that you check the differential oil level
after correct intervals. Refer to: PIL 78-24-06.

1. Make the machine safe.

Refer to: PIL 01-03.
2. Park the machine on a level ground.
3. Remove the fill/level plug.
4. Make sure that the oil is in level with the bottom
of the fill/level hole. If necessary, top up with the
correct axle oil.
5. Clean and install the fill/level plug.

27 - 9 9823/1500-1 27 - 9
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General


For: Central Drivehead, 70-Series

................................................... Page 27-10
For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series
................................................... Page 27-10

(For: Central Drivehead, 70-Series)

There are 4 grease points for the lubrication of the
axle. Refer to Figure 32.

Figure 32.


(For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series) The grease point 5 is a remote grease point mounted
on the side of the mainframe chassis (near the left
There are 5 grease points for the lubrication of the front wheel).
axle. Refer to Figure 33.

27 - 10 9823/1500-1 27 - 10
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Figure 33.

1,2 5


2 4

27 - 11 9823/1500-1 27 - 11
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Remove and Install

For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series 6. Plug all the open ports and hoses to prevent
................................................... Page 27-12 contamination.
For: Central Drivehead, 70-Series
................................................... Page 27-14 7. Disconnect the remote grease nipple hose.
8. Loosen the wheel nuts.
(For: Offset Drivehead, 70-Series)
9. Make sure that the wheels are blocked.
Special Tools
Description Part No. Qty. 10. Raise the front end of the machine with suitable
Splined Bolt Socket 892/00822 1 lifting equipment.
Extractor for Rear Axle 992/00800 1 11. Support the machine on each side with suitable
Pivot Pin strut.
Working Under the Machine 12. Remove the wheels.
Make the machine safe. Make sure the park brake 13. Position a jack underneath the balance point of
is engaged and machine is fully isolated. Remove the axle to support the axle weight.
the machine key switch, disconnect the battery. Use
blocks to prevent unintentional movement of the 13.1. Make a note that the drivehead assembly
wheels. is offset and thus the balance point of the
WARNING! If, for whatever reason, a wheel stud axle is not the centre of the axle.
is renewed, all the studs for that wheel must be 13.2. If necessary, attach a suitable cradle to the
changed as a set, since the remaining studs may jack that will partially embrace the axle.
have been damaged.
14. Remove the nut and bolt 2 from the pivot pin.
Remove 15. Remove the pivot pin seals.
1. Remove the cover from the proximity switch.
16. Remove the pivot pin and axle shims with a
2. Remove the bracket and the switch assembly. specified extractor.
Special Tool: Extractor for Rear Axle Pivot Pin
3. Remove the bolt 1 with a specified tool. (Qty.: 1)
Special Tool: Splined Bolt Socket (Qty.: 1)
17. Lower the jack to move the axle clear off the
4. Disconnect the drive shaft from the axle. mounting yoke.

5. Disconnect the hydraulic pipes from the steer 18. Remove the axle from the machine.

27 - 12 9823/1500-1 27 - 12
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Figure 34.



A Bolt 1 B Hydraulic pipes

C Support strut D Wheel nut
E Nut F Bolt 2
G Pivot pin H Remote grease nipple hose
K Cover

Install 3. Apply Loctite 243 to the threads of the bolts.

1. The installation procedure is the opposite of the 4. The front axle must be shimmed to give the
removal procedure. Additionally do the following specified maximum fore and aft movement.
steps. Dimension: 0.5mm
2. Check the wheel nut torque at every specified 5. Install the Nylon shims as follows.
duration until it stays correct.
Duration: 2h

27 - 13 9823/1500-1 27 - 13
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

5.1. Install a master shim (coloured blue) of Table 16. Torque Values
specified thickness between the front of the
Item Nm
axle and the yoke plate. Refer to Figure 35.
D 680
Dimension: 5mm
F 79
5.2. Measure the fore and aft movement.
5.3. Subtract the specified value to obtain the (For: Central Drivehead, 70-Series)
required shim thickness. Special Tools
Dimension: 0.5mm Description Part No. Qty.
5.4. Install the correct thickness shim between Splined Bolt Socket 892/00822 1
the rear of the axle and the yoke plate. Refer
to Figure 35. Working Under the Machine
5.5. Do not install more than two shims Make the machine safe. Make sure the park brake
(including the master shim). is engaged and machine is fully isolated. Remove
the machine key switch, disconnect the battery. Use
Figure 35. blocks to prevent unintentional movement of the
WARNING! When the propshafts are disconnected,
the park brake will become ineffective.
WARNING! If, for whatever reason, a wheel stud
is renewed, all the studs for that wheel must be
changed as a set, since the remaining studs may
have been damaged.

F Pad Mounted
1. Remove the bolt 1 with a specified tool.
Special Tool: Splined Bolt Socket (Qty.: 1)
2. Disconnect the drive shaft from the axle.
3. Disconnect the brake pipes from the brake piston
4. Remove the bolt 2 from the tee piece.
5. Remove the tee piece.
6. Plug all the open ports and hoses to prevent
7. Remove the cover from the proximity switch.
8. Remove the bracket and the switch assembly.
9. Put a label on the hoses to help installation.
F Bolt 2
L Shim 10. Loosen the wheel nuts.
M Master shim 11. Make sure that the wheels are blocked.
6. Use the double sided tape ring supplied to retain 12. Raise the rear end of the machine with a suitable
the shims on the yoke plate to help assembly. lifting equipment.
7. If the setting of the steering proximity switch is 13. Support the machine on each side with a suitable
disturbed, adjust the front axle proximity switch. strut.
Refer to: PIL 25-15-00.
14. Remove the wheels.

27 - 14 9823/1500-1 27 - 14
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

15. Position a jack underneath the balance point of 16. Remove the nut, bolt 3 and the washers.
the axle to support the axle weight.
17. Lower the jack to move axle clear off the
15.1. Make a note that the drivehead assembly machine.
is offset and thus the balance point of the
axle is not the centre of the axle. 18. Remove the axle from the machine.
15.2. If necessary, attach a suitable cradle to the
jack that will partially embrace the axle.

Figure 36.




A Bolt 1 B Tee piece

27 - 15 9823/1500-1 27 - 15
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

C Cover D Hydraulic pipes

E Wheel nut F Support strut
G Nut H Brake pipes
J Bolt 3 K Washer

27 - 16 9823/1500-1 27 - 16
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Install 6. Loosen the wheel nuts.

1. The installation procedure is the opposite of the 7. Raise the front end of the machine with a suitable
removal procedure. Additionally do the following lifting equipment.
8. Support the machine on each side with a suitable
2. Check the wheel nut torque at every specified strut or blocks positioned under the chassis.
duration until it stays correct.
9. Remove the front wheels.
Duration: 2h
10. Remove the front mudguards.
3. Bleed the brake system.
11. Remove the nut 1 from the bracket at the steering
4. Apply Loctite 243 to the threads of bolt 1. trunnions.
5. If the setting of the steering proximity switch is 12. Disconnect the brake hose at the axle.
disturbed, adjust the front axle proximity switch.
13. Plug all the open ports and hoses to prevent
Refer to: PIL 25-15-00.
Trunnion Mounted 14. Remove the bolt 2.

Remove 15. Remove the pivot pin.

1. If the lift arm is raised, make sure the 16. Remove the bolt 3 from the sway ram pivot
maintenance strut is installed correctly. bracket.

2. Remove the bolt 1. 17. Lift away the bracket.

3. Disconnect the propshaft coupling from the axle. 18. Tie the proximity sensor mounting bracket clear
off the axle.
3.1. If a drop box is installed, the propshaft
coupling is still disconnected similarly. 19. Support the axle on a suitable trolley jack.

3.2. The drop box is lifted clear with the axle. 20. Remove the trunnion bolt (x6) and the nut 2 (x6).

4. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the power 21. Remove the axle from the machine.
track rod.
22. Collect the dowels.
5. Plug all the open ports and hoses to prevent
contamination. 23. Make a note of the shim positions (if installed).

27 - 17 9823/1500-1 27 - 17
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Figure 37.



L Bolt 1 M Trunnion bolt

N Nut 2 P Bolt 2
Q Pivot pin R Nut 1
S Hydraulic hose T Bolt 3
U Dowels

27 - 18 9823/1500-1 27 - 18
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

1. The installation procedure is the opposite of the
removal procedure. Additionally do the following
2. Make sure that you install the dowels together
with any shims in their original positions.
3. Make sure that the axle oscillates freely before
final tightening of the bolt 1.
4. Adjust the proximity switch.
Refer to: PIL 25-15-00.
5. Apply grease to the axle pivot.
6. Check the wheel nut torque at every specified
duration until it stays correct.
Duration: 2h
7. Bleed the brake system and steering system.

27 - 19 9823/1500-1 27 - 19
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
00 - General

Disassemble and Assemble

The axle disassembly procedure is given in the

following sections of this manual.

• Drivehead. Refer to: PIL 27-22-00.

• Hub and Driveshaft. Refer to: PIL 27-27-00.
• Differential. Refer to: PIL 27-24-00.

27 - 20 9823/1500-1 27 - 20
27 - Driveline
20 - Axle(s)
15 - Breather

15 - Breather Figure 38.

Check (Condition) A

The breathers are installed to the axles to relieve

pressure build up, due to braking and prolonged C
road operation. If the breathers are not kept clean,
seal leakages and brake problems can result due to
pressure build up. Most axles are installed with a long
stem type breather.

1. Make sure that there is adequate clearance

around the breather.
2. Remove the breather from the axle.
3. Clean the breather.
4. Check the condition of the breather for damage
and contamination.
5. Install the breather.
5.1. Make sure that the hole in the breather
points outwards and faces towards the
5.2. Make a note that the breather is always
installed on the opposite side to the crown
wheel (in less turbulent oil) avoiding oil
seepage. The plug is installed in the crown B
wheel side.

A Breather
B Hole
C Plug

27 - 21 9823/1500-1 27 - 21
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead

22 - Drivehead

Contents Page No.

27-22-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-23

27-22-06 Crownwheel .................................................................................................................... 27-34
27-22-09 Pinion Gear .................................................................................................................... 27-36
27-22-10 Pinion Seal ..................................................................................................................... 27-38

27 - 22 9823/1500-1 27 - 22
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 27-23 The axle drivehead transmits drive from the input
Disassemble and Assemble .......................... 27-24 coupling yoke to the driveshafts through the
differential unit.

27 - 23 9823/1500-1 27 - 23
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

Disassemble and Assemble

For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead Figure 39.

................................................... Page 27-24
For: SD70/80 Axle, Offset Drivehead
................................................... Page 27-29 A

(For: SD70/80 Axle, Central Drivehead)

Special Tools
Description Part No. Qty.
Drive Coupling 892/00812 1

Lifting Equipment
You can be injured if you use incorrect or faulty lifting
equipment. You must identify the weight of the item to
be lifted then choose lifting equipment that is strong
enough and suitable for the job. Make sure that lifting
equipment is in good condition and complies with all
local regulations. A Capscrew
3. Drive out the differential side nut locking pin to
When the drivehead is installed on the machine it
allow re-adjustment on assembly.
cannot be disassembled. It is recommended that you
remove the complete axle. Make sure that the axle is 3.1. Remove the other brake piston housing if
removed completely with the transmission hydraulic it is damaged, but its locking pin must be
motor. removed to allow for side load adjustment
on assembly.
The crownwheel and the pinion are matched and
should be replaced as a pair, if either of them is Figure 40.
damaged or excessively worn. B
The two differential case halves are also matched
and are the differential side gears and planet gears,
do not use unmatched halves or gears.

1. Put the drive head in correct position.
1.1. Make sure that the crownwheel side faces
B Locking pin
2. Mark the installation position of the piston
housing and drivehead. 4. If it is necessary to remove both the brake
piston housings then mark the crownwheel end
2.1. Remove the capscrew. of the drivehead case to make sure that they are
correctly assembled at the time of assembly.
2.2. Pull the brake piston housing from the
drivehead. 4.1. Lift off the crownwheel and differential

27 - 24 9823/1500-1 27 - 24
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

Figure 41. Figure 42.



D Pinion shaft
E Inner bearing cup
F Shim (x2)
G Outer bearing cone
H Seal

C Crownwheel and differential assembly 6. Remove and discard the collapsible spacer.

5. Use a soft faced hammer to hit the end of the 6.1. Remove the inner bearing cone.
pinion shaft until the pinion is free from the outer Figure 43.
5.1. Remove the pinion.
5.2. Remove the pinion seal and outer bearing
5.3. If necessary, remove the pinion inner
bearing cup and shims.
5.4. Discard the shims. K
5.5. If required, remove the outer bearing from J Inner bearing cone
the outer bearing cone. K Collapsible spacer
5.6. Make a note that there are no shims
installed in the outer bearing cone. 7. Disassemble the differential assembly as follows.
7.1. Remove the bolts.
7.2. Lift off the top half housing.
7.3. Remove the differential gears and spherical
washers. Pull off both differential bearing
7.4. If required, remove the crownwheel to
differential case half retaining bolts and
remove the crownwheel.
7.5. For axles with limited slip differential refer to
Driveline, Differential section of this manual.
Refer to: PIL 27-24.

27 - 25 9823/1500-1 27 - 25
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

Figure 44. Figure 45.




L Bolt L Bolt
M Washer M Washer
N Housing N housing
3. Install the pinion inner bearing cone and a new
Assemble collapsible spacer.
1. The assembly procedure is the opposite of
Figure 46.
the disassembly procedure. Additionally do the
following steps. J

2. If required, install a new crownwheel to the

differential case half.
2.1. Tighten the crownwheel to differential case
half retaining bolts to the correct torque
Torque: 166N·m
2.2. Assemble the differential gears and J Inner bearing cone
washers into the bottom half housing. K Collapsible spacer
2.3. Install the differential bearing cones. 4. Install the pinion inner bearing cup with the shim.
2.4. Position the top half housing onto the 4.1. Find the correct thickness for the shim to
differential. give correct pinion depth.
2.5. Make sure that the marks made during Refer to: PIL 27-22-09.
disassembly are aligned.
4.2. Use a puller tool to make sure that the inner
2.6. Apply a layer of Loctite 243 to the threads bearing cup is installed in square. Do not
of the bolt. use a hammer.
2.7. Tighten the bolt to the correct torque value. 4.3. If removed, install the outer bearing cup.
Torque: 56N·m 4.4. Put the pinion into its bore.
2.8. Make sure that the gears rotate freely.

