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Partnership Agreement

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the terms of a partnership agreement between two entities to carry out business. It defines important terms, establishes the partnership, and outlines governance structures and processes.

The purpose of the partnership agreement is to formally establish the terms and conditions under which two entities (X and Y) will carry out business as partners in a partnership.

The agreement outlines that the partners will carry out 'any business or businesses' deemed in the best interest of the partnership. It also defines terms like 'Partner', 'Business', and establishes rights and obligations of the partners.






Effective as’’’of [], 20[]


THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT effective as of the 1st day of October,



[], incorporated under the laws of [].

(hereinafter “X”)


- and -

[], incorporated under the laws [].

(hereinafter “Y”)


WHEREAS X and Y entered into the Partnership (as defined herein) effective as of
October 1, 2003 on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

AND WHEREAS from and following [], the Partnership acquired certain assets
required by it to carry on its business;


the premises and the mutual covenants, agreements and conditions herein contained, it is hereby
covenanted, agreed and declared by and among the Partners (as defined herein) as follows:


1.1 Definitions.

In this Agreement (as defined herein), unless there is something in the subject matter or
context inconsistent therewith, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed

(a) “Accountants” means such firm of accountants as the Partners may from time to
time determine to be the accountants of the Partnership (as defined herein);

(b) “Agreement”, “this Agreement”, “hereto”, “herein”, “hereby”, “hereunder”

and similar expressions refer to this Agreement and not to any particular Article,

Section or other portion hereof, and include any and every instrument
supplemental or ancillary to or in implement hereof;

(c) “Business” means any business or businesses carried on by the Partnership as

may be deemed by the Partners to be in the best interest of the Partnership and
any other general business activities related or incidental thereto;

(d) “Effective Date” means October 1, 2003;

(e) “Fiscal Year” means June 1 to May 31;

(f) “Partner” means any one of X or Y or any other partner admitted pursuant to the
provisions of this Agreement, “Partners” means all of them, and the
“Partnership” means the partnership established by this Agreement; and

(g) “Person” means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, joint venture,
trustee or trust, government or agency thereof, unincorporated association, or
other entity and pronouns have a similarly extended meaning.

1.2 Number and Gender.

Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing
gender include all genders.

1.3 Governing Legislation.

Except as expressly stipulated in this Agreement to the contrary, the rights and
obligations of the Partners and the administration and termination of the Partnership shall be
governed by the Partnership Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) or any successor legislation or other
statute which may be passed to take the place of the Act or to amend same.


2.1 Establishment.

Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the parties hereto agree to carry on the
Business in partnership.

2.2 Term.

Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Partnership shall commence as of the
Effective Date and shall continue for a term ending on the earlier of:

(a) the date on which the Partnership is voluntarily dissolved by unanimous

agreement of the Partners; or

(b) the date on which the Partnership is dissolved by operation of law.


2.3 Name.

The name of the Partnership shall be “[]” and/or such other name or names as the
Partners may from time to time agree upon in writing and no party shall carry on business under
such name except as a Partner of the Partnership.

2.4 Place of Business.

The place of business of the Partnership shall be at such place or places as the Partners
shall from time to time hereafter determine.

2.5 New Partners.

No person shall be admitted as a Partner except with the unanimous consent in writing of
the Partners.


3.1 Capital Contributions and Financing Requirements.

The initial capital of the Partnership shall be:

(a) For X the amount of $[], being the capital contribution made by X to the
Partnership on []; and

(b) For Y the amount of $[], being the capital contribution made by Y to the
Partnership on []

The initial capital so contributed by each of the Partners is credited to the capital account
(“Capital Account”) of each Partner. The following provisions of this Section 3.1 shall apply in
respect of the capital contributions of the Partners:

(c) the capital funds of the Partnership shall belong to the Partners in the proportion
contributed by each Partner;

(d) any further contribution of capital required by the Partnership may be contributed
to the Partnership by any one or both of the Partners without limitation as to the
amount of such further capital contribution and any such additional capital
contribution shall be treated in the same manner as the initial capital contributions
above set out; and

(e) no Partner shall be entitled to interest on the amount of its capital contribution to
the Partnership.

3.2 Profits and Losses.

In each Fiscal Year all items of income and gain, and expense and loss of the Partnership
shall be determined by the Accountants of the Partnership at the end of each Fiscal Year.

