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Acceptability of The Basic Electro-Pneumatic Control Trainer

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ISSN 2347 - 3983

Volume 8. No. 7, July 2020

Jeff Galapon Pereyras, International Journal
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering
of Emerging Trends in Research, 8(7), July 2020,
Engineering 3157 - 3159
Available Online at

Acceptability of the Basic Electro-pneumatic

Control Trainer
Dr. Jeff Galapon Pereyras
Pangasinan State University – Lingayen Campus, Philippines,

ABSTRACT The Pangasinan State University–Lingayen Campus, in

particular the College of Technology, is providing a Bachelor's
The standard electro-pneumatic control trainer offers students degree in Industrial Technology (BIT) in nine (9) major fields
with instructional experience and understanding of the topic of specialization, three (3) of which are primary elective
and course, as well as instructor presentations and assessments programs for Basic Electro-Pneumatics, and these are
of student success through laboratory activities. The purpose of Electrical Technology, Electronics Technology, and
this research is to evaluate the acceptability of the newly Mechanical Technology. Until then, the type of delivery of
developed basic electro-pneumatic control trainer. This instructions in this elective course, basic electro-pneumatics,
analysis used the concept of descriptive research. After series has been taught solely by definition, taking into consideration
of demonstrations, evaluation and assessment of the Bachelor the reality that the topic has a laboratory unit portion. As a
of Industrial Technology (BIT) major in Electrical consequence, students who have taken up this elective subject
Technology, Electronics Technology and Mechanical will imagine electro-pneumatic systems through internet
Technology students and the faculty-experts from the College videos and later via their workshops and field trips to a variety
of Technology, Pangasinan State University (PSU) Lingayen of engineering and manufacturing firms. With an attempt to
Campus, the said utility model was rated by both student- enhance the consistency of student learning results of BIT
respondents and faculty-expert-respondents “strongly agree” majoring in Electrical Technology, Electronics Technology,
on all the criteria in the instrument which means it is very and
acceptable. With this trainer present in the shop-laboratory,
learners can develop their expertise by accomplishing such Mechanical Technology, the maker of the basic electro-
tasks because it is along-side the real market of industrial pneumatic control trainer (Jeff G Pereyras, 2019b)[3] seeks to
process and control. determine its acceptability to the students and the faculty-
Key words: Electro-pneumatic control, Electrical Technology,
Electronics Technology, Mechanical Technology. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW

1. INTRODUCTION Through evaluating its acceptability, a low-cost electro-

pneumatic automation trainer kit was built to be used as a
Electro-pneumatics were commonly employed in other fields teaching resource at Caraga State University (CSU) to teach
of factory automation. Assembly, distribution, and shipping industrial process and control in electrical engineering and
facilities all around the world. Such devices are operated by technology courses, and maybe a morepractical instrument to
electro-pneumatic control systems. For electro-pneumatics, the be utilized in industrial process and control laboratory subjects
pneumatic elements are operated using electrical and electronic because it acts as a mock-up system to replicate the actual
circuits. Electronic and electromagnetic controls, electronic performances of students. Due to the costly laboratory
switches, and industrial computers are used to substitute the equipment, the low-cost electro-pneumatic automation trainer
manual pneumatic device power [1]. kit has been employed to resolve the question of insufficient
training facilities in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs),
As a tentative concept, Acceptability Engineering (AE) is the especially in industrial process and control courses. In such
evaluation analysis and application of emerging technology courses, the low-cost electro-pneumatic automation trainer kit
designed to fulfill the approval of consumers and the offers high-quality instruction in industrial process and control
development and testing of related hypotheses, methods, and laboratory technology without the usage of expensive and
phenomena. The goal of AE is therefore to obtain a healthy widely usable equipment. The Low-Cost Electro-Pneumatic
view of emerging technology and the acceptance of users. Automation Training Kit equipped CSU with several
Also, it is the field in which study activities concentrate on incentives and advantages for effective students’ instruction. It
bridging the divide between early and late adopters and also assists the instructors and professors in the development
between early and mature markets [2]. of surplus instruments to be utilized as an instructional device
and in the enhancement of the physical facilities of the

Jeff Galapon Pereyras, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(7), July 2020, 3157 - 3159
university. In specific, it allows learners to utilize this assessment of the basic electro-pneumatic control trainer as
kit(Castillo, 2015)[4]. perceived by the faculty-expert-respondents.

The electrical wiring installation trainer offers students with

learning skills and knowledge of the topic and course, as well Table 1: Student-Respondents Evaluation Result
as instructors’ presentations and assessments of student
performance during the laboratory period. This researchmade
use of a developmental type of research. Demonstrating, Descriptive
Criteria Mean
interviewing and collaborating with faculty members of the Rating
College of Technology, Pangasinan State University (PSU)
Lingayen Campus, Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) The trainer is easy to
4.8 Strongly Agree
Major in Electrical Technology, the stated utility model will use and to operate
carry out all the activities specified in the module in electrical
wiring installation, which is parallel to the actual building Learning objectives of
wiring installation. The Industrial Design (ID) and Utility the trainer are easy to
Model (UM) patents were given to an electrical wiring 4.77 Strongly Agree
understand and user
installation trainer by the Intellectual Property Office of the friendly
Philippines.(Jeff Galapon Pereyras, 2020) [5].
The trainer is efficient
3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 4.71 Strongly Agree
in its operation
The main objective of this research \was to determine the
acceptability of the basic electro-pneumatic control trainer for The trainer is
4.68 Strongly Agree
use in learning industrial processes and control in BIT courses convenient to use
as an educationaldevice.
The trainer has multiple
4.71 Strongly Agree
4. METHODOLOGY applications

