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HV-100XG: Visual Presenter

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Please read this instruction manual carefully before using this Visual Presenter and
keep it for future reference.
Read Instructions – All the recommended by the
safety and operating instructions manufacturer, or sold with the
should be read before the product. Any mounting of the
appliance is operated. product should follow the
manufacturer's instructions, and
Retain Instructions – The should use a mounting accessory
safety and operating instructions recommended by the
should be retained for future manufacturer.
Ventilation – Slots and
Heed Warnings – All warnings openings in the cabinet are
on the product and in the provided for ventilation and to
operating instructions should be ensure reliable operation of the
adhered to. product and to protect it from
overheating, and these openings
Follow Instructions – All must not be blocked or covered.
operating and use instructions The openings should never be
should be followed. blocked by placing the product on
a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar
Cleaning – Unplug this
surface. This product should not
product from the wall outlet
be placed in a built-in installation
before cleaning. Do not use
such as a bookcase or rack unless
liquid cleaners or aerosol
proper ventilation is provided or
cleaners. Use a damp cloth for
the manufacturer's instructions
have been adhered to.
Attachments – Do not use
Power Sources – This product
attachments not recommended
should be operated only from the
by the product manufacturer as
type of power source indicated
they may cause hazards.
on the marking label. If you are
Water and Moisture – Do not not sure of the type of power
use this product near water - for supply to your home consult your
example, near a bath tub, wash appliance dealer or local power
bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry company. For products intended
tub, in a wet basement, or near a to operate from battery power, or
swimming pool, and the like. other sources, refer to the
operating instructions.
Accessories – Do not place
this product on an unstable cart,
stand, tripod, bracket, or table.
The product may fall, causing
serious injury to a child or adult,
and serious damage to the
product. Use only with a cart,
stand, tripod, bracket, or table

Grounding or Polarization – Overloading – Do not overload
This product may be equipped wall outlets, extension cords, or
with either a polarized 2-wire AC integral convenience receptacles
line plug (a plug having one as this can result in a risk of fire
blade wider than the other) or a or electric shock.
3-wire grounding type plug, a
plug having a third (grounding) A product and cart
pin. The 2-wire polarized plug combination should be moved
will fit into the power outlet only with care.
one way. This is a safety feature. Quick stops,
If you are unable to insert the excessive
plug fully into the outlet, try force, and
reversing the plug. If the plug still uneven
fails to fit, contact your surfaces may
electrician to replace your cause the
obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the product and
safety purpose of the polarized cart combination to overturn.
plug. The 3-wire grounding type
Object and Liquid Entry –
plug will fit into a grounding type
Never push objects of any kind
power outlet. This is a safety
into this product through
feature. If you are unable to
openings as they may touch
insert the plug into the outlet,
dangerous voltage points or
contact your electrician to
short-out parts that could result
replace your obsolete outlet. Do
in a fire or electric shock. Never
not defeat the safety purpose of
spill liquid of any kind on the
the grounding type plug.
Power-Cord Protection –
Servicing – Do not attempt to
Power-supply cords should be
service this product yourself as
routed so that they are not likely
opening or removing covers may
to be walked on or pinched by
expose you to dangerous voltage
items placed upon or against
or other hazards. Refer all
them, paying particular attention
servicing to qualified service
to cords at plugs, convenience
receptacles, and the point where
they exit from the product.

Lightning – For added

protection for this product during
a lightning storm, or when it is
left unattended and unused for
long periods of time, unplug it
from the wall outlet and
disconnect the antenna or cable
system. This will prevent damage
to the product due to lightning
and power-line surges.

