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Investors Attitude Towards Investment in Private Insurance Companies in Madurai City, Tamil Nadu State

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DOI Number: 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.03541.

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2019, Vol. 10, No. 11

Investors Attitude Towards Investment in Private

Insurance Companies in Madurai City, Tamil Nadu State

S. Chandrachud1, M. Ramesh1, E. Rajarethinam1, Telu Suvarna1

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, VISTAS

The business of insurance is concerned with the economic values of assets. Every asset has a value. The
asset would have been created through the efforts of the owner, in the expectation that, either through the
income generated there from or some other output, some of his needs would be met. The main objective of
the study is to analyse the various investment options of the investors and to study the customers’
perception on investing in private sector insurance companies. The secondary objectives of this study
include analysing, the investing habits of the investor, the factors influencing the investor in investing in
insurance. This study is compiled with the help of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were
collected from 260 respondents with the help of structured Questionnaire method in various places in
Coimbatore city. Cluster Random sampling technique has been adopted to select the respondents. The
Secondary sources of data are company profile, organization Website and other related library books. The
Simple Percentage analysis, Weighted Average Method for ranking was used for analysing the collected

Keywords: Private Insurance, Investment, Individual attitude, market risk, insurance policy.

Introduction e-mail:

The business of insurance is concerned with the

economic values of assets. Every asset has a value.
The asset would have been created through the efforts
of the owner, in the expectation that, either through the
income generated there from or some other output,
some of his needs would be met. However, the assets
get lost earlier being destroyed or made non-functional,
through an accident or other unfortunate event, the
owner and those deriving benefits there from suffer.
Insurance is a mechanism that helps to reduce such
adverse consequences.

Importance of Insurance: Assets are insured,

because they are likely to be destroyed or made non-
functional through an accident occurrence. Such
possible occurrences are called Perils. Fire, floods,
breakdowns, lighting, earthquakes, etc., are perils. The
damage that

Corresponding Author:
Dr. S. Chandrachud
Associate Professor, Department of Economics,
these perils leads to the asset known as the risk. The
risk only means that there is a possibility of loss or
damage. It may or may not happen. There must be an
uncertainty about the risk. Insurance is done against
the contingency that it may happen.

1. To identify the investors’ attitude towards various
investment alternatives
2. To study the customers’ perception on investing in
private sector insurance companies.
3. To analyze the factors influencing the investor in
investing in insurance
4. To determine the Sector and Plan Preferred by
5. Toanalyze the factors influencing the investor in
investing in Private insurance companies.

Need for the study: The last few years have been
a watershed for assured return plans. As the insurance
sector has developed, there’s been a growing
acceptance by most policyholders that the assured
return era is a thing of the past. The private insurance
companies are focusing on the Market Linked Plans.
This study aims to
60 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2019, Vol. 10, No.
6study the
investors’ attitude towards various investment Tools Used: The collected data were analyzed
alternatives and to study the customers’ perception on with the help of Simple Percentage analysis, Chi-and
investing in private sector insurance companies. The Weighted Average Method.
study would also analyse the acceptance level of
Market Linked Plans, which is being the current era. Review of literature
This has been done by preparing the questionnaire Brigid Goody Sc. D, Renee Mentnech M.S and
which contains questions put forth to the perspective Gerald Riley M.S.P.H1 in their article, over the last
investors which would help in analyzing the profile and decade, various laws have been passed to increase the
investing habits of the investor, factor influencing the likelihood that lower income individuals and families
investor in investing in insurance and level of would have access to health insurance coverage.
acceptance of private insurance companies. Through the Health Insurance Premium Payment
Limitation of the Study: The area of study is Program enacted in 1990, States could use their
limited to various places Madurai city; hence the results Medicaid funds to pay the employer-sponsored health
may not be true for other geographical areas. Validity insurance premiums of Medicaid eligible individuals
& Reliability of the data are obtained depends on the and families.
responses from the customer. Chang Hoon You, et al2 in their research article,
Research Methodology: Research is an intensive It was confirmed that diabetic patients insured by SPHI
study in a particular field to achieve at a better had more use of hospital services than those who were
conclusion of a problem. Research Methodology is a not insured. People insured by SPHI seem to be more
systematic way of solving the problem. The likely to use hospital services because SPHI lightens
methodologies followed for this study are as follows. the economic burden of care.