27 - 26 9823/1500-1 27 - 26
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

4.5. Before you put the pinion into the bore, Figure 48.
make sure that it is matched with the
Refer to: PIL 27-22-06.
4.6. The code numbers etched on the pinion end
face and the crownwheel perimeter should
be the same.
4.7. Apply a layer of grease to the mating lips of
the seal.
4.8. Install the pinion outer bearing cone and the
Figure 47.
D 6. If both piston housings were removed, install the
E piston housings as follows.
6.1. Apply a layer of Loctite 574 to the
piston housing at the opposite end of the
6.2. Install the piston housing at the opposite
end to the crownwheel.
6.3. Make sure that the marks made during
G disassembly are aligned.
H 6.4. Install the capscrew and tightened to the
correct torque value.
Torque: 56N·m
D Pinion shaft 6.5. Apply a layer of Loctite 574 to the piston
E Inner bearing cup housing at the crownwheel side.
F Shim (x2) 6.6. Make sure that the marks made during
G Outer bearing cone disassembly are aligned.
H Seal
6.7. Install the capscrew and tightened to the
5. Install the drive coupling yoke and secure with a correct torque value.
new stake nut and washer.
Torque: 56N·m
5.1. Hold the yoke with the specified tool.
Special Tool: Drive Coupling Spanner (Qty.:
5.2. Tighten the stake nut to achieve the correct
rolling torque.
5.3. If the nut is overtightened, replace the
collapsible spacer.
5.4. The rolling torque must not be more or less
than the specified value.
Torque: 1.7–2.8N·m
5.5. Stake the nut to the pinion shaft using a
suitable staking tool.

27 - 27 9823/1500-1 27 - 27
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

Figure 49. 8.1. The difference between the torque values is

the pre-load.
C 8.2. Adjust the differential side nuts to get a
bearing pre load of the specified value.
Torque: 1.13–2.26N·m
9. Use a suitable tool to measure the crownwheel
backlash. Make sure that the backlash is not
more or less than the specified value.
Distance: 0.13–0.2mm
9.1. If required, adjust the differential side nuts
by equal amounts to altering the backlash.
9.2. To measure the backlash, use a magnet
drilled and tapped to the specified length.
Put the magnet between the crownwheel
locking bolts.
Length: 6mm
Figure 51.

C Crownwheel and differential assembly

7. Install the crownwheel and differential assembly
into the drive head.
7.1. Apply a layer of Loctite 574 to the drive head
mating face.
7.2. Install the brake piston housing.
7.3. Install the capscrew.
7.4. Tighten the capscrew to the correct torque
Torque: 56N·m
Figure 50.

10. Apply a layer of Loctite 574 to the mating face of
the drive head.
10.1. Locate the axle arm onto the drive head,
with the embossed word ‘TOP’ on the axle
arm uppermost.
10.2. Install the bolts.
10.3. Tighten the bolts to the correct torque
Torque: 400N·m

A Capscrew
8. Take the rolling torque reading and subtract the
rolling torque you got at step 5.

27 - 28 9823/1500-1 27 - 28
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

Figure 52. 8. Clean the drivehead carrier and axle case mating

P 9. Remove the tension pin 1 and tension pin 2.

10. Remove the castellated nut 1 and castellated nut
11. Remove the bearing outer race 1 and bearing
outer race 2 from the drivehead carrier bores.
12. Remove the taper roller bearing cone 1 from the
crownwheel differential case half.
13. Remove the differential assembly from the
14. Remove the bolts from the differential assembly.
15. Separate the case halves.
P Bolt
16. Remove the differential side gears and thrust
(For: SD70/80 Axle, Offset Drivehead) washers.
Special Tools 17. Remove the planet gears and thrust washers
Description Part No. Qty. from the trunnion pins..
Drive Coupling 892/00812 1
18. Remove the taper roller bearing cone from the
differential case half.
Setting Tool Kit 892/00918 1
Spacer Kit 921/52600 1 19. Remove the Verbus-ripp bolts.
Spacer Kit 921/53300 1 20. Remove the crownwheel from the differential
Torque Wrench 993/70111 1 case half.
Support Bracket 997/11000 1 21. Mark the position of the drive yoke on the splined
Consumables 22. Use the special tool to prevent the drive yoke
Description Part No. Size from rotating and remove the pinion nut.
JCB Multi-Gasket 4102/1212 0.05 L
Special Tool: Drive Coupling Spanner (Qty.: 1)
Disassemble 23. Remove the drive yoke.

1. Use the alphabetical sequence shown on the 24. Remove the pinion shaft from the drivehead
illustration as a guide to disassembly. carrier.

2. Drain the oil from the axle centre case. 25. Prise the pinion oil seal out of the bore.

3. Remove the propshaft. 26. Remove the pinion tail bearing.

4. Completely remove both hub assemblies with 27. If necessary, remove the bearing outer race 3.
28. If necessary, remove the bearing cup from
5. Mark the installation position of the drivehead the opposite side of the drivehead carrier and
carrier with respect to the axle case. remove the pinion shims.

6. Remove the bolt from the drivehead carrier. 29. Remove the spacer and the taper roller bearing
cone 3 from the pinion.
7. Remove the drivehead carrier from the axle case.

27 - 29 9823/1500-1 27 - 29
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

Figure 53.








A Drivehead carrier retaining bolt B Drivehead carrier

C Tension pin 1 D Tension pin 2
E Castellated nut 1 F Castellated nut 2
G Bearing outer race 1 H Bearing outer race 2
J Taper roller bearing cone 1 K Differential assembly
L Differential assembly retaining bolt M Case half 1

27 - 30 9823/1500-1 27 - 30
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

N Case half 2 P Side gear

Q Thrust washer 1 R Bevel gear
S Thrust washer 2 T Taper roller bearing cone 2
U Verbus-ripp bolt V Crownwheel
W Trunnion pin X Pinion nut
Y Drive yoke Z Pinion shaft
AA Pinion oil seal AB Pinion tail bearing
AC Bearing outer race 3 AD Bearing cup
AE Drive pinion shim AF Spacer
AG Taper roller bearing cone 3

Assemble 15. Use two (M10x30) nuts and bolts to install the
special bracket on the drivehead housing.
1. The assembly procedure is the opposite of
Special Tool: Support Bracket (Qty.: 1)
the disassembly procedure. Additionally do the
following steps. Figure 54.
2. Do the pinion depth setting.
Refer to: PIL 27-22-09.
3. Both the crownwheel and pinion and the bevel
gear 1 and bevel gear 2 are matched and should
be replaced as a set, if any of their components
are damaged or excessively worn. The two
differential housing halves are also matched. Do
not use unmatched halves.
4. Apply a thin layer of oil on the bearings before AL
installation. AJ
5. Make sure that the bearings are rotated whilst
being set. AK
6. Install the shim behind the new bearing cup.
7. Install the new pinion head bearing cone onto the
8. Install the pinion and bearings into the drivehead
9. Install the largest available solid spacer (14.20
Special Tool: Spacer Kit (Qty.: 1) AH Special tool sleeve
AJ Adaptor
10. Apply a coat of oil and then install the pinion tail
AK Special bracket
AL Support pillar
11. Do not install the oil seal at this stage.
16. Install the special support pillar on the bracket so
12. Install the special tool sleeve and the special that the fork end engages with the adaptor.
pinion shaft adaptor from the setting kit.
17. Make sure that the fork is centrally located on the
Special Tool: Setting Tool Kit (Qty.: 1) adaptor.
13. Tighten the adaptor to the correct torque value. 18. If necessary, align the bracket again.
14. Make sure that the pinion is free to rotate and 19. Install a DTI (Dial Test Indicator). Make sure that
there is end float, this will prevent any damage the DTI is mounted on the drivehead and not on
to the bearing. If the pinion is not free to rotate the bracket.
or there is no end float at this stage check the
bearing is installed properly. Also check that the
correct size spacer is installed.

27 - 31 9823/1500-1 27 - 31
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

Figure 55. 26. Tighten the adaptor to the correct torque value,
to protect against bearing damage while spacer
selection is verified making sure the pinion is free
to rotate.

AN 27. Check there is no end float and the pinion is free

to turn smoothly by hand.
28. Remove the adaptor and then install the nut.
29. Make sure that the rolling torque is less than 2.0
Nm, if the rolling torque exceeds 2.0 Nm, then
check that the shaft is assembled correctly or not.
30. If the pinion is not free to rotate, check the correct
size spacer has been installed.
31. If the rolling torque measured at step 29 is
too high, install the next larger size spacer. If
the rolling torque is too low, install the next
smallest size spacer. If a correct spacer is not
available from the range, check that drivehead is
assembled correctly.
32. Remove the adaptor and the sleeve.
33. Lubricate the seal lips and then install the new
AM DTI oil seals.
AN Torque wrench 34. Install the coupling yoke and the new stake nut.
20. Set the torque wrench to the specified value and 35. Gradually tighten the stake nut up to the specified
measure the end float while you rotate the shaft. torque value, while occasionally rotating the
Torque: 35N·m coupling yoke.
Special Tool: Torque Wrench (10-100Nm) (Qty.: Torque: 250N·m
36. If the correct size spacer is selected then the
21. To select the right size spacer do the following pinion rolling torque should with in the specified
steps. Refer to Table 17. limit.
21.1. Subtract the end float obtained in step Torque: 2.3–3.4N·m
20 from the solid spacer thickness value
(14.20 mm). 37. Finally stake the nut into the slot.
21.2. Subtract 0.04mm to allow for theoretical 38. Install the differential assembly onto the
bearing tolerance and pre-load. drivehead carrier.
21.3. The result is the size of spacer to be 39. Push the taper roller bearing onto the spigot of
installed from the solid spacer setting kit. the differential half case2.
Special Tool: Spacer Kit (Qty.: 1)
40. Install the bearing outer race 1 and bearing outer
21.4. If there is no spacer of this size, then install race 2.
the next nearest size spacer.
41. Install the castellated nut 1 and castellated nut 2
22. Remove the sleeve and the temporary spacer. to the drivehead carrier.
23. Install the correct size spacer from the solid 42. Do not install the tension pin 1 and tension pin 2
spacer setting kit. at this stage.
24. Make sure that you do not damage the outer 43. Adjust the castellated nut to give an increase in
bearing. input pinion rolling torque of specified value.
25. Again install the sleeve and then install the Torque: 1.36–2.5N·m

27 - 32 9823/1500-1 27 - 32
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
00 - General

44. Measure the backlash between the crownwheel

and the pinion and it should be within the
specified limit.
Dimension: 0.13–0.2mm
45. When altering the backlash adjust both the
castellated nut in equal amounts.
46. When the backlash and pre-load are both
correct, install the tension pin 1 and tension pin 2.
47. Check the tooth marks to verify that the
crownwheel and the pinion are set correctly.
48. Apply JCB Multigasket to the mating faces of the
drivehead carrier and the axle case.
Consumable: JCB Multi-Gasket
49. Install the drivehead carrier to the axle case with
the crownwheel towards the short driveshaft.
50. Install the drivehead carrier retaining bolts.
51. Tighten the bolt to the correct torque value.
52. Reassemble both driveshafts and hub

Table 17. Spacer Selection Example

Temporary spacer size 14.2mm
Subtract end float 0.25mm
Total 13.95mm
Subtract tolerance and 0.04mm
Result 13.91mm
Use next smallest spac- 13.9mm

Table 18. Torque Values

Item Description Nm
A Drive head carrier retaining 166
L Differential assembly 46
retaining bolt
U Verbus-ripp bolt 166
AJ Adaptor 50

27 - 33 9823/1500-1 27 - 33
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
06 - Crownwheel

06 - Crownwheel Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 27-34 A crown wheel is a rotating gear wheel with teeth set
Check (Operation) ......................................... 27-35 at right angles to its plane, it is usually matched with a
pinion gear that meshes with the crown wheel. They
are mainly used in vehicles to maintain a forward

27 - 34 9823/1500-1 27 - 34
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
06 - Crownwheel

Check (Operation) Figure 58.

Crownwheel and Pinion Meshing

Meshing of the gears should be checked by marking
three of the pinion teeth with engineers marking
compound and rotating the pinion. The marking will
then be transferred to the crown wheel teeth.

1. Correct tooth marking.

Figure 56.

2. Pinion too deeply in mesh. Move the crown wheel

towards the pinion to correct the backlash.
Figure 57.

3. Pinion too far out of mesh. Move the crown wheel

away from the pinion to correct the backlash.

27 - 35 9823/1500-1 27 - 35
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
09 - Pinion Gear

09 - Pinion Gear Introduction

Introduction .................................................... 27-36 A pinion gear is a small gear that meshes with a
Calibrate ........................................................ 27-37 larger crownwheel. They are mainly used in vehicles
to maintain a forward movement.

27 - 36 9823/1500-1 27 - 36
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
09 - Pinion Gear

Calibrate and record the height. The bearing cups and

rollers are matched sets. Always keep the
Special Tools bearing assemblies together. Make sure that you
Description Part No. Qty. measure only the inner bearing.
Shim Kit 921/M0229 1 Figure 61.

Pinion Depth Setting

Determine the pinion depth setting shim size as
E Inner bearing height
1. Note the deviation figure etched on the pinion
and the deviation figure on the drivehead Shim Size Calculation Example
housing. Both figures are in units of 0.01 mm.
Note: The pinion depth may be etched on the Table 19. Calculation 1.
gear face or on the rear of a gear tooth. Actual Drivehead Case Size
Special Tool: Shim Kit (Qty.: 1) Item Typical Fig- Description
Figure 59.
A 187.6 mm Nominal drive-
D head case size,
fixed at the fac-
B -0.14 mm Drivehead
case deviation,
marked on the
Sum of A and B 187.46 mm Actual drive-
head case size

Table 20. Calculation 2. -

Actual Pinion and Bearing Size
Item Typical Fig- Description
D Pinion depth C 150.0 mm Nominal pinion
length, fixed at
Figure 60. the factory
D 0.10 mm Pinion devia-
tion, marked on
the pinion
E 36.6 mm Bearing size, in-
ner pinion bear-
Sum of C, D 186.70 mm Actual pinion
and E and bearing

Table 21. Calculation 3. Shim Size

= Calculation 1 - Calculation 2
Typical Figures Description
187.46 - 186.70 = Select the nearest shim
0.76mm size from the shim kit.
B Deviation figure
2. Assemble the pinion inner bearing and its
cup on a flat surface. Lightly oil and rotate
the bearing before measurement. Make sure
that the bearing cup is square and measure

27 - 37 9823/1500-1 27 - 37
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
10 - Pinion Seal

10 - Pinion Seal

Remove and Install

Special Tools Remove

Description Part No. Qty.
Drive Coupling 892/00812 1 1. Remove the wheels.
Spanner 2. Disconnect the axle propshaft.
WARNING A raised and badly supported 3. Measure the axle rolling torque. Make a note of
machine can fall on you. Position the machine the axle rolling torque values.
on a firm, level surface before raising one end.
Ensure the other end is securely chocked. Do 4. Mark the position of the coupling yoke on the
not rely solely on the machine hydraulics or jacks splined shaft.
to support the machine when working under it.
Disconnect the battery, to prevent the machine 5. Remove the drive yoke and the stake nut with the
being started while you are beneath it. specified tool.
Special Tool: Drive Coupling Spanner (Qty.: 1)
The pinion oil seal may be replaced without removing
the axle from the machine. 6. Remove and discard the oil pinion seal.
6.1. Take care not to damage the case when you
remove the oil seal.