Damage Requiring Service – Safety Check – Upon
Unplug this product from the wall completion of any service or
outlet and refer servicing to repairs to this product, ask the
qualified service personnel under service technician to perform
the following conditions: safety checks to determine that
the product is in proper operating
When the power-supply cord or
plug is damaged.
If liquid has been spilled, or Heat – The product should be
objects have fallen into the situated away from heat sources
product. such as radiators, heat registers,
stoves, or other products
If the product has been
(including amplifiers) that
exposed to rain or water.
produce heat.
If the product does not operate
normally by following the
operating instructions. Adjust CAUTION
only those controls that are RISK OF
covered by the operating ELECTRIC SHOCK
instructions as an improper
adjustment of other controls CAUTION:
may result in damage and will ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT
often require extensive work by REMOVE COVER (OR BACK).
a qualified technician to restore NO USER-SERVICEABLE
the product to its normal REFER SERVICING TO
If the product has been
dropped or damaged in any
When the product exhibits a
distinct change in performance
- this indicates a need for

Replacement Parts – When

replacement parts are required,
be sure the service technician
has used replacement parts
specified by the manufacturer or
have the same characteristics as
the original part. Unauthorized
substitutions may result in fire,
electric shock or other hazards.

The lightning flash with
arrowhead symbol, within an INFORMATION
equilateral triangle, is This equipment has been
intended to alert the user to tested and found to comply with
the presence of uninsulated
SA 1965 "dangerous voltage" within the
the limits for a Class A digital
product's enclosure that may device, pursuant to Part 15 of
be of sufficient magnitude to the FCC Rules. These limits are
constitute a risk of electric designed to provide reasonable
shock to persons.
protection against harmful
interference when the
equipment is operated in a
The exclamation point within
commercial environment. This
an equilateral triangle is equipment generates, uses,
intended to alert the user to and can radiate radio frequency
the presence of important energy and, if not installed and
operating and maintenance
SA 1966 (servicing) instructions in the
used in accordance with the
literature accompanying the instruction manual, may cause
product. harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of
this equipment in a residential
area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the
WARNING: user will be required to correct
the interference at his own
PRODUCT TO RAIN OR Your authority to operate this
MOISTURE. FCC verified equipment could
be voided if you make changes
or modifications not expressly
THIS IS A CLASS A approved by the party
PRODUCT. responsible for compliance to
IN A DOMESTIC Part 15 of the FCC rules.

Use the Visual Presenter under the rated electrical conditions.
Do not leave the Presenter under direct sunlight or by heaters, or the
Presenter may be discolored, deformed, or damaged.
Do not place the Presenter in any humid, dusty, windy or vibrating
location. Use the Presenter in the following environmental conditions:
Temperature: 0°C~40°C (32°F~104°F)
Humidity: 30%~85% (No condensation)
Use a soft, dry cloth for cleaning. Do not use any volatile solvent, such
as thinner or benzine.
Do not directly point the camera lens into the sun, or the camera may be

IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

BEFORE YOU USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1. PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. SETTING UP AND STORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2-1 SETTING UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-2 STORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
2-3 ZOOMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3. TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4. SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


7 Lamp Switch [LAMP]

8 Image Input Selection Switch [INPUT]

9 Power Switch [POWER]

10 Power Terminal [DC IN 12V]

Anti-theft key-hole

2 Arm
1 Camera Head

4 Main Stage
3 Base Unit
6 Lamp

13 AC Adapter

5 Auxiliary Stage

12 Analog RGB Cable

11 Accessory Case

No. Name Function
1 Camera Head Moving up/down the camera head can change the
size of an object in display on the monitor screen
2 Arm A link part for moving the camera head horizontally.
3 Base Unit A base part of the Presenter.
4 Main Stage A stage for placing an object thereon.
5 Auxiliary Stage Use this stage, if necessary, according to the object
6 Lamp To be used when the image is dark.
7 Lamp Switch [LAMP] Lamp ON/OFF switch.
8 Image Input Selection To switch the image output from the RGB-out
Switch [INPUT] terminal [RGB OUT].
[RGB IN] . . Image via the RGB-in terminal
[MAIN] . . . . Image via the main camera
9 Power Switch [POWER] Power ON/OFF switch.
10 Power Terminal The DC jack of the AC adaptor is inserted into this
[DC IN 12V] terminal (12VDC).
11 Accessory Case A case for housing the AC adaptor and the analog
RGB cable exclusively. When the Presenter is
stored, house this case inside the stage.
12 Analog RGB Cable To connect the Presenter to the monitor/projector.
13 AC Adapter To connect the Presenter to an outlet (120VAC).

