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Abstract— Wind power penetration is rapidly growing all over It will be further necessary to transmit the generated power
the world as the alternative, renewable and environment friendly through transmission networks that can sustain large power
resource of energy production. With this rapid growth of wind flows. It is well known that series compensation is an effective
power, the power systems of future will likely see the integration means of increasing power transfer capability of an existing
of large wind farms with electrical networks that are series transmission network.
compensated for ensuring stable transmission of bulk power. This
may potentially lead to subsynchronous resonance (SSR) issues. However, series compensation is shown to cause a highly
Although SSR is a well-understood phenomenon that can be detrimental phenomenon called Subsynchronous Resonance
mitigated with FACTS devices, scant information is available on (SSR) in electrical networks. SSR manifests itself in two ways:
the SSR problem in a series compensated wind farm. This paper
the induction generator (IG) effect and torsional interaction
reports the occurrence and mitigation of SSR caused by induction
generator (IG) effect as well as torsional interactions (TI), in a (TI). The induction generator effect is caused by the interplay
series compensated wind farm. SSR suppression is achieved as an of the series compensated network and the generator stator
added advantage of a Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor circuit. Meanwhile, torsional interaction is caused by the
(TCSC) actually installed to increase the power transfer interaction of the mechanical/torsional system and the
capability of the transmission line. In this study, a wind farm electrical network. Flexible AC Transmission Systems
employing self-excited induction generator (SEIG) is connected to (FACTS) can provide an effective solution to mitigate SSR [1-
the grid through a series compensated line. A Thyristor 3].
Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is shown to damp A vast body of literature is available on the mitigation of
subsynchronous oscillations when provided with closed loop
subsynchronous resonance in a conventional thermal power
current control. Extensive simulations have been carried out
using EMTDC/PSCAD to validate the performance of TCSC in plant [1]. However, very little information is presented on the
damping SSR. subsynchronous resonance issues in a series compensated wind
farm [2]. The major difference between WECS and
Index Terms—Wind power systems, FACTS, Self-excited conventional power plants is that WECS uses induction
Induction Generator (SEIG), Series Compensation, generators as opposed to synchronous generators. In this
Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR), Thyristor Controlled paper, it is shown that induction generators are also prone to
Series Capacitors (TCSC), Open Loop Control, Closed SSR interplay. Growing subsynchronous oscillations both due
loop Current Control. to induction generator (IG) effect as well as torsional
interaction (TI) are shown to be the cause of system instability
in a series compensated wind farm.
I. INTRODUCTION A thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) is employed
farm. The wind farm is connected to the grid through a series Ns − N r (3)
compensated transmission network. The study system is Ns
derived from the IEEE First Benchmark Model (FBM) and the
wind farm is modeled by a group of coherent induction
When the magnitude of this resistance exceeds the sum of the
generators with shunt capacitance. The entire mechanical
armature and network resistances at a resonant frequency,
system, comprising the gear train, rotor blades and tower, of
the wind turbine is modeled by a single mass, as their there will be self-excitation.
individual natural resonant frequencies are very close.
Nonlinear time domain simulations of fault studies are carried The induction generator effect can be explained in case of a
out using EMTDC/PSCAD. wind farm comprising induction generator from its equivalent
circuit drawn in Fig. 1.
The organization of the paper is as follows. The two
mechanisms of SSR - induction generator (IG) effect and R1 jX1 jX2
torsional interaction (TI) are briefly described in section II.
Section III outlines the study system configuration; section IV
proves the potential occurrence of SSR both due to IG effect
and TI interactions in a series compensated wind farm. Rc jXm R2/s
Section V covers the selection of TCSC parameters. The
performance of the TCSC in mitigating SSR is shown in
section VI; finally section VII concludes the paper.