Figure 62.


A Yoke B Stake nut

C Oil pinion seal

27 - 38 9823/1500-1 27 - 38
27 - Driveline
22 - Drivehead
10 - Pinion Seal

1. Fill the lips of the new oil pinion seal with grease.
2. Install the new oil pinion seal.
3. Align the identification marks on the yoke and
splined shaft.
4. Install the coupling yoke and a new stake nut.
4.1. Do not excessively hammer the yoke, it may
damage the shaft bearings.
4.2. If necessary, press fit the parts.
4.3. Fully support the shaft when you do this
4.4. Tighten the stake nut to the correct torque
value with the specified tool.
Special Tool: Drive Coupling Spanner (Qty.:
4.5. Measure the axle rolling torque.
4.6. Make sure that the axle rolling torque value
is greater by the specified value than the
value measured before removal.
Torque: 0.5–1N·m
4.7. If necessary, progressively tighten the nut to
achieve the correct rolling torque value.
4.8. If the rolling torque value (with new oil pinion
seal installed) exceeds the value measured
before removal by the specified value or
more, then the collapsible spacer mounted
on the axle pinion must be replaced.
4.9. Stake the nut with a square ended staking
5. Install the wheels.
6. Connect the propshaft.

Table 22. Torque Values

Item Nm
B 200

27 - 39 9823/1500-1 27 - 39
27 - Driveline
24 - Differential

24 - Differential

Contents Page No.

27-24-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-41

27 - 40 9823/1500-1 27 - 40
27 - Driveline
24 - Differential
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 27-41 A differential is a particular type of simple planetary
Component Identification ............................... 27-42 gear train.
Check (Condition) .......................................... 27-43
Disassemble and Assemble .......................... 27-44 The differential couples the drive shaft to half-shafts
that connect to the rear driving wheels. The purpose
of the differential is to allow a speed differential
between the inner and outer wheel while being driven
by the input shaft. In its most common form, the
differential consists of a pinion and ring and planetary
bevel gears to connect the output shafts.

The axle can have the following type of differentials.

1. Open Differential.
2. LSD (Limited Slip Differential).

These axles are installed with optional LSD


Limited Slip Differential (LSD)

In the most basic sense, a LSD equalizes the
difference in either speed between output shafts or
applied torque between output shafts to maintain
traction in adverse or performance conditions. The
benefits of installing an LSD are:

1. Enhanced traction in snow, gravel, and sand.

2. More predictable handling at the limits of grip.

This type behaves as an open differential unless one

wheel begins to spin and exceeds that threshold.
The LSD will remain open unless enough torque is
applied to cause one wheel to lose traction and spin,
at which point it will engage.

An LSD can use clutches when engaged, or may

also be a solid mechanical connection like a locker
or spool. It is called limited slip because it does just
that; it limits the amount that one wheel can slip.

27 - 41 9823/1500-1 27 - 41
27 - Driveline
24 - Differential
00 - General

Component Identification

Figure 63.



A Verbus-ripp bolts B Crownwheel

C Bolts D Differential assembly case
E Differential assembly case F Shims
G Shims H Counter plates
J Friction plates K Pressure plates
L Side gears M Trunnion pins
N Bevel gears P Thrust washers

27 - 42 9823/1500-1 27 - 42
27 - Driveline
24 - Differential
00 - General

Check (Condition)
1. For JCB axles only: measure and note the
thickness of the friction plates, the result must not
be less than the specified dimension.
Dimension: 1.25mm
2. Check the condition of the friction material, which
should be even over both surfaces. If in doubt,
discard the set (friction and counter plates).

27 - 43 9823/1500-1 27 - 43
27 - Driveline
24 - Differential
00 - General

Disassemble and Assemble

Disassemble 3. Make a note of the relative positions of the

friction plates, counter plates and spacers before
1. Use the alphabetical sequence shown on the disassembly, they must be installed in the same
illustration as a guide to disassembly. positions.
2. Put marks on the two halves of the differential 4. If worn out, replace the friction plate and counter
housing before disassembly to make sure of plates as an assembly.
correct assembly.

Figure 64.



A Verbus-ripp bolts B Crownwheel

C Bolts D Differential assembly case
E Differential assembly case F Shims
G Shims H Counter plates
J Friction plates K Pressure plates
L Side gears M Trunnion pins
N Bevel gears P Thrust washers

4.1. The number of friction and counter plates 1.2. Side gears with pressure plates.
shown in the illustration is typical only. The
1.3. Counter plates.
actual number of plates is determined by
the axle variant. 1.4. Friction plates.
1.5. Bevel gears.
1.6. Thrust washers.
1. Install the following components into the
crownwheel half of the differential assembly: 2. Do not install the shims at this stage.

1.1. Trunnion pins.

27 - 44 9823/1500-1 27 - 44
27 - Driveline
24 - Differential
00 - General

3. Align the two halves of the differential assembly 4. Use a DTI (Dial Test Indicator) (or feeler gauges),
with the bolts. Make sure that the marks made with two screwdrivers or suitable levers, gently
during disassembly are aligned. apply pressure to prise the side gear away from
the trunnion pins.

Figure 65.

5. Measure and record the end float of the side 11. Install the crownwheel with new Verbus-ripp
gear. bolts.
6. Turn the differential assembly over and repeat 12. Tighten the Verbus-ripp bolts to the correct
steps 4 and 5 for the second side gear. torque value.
7. Disassemble the differential assembly. 13. Measure the thickness of the friction plate, the
result must not be less than specified value.
8. Add shims to give an end float between the
specified range. Dimension: 1.25mm
Dimension: 0.1–0.2mm 14. Check condition of the friction material, which
should be even over both surfaces. If in doubt,
8.1. Shimming must be carried out whenever discard the set (friction and counter plates).
the differential is disassembled, however,
the specified end float can be exceeded on Table 23. Torque Values
previously assembled differential as this is
only an initial setting value which allows for Item Nm
bedding in. A 166
8.2. Select the minimum number of shims to C 56
give the correct thickness.
9. Do the steps 4 to 6 again.
10. If the end float is correct, tighten the bolts to the
correct torque value.

27 - 45 9823/1500-1 27 - 45
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub

27 - Hub

Contents Page No.

27-27-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-47

27 - 46 9823/1500-1 27 - 46
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 27-47 The hub is the part of the axle where the wheel
Component Identification ............................... 27-48 is mounted and where the axle shaft (if installed)
Drain and Fill ................................................. 27-50 passes through.
Check (Level) ................................................ 27-51
Some hubs are not driven and rotate due to motion
Calibrate ........................................................ 27-51 of the machine and some driven hubs may also have
Disassemble and Assemble .......................... 27-52 reduction gearing installed.

The hub may also be designed to allow steering of

the wheels and/or incorporate brakes.

27 - 47 9823/1500-1 27 - 47
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Component Identification

Figure 66.

1 Hub swivel 3 Bearing

4 Seal 5 Carrier Wheel Bearing Stud
6 Stud Wheel 7 Carrier annulus
8 Retaining plate 9 Verbus-ripp bolt
10 Annulus ring gear 11 Circlip

27 - 48 9823/1500-1 27 - 48
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

12 Planet gear 13 Hub planetary carrier

16 Circlip 17 Thrust pad
18 Driveshaft 19 Sun gear
20 Circlip external 21 Bolt
22 O-ring 23 Plug tapered
24 Needle roller bearing 25 Seal
57 Cover plate hub seal

27 - 49 9823/1500-1 27 - 49
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Drain and Fill Figure 68.

Make sure that you change the hub oil after correct
intervals. Refer to: PIL 78-24-06.

1. Make the machine safe.
Refer to: PIL 01-03.
2. Park the machine on level ground with the
machine tyres clear of the ground.
3. Turn the wheel manually to move the oil level
mark on the hubs to the vertical position with the
fill/level plug at the bottom.
4. Remove the fill/level plug. C
5. Allow the oil to drain.
Figure 67. C Fill/level plug
2. Fill the hubs with the correct axle oil through the
fill/level hole.
Refer to: PIL 75-00-00.
3. Make sure that the oil is in level with the bottom
of the fill level hole.
4. Clean and Install the fill/level plug.

C Fill/level plug

1. Set the oil level marks to the horizontal position.

27 - 50 9823/1500-1 27 - 50
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Check (Level) Calibrate

Make sure that you check the hub oil level after Refer to the relevant Disassemble and Assemble
correct intervals. Refer to: PIL 78-24-06. procedure (PIL 27-27).

1. Make the machine safe.

Refer to: PIL 01-03.
2. Park the machine on a level ground with the
machine tyres clear of the ground.
3. Make sure that the oil level mark on the hub is
4. Remove the fill/level plug.
5. Make sure that the oil is in level with the bottom
of the fill/level hole. If necessary, top up with the
correct axle oil.
6. Clean and install the fill/level plug.
Figure 69.

C Fill/level plug

27 - 51 9823/1500-1 27 - 51
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Disassemble and Assemble Figure 71.

Special Tools
Description Part No. Qty.
Impulse Extractor 892/00224 1
Bearing Removal Tool 892/00225 1
Heavy Duty Socket 892/00333 1 C
19mm A/F x 3/4 in
Adaptor 993/59500 1

Make a note that the illustration shows an

axle removed from the machine. The axle hub
disassembly can also be done with the axle installed
on the machine.

C Driveshaft thrust pad
1. Disconnect the steering track rod.
Refer to: PIL 25-18-00. 7. Remove the circlip 1.

2. Drain oil from the hub. 8. Allow the sun gear to slide off the driveshaft.

3. Remove the screw 1. Figure 72.

4. Lift off the planet gear carrier from the bearing

Figure 70.

A D Circlip 1
9. Remove the spacer.
10. Remove the Verbus-ripp bolt.
A Screw 1
B Planet gear carrier 10.1. Rotate the spacer with a suitable drift to
align the holes in the spacer with the space
5. Remove the O-ring. between the bolts.
6. If damaged, remove the planet gears. 10.2. Remove the spacer with two dowels and
two heel bars as shown. Refer to Figure
6.1. Make a note that the planet gears can only 73.
be removed as an assembly. The planet 10.3. Remove the Verbus-ripp bolt with the
gear assembly consists of the gear, bearing specified tool.
and L-shaped circlip (x2).
Special Tool: Heavy Duty Socket 19mm A/
6.2. Remove the external circlip. F x 3/4 in Drive (Qty.: 1)
6.3. Remove the planet gear.
6.4. Remove the driveshaft thrust pad.

27 - 52 9823/1500-1 27 - 52
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

10.4. The Verbus-ripp bolts are very tight and Figure 74.
care must be taken not to distort the bolt
10.5. Use as short an extension bar as possible
with a six sided socket.
10.6. Discard the Verbus-ripp bolts.
Figure 73.

12. Remove the circlip 2.

13. Remove the annulus ring from the annulus
Figure 75.

E Verbus-ripp bolt
F Spacer
11. Use high grade M14 bolts (x2) as jacking screws
and remove the annulus carrier.
11.1. Make a note that the fretting between the
hub swivel and the annulus carrier mating
faces is evident. This fretting condition is
normal, do not attempt to repair.
11.2. If the hub swivel and the annulus carrier
are to be reused, the carrier must be
assembled in the same angular position it
was removed.
11.3. Put identification marks on the hub swivel
and carrier to help installation.
G Circlip 2
14. Remove the bearing carrier together with the
outer bearing cone and its bearing cup.

27 - 53 9823/1500-1 27 - 53
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Figure 76. Figure 78.

16.3. Lever against the tube as shown. Refer to

Figure 77.
17. Remove and discard the seal.
17.1. The inner bearing and oil seal may
withdraw with the bearing carrier.
18. Remove and discard the combination seal.
15. Remove the inner bearing cup from the inboard
side of the carrier. Figure 79.
15.1. To prevent damage to the axle case inner
seal, do not lever against the half shaft.
15.2. Place a tube over the half shaft.
15.3. Lever against the tube as shown. Refer to
Figure 77.
Figure 77.

X 19. Put an identification mark on the top and bottom

trunnions to help installation.
20. Remove the trunnions.
20.1. If necessary, pump grease through the
grease nipple for ease of removal.
Figure 80.

X Tube
16. Remove the inner bearing.
16.1. To prevent damage to the axle case inner H
seal, do not lever against the half shaft.
H Trunnions
16.2. Place a tube over the half shaft.
21. Remove the hub carrier.
22. Remove the driveshaft seal and the needle roller
bearing from the hub carrier.
22.1. Use the specified adaptor and the impulse
Special Tool: Adaptor (Qty.: 1)
Special Tool: Impulse Extractor (Qty.: 1)

27 - 54 9823/1500-1 27 - 54
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Figure 81. Assemble

1. Install the driveshaft inner bearing into position.
2. Install the circlip 3.
3. Install the new oil seal.
4. Fill the lip of the seal with grease.
5. Install the driveshaft.
6. Make sure that the inner end is located into the
23. Remove the trunnion seal and bearing with the splines of the differential gears.
Figure 84.
Figure 82.

24. Remove the driveshaft.

J Driveshaft inner oil seal
25. Remove the driveshaft inner oil seal. K Circlip 3
26. Remove the circlip 3. 7. Press the new trunnion oil seal into position
Figure 83. 8. Press the bearing into position.
9. Apply grease to the bearing and the oil seal.
Figure 85.

J Driveshaft inner oil seal

K Circlip 3
10. Install the driveshaft needle roller bearing to the
27. Remove the bearing with the specified tool. hub carrier.
Special Tool: Bearing Removal Tool (Qty.: 1)

27 - 55 9823/1500-1 27 - 55
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

11. Fill the cavity between the oil seal lips with 27. Check the spring balance reading. Make sure
grease. that the spring balance reading should be more
than the reading recorded at step 21 by specified
12. Install the seal. value.
Figure 86. Force: 4.5kg
Figure 88.

13. Locate the hub carrier. J

14. Install the bottom trunnion.

15. Apply Loctite 243 to the bottom trunnion bolt
16. Install the bottom trunnion bolt.
28. The earlier axles are installed with shims.
17. Tighten the bolt to the correct torque value.
28.1. Measure the gap at the top trunnion and
Torque: 98N·m subtract the specified value to give shim
thickness (bearing pre-load).
18. Install the top trunnion.
Dimension: 1mm
19. Tighten the top trunnion bolts by hand.
29. On later axles without shims, if after adjustment
Figure 87. the bearing pre-load is unattainable install the
new bearings.

30. Apply a thin layer of oil to the inner wheel bearing.

31. Assemble the inner bearing cups, outer bearing
cups and the inner bearing cone into the bearing
32. Install a new combination oil seal. Do not
lubricate before installation.
H Trunnions
33. Install the seal squarely into the carrier until the
20. Attach a spring balance to the track rod swivel as locating lip is flush as shown with a suitable
shown. Refer to Figure 88. service tool and spacer. Refer to Figure 89.