15 Zoom Lamp

14 Digital Zoom Button


16 Gain Button [GAIN]

17 Auto White Balance Switch [AWB]

-Normally ON
18 Auto Electronic Shutter Switch [AES]
-Normally ON
19 Gamma Value Selection Switch [ ]
-[NORM.] is standard.

20 RGB-in Terminal [RGB INPUT]

21 RGB-out Terminal [RGB OUTPUT]

No. Name Function
14 Digital Zoom Button To operate digital zoom. Use the Digital zoom after
[DIGITAL ZOOM] moving the camera head to the lowest horizontal
position (the minimum shooting area), and the image
is expanded even more. The zoom button
[TELE]/[WIDE] can change the size of an object in
display on the monitor screen. Pressing [TELE] and
[WIDE] buttons together resets the digital zoom to
the initial state (non-action).
Note: - The digital zoom will degrade the
image quality.
- Turning ON the power supply resets
the digital zoom to the initial state
(non- action).
15 Zoom Lamp To indicate the digital zoom operation. When the
digital zoom is in operation, this lamp is
16 Gain Button [GAIN] To adjust the image brightness by manipulating the
gain button [UP]/ [DOWN]. Pressing [UP] and
[DOWN] buttons together resets the gain to the initial
Note: - Turning ON the power supply resets
[GAIN] to the initial state.
17 Auto White Balance To turn the auto white balance operation ON/LOCK.
Switch [AWB] Turning this switch LOCK locks the white balance.
Note: - If the auto tracking is disabled for
some objects or the source of light,
shoot a white object to operate the
white balance, and then turn LOCK
the auto white balance switch [AWB]
before using.
18 Auto Electronic Shutter To turn the auto electronic shutter ON/OFF.
Switch [AES] Note: - If the image flickers, turn the auto
electronic shutter switch [AES] OFF.
19 Gamma Value Selection The gamma value selection switch is used for
Switch [ ] adjusting the brightness tone to that of a unit in
connection. In normal use, this switch is set at
[NORM.]. According to the unit in connection or the
object, select the optimum position.
[HIGH] . . . . To intensify the contrast. This level fits
when the object is document etc.
[NORM.] . . Normal
[LOW] . . . . To diminish the contrast. This level fits
when a CRT monitor is connected.
20 RGB-in Terminal To connect other image output unit. The image is
[RGB INPUT] output from the RGB-out terminal [RGB OUTPUT]
when the image input selection switch [INPUT] is set
21 RGB-out Terminal To output the image to the monitor or protector in
[RGB OUTPUT] connection to this terminal.
- 10 -
Gently release the clipped area (as marked
with arrow) of the right and left stages as OPEN OPEN
Note:- It may be damaged by un-
latching the stages putting
hands on other position not
shown by arrows.
- When the accessory case is
housed inside, be careful not to
drop it.
Connect the RGB-out terminal [RGB Latch parts
OUTPUT] of the Presenter to the monitor/
projector with the RGB cable (supplied).
Note: - Before starting connection, turn
OFF the power supply to each unit.
Connect the AC adaptor, and turn the power
switch [POWER] to ON. Convex part
Instruction for location: Convex of the base unit
part of the
- Please note that the image may be arm side
affected by unsightly shadows caused Convex part
of the main
from other lights in the room or from the stage side
outside. This effect can usually be
eliminated or reduced by repositioning
the HV-100XG being mindful of the
ambient lights.
Concave part of
the main stage
Make sure that the power switch [POWER] is AC adaptor
OFF, and then remove all cords connected to
the Presenter.
Move the camera head to be in line with the
arm horizontally. Analog RGB
House the auxiliary stage inside the main
stage, and then fold the main stage. At this
time, house the accessory case inside the stage.
<Accessory case>
Note: - Confirm that the accessory
case is closed firmly before
Make sure that all movable parts are put
back to storing position accordingly.
- 11 -
By moving up/down the camera head, the object in display on the monitor screen can
be zoomed-in or zoomed-out. And use the Digital zoom after moving the camera head to
the lowest horizontal position (minimum shooting area), and the image is expanded
even. But the digital zoom will degrade the image quality. In zoom operation by moving
up/down the camera head, focus adjustment is not required (FOCUSFREE).


