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Behavior of Cement Concrete at High Temperature: January 2013

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Behavior of cement concrete at high temperature

Article · January 2013


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1 author:

Izabela Hager
Cracow University of Technology


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TECHNICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 61, No. 1, 2013
DOI: 10.2478/bpasts-2013-0013

Behaviour of cement concrete at high temperature

Institute of Building Materials and Structures, Cracow University of Technology, 24 Warszawska St., 31-155 Kraków, Poland

Abstract. The paper presents the impact of high temperature on cement concrete. The presented data have been selected both from the
author’s most recent research and the published literature in order to provide a brief outline of the subject. The effect of a high temperature
on concrete covers changes taking place in cement paste, aggregates, as well as the interaction of these two constituents, that result in
changes of mechanical and physical characteristics of concrete. This paper presents the effects of a high temperature on selected physical
properties of concrete, including colour change, thermal strain, thermal strains under load, and transient thermal strains. In addition, changes
to mechanical properties are discussed: stress-strain relationship, compressive strength, and modulus of elasticity. Moreover, the phenomenon
of explosive spalling and the main factors that affect its extent are analysed in light of the most recent research.
Key words: concrete, high temperature, fire damage, thermal strain, transient thermal strain, hot tested mechanical properties, residual

1. Introduction of pozzolana additives, etc. Important factors are also the rate
of heating and the time of concrete exposure to high tempera-
Interest in the behaviour of concrete at a high temperature ture. The increase in temperature results in water evaporation,
mainly results from the many cases of fires taking place in C-S-H gel dehydration, calcium hydroxide and calcium alu-
buildings, high-rise buildings, tunnels, and drilling platform minates decomposition, etc. Along with the increase in tem-
structures. During a fire, the temperature may reach up to perature, changes in the aggregate take place. Due to those
1100◦C in buildings and even up to 1350◦C in tunnels, lead- changes, concrete strength and modulus of elasticity gradu-
ing to severe damage in a concrete structure [1]. However, in ally decreases, and when the temperature exceeds ca. 300◦ C,
some special cases, even much lower temperature, may cause the decline in strength becomes more rapid. When the 500◦C
explosive destruction of concrete, thus endangering the bear- threshold is passed, the compressive strength of concrete usu-
ing capacity of the concrete element. Nevertheless, concrete is ally drops by 50% to 60%, and the concrete is considered
considered a construction material that satisfactorily preserves fully damaged. The Eurocode method of calculating the load-
its properties at high temperature. Owing to concrete’s fairly bearing capacity of reinforced concrete members subjected
low coefficient of thermal conductivity, the movement of heat to a fire is based on this assumption. In the 500◦C isotherm
through concrete is slow, and thus reinforced steel, which is method, sections of concrete surface where the temperature
sensitive to high temperature, is protected for a relatively long had exceeded 500◦ C are omitted from the calculations [3].
period of time. When concrete is heated under conditions of
fire, the increase in temperature in the deeper layers of the ma- 2. Impact of temperature effect
terial is progressive, but because this process is slow, signifi-
cant temperature gradients are produced between the concrete
on concrete microstructure
member’s surface and core inducing additional damage to the 2.1. Cement paste. The heating of cement paste results in
element. Fundamental issues related to the impact of high drying. Water gradually evaporates from the material. The
temperature on concrete involve identification of the complex order in which water is removed from heated concrete de-
changes that take place in concrete while heated. This con- pends on the energy that binds the water and the solid. Thus,
cerns both the physical and chemical changes taking place in free water evaporates first, followed by capillary water, and
the cement matrix, as well as the phenomena involved in mass finally by physically bound water. The process of removing
movement (gases and liquids). The analysis is complicated water that is chemically bound with cement hydrates is the
due to the fact that cement concrete is a composite consisting last to be initiated. The mechanical properties of cement
of two substantially different constituents: cement paste and paste are strongly affected by chemical bonds and cohesion
aggregates. The effects of the various changes taking place forces between sheets of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H)
in heated concrete are the alterations of its physical, thermal, gel. It is assumed that approximately 50% of cement paste
and mechanical properties. Research has demonstrated [1, 2], strength comes from cohesion forces (important C-S-H gel
that changes in the strength of concrete as a function of tem- sheet area); therefore, the evaporation of water between C-S-
perature are related to, inter alia, concrete composition the H gel sheets strongly affects the mechanical properties of the
type of aggregate used, the water/cement ratio, the presence cement paste [4]. However, when the cement paste is heat-
∗ e-mail:

