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Unit 7 Chemical Changes: Summary Questions

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E s s e n t i a l C h e m i s t r y f o r C a m b r i d g e I G C S E ® 2 nd E d i t i o n

Unit 7 Chemical changes

1 (a) Exothermic
(b) Endothermic
(c) Endothermic
(d) Exothermic
2 Endothermic – a reaction which absorbs heat energy
Exothermic – a reaction which gives out heat energy
Isotopes – atoms of the same element having different numbers of neutrons
Radioactive – an atom giving out energy as waves or particles
Combustion – burning in oxygen
3 Uranium; carbon; pollutant; oxygen; water; decay; energy; turbine; electricity
4 Bond breaking – endothermic
Bond making – exothermic
Coal – fossil fuel
Electrochemical cell – portable source of energy
Uranium–235 – a radioactive isotope

1 B The reaction absorbs heat energy
2 D Hydrogen
3 (a) Exothermic
(b) Take temperature of the acid and alkali separately; add them together in a beaker;
record temperature after mixing.
(c) HCl and KOH on left dotted line; KCl and H2O on right hand dotted line; 20 kJ by red arrow.
(d) 40 kJ
4 (a) (i) Sodium hydroxide OR calcium chloride
(ii) Potassium nitrate
(b) Endothermic
(c) Sodium hydroxide
(d) (i) 10 °C
(ii) 40 °C

© OUP 2015: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute
E s s e n t i a l C h e m i s t r y f o r C a m b r i d g e I G C S E ® 2 nd E d i t i o n

5 (a) Releases heat energy (on reaction).

(b) Bond breaking is endothermic; bond making is exothermic; more energy released on
forming bonds than in breaking bonds.
(c) As in Figure 7.1.2a with CH4 + 2O2 in place of ‘reactants’, CO2 + 2H2O in place of products
and arrow pointing down; reactants on left and products on right; product level below
reactant level; arrow downwards showing exothermic reaction.
(d) (i) 4 × 435 = 1740
2 × 498 = 996
total = 2736 kJ
(ii) 2 × 805 = 1610
4 × 464 = 1856
total = 3466 kJ
(iii) −3466 + 2736 = −730 kJ (ignore wrong sign)
6 (a) Any three of:
Hydrogen burns to give water; water is non-polluting; not a greenhouse gas; more energy
per gram with hydrogen; fossil fuels form carbon dioxide when burned; carbon dioxide is a
greenhouse gas.
(b) 2 × 436 = 872 kJ to break bonds of hydrogen, 498 kJ to break the bonds in oxygen.
Total = 1370 kJ for breaking bonds in reactants; 4 × 464 = 1856 kJ released when
water forms; −1856 + 1370 = −486 kJ released (ignore sign).
(c) (i) O2 + 2H2O +4e− → 4OH−
(ii) 2H2 + 4OH− → 4H2O + +4e−
(iii) At cathode / negative electrode / negative pole electrons are released; at anode /
positive electrode / positive pole electrons are taken up / positive pole less good at
releasing electrons; electrons move around circuit from where there are more electrons
(or greater electron density of electrons) to where there are less electrons (or lower
electron density) / electrons move in the direction to equalise the electron density.
7 (a) Aqueous potassium nitrate / (dilute) sulfuric acid
(b) Zinc higher in the electrochemical / reactivity series; zinc better at releasing electrons
(or reverse argument).
(c) Electron density greater on zinc than on copper; electrons move in direction to equalise
electron density / move from high to low electron density.
(d) (i) Voltage decreases
(ii) Voltage increases
(iii) No difference in electron density (or electrode potential) on electrodes / each electrode
has same ability to release electrons.

© OUP 2015: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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