Digital zoom
Expand more

Example of connection
(Backside of the Base Unit)
Analog RGB cable

Monitor Projector

To the RGB-in terminal

of the monitor or projector

Analog RGB cable (supplied)

To power outlet
AC adaptor (supplied)
Note: - Analog NTSC or S-Video monitors can not be used.
- A monitor or projector having a resolution of 1024x768 is

- 12 -

Symptom Checkpoint

No image is on the monitor or • Is the analog RGB cable connected properly?

• Is the AC adapter inserted correctly?

• Is the DC jack inserted firmly in the power

[DC IN 12V] of the Presenter?

• Is the power switch [POWER] ON?

• Is the image-in selection switch [INPUT] set at


Image with digital zoom is • The digital zoom feature normally will degrade the
blurry. image quality somewhat.

The image is too dark. • Is the illumination sufficient? If not, turn ON the
lighting unit with the illumination switch [LAMP].

The image of printed matter is • Is this caused by the interference between the dots
striped. of the printed matter and the scanning line of the

If the trouble still remains after checking the above, consult your dealer or an
authorized ELMO service center.

- 13 -
Power voltage 12VDC
Power consumption 9VA
Outside dimensions <Unfolded> 361mm(W)x282mm(D)x161-284mm(H)
<Folded> 59mm(W)x282mm(D)x161mm(H)
Mass 1.5kg (3.3lbs)

Lens F: 2.9, f= 3mm
Shooting area <Max.> 364mmx271mm (14.3in.x10.7in.)
<Min.> 179mmx135mm (7.1in.x5.3in.)

Image pick-up element Progressive square picture element 1/3"size CCD
Image pick-up speed 20 frames/sec
Total picture elements 1077(H)x788(V) . . . 850,000 pixels
Effective picture elements 1024(H)x768(V)
Resolution 600 TV lines or more (Horizontal)
600 TV lines or more (Vertical)
Sync. signal frequency 48.363kHz (Horizontal)
60.004Hz (Vertical)
Output signal Analog RGB, 1024x768 at 60Hz, compliant with VESA
Digitalzoom 4x
White balance Full auto/Lock
Gamma adjustment Provided (3-position selection switch)
Gain adjustment Provided (UP/DOWN pushbutton switch)
Ext. input selection Provided (Main camera / Ext. selection switch)
Ext. input terminal D-sub 15-pin (Analog RGB signal) 1 pc
Output terminal D-sub 15-pin (Analog RGB signal) 1 pc

Supplied accessories
Accessory case 1pc
Analog RGB cable (Mini DSUB 15P connector) 1pc
AC adaptor 1pc
Instruction manual 1pc
Warranty card 1pc

These specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Trademark Acknowledgements
, ELMO are registered trademarks of ELMO CO., Ltd.
VESA is a resistered trademark of Video Electronics Standards Association.
FOCUSFREE is a trademark of ELMO CO., Ltd.
- 14 -
Unauthorized recording of copyrighted slide
films, materials, photographs, etc. may infringe
on the rights of copyright owners and be contrary
to copyright laws.


6-14, Meizen-cho, Mizuho-ku,
Nagoya, 467-8567, Japan


U.S.A. ELMO Mfg. Corp.
1478 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803-5034
Tel:(516)501-1400 Fax:(516)501-0429

Canada ELMO Canada Mfg. Corp.

44 West Drive, Brampton, Ontario L6T 3T6
Tel:(905)453-7880 Fax:(905)453-2391

Germany ELMO (Europe) G.m.b.H

Neanderstr. 18, 40233 Düsseldorf
Tel:(0211)376051 Fax:(0211)376630
Printed in China

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