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The Best Fucking Cardistry Book For A Beginner

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The book provides an introduction to cardistry and advice on how to improve cardistry skills.

It is a beginner's guide to cardistry that provides advice on practicing cardistry moves and getting involved in the cardistry community.

Videos by Lotusinhand on the history and styles of cardistry as well as tutorials for specific cardistry moves are recommended to watch.


Written by Elisav Bizau (Biz)
Produced by Biz and Friends
Given to each backer of The Cardistry Game
Cluj Napoca 2020

Imagine a Cardistry veteran, one who's been through and seen it all, sitting across from you and
dropping bomb after bomb of sage advice on how to progress from absolutely knowing nothing about
Cardistry to becoming a pro in less time than it takes to ship a deck of playing cards to your house. That's
what this book is: a paradoxically no-nonsense, yet gleefully nonsensical, crash course introducing a
complete beginner to the wonderful world of Cardistry.

Biz tells it like it is, and his manic, profanity-laden prose can feel like you're reading a madman's diary at
times. But that's the charm about this offering: the stream-of-consciousness style makes it a breeze to
read through, and by the time you've scrolled through these 50-odd pages, you'll have absorbed the
attitude and approach to allow yourself to improve significantly in your journey towards Cardistry

In addition to advice on how to practice, Biz also reveals how to get into the online Cardistry community,
the importance of play, how to get comfy in front of a camera, and even recommends important videos
and books to expand your worldview of what Cardistry is and can be.

He also name-drops a certain Cardistry blog in the mix, but I'll let you discover that on your own ;)

In short, read it. It came free with your pledge, so why the hell not?

-Kevin Ho
You know books, right? You read them. Theory theory theory. BOOM. You suddenly understand
everything! Go to sleep. Wake up in the morning, the fresh air and morning dew meeting your breath of
motivation. Then you grab a deck of cards and POOF. It’s all gone.

Or, at least, almost all of it.

why even read books anymore when there’s so much information you need to digest


books can get crazy fun

a n d

while still allowing you

to travel the book


So, now that we got all that sorted out, my name is Biz and this is “The Best F**king Cardistry Book for
Beginners”. I don’t promise you a book. I promise you an experience. What sort of experience? Well, I
hope not a shitty one.

So, let’s get it going.


They say it takes listening to 10.000 hours of a language until your brain can start piecing together
information so it can start feeding you words and sentences naturally.

it’s probably not 10.000 hours but you get the idea

So, it’s time you watch some Cardistry videos, you feel me.

Now, you’re probably not going to watch 10.000 hours, c’mon, let’s be honest.


What you are going to do is

b e c o m e

e d u c a t e d

you feel me bro?

Gotta get the basics down. 1 Hour. That’s what you gonna give me. A couple of videos giving you all the
spicy round-arounds of cardistry.


I’m already excited to show you these marvelous videos!

What you’re about to go through is called

Ages 0 plus!

History of Cardistry:

What is a move:

Styles of Cardistry 1 :

Styles of Cardistry 2:

Classic Moves:

Modern Classics of Cardistry:

Well, there you have it.

That’s all you gotta know. These 6 videos will take you through all the kindergarten education as a
cardist. Most of us having been in the cardistry scene for quite some time have gotten the chance to
witness most of these classic videos, moves and styles appear, shape and evolve. You’ll just watch and
it’ll be like you’ve been in the scene for 10 years!

Or will you feel that?

See, that’s the thing with books. I can’t really know if you actually watched them. But, just like my
football trainer said, “If you’re stealing, you’re robbing yourself.”

To be honest, I personally don’t give a fuck if you watch those videos. You know why? Cause I give more
than just one fuck, I give a lot of fucks if you watch them.

So watch them.

They’re entertaining.

m o v I n g

o n

This is where you realize ain’t no book gonna teach you how to do cardistry. You’re the only person who
can do that. Yep. You and your two hands.

If it’d be anyone else they would tell you to learn “Charlier Cut” or “Revolution” , you know, get the
basics done. Go learn a “Smear Fan” and all that shit.

You know what I say to that?








Lemme show you what you should occupy your precious time with learning.


This bad ass charming of a move will stretch your fingers and spontaneously transport you to level
mothafuckin 5 in one sitting. If you wanna go with all the losers and start grinding at the SUPER beginner
hill killing 5 XP monsters, then take your hands elsewhere. Learn this beauty and your hands will take all
that 600 XP and give itself a well deserved upgrade.

Why though?

Because learning a bit more difficult moves from the beginning will not only make you learn all the other
basic ass moves much faster, but they will give you a feel for what a good move is. Besides, why waste
time WASTE WASTE your precious time learning some basic ass cut when you can learn this handsome
bozo and get all the chicks on your side?
Got you convinced with the ladies, right?

It’s always the ladies, man.

Or the men, if you swing that way.

Learn it.

Own it.

Play with it.


Level 5 instantly.

So, since you’re probably traveling through this book without taking notice of the videos I linked you to
or the tutorial I asked you to learn, no worries, no worries, I’ve thought about this one as well, ‘dis an
experience, you feel me, you can’t break the chain of fun with some tutorial or history video.

I got you bro.

At the end of the book there will be everything you need in chronological order so you can just start
doing them one by one.

What did I tell you?

Didn’t I tell you it was fun time?

(insert fun time picture here)

You know what else is fun?

Fiddling with your cards.

Getting accustomed to them.

Being comfortable having them around

in your hand


in your pocket


on the back of the hand

C’mon. Let’s do that now!

Put the cards on the back of your hand. See how it feels. Does it slip away? Does it fall on the floor? Did
it already fall on the floor? Are you picking cards up right now?

Leave them on the floor.

Just look at them. You’ll see them in that position a lot.

A thing I like to do nowadays is not even pick up cards that have dropped on the ground when in a public
space. I used to JUMP at picking them back up off the floor like I had done some UNHOLY thing.

Fuck dat.

That rush made me feel ashamed of having dropped a card.

Not anymore.

Don’t care and nor should you. As a matter of fact, let’s do a “I don’t care” exercise.

Take a card from your deck and rip it apart. But don’t just tear it in two. THAT’S BOOOORING. Really rip
it. Tear it to shreds like it slept with your best friend and didn’t call you over. Destroy it like it stole your
car and sold it for pennies to your best girlfriend in town without calling you when the surprise




There you go?

Don’t already feel better?

Damn, I sure feel better knowing you did do that.