Nature and Sources of Data: Both primary and Avi Dor, Joseph Sudano and David W. Baker 3
secondary data is used in this study in order to meet the In this paper we investigate whether the presence of
requirements of the purpose. Under this study primary private insurance leads to improved health status. Using
data was collected by using Questionnaire. The primary the Health and Retirement study we focus on adults in
data was collected from individuals residing in Madurai late middle age who are nearing entry into Medicare.
city with the help of questionnaire. The secondary data Subba Lakshmi Tirukoti4 The paper explores the
are sourced from Life Insurance Companies, reasons for purchasing private health insurance and to
Magazines, Books, Pamphlets, Periodical Surveys and identify the determinants of private health insurance in
Websites etc. The data collection has been done East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. Economic
through questionnaire by means of personal interview. development programs should help enhance income to
A questionnaire is consisting of a number of questions reach a higher standard of living and in doing so boosts
printed in a definite order on a form. their economic access to health insurance policies and
Sample size: Since the population of Madurai city the relevant health services.
is large in number, researcher was unable to collect Minsung Sohn and Minsoo Jung5: The moral
information from all individuals due to limitation of hazard behind insurance membership, depending on
time, so part of the population is taken for analyzing how NHI maintains policies to confer benefits, may
and generating the findings, which is applicable for give rise to differences in medical utilization. This
total market. The size of the sample is 260. phenomenon must be closely monitored to find a way
Sampling Method: Cluster Random Sampling to reform NHI when the rights of medical service
Method is used, as data are collected according to the consumers are solidified through PHI.
clusters divided. The city is mainly divided into four Influencer of the Investors: There are many
clusters, like North, South, East and West. A total of influencer for the insurance policy. On our study there
65 samples were collected from each cluster due to the are 5 major influencers, such as Auditors, Family
limitation of time by the researcher. influence, word of mouth by friends, Advertisement in
Electronic media and Articles through dailies,
magazines and other written advertisement.
Table 1: List of Investment Decision
Influencers for
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2019, Vol. 10, No. 60
S.No. Influencers objective in Investment,
No of Respondents
From table 3, it can
% of the Respondents has
1. Auditor 20 % of the respondents be viewed that,74 % of given Market Linked
2. Family choose tax benefits as the respondents prefer Plans as the Influencing
3. Friends their objective in only Public-Sector Factor to go for Private
4. Advertisement investment. Insurance Companies,25 Life Insurance
5. Article % of the Respondents companies, 8.85 % of the
Table 3: Sector
6. Others prefer only private sector Respondents has given
Preferred by the
Total insurance companies,1 % Flexibility as the
Source: Primary Data of the respondents does Influencing Factor to go
S.No. Sector No of not
prefer any sector. for Private Life Insurance
From table 1, it can 1. Public companies, 7.7 % of the
be viewed that, 38.46 % 2. Private Table 4: Factors Respondents has given
of the Respondents are 3. Nil Influenci Premium Amount as the
influenced by Total ng to Influencing Factor to go
Family,19.23 % of the Gofor
Source: Primary Data for Private Life Insurance
Respondents are Private companies,
influenced by Life
Friends,12.31 % of the Insuranc
Respondents are e
influenced by Compan
Advertisement, 11.92 % y
of the Respondents are
influenced by S.No. Factors
Article,8.46 % of the
1. Service
Respondents are
2. Return
influenced by Auditors
3. Security
and9.62 % of the
4. Premium Amount
Respondents are
5. Flexibility
influenced by others.
6. Market Linked Plans
Table 2: 7. Nil
Objectivein Total
Source: Primary Data
S.No. Objective No of Respondents From table 4, it can
1. Return be viewed that, 26.54 %
2. Tax Benefits of the Respondents has
3. Security given Return as the
4. Children Influencing Factor to go
Total for Private Life
Source: Primary Data Insurance
companies,22.31 % of
From table 2, it is
the Respondents has
clear that 32 % of the
given Service as the
respondents choose
Influencing Factor to go
Security as their
for Private Life
Objective in
companies,15.38 % of
% of the respondents
the Respondents has
choose to return as their
given Security as the
Objective in
Influencing Factor to go
investment,21 % of the
for Private Life
respondents choose
Children as their
Table 5: Expectation overinvestment Using Weighted Average Method

1 2 3 4 5
Rank Weight (X) Total Weighted Average Rank
5 4 3 2 1
Rate Of Return (y1) 69 74 62 36 19 260
x.y1 345 296 186 72 19 918 3.53 2
Security (y2) 123 62 28 34 13 260
x.y2 615 248 114 68 13 1058 4.07 1
Liquidity (y3) 9 29 54 63 105 260
x.y3 45 116 162 126 105 554 2.13 5
Tax Benefit (y4) 37 65 53 54 51 260
x.y4 185 260 159 108 51 763 2.93 3
Service (y5) 22 30 63 73 72 260
x.y5 110 120 189 146 72 637 2.45 4

From table 5, it is inferred that,the respondents as recond in respect to expectation over investment
have ranked security as first in respect to expectation and they have ranked Liquidity as Fifth in respect to
over investment. The respondents have ranked Rate of expectation over investment.