I. Hager

ed in moist sealed conditions, hydrothermal reactions may matrix. Moreover, during heating, the cement paste experi-
take place. This phenomenon, called internal autoclaving [5], ences a slight expansion up to temperature of approximately
may occur in large members where, due to heating, mois- 200◦ C [5, 6, 8, 9] although the intense shrinkage begins as
ture is transformed into water vapour. In these conditions soon as this temperature is exceeded. This significantly con-
chemical and physical changes may take place. The process tributes to the porosity evolution of the cement paste. Due to
of simultaneously exposing the material to high pressures heating total pore volume increases, as does the average pore
and temperature is a well-known technology in the prefab- size see Fig. 1.
rication of concrete. This may well activate changes in the
microstructure of hydrates and often increases cement paste 2.2. Aggregate. Aggregates occupy 70–80% of the volume
strength. The nature of the phase changes will depend upon of concrete and thus heavily influence its thermal behaviour.
the mineralogical composition of the cement, its C/S ratio The term “thermal stability of aggregates” is employed [2]
(mols of lime per mol of silica; CaO/SiO2 ), the amount of to describe aggregates effect on concrete performance at high
fine particles (quartz or silica fume), and the temperature and temperature. “Thermally stable” aggregates are characterized
pressure levels that have been reached [6]. Heating the cement by chemical and physical stability at high temperature, which
paste with a C/S ratio around 1.5 to temperature above 100◦C is determined by dilatometric, as well as thermogravimetric,
produces several forms of calcium silicates, in general highly and differential thermal tests. Considering concrete behaviour
porous and weak. When the C/S ratio is close to 1.0 and at high temperature, a suitable aggregate would be one with
the temperature is above 150◦C, a 1.5 to 1.0 tobemorite gel a low thermal strains coefficient as well as negligible residual
can form. At temperature between 180◦ C and 200◦ C, other strains. Another aspect necessary to be considered is the ab-
silicates such as xonolite and hillebrandite may be formed. sence of peaks along the differential thermal analysis (DTA)
Recently, microstructural changes of heated cement pastes and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) curves, which indi-
have been studied by neutron diffraction [7]. This research cates no weight loss and no thermal reaction. Mineralogical
demonstrates the temperature at which the main products composition determines aggregate thermal strains, since all
of hydration of Portland cement, including portlandite, et- minerals differ in their thermal expansion properties. The type
tringite, calcite, lime, larnite, and hydrated calcium silicate of minerals governs the chemical and physical changes that
(C-S-H gel), are present. During heating, ettringite decom- take place during heating. For example: quartz aggregates and
poses first, even before the temperature reaches 100◦C. C-S-H sands change at 574◦C due to the β −α quartz inversion. This
gel dehydration is progressive and takes place from the very physical transformation involves a volumetric increase clearly
beginning of material heating. It is worth noting that the visible on DTA curves in Fig. 2 [2]. The carbonate stones
structure of the cement paste is partially damaged due to (limestone and dolomite) are stable up to 600◦C. At higher
dehydration at the temperature of 105◦C, which is standard temperature, carbonate aggregate decomposes into CaO and
for the drying of materials. As soon as cement paste is heated CO2 (700◦C). Additionally, the CaO formed during decar-
to temperature of 500–550◦C, the portlandite content rapidly bonation may hydrate when cooling, with a consequent 44%
drops, as it decomposes according to the following reaction: expansion. The polymineralic stones may be prone to the dis-
Ca(OH)2 → CaO + H2 O↑. The portlandite decomposition integration that results from the thermal incompatibility of its
reaction explains the observed increase in CaO content in components. For those stones differences in thermal strain can
cement paste at the temperature of approximately 550◦C [5, cause inter-crystalline stresses and failure. The further heat-
7]. The CaO created in this reaction makes the elements ing of aggregate leads to its melting. The melting temperature
made of the Portland cement practically redundant after cool- vary along the mineralogical composition, for most igneous
ing. The dehydration process of the C-S-H gel reduces its rock it is above 1000◦C. The melting temperature of gran-
volume, which in turn increases the porosity of the cement ites is 1210–1250◦C, while basalts melt at 1050◦C, which is
accompanied by gas release and expansion.