21. Make a note of the spring balance reading.

22. Tighten the top trunnion bolts to eliminate end
float. At the same time make sure that the
bearing pre-load/spring balance reading does
not increase.
23. Install the top trunnion.
24. Apply Loctite 243 to the top trunnion bolt threads.
25. Install the top trunnion bolt.
26. Tighten the bolt to the correct torque value.
Torque: 98N·m

27 - 56 9823/1500-1 27 - 56
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Figure 89. Figure 91.


34. Install the bearing carrier onto the axle arm.

35. Apply a thin layer of oil to the outer wheel bearing
G Circlip 2
36. Install the bearing onto the axle arm.
40. Install the annulus assembly in the same angular
37. Rotate the bearing when you install. position as removed.
Figure 90. 41. Install the new Verbus-ripp bolts.
Figure 92.

42. Do not fully tighten the bolts but allow the bearing
38. Assemble the annulus ring to the annulus carrier. carrier to rock slightly.
39. Install the circlip 2. 43. Measure the seal drag rolling force as follows.
43.1. Use a spring balance and cord wrapped
around the planet carrier flange as shown.
Refer to Figure 93.

27 - 57 9823/1500-1 27 - 57
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Figure 93. Figure 95.

43.2. Pull the spring balance so that the hub 45.4. Pull the spring balance so that the hub
rotates, do several times to allow the seal rotates.
to seat correctly.
45.5. Make a note of the reading.
43.3. Make a note of the reading.
45.6. To get the rolling force, subtract seal
44. Tighten the Verbus-ripp bolts to the correct drag rolling force (refer to step 43.3) from
torque value. reading obtained at this step 45.5.
Torque: 320N·m 45.7. Make a note that the rolling force value is
within the specified limits.
Figure 94.
Force: 64–117N
46. If the rolling force value is not within limits, do the
46.1. Make sure that the seal is installed
46.2. If necessary, replace the bearings.
46.3. Check the condition of all the components,
replace as required.
47. Remove the planet gear carrier.
48. Press the driveshaft thrust pad into the recess in
the planet carrier. Make sure that the chamfered
end faces downwards.
45. Measure the rolling force as follows.
49. Install the new planet gears in their correct
45.1. Install the planet gear carrier. position.
45.2. Do not install the sun gear. 50. Install the circlip.
45.3. Use a spring balance and cord wrapped 51. Make sure that the small radius on the gear
around the planet gear carrier flange as bearing internal diameter is facing upwards at the
shown. circlip end of the planet pin.

27 - 58 9823/1500-1 27 - 58
27 - Driveline
27 - Hub
00 - General

Figure 96. 57.2. Align the two tapped holes in the planet
gear carrier with their mating holes in the
bearing carrier.
57.3. The tapped holes are diametrically
opposite one another.
57.4. Make sure that the planet gear butts fully
C against the bearing carrier.
57.5. Do not strike the centre of the planet gear
carrier, this may dislodge the driveshaft
thrust pad.
Figure 98.

C Driveshaft thrust pad

52. Install the spacer.
53. Slide the sun wheel onto the driveshaft.
54. Install the circlip 1.
55. Install the new O-ring. A

56. Make a note that the sun gear must be installed

with the 1.5 mm (0.060 in) x 45° chamfer inboard.
Figure 97. A Screw 1
B Planet gear carrier
58. Fill the hubs with the correct grade oil.

D Circlip 1
L O-ring
57. Install the planet gear carrier onto the bearing
57.1. Turn the planet gear slightly to engage the
gear teeth.

27 - 59 9823/1500-1 27 - 59
27 - Driveline
47 - Propshaft

47 - Propshaft

Contents Page No.

27-47-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 27-61

27 - 60 9823/1500-1 27 - 60
27 - Driveline
47 - Propshaft
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 27-61 The propeller shaft or propshaft is usually the shaft
Check (Condition) .......................................... 27-62 that connects the gearbox to the differential or
Lubricate ........................................................ 27-62 drivehead.
Remove and Install ....................................... 27-63
The propshaft is a mechanical component for
transmitting torque and rotation, usually used to
connect components of a drivetrain that cannot be
connected directly because of distance or the need
to allow for relative movement between them.

27 - 61 9823/1500-1 27 - 61
27 - Driveline
47 - Propshaft
00 - General

Check (Condition) Lubricate

1. Make the machine safe. Refer to (PIL 01-03). 1. Make the machine safe. Refer to (PIL 01-03).
2. Check the propshaft tube for damage or cracks. 2. Make sure you have the correct grease.
3. Check the centre bearing (if installed) for Refer to: PIL 75-00-00.
security, cracks or damage.
3. Use a grease gun to lubricate the universal joint
4. Check the universal joints for security, cracks grease points until fresh grease appears past the
or damage. Make sure that there is no play in seals of all four bearings in each joint.
the joint and that grease points are present (if 3.1. If grease does not appear, push the
installed). propshaft away from the bearing that
5. Check the sliding joints for security, cracks or grease does not appear from and grease
damage. Make sure that there is no play in again.
the joint and that grease points are present (if 3.2. If grease still does not appear, remove and
installed). examine the bearing. Renew if necessary.
6. Check any sensor or sensor ring for security, Refer to: PIL 27-47-00.
cracks or damage (if installed).
4. Remove any excess grease.
7. Make sure the correct fasteners are installed and
tightened to the correct torque.
8. Renew any defective component as needed.

27 - 62 9823/1500-1 27 - 62
27 - Driveline
47 - Propshaft
00 - General

Remove and Install Install

Consumables 1. The installation procedure is the opposite of the
Description Part No. Size removal procedure. Additionally do the following
JCB Threadlocker 4101/0250 0.01 L steps.
and Sealer (Medium 4101/0251 0.05 L 2. Lubricate the sliding joints with specified grease
Strength) and then align the shafts against identification
Special MPL-EP 4003/1501 0.4 kg marks previously made or, in the case of a
Grease 4003/1506 12.5 kg shaft being renewed, use the manufacturer's
4003/1510 50 kg alignment markings.
Consumable: Special MPL-EP Grease
Before you remove the propshaft, always mark on
both companion flanges and also mark the sliding 3. The retaining straps stretch with use, therefore
joints to help correct alignment when you install. these straps must always be replaced with new
Remove 4. For Synchro shuttle machines, apply JCB
1. Make the machine safe. Refer to (PIL 01-03). Threadlocker and Sealer to threads of all flange
2. Put chocks against the all four wheels. Consumable: JCB Threadlocker and Sealer
(Medium Strength)
3. Remove the strap bolts and straps.
5. The propshaft must have both ends exactly on
4. Remove the flange bolts and remove the
the same plane. The yokes must not be at right
propshaft from the machine.
angles or at an intermediate angle.
Figure 99.
Figure 100.


X Correct installation - yokes correctly aligned on

the same plane
Y Incorrect installation - yokes at right angles to
each other
A Bolts Z Incorrect installation - yokes at intermediate
B Strap angles to each other
C Flange bolts
6. Tighten the bolts to the correct torque value.

27 - 63 9823/1500-1 27 - 63
27 - Driveline
47 - Propshaft
00 - General

Table 24. Torque Values

Item Nm
A 75–85
C 118

27 - 64 9823/1500-1 27 - 64
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
Contents Page No.

72-00 Fasteners and Fixings

72-00-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 72-3
72-03 Screws
72-03-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 72-7
72-06 Bolts
72-06-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 72-11


72 - Fasteners and Fixings
00 - Fasteners and Fixings

00 - Fasteners and Fixings

Contents Page No.

72-00-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 72-3

72 - 1 9823/1500-1 72 - 1

72 - 2 9823/1500-1 72 - 2
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
00 - Fasteners and Fixings
00 - General

00 - General Fastener Type Colour Part Number

Zinc Nickel - Black, chalky N (e.g.
Introduction black texture 1315/3712N)
Zinc flake - Black, slight B (e.g.
JCB Fasteners (Before September 2017) black gloss 1315/3712B)

Some external fasteners on JCB machines are Torque and Angle Tightening
manufactured using an improved type of corrosion
resistant finish. This type of finish is called Dacromet Insufficient pre-load of a bolted joint can cause
and replaces the original Zinc and Yellow Plating major problems, such as cylinder head warp, leaking
used on earlier machines. The two types of fasteners gasket joints etc. There are several methods of
can be readily identified by colour and part number achieving an accurate pre-load of a bolted joint, the
suffix. Refer to Table 1. Fastener Types. two main methods used on the JCB engine are:
Table 25. • Torque Control Tightening - Using a torque
Fastener Type Colour Part Number meter to control the torque is the most
Suffix popular means of controlling pre-load, and
in the majority of instances this method is
Zinc and Yellow Golden Finish Z (e.g. adequate. It should be noted that with this
1315/3712Z) process, the majority of the torque is used
Dacromet Mottled Silver D (e.g. to overcome friction, therefore slight variations
Finish 1315/3712D) in the frictional conditions can lead to large
changes in the bolt pre-load.
Note: As the Dacromet fasteners have a lower torque • Angle Control Tightening - Where a more
setting than the Zinc and Yellow fasteners, the torque precise pre-load is required, the torque and
figures used must be relevant to the type of fastener. angle tightening method is used. The bolt
is tightened to a predetermined torque (this
A Dacromet bolt should not be used in conjunction may be done in stages), and then as a
with a Zinc or Yellow plated nut, as this could final sequence, the bolt is tightened to a
change the torque characteristics of the torque predetermined angle - this method of tightening
setting further. For the same reason, a Dacromet nut the bolts results in a smaller variation in the
should not be used with a Zinc or Yellow plated bolt. final pre-load. It is critical that the predetermined
tightening angle is accurately achieved, failure
All bolts used on JCB machines are high tensile and to tighten accurately to the specified angle could
must not be replaced by bolts of a lesser tensile result in the bolt pre-load being incorrect - this
specification. will lead to eventual failures. It is good practice
to replace all bolts that have been tightened
Dacromet bolts, due to their high corrosion using the torque + angle procedure.
resistance are used in areas where rust could
occur. Dacromet bolts are only used for external
Tightening Method
applications. They are not used in applications
such as gearbox or engine joint seams or internal The following example explains the recommended
applications. torque and angle procedure. A torque angle gauge
should be used for accuracy, but as a visual check,
JCB Fasteners (After September 2017) the bolts can be match marked as described below.

1. Tighten the bolt to the specified torque (specified

Table 26. torque values will be detailed in the relevant PIL
Fastener Type Colour Part Number sections).
2. Mark a line across the centre of the bolt, and a
Zinc flake-silver White alu- D (e.g. second line on the part to be clamped - the two
minium (sil- 1315/3712D) lines should be aligned. Refer to Figure 101.
ver-grey), Dull
Zinc and heavy Silver (Bright iri- V (e.g.
trivalent passi- descent) 1315/3712V)
vated with seal
Zinc Nickel - sil- Dark, dull silver Not assigned
ver/grey grey

72 - 3 9823/1500-1 72 - 3
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
00 - Fasteners and Fixings
00 - General

Figure 101.

3. Mark a third line at the specified torque angle - in

this instance the additional torque angle is 90°.
This line must be marked the specified angle in
a clockwise direction (to further tighten the bolt).
Refer to Figure 102.
Figure 102.


4. In some instances, angle torque tightening can

be specified in two stages, for instance in this
example, the first angle quoted is 90° and then a
second angle of 180°. The additional 180° angle
is from the LAST tightened position. Refer to
Figure 103.
Figure 103.



5. Tighten the bolt so that the line on the bolt

aligns with the angle(s) marked on the item to
be clamped - remember, to ensure complete
accuracy an angle gauge should be used.

72 - 4 9823/1500-1 72 - 4
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
03 - Screws

03 - Screws

Contents Page No.

72-03-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 72-7

72 - 5 9823/1500-1 72 - 5

72 - 6 9823/1500-1 72 - 6
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
03 - Screws
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction ...................................................... 72-7 Use the torque setting tables (Technical Data) only
Technical Data ................................................. 72-8 where no torque setting is specified in the text. Note:
Dacromet fasteners are lubricated as part of the
plating process, do not lubricate. Torque settings are
given for the following conditions:

Table 27. Up to September 2017

Type Condition 1 Condition 2
no coating Unlubricated fas- Zinc flake silver
teners (Dacromet) fas-
2 (obso- Zinc fasteners Lubricated zinc
lete from and yellow plated
September fasteners.
3, 4 (obso- Yellow plated fas- Where there is
lete from teners a natural lubri-
September cation. For ex-
2017). ample, cast iron

Table 28. From September 2017

Type Condition 1 Condition 2
no coating Unlubricated fas- Dacromet) fas-
teners teners.
1 Zinc flake - silver Zinc flake silver
(Dacromet) fas-
5 Zinc and heavy
trivalent with seal
7 Zinc nickel - silver
8 Zinc nickel - black
9 Zinc flake - black

72 - 7 9823/1500-1 72 - 7
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
03 - Screws
00 - General

Technical Data

Table 29. Torque Settings - Internal

Hexagon Headed Capscrews (Zinc)
Bolt Size
mm N·m
3 2
4 6
5 11
6 19
8 46
10 91
12 159
16 395
18 550
20 770
24 1,332

72 - 8 9823/1500-1 72 - 8
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
06 - Bolts

06 - Bolts

Contents Page No.

72-06-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 72-11

72 - 9 9823/1500-1 72 - 9

72 - 10 9823/1500-1 72 - 10
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
06 - Bolts
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 72-11 Use the torque setting tables (Technical Data) only
Technical Data ............................................... 72-12 where no torque setting is specified in the text. Note:
Dacromet fasteners are lubricated as part of the
plating process, do not lubricate. Torque settings are
given for the following conditions:

Table 30. Up to September 2017

Type Condition 1 Condition 2
no coating Unlubricated fas- Zinc flake silver
teners (Dacromet) fas-
2 (obso- Zinc fasteners Lubricated zinc
lete from and yellow plated
September fasteners.
3, 4 (obso- Yellow plated fas- Where there is
lete from teners a natural lubri-
September cation. For ex-
2017). ample, cast iron

Table 31. From September 2017

Type Condition 1 Condition 2
no coating Unlubricated fas- Dacromet) fas-
teners teners.
1 Zinc flake - silver Zinc flake silver
(Dacromet) fas-
5 Zinc and heavy
trivalent with seal
7 Zinc nickel - silver
8 Zinc nickel - black
9 Zinc flake - black

Verbus-Ripp Bolts
Torque settings for these bolts are determined by the
application. Refer to the relevant procedure for the
required settings.

Figure 104.

