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General English Test Level 2

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SUMMIT 1 – Unit 2 Achievement


Listen to the conversation. Read the sentences. Then listen again and choose the word or
phrase that correctly completes each sentence.

(Audio Track: 3)

b Sharon thinks new age music is .
a. exciting
b. annoying

___ A. Theresa _____ George Winston’s music.
a. is passionate about
b. does not like

___ B. For Sharon, the new age sound is _____.

a. depressing
b. boring

___ C. Sharon likes the beat of _____ music.

a. George Winston’s
b. Beyoncé’s

___ D. Sharon likes to be _____ by music.

a. excited
b. relaxed

___ E. _____ likes mellow beats and gentle melodies.

a. Sharon
b. Theresa

___ F. _____ has an extra ticket to see Beyoncé.

a. Dennis
b. Theresa

A. a
B. b
C. b
D. a
E. b
F. a

Audio Track: 3

Dennis: Sharon, how are you? I haven’t seen you all week!

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Sharon: Dennis! I’m fine, thanks, and you?
Dennis: Oh, all right. What have you been up to?
Sharon: Well, I saw a concert at the Omni last night. Theresa had an extra ticket and she
invited me.
Dennis: Oh yeah? Who was playing?
Sharon: No one that I especially wanted to see—George Winston.
Dennis: George Winston. . . He’s new age, right?
Sharon: Yeah, not really the kind of music I’m into . . .
Dennis: What was the show like?
Sharon: Well, you know that new age sound—happy, light, soothing. Lots of gentle keyboard
melodies and mellow beats.
Dennis: That doesn’t sound that bad to me, actually.
Sharon: It’s OK, but I prefer something a little more exciting. I like to know what I’ve been
listening to. New age is a little too much like background music to me.
Dennis: I don’t know—sometimes I like to listen to relaxing music.
Sharon: I suppose, but it gets on my nerves a bit.
Dennis: What did Theresa think of it?
Sharon: Well, you know Theresa—she’s really into new age music. And she actually loves
George Winston. She’s seen a lot of his shows, and she said that this one was the best
Dennis: Well, at least one of you liked it. I’m almost afraid to ask you. . .
Sharon: What’s that?
Dennis: I’ve got tickets to see Beyoncé next week—would you like to go?
Sharon: I’d love to! Now, that’s more like it—something with a beat I can dance to!

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Listening


Choose the letter of the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

b “Keith always likes to keep busy with several projects and activities—both at work and at home.
He’s very _____.’
a. egotistical
b. energetic
c. passionate

1. “Jeff will only work on projects that he feels very strongly about, and once he begins on one, he
becomes very dedicated to it. He is a very _____ man.”
a. moody
b. passionate
c. eccentric
ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: Describing creative personalities SKL: Vocabulary and social language

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2. “Jessica always has interesting ideas that no one else has thought of. She is extremely _____.”
a. eccentric
b. difficult
c. imaginative
ANS: C PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: Describing creative personalities SKL: Vocabulary and social language

3. “Alice plays the piano beautifully. She always has—even before she had her first lesson. She is just
naturally _____.”
a. gifted
b. difficult
c. moody
ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: Describing creative personalities SKL: Vocabulary and social language

4. “You never know what Laura is thinking. She can be very pleasant one moment and very unpleasant
the next. She’s so _____.”
a. moody
b. egotistical
c. passionate
ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: Describing creative personalities SKL: Vocabulary and social language

5. “It seems that Eric just likes to argue about everything. I’ve never met anyone so _____.”
a. egotistical
b. eccentric
c. difficult
ANS: C PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: Describing creative personalities SKL: Vocabulary and social language

6. “Joe doesn’t think or act the way that most people do. His behavior is a bit unusual. You could say
he’s a bit _____.”
a. eccentric
b. egotistical
c. gifted
ANS: A PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: Describing creative personalities SKL: Vocabulary and social language

7. “Andy really thinks he’s better than everyone else. Why is he so _____?”
a. eccentric
b. egotistical
c. imaginative
ANS: B PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: Describing creative personalities SKL: Vocabulary and social language

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Look at each picture. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.


The music is very relaxing.
He is very relaxed.



She is _______________________.
The fly is ____________________.

ANS: annoyed, annoying

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Word Skills: Using participial adjectives

SKL: Grammar



She is _________________________.
The book is _____________________.