If you didn’t do it, do yourself a favor and pat yourself on the back. You just have one more card in your
deck than all us other losers.

If you did do it pat yourself on the back. Welcome to the brave gang. You’re one step closer to not giving
a pumpkin butt to dropping cards.

Do not misunderstand me

You should definitely take care of your cards.

It’s not like you should start ripping them all to shreds.

Or should you?
Yes. There is a sub-genre of cardistry created by Shivraj Morzaria where you destroy cards in order to
achieve otherwise impossible feats. Why would you destroy your cards though?

Because you have too many shitty ones.

Because you got cards that look as if they got the plague. I’m not even fucking kidding. Some of the
cards in my house I’m even afraid of touching.

Just yuk.

So, what do you do with those cards?



Also works as a stress-reliever, pain killer, meditative activity and other mumbo-jumbo that you will
realize once you start ripping those cards.

Watch a video of a bunch of Cardestroy ideas here:


Who knows.

Who cares.

You’ve started doing cardistry, that’s what’s important! I mean, take a look at you fiddling with those
cards and picking them off the floor.

You’re probably thinking it’s kinda lonely doing all of this by yourself, no one around to laugh at you
when you fail or to cheer you on when you finally nail that Ghandi Flip Flop.

I gotchu bro.


Or you can hit up REDDIT.

But if you’re not camera shy, then DISCORD


Reddit r/cardistry is a great community for beginners where everyone pats themselves on the back for
being a beginner. The better a video you will publish there the more isolated you will become.
r/cardistry is not for ADVANCED or PROs. It’s for beginners and enthusiasts. So if you want to get a
bunch of videos from people performing their Naoki Fans, their progress with a cut or some other
mumbo-jumbo, reddit is the place.

There’s also people posting really cool stuff there as well. I mean, cool stuff for reddit, obviously. We’re
not comparing reddit-gang to instagram-gang. Discord is something else completely.


Fun, kind and awesome people fill the cardistry discord. We talk, we jam, we have fun, we play scribble.
There’s Birger there as well. Adam. Milo. Jessica The Beautiful. I hop on there. We laugh a lot. Did I say
it’s fun? And it’s for everyone? It is. Don’t double think it. Just join.

Here’s the link to join:


Because being by yourself is cool, but not as fun as hanging out with other people that enjoy doing what
you enjoy doing. And the great thing about cardists is that they have a PERSONAL LIFE as well outside of
cardistry which means you can to them talk about all sort of things.

Did I really have to mention that though?

A community is great. Believe me. I once did not take part in the community. It sucked. Now it doesn’t.
Your hands are your tools. Take good care of them and they will take care of your loved ones.

Not only that, but making sure your hands are in good shape is a must if you want to be able to perform
more and more complex cuts.

If for even a second you think that you can’t perform something because of your small hands or
whatever piece of shit excuse you can find to whine, take a look at these bad ass mothafuckas killing it
with their special type of hands:

Leon Wim – Royal Subconscious :

Lukas Rebele – Cardistry Con Championship 2019 :

If after watching these two blokes overcome their difficulty you still wanna bitch about something, it’s
totally your right to.

We all whine from now and then and complain and go crying in the cardist corner.

It’s ok.

No one will judge you.

Just be sure that when you stand back up you’ll be twice as motivated to become stronger, so the next
obstacle you will face will be twice as big as the previous one.

Now that we got that out of the way, it’s time to learn a two handed cut:

Oun by Duy

Why exactly this cut and not another?

First of all, it’s taught by 2016’s World Champion of Cardistry. Not only that, but it is simple in
technicality, it’s short and you also learn something that is a bit unusual. You’re not just moving packets
around, you’re learning how to use your fingers to grip a card using the small side of the deck and also
how to twist and turn one single packet.

These concepts alone you will be able to take and expand on, which is the most essential part of
c a r d I s t r y .

To have fun with the cuts that you’ve learned.

Learn a cut. Then remix it till it’s unrecognizable.

Remixing is essential because when you’re playing with a cut that you know, you’re opening yourself up
to failure (WHICH IS GREAT!). I urge you to do this from the beginning. From the very first cut.

Place a blanket under your ass, sit down and just fail and fail and fail while remixing something.

The blanket will keep your cards clean and make them easier to pick off the floor.

Sit on a bed actually. Much better.

The more you play with the deck the more comfortable it will seem to you to improvise and allow your
creativity to surge through your fingers. To think with your hands instead than your brain!

You are a creative.

You are creative.

Even if you don’t think this.

You are.

Believe me.

If I say so, then you are.

Now that we both know that, you gotta start having fun with a deck of cards.

Give yourself a 15 minute timer. Take your phone.


And set it for 15 minutes.

Then just start fooling around with the deck.

Put it on the back of your hand and throw it in the air then try to catch it. Spread it on your hand and
throw it in the air then try to catch it. Throw it from hand to hand. Then do it behind the back. Try with
your eyes closed. Try catching a card with your teeth. Try throwing the deck and catching it on your leg.

All these ideas are ideas that exist in the cardistry community and have been done in one way or

I’m not just making you do stupid shit. I’m teaching you early on that it’s important to have fun and
allow yourself to fail A LOT.

It’s the best way to evolve.

Look at kids. They don’t give a fuck and see how fast they learn something?


Mothafuckin Pan.

That’s a magic reference.

There’s this beef in one way or another between cardists and magicians.

Magicians don’t understand the point of cardistry.

Fuck them. Not all magicians. Just those that think that. Pricks with shallow opinions.

Cardists have gotten tired of people asking them to do magic.


Schooling time

Aviv is your father. Aviv is king. Aviv can flourish a mothafucking tornado between his pinkies if he wants
to. Now I want you do take a look at this video and see how Aviv incorporates a magical effect in one of
his flourishes.

Sequence by Aviv :

Here’s a pro that has recognized the potential of using a magical moment inside of a cardistry cut.

Productions are also a magical effect and they are part of cardistry too.

Vanishes have also found their way in the cardistry scene as well!

My point is just because you get tired of people asking you to show them magic that don’t mean you
have to stop yourself from taking elements from magic and evolving your cardistry.

Use everything you have.

Put limits on yourself only when limits are there to help you evolve.

Remove limits when you’ve reached a plateau and see yourself expand beyond belief once those limits
are lifted off your back.

And understand that if someone asks you to do magic for them, they’re asking you this because most
people know about magic while a very small percentage of folks know about cardistry.

You gotta understand them

Love is understanding. Understanding is love.

Spread love not hate players.