Fig. 1. Effect of heating on cumulative pore volume of Portland Fig. 2. DTA of four types of aggregates, measured during heating at
cement paste heated to 200◦ C, 400◦ C, 600◦ C, and 800◦ C (w/c=0.6) 10◦ C/min

146 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(1) 2013

Behaviour of cement concrete at high temperature

2.3. Cement paste and aggregate interaction in concrete 3. Physical and mechanical properties changes
during heating. The heating of concrete makes its aggregate of heated concrete
volume grow, and at the same time it causes the contraction of
3.1. Colour change of heated concrete. It is generally
the cement paste which surrounds it. As a result, the cement
agreed [10, 11] that when heated to between 300◦ C and 600◦C
paste-aggregate bond is the weakest point in heated cementi-
concrete containing siliceous aggregates will turn red; be-
tious material. To a large extent, damage to concrete is caused
tween 600◦ C and 900◦C, whitish-grey; and between 900◦C
by cracking, which occurs arising due to mismatched thermal
and 1000◦ C, a buff colour is present. The colour change of
strains between the coarse aggregates and the matrix. Figure 3
heated concrete results principally from the gradual water re-
shows an example of thermally damaged concrete, which is
moval and dehydration of the cement paste, but also transfor-
made of silico-calcareous aggregates, and heated to 600◦C
mations occurring within the aggregate [10–12]. The most in-
[9]. The SEM photo shows cracks crossing the cement paste
tense colour change, the appearance of red colouration, is ob-
and proceeding though the interfacial transition zone. Also,
served for siliceous riverbed aggregates containing iron. This
cracks passing through siliceous aggregate are present, indi-
colouration is caused by the oxidation of mineral components
cating the tendency of some siliceous aggregates to break up
[10–12]. While siliceous aggregates turn red when heated, the
at 350◦ C [2]. Table 1 lists the changes that take place con-
aggregates containing calcium carbonate get whitish. Due to
crete components: cement paste and aggregates. The changes
calcination process CaCO3 turns to lime and give pale shades
are listed according to the temperature of their occurrence and
of white and grey.
were compiled on the basis of [2, 5] and [7].
In general two approaches can be adopted when the colour
change of concrete is analysed [12]. First, the external surface
of the element can be examined. This involves the observation
of an element’s outer walls (in particular, the cement paste).
The other possibility is to observe the surface with visible ag-
gregates (sample cored or sawn out from the element). When
it is necessary to evaluate the condition of concrete after a
fire, colour change is a physical property of concrete that
can be used as an assessment method [10, 11]. Recently, the
author has proposed a technique allowing for the evaluation
of heated concrete colour change [12]. In this method, pic-
tures are taken with a general-purpose flatbed scanner. The
use of a flatbed scanner allows for images to be taken under
constant light conditions. The digital image is then analysed
Fig. 3. The microstructure of concrete heated to 600◦ C (SEM, 50×), using the image analysis software package Scion Image (ver-
concrete based on silico-calcareous aggregates, fc = 75 MPa c
sion 4.0.3, Scion Corporation , USA). With its use the dig-
ital image spitted into three RGB colour components, red,
Table 1 green, and blue, which are then presented as a histogram us-
The list of changes taking place in concrete during heating ing counts of pixel intensity (all pixels are represented by
RGB values ranging from 0 to 255). The analysis involves
range a normalisation process where values corresponding to the
20–200◦ C slow capillary water loss and reduction in cohesive number of pixels with a specified intensity are divided by the
forces as water expands;
80–150◦ C ettringite dehydration; total number of pixels in a given image. Histogram normal-
C-S-H gel dehydration; isation makes the comparison of images with different pixel
150–170◦ C gypsum decomposition (CaSO4 ·2H2 O); counts possible. In Fig. 4, the colour changes of heated con-
physically bound water loss; crete made with the riverbed aggregates are presented [12].
300–400◦ C approx. 350◦ C break up of some siliceous aggregates
Moreover, an example of normalised histograms of the red
374◦ C critical temperature of water; component’s intensity values obtained for heated concrete is
400–500◦ C 460–540◦ C portlandite decomposition presented in Fig. 5. Histograms from laboratory-heated con-
Ca (OH)2 → CaO + H2 O; crete provide a scale, which may be used to evaluate the tem-
500–600◦ C 573◦ C quartz phase change β − α in aggregates and perature actually reached by concrete in a structure affected
sands; by fire [12].
600–800◦ C second phase of the C-S-H decomposition, formation
of β-C2 S;
800–1000◦ C 840◦ C dolomite decomposition; 3.2. Thermal strain, thermal strain under load and tran-
930–960◦ C calcite decomposition sient thermal strain of concrete Concrete, as with most
CaCO3 → CaO+CO2 , carbon dioxide release; building materials, expands during heating. The thermal strain
ceramic binding initiation which replaces hydraulic
(εth ) of heated concrete can be measured, and by this mea-
1000–1200◦ C 1050◦ C basalt melting;
surement the coefficient of thermal expansion can be deter-
1300◦ C total decomposition of concrete, melting.
mined. However, the range in which this coefficient can be

Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(1) 2013 147

I. Hager

Fig. 4. Colour change of heated concrete: surface with exposed aggregates and external surface of the concrete specimen (HPC, fc20◦ C =
97 MPa)

gates. In addition, the phase transformation of quartz, which

occurs at 573◦ C, is accompanied by a significant increase in
aggregate volume. Higher expansion, as well as significantly
higher residual strain after cooling down, was observed for
concrete with siliceous aggregates (Fig. 6), which was the re-
sult of an important number of cracks visible on the surface
of samples (Fig. 7 from [9]). The determinant character of the
aggregates controlling the thermal strain of concrete was also
observed when thermal strains of different types of concretes
made with the same type of aggregates were compared. The
thermal strains measured on ordinary concrete (OC) and two
Fig. 5. The normalised histograms of the Red component intensity HPCs made with the same type and content of aggregate (69%
values obtained for heated concrete (surface with exposed aggre- in the case of OC and 71% in the case of two HPCs) were
gates) in the range of temperature from 20◦ C to 1000◦ C, (HPC, almost identical, despite differences in their composition, i.e.
fc20◦ C = 97 MPa) different water cement ratios w/c, different types of cement
used [9].
considered constant is limited due to the non-linear charac-
ter of the εth curve. This non-linearity is mainly due to the
appearance of cracks that are the result of thermal strain in-
compatibility between the shrinking cement paste and the ex-
panding aggregates. The main factor dominating the extent of
concrete expansion is the mineralogical character of the aggre-
gate. For example concrete containing basalt aggregates has a
lower thermal expansion coefficient than concrete containing
calcareous aggregates. As it was mentioned in Subsec. 2.2,
thermally stable aggregates with low thermal expansion are
favourable for the reasons of durability in fire conditions.
In Fig. 9, the results of measurements of thermal strain
of two HPC concretes made with silico-calcareous aggregates Fig. 6. Thermal strains of two HPCs containing silico-calcareous, and
and calcareous aggregates are shown [9]. The experiments calcareous aggregates. Samples heated to 600◦ C and cooled down
have been performed on cylindrical samples (diameter 100 to the room temperature
mm, height 300 mm). The technique of measuring thermal
strain and thermal strain under load was inspired by research
conducted by Khoury et al. [8], and Diederichs et al. [13], as
well as RILEM (Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et
Experts des Matériaux) guidelines concerning the measure-
ment of thermal strain in concrete [14]. This measurement
system has previously been described in detail [9, 15]. It al-
lows for the measurement of thermal strain and thermal strain
under load on concrete samples. Thermal strain of concretes
with silico-calcareous aggregates significantly exceeds those
obtained for concrete made with calcareous aggregate (see
Fig. 6). At a temperature of 600◦ C, the strain value is twice
as high than those measured for calcareous aggregates reach- Fig. 7. Visible cracks on the surface of specimens after heating to
ing up to 20 [mm/m]. This fact should be associated with 600◦ C, a) HPC with calcareous, and b) HPC with silico-calcareous
the higher thermal expansion coefficient of siliceous aggre- aggregates