72 - 11 9823/1500-1 72 - 11
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
06 - Bolts
00 - General

Technical Data Table 34. Torque Settings - Coarse

Metric Grade 8.8 Fasteners
Bolt Tread Hexa- Condi- Condi-
From JCB standard STD00019 issue 15.
Size Pitch gon (A/ tion 1 tion 2
1. This information does not apply to:- F)
mm mm mm N·m N·m
1.1. Hydraulic fittings (i.e. BSP, SAE O-ring 4 0.7 7 2.9 2.6
boss, UNF, four bolt split flange and JIC).
5 0.8 8 5.8 5.2
1.2. Locking type fasteners (those with a nylon 6 1 10 9.9 9
insert, or with distorted thread nuts such as
8 1.25 13 24 22
10 1.5 17 47 43
2. For information on fastener conditions, refer to 12 1.75 19 83 74
fasteners and fixings, bolts, general, introduction. 14 2 22 132 119
16 2 24 205 184
Table 32. Torque Settings - UNF S Fasteners 20 2.5 30 400 360
Bolt Treads Hexa- Condi- Condi- 24 3 36 690 621
Size per Inch gon (A/ tion 1 tion 2 30 3.5 46 1,372 1,235
F) 36 4 55 2,399 2,159
in in in N·m N·m
(1/4 in) 28 7/16 11.2 10 Table 35. Torque Settings - Coarse
(5/16 in) 24 1/2 22.3 20 Metric Grade 10.9 Fasteners
(3/8 in) 24 9/16 40 36 Bolt Thread Hexa- Condi- Condi-
(7/16 in) 20 5/8 64 57 Size Pitch gon (A/ tion 1 tion 2
(1/2 in) 20 3/4 98 88
mm mm mm N·m N·m
(9/16 in) 18 13/16 140 126
4 0.7 7 4 3.6
(5/8 in) 18 15/16 196 177
5 0.8 8 8.1 7.3
(3/4 in) 16 1 1/8 343 309
6 1 10 13.9 12.5
(7/8 in) 14 1 15/16 547 492
8 1.25 13 34 30
(1 in) 12 1 1/2 814 732
10 1.5 17 67 60
(1 1/8 in) 12 1 7/8 1,181 1,063
12 1.75 19 116 104
(1 1/4 in) 12 2 1/4 1,646 1,481
14 2 22 185 167
16 2 24 288 259
Table 33. Torque Settings - UNF X Fasteners 20 2.5 30 562 506
Bolt Treads Hexa- Condi- Condi- 24 3 36 971 874
Size per Inch gon (A/ tion 1 tion 2 30 3.5 46 1,930 1,737
36 4 55 3,374 3,036
in in in N·m N·m
(1/4 in) 28 7/16 17.6 15.9 Table 36. Torque Settings - Coarse
(5/16 in) 24 1/2 35.2 31.6 Metric Grade 12.9 Fasteners
(3/8 in) 24 9/16 64 57 Bolt Thread Hexa- Condi- Condi-
(7/16 in) 20 5/8 101 91 Size Pitch gon (A/ tion 1 tion 2
(1/2 in) 20 3/4 155 139 F)
(9/16 in) 18 13/16 221 199 mm mm mm N·m N·m
(5/8 in) 18 15/16 310 279 4 0.7 7 4.8 4.4
(3/4 in) 16 1 1/8 542 488 5 0.8 8 9.8 8.8
(7/8 in) 14 1 15/16 864 777 6 1 10 16.6 15
(1 in) 12 1 1/2 1,285 1,156 8 1.25 13 40 36
(1 1/8 in) 12 1 7/8 1,865 1,679 10 1.5 17 80 72
(1 1/4 in) 12 2 1/4 2,598 2,339 12 1.75 19 139 125
14 2 22 223 200
16 2 24 345 311

72 - 12 9823/1500-1 72 - 12
72 - Fasteners and Fixings
06 - Bolts
00 - General

Bolt Thread Hexa- Condi- Condi-

Size Pitch gon (A/ tion 1 tion 2
mm mm mm N·m N·m
20 2.5 30 674 607
24 3 36 1,165 1,048
30 3.5 46 2,316 2,084
36 4 55 4,049 3,644

Table 37. Torque Settings - Rivet Nuts / Bolts

Bolt Size
mm N·m
3 1.2
4 3
5 6
6 10
8 24
10 48
12 82

72 - 13 9823/1500-1 72 - 13

72 - 14 9823/1500-1 72 - 14
75 - Consumable Products
Contents Page No.

Acronyms Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 75-2

75-00 Consumable Products

75-00-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 75-3
75-09 Fluids
75-09-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 75-7
75-10 Locking Fluids
75-10-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 75-9
75-14 Solvents and Primers
75-14-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 75-13
75-15 Adhesive
75-15-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 75-17
75-16 Sealant
75-16-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 75-23

Acronyms Glossary

LSD Limited Slip Differential

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene

75 - Consumable Products
00 - Consumable Products

00 - Consumable Products

Contents Page No.

75-00-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 75-3

75 - 1 9823/1500-1 75 - 1

75 - 2 9823/1500-1 75 - 2
75 - Consumable Products
00 - Consumable Products
00 - General

00 - General Health and Safety

Health and Safety ........................................... 75-3 Oil
Technical Data ................................................. 75-5 Oil is toxic. If you swallow any oil, do not induce
vomiting, seek medical advice. Used engine oil
contains harmful contaminants which can cause skin
cancer. Do not handle used engine oil more than
necessary. Always use barrier cream or wear gloves
to prevent skin contact. Wash skin contaminated with
oil thoroughly in warm soapy water. Do not use petrol,
diesel fuel or paraffin to clean your skin.
Fluid Under Pressure
Fine jets of fluid at high pressure can penetrate the
skin. Keep face and hands well clear of fluid under
pressure and wear personal protective equipment.
Hold a piece of cardboard close to suspected
leaks and then examine the cardboard for signs of
fluid. If fluid penetrates your skin, get medical help

JCB lubricants are not a health risk when used
correctly for their intended purposes.

However, excessive or prolonged skin contact can

remove the natural fats from your skin, causing
dryness and irritation.

Low viscosity oils are more likely to do this, so take

special care when handling used oils, which might be
diluted with fuel contamination.

Whenever you are handling oil products you must

maintain good standards of care and personal and
plant hygiene. For details of these precautions we
advise you to read the relevant publications issued
by your local health authority, plus the following.

Always keep lubricants out of the reach of children.

Never store lubricants in open or unlabelled


Waste Disposal
CAUTION It is illegal to pollute drains, sewers
or the ground. Clean up all spilt fluids and/or
Used fluids and/or lubricants, filters and
contaminated materials must be disposed of in
accordance with local regulations. Use authorised
waste disposal sites.

All waste products must be disposed of in

accordance with all the relevant regulations.

75 - 3 9823/1500-1 75 - 3
75 - Consumable Products
00 - Consumable Products
00 - General

The collection and disposal of used oil must be in Fires

accordance with any local regulations. Never pour
used oil into sewers, drains or on the ground. WARNING Do not use water to put out an oil fire.
This will only spread it because oil floats on water.
Handling Extinguish oil and lubricant fires with carbon
dioxide, dry chemical or foam.
New Oil
First Aid - Electrolyte
There are no special precautions needed for the
handling or use of new oil, beside the normal care
and hygiene practices. Eyes
In the case of eye contact, flush with water for 15min.
Used Oil always get medical attention.
Used oil can contain harmful contaminants.
Here are precautions to protect your health when
handling used oil: Do not induce vomiting. Drink large quantities of
water or milk. Then drink milk of magnesia, beaten
• Avoid prolonged, excessive or repeated skin egg or vegetable oil. Get medical help.
contact with used oil
• Apply a barrier cream to the skin before Skin
handling used oil. Note the following when
removing oil from skin: Flush with water, remove affected clothing. Cover
burns with a sterile dressing then get medical help.
• Wash your skin thoroughly with soap and
• Using a nail brush will help
• Use special hand cleansers to help clean
dirty hands
• Never use petrol, diesel fuel, or paraffin for
• Avoid skin contact with oil soaked clothing
• Don't keep oily rags in pockets
• Wash dirty clothing before re-use
• Throw away oil-soaked shoes

First Aid - Oil

In the case of eye contact, flush with water for 15min.
If irritation persists, get medical attention.

If oil is swallowed do not induce vomiting. Get
medical advice.

In the case of excessive skin contact, wash with soap
and water.

Absorb with sand or a locally approved brand of
absorbent granules. Scrape up and remove to a
chemical disposal area.

75 - 4 9823/1500-1 75 - 4
75 - Consumable Products
00 - Consumable Products
00 - General

Technical Data

Table 38.
Item Capacity Fluid/Lubricant Specification
Axle - Offset Drivehead
Housing 18L Mobilube HD90 API-GL-5, MIL-L-2105C
Hub (x2) 2L
Axle - Central Drivehead
Housing 18L Mobil Fluid 424 API GL4, M2C-41B/134D,
Hub (x2) 2L MF M1135/M1141/M1143
Grease points - Mobil HP222 Mobil HP222
Grease points - Mobil DTE 11M ISO VG 15

(1) Do not use ordinary brake fluid (J 1703).

Mobil 424 should always be used for axles installed

with brakes. For Axles without brakes Mobilube
HD90 or Mobil Fluid 424 can be used.

Axles with LSD (Limited Slip Differential) must use

Mobil Fluid 424.

75 - 5 9823/1500-1 75 - 5
75 - Consumable Products
09 - Fluids

09 - Fluids

Contents Page No.

75-09-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 75-7

75 - 6 9823/1500-1 75 - 6
75 - Consumable Products
09 - Fluids
00 - General

00 - General


It is most important that you read and understand this

information and the publications referred to. Make
sure all your colleagues who are concerned with
lubricants read it too.

JCB lubricants are not a health risk when used
properly for their intended purposes.

However, excessive or prolonged skin contact can

remove the natural fats from your skin, causing
dryness and irritation.

Low viscosity oils are more likely to do this, so take

special care when handling used oils, which might be
diluted with fuel contamination.

Whenever you are handling oil products you should

maintain good standards of care and personal and
plant hygiene. For details of these precautions we
advise you to read the relevant publications issued
by your local health authority, plus the following.

Always keep lubricants out of the reach of children.
Never store lubricants in open or unlabelled

Waste Disposal
All waste products should be disposed of in
accordance with all the relevant regulations.

The collection and disposal of used oil should be in

accordance with any local regulations. Never pour
used engine oil into sewers, drains or on the ground.

75 - 7 9823/1500-1 75 - 7
75 - Consumable Products
10 - Locking Fluids

10 - Locking Fluids

Contents Page No.

75-10-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 75-9

75 - 8 9823/1500-1 75 - 8
75 - Consumable Products
10 - Locking Fluids
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction ...................................................... 75-9 All locking fluids should be used at all times in line
Technical Data ............................................... 75-10 with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Locking fluids are used for the locking of threaded

fasteners and for the retention of ball & roller
bearings and similar cylindrical items on to shafts and
into housings. These fluids consist of an anaerobic
resin in a liquid form which hardens when confined
between closely fitting metal to metal and many
metal to non-metal surfaces.

The fluids available possess a wide span of

break-loose strengths, viscosities and gap filling
properties and are marketed for a variety of locking
and retaining purposes requiring different strength
grades. Some of the sealants in use in JCB are
also of anaerobic resin type and only differ from
the locking fluids in respect of viscosity and other
technical details.

Strength grades
Various strength grades of fluid are available,
the highest strength type for permanent locking
where disassembly is unlikely, medium strength
for permanent locking but allowing disassembly
with ordinary tools and low strength for locking
of components where frequent adjustment or easy
dismantling is required.

It is recommended that trials be carried out before

scheduling locking fluids for any new type of
application that has not been already proved as
satisfactory in production or when use at elevated
temperatures is intended.

Additional technical information is normally available

from the product manufacturers.

Approved locking fluids

The table shown in Technical Data shows the
approved locking fluids available to use on JCB
machines. The table also provides basic details to
help with selection of locking fluids. More up to
date information can be found on the manufacturer’s

75 - 9 9823/1500-1 75 - 9
75 - Consumable Products
10 - Locking Fluids
00 - General

Technical Data

Table 39. Locking Fluids Approved Product Information

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Strength Comments
tion cial name Number life
High Loctite 4101/0100 Green 365d 80–120bar For the retention of threads up to M20 di-
strength 270
fluores- (1,159.4– ameter where disassembly is unlikely and
cent 1,739.1psi) for locking bearings etc. onto shafts and
R.A.S. Red breakaway into housing. Has a maximum gap fill of
threadlock strength 0.05mm.
for studs

High Loctite 4101/1400 Green, 365d More than Maximum gap fill of 0.25mm. Maximum
strength 638 UV fluo- 250bar strength at room temperature.
rescent (3,623.2psi)
sive shear
High Per- 4101/0500 Red, flu- 365d 100–150bar Fast curing (10–15min) thread locking up
strength mabond ores- (1,449.3– to M20, especially for use on oily surfaces,
cent 2,173.9psi) plated and clean parts.
Loctite prevailing
262 strength
High Loctite 4101/0600 Green, 365d More than Designed for holding gears and sprockets
strength 648(1) fluores- 250bar onto gearbox shafts and rotors on electric
Per- cent (3,623.2psi) motor shafts.
mabond compres-
A118 sive shear
High Loctite 4101/1700 Green 365d 260–500bar Designed for permanent locking and seal-
strength 2701 (3,768.1– ing of threaded fasteners. Particularly suit-
7,246.3psi) ed for use on inactive substrates and/or
breakaway where maximum resistance to hot oil is re-
torque quired.
Medium Loctite 4101/1100 Blue 365d 140–340bar Suitable for all nuts, bolts, screws up to
to high 243 (2,029.0– M36.
Medium Per- 4101/0900 Blue 365d 80–120bar Maximum gap fill of 0.25mm. Handling
strength mabond (1,159.4– strength in 10–15min.
static shear
Medium Loctite 4101/1200 Green, 365d 150–330bar Product has a slow cure rate, used on parts
strength 640 fluores- (2,173.9– unlikely to be disassembled.
cent 4,782.6psi)
static shear
Medium Loctite 4101/0200 Blue, 365d 80–120bar Suitable for all nuts, bolts and screws up to
strength 242(1) fluores- (1,159.4– M36 and hydraulic fittings up to 25mm in di-
Per- cent 1,739.1psi) ameter. Permabond A113 and A1042 are
mabond static shear the preferred choices. The difference be-
A1042 strength tween A113 and A1042 is timing for han-
dling and working strength. A113 handling
Per- time 10–25min, working strength 1h. A1042
mabond handling time 5–10min, working strength
A113 30min.