Fig. 2 Wind generator study system with TCSC
In this section both the induction generator self excitation 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
and torsional interaction effects are studied in the study system Time (s)
Fig. 4 Generator terminal voltage for 100 MW power transfer for 90% series
depicted in Fig. 2. The firing angle control of the TCSC is
blocked so that the possibility of SSR can be examined in a
non-FACTS equipped series compensated wind farm. A three
phase to ground fault is implemented to study potential of both 1.07
self excitation and transient torque SSR. The power flow 1.06
A. Induction Generator Self-excitation Effect
Studies reported in this section show that there are two 1.01
• Power transfer level. Fig. 5 Generator rotor speed for 100 MW power transfer for 90% series
• Level of series compensation. compensation
These factors are addressed separately.
The generator power output is now increased to 500 MW.
For a power transfer of 100 MW, the induction generator At this high power level, the induction generator is operated at
self excitation effect is not seen to be so prominent. Even a much higher speed over the synchronous speed. This
though oscillations are visible in the electromagnetic torque, increased power transfer makes the apparent negative rotor
machine terminal voltage and rotor speed, they are seen to resistance exceed the sum of total armature and network
decay with time. This is depicted in Fig. 3 - Fig. 5. If the line resistance. Thus giving rise to subsynchronous oscillations.
resistance is decreased, these oscillations become larger and The dominant electrical mode in this case is 20.54 Hz.
continue for a longer duration which is expected of induction
generator self excitation oscillations. However, the line Next, the series compensation level is varied for 500 MW
resistance reduction is not a realistic option and is hence not generator power output. It is observed that with increasing
reported here. series compensation levels the oscillations due to induction
generator self excitation get enhanced making the system
eventually unstable. The electromagnetic torque is depicted for
50%, 65% and 90% in Fig. 6, 7 and 8, respectively. The
0.5 electrical frequencies fe in the electromagnetic torque increases
Electromagnetic Torque (p.u.)
according to (1) and consequently, the rotor torque frequency
fr decreases as in (2).
4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Time (s)
Fig. 3 Electromagnetic torque for 100 MW power transfer for 90% series
It is observed that with increasing series compensation
levels the oscillations due to torsional interaction also get
Electromagnetic torque (p.u.)
0 enhanced making the system eventually unstable. The
mechanical torque between Mass 1 and Mass 2 is depicted for
50%, 65% and 90% in Fig. 9, 10 and 11 respectively.
-1.5 2
Electromagnetic torque (p.u.)
0 5 10 15 20
-1 Time (s)
-1.5 Fig. 9 Mechanical torque between mass 1 and 2 (T12) for 50% series
compensation and fr = 0.8 Hz
Electromagnetic torque (p.u.)
5 10 15 20
-2 Time (s)
Fig. 10 Mechanical torque between mass 1 and 2 (T12) for 65% series
compensation and fn = 0.8 Hz
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 3
Mechanical Torque between
Mass 1 and Mass 2 (p.u.)
Time (s)
Fig. 8 Electromagnetic torque for 90% series compensation 2
B. Torsional Interactions 0
In this application, the TCSC is assumed to be primarily
employed in the network for controlling line reactance and
hence control of power flow. The SSR damping function is
added through constant current control for this study. It is
reported [4] that a TCSC when operating at fundamental
frequency offers a pure capacitive reactance to increase the
power transfer capability of the network. On the other hand the
same TCSC offers resistive impedance at subsynchronous Fig. 13 TCSC Constant Current Controller
frequencies which need to be damped. The resistive impedance
of the TCSC increases with the increased boost factor which is Here Iref is the pre-fault or pre-contingency current
the ratio of the capacitive reactance offered by the TCSC and calculated from EMTDC/PSCAD line-current phasor. The
the total line reactance. Hence, the TCSC also provides a main current controller is a PI Controller. The parameters of
resistive damping to the subsynchronous oscillations. this controller are also adjusted systematically through
electromagnetic transient simulation studies by hit-trial to get
the minimum settling time or fastest damping criterion.