Now you pull out your phone and you record yourself?

“Already???? But I haven’t even-“

Let me stop you right there. I didn’t say pull out your d*ck, I said pull out your phone. It’s not that hard.

Something about that sentence just doesn’t make me feel right...

Maybe I should take it out?

(reminder to take the sentence out or make another dick joke)

Recording yourself while practicing a move will speed the learning process TENFOLD.


You’ll be a master by yesterday.

This is my most guarded secret

not guarded at all

It’s the way in which I have created most of my life.

Turned on the camera and said, “Well, if the camera’s on then I must have an idea, right?” Even though I
didn’t have donky ass.

You do have a donkey ass though.

You don’t know that. I’ve only seen my ass in the mirror and pictures. It doesn’t count.

a s I w a s s a y I n g

Turning on the camera will motivate you to give it your best.

You’ll give it your best every time you delete the recording because it’s already been 3 minutes long and
you haven’t deleted all the porn from your phone so you don’t have that much space.

And when you give it your best the next time you’ll already have become better.

The next best thing you can do is watch your recording WITHOUT judging yourself. You watch your
performance to see how you can make it look better.

And take it one step at a time. If something can look better at the beginning, update that in your next
performance and then move on to other improvements.

But camera must be on at all times when you are practicing!


For the first 2 weeks of your training.

This applies to any move any time or any training any time.

If you want to speed the learning process and become a G O D at mastering a move then record
yourself every time.

Then you can make a channel where you gather everybody’s videos and show beginners that you can
have fun while improving.

Next thing you know we’re putting together the 4 Hour Cardist along with Tim Ferris.

I love that guy.

Did you know there’s cardistry in The Four Hour Chef? Alejandro Portela put a move in there.

Love it when people make cardistry more accessible to other folks out there.

Shout out to theCuso.


Good question beginner.

theCuso is not “a” something, theCuso is THE youtube channel/website that fkn started it all. It was
where people went for quality videos from professional cardists. If you were showcased on theCuso you
were hot shit. I only caught 1 year of the website before it went down. Bummer.

Their channel is still up and still has all the videos that inspired so many cardists around.

Link here:


Just watch the video and then go to the main channel.

This particular video from Dimitri Arleri really showed everyone that you could push the artform much
further than people were pushing it. From an aesthetic point of view Dimitri fkn nailed the bangers, the
mood, the flow and style (along with being a pretty fkn flacko).


I appreciate beauty from all.

I don’t make mom jokes, but a mom joke would really fit in here.

Go surf theCuso videos. They’re worth it.


I recently had a Cardistry Game match with big bro Stan on instagram.


- The game deck is shuffled.

- A card is turned face up. Let’s say it is a One Handed Cut

- Players take turns performing different One Handed Cuts.

- You may repeat your opponent’s moves but you cannot repeat your own moves. This rule in particular
is of very great importance for this page that you are reading now.

- If you fail a cut you remove 4 cards from the deck you’re performing with.

- If you don’t know what else to perform, you lose this round, the other player takes the card and
receives 1 winning point and a new game card is placed face up (Display, Interlock, whatever)

- The first player to reach a certain amount of points (decided by the two players) wins.


Now here’s the beautiful thing about cardistry.

And I already knew this before playing with Stan, but big bro Stan fkn nailed it during the duel we had.


Big bro Stan was copying my moves one after the other. It was either because he forgot that he knew
that cut or because the cuts that I was doing were in his skill range of being able to learn them just by
viewing them once.

Now, take a break and process that.


You’re back? Good.

a r e

y o u

f u c k i n g

k i d d i n g

m e
Do you realize just how fucking awesome that is? To have the power to be able to copy someone on the

The other day I had a match with Wesley from WHDECKS and his friend Gian on Instagram and we
played a game where we were attacking each other. One of the rules was that if you could perform the
move that your opponent is performing then you can block their attack.

Many a time Wesley and Gian had never seen before the cut that I did but still they had a go at it.
Maybe they didn’t get it every time, but they sought it to be possible to copy on the spot! Even though
they had never even thought about copying someone’s move like that.

Not only cardistry but life is like that, reader.

If you never think about it you might never discover that you are good at something.

I taught a friend of mine to throw a card. He had never thrown a card before in his life. In 2 days he
discovered that he fkn loves throwing cards. Not only did he love it but he was even better than me at
doing it (I’m not that good either way). What surprised me was that even though he was not a magician
or a cardist or a card enthusiast for the matter, he started getting creative with it. He developed new
throwing techniques and even taught ME afterwards how to throw faster and further. He can throw a
card almost on top of a building and has a very precise target.

Just saying.

Playing is important not only because you will evolve meanwhile or because you will have fun and what
so not. Playing is important because through play you discover things you otherwise would have never
discovered about yourself, about the activity in which you involve yourself and about life.

Be open. Play. Fool around. Try the impossible.

And the Goddess of Cardistry will be with you.


Noel Heath and I ( I never refer to him by his full name hahaha so weird ) were having a conversation on
his couch in 2018 about what his creative process is. The one thing that stuck with me (besides his face)
was this phrase, “Maximize it.”.

He put it simply. Try to achieve the impossible and when you get to a point with an idea that it seems
just ridiculous for someone to be able to pull that off, tune it down just a notch and stop there.

Create a flourish.

Then maximize it.

Push it further. Add a packet. Change grip somewhere. Clip a card. Include an aerial. These are good
ideas for the beginning. When I told them to Noel he said,

“Yeah, it’s fine, but I wasn’t referring to making it more complex. I was saying you should push the
boundaries of the flourish.“

Noel was definitely referring to the WOW element all of his moves have. When a move doesn’t have a
WOW factor in it, something around which the flourish spins around, a pillar that stands as great as the
Greek Architect Buildings, then you have yourself an OK flourish.

And then you maximize it.

Let’s take an example.

Erdanse Go Around.

Simple to do. Simple to nail.

Do it in both hands. A bit challenging now.

Throw 2 packets in the air one after the other. Now we’re getting somewhere.

Throw one and catch it on your hat (#Birger-Idea). Now we see some maximizing. Because this right here
opens doors to other ideas. You can then flip the packet tipping your hat for example.

Erdnase Go Around 3 Packet Juggling. Now we’re seeing difficulty for sure. But is this maximizing or is it
just impressive due to the difficulty?


This is something you realize once you learn a couple of them.