75 - 10 9823/1500-1 75 - 10
75 - Consumable Products
10 - Locking Fluids
00 - General

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Strength Comments

tion cial name Number life
Low Loctite 4101/0300 Purple, 365d 15–40bar For screwed fasteners up to M20 that re-
strength 222 fluores- (217.4– quire easy disassembly or frequent ad-
cent 579.7psi) justment. Maximum gap fill of 0.05mm.
Achieves handling strength in 10–30min.
Low Per- 4101/1500 Blue 365d 120bar Allows dismantling of parts for mainte-
strength mabond (1,739.1psi) nance. Suitable for sealing small hydraulic
A1098 shear and pneumatic fittings. Handling strength in
strength 5–10min.
Low Loctite 4101/1600 Off- 365d 17bar For the locking and sealing of metal ta-
strength 567 white (246.4psi) pered threads and fittings. High lubricat-
breakaway ing properties prevent galling on stainless
torque steel, aluminium and all other metal pipe
threads and fittings.
Very low Loctite 4101/0400 Brown/ 365d 7–18bar Can be disassembled with hand tools. 10–
strength 932(1) red (101.4– 30min cure time for handling strength. Used
Per- 260.9psi) on large diameter screw threads bigger
mabond average than 50mm.
A011 shear
(1) This is a non preferred product.

75 - 11 9823/1500-1 75 - 11
75 - Consumable Products
14 - Solvents and Primers

14 - Solvents and Primers

Contents Page No.

75-14-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 75-13

75 - 12 9823/1500-1 75 - 12
75 - Consumable Products
14 - Solvents and Primers
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 75-13 This section contains information on primers,
Technical Data ............................................... 75-14 solvents, cleaning solutions etc. that are in use at

All primers and solvents should be used at all times

in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Approved primers and solvents

The table shown in Technical Data shows the
approved primers and solvents available to use on
JCB machines. The table also provides basic details
to help with the selection of primers and solvents.
More up to date information can be found on the
manufacturer’s website.

75 - 13 9823/1500-1 75 - 13
75 - Consumable Products
14 - Solvents and Primers
00 - General

Technical Data

Table 40. Primers and Solvents Approved Product Information

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Drying Comments
tion cial name Number life Time
Activa- Loctite 332/U7901 Colour- 365d Less than Used to make low energy surfaces suit-
tor/Primer 770 less 5s able for bonding with cyanocrylate adhe-
sives. It is recommended for polyethylene,
polypropylene, PTFE and thermoplastic
rubber materials. Can be used with Loctite
406 (332/U7899).
Activator Loctite 4104/1700 Clear 730d Apply and HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. Organic accelera-
7455 amber leave to dry tor, non CFC solvent based surface activa-
for 30s be- tor. Designed to promote the speed of cure
fore apply- of cyanoacrylic adhesives.
ing adhe-
Activator Loctite 4104/0200 Colour- 365d 1–3min Used with anaerobic products it increases
less cure speed. Recommended for inert sur-
Per- faces and large bond gaps.
Water Loctite 4104/0500 - - - A water proofing solution for protecting
proofing water joints made using cyanoacrylate adhesive.
proofing Apply to Loctite 495 (4103/0900).
Solvent Loctite 4104/1500 Colour- 365d 1min at HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, cleaner and de-
less 20°C greaser. Removes grease, oil and dirt from
(68.0°F) electrical parts, tools and precision equip-
Cleaning Loctite 4101/2200 Colour- 365d No wipe Cleaning treatment to remove most greas-
fluid 7070 less 5–10min, es, oils, lubrication fluids and metal cuttings
post wipe
Cleaning Simple 332/E9240 Colour- 365d - An all purpose cleaner and degreaser used
fluid green ex- less diluted in water for direct, spray and dip
treme tank procedures.
Applica- A4GBCJCB4104/3300 Blue 730d - Vinyl labels application fluid for use with the
tion fluid insignia/livery labels.
Gasket Loctite 4104/3200 Colour- 730d Allow 10– This is a product to aid the removal of
cleaner 7200 less 15min for cured chemical gaskets. Apply for time
gasket, specified and remove gasket with soft
30min for scraper.
Hand Loctite 4104/3100 Light 540d - Is a heavy duty hand cleaner, specially for-
cleaner 7855 grey mulated for the most difficult to remove
soils like polyurethane, paints, primers, ad-
hesives etc. The product is free from sil-
icone and harsh solvents. Can be used
without water.
Hand Sika hand 4104/1300 Off - - A non-abrasive hand cleaner for use when
cleaner cleaner white using direct glazing materials.

75 - 14 9823/1500-1 75 - 14
75 - Consumable Products
14 - Solvents and Primers
00 - General

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Drying Comments

tion cial name Number life Time
Direct Sika acti- 4104/2100 Clear 365d 10min mini- HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. A cleaning and acti-
glazing vator mum drying vating agent specifically formulated for the
time treatment of bonded faces in direct glaz-
ing applications prior to applying the direct
glazing adhesive.
Direct Sika re- 4104/1900 Trans- - - A cleaning agent for removing contami-
glazing mover parent nates on painted surfaces and glass.
208 (use

Direct Sika 4104/1200 Clear - - A cleaning agent for removing contami-

glazing cleaner nates on painted surfaces and glass.
205 (use

Direct Sika 4104/2300 Black 270d - Used to prepare painted surfaces and plas-
glazing primer tic substrates prior to bonding with Sikaflex
209 (use products.

Direct Sika akti- 4104/2400 Clear

365d 10min Used to clean and give improved adhe-
glazing vator at more sion on glass, ceramic-coated glass, the cut
than 15°C face of old polyurethane adhesive beads,
(59.0°F) polyurethane coated windows glass and
or 30min paints.
at less
than 15°C
Active Tero- 4104/3400 Colour- 270d Minimum Applied with a clean cloth to the surface,
wipe for stat 8560 less 30s and the adhesive may then be applied after the
surface AC-25 maximum drying time. Applied to glass or ceramic
1h coating but only in the bonding area.
Direct Terostat 4102/3500 Black 365– Approx. Used to promote adhesion in direct glazing
glazing 8519 P 540d 2min to glass and glass ceramics.
Cleaner Teroson 4104/3600 Clear 730d Depend- Used for degreasing and cleaning of sub-
FL clean- ing on con- strates prior to application of adhesives and
er ditions be- sealants.
tween 2–
Adhe- 3M AP III 4104/3700 - - - Used to prepare a painted surface before
sion pro- adhering (LDL) door seals (to increase ad-
moter hesion of 3M 5337A) before installation of
the cab.
(1) This is a non preferred product.

75 - 15 9823/1500-1 75 - 15
75 - Consumable Products
15 - Adhesive

15 - Adhesive

Contents Page No.

75-15-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 75-17

75 - 16 9823/1500-1 75 - 16
75 - Consumable Products
15 - Adhesive
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 75-17 All adhesives should be used at all times in line with
Technical Data ............................................... 75-18 the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Adhesives are used for the bonding of a number

of engineering materials used in production at JCB.
Many types are available on the market but in the
interests of variety reduction and economy only a
limited selection is purchased for regular use.

Types of adhesive
Various types of adhesive are covered by JCB

1. General purpose adhesives for bonding

laminated plastics, wood, rubber etc. to
themselves and to each other.
2. The more expensive cyanoacrylate adhesives
for use where high strength, resistance to many
chemicals and fast cure times are required.
3. Adhesives specially developed for bonding of
foam rubber to painted metal surfaces.

Additional health and safety for

These adhesives require very careful handling on
account of their exceptional properties. They bond
together strongly and rapidly to most surfaces
including body tissue, the curing process being
initiated by surface moisture. For further information
on cyanoacrylates refer to the Manufacturer’s

Approved adhesives
The tables shown in Technical Data are the approved
adhesives available to use on JCB machines. The
tables also provide basic details to help with the
selection of adhesives. More up to date information
can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

75 - 17 9823/1500-1 75 - 17
75 - Consumable Products
15 - Adhesive
00 - General

Technical Data

Table 41. Adhesives Approved Product Information

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments
tion cial name Number life data
High Per- 4103/3100 Mixed 730d 3–5min for Two part adhesive mixed in equal parts. A
strength mabond grey handling toughened adhesive system which bonds
5002 strength metals, plastics, wood, glass, ceramics and
composites; even plated or coated surfaces
can be securely fastened.
High Loctite 4103/1000 Green 365d 16–30bar This product is a single component anaero-
strength 601 fluores- (231.9– bic adhesive. Used to bond cylindrical fitting
cent 434.8psi) parts, particularly where low viscosity is re-
static shear quired. Maximum gap fill is 0.15mm.
Cyano- Loctite 4103/3500 Colour- - 18–26bar Suitable for most materials including plas-
acrylate 424 less to (260.9– tic and rubber. Takes 30s to cure to working
straw 376.8psi) strength.
Cyano- Loctite 4103/2300 Colour- 180d 18–26bar Designed for general purpose use. For use
acrylate 401 less (260.9– on acidic and porous surfaces, reaching
376.8psi) handling strength in seconds. Materials in-
tensile clude plated metals, composite materials,
strength wood, cork, foam, leather and paper.
Cyano- Loctite 332/U7899 Colour- 180d 18–26bar Designed for bonding of plastics and elas-
acrylate 406 less (260.9– tomeric materials where very fast fixturing
376.8psi) is required. Can be used with Loctite 770
lap shear as a primer (332/U7901)
Cyano- Loctite 4103/2400 Black 120d 22bar 0.2mm, gap fill. A rubber toughened ethyl
acrylate 410 (318.8psi) cyanoacrylate adhesive with enhanced re-
lap shear sistance to peel and shock. Bonds rubber,
strength metals and plastics for use in difficult condi-
Cyano- Loctite 4103/3800 Black - 22–30bar A rubber toughened adhesive with in-
acrylate 480 (318.8– creased flexibility and peel strength along
434.8psi) with enhanced resistance to shock.
lap shear
Cyano- Loctite 4103/0900 Colour- 270d 12h maxi- High speed bonding, suitable for rubber to
acrylate 495 less mum cure itself and other materials reaching handling
Per- time strength in a matter of seconds. Joint must
mabond be waterproofed with Loctite water proofing
C2 (4104/0500).
Low Dunlop 4103/1100 Clear 90d - Sprayable adhesive, non-structural appli-
strength 1727 to light cations. For the bonding of flexible foam
British vita straw to themselves, wood, painted metal, chip-
company board, fibreglass, hessian, felt etc.
VB 165
Acrylic 3M 4941P 4103/3900 Dark 730d Peel ad- High bond acrylic double sided foam tape.
foam grey hesion Its allows more complete bond contact area
strip ad- 350N/ when bonding rigid or irregular materials
hesive 100mm due to its conformability. Its core adhesive
composition makes the product well suited
to many paints and primers.

75 - 18 9823/1500-1 75 - 18
75 - Consumable Products
15 - Adhesive
00 - General

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments

tion cial name Number life data
General Araldite 4103/1400 Clear / 730d 560bar Two part, equal parts by weight. Wear pad
purpose XD 580 cream (8,115.9psi)
fixing to castings and telescopic compo-
gap fill- flexural nents, alignments of fixings pads without
ing ma- strength expensive machining. This product is a
terial general purpose gap-filling material. Cure
time 2h at 25°C (77.0°F).
Methacry- Loctite 4103/3600 Cream - - This is a sag resistant, two component,
late Speed- to light equal parts, methacrylate adhesive system
bonder yellow formulated to bond automotive grade cold
H3151 rolled steel without the use of an external
primer. Suitable for bonding a wide variety
of plastic and metal substrates. Provides a
long open time (40–60min) for correct align-
ing of parts.
Methacry- Plexus 4103/3700 Off- 365d 186– Two part methacrylate adhesive for struc-
late MA420 white or 206bar tural bonding of thermoplastic, metal and
blue (2,695.6– composite assemblies. Combined at 10:1
2,985.5psi) ratio. It has a working time of 4–6min.
Structur- Scotch- 332/S7420 Black 180d - Two part acrylic based adhesive (10:1 ra-
al plastic weld tio by vol.) that can bond many low surface
structural energy plastics, including many grades of
plastic ad- polypropylene, polyethylene and TPO’s
hesive without special surface preparation.
Non-pre- Evo-Stick 4103/0800 None- 365d HIGHLY A thin even film of adhesive should be ap-
ferred 528 pre- FLAMMA- plied to both surfaces being bonded and al-
adhesive ferred BLE lowed to become touch dry. This is a con-
tact adhesive and coated surfaces can-
not therefore be slid into position since the
bond forms on contact. It is often conve-
nient to align the parts along an edge and
then bring the two areas into contact.
Direct Sika 4103/2100 Black - - A one component polyurethane pre-poly-
glazing 250PC mer based adhesive. A mastic adhesive
Sikat- which reacts with atmospheric moisture to
ack Ultra- form a rubber like solid.
fast (use
Direct Sika 4103/2200 Black - - For bonding glass to cab frames. A mas-
glazing 255FC tic adhesive which reacts with atmospheric
(use moisture to form a rubber like solid. When
4102/5000) using this product ensure both surfaces
are clean and dry. Use Sika cleaner 205
Direct Sikaflex 4103/3200 Black - - A high performance, elastic, gap, filling one
glazing 552 (use part structural adhesive cures on exposure
4102/5000) to atmospheric moisture to form a durable
elastomer. Contains no isocyanate.