148 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(1) 2013

Behaviour of cement concrete at high temperature

Thermal strains under load of concrete are measured when Recent experimental studies of transient thermal strain on
concrete is heated under a constant applied compressive load. HPC [9, 16, 17] examined the influences of several parame-
The load is applied prior to heating, and strain measurement ters: load level, original compressive strength of concrete, the
starts when heating begins (initial elastic strain subtraction). nature of aggregate, presence of fibres, the heating scenario,
The load level applied (α) is usually expressed as a percent- and initial moisture content. As the results indicated, water
age of the compressive strength of tested concrete; the load in cement paste plays a substantial role in development and
level is maintained at a constant level during heating. The extent of this phenomenon. It was observed that transient ther-
load level remains the predominant factor affecting the devel- mal strain activation starts with water migration and cement
opment of those strains. Fig. 8 presents the thermal strains paste dehydration. As a result, the pre-heating of concrete
under compressive load of α = 20% and 40% for HPC made samples at various temperature prior to testing significant-
with calcareous aggregates [9]. Absolute values of the defor- ly alters its development. It was also observed that transient
mation of concrete subjected to both thermal and mechanical thermal strain only appears during the first heating cycle [8,
loads are smaller than the thermal strains. In particular, when 9, 15].
the load is of 20% fc , those deformations are close to ze-
ro (see Fig. 8). By increasing the load from 20% to 40% 3.3. Stress strain relationship, compressive strength, and
fc , strains measured during heating are of opposite direction modulus of elasticity. Changes in mechanical properties that
than thermal expansion. Strain in a concrete element (ε) si- occur during heating are the result of changes taking place
multaneously exposed to mechanical and thermal load com- in concrete. Those material factors include physico-chemical
bines mechanical strain, thermal strain, creep strain and the changes in cement paste and aggregates as well as the in-
less known transient thermal strain (TTS) which appears dur- compatibilities between them listed in Table 1. Other factors
ing the non-stationary heating of concrete under mechanical affecting the material damage level are as follows: heating
load [8]: rate, maximum temperature, time of exposure to temperature,
ε = εs + εth + εtr + εcreep , (1) load applied during heating, moisture content of the material,
etc. The testing method itself has an important influence on
where: εs is the instantaneous stress-dependent strain, εth is the evaluation of the properties of heated material. The most
the thermal strain, εtr is the transient thermal strain, and common way to study the influence of high temperature on
εcreep is the creep strain. Assuming that classical material the properties of concrete is to expose the material to high
creep is negligible due to the relatively short duration of the temperature, cool it down to room temperature, and then car-
experiment (around 10 hours), thermal strain (εth ) and ther- ry out testing, such as compression or tensile tests. However,
mal strain under load (ε) measurements allow the transient this method gives the “post fire” or “post exposure to the high
thermal strain (εtr ) to be determined. The transient thermal temperature” properties of concrete. Nevertheless, one must
strain curve is obtained by subtracting the values of thermal consider that the most appropriate procedure to test the me-
strains from the thermal strains under load measured during chanical properties at high temperature is to determine the
non-stationary heating. properties of material at elevated temperature (tested “hot”).
In order to carry out this kind of observation, special high
temperature test equipment was developed [9]. This test de-
vice performs compressive tests, but can also be adapted to
direct tensile tests at “hot” stage accompanied with the strain
measurement. Additionally, this experimental set-up allows
the thermal strain of concrete during heating to be measured,
either under load (thermal strain under load) or without sam-
ple loading (free thermal strains). As it was shown in [18], the
tested ”hot” properties are higher than the residual ones (see
Fig. 9). The testing of material at the “hot” stage is concerned
with the determination of a material’s properties under fire
conditions, while testing after cooling gives the residual val-
ues corresponding to the post-fire performance of concrete.
The lower values of residual mechanical properties are at-
tributed to supplementary damage due to additional stresses
caused by cooling. The extent of stresses depends on, among
other things, the rate of cooling. As a result, rapid cooling
or quenching results in higher levels of damage. The extent
of damage done during the cooling phase may increase when
moisture is absorbed from the surroundings. Rehydration of
CaO – the product of portlandite and/or calcium carbonate de-
Fig. 8. Thermal strains, thermal strains under load and transient ther- composition – results in a 44% increase of volume, causing
mal strains of HPC concrete the development of cracks.

Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(1) 2013 149

I. Hager

water/cement ratios were obtained differentiated in terms of

compressive strength. The compositions were as follows: ce-
ment – 377 kg/m3 , quartz sand 432 kg/m3 , calcareous aggre-
gates: 0/5 mm – 439 kg/m3 , 5/12.5 mm – 488 kg/m3 , 12.5/20
mm – 561 kg/m3 , silica fume – 37.8 kg/m3 , high-range water-
reducing admixture – 12.5 kg/m3 and the water content: 124
kg/m3 , 150 kg/m3 and 189 kg/m3 for concretes with w/c =
0.3, 0.4, and 0.5, respectively.
In Fig. 10, the stress-strain curves of three heated con-
cretes are presented [19]. It can be observed that, with the in-
crease in temperature, the material becomes more deformable.
The increase in temperature results in a reduction in the slope
of σ(ε) curves. While the values of modulus of elasticity de-
crease steadily, the ultimate stresses and compressive strength
Fig. 9. Relative compressive strength as a function of tempera- results show a more complex course for all three hot-tested
ture for HPC “hot” and residual behaviour (HPC, 0.9 kg/m3 fibres, concretes (Figs. 11 and 12, both from [19]). We can distin-
fc20◦ C = 91 MPa) guish three consecutive phases in the compressive strength
evolution. The hypotheses concerning the occurrence of these
To demonstrate the impact of the temperature on concrete, phases are presented below.
the following are presented below: the stress-strain relation- In phase I, between 20◦ C and 120◦ C, we notice a decrease
ship, the compressive strength (fc ), and the modulus of elas- of compressive strength values by about 20–30% for all three
ticity (E) of three concretes. In addition, the relative values concretes that tested “hot” (Figs. 11 and 12 ). This weakening
of fc and E are also discussed in this section. Relative values was also observed for other types of concretes (see Fig. 9).
are defined as a percentage of unheated concrete properties. In the literature, researchers have also reported similar behav-
It is important to mention that all tests were performed using iour [2, 20]. This strength reduction can be explained by the
the same testing device that was used for the determination establishment of the hygral gradient within the heated spec-
of thermal strain (chapter 3.2) on concrete samples heated to imen, as well as the appearance of supplementary stresses.
the target temperature and loaded to failure at “hot” stage. Another possible explanation is the reduction of the cohesive
Tested “hot” properties were determined on material heated forces between the C-S-H gel layers. When water adsorbed
at a constant rate of 1◦ C/min. After the test temperature was on the layers expands (thermal expansion of water coefficient:
reached, it was maintained at a constant level for 2 hours at αT = 70 · 10−6 ), the distance between the layers also grows,
120◦C and 1 hour at 250◦ C, 400◦ C and 600◦C in order to causing the reduction of the Van der Waals forces. Know-
stabilize the temperature inside the sample and minimize the ing that compressive strength is related to shear stresses, the
thermal gradients within the specimen. The 120◦C tempera- weaker liaisons between hydrates can cause micro-defects to
ture was stabilised for a longer time due to its slower heat occur, thus facilitating sliding. Another possible explanation
propagation caused by the high specific heat of concrete at of the material’s weakness in the temperature range when wa-
temperature around 100◦ C. In the presented research [19], ter evaporates is the build-up of internal pore pressure, which
concretes were made from calcareous aggregates and CEM I induces significant internal stresses exerted on the solid skele-
52.5R cement. The quantitative and qualitative composition of ton. The role of water in strength reduction at 120◦C is in-
all HPCs examined were the same, with the exception of the contestable. By drying the samples, this local weakening can
amounts of water used. Thanks to this, concretes with three be successfully eliminated [9].

Fig. 10. The σ − ε diagrams for concretes with w/c ratio of 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5, obtained at temperature of 120◦ C, 250◦ C, 400◦ C, 600◦ C
(tested “hot”)

150 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(1) 2013

Behaviour of cement concrete at high temperature

at the point corresponding to 1/3 of the ultimate stress. The

values of the modulus of elasticity as a function of tempera-
ture of concretes are presented in. The modulus of elasticity
of heated concretes decreases in a similar way for all water-
cement ratios. The relative values of modulus of elasticity
seem to be independent of the water-cement ratio (see Figs. 13
and 14 [19]). For all three concretes the percentage drop in
E value can be considered as quasi-identical. The increase in
temperature generally leads to a consecutive fall in the mod-
ulus of elasticity value. However, the elasticity values depend
to a large extent on whether the concrete is loaded during
Fig. 11. Changes in compressive strength against temperature, ob-
heating. It was reported that when constant loading of 20%
tained for concretes based on calcareous aggregate with diversified
of fc is applied during heating, E may remain unchanged even
water-cement ratio (tested “hot”)
up to 600◦C [1, 2].