The WOW factor doesn’t have to lean on the complexity of the move. Sometimes a really simple idea
makes you go WAAAAAW more than a very complex one. Or at least it’s a different type of WOW from
somewhere deep within your heart instead of your mind.
Complex moves make you appreciate the other with your mind. You imagine just how much the person
has practiced to nail that.

WOW-moves make you appreciate the other with your heart and soul. The idea is what impresses you
more than the technicality of it. Sometimes you’ll even overlook the performance if the idea is that good.
Great example of this is Luis Mecalco’s 2018 Cardistry Con Championship Video.

why should you care?

Because you’re a beginner and society is going to make you think that you cannot achieve WOW things
until you don’t achieve a certain skill level. And this is

Take a look at David Shriggley for example. He draws as if his foot whom just escaped from the asylum is
doing all the artwork. Successful as fuck though due to his ideas and how he presents them through his
shitty ass drawings.

When I started doing analog photography the person from whom I bought the camera (who also prints
my pictures) told me that I need to learn this and that about lighting, that I should download an app,
that I gotta practice first with a digital camera.

Fuck that.

Finished the first film of roll so fast I was back for seconds. The guy knew I didn’t follow his advice. When
I came back to get the printed photos he noticed there’s a couple of really great photos in there. And
holy fuck there really was! Magical moments which definitely would have escaped my grip if I would’ve
measured the ISO and contrast and whatever of the surrounding before taking the picture.

Don’t let other people tell you what you can and can’t do when you’re a beginner. Only listen to those
that make you believe in the impossible achieved through having fun, perseverance and dedication.

And eat your veggies kids. Shit, they so tasty.


So what?

Your parents are entitled to think whatever they want, don’t you think so? Just as you are entitled to
think whatever you want of this book.

That don’t change rat’s ass about how I’m writing it or what I am doing.

“One should never judge another for having a reaction or feeling something towards something.”

– Abrahamly Zincolny.

What people think is important. Don’t gimme that shit with what everybody else thinks is not important.
Of course it is. But that phrase is incomplete (like every other Facebook quote, as I call them).

What YOU think is most important. If we are insecure about our actions we will tend to think that other
people are unsecure about our actions (when in fact they haven’t even thought stuff that far).

My parent’s always thought (my dad still does think this even after all the projects) that what I do with
cards is a waste of time. It’s nice and all, but it’s not a REAL job.

Hey. Yes, you. You, the parent that says that even when your child is dedicated.

This my middle finger.

Look at it.

I earned my confidence early on at 15 and I have been carrying it with me ever since. What people think
of what I do is of very little importance. I will always be able to find an audience as long as I believe in
myself. And the opinion of those people that follow me matters, but not enough to make me guide my
actions after their opinions.

Your parents are no different.

The problem is when you’re not satisfied with your own skill.

Now there’s a real problem.

That’s the type of shit that will leave you depressed, burned out or unmotivated as fuck.

You expect of yourself too much in a small amount of time.

Be like me.

I have trained myself to love everything that I do. This doesn’t stop me from being critical or wanting
more, but I enjoy the end product however it is.
The problem with me is BOREDOM. If I get BORED of something and I’m LAZY or don’t make TIME to
learn something new in exchange, when I perform for someone the 11112312nd time the same dog
damn move, that really puts me off. I’ve even gone as far as avoiding people just because I didn’t want
to perform the same shit all over again.

Ahhhh, I love writing like this.

I can talk about whatever I want and it all makes sense as long as I go back to my main point of view.

As a beginner you’re NOT ENTITLED to be critical with yourself.

You haven’t earned THE RIGHT to be critical with yourself.

Sit in your chair and have fun. That’s the one thing that you are entitled to do.

When you get to the point that people expect from you top quality material, yeah, of course, you don’t
want to let people down so you’re going to be critical with yourself.

But you yourself in the room no one around and you’re critical with yourself?

You missing a couple?

Do yourself a favor and set aside all ideas of being a professional.

AT THE SAME TIME do yourself another favor and don’t aim very low.

“Ohh, but I just want to learn a couple of simple cuts.”

There’s nothing wrong about that, but please for the love of God don’t go around learning the same old
shit Charlier fucking rats ass Revolution pip-squeez Sybil type of boredom that every card enthusiast has
wasted their time learning.

“HOW DARE YOU? Those are all classic and great moves!”

I agree, they are. But if you’re here for a short period of time you might as well learn Ghandi’s Flip Flop,
Spring and Waterwheel so when you show your friends what you’ve learned they won’t go,

Ohh, sweet.

They’ll go,


And that’s what I call quality time invested, don’t you agree?


That’s what I’m saying. Now go back to Ghandi’s Flip Flop and actually learn it, you slack ass.

“People renounce the one thing that they actually have – what makes them unique.” – 50 Cent

Don’t fall in that trap.

Don’t go around copying everyone.

But I’m not a creative.

I understand that.

But you are unique aren’t you?

I AM BOT4335

Bot, I told you not to highjack my book. Piss off.


Hy. My name’s Vasile.

Hy Vasile. Are you unique.

Yes, I like to think so.

Vasile, are you unique or are you not?

I am.


Be it a small twist, a sound effect, a weird grip – whatever you find funny, quirky, particular to you, fun
to do, amusing or entertaining, do it. DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!!!

Do it while you’re learning the cut.

Don’t just be a passenger in your own body. Take the lead and express yourself even if just a little.

An exercise to do when learning something:

1. Watch the video and keep in your mind in the background, ‘I like this cut.’
2. Watch the video again and keep in your mind, ‘I like this cut, but I want to change it a bit.’

Program yourself from the beginning to express yourself.

Set it out there.

But I’m lazy. I just want to learn something simple and that’s it.
If that’s you, do yourself a favor and don’t ever give advice to anyone out there. I don’t think everyone
has it in them to be ambitious or to excel at something, but I also don’t believe not even for a bit that
people shouldn’t take time and express themselves in what they do. It’d be just a waste of their

The last thing this world needs is more people being ok with being mediocre.

Understand, being mediocre is a state of mind. It has nothing to do with your skill level. Being mediocre
means saying, “It’s ok like that as well.” means begin indifferent towards your own time and resources,
it means not giving a fuck about what makes you different than other. Being mediocre is not cool. You
ain’t gonna get any bitches with that mentality.

Being mediocre is what bully losers in high school do.

Not even a plant is mediocre. If nature would be mediocre it would fkn collapse in a day.

“If you would want to torture someone, would you kill them? Would you just shoot them in the head?
No. You would keep them half alive.” – Satma Guru

That’s what mediocre people do. They half ass everything. They don’t respect themselves enough to
take the time to create an experience for themselves. They keep themselves half alive throughout the
day. Self-torture.

