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Responsive Doubles: Partner You Answer: This One Is Easy. Make

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West North East South

Partner You
1 Dbl 2 ?
Answer: This one is easy. Make
a responsive double. You have too
many points to pass, and your
support for both majors should
convince you to act. You don’t care
which suit partner bids and you can
show your hand in one call.
Example #2
 K 5 Q J 8 6 3 8 3 10 3
and the action is the same:
West North East South
Responsive doubles Consider this example: Partner You
Suppose you hold this hand: West North East South 1 Dbl 2 ?
Q 10 6 3 2 K Q 10 7 4 6 4 6 Partner You Answer: Bid 2. Do not make a
and it is your bid in the following 1 Dbl 2 ? responsive double. That will mislead
auction: This is a classic auction for a partner. Double says you have
West North East South responsive double. Normally you support for both majors. Suppose
Partner You would have at least 4–4 in the you double and the opening bidder
1 1 2 ? majors and a minimum of 6 or 7 rebids 3. Partner may bid 3,
You and partner may very well high-card points. expecting you to have more length
have a fit in one of your majors, but Contrast the above with this than a doubleton.
you are not strong enough to bid example: Example #3
2 or 2 (and bidding either one West North East South  J 8 6 3 K J 4 3 8 3 Q 10 3
would be a complete guess). Raising Partner You and the auction is:
partner with a weak doubleton is not 1 Dbl 1 ? West North East South
appealing. In other words, you’d like A double would not be responsive Partner You
to act, but have no convenient bid. since the same suit was not bid and 1 Dbl 3 ?
Fortunately, there is a tool you can raised. In this case, a double would Answer: This hand is the same
add to your toolkit that helps. promise spades, either five of them as example #1 above, but in this
What and why or a good four-card suit. If you hold case you have to pass. You have the
A responsive double is a (takeout) hearts and diamonds and enough proper distribution for a responsive
double by responder after the HCP to act, you can simply bid 2 double, but your hand is too weak
opponents have bid and immediately (and bid diamonds the next time if to compete at the three level. If
raised a suit and partner has acted you choose to). you double and partner has enough
either by overcalling or doubling. Some partnerships play responsive strength for you to make a three-
When the opponents have bid and doubles through whatever level level contract, he may very well bid
raised a suit, it is more likely that they play negative doubles. If that game, perhaps down one. Pass and
the double would be useful as level is 3, then they also play hope partner can double a second
takeout rather than as penalty. For responsive doubles through 3. time.
partnerships used to playing negative This consistency makes it easier to Example #4
doubles, the responsive double remember. Q 4 8 K Q 7 4 3 A J 8 5 3
convention is not much different. The strength you need to respond and the auction is:
It is simple and effective, and the depends on the level of the raise. If West North East South
chances to use it occur frequently. the suit bid and raised is to the two Partner You
It is popular among tournament level, you can make a responsive 2 2 3 ?
players. double with 6 to 8 HCP. If the suit Answer: Double. This hand
When and how bid and raised is to the three level, shows why the responsive double
Some general guidelines are you should have at least 9 HCP. convention was invented. You want
needed. How high do you play Double trouble, some examples to compete, but are not sure which
responsive doubles? In what Assume you’ve agreed to play suit to bid. If partner doesn’t have
situations do they apply? What responsive doubles through 3. support for either of your suits, you
strength do you need? What would you do with each of can stand for him to retreat to his
Most partnerships play the these hands and the auction given? suit. Even though the opponents
responsive double only after the Example #1 started with a weak two-bid, you
same suit has been bid and raised.  J 8 6 3 K J 4 3 8 3 Q 10 3 can still use the convention. r

44 Bridge Bulletin

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