3.3 Net Profits and Losses.

Until otherwise unanimously agreed by the Partners, and subject to the provisions of this
Agreement, the net profits, if any, of the Partnership as determined at the end of each such Fiscal
Year shall be allocated among the Partners in proportion to the respective Capital Account of
each of the Partners as calculated at the end of each such Fiscal Year. All expenses incurred in
the course of the Business and all losses, if any, arising therefrom shall be borne out of the
earnings of the Business, or in the case of a deficiency, the losses shall be allocated amongst the
Partners pro rata to their respective individual Capital Accounts at the end of each such Fiscal

3.4 Drawings.

Each of the Partners may draw out of the Partnership, from time to time, on account of its
share of the net profits for the current year, a sum not exceeding their respective Capital
Accounts. Any sums drawn out by any Partner in excess of its share of the net profits for any
such year shall be repaid in full to the Partnership unless otherwise unanimously agreed by the

3.5 Financial Statements.

Proper accounts shall be kept of all transactions of the Business and at the end of each
Fiscal Year or as soon thereafter as possible, a statement shall be prepared showing the income
and expenses of the Business for the past year and what belongs and is due to each of the
Partners as its share of the profits.

3.6 Borrowing or Encumbrance of Partnership Interest.

Neither Partner shall, without the previous consent in writing of the other, sign or
encumber its share or interest in the Partnership, borrow money on behalf of the Business or, hire
any employee or subcontractor.

3.7 Payment of Obligations.

Each of the Partners shall punctually pay and discharge its separate debts, liabilities,
obligations, duties and agreements whether at present or future and keep indemnified the
Partnership property and the other Partner from all actions, proceedings, costs, claims and
demands of every nature.

3.8 Indemnification.

If at any time either of the Partners is required to pay or become liable for more than its
proportion of the Partnership debts as provided for in this Agreement, that Partner shall have as
against the other Partner a right of recovery of the appropriate proportion of the payment or
indemnification against such liability, and the Partner shall have, on becoming liable for such
debt, the first lien or charge on the capital and all other interest or interests of the offending
Partner in the Partnership business.


4.1 Management.

Final authority, management and control of the business and affairs of the Partnership
shall be vested in the Partners.

4.2 Action of the Partners.

The powers of the Partners may be exercised by resolution passed at a meeting of the
Partners or by resolution consented to by the signatures of the Partners.

4.3 Delegation of Authority.

The Partners may at any time and from time to time by resolution passed at a meeting of
the Partners delegate any power or authority relating to the management of the business and
affairs of the Partnership to any Partner and the exercise of any such authority or authority by
such Partner shall be valid and binding upon all Partners until such power or authority has been
rescinded by resolution.

4.4 Place of Meeting.

Meetings of the Partners shall be held at the principal office of the Partnership, or, at
such other place as the Partners may, by unanimous agreement, determine.

4.5 Calling of Meetings.

Meetings of the Partners shall be held from time to time at such time and on such day
without notice as any Partner may determine.

4.6 Power of Attorney.

Each Partner grants to the other Partner for such time as he remains a Partner to this
Agreement, an irrevocable power of attorney for the purposes of filing any notices or
registrations as may be required by law in connection with the existence or carrying on of the
business of the Partnership.

4.7 Fiscal Year.

Until changed with the unanimous approval of the Partners, the Fiscal Year shall be the
fiscal year of the Partnership.

4.8 Banking Arrangements.

The Partners agree that the Partnership shall enter into banking arrangements with any
bank or banks or other financial institutions as the Partners shall agree on. All cheques, drafts
and other instruments and documents on behalf of the Partnership may be signed by any one of
the Partners alone, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. All Partnership money shall,
when received from time to time, be paid and deposited with the bankers of the Partnership to the
credit of the Partnership account.

4.9 Books and Records.

Complete and accurate books of account shall be kept at the principal place of business
of the Partnership and shall show the condition of the business and finances of the Partnership,
and each Partner shall have access to, and may inspect and copy, any part thereof.

4.10 Partnership Property.

Unless otherwise unanimously agreed by the Partners or unless registered in the name of
a trustee, all Partnership property shall be registered in the name of the Partnership in proportion
to the Capital Account of each Partner.


