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Tiktok Influence On Generation Z

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Module/Subject Code MKT302

Dr Sumathi Paramasivam
Due Date 10, Feburary 2023


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Word Count 1221 Date/Time


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1. Introduction

1.1 Problem statement

TikTok is a Chinese-made app with a dedicated platform for videos, music, and images (Batoebara,
2020). In the first quarter of 2020, TikTok was downloaded 315 million times worldwide, up 58%
from the previous quarter (Mohsin, 2020). TikTok users in Indonesia now number 10 million monthly
active users (Aji, 2018). Due to Tik Tok laws that state that users under the age of 14 are not permitted
to use TikTok, the bulk of Tik Tok users are between the ages of 14 and 24. (Wiwoho 2020).

The social value of TikTok is to spread happiness and allow users to record useful information. The
notion of a "visual encyclopaedia" has paralleled the development of TikTok into other public spheres
in terms of online learning, tourism, and e-commerce. This implies that users can utilize TikTok at
their discretion, either to gather the needed information or to market their products (Zhang, 2020). The
audience in general and age in particular varied significantly. Twitter and Facebook are often in their
40s. TikTok and Instagram both pull people in their 20s and 30s, respectively. The media consumption
habits of the younger generation are distinctive. There is a huge market of people looking for
microentertainment and distraction for a few minutes throughout the day.

The factors affecting TikTok's appeal among Gen Z perspectives in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, are not
well understood. According to data from Asosiasi Penyelenggaraan Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII),
64.8% of Indonesia's 262 million people were online as of 2018. Ages 15 to 19 have the highest
penetration (91%), out of all age groups (Asih and Khafid, 2020).

1.2 Research objective

RO1: To discover the factors driving TikTok's popularity among Generation Z in Indonesia

1.3 Research Questions

RQ1: Does informativeness affect generation Z towards Tiktok?

RQ2: Does co-creation affects generation Z to use Tiktok ?

RQ3: Does uniqueness impact Generation Z towards Tiktok’s usage ?

RQ4: Does entertainment of Gen Z influence the popularity of Tiktok?

2. Literature review

2.1 Theoretical framework

Features and Rewards A theory explains why and how people enthusiastically seek out different
media to satisfy their unique wants and needs. According to this hypothesis, people utilize media for
a variety of reasons, including amusement, social engagement, and information seeking. TikTok is
predominantly used by Generation Z for enjoyment and social interaction since it allows users to watch
and make brief, interesting videos that are simple to share with friends and followers. In order to
improve results, this research will help academic studies, corporations, influencers, and marketers.

2.2 Factors

2.2.1 Possible association between TikTok's popularity and its level of information

On TikTok, users consistently post analytical and critical content (Autio, 2020). Yachao et al.
(2020), who investigated the use of TikTok as a method for COVID-19 health information, discovered
that there is a good correlation between engagement and informational content. Hasiholan, Pratami,
and Wahid's (2020) study on using TikTok to fight COVID-19 in Indonesia led to the discovery that
the platform is ideally suited for carrying out WHO (World Health Organization) campaigns using the
hashtag #safehands challenge. However, Moran (2020) found that a lot of the material shared on social
media might be viewed as biased, having a conflict of interest, or being false.

2.2.2 A connection between co-creation and TikTok’s users

New product development that emphasizes a user-centered design approach is referred to as co-
creation. Consumers are prepared to invest time and money in using social media to learn more about
goods and services, according to Cheung (2016).

Prianbodo (2018) discovered that there is a connection between co-creation and TikTok's popularity.
With TikTok, consumers may provide extensive material for sales, products, and services in a 15-
second video (Wang, 2020). Additionally, Herrero, Rey, and Garcia (2020) discovered that using
popular hashtags, audio tagging, reaction capabilities, and lip-syncs may forge new connections with
users that result in TikTok viralization and co-creation.