Table 6: Ranking of Private Life Insurance Companies Using Weighted Average Method

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Rank Weight (X) Total WA Rank
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
HDFC 30 84 44 22 15 10 7 6 12 5 8 243
X.Y1 330 840 396 176 105 60 35 24 36 10 8 2020 8.3 1
MAX 4 7 11 29 32 26 16 27 37 36 18 243
X.Y2 44 70 99 232 224 156 80 108 111 72 18 1214 5 9
ICICI 71 29 34 17 20 12 9 11 9 18 13 243
X.Y3 781 290 306 136 140 72 45 44 27 36 13 1890 7.8 2
KOTAK 15 14 14 20 31 32 27 22 37 17 14 243
X.Y4 165 140 126 160 217 192 135 88 111 34 14 1382 5.7 7
BIRLA 19 18 21 27 27 26 31 27 18 13 16 243
X.Y5 209 180 189 216 189 156 155 108 54 26 16 1498 6.2 4
TATA AIG 10 29 17 25 17 34 31 28 25 16 11 243
X.Y6 110 290 153 200 119 204 155 112 75 32 11 1461 6 5
SBI 47 28 25 17 27 14 22 16 11 20 16 243
X.Y7 517 280 225 136 189 84 110 64 33 40 16 1694 7 3
ING VYS 21 15 23 13 19 28 30 36 18 18 22 243
X.Y8 231 150 207 104 133 168 150 144 54 36 22 1399 5.8 6
BAJAJ 7 7 19 34 22 25 27 20 40 25 17 243
X.Y9 77 70 171 272 154 150 135 80 120 50 17 1296 5.3 8
AVIVA 8 6 28 14 22 12 17 25 26 40 45 243
X.Y10 88 60 252 112 154 72 85 100 78 80 45 1126 4.6 10
METLIFE 10 6 8 25 12 24 24 24 13 32 65 243
X.Y11 110 60 72 200 84 144 120 96 39 64 65 1054 4.3 11

From table 6, the respondents have ranked HDFC Company assecond, SBI Life Insurance Company as
Standard Life Insurance Company as first in private life third in Private Life Insurance companies. Likewise,
insurance companies, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance the respondents were not much aware of the two new
recently entered insurance companies, AMP Sanmar Insurance Company Limited, so default these companies
Life Insurance Company Ltd and Sahara India were ranked last.
Findings: From the study the following findings Market linked pans when its advantages known, so steps
have been made: should be taken in this area to create good awareness.
1. Most of the respondents are salaried people.
2. Most of the respondents choose Security as first
It has been found that the salaried person is more
and rate of return as their second it expectation
interested in having insurance as an investment avenue
over investment.
for various reasons. LIC and money back are the well-
3. Most of the respondents are influenced by family known company and scheme. The private insurance
and friends to make the investment decision, companies are accepted to certain extent only and it has
4. Majority of the respondents’ objective on to be tapped to greater extent. It has also been found
investment is Security and Return. that insurance advisor is the one, who are the main
source of information on schemes and advantages of
5. 78 % of the respondents accept insurance as agood private insurance companies, to the investor.
investment Option.
Ethical Clearance: Completed.
6. 74 % of the respondents prefer only public sector.
7. Majority of the respondents do not have a plan to Source of Funding: Self
go for private life insurance in future. Conflict of Interest: Nil
8. Majority of the respondents are influenced by
benefit References
factor to take life insurance policy. 1. Brigid Goody Sc. D, Renee Mentnech M.S and
9. The respondents have ranked HDFC and ICICI Gerald Riley M.S.P.H, ‘Changing nature of
private life insurance as the mostly preferred public and private health insurance’, ‘Medicare &
companies. Medicaid Research Review’, Volume 23, Issue 3,
Spring 2002.
10. Majority of the respondents i.e., 62% preferbonus-
based plans. 2. Chang Hoon You, Ji Heon Choi, Sungwook Kang,
Eun-Hwan Oh and Young Dae Kwon,
Suggestions: Since Security and Return is the main ‘Association between supplementary private
expectation of investors, it is suggested that this aspect health insurance and visits to physician offices
be reinforced while wooing prospective investors. The versus hospital outpatient departments among
annual income of most of the respondents are below 1 adults with diabetes in the universal public
lakh and this segment goes for investment in insurance. insurance system’, ‘PLoS ONE’ Volume 13, Issue
It is suggested that while marketing this segment be 4,: e0192205. Available from:
considered. The awareness of LIC is most and other
private insurance companies remains untapped. It
3. Avi Dor, Joseph Sudano, David W.Baker, ‘The
is suggested that an attempt be made to bring out the
Effects of Private Insurance on Measures of
advantages of other companies and schemes. Only few
Health: Evidence from the Health and Retirement
Respondents have plan to go for private life insurance,
Study’, ‘The National Bereau of Economic
so the schemes and advantages of private insurance
Research’, NBER Working Paper No. 9774, 2003.
companies must be promoted greatly. While dealing
with prospective investors, according to their 4. Subba Lakshmi Tirukoti, ‘Determinants of Private
occupation the objective on investment varies, so this health insurance in Andhra Pradesh: a case study’,
factor should be considered the most. The awareness of ‘International Journal of Behavioral and
market linked schemes to the people is low. The Healthcare Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2015
respondents who prefer return as their investment 5. Minsung Sohn and Minsoo Jung, ‘Effects of
option will prefer public and private health insurance on medical
service utilization in the National Health Insurance
System: National Panel study in the Republic of
Korea’, BMC Health Service Research, 2016.
Available from:

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