Don’t self-torture yourself lads. Life is beautiful. Ain’t nobody gonna pity you for self-torturing yourself.

And, now that I have finished the rant, I ask you:

How do you know you’re being mediocre?

You got 30 minutes to spare and you decide to practice a move.

1. You sit down in front of your computer and watch a movie while you practice.
2. You sit seriously in front of a mirror and practice.
3. You record yourself, rewatch and practice.
4. You talk with your girl on the phone and practice.

Which one of these 4 situations is a sign of being mediocre?

Take a moment and think.

I won’t rush you.

Next page.

That’s where the answer is.

Some of you will probably get the right answer, which is:
That the question I asked is incomplete. The right answer can only come when we have ourselves in
mind. What fits for someone’s personality does not fit for another. That’s what being unique is. You
check yourself and then choose the appropriate set of actions to better yourself. You don’t just copy
someone else’s behavior.

The problem is when you think that you have to practice in a certain way because that’s your image of
what being serious or professional is.


The best way to practice is YOUR way to practice.

During my 365 Hours of Magic project I would turn the camera on without even having an idea what it is
I wanted to record for the day. I knew I had to come up with something new and that it had to look good,
but I still didn’t know what. Soon enough I found an idea, I would practice it in front of the camera until
it looked great and then I would improve it, finish and edit it.

A lot of the folks that I had met throughout time had thought that I practice 8 hours every day. They
were shocked to find out that my practicing time was so scarce that it felt that I was blessed by some
god with the ability to learn moves in a very small amount of time.


What I did was follow my heart and instinct. For myself that was the best set of actions in order to
better myself. I listened to myself, did not judge what I was doing, was not critical of the creative
process, but was instead critical of the quality of the performance.

Two very different things.

People become critical of themselves while they are practicing or creating. Why? Just why? Why do you
do that? Why do you slow yourself down like that?

Pause the critical mind.

You do this by embracing the idiot from inside.

The idiot is the voice that tells you to do things for fun. Weird stupid things. Ideas you would usually say,
“Now that’s silly.”. Embrace your idiot, my friend. It is through your idiot that you will find a lot of things
about yourself.

I call it the idiot, but in fact it is your subconscious voice without filter.

Now don’t go around doing dangerous things like jumping out the window or stuff. We’re rational
beings here. Suicidal is not cool. Dangerous is cool as long as you trust yourself and do it out of instinct
and not because you want to prove something. Be safe. Be smart. Embrace the idiot.
Ahhhh, I kinda avoid talking about intuition or what makes us humans unique because the conversation
can span a lot. I think you got the idea. You’re smart. I mean, you must be since you read this far.


I must agree with you.

Too many words make the soul heavier.

It’s time to get going. LEARN SOMETHING.

I want you to create a horrible cut.

What? You don’t even know the basics yet you’re supposed to create a cut?


That’s what I said. Create a cut.

Look at the deck. Split it in 2 or 3 or 6. And tell yourself where you want each packet to go.

If you don’t want to be your own boss, Technique Playing Cards will do that for you instead. Check the
deck out. It’s great for any cardists out there. It’s got there colors on the side. You pick a color and
always place your finger on that color on the following cards. Easy peasy.


Create a cut.

Make it simple. Short.

Get it down.

Forget about it for a week.

Get back to it afterwards and maximize it. Just a bit.

Then forget about it for a month.

Repeat the process and record your move.

This move will carry within it your evolution in cardistry.

Just like a tree this move will grow together with you.

Similar to illustrators doing the same drawing at a one year difference.

Well, you don’t need to wait an year if you’re a beginner. Your evolution can be so much more
expansive if you get back to it more often.
Every time you come back to the move, what you’ve been learning meanwhile, reading, living will find
itself inside your creative process. And what you’ll get will be a badass move. Badass just like you.


There are a couple of books out there on Cardistry Philosophy and the Creative process. Actually there
are 2. Both by Frenchmen. The French. They fkn have it in them to philosophize, you feel me.

Hold my brain while I am shuffling by Dimitri Arleri:

Exploded Process by Mathieu Beaudouin:

These books tackle the creative process from very different points of view. One is from an engineers
point of view (Exploded Process) and the other is from Dimitri.

Love you Dimi.

I advice you to read them.

If you won’t, suit yourself. I haven’t read them either. But I keep wanting to.

Since I haven’t found the right moment to invest in those books and didn’t see myself pirating them, I’ve
searched all I could find about the books on reddit. You should too to get an idea of what you’ll find
inside. Mathieu also had a Cardistry Con power point presentation. Youtube that shit. Is good.

Haven’t watched that one either, but I heard it’s good. Don’t be like me. Watch good shit. Don’t be lazy.

What else can you do outside reading books?

Steal Like a Cardist Blog by Kevin Ho:

Read that shit. It’s good.

Kevin has very insightful information to share not only with cardists, but with artists and humans.

Humans much more rarely.

But you’re not a human if you’ve read this far.

You an aRt is t

So the blog will be to your liking.

Another thing you could do is watch this video and learn about how CardistryTouch along with Mathieu
and Ryoma (shoutout to Ryoma the Structure God) have created a system to write cardistry moves
(similar to musical sheets). It’s the type of shit you watch and go, “Wow. That’s complex. I’ll never do
that. It looks hard.”.

CGN: Musical Sheet for Cardistry:

Don’t be that guy.

Everybody else is apparently that guy as they haven’t given the theory a rat’s ass of attention, dismissing
it as interesting and shelving it as too much for them.

A big part of the community is a kid.

Now, don’t misunderstand that. The majority of practitioners of cardistry are under 18, but I wasn’t
talking about their age when I called almost everyone a kid.

I’m talking to the fact that they are immature regarding evolving the art and investing in ideas that push
the boundaries. This is one of those ideas. Take a look at this shit I made. Took me 45 minutes. Wanted
to be extra sure that it was correct.
Making this was not only a lot of fun, but it made my fucking brain work.

That shit rare in cardistry. Doing something which challenges you mentally instead of physically.

Outside of the creative process you most likely won’t find something 100% unique to cardistry.

This CGN writing system is 100% unique to cardistry.

Just that in itself sets cardistry apart from card magic, juggling and all other skill based hobbies.

GUYS and GIRLS we have a system in which we can fucking write cardistry.

That is something.

So do yourself a favor and learn this.