2.2.3 Link between TikTok's uniqueness and its popularity.

Zhi (2018) looked at three elements that set TikTok apart from other apps. First, the primary focus
of TikTok is music. To draw in more young users, TikTok offers a selection of music as the video
soundtrack. The preferences for big data analysis come in second. Users of TikTok can choose what
they like by customizing the material based on consumer preferences or recommending videos. The
third is the time limit, which is 15 seconds. According to Garnett (2016), people have always used
music as an expression of their spiritual endeavors. Distinct musical genres evoke different emotions
in listeners, calming their bodies and reducing stress in young listeners.

According to Baquita et al. (2021), Tik Tok is more than just a social media platform; it has a distinct
personality that sets it apart from other platforms. As a result, Tik Tok video results may draw viewers'
attention even when they are shared across numerous networks.

2.2.4 A connection exists between TikTok's entertainment and its users

According to Lawrence (2020), there is a strong correlation between enjoyment and the drive to use
TikTok. Yang (2020) also discovered that, particularly during a pandemic, real-life distresses drive
users to use TikTok as an instantaneous pleasure outlet to amuse themselves. TikTok's excessive use,
however, has the potential to affect how confused and frustrated people feel. Breshnick (2019) asserts
that users of TikTok display and use cloned characters and backgrounds. It allows users to escape from
reality by allowing them to act out a scene in a different setting and imagine a story. According to
Wang (2020), there may be a connection between enjoyment and the propensity to adopt mobile
technologies. According to Messie (2020), the popularity of Tiktok is influenced by entertainment like
hilarious or comical videos.

2.3 Conceptual framework

This study tries to identify the factors that contribute to TikTok's appeal, including uniqueness, co-
creation, entertainment, and informational value. A survey was sent out to Generation Z in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, using primary data. The information gathered was examined. The most
important and crucial factor in relation to TikTok's appeal is its informativeness. While there was no
discernible connection between co-creation and TikTok's popularity.

3. Research methology

The deductive theory was used as the method for this study. The deductive theory is connected to
quantitative research that explores the subject of interest using impartial techniques (Woiceshyn and
Daellenbach, 2018). Survey research is defined as the process of gathering information from a sample
of the population by asking them questions. Quantitative research techniques might include survey
research. To study the factors impacting TikTok's popularity, a survey will be undertaken (Ponto,
2015). A questionnaire served as the study's primary research tool.

According to Worldometer (2019), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has 636,660 people living in it.
Consequently, the sample frame contains individuals who fit the following criteria. Aged between 18
and 24 years old, both genders, and located in Bantul, Sleman, and Kulon Progo (province of

4. Conclusion
This study aims to investigate the correlations between enjoyment, co-creation, informativeness, and
uniqueness as well as the elements that determine TikTok's popularity in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Based
on multiple regression analysis and Pearson correlation analysis, all hypotheses are accepted, and all
independent variables significantly relate . Despite having only a tenuously significant relationship,
co-creation is nonetheless acknowledged. It is believed that this research will benefit academic studies,
corporations, influencers, and marketers in achieving better results.

5. Reference

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University of Applied Science, Finland.

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Journal Network Media. 3(2). 59-65.

Breshnick, E 2019, Intensified Play: Cinematic study of TikTok mobile app. University of Southern
California, United State.

Dilon, C. (2020) Tiktok Influences on Teenagers and Young Adults Students: The Common Usages
of The Application Tiktok. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and
Sciences. 68(1). 132-142.

Herrero, J.V., Rey, M.C.N. and Garcia, X.L. (2020) Let’s dance the news! How the news media are
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Lawrence, A. (2020) Uses and Gratifications Exploratory Study of TikTok: What Does This Mean
for Brands?, University of Edinburgh Business School, United Kingdom

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Zhi, N. (2018). Tik Tok opens the second

half commercial realization test of national
entertainment era short video. High
Education Press. 18(11). 45-65.
Zhang, Z. (2020) Infrastructuralization of Tik

6. Appendix
Tok: transformation, power relationships, and
platformization of video entertainment in China.
Media, Culture & Society. 1-18
Behavio. 110. 1-9.
Yu, J.X. (2019) Research on TikTok APP Based

on User-Centric Theory. Applied Science and
Innovative Research. 3(1). pp. 28-36.
Yang, Y 2020, Understanding Young Adults'