Fig. 12. Changes in relative compressive strength against temper- Fig. 13. Changes of modulus of elasticity against temperature, ob-
ature, obtained for concretes based on calcareous aggregate with tained for concretes based on calcareous aggregate with diversified
diversified water-cement ratio (tested “hot”) water-cement ratio (tested “hot”)

In phase II, between 120◦ C and 250◦C, we observe com-

pressive strength values to be higher than those exhibited by
samples tested at 120◦C. This apparent increase may be due
to water evaporation from the material, as well as to the re-
duction of the hygral gradient and internal pore pressures. For
concrete with a lower water cement ratio w/c = 0.3, the phase
of compressive strength recovery seems to be delayed. It is
only around 400◦ C that an increase in strength of concrete is
observed. This can be explained by the lower permeability of
these concretes, as they have a more compact structure that
effectively prevents water movement. As a result, the depar- Fig. 14. Changes of relative modulus of elasticity against temper-
ture of the water is slowed, resulting in a delayed increase in ature, obtained for concretes based on calcareous aggregate with
strength. The recovery of strength seems to be dependent on diversified water-cement ratio (tested “hot”)
the duration of the maximum temperature plateau [9]. It was
observed that by increasing the time of plateau, more water 3.4. Tensile strength changes. The number of publications
is removed from material, resulting in increased strength. presenting the results of tensile strength (ft ) changes caused
A progressive reduction of compressive strength is ob- by heating restrained. This is as a result of the technical dif-
served in phase III. This descending branch starts when the ficulties encountered when testing concrete in direct tension
heating temperature exceeds 250◦C, for concretes with higher at “hot” stage. Most of the ft results found in the literature
water cement ratio (w/c = 0.4 and 0.5), and 400◦ C for concrete were obtained after having cooled down the material. How-
with lower w/c = 0.3. The progressive, quasi-linear strength ever, the residual values of ft were found – similar to com-
decrease results from portlandite decomposition, C-S-H gel pressive strength – to be lower than those obtained in a “hot”
dehydration, and due to the mismatch of deformations be- stage [21]. The relative values of tensile strength, obtained us-
tween the aggregates, which expand, and cement paste, which ing various techniques such as by splitting [22], “hot” tested
itself undergoes shrinkage. direct tension, and direct tension after cooling down the spec-
In this research, the modulus of elasticity was determined imens [23], gradually decrease with the heating temperature.
as the tangent of the inclination angle of σ–ε curves (Fig. 10) Analyzing changes in concrete tensile strength as a function