Have fun with it and push the artform forward.

Be a child, don’t be a kid.

Kids kid.

Children have limitless fun.

Be a child

Vote Biz for President of Cardistry


So, you like the artform but you don’t see yourself becoming a pro or investing a lot of time in learning
cuts and what so not.

Perfect. You’ve found what you don’t like and don’t want. Now it’s time to find what you like and want
to do.

When I started cardistry I began by interviewing famous cardists. The Dynamite Crew from which Oliver,
Nikolaj and Tobias came. Aviv Moraly. Daniel. Important figures of the cardistry world or up and coming

It was around this time that I gave an interview that was about to change what I thought about projects.

It was after this interview with Daniel, the founder of, a website that did a great deal for
the community, that I realized I was taking myself too seriously.

Enjoy what you are about to read.


Could you tell me a little about the people who have created "Kardistry" and how did you
guys come together to create this site? Who's idea was it?

I believe that George Lucas first came about the concept for the site but was busy working on
Indiana Jones with Steven Spielberg, because of his commitment to writing the movie he asked
Jobs to finish up on the design.

How did every member participate in creating the website?

It began with the forging of the Great Decks. Three were given to Cheaterscheater; the coolest,
freshest and renowned of all websites. Seven, to Dan and Dave, great flourishers and releasers of
card products. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the users of Decknique, who above all else
desired to be the coolest. For within these decks was bound the skills and moves to own at card
manipulation but they were deceived, for a new deck was made. In the land of Cincinnati Ohio,
in the walls of the Ulman castle, the Dark Lord of Handlords forged in secret, a master Deck, to
hate on all others. And into this ring he poured all his hatred for cardistry, his malice for spelling
extreme with an X and his will to dominate all card life. One deck to rule them all. Card by card,
the free people of Cardistry fell to the power of the Deck. But there were some who resisted. A
last alliance of Decknique users and banned XCM tournament members marched against the
armies of Handlordz , and on the very slopes of Ulman Germany, they fought for the freedom of
Cardistry. Victory was near, but the power of the deck could not be undone. It was in this
moment, when all hope had faded, that Decknique closed and theory11 was created. And
Handlordz, enemy of the free peoples of Cardistry, was defeated. The deck passed onto
Theory11, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever, but the hearts of Cardists are easily
corrupted and the ring of power has a will of its own. And some things that should not have been
forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. Months later United Cardists
opened, during this time thecuso rained humble king of the card world and one random day for
no particular reason some guy no one has heard of launched Kardistry.

Did you encounter any problems along the way?

There was when Lucas realised that he had registered the domain incorrectly by spelling
Cardistry with a K, that was when the project went on hold. Both Lucas and Jobs agreed that
using a domain with .com was the only option unless they wanted to be hated on by the members
of United Cardists forums. It was only after advice from long time friend and collaborator John
Malkovich that they realised the website was for the same community that thought extreme
started with an X. In the end a preposterous story was created about how the word Kardistry was
actually the European translation of Cardistry. United Cardists saw straight through this and it
was still hated on.

How did you arrive at the name "Kardistry"? Were there any other prototype names
besides this one?

I think the above is a sufficient answer. However, we did first flip a coin between ''
(misspelt as Kardistry) and ''.

At some time in the past I have seen that you guys asked help from the members to donate
some money for the purpose of creating a forum. How is the forum coming along? Any
possible release date? (possibly a pic of the forum board;that would be great)

Awkward, well to be honest by forum we meant website, and by website we meant our team and
by our team we meant strippers. And yes we do have pictures but they are not safe for work.

Who is in charge of selecting the videos and posting them on K? Approximately, how many
submissions do you get every week?

No one at Kardistry is in charge, our philosophy is complete anarchy. Videos are featured by
chance or perhaps fate, the same way a million monkeys on typewriters write the dialogue for
Michael Bay movies.

Regarding CDM11. How did this badass idea come ? Can you tell me when the flourishers
which will participate in the CDM be selected? I think we all assume that for such a
tournament there must be a kick-ass prize. Can you like just give me a little tiny info on the

We are actually just ripping off another well known Cardistry website that hates to use the term
Cardistry. I can’t tell you nothing more, I have told you too much already. However, you can
assume you win a unicorn if it makes you happy.

The profile idea is really great. Any new artists for the future who will get one?

Thanks, we have been working hard on a profile for Motorhead.

For the future, does Kardistry have any other projects or contests?

No, we are actually considering focusing less on cards and moving into organ donation and real

Also, I have been checking Vultured as well. It's a great idea for a site. Lots of amazing
videos. Won't ask you much about this, but can you tell me a little about the creation of
"V" and how the idea came around?

Vultured is Kardistry's dirty secret. Don't ever bring them up in the same interview again, ever.

Thank you a lot for taking this interview. Just one last question. What do you think about

No problem at all Jeff. I have to say though, that sounds a little too much like another popular
cardists trademark final interview question, but to answer your question, yes I love thecuso.

Thanks again,

Thank you Daniel.

Thank you.

That was the moment (besides other ones) when I realized why I love making projects.

It’s through projects that moments like this one can happen. By talking with people and gathering them
unto a collaborative project.

Throughout time I have tried all sorts of projects. Gathering tutorials from cardists, articles, videos,
interviews, texts, pictures – you name it. People know me for this and I love doing it.

And I urge you to do it as well.

Find a project from early on.

Try learning a new flourish each day.

Write a poem about cardistry every week.

DO SOMETHING, but do it with soul.

And have fun.

What’s nice about the community is that it is open to helping out and participating in projects.
As long as you do most of the heavy lifting and enjoy it, you will make friends, form connections and
beyond it all, evolve, learn and become a better human being in the process.

Projects are the shit.

Don’t do drugs, kids.

Do projects.

If you don’t know what to do, it’s because you haven’t even given it some time.

Ideas need time to incubate and come about. Give yourself time, love and a bit of patience and you will
find an idea.

That’s horrible advice for some people.

Depending on your personality I would give you this advice as well:

Do the first idea that you have and don’t double think it. Chances are whatever idea you find will turn
out in a shitty way, anyway. The important thing is to actually DO IT.

I, honestly, have never thought any of my projects to be shitty. But, like I said, a lot of people are too
critical with themselves early on. Don’t do that and you will leave a happy artist/human life. Leave being
critical for later.

Either way, do something.

Involving yourself in a project will push your body, mind and heart every day to work and evolve the
project. Not having a project makes you lethargic.

Don’t be lethargic.

