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Independent Contractor Agreement 19

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Financial Services: Purchasing & Payment

Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) ICA# __________

This Letter of Agreement is made on ______________________ 20 ____ between Ryerson University

(“RYERSON”) and _________________________________________________ (the "Contractor”) and is effective

on _________________20 _____.

RYERSON wishes to engage the services of the Contractor and the Contractor agrees to provide services to Ryerson
on the terms set out herein. Accordingly, RYERSON and the Contractor agree as follows:

1 Independent Contractor
1.1 The Contractor represents and acknowledges that it is not an employee of nor an agent of
RYERSON and that it shall be acting as an independent contractor in the fulfillment of its duties
under this agreement. The Contractor represents and warrants that it has obtained all licenses and
permits necessary to carry on its business. The Contractor represents and warrants that none of the
persons providing the services described below will be RYERSON employees.

1.2 The Contractor is solely responsible for all matters relating to compliance with statutory and other
legal obligations arising from the responsibilities and services described in this agreement,
including matters arising between the Contractor and its employees. Such obligations include, but
are not limited to, remuneration; discipline; assessment of and withholding for income tax,
employment insurance (EI), Workers' Safety Insurance Board (WSIB), Employee Health Tax
(EHT) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP); leave, vacation, overtime and any other payments which
may be assessed against the Contractor under any statutory authority for performance of this
Agreement. Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall be responsible for determining how
and where the work set forth in this agreement is to be performed.

1.3 By initialing the appropriate section, the Contractor confirms that:

Their WSIB registrant employer # is: ________________________.

A WSIB Clearance Certificate is attached declaring that it is registered with the WSIB, and has an
account in good standing. (Clearance certificate is valid for 60 days from issuance)

The above information effectively relieves Ryerson of financial liability and ensures that they
will not be held responsible for Contractor related WSIB payments. Compensation for services
will not begin until documentation is received by the purchasing agent indicated on this form.

They are not covered by WSIB as a registrant employer and are not automatically covered by its
provisions, and have not applied, nor will apply for voluntary coverage as a registrant employer
for a period of time effective for the duration of this Letter of Agreement.

1.4 The Contractor shall maintain reasonable general liability and/or professional liability insurance
during the performance of this contract, which shall be not less than $1 Million dollars. Before
beginning to provide services under this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to deliver to
RYERSON a copy of the policy certificate for general liability and/or professional liability
insurance for all officers, agents and employees of the Contractor.

If the Contractor is provided with any equipment by RYERSON, the Contractor shall maintain
adequate comprehensive, full replacement cost insurance over same in a form and in amounts
satisfactory to Ryerson with RYERSON as the named beneficiary.

1.5 The Contractor acknowledges that RYERSON carries no personal property, medical, dental,
accident benefit or disability insurance on its behalf and it is the Contractor's sole responsibility to
ensure that it maintains sufficient personal insurance coverage. The Contractor agrees that any
failure on its part to maintain adequate personal insurance shall impose no financial obligation on
RYERSON and the Contractor agrees to indemnify and save harmless RYERSON from and
against any claim relating thereto.

2 Services
2.1 The Contractor shall be engaged by RYERSON as a Contractor and shall provide only those
services as described in Section 2.2 below and under the terms of this Agreement.

Contracted Services: _____________________________________________________________


The Contractor shall also be entitled to certain pre-approved project specific expenses as detailed
below (if any):

Permitted Expenses: __________________________________________________________

2.2 The Contractor shall keep RYERSON informed about the progress of services provided under this
agreement at reasonable intervals or as may be specifically requested by RYERSON. The
RYERSON contact for such progress reports shall be ________________________________.

2.3 The Contractor agrees and acknowledges that they are to be subject to applicable University
policies during the term of this agreement, including policies on conflicts of interest, and
intellectual property. If there is a conflict between the Contractor's obligations under Ryerson's
policies and any obligations to RYERSON pursuant to this Agreement, the Contractor's
obligations under RYERSON policies take priority over any obligations the Contractor may have
by reason of this agreement.

3 Compensation
The fee for the provision of the services described in Section 2.1 shall be $___________ plus
applicable taxes. This cost is based on an hourly/daily/fixed rate of $______ for a period of ____
days, plus any pre-approved project specific expenses described in paragraph 2.1 related to the
services to be performed.

The fees shall be payable based on the following schedule:


The Contractor agrees to complete all the described services for the consideration expressed
herein. Invoices will be uniquely numbered and will include the Purchase Order Number, a
description of the services provided and a detailed list of approved expenses (if any).
Invoice(s) will be submitted to: Ryerson University
Accounts Payable, 350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3
Payment for services will not commence until documentation is received by the purchasing agent
indicated on this form – i.e. this executed agreement, any certificates of insurance, WSIB
registration number/certificate or other documentation as required in this agreement.

RYERSON will not be liable for, and will not pay, any unapproved expenses or increases in fee.

4 Place of Performance
The services will be performed at __________________________________________________
or at various locations as directed by RYERSON.
5 Assignment
This contract is not assignable by the Contractor but may be assigned by RYERSON in its sole

6 Confidentiality
6.1 The Contractor agrees to comply with all reasonable requirements of RYERSON from time to
time in order to enable RYERSON to, in turn, comply with all privacy legislation and other
governmental regulations applicable thereto from time to time.