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I. Hager

of temperature is very important from the point of view of surface. It was also pointed out [32], that the internal pressure
understanding the spalling, as this type of destruction occurs build – up cannot be the only reason for spalling occurrence.
when internal stresses generated by steam pressure and ther- When a crack, produced by pore pressure, starts to open the
mal strains exceed the value of concrete tensile strength. internal pore pressure immediately drops [17]. Thus, it has
been concluded that the pore pressure can only act as a trigger
4. Explosive spalling of concrete for the spalling phenomenon. Once the pore pressure has trig-
gered the crack, its growth and the resulting explosive spalling
Recently, severe cases of explosive spalling have occurred in depend on the thermal stresses. Therefore, this complex phe-
tunnel fires (Channel Tunnel – 1996, Mont Blanc Tunnel – nomenon still remains difficult to understand. In addition, the
1999, Gotthard Tunnel – 2001), causing casualties and im- prediction of the spalling sensitivity of a concrete is not yet
portant financial losses. Spalling results in loss of section and satisfactory realized [33].
reduction in the load bearing capacity of an element. There are
different types of high temperature concrete spalling. These
range from complete destruction, through the explosive loos-
ening of larger or smaller pieces of concrete that have thick-
ness ranging from a few millimetres to a few centimetres.
In all cases spalling lead to reinforcement steel exposition,
which is sensitive to high temperature. The spalling of con-
crete is one of the more interesting phenomenon occurring
in conditions of fire. The literature broadly describes it, both
from the experimental [17, 24–26] and the theoretical side,
on the bases of various mathematical models of this effect
[27, 28]. The main factors causing spalling of concrete in-
clude: reduced cement matrix porosity and the use of poz-
zolana additives [29, 30], water content in material [29, 30]
and condition of stresses brought about by the presence of
mechanical load and gradient of temperature. The first at- Fig. 15. Water clog and internal pore pressure formation within heat-
tempt of spalling mechanism description may be found in ed concrete element
Harmaty [26]. When, during heating, water is transported in-
to cooler zones the formation of a fully saturated layer of 4.1. Measures to reduce or prevent spalling. Nowadays,
concrete occurs. This zone is called moisture clog and it is application of insulation boards, cladding panels or sprayed
characterized by low permeability and act as an imperme- materials are used in order to limit spalling phenomenon oc-
able barrier for gases (see Fig. 15). In parallel, the tempera- currence in fire conditions [1]. However, one of the most effec-
ture rise changes the water into steam, which cannot escape tive methods that allows for the reduction of this type of dam-
due to water clog presence. This results in internal pressure age is to create a network of pores in the material, allowing
build-up [24, 27]. The internal pore pressure seems to be an steam generated during heating to evacuate. A technological
important factor leading to the concrete spalling behaviour – solution to this problem is to incorporate polypropylene fibres
this pressure has been successfully evaluated. As expected, in the material at the component mixing stage. These fibres
the higher values of internal pore pressures were observed in melt at approximately 170◦C, and leave a network of open
HPCs due to their dense structure and low permeability [17, pores, which make steam evacuation easier, thus contributing
24, 26]. Moisture clog in the heated concrete element may to the reduction of internal pore pressure [25].
also be the place where, due to local weakness of materi- Completed tests confirm the effectiveness of adding
al, spalling may commence. The presence of water evidently polypropylene fibres to increase the transport properties of
adds up to the probability of the occurrence of the spalling heated material [34]. In order to determine which length of
phenomenon. For this reason, the limit on the moisture con- fibres, used in which minimum amount, permits the develop-
tent of concrete is imposed on some codes and recommen- ment of a connected network of pores seven types of concrete
dations. In the literature, the limit of 3.0% for conventional has been tested. The concrete composition has been modified
vibrated concrete, and for high performance concrete 2.5%, by the addition of fibrillated polypropylene fibres (PP). The
can be found [30]. However, there are some experimental data study was carried out using concretes made from basalt ag-
available where spalling of concrete even with low moisture gregate and CEM I 52.5R cement. The quantitative and qual-
content was observed [31] indicating that a fixed limit on itative composition of all HPCs examined was the same, with
moisture content does not ensure concrete safety with respect the exception of the amounts and lengths of the polypropylene
to spalling. fibres used. Fibrillated polypropylene fibres (melting temper-
The other explanation for spalling phenomenon, was pre- ature of 163◦ C) with lengths of 6, 12 and 19 mm, and in
sented by Bazant [32]. According to this theory, spalling re- amounts of 0, 0.9, and 1.8 kg/m3 were used for the purpos-
sults from brittle fracture and delamination buckling caused es of the research. Cylindrical samples with a diameter of
by compressive biaxial thermal stresses parallel to the heated 150 mm and 50 mm high were used for measuring gas per-

152 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(1) 2013

Behaviour of cement concrete at high temperature

meability and surface water absorbability. Both the amount in the development of cracks. Significant cracking continues,
and length of polypropylene fibres added had an impact on thus altering the material mechanical properties.
the magnitude of changes in residual permeability caused by
HPC heating. The greatest increase in the residual permeabil- Acknowledgements. The selected results and paper prepara-
ity of heated concretes can be observed in samples in which tion were supported with the funds of the National Science
1.8 kg/m3 of 12 or 19 mm long fibres have been added (Fig. Centre within the framework of the N N506 045040 research
16). The addition of polypropylene fibres to HPCs heated to project. Part of the tests results presented in this paper were
temperature ranging from 160◦ C to 200◦ C also affected in a obtained with a device developed at the Centre Scientifique
significant way the effective porosity of those concretes, an et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) in France during the PhD
effect which was confirmed by measurements of changes in research project of the author. Specials thanks are given to
surface water absorbability over time. Research results con- Pierre Pimienta from CSTB for his scientific assistance at the
firmed the beneficial effect of PP fibres on increasing the per- research stage. The author would like also to thank Professor
meability of high performance concretes, thus reducing the Jacek Śliwiński from Cracow University of Technology for
risk of spalling behaviour in real fires. his invaluable comments to this paper.


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