Vegetables are lethargic.

And vegetables are cool.

You’re not cool yet.

You still have to start having fun to become a cool kid.

Once you renounce your adult mindset and strip yourself of purposeless limits and excuses, you will be
on your path to become a cool vegetable.

Once you’re a cool vegetable you’ll realize being a vegetable is not cool at all and being a fruit is actually
even better! And then your projects will start bearing fruit as you devote yourself to them.

Only then will you have gain the capacity to be both a vegetable and a fruit and to switch between these
two states as it best fits your evolution.
The problem with most people is that they are lazy not because they want to but because they don’t
feel like doing something, don’t feel like investing any effort in something or WORSE have become
habituated to hiding behind this excuse.

Don’t be that type of person.

Own it.

Be lazy when you want to be lazy.

Be productive when you want to be productive.

And it is then, when you respect both that you will be able to dedicate yourself fully at the task at hand
and not switch between being productive and lazy so chaotically.

Learning how to be focused through accepting your emotions is a very healthy way of not being too
critical of yourself.

“When we play we play. When we work we work.” – My Dad

Much love to my dad and his philosophies. Truly golden. It’s only by respecting your work time that
when you start playing you really REALLY play. And then you give both your full attention.

This don’t mean that you can’t have fun while working. That’s the thing. Enjoying what you do is the first
step towards becoming better at it. And as you enjoy doing something it becomes more fun and you
allow yourself to play with it which opens doors to innovation and inspiration.

There’s a fine line between mockery and playfulness. Try both and see where your line is.

Here’s the thing. I’ve given you the basics. It’s up to you what you learn.

But I want to know WHAT to learn



Here’s a selection of a couple of cuts that I believe are worth your time:

Pincho by Oliver Sogard:

That’s it.

what the fuck man

Dude, just learn Pincho and everything will make sense.




Learn concepts.

could’ve just said that you asshole

Shuttup. Listen.

If you want to invest your time into something useful invest it in moves that can be used in a variety of
different ways. These are concepts. Most of the time they’re very short and quite easy to pick up. Other
times they’re more difficult (Piano Cuts by Andrew), but still doable and worthwhile.

These concepts once learned will naturally change and evolve in your hands, because that’s just their
nature. Learning concepts is the shit. Learn concepts.

can you give us –

Another concept? For sure.

“I don’t know why cardists don’t learn Top Shot. It’s such a cool move to use at the beginning of a
combo. A card just appears out of nowhere!” – Linus Schmidt.

Learn Top Shot. Find it on youtube. Don’t be like me. I don’t know how to do Top Shot. Be better than
me. Outsmart me. Take all my philosophy and use it to surpass me. Be smart. Learn concepts.

What now?

You got chops.

You know cuts.

You can do “Anaconda” by Bone Ho.

What now?

You feel like there’s more but don’t know what and how to get there.

You’ve hit a plateau.

You feel satisfied and unsatisfied at the same time.

What now?

You’ve done enough?

You have.

You’ve done projects?

You have.

You reached some sort of fame?

You have.

So, what next?

Is this is? Is there nothing more?

There is not.

That is it.

So now you’re advanced?

How did you get here?

You don’t know?

What is your secret?

You don’t have an answer?

Weren’t you stuck at intermediate?

I was but I found my way.

Good. Good. Now you’re advanced.


Do you need my advice?

Not really.

How about some really cool video ideas?

My videos are cool. I got my own ideas.

I see. I see. Then... I’ll get on my way.

You do.

Much love.

Good day.
Hey man, wassap?

You know. As always.

A real pleasure to have you here!

The pleasure is all mine!

Would you like for me to give you some ideas?

For sure.

How come?

Ideas are always welcomed.

But what if they’re bad?

I’ll take from them what I think is good for me and leave the rest out.

That’s smart. I like that.

Do you think there’s nothing more to learn?

You never stop evolving. There’s always room for improvement.

What about room for innovation?


Hell yeah!

Well, I wanna begin this discussion by saying that I love you and hate you at the same time.

Ok. Appreciate the honesty.

I love you for what you do and hate you for what you don’t do more.

And what don’t I do more?

Well, first of all, creative performance videos. Don’t get me wrong, the videos you make are TOP
QUALITY and the flourishes you perform are SOME OF THE BEST. It’s just... you know

It’s boring?

Nononono. Not at all. It’s just that... it’s kind of expected.


Yeah. You know. Very predictable.

I watch one of your videos and I already know what I am going to see. I know what is going to surprise
me. I already know how it will make me feel.

I get it. You want something unpredictable.

I want something a bit more ambitious.

Like, for example?

Can I?


Can I really show you what I mean by ambitious?

Ideas are always welcomed!

YEEEEEEEEE. My fucking moment.

I have prepared quite a lot of scripts for more ambitious cardistry videos. These can be achieved through
animation, CGI or props – basically you either need a bit of a budget, true passion or fire in the soul.

And a team.

Yes yes yes. Definitely.

You can even achieve these ideas without any cash. As long as you have a team of passionate artists and
cardists involved.

You’ve made me curious. Show me.

Well, let’s not waste any more time.

Here they are!

The Mirror

A mirror shop.

A normal person walks in front of different mirrors only to discover himself to be holding
different object in each one. He is holding a pen in one mirror and we see him spinning it,
manipulating it in different ways. As he walks from mirror to mirror, the individual watches
himself manipulate objects in ways he has never deemed possible.

The sequence shows both the person in reality and the one in the mirror (but not all of the
time). Better to show snippets of both and through cinema to make it clear that it is the mirror
we are watching when there are performances.

Then you get to the cardistry mirror.

You can make this very funny by showing the person from the mirror first and then showing
how the one from reality is actually moving.

Or you can take this down the serious road and when we see the person in reality he really is
performing cardistry moves but without any deck in his hand. Air-Cardistry.

The shop owner asks him if he wants to buy a mirror. The character looks at the owner, then
back at the mirror.

During the credits scene (which roll down on the right) we see the individual sitting on a chair
and practicing in front of the mirror, but he got cards in his hands. The person in the reflection
of the mirror is the one with no cards in his hands. Like this, the watcher has been transported
on the other side of the mirror by the end of the video.
The Cardistry Vending Machine

Made out of card-board, this box can hold up to a person inside and provide enough space to
live within for a period of 1-2 hours.

Situated on the street, the purpose of the box is to intrigue those who wonder past it. By
getting close, the passer-by will have the opportunity to summon, for free, two hands which
will demonstrate for them what a flourish is. If he or she wants to see more, the button may be
pressed as many times as thy wants, every time two hands popping out from a flap and
performing for them a move.