75 - 19 9823/1500-1 75 - 19
75 - Consumable Products
15 - Adhesive
00 - General

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments

tion cial name Number life data
Industri- Loctite 333/Y7062 Light - 307bar Single component, heat activated formu-
al grade Hysol Grey (4,449.3psi) lation develops tough, strong, structur-
epoxy E-214 HP Paste tensile al bonds which provide excellent peel re-
adhesive strength sistance and impact strength. When ful-
ly cured, the product offers superior ther-
mal shock resistance, excellent mechan-
ical and electrical resistance properties
and withstands exposure to a wide vari-
ety of solvents and chemicals. Bonds to a
wide variety of materials, including metals,
glass, ceramics and plastics. Cure at 120°C
(247.8°F) or above until completely firm.
Heat up to 150°C (301.8°F) for 2h, to maxi-
mize properties.
Anaero- Scotch- 333/L9575 Green 365d - Single component anaerobic adhesives de-
bic ad- weld signed to secure cylindrical metal assem-
hesive RT-20 blies such as bearings on shafts, bush-
(Dimethacry- ings, sleeves, housings, and keyways.
late) Help prevent loosening, corrosion and leak-
age caused by shock and vibration. Full
cure time 24h. Temperature range = -54°C
(129.1°F) to 450°C (841.4°F). Not recom-
mended for use on most plastics due to po-
tential cracking of plastic parts.
Direct Terostat 4102/4900 Black 540d - Cure rate: approx. 3–4mm/24h. Glazing
glazing 8597 CT in time: maximum 20min (period of time be-
orig- tween beginning of material application until
inal inserting of the pane).
Direct Teroson 4102/5000 Black, 365d - Skin formation time: approx. 10min. Cure
glazing 939CT / off- in rate: approx. 3mm/24h.
Terostat white, orig-
MS939 grey, inal
black pack-
Direct Terostat 4103/4000 Black 180d 80bar One component, pumpable adhe-
glazing 8900 HV (1,159.4psi)sive/sealant based on polyurethane, which
tensile cures by reaction with moisture to an elas-
strength tic rubber. The skin formation and curing
time are dependent on humidity, tempera-
ture and depth of joint. High temperature
and high moisture reduces curing time.
Sag resistant, temperature range of -40°C
(103.9°F) to 90°C (193.9°F).
Direct Tero- 4103/4100 Black 270d 85bar Single component, moisture curing, ad-
glazing stat 8594 (1,231.9psi) hesive/sealant for repair. Product with
HMLC tensile high shear modulus and low conductivity.
strength Suitable for all applications that require very
high electrical insulation of the adhesive
used for the bonding of windows. Sag resis-

75 - 20 9823/1500-1 75 - 20
75 - Consumable Products
15 - Adhesive
00 - General

Subsec- Commer- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments

tion cial name Number life data
Direct Terostat 4103/4200 Black 365d 80bar One component, pumpable adhe-
glazing 8900 LV in (1,159.4psi) sive/sealant based on polyurethane, which
car- tensile cures by reaction with moisture to an elas-
tridges.strength tic rubber. The skin formation and curing
180d time are dependent on humidity, tempera-
in ture and depth of joint. High temperature
sausage and high moisture reduces curing time.
pack. Sag resistant, temperature range of -40°C
180d (103.9°F) to 90°C (193.9°F) short exposure
in (up to 1h) of 130°C (265.8°F).
Direct Sika 295 4103/4300 Black, 365d - Direct glazing adhesive for plastic glaz-
glazing UV white ing panels. One component polyurethane
adhesive of paste like consistency. 60min
tack free time, 1d cure time (4mm at 23°C
(73.4°F)). Good UV, fresh water and sea-
water resistance. Do not apply below tem-
peratures of 10°C (50.0°F) or above 35°C

75 - 21 9823/1500-1 75 - 21
75 - Consumable Products
16 - Sealant

16 - Sealant

Contents Page No.

75-16-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 75-23

75 - 22 9823/1500-1 75 - 22
75 - Consumable Products
16 - Sealant
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
Introduction .................................................... 75-23 All sealants should be used at all times in line
Technical Data ............................................... 75-24 with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Sealants
are used mainly for the sealing of screwed joints,
sealing flanges and flat surfaces and where gap
filling properties are required.

Types of Sealant
Various types of sealant are specified in JCB

1. Those for the sealing of screwed joints.

2. Sealants for joining flanges and flat surfaces.
(Flange size and likelihood of dismantling
require consideration when selecting this type of
3. Sealants for use where gap filling properties are
required. (The gap dimensions, joint movement
if any, type of materials being joined and
aesthetic appearance require consideration
when selecting this type of sealant).

Approved Sealants
The table shown in Technical Data are the approved
sealants available to use on JCB machines. The
table also provides basic details to help with selection
of sealants. More up to date information can be found
on the manufacturer’s website.

75 - 23 9823/1500-1 75 - 23
75 - Consumable Products
16 - Sealant
00 - General

Technical Data

Table 42. Sealants Approved Product Information

Subsec- Com- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments
tion mercial Number life data
High Loctite 4102/0500 Green 730d 250bar Non drip formulation, used on larger fittings,
strength 275(1) (3,623.2psi) coarse threads.
Per- torque
mabond strength
A140 (on M8)
High Forge- 4102/3100 Yellow 270d 25bar Can be painted over with some 2 pack
strength way (362.3psi) paint. Maximum width of joint =35mm, min-
breaking imum width =2mm, minimum depth =2mm.
strength Recommended depth of joint = width of
Medium Loctite 4102/3500 Green - More than Used for locating pins in radiator assem-
to high 620 241bar blies, sleeves into pump housings and
strength (3,492.7psi) bearings in auto transmissions. Not suitable
shear for plastics. Diametrical clearance: up to
strength 0.2mm
Medium Loc- 4102/2000 Red, fluo- 365d 90bar Typically used as form-in-place gasket on
strength tite 518 rescent (1,304.3psi) rigid flanged connections.
Gasket tensile
Elimina- strength
Medium Loctite 4102/4100 Red gel, - 80bar It is manufactured to minimise air bubbles
strength 5182 fluores- (1,159.4psi) in the package. Used to seal gaskets, hous-
cent shear ings, cases and covers. It can also be used
strength to repair and replace cut gaskets (up to
0.08mm in thickness).
Medium Loctite 4102/2500 Clear 365d 6mm gap Formulated to withstand weathering and
strength 595 filling extreme temperature cycling. Used for pot-
ting, coating and sealing. Can be applied
horizontal, vertical and overhead.
Medium Loctite 4102/1900 Yellow 365d 170bar A fast curing thread sealant used on coarse
strength 577
(2,463.8psi) threads and pipe fittings up to 75mm thread
Per- breakaway size. Clearance for gap filling 0.8mm.
mabond torque
Medium Loctite 4102/2700 Blue 365d 140– Taper thread sealant, non-fluorescing to
strength 2431 340bar see oil leaks. Suitable for all taper fittings
(2,029.0– up to M36.
Low Clayton 4102/2200 White 12h Maximum Seals pipes and plugs against leakage of
strength Dewan- opaque full seal pres- air, fuels, lubricants and coolants. Hardens
dre air cure sure 29bar to a tough seal resistant to shock and vibra-
brake (420.3psi) tion. Easily dismantled.
Low Red 4102/0800 Red - Resistant Non-hardening paste jointing for joints reg-
strength Her- to oil ularly opened for servicing.

75 - 24 9823/1500-1 75 - 24
75 - Consumable Products
16 - Sealant
00 - General

Subsec- Com- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments

tion mercial Number life data
Low Loctite 4102/1100 White 730d 40–100bar Used where slow cure is required to permit
strength 572 opaque (579.7– component alignment. PTFE (Polytetrafluo-
1,449.3psi) roethylene) filler.
Gas- Loc- 4102/3200 Blue to - 72h full Easy disassembly, used as form-in-place
keting tite 509 green strength on gasket. 0.2mm gap filling.
medium Gasket steel
strength Elimi-
Gas- Loctite 4102/1200 Red 730d 2h working Does not creep or relax after curing, no bolt
keting 574
strength re-tightening is required. Oil resistant. Ideal
medium Per- for formed in-situ gaskets.
strength mabond
Sealant Loctite 4102/2600 Black 365d Resists Used to dress new or worn gaskets. Dries
for gas- FAG 2 / pres- slowly, sets to pliable film for easy disman-
kets Loctite sures up tling.
5922 to 345bar
Rubber Dow 4102/0900 Clear or 270d 16.7bar A synthetic rubber joint sealant suitable for
jointing corning translu- (242.0psi) joints between non-porous surfaces such
com- 781 cent tensile as glass and metal, metal and metal where
pound Loc- strength relatively large gap filling properties are re-
tite su- quired. Suitable for vertical and overhead
perflex applications under normal atmospheric con-
clear ditions. Joint movement approx.+/-12.5%.
RTV3 Cure time to 6mm depth in 24h.
dard in-
al clear
lop high
Epoxy Loc- 4102/2400 Slightly - - 0.05L container requires special bi-mixer
resin tite fast coloured / (gun) so it is mixed as dispensed, 0.024L is
epoxy transpar- mixed by hand.
sealant ent
Room Loctite 4102/3400 Metal- - Dry to Designed for flange sealing, good resis-
tempera- 5910, lic black touch in tance to oils and allows high joint move-
ture vul- Flange paste 40min ment.
canising sealant,
RTV Sil-

75 - 25 9823/1500-1 75 - 25
75 - Consumable Products
16 - Sealant
00 - General

Subsec- Com- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments

tion mercial Number life data
Room Loctite 4102/4200 Black 730d 18bar Used for gaskets. Excellent resistance to
tempera- 5970 (260.9psi) engine oils. Typical applications include
ture vul- tensile stamped sheet metal covers (timing covers
canising strength and oil sumps) where good oil resistance
and the ability to withstand high joint-move-
ment are required.
Room Loc- 4102/2900 Black 270d 16bar Thixotropic allowing easy application, hori-
tempera- tite su- (231.9psi) zontal, vertical and overhead. Seals against
ture vul- perflex tensile water and many solvents.
canising black strength
Room Loctite 4102/3700 Grey 730d 14bar Designed specifically for on line, low pres-
tempera- 5901 (202.9psi) sure tests carried out before product be-
ture vul- shear gins to cure. Product exhibits excellent re-
canising strength sistance to automotive engine oils. Primari-
ly for flange sealing, it withstands high joint-
movement requirements.
Room Loctite 4102/3900 Black 730d 20bar Generally used for sealing applications, but
tempera- 5368 paste (289.9psi) also for bonding and for high temperature
ture vul- tensile protection.
canising strength
Room Loctite 4102/4000 Clear 730d 20bar Designed specifically for use as a bond-
tempera- 5366 paste (289.9psi) ing agent to ensure perfect sealing, as
ture vul- shear well as bonding and protection. Examples
canising strength are sealing side windows in trains, seal-
ing heat sources (heat exchangers and wa-
ter heaters) and for protection/insulation of
electrical boxes.
Room Hylomar 332/D5695 Black 540d 40bar A special purpose adhesive and sealant
tempera- 607 paste (579.7psi) that can be used for a variety of applica-
ture vul- tensile tions. It has good resistance to oils and
canising strength aqueous anti-freeze agents, and is particu-
larly suitable for high strength applications
in odour sensitive environments.
Joining Loctite 4102/3800 Black 730d 14bar JCB Service ONLY. Introduced for joining
oil pan to 5900 paste (202.9psi) the oil pan to the bedplate face during ser-
bedplate shear vice. High resistance to engine oils. The
strength joint should be clamped to spread the ad-
hesive and allowed to cure for 7d before
heavy service duty.
Anti-cor- To mil- 4102/4300 Yellow - Type 1 Used to coat surfaces of dissimilar metals
rosive itary Class C prior to assembly to prevent corrosion. Zinc
spec chromate containing substance ideal for ap-
TT- plication to joints between aluminium and
P-1757B steel to prevent corrosion and seizure. FOR
Gas- Bondloc 4102/4500 Clear/ - Full cure B555 is an anaerobic gasket sealant. It
keting B555 Opaque time 24h. seals close fitting joints between rigid metal
medium 50bar faces and flanges. Tensile strength to ISO
strength (724.6psi) 6922.

75 - 26 9823/1500-1 75 - 26
75 - Consumable Products
16 - Sealant
00 - General

Subsec- Com- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments

tion mercial Number life data
Seam Terolan 4102/4600 Light grey 90d - Serves as a seam sealant between sheet
sealant 3412 metal butt and overlap joints (interior
AA-25 seems) on vehicle bodies. Can be cured at
temperatures of minimum 140°C (283.8°F)
(effective metal temperature) for 15min.
The material is applied to electro-dip coated
steel sheets.
Direct Sikaflex 4102/2800 Yellow - - Direct glazing one component polyurethane
glazing 221 based adhesive and sealant compound.
(use Tack free time of 50min.
Direct Sikaflex 4102/2300 Black - - A one component polyurethane pre-poly-
glazing 252 mer based sealant. For sealing glass to
(use frames. A mastic sealant which reacts with
atmospheric moisture to form a rubber like
Direct Teroson 4102/4700 - 365d - The substrates must be clean, dry, oil and
glazing PU92 in grease free. Skin formation time: approx.
CT orig- 20min Cure rate: approx. 4mm/24h
Direct 930 4102/4800 Yellow 365d - The substrates must be clean, dry, oil and
glazing JCB in grease free. It can be necessary to rough-
Branded orig- en the surface or to use a primer/adhe-
yellow inal sion promoter to provide optimum adhe-
CT pack- sion. When manufacturing of plastics, ex-
aging ternal release agents are often used; these
agents must be absolutely removed prior.
Skin formation time : approx. 20min Cure
rate : approx. 4mm/24h
Direct Terostat 4102/4900 Black 540d - Isocyanate free solution. Designed for use
glazing 8597 in without primer or activator. When you use
CT orig- this sealant on operator station, it should be
inal used with Teroson PU 8519P black primer
pack- (and Teroson 450 clear adhesion promoter
age when specified specially). Cross compatible
with all OEM / OES / AAM DGX sealants,
including MS and PU chemistry (any re-
maining bead must be fully cured before
Silicone Si- 4102/5100 Black - - High modulus permanently flexible 100%
sealant - ka/Ever- silicone. Temperature resistant up to 300°C
Heat re- build (571.6°F). Ideal for sealing industrial and
sistant Heat high performance gaskets, oven doors etc.
Gas- Loctite 4102/6100 Opaque - - Introduced for Heavy products India (swing
ket and 510 pink motor/ gearbox face).

75 - 27 9823/1500-1 75 - 27
75 - Consumable Products
16 - Sealant
00 - General

Subsec- Com- Product Colour Shelf Technical Comments

tion mercial Number life data
Polymer Terostat 4102/5200 White - - Silane modified polymer sealant. used on
sealant MS 930 roof panels of power products.
Silicon Rain- 4102/5300 Yellow - - Contains fungicide. used on roof panels of
sealant bow - power products.
(1) This is a non preferred product.

75 - 28 9823/1500-1 75 - 28
78 - After Sales
Contents Page No.

78-24 Maintenance Schedules

78-24-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 78-3
78-24-03 Maintenance Intervals ...................................................................................................... 78-5
78-24-06 Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels .................................................. 78-6
78-24-09 Functional Tests and Final Inspection .............................................................................. 78-7
78-81 Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
78-81-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 78-9
78-93 Special Tools
78-93-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 78-11
78-93-03 Parts List ........................................................................................................................ 78-12
78-96 Units of Measurement
78-96-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 78-21


78 - After Sales
24 - Maintenance Schedules

24 - Maintenance Schedules

Contents Page No.

78-24-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 78-3

78-24-03 Maintenance Intervals ...................................................................................................... 78-5
78-24-06 Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels .................................................. 78-6
78-24-09 Functional Tests and Final Inspection .............................................................................. 78-7

78 - 1 9823/1500-1 78 - 1

78 - 2 9823/1500-1 78 - 2
78 - After Sales
24 - Maintenance Schedules
00 - General

00 - General Introduction
WARNING Maintenance must be done only by
Introduction ...................................................... 78-3 suitably qualified and competent persons.
Operation ......................................................... 78-4
Before doing any maintenance make sure the
machine is safe, it must be correctly parked on
solid, level ground.
To prevent anyone starting the engine, remove
the ignition key. Disconnect the battery (by means
of the battery isolator if installed) when you are
not using electrical power. If you do not take these
precautions you could be killed or injured.

A badly maintained machine is a danger to

the operator and the people working around the
operator. Make sure that the regular maintenance
and lubrication tasks listed in the service schedules
are done to keep the machine in a safe and efficient
working condition.