TikTok Usage. UCSD Department of
Yang, S., Zhao, Y. and Ma, Y. (2019) Analysis of
the Reasons and Development of Short Video

Application. Taking Tik Tok as an Example. 9th
International Conference on Information and
Social Science (ICISS 2019). China. 340-343.
Wang, Y. (2020) Humor and camera view on

mobile short-form video apps influence user
experience and technology-adoption intent, an

Innovative Research. 3(1). pp. 28-36.

example of TikTok (DouYin). Computers in
Serrano. J.C.M., Papakyriakopoulus,
Human Behavio. 110. 1-9. O. and

Science (ICISS 2019). China. 340-343.

Hegelich, S. (2020) Dancing to the Partisan Beat:

A First Analysis of Political Communication on
TikTok: WebSci '20: 12th ACM Conference on
Science. Association on the
the Effects offorTikTok

Social Behaviors
Machinery. 257-266of Generation Z" (2020)
by Kelly R. Gillespie and Jennifer M.
"TikTok and the Generation Z: Influence on

Attitudes, Behavior, and Self-Identity" by
Zhenyu Huang and Yifei Sun (2021)

"TikTok's Influence on the Political

era short video. High Education Press. 18(11). 45-65.

Attitudes and Behaviors of Generation Z"
(2020) by Rachel E. Demby and Matthew S.
Lee, Jung Eun, and Brandi Watkins.

"YouTube vloggers' influence on consumer
luxury brand perceptions and intentions."
Journal of Business Research 69.12 (2016):
Acikgoz, Fulya, and Sebnem Burnaz. "The

influence of'influencer marketing'on
YouTube influencers." International Journal
of Internet Marketing and Advertising 15.2
Lim, Joon
(2021): Soo, and Guy J. Golan. "Social

media activism in response to the influence
of political parody videos on YouTube."
Communication Research 3
Hang, W. S., Foo, L. C. Y., Kang, M. W. T.,
& Wong, S. Y. (2018). The impact of social

media towards the behavioral change of
Generation Z. [Unpublished bachelor
Issa, T., & Isaias, P. (2016). Internet factors
influencing generations Y and Z in Australia

and Portugal: A practical study. Information
platformization of video entertainment in China. Media, Culture & Society. 1-18

Processing & Management, 52(4), 592-617.
Turner, A. (2019). Generation z:

Technology and social interest. The Journal
of Individual Psychology, 71(2), 103–113.
Melendres, M. (2019). Tiktokers Influence

of Young People. Advanced Writing: Pop
Culture Intersections. 42, 1-15.
Wang, Y. (2020) Humor and camera view on mobile short-form video apps influence user

Zhang, Z. (2020) Infrastructuralization of Tik Tok: transformation, power relationships, and


de Bérail, Pierre and Bungener, Catherine,

2022, "Parasocial relationships and Tiktok

addiction: The role of viewer and Tiktoker
Yu, J.X. (2019) Research on TikTok APP Based on User-Centric Theory. Applied Science and

video characteristics" Psychology of

Yang, S., Zhao, Y. and Ma, Y. (2019) Analysis of the Reasons and Development of Short Video

Language and Communication Vol. 26, No.

Baquita, Puta, R. D., Farres, S. A., and Adha,
N., 2083-8506
1, pp 169,

experience and technology-adoption intent, an example of TikTok (DouYin). Computers in Human

Zhi, N. (2018). Tik Tok opens the second half commercial realization test of national entertainment


Yang, Y 2020, Understanding Young Adults' TikTok Usage. UCSD Department of Communication.



Application. Taking Tik Tok as an Example. 9th International Conference on Information and Social

ATTRACTION. February 2021.

Dilon, C. (2020) Tiktok Influences on Teenagers

and Young Adults Students: The Common
Usages of The Application Tiktok. American
Scientific Research Journal for Engineering,
Technology, and Sciences. 68(1). 132-142.

e-WOM √ √ √ √ √

Brand √ √ √ √ √
Positive √ √ √ √ √

Negative √ √ √ √

Social Media √ √ √ √ √ √

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