The PM I sent "____" before Cardistry Con 2014

(name taken out)
Step up your thought. Think inside the box. Cardistry should be limited by infinity and beyond

You know those boxes where people go and place their face so they can take a picture wearing
someone else's body? Apply the same principle to Cardistry, but instead of the face being cut
out, you cut out the hands, and cardists can go there and perform as someone else, as some
other cardist. Install this at a Cardistry Con and you can make some funny videos.

Now, if they wish to see something from the ‘Menu’ of the Vending Machine showcased on the
front of the box, they will have to insert some coins.

Make some personalized Cardistry Con coins out of cardboard and give them in the sweet bag
at the beginning !

If they want the person to come out of the box and perform, that's a different price.

The box looks neat from afar - artsy really, and is designed by pieces, so it can be easily be
transported and built whenever.

This can either be a video or something for real at a convention.

Just saying.
Cardistry Heals
Concept: You can heal with flourishes.

So, if you get a scratch for example, you can pick up the deck and perform "Phobos Deimos"
and you heal your wound. The more advanced a flourish is, the bigger the wound it can heal.

Template: The Shaman

A boy and a girl seek the local shaman of a village in search of spiritual healing. The shaman
welcomes the boy in his hut and tells him to lie on his back. He then proceeds to take out a
deck of cards.

"This deck will allow you to visualize your spiritual demons."

Cardistry moves are shown in parallel with visuals and 1-2 cuts of the boy entering a trance.

"This other deck will give you the power to overcome your spirits." The shaman takes out a
different deck of cards.

Cardistry moves are shown in parallel with visuals. The boy is healed.


You can take this template and apply it to a family doctor session, a psychotherapy session, an
acupuncture session – you name it.


Every time Timmy hurts himself at soccer, the other classmates see him going in the bushes and
coming out only after a few seconds, more alive than before.

After the 3rd time this happens, Timmy appears to have gotten a serious injury (it looks like a
broken leg). Everyone sees the kid shuffle heavily towards the bushes.

The players look at each other and agree to see what's happening. They move onto the place
and hear sounds coming from behind the grass. A boy motions "masturbation". The others
laugh silently. "Yo, Timmy, what you doin' in there."

The bushes are parted to discover the kid flourishing over his broken leg.

Fade to black on the petrified faces of the other team mates.

Deck Drug Dealer

Plato is not your regular drug dealer and what he deals is not your regular drug.


The slums. You can almost see the stink in the air. BALE, 19, a skinny boy, is puffin a cig.
In big contrast with his surroundings, the kid is calm and smiling.

We see PLATO, 25, toothpick in his mouth, waltzing between garbage bags and rats.

singing an unknown tune.
These nights, they never know me.
These nights, always above me.

CLOSE UP on BALE’s feet rushing towards PLATO and stepping into puddles. Cut back
and forth between his eyes, the surrounding, the saliva around his lips and the streets to
create an atmosphere of panic.

Camera on Plato. The sound of Bale's steps gets louder and louder. Plato sees Bale.

Hey man.
smiling and tilting his head up towards Bale.
grabbing Plato by the throat.
Why haven't you been answering my calls?

Plato takes his toothpick away from his mouth. Doesn't smile anymore.
I'm here now.

Bale checks himself. Lets go of Plato.

You'll have to excuse me. I haven't gotten my hit since yesterday.

Come with me. I got exactly what you need.

The two walk between the building and fade into the darkness. We can hear Bale’s hard
breathing fade out in the background.


The two crouch under a light to get a better look at the goods. Plato pulls out a MINT
deck of cards, a NOC and a Bicycle Rider Back.

What are these?

This some new shit I got right now. Thought you might be interested.

With a swift bitch slab, Bale knocks down the decks on the floor.

Well, can't sell them anymore now, can I?

Bale is agitated. ZOOM IN on his lips as he licks and bites them.

I don't need magician decks! You know I've build up a resistance and can't use those
anymore. I want those Cardists decks, man. THOSE CARDIST DECKS!

Plato looks left and right then holds up one finger.

Ok. But, I can only give you one.

Plato takes from his bag a deck of Blue Fontaines, Purple A1's, Dealer's Grip Brush and
RO Swag Playing Cards.

Bale's eye light up the sky. We can hear a crow in the background.

Possible Endings
- The guy takes one of the decks and starts flourishing with it, finally getting his hit
(Cardist Ending).

- The guy takes one of the decks, runs towards his home, closes the door and turns the
light on to reveal a room stock full to the ceiling with decks. He places the deck in some
random place, finally getting his hit (Card Collector Ending).

The kid dealer takes the deck from inside the card case and begins teaching the deck-
junkie a new move in order for him to get his hit (Cardist Tutorial Ending).
Cardistry Gym


A place where cardists come to strengthen their hand muscles through different card flourishes.


In one corner you have individuals performing sets of the "Twirl" Flourish and counting out loud,
"97, 98, 99, 100!"

"L" Cuts performed while doing sit ups.

Punching the sand bag with one hand and performing "Piano Cuts" with the other.

We see somebody doing weightlifting but the weight is made out of card decks stuck to each

Plot Idea

Someone is walking down the street, playing "Pokemon GO". The guy starts walking to where
the rare pokemon is. Walks up a flight of stairs. Opens a door. And starts walking through the
Cardistry Gym without paying any sort of attention to what is happening around him. When
he's about to catch the pokemon, the buffed cardists pay attention to him and his challenge.
Finally, the guy catches the pokemon and everyone is happy for him. By the time the kid notices
he is in a gym, the Cardistry Gym appears to be like any other gym out there. CAMERA FILMS
FROM ABOVE, CLOSE TO THE CEILING. The kid says goodbye to the fellows and walks out the
door. We see the gym resume his cardistry gym exercises.
The Index I promised you at the end of the book you beautiful mofos


History of Cardistry:

What is a move:

Styles of Cardistry 1 :

Styles of Cardistry 2:

Classic Moves:

Modern Classics of Cardistry:


Ghandi’s Flip Flop by Daniel Lin:

Oun by Duy

Pincho by Oliver Sogard:


Sequence by Aviv :

Opera by Dimitri Arleri :

Learn Cardistry With This Deck

Technique Playing Cards:


Hold my brain while I am shuffling by Dimitri Arleri:

Exploded Process by Mathieu Beaudouin:


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