The general configuration of a TCSC is shown below:
X C2 2β + sin2β 4X C2 cos 2 β ktankβ − tanβ In this case also, the damping performance of the TCSC is
X TCSC = X C − +
XC − XL π XC − XL k 2 − 1 π shown for the worst possible operating condition of 500 MW
(4) power flow and 90% series compensation. The signals
reported to show the damping performance of TCSC are:
where β = angle of advance (before the forward voltage
becomes zero) = π-α; α is the firing angle of the thyristors. It Electromagnetic torque of the generator (Te)
is noted from (4) that a parallel resonance is created between Generator rotor speed (Wr)
XC and XL at the fundamental frequency, corresponding to the Generator terminal voltage (Vt)
values of firing angle αres, given by:
πω Fig. 14, 15 and 16 display the generator electromagnetic-
α res = π - (2m - 1) (5) torque, generator rotor speed, machine terminal voltage,
2ω r
The different resonances can be reduced to one by proper Without TCSC
choice of k = ωr/ω = √ XC/ XL in the range of 900 < α < 1800. 2 With TCSC CC
Electromagnetic torque (p.u.)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 14 Damping of SSO in the electromagnetic torque
1.08 1.6
Without TCSC Without TCSC
With TCSC CC 1.5 With TCSC CC
0.98 1
0.96 0.9
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 10 15 20
Time(s) Time(s)
Fig. 15 Damping of SSO in the generator speed Fig. 18 Damping of SSO in the rotor speed by TCSC
Without TCSC
Generator terminal voltage (p.u.)
1.4 With TCSC CC
Xtcsc (Ohm)
0.4 365
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time(s) 360
5 10 15 20
Fig. 16 Damping of SSO in the generator terminal voltage Time(s)
Fig. 19 Variation of TCSC reactance in damping of SSO
B. Damping performance of TCSC for TI
Mechanical torque between Mass 1 and Mass 2. With the rapid growth of wind power penetration into the
power system grid, wind farms will likely be evacuating bulk
Generator rotor speed (Wr)
power through series compensated networks. This will render
TCSC reactance (XTCSC)
the power system vulnerable to SSR. In this paper a thyristor
controlled series capacitor is applied to damp SSR in such a
Fig 17, 18 and 19 demonstrate mechanical torque between series compensated wind farm. The following conclusions are
Mass 1 and 2, generator rotor speed and TCSC susceptance drawn from extensive electromagnetic transient simulation
respectively. It is apparent from the figures that TCSC closed- studies over widely varying levels of series compensation:
loop current control effectively damps the SSO due to TI
effect. SSR is a potential threat in series compensated wind
4 farms even at realistic levels of series compensation.
Without FACTS
A TCSC which is originally employed to improve
power transfer capability of the transmission line is
Mechanical Torque between
Mass 1 and Mass 2 (p.u.)
K = Percentage series compensation XC/X∑ =90%, 65%, 50%; Ysni Semsedini received his B. Sc and M. Sc degrees in
XL = Calculated from (4) to avoid multiple resonant peaks in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University
of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada in 2003 and
TCSC reactance-firing angle characteristics. TCSC Current 2006 respectively. He was a distribution engineer in
Controller: KP = 0.0; KI = 200; Kitchener – Wilmot Hydro, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
from 2003 to 2004. Currently he is working in London
REFERENCES Hydro, London, ON. His research interests include
modeling and performance studies of wind farms and
[1] IEEE Working Committee Report, “Third Supplement to a Bibliography
for the Study of Subsynchronous Resonance between Rotating
Machines and Power Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 6,
Soubhik Auddy received the B.E. degree in Electrical
no. 2, pp. 830-834, May 1991
Engineering from Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India in
[2] P. Pourbeik, R. J. Koessler, D. L. Dickmander, and W. Wong,
2000 and the M.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering
“Integration of Large Wind Farms into Utility Grids (Part 2 –
from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India in
Performance Issues),” in Proc. 2003 IEEE PES General Meeting Conf,
2003. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at
pp. 1520-1525.
the University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada. His
[3] R.M. Mathur and R.K. Varma, Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for
research interests include FACTS, power system dynamics
Electrical Transmission Systems IEEE Press and Wiley Interscience,
and stability.
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[10] IEEE Committee Report, “First Benchmark Model for Computer
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[11] DSA Power Tools User manual, Power Tech Lab, Surrey, BC, 2005
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