This analysis employed adescriptive research design. To The trainer is based on

determine the acceptability of the electro-pneumatic control 4.9 Strongly Agree
industry standards
trainer, the said trainer was demonstrated (Jeff G Pereyras,
2019a) [6] to the BIT majoring in Electrical Technology,
The trainer stimulates
Electronics Technology and Mechanical Technology students creativity thereby it add 4.94 Strongly Agree
which serves as the student-respondents and to the faculty knowledge to the user
members of the College of Technology, Pangasinan State
University (PSU) Lingayen Campus who handles the said
industrial technology majors who serve as the faculty-expert- Total Average Mean 4.79 Strongly Agree
respondents. An instrument was adopted from the study of
Castillo (2015) and was given to the respondents.
Legend: Scale Descriptive

This study was confined to just a simple evaluation and 4.51 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
assessment of the developed basic electro-pneumatic control 3.51 – 4.50 Agree
trainer for use in studying industrial processes and control in 2.51 – 3.50 Slightly Agree
BIT elective subject as an educational device. 1.51 – 2.50 Less Agree
1.00 – 1.50 No Agreement at all
Using statistical means, the findings revealed that the
aforementioned utility model was very acceptable based on the As evaluated by the students during their laboratory activities,
parameters set and is, therefore, an important educational the basic electro-pneumatic control trainer is easy to use and
resource and ready to be used to promote real learning operate, the learning objectives of the trainer is easy to
experiences. The results of the demonstration, evaluation, and understand and user friendly, the trainer is efficient on its
assessment of the performance of the utility model revealed the operation, the trainer is convenient to use, the trainer has
following findings where the response value description of the multiple applications, the trainer is based on industry
student-respondents and faculty-expert-respondents were standards, and finally the trainer effectively stimulates
shown in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. Table 1 shows the creativity thereby it adds knowledge to the users, all these
result of the evaluation and assessment of the basic electro- criteria were given a “Strongly Agree” descriptive rating which
pneumatic control trainer as perceived by the student- means the student-respondents accepts the utility model.
respondents and Table 2 shows the result of the evaluation and

Jeff Galapon Pereyras, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(7), July 2020, 3157 - 3159
Table 2: Faculty-Expert-Respondents Evaluation Result 6. CONCLUSION

In the common context, the basic electro-pneumatic control

Descriptive trainer was found to be very acceptable in terms of its
Criteria Mean
Rating architecture, efficiency, instructional capabilities and
protection features, and its application by students and faculty-
The trainer is easy to experts in the field of industrial process and control courses.
4.6 Strongly Agree
use and to operate
Learning objectives of
the trainer are easy to Within this research, the following ideas were suggested after
4.6 Strongly Agree an interview and consultation with the faculty-expert-
understand and user
friendly respondents; the traineris recommended to be used for the
courses relating to Industrial Controls, and, for Income
Generating Projects (IGP) purposes, the Pangasinan State
The trainer is efficient
4.7 Strongly Agree University can mass-produce this trainer soonsince it uses
in its operation
inexpensive and durable materials for its parts. It's
asubstitutefor a high-cost industrial automation trainer
The trainer is kit.Pangasinan State University may also ask assistance from
4.5 Strongly Agree
convenient to use the technology business incubation centers for
commercialization purposes [8].
The trainer has multiple
4.5 Strongly Agree
applications REFERENCES

The trainer is based on [1] Retrieved from

4.8 Strongly Agree
industry standards
[2] Retrieved from
The trainer stimulates
creativity thereby it add 4.8 Strongly Agree
knowledge to the user
[3] Pereyras, Jeff G. (2019b). Development of a Basic
Electro-pneumatic Control Trainer.Asian Journal
Total Average Mean 4.64 Strongly Agree of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(2).
[4] Castillo, M. B. (2015). Low-Cost Electro-Pneumatic
Automation Trainer Kit. 2(6), 101–107.
Legend: Scale Descriptive [5] Pereyras, Jeff Galapon. (2020). Development of an
Limits Equivalent electrical wiring installation trainer. International
Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(3),
4.51 – 5.00 Strongly Agree 4458–4461.
3.51 – 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Slightly Agree [6] Pereyras, Jeff G. (2019a). A Computerized
1.51 – 2.50 Less Agree Touchscreen Student Voting System for the
1.00 – 1.50 No Agreement at all Universities and Colleges.Asian Journal of Business
and Technology Studies, 2(1).
As assessed by the faculty-experts during the evaluation of the [7] Pereyras, J. G. (2020). Acceptability and technical
instructional device, the basic electro-pneumatic control trainer feasibility of an electrical wiring installation
is easy to use and operate, the learning objectives of the trainer trainer. International Journal of Advanced Trends in
is easy to understand and user friendly, the trainer is efficient Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), 2995-2999.
on its operation, the trainer is convenient to use, the trainer has doi:10.30534/ijatcse/2020/77932020
multiple applications, the trainer is based on industry [8] Esponilla II, F. D. (2019). Issues and challenges of
standards, and finally the trainer effectively stimulates technology business incubators in the
creativity thereby it adds knowledge to the users, all these Philippines. International Journal of Emerging
criteria were given a “Strongly Agree” descriptive rating which Trends in Engineering Research, 7(9), 353-359.
means the faculty-expert-respondents accepts the utility model. doi:10.30534/ijeter/2019/20792019
The findings of this research were parallel to the finding of the
previous study of Pereyras (2020) entitled Acceptability and
technical feasibility of an electrical wiring installation trainer


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