ANS: depressed, depressing

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Word Skills: Using participial adjectives

SKL: Grammar

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The concert is _____________________.

The audience is ____________________.

ANS: boring, bored

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Word Skills: Using participial adjectives

SKL: Grammar



The show is _______________________.

The audience is ____________________.

ANS: exciting, excited

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Word Skills: Using participial adjectives

SKL: Grammar

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He is __________________________.
The sunset is ____________________.

ANS: amazed, amazing

PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Word Skills: Using participial adjectives

SKL: Grammar

Complete each sentence with either the simple past tense, the present perfect, or the present
perfect continuous form of the verb in parentheses. Use the present perfect continuous if the
action is unfinished or ongoing.

“James couldn’t believe I had never been to a jazz club, so we (go) went to one last week.”

6. “Isn’t he a great piano player? He (play) _________________________ at this club since it first

ANS: has been playing

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

7. “I hear that you’re a big James Brown fan. How many times (see) _________________________

ANS: have you seen

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

8. “I had never heard Caetano Veloso before. I loved the show, so I went right out and (buy)
____________________ three of his CDs.”

ANS: bought

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

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9. “Wow! Your singing sounds great now! I can tell that you (practice)

ANS: have been practicing

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

10. “(hear) _________________________ any good new music lately?”

ANS: Have you heard

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

11. “Melinda’s taste is changing; she (listen) _________________________ to a lot of jazz lately.”

ANS: has been listening

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

12. “I (listen) ____________________ to that new classical station all last week, and they never did
play any Beethoven.”

ANS: listened

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

13. “Trudy (call) _________________________ Ticket Mart since Tuesday, but the Rolling Stones
tickets still aren’t on sale.”

ANS: has been calling

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

14. “Steve’s guitar technique is incredible! (play) _________________________ long?”

ANS: Has he been playing

PTS: 0 DIF: 1
OBJ: The present perfect and the present perfect continuous: finished and unfinished actions
SKL: Grammar

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Complete each sentence in your own way. Use noun clauses.

A: What should I bring on vacation with me?
B: You should bring whatever you want to bring .

1. A: What do you like most about being a musician?

B: I love the fact ______________________________________________

(Sample response:) that I can share my passion for music with others

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 OBJ: Noun clauses

SKL: Grammar

2. A: What did your sister want to know?

B: She wanted to know _________________________________________

(Sample response:) what she should wear tonight

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 OBJ: Noun clauses

SKL: Grammar

3. A: How do you think music influences people?

B: It’s my opinion ____________________________________________

(Sample response:) that music brings joy to people and enriches their lives

PTS: 0 DIF: 2 OBJ: Noun clauses

SKL: Grammar

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Read the magazine article. Then read it again and decide whether each sentence is true (T) or
false (F).

T The article is a description of an African musician.

1. The main focus of the article is the singer’s personality type.

ANS: F PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Reading

2. Youssou N’Dour’s most popular song is called mbalax.

ANS: F PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Reading

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3. N’Dour’s sound is a mix of African and Western music.

ANS: T PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Reading

4. N’Dour’s lyrics comment on modern and traditional themes.

ANS: T PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Reading

5. The xalam is a type of traditional African folk melody.

ANS: F PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Reading

6. N’Dour’s voice has impressed music critics.

ANS: T PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Reading

7. N’Dour’s songs have strong beats that are created using traditional West African drums.

ANS: T PTS: 0 DIF: 1 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Reading


1. Read the topic. Write a paragraph of at least four sentences about it.

Describe your favorite type of music in terms of beat, melody, and lyrics.

(Sample response:) My favorite type of music is jazz. I love the loud, rhythmic beats common to it. I
particularly enjoy listening to live performances where musicians often spontaneously create new
melodies and often blend two or more melodies together. I also like listening to jazz at home while
studying because with so few lyrics, it is the perfect background music.

PTS: 0 DIF: 3 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Writing

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2. Read the topic. Write a paragraph of at least four sentences about it.

Who is the most musically talented person you know? Describe that person’s personality, abilities,
and accomplishments.

(Sample response:) My cousin, Marie, is the most musically talented person I know. She is in a band
that has performed all around the world. She plays the guitar and the piano and has an absolutlely
beautiful voice. Everyone in our family always knew that Marie would be successful because she
has always been so passionate about music and is such an amazingly gifted person.

PTS: 0 DIF: 3 OBJ: Unit 02 – Musical Moods

SKL: Writing

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