6.2 Subject to Section 6.1, the parties may, from time to time, in connection with work contemplated
under this Agreement, agree to disclose confidential information to each other ("Confidential
Information”). Each party will use reasonable efforts to prevent the disclosure of any of the other
party's Confidential Information to third parties.

6.3 Confidential Information subject to paragraph 6.2 does not include information that is
(i) or later becomes available to the public through no breach or this Agreement
by the recipient;
(ii) obtained by the recipient from a third party who had the legal right to disclose
the information to the recipient;
(iii) already in the possession of the recipient on the date this Agreement becomes
(iv) independently developed by recipient; or
(v) required to be disclosed by law, government regulation, or court order. In
addition, Confidential Information subject to paragraph 6.2 does not include
information generated by the Contractor unless the information is generated as
a direct result of the performance of services under this Agreement.

7 Return of Materials
The Contractor agrees to promptly return, following the termination of this Agreement or upon
earlier request by RYERSON, all drawings, tracings, data and written materials in the Contractor's
possession and
(i) supplied by RYERSON in conjunction with the Contractor's consulting
services under this Agreement or
(ii) generated by the Contractor in the performance of consulting services under
this Agreement, which shall be the property of RYERSON as set out in Section

8 below. If the Contractor is provided with any equipment by RYERSON, the
Contractor shall return the items in the same condition provided, except for
reasonable wear and tear, at the completion of services and prior to final
payment of fees.

8 Intellectual Property
Except as may be otherwise agreed to in writing by RYERSON and the Contractor, RYERSON
will own, and the Contractor grants to RYERSON all rights (including but not limited to copyright
and patent and moral rights), title and interest in and to any items created by the Contractor in
performing the services, whether completed or not, and to their proceeds, such items including
but not limited to reports, documents, and computer software. These items will be delivered to
RYERSON upon request but in any event, no later than completion of the project.

9 Defense and Indemnification

The Contractor releases RYERSON from any claims, damages, actions, liabilities or costs unless
and only to the extent caused by the negligent act or omission of, or breach of agreement by,
RYERSON. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless RYERSON and its affiliates from
any claims, damages, actions, liabilities or costs incurred by or brought against RYERSON or its
affiliates by any third party as a result of the negligent act or omission of, or breach of agreement
by, the Contractor or its employees, agents and/or subcontractors, or those for whom it is
responsible. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any indirect, consequential, special,
punitive or exemplary damages.

10 Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The Contractor must disclose all business relationships that may conflict with RYERSON’s
interests including, but not limited to, ownership interests, employee relationships, or affiliations
direct or indirect pertaining to the services.

11 Extensions, Renewals and Termination

11.1 This Agreement shall be extendable or renewable upon terms and conditions as agreed upon by
RYERSON and the Contractor. An extended or renewed agreement must be accompanied by a
Change Order issued by RYERSON before additional compensation can be paid.

11.2 This agreement may be terminated by RYERSON at any time on not less than 10 days’ written
notice or without cause. In the event of such termination, the Contractor shall be paid a reasonable
pro rata portion of the fee otherwise earned to the date of termination. Such amount may also be;
paid as a payment in lieu without the 10 days’ written notice. This agreement may also be
terminated by RYERSON for cause on 2 days’ notice. Termination of the Agreement shall not
(i) RYERSON’s obligation to pay for services previously performed by the
Contractor or expenses reasonably incurred by the Contractor for which the
Contractor is entitled to reimbursement under paragraph 2 above,
(ii) the Contractor's continuing obligations to RYERSON under paragraphs 6.2

11.3 Should a conflict of interest, actual or perceived, exist or arise, as determined solely by
RYERSON, RYERSON, at its sole discretion, may immediately terminate this Agreement.

12 Miscellaneous
12.1 This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors,
successors, representatives, and permitted assigns of the parties, as the case may be.
12.2 The relationship created by this Agreement is one of Independent Contractor and the Contractor
shall have no authority to bind or act as agent for RYERSON or its employees for any purpose.

12.3 Notice given by one party to the other hereunder shall be in writing and deemed to have been
properly given if deposited with the Canada Post, registered or certified mail, addressed as

RYERSON Address: Ryerson University

350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3
Attn: ___________________________ , Purchasing Agent

{Contractor Address} _______________________________________


12.4 This Agreement replaces all previous agreements and the discussions relating to the subject
matters hereof and together with the purchase order constitutes the entire agreement between
RYERSON and the Contractor with respect to the subject matters of this Agreement. This
Agreement may not be modified in any respect by any verbal statement, representation, or
agreement made by any employee, officer, or representative of RYERSON, or by any written
documents unless it is signed by an officer of RYERSON and by the Contractor.

12.5 This contract is governed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the Province of Ontario.

12.6 If any term or provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid or prohibited under the laws or
regulation of any jurisdiction, this Agreement, except for that term or provision shall survive.

13. Schedules
By initialing this paragraph, I certify that I have read and accept the Ryerson Privacy Protection
Schedule (http address) and that this Schedule forms part of the agreement between RYERSON
and the above named “Contractor” respecting this Agreement.

Initial _______________

Complete Contractor Certification Form ( ) and

return with this agreement

IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the parties have executed this Agreement effective the date first stated above.
For Ryerson University

Name: ___________________________________ Position Title: ______________________

Signature: ________________________________
By signing above I certify that I have the authority to bind RYERSON to the terms of this agreement.

For (Contractor Name) _______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________ Position Title: ______________________

Signature: ________________________________
By signing above I certify that I have the authority to bind the CONTRACTOR to the terms of this agreement.

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