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Two Notrump Opening Bid

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Two Notrump opening bid



3♣♣♣= Puppet Stayman

3♦= transfer with 5+♥, one or two-

suiter 3♥= transfer with 5+♠♠♠, one or

two-suiter 3♠♠♠=Minor Stayman

3N= 5 ♠♠♠-4♥

3NT= natural, no interest in majors or in slam, but with values to play in game

4♣♣♣= 6 card suit, ST =>

- CB (with fit)
- 4NT (without fit)

4♦= 6 card suit, ST =>

- CB (with fit)
- 4NT (without fit)

4♥= 5+♣♣♣-4♦, ST =>

- 4NT (no fit= 2♣♣♣-3♦)
- 5♣♣♣ (3+ card fit)
- 5♦ (4+ card fit)
- 6♣♣♣ (a good 3+ card fit with maximum playing strength)
- 6♦ (a good 4+ card fit with maximum playing strength)

4♠♠♠= 5+♦-4 / 5 ♣♣♣ , ST =>

- 4NT (no fit= 3♣♣♣-2♦)
- 5♣♣♣ (4+ card fit)
- 5♦ (3+ card fit)
- 6♣♣♣ (a good 4+ card fit with maximum playing strength)
- 6♦ (a good 3+ card fit with maximum playing strength)
3♣♣♣ response and developments

2NT-3♣♣♣ : Puppet Stayman (a variation of the Stayman convention), to use not only when
responder holds four card ma- jors but also three, to find a 5-3 major fit.
Opener’s rebids
- 3♦= 4♥ and/or 4♠
- 3♥= 5♥
- 3♠= 5♠
- 3NT= denies 4 or 5M

2NT 3♣♣

with 4♠ (exceptionally
with 4♠-4♥ ST)
3♦ 3♥♥
Opener’s rebids
- 3♠= 4♠ =>
◻4NT= KCB ♠
- 3NT= 4♥ =>
◻4m= 5+ cards ST
◻4♥= conventional: 4♥-4♠ ST (forcing up to 5♥)
◻4NT= quantitative-Baron (4♠-4m or 4♠-4♣-4♦)
◻5NT= forcing-Baron (idem)

2NT 3♣♣
♣ with 4♥
3♦ 3♠♠

- 3NT= 4♠
◻4m= 5+ cards ST
◻4NT= quantitative-Baron (4♥-4m or 4♥-4♣-4♦)
◻5NT= forcing-Baron (idem)
- 4♥= 4♥
- CB= 4♥ with good trump support and maximum playing strength
2NT 3♣♣

3♦ 3NT responder looked for 5M

2NT 3♣♣ - CB= ♦ fit

- 4NT= no ♦ fit
3♦ 4♣♣

Opener’s 2NT 3♣♣
rebids ♣
3♦ 4♥
- CB= ♣ fit Opener’s rebids
- 4NT= no ♣ - pass
fit - 4♠

2NT 3♣♣ 2NT 3♣♣

♣ ♣
3♦ 4♦ 3♦ 4NT
Opener’s Opener’s rebids
- pass
- 6♣= 4/5♣
- 6♦= 4/5♦
ST with 5♣ (5♣-3-3-2)

ST with 5♦ (5♦-3-3-2)

conventional: 4♥-4♠ without slam expectations

quantitative-Baron with 4♣ and/or 4♦

- 6NT= without 4 or 5 card minor suit

2NT 3♣♣

forcing-Baron with 4♣ and/or 4♦
3♦ 5NT
Opener’s rebids
- 6♣= 4/5♣
- 6♦= 4/5♦
- 6NT= without 4 or 5 card minor suit

2NT 3♣♣

3♥ 3NT responder looked for 4/5♠
2NT 3♣♣
♣ - 4NT= no ♦ fit
3♥ 4♣♣
2NT 3♣♣
rebids ♣
- CB= ♣ fit 3♠♠ 4♠♠
- 4NT= no ♣
♠ ♠
2NT 3♣♣

2NT 3♣♣ 3♠♠ 5♠♠
♣ ♠ ♠
3♥ 4♦
- CB= ♦ fit
- 4NT= no ♦

2NT 3♣♣

3♥ 4♥

2NT 3♣♣

3♥ 4NT

2NT 3♣♣

3♥ 5♥

2NT 3♣♣

3♠♠ 3NT

2NT 3♣♣

3♠♠ 4♣♣
♠ ♣
- CB= ♣ fit
- 4NT= no ♣

2NT 3♣♣

3♠♠ 4♦

- CB= ♦ fit
ST with 5+♣ type)

responder looked for 4/5♥

ST with 5+♦
ST with 5+♣

ST with 5+♦

generic slam
generic slam invitation (quantitative type)

2NT 3♣♣

responder looked for 4/5M
3NT pass

2NT 3♣♣♣
3NT 4♣♣♣ ST with 5+♣
- CB= ♣ fit
- 4NT= no ♣
fit ST with 5+♦

2NT 3♣♣

3NT 4♦
- CB= ♦ fit
- 4NT= no ♦ fit

2NT 3♣♣

quantitative-Baron with 4♣ and/or 4♦
Opener’s rebids
- pass
- 6♣= 4/5♣ (4♦ possible)
- 6♦= 4/5♦