5.1 General.

Except as expressly permitted in this Article 5, or as otherwise unanimously agreed to in

writing by the Partners, no Partner may sell, assign, convey, transfer, mortgage, charge or
otherwise encumber all or any part of its share or interest in the Partnership.

5.2 Dissolution.

The Partnership shall be dissolved at any time by unanimous resolution of the Partners
passed at a meeting of the Partners called for that purpose. The Partnership may also be
terminated by unanimous agreement in writing signed by all of the Partners.

5.3 Determination.

In the event of the dissolution of the Partnership, the Partnership shall terminate and a
proper accounting shall be made of the capital and income accounts of each Partner and the
profit or losses of the Partnership to the date of dissolution by the Accountants. The assets of the
Partnership shall be liquidated and the proceeds of such liquidation shall then be distributed as
follows, unless the Partners otherwise unanimously agree:

(a) firstly, to repay all costs, debts, expenses, liabilities and obligations of the

(b) secondly, to pay to each Partner its share of the capital; and

(c) thirdly, to divide the surplus, if any, between the Partners in the proportions in
which they are entitled to share in profits.

In the event that such liquidation proceeds shall not be sufficient to satisfy the liabilities of the
Partnership, each of the Partners shall contribute its pro rata share, as determined in accordance
with their individual Capital Accounts of the Partnership, of such further funds as shall be
necessary to satisfy in full, the liabilities of the Partnership.

5.4 Agreements with Transferees.

In the event that any Partner (in this Section 5.4 called the “Transferor”), pursuant to the
terms and conditions hereof, purports to transfer all, but not less than all, of its interest or share
in the Partnership to any Person (such Person in this Section 5.4 called the “Transferee”), then
no such transfer shall be made or shall be effective until the Transferee enters into an agreement
with the other Partner hereto whereby the Transferee agrees to assume and be bound by all of the
obligations of the Transferor and to be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this

5.5 Restraining Order.

In the event that any Partner shall at any time purport to transfer, charge or mortgage its
interest or share or any part thereof in the Partnership in violation of the provisions of this
Agreement, then the other Partner shall, in addition to any rights and remedies which may be
available to such Partner, at law or in equity, be entitled to a decree or order restraining or
enjoining such transfer, charge or mortgage.


6.1 Headings.

The headings of any Article, Section or part thereof are inserted for purposes of
convenience only and shall not form part hereof and shall not be considered in the interpretation

6.2 Notices.

Any notice, demand, request, consent, agreement or approval which may or is required to
be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given or made if
served personally upon the party or a representative or officer of the party for whom it is
intended, or mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, or telexed, telegraphed, or
telecopied, addressed at such address to such officers as a party may from time to time advise to
the other parties by notice in writing. The date of receipt of any such notice, demand, request,
consent, agreement or approval if served personally shall be deemed to be the date of delivery
thereof, or if mailed as aforesaid, the second business day following the date of mailing, or if
delivered via telex, telegraph, or telecopier, the business day following transmission.

6.3 Governing Law.

The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the
laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.

6.4 Severability.

The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not
affect any other provision hereof, but this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such
invalid or unenforceable provision was omitted.

6.5 Effective Date.

Notwithstanding the actual date of execution hereof, this Agreement shall be effective as
of and from the Effective Date.

6.6 Entire Agreement.

This Agreement embodies the entire and final agreement of the Partners with regard to
the Partnership and no representations, warranties, agreements, understandings, verbal or
otherwise, exist between the Partners except as herein expressly set out.

6.7 Amendments.

No amendment, alteration, change, qualification or modification of this Agreement shall

be valid unless it is in writing and signed by each Partner hereto and any such amendment,
alteration, change, qualification or modification shall be adhered to and have the same effect as if
they had been originally embodied in and formed a part of this Agreement.

6.8 Time.

Time is of the essence of this Agreement and of every part hereof.

6.9 Further Assurances.

The Partners hereto, and each of them, covenant and agree that each of them shall and
will, upon reasonable request of the other Partners, make, do, execute or cause to be made, done
or executed all such further and other lawful acts, deeds, things, devices and assurances
whatsoever for the better or more perfect and absolute performance of the terms and conditions
of this Agreement.

6.10 Enurement.

This Agreement and the provisions hereof shall enure to the benefit of and shall be
binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

6.11 Counterparts.

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an

original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement this
day of [], to be effective as of the Effective Date in accordance with Section 6.5 of this





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