To ensure the correct functioning of the engine

and emissions control system all operation and
maintenance must be conducted in accordance
with the instructions in this manual. Incorrect
operation, maintenance or repair of the engine
and emissions control system may lead to reduced
product life, loss of performance or malfunctions.
It is the machine owner's responsibility to ensure
maintenance is conducted properly in accordance
with the requirements in this manual.

Apart from the daily tasks, the schedules are based

on the machine running hours. Keep a regular
check on the hourmeter readings to correctly gauge
the service intervals. When there is no hourmeter
installed, use the calendar equivalents to determine
the service intervals.

Do not use a machine which is due for a service.

Make sure any defects found during the regular
maintenance checks are corrected immediately.

More frequent checks of engine components than

the engine manufacturer recommends do not
invalidate emissions warranty.

78 - 3 9823/1500-1 78 - 3
78 - After Sales
24 - Maintenance Schedules
00 - General


The schedules show the service tasks which must be

done and their intervals.

The services must be done at either the hourly

interval or the calendar equivalent, whichever occurs

The intervals given in the schedules must not

be exceeded. If the machine is operated under
severe conditions (high temperature, dust, water,
etc.) shorten the intervals.

Table 43.
Service task can be completed by a
competent operator. Details of how to
complete the service task are given in
the Operator's Manual.
We recommend that a Service Engi-
neer completes the service task. De-
tails of how to complete the service
task are given in the Service Manual.

78 - 4 9823/1500-1 78 - 4
78 - After Sales
24 - Maintenance Schedules
03 - Maintenance Intervals

03 - Maintenance Intervals


Table 44.
Interval (h) Calendar Equivalent
10 Daily
50 Weekly
500 Six months
1000 Yearly
2000 Two years

78 - 5 9823/1500-1 78 - 5
78 - After Sales
24 - Maintenance Schedules
06 - Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels

06 - Pre-start Cold Checks, Service

Points and Fluid Levels


Table 45. AXLES and STEERING

Component Operation 10 50 100
500 1,000 2,000
Axle oil lev- Check
el (include
Hubs when

Axle oil (in- Change

clude Hubs
when ap-
Drive shafts Security/
Steer axle Check

Axle pivot Grease

and steering

Cylinders Check
- Chrome
(1) Important: First 100 hours Service only, to be completed by your Distributor.
(2) Important: Mobil HP222 Grease must be used at 500 hours intervals. If an alternative grease is used, the
service interval must be reduced to 50 hours/ weekly.
(3) Important: Check for leaks every 50 hours, check level if leaking.
(4) Important: Jobs which should be done by a specialist.

Check generally for leaks on all systems, for

example, hydraulic, axles etc. If a leak is evident find
the source and repair as required. Make sure that
the system is topped up with the recommended fluid
after repair.

Faults in the braking system must be rectified

immediately. Make sure that the correct fluid is used
and all equipment is clean and free from water
contamination. Under no circumstances should
water be allowed to enter the braking system.

78 - 6 9823/1500-1 78 - 6
78 - After Sales
24 - Maintenance Schedules
09 - Functional Tests and Final Inspection

09 - Functional Tests and Final



Table 46. Functional Test and Final Inspection

Component Operation 10 50 100 500 1,000 2,000


Steering modes - Operation Check
Wheel nut torque Check
Steer phasing
Steer cylinders - Balance
Steer circuit pressure
(1) Important: First 100 Hours service only, to be completed by your Distributor.
(2) Important: Jobs which should be done only by a Specialist person.

Important: Check generally for leaks on all systems,

for example, hydraulics, axles etc. If a leak is evident
find the source and repair as required. Make sure that
the system is topped up with the recommended fluid
after repair.

Important: Faults in the braking system must be

rectified immediately. Make sure the correct fluid
is used and all equipment is clean and free
from water contamination. Under no circumstances
should water be allowed to enter the braking system.

78 - 7 9823/1500-1 78 - 7
78 - After Sales
81 - Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

81 - Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Contents Page No.

78-81-00 General ............................................................................................................................. 78-9

78 - 8 9823/1500-1 78 - 8
78 - After Sales
81 - Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
00 - General

00 - General


Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery that can get

caught on controls or moving parts. Wear protective
clothing and personal safety equipment issued or
called for by the job conditions, local regulations or
as specified by your employer.

78 - 9 9823/1500-1 78 - 9
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools

93 - Special Tools

Contents Page No.

78-93-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 78-11

78-93-03 Parts List ........................................................................................................................ 78-12

78 - 10 9823/1500-1 78 - 10
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
00 - General

00 - General


The tools shown are the special tools required for

completing the procedures described in this manual.
These tools are available from JCB Service or in
some instances can be manufactured locally.

The tools are divided into three categories:

• Special Tool = Only available from JCB.

• Recommended Tool = Available from JCB but
other tool manufacturers/suppliers may offer a
tool with the same characteristics.
• General Tool = A tool which is widely available.

Tools other than those listed will be required. It is

expected that such general tools will be available in
any well equipped workshop or be available locally
from any good tool supplier.

Before you start work, make sure that all safety

precautions are observed in accordance with the
information contained within the relevant support

78 - 11 9823/1500-1 78 - 11
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
03 - Parts List

03 - Parts List Introduction

Introduction .................................................... 78-12
Component Identification ............................... 78-13

24 - Brake System

Tool Category Part No. Description Qty. Comments

Special Tool 892/00223 Hand Pump Pressure 1
Special Tool 892/00278 Pressure Gauge (0-40 1
Special Tool 992/04800 Flange Spanner 1

25 - Steering System

Tool Category Part No. Description Qty. Comments

Special Tool 892/00334 Ram Seal Installation 1

27 - Driveline

Tool Category Part No. Description Qty. Comments

Special Tool 892/00224 Impulse Extractor 1
Special Tool 892/00225 Bearing Removal Tool 1
General Tool 892/00333 Heavy Duty Socket 1
19mm A/F x 3/4 in
Special Tool 892/00812 Drive Coupling Spanner 1
General Tool 892/00822 Splined Bolt Socket 1
Special Tool 892/00918 Setting Tool Kit 1
Special Tool 921/52600 Spacer Kit 1
Special Tool 921/53300 Spacer Kit 1
Special Tool 921/M0229 Shim Kit 1
Special Tool 992/00800 Extractor for Rear Axle 1
Pivot Pin
Special Tool 993/59500 Adaptor 1
General Tool 993/70111 Torque Wrench 1
Special Tool 997/11000 Support Bracket 1

78 - 12 9823/1500-1 78 - 12
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
03 - Parts List

Component Identification

Special Tool - 892/00223 - Hand Pump Pressure Test

Special Tool - 892/00224 - Impulse Extractor

Special Tool - 892/00225 - Bearing Removal Tool

Special Tool - 892/00278 - Pressure Gauge (0-40 Bar)

78 - 13 9823/1500-1 78 - 13
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
03 - Parts List

General Tool - 892/00333 - Heavy Duty Socket 19mm A/F x 3/4 in Drive

Special Tool - 892/00334 - Ram Seal Installation Tool

Special Tool - 892/00812 - Drive Coupling Spanner

PTO coupling spanner for yoke type couplings.

General Tool - 892/00822 - Splined Bolt Socket

78 - 14 9823/1500-1 78 - 14
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
03 - Parts List

Special Tool - 892/00918 - Setting Tool Kit

Item Part No. Description Qty.
1a 892/01164 Adaptor (PS760 - 1
1 1a 2004)
1b 892/01165 Sleeve (PS760 - 1
1c 892/01163 Support Bracket 1
(PS760 - 2004)
1b 1d 998/11350 Adaptor 1
1e 998/11351 Sleeve (40 series 1
drivehead - front
1c axles)
1e 998/11352 Sleeve (40 series 1
drivehead - rear

1d 1e

Special Tool - 921/52600 - Spacer Kit

After using a spacer, obtain a replacement to keep the
set complete.

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 921/52628 Spacer 12.60mm 1
2 921/52629 Spacer 12.65mm 1
3 921/52630 Spacer 12.7mm 1
4 921/52601 Spacer 12.75mm 1
5 921/52602 Spacer 12.80mm 1
6 921/52603 Spacer 12.85mm 1
7 921/52604 Spacer 12.9mm 1
8 921/52605 Spacer 12.95mm 1
9 921/52606 Spacer 13.00mm 1
10 921/52607 Spacer 13.05mm 1
11 921/52608 Spacer 13.10mm 1
12 921/52609 Spacer 13.15mm 1
13 921/52610 Spacer 13.20mm 1
14 921/52611 Spacer 13.25mm 1
15 921/52612 Spacer 13.30mm 1

78 - 15 9823/1500-1 78 - 15
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
03 - Parts List

Item Part No. Description Qty.

16 921/52613 Spacer 13.35mm 1
17 921/52614 Spacer 13.40mm 1
18 921/52615 Spacer 13.45mm 1
19 921/52616 Spacer 13.50mm 1
20 921/52617 Spacer 13.55mm 1
21 921/52618 Spacer 13.60mm 1
22 921/52619 Spacer 13.65mm 1
23 921/52620 Spacer 13.70mm 1
24 921/52621 Spacer 13.75mm 1
25 921/52622 Spacer 13.80mm 1
26 921/52623 Spacer 13.85mm 1
27 921/52624 Spacer 13.90mm 1
28 921/52625 Spacer 13.95mm 1
29 921/52626 Spacer 14.00mm 1
30 921/52627 Spacer 14.20mm 1

Special Tool - 921/53300 - Spacer Kit

After using a spacer, obtain a replacement to keep the
set complete.

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 921/53322 Spacer 13.55mm 1
2 921/53323 Spacer 13.575mm 1
3 921/53324 Spacer 13.6mm 1
4 921/53325 Spacer 13.625mm 1
5 921/53301 Spacer 13.65mm 1
6 921/53302 Spacer 13.675mm 1
7 921/53303 Spacer 13.7mm 1
8 921/53304 Spacer 13.725mm 1
9 921/53305 Spacer 13.75mm 1

78 - 16 9823/1500-1 78 - 16
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
03 - Parts List

Item Part No. Description Qty.

10 921/53306 Spacer 13.775mm 1
11 921/53307 Spacer 13.80mm 1
12 921/53308 Spacer 13.825mm 1
13 921/53309 Spacer 13.850mm 1
14 921/53310 Spacer 13.875mm 1
15 921/53311 Spacer 13.90mm 1
16 921/53312 Spacer 13.925mm 1
17 921/53313 Spacer 13.950mm 1
18 921/53314 Spacer 13.975mm 1
19 921/53315 Spacer 14.00mm 1
20 921/53316 Spacer 14.025mm 1
21 921/53317 Spacer 14.050mm 1
22 921/53318 Spacer 14.075mm 1
23 921/53319 Spacer 14.10mm 1
24 921/53320 Spacer 14.125mm 1
25 921/53321 Spacer 14.150mm 1

Special Tool - 921/M0229 - Shim Kit

After using a shim, obtain a replacement to keep the set

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 921/M0230 Shim 0.15mm thick 1
2 921/M0231 Shim 0.2mm thick 1
3 921/M0232 Shim 0.25mm thick 1
4 921/M0233 Shim 0.5mm thick 1
5 921/M0234 Shim 1.0mm thick 1

Special Tool - 992/00800 - Extractor for Rear Axle Pivot Pin

78 - 17 9823/1500-1 78 - 17
78 - After Sales
93 - Special Tools
03 - Parts List

Special Tool - 992/04800 - Flange Spanner

Special Tool - 993/59500 - Adaptor

General Tool - 993/70111 - Torque Wrench (10-100Nm)

Special Tool - 997/11000 - Support Bracket

78 - 18 9823/1500-1 78 - 18
78 - After Sales
96 - Units of Measurement

96 - Units of Measurement

Contents Page No.

78-96-00 General ........................................................................................................................... 78-21

78 - 19 9823/1500-1 78 - 19

78 - 20 9823/1500-1 78 - 20
78 - After Sales
96 - Units of Measurement
00 - General

00 - General Table 52. Flow

Measurement Convert to Multiply by
Technical Data (unit)
Litre/Minute (L/ UK Gal- 0.220
m) lon/Minute
The standard units of measurement used by JCB are US Gal- 0.264
listed below together with the formula for conversion lon/Minute
for countries using non metric standards.
Table 53. Area
Standard Units Measurement Convert to Multiply by
Table 47. Force Square Millime- Square Inch 0.0015
Measurement Convert to Multiply by tre (mm²) (in²)
(unit) Square Metre Square Foot 10.764
Newton (N) Kilogram force 0.102 (m²) (ft²)
(kgf) Square Yard 1.196
Pound force 0.225 (yd²)
Table 54. Torque
Table 48. Length Measurement Convert to Multiply by
Measurement Convert to Multiply by
(unit) Newton metre Pound force 0.7376
(Nm) foot (lb f ft)
Millimetre (mm) Inch (in) 0.0394
Metre (m) Feet (ft) 3.281 Table 55. Pressure
Yard (yd) 1.094 Measurement Convert to Multiply by
Kilometre (km) Mile (mile) 0.621 (unit)
Bar Pound force/ 14.5
Table 49. Mass inch² (psi)
Measurement Convert to Multiply by Table 56. Fuel Consumption
Measurement Convert to Multiply by
Gram (g) Ounce (oz) 0.035
Kilogram (kg) Pound (lb) 2.205
Kilometre/Litre Miles/Gallon 2.825
Tonne Ton 0.984 (km/l) (mpg)
Miles/ US Gal- 2.352
Table 50. Speed lon
Measurement Convert to Multiply by Table 57. Temperature
Kilometre/Hour mile/hour (mph) 0.621 Measurement Convert to Formula
(km/h) (unit)
Metre/Second feet/second (ft/ 3.281 Degrees Cel- Degrees Multiply by 9,
(m/s) s) sius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F) Divide by 5,
Add 32
Table 51. Volume Table 58. Power
Measurement Convert to Multiply by Measurement Convert to Multiply by
(unit) (unit)
Cubic Centime- Cubic Inch (in³) 0.061 KiloWatt (kW) Horsepower 1.341
tre (cm³) (hp)
Cubic Metre Cubic Foot (ft³) 35.315
(m³) Table 59. Time
Cubic Yard (yd³) 1.308
Millilitre (ml) Fluid ounce (fl 0.035 Measurement (unit)
oz) Second (s)
Litre (l) UK Gallon 0.220 Minute (min)
US Gallon 0.264 Hour (h)

78 - 21 9823/1500-1 78 - 21
78 - After Sales
96 - Units of Measurement
00 - General

Table 60. Current

Measurement (unit)
Ampere (A)

Table 61. Voltage

Measurement (unit)
Volt (V)

Table 62. Noise Levels

Measurement (unit)
Sound pressure level (LpA)
Sound power level (LwA)

78 - 22 9823/1500-1 78 - 22

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