2NT 3♣♣
♣ with 4♣ and/or 4♦
Opener’s rebids
- 6♣= 4/5♣ (4♦ possible)
- 6♦= 4/5♦

3♦ response and developments

2NT-3♦ : transfer with 5+♥ (one or two-

suiter) Opener’s rebids
- 3♥= standard rebid (see further)
- 3♠= maximum values, 3+♥ card fit and 4/5♠ =>
◻3NT= 5♥-3-3-2 or 5♥-4m-2-2 with no slam interest
◻4♦♦♦= transfer=> 4♥ => pass
4NT= KCB ♥
◻4♠= 4♠ with no slam interest
◻4NT= KCB ♠
- 3NT= maximum values, 3♥ card fit and 2/3♠ =>
◻4♦♦♦= transfer => 4♥ => pass
4NT= KCB ♥
- 4♣= conventional: maximum values, 4/5♥ card fit and 2/3♠ =>
◻4♦♦♦= transfer => 4♥ => pass
4NT= KCB ♥
- 4♥= 5♥ card fit => pass
4NT= KCB ♥

2NT 3♦♦

3♥ pass
2NT 3♦♦♦
3♥ 3♠♠♠ with 5+♥-4♠
- 3NT= 2♥ and 2/3♠
- 4♣ (for ♥)= conventional: sets ♥ as trump =>
◻4NT= KCB ♥

- 4♦ (for ♠)= conventional: sets ♠ as

trump =>
◻4NT= KCB ♠♠♠
2NT 3♦♦
♦ with 5♥-3-3-2 or 5♥-4m-2-2 without slam interest
3♥ 3NT
- pass
- 4♥
5+♥-4+♣ ST
2NT 3♦♦

3♥ 4♣♣

- 4♦= CB with ♣ fit
- 4♥= ♥ fit
- 4♠=CB with ♣ fit, NO ♦ control
- 4NT= neither ♣ nor ♥ fit

2NT 3♦♦♦
5+ 3♥
♥-4 + 4♦♦♦
♦ ST
Opener’s rebids
- 4♥= ♥ fit
- 4♠= CB with ♦ fit
- 4NT= neither ♦ nor ♥ fit
- 5♣= CB with ♦ fit, NO ♠ control

2NT 3♦♦♦
3♥ 4♥
SO with 6♥ or 5♥-4m-3-1
2NT 3♦♦

KCB3♥♥ 4NT

2NT 3♦♦♦
3♥ 5♥
generic slam invitation with 6♥ (quantitative type)

3♥ response and developments

2NT-3♥ : transfer with 5+♠ (one or two-

suiter) Opener’s rebids
- 3♠= standard rebid (see further)
- 3NT= maximum values, 3♠ card fit =>
◻4♥♥♥= transfer => 4♠ => pass
4NT= KCB ♠
- 4♣= conventional: maximum values, 4/5♠ card
fit >
◻4♥♥♥= transfer => 4♠ => pass
4NT= KCB ♠
- 4♠= 5♠ card fit => pass
4NT= KCB ♠

2NT 3♥♥

3♠♠ pass

2NT 3♥♥ with 5♠-3-3-2 or 5♠-4m-2-2 without slam interest

3♠♠ 3NT

- pass
- 4♠ 5+♠-4+♣ ST

2NT 3♥♥

3♠♠ 4♣♣
♠ ♣
- 4♦=CB with ♣ fit
- 4♥=CB with ♣ fit, NO ♦ control
- 4♠= ♠ fit
- 4NT= neither ♣ nor ♠ fit

2NT 3♥♥♥
3♠♠♠ 4♦♦♦ 5♠-4+♦ ST
- 4♥= CB with ♦ fit
- 4♠= ♠ fit
- 4NT= neither ♦ nor ♠ fit
- 5♣= CB with ♦ fit, NO ♥ control
2NT 3♥♥♥
5♠-5♥ 4♥♥♥ slam interest
2NT 3♥♥♥
3♠♠♠ 4♠♠♠
SO with 6♠ or 5♠-4m-3-1
2NT 3♥♥

3♠♠♠ 4NT

2NT 3♥♥♥
3♠♠♠ 5♥♥♥
generic slam invitation with 5♠-5♥
2NT 3♥♥♥
3♠♠♠ 5♠♠♠
invitational a slam with 6♠

3♠♠♠ response and developments

2NT-3♠♠♠ : 5+♠-4♥ =>

- 3NT= 2♠ and 2/3♥
- 4♣ (for ♥)= conventional: sets ♥ as
trump => ◻4♥
◻4NT= KCB ♥
- 4♦(for ♠)= conventional: sets ♠ as
trump =>
◻4NT= KCB ♠♠♠
Defending against opposing competitive bids after 2NT opening bid

Even if uncommon, nevertheless opponents’ competitive bids are possible, whether with a
natural meaning (overcall with a suit) or an artificial meaning (specially when opponents
enter with a double).

After a double

2N double ?

Responder behaves in the same way of a 1NT doubled, that is ignores the double.
He uses 3♣ Puppet, 3♦ and 3♥ transfer, etc.; moreover- as seen in the case of 1NT- makes use
of redouble and over the obliged partner’s 3♣ calls:
◻pass= 5/6♣
◻3♦= 5/6♦
◻3♥= 5♥-5♠ SO

After an overcall with a bid of a suit

2N 3Suit ?

Over a real suit:

◻double= negative (balanced or half-balanced hand, usually with interest in M)
◻3/4Suit= 5+ cards, GF
◻CB of the overcall= ST, with shortness in the suit

Over a conventional suit:

◻double= with 4+ cards in the conventional suit
◻3/4Suit= 5+ cards, GF
◻CB (of RSO)= ST, with shortness in RSO

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