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Memory-Efficient Fast Shortest Path Estimation in Large Social Networks

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Proceedings of the Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media

Memory-Efficient Fast Shortest Path Estimation in Large Social Networks

Volodymyr Floreskul and Konstantin Tretyakov∗ and Marlon Dumas†
Institute of Computer Science,
University of Tartu, Estonia

Abstract these large graphs makes the basic exact shortest-path al-
gorithms prohibitively slow. Even though the recently pro-
As the sizes of contemporary social networks surpass posed exact algorithms can scale up to graphs with a few
billions of users, so grows the need for fast graph al- hundred million edges (Akiba, Iwata, and Yoshida 2013),
gorithms to analyze them. A particularly important ba-
they are still slow for contemporary social and web net-
sic operation is the computation of shortest paths be-
tween nodes. Classical exact algorithms for this prob- works, which are in the order of billions or tens of billions
lem are prohibitively slow on large graphs, which mo- of edges.
tivates the development of approximate methods. Of Approximate shortest path estimation methods provide an
those, landmark-based methods have been actively stud- attractive alternative, which can scale to larger graphs. A
ied in recent years. promising family of such methods are those based on the
Landmark-based estimation methods start by picking a use of landmarks (also referred to as sketches, pivots or bea-
fixed set of landmark nodes, precomputing the distance cons in various works). In a nutshell, these methods start
from each node in the graph to each landmark, and stor- by fixing a set of k landmark nodes and precomputing the
ing the precomputed distances in a data structure. Prior shortest path distance between each node in the graph and
work has shown that the number of landmarks required each landmark. After this precomputation, an approximate
to achieve a given level of precision grows with the size distance between any two nodes can be computed using tri-
of the graph. Simultaneously, the size of the data struc-
ture is proportional to the product of the size of the
angle inequality in O(k) time.
graph and the number of landmarks. In this work we The accuracy of landmark-based methods can be im-
propose an alternative landmark-based distance estima- proved by using more landmarks. This, however, leads to
tion approach that substantially reduces space require- linear increase in memory and disk space usage with only
ments by means of pruning: computing distances from slight reduction of the approximation error.
each node to only a small subset of the closest land- In this work we describe an improvement to the landmark-
marks. based technique that can significantly reduce memory usage
We evaluate our method on the DBLP, Orkut, Twitter while keeping comparable accuracy and query running time.
and Skype social networks and demonstrate that the re- The idea of the modification is based on the fact that in the
sulting estimation algorithms are comparable in query majority of cases it is enough to keep the distance from each
time and potentially superior in approximation qual- node to only a small set of the closest landmarks rather than
ity to equivalent non-pruned landmark-based methods,
to all the landmarks. This optimization allows us to use a
while requiring less memory or disk space.
higher number of landmarks without a corresponding linear
increase in memory usage.
1 Introduction
2 Basic Definitions
The shortest path problem is one of the core problems in
This paper builds upon the methods and algorithms pro-
graph theory. Effective algorithms have been developed for
posed in the work (Tretyakov et al. 2011). In this sec-
it long ago, which work well on small and medium-size
tion we briefly review the basic definitions and the original
graphs. In recent years more and more interest is concen-
landmark-based algorithms proposed in that paper.
trated on large social networks (such as Facebook, LinkedIn,
As usual, by G = (V, E) we denote a graph with n = |V |
Twitter, Skype), web and knowledge graphs. The size of
vertices and m = |E| edges. We shall consider undirected

Corresponding author.
and unweighted graphs only, although the presented ap-

All authors are also affiliated with Software Technology and
proach generalizes easily to accomodate weighted and di-
Applications Competence Center (STACC), Estonia. This work rected graphs as well.
was partly supported by Microsoft/Skype Labs. A path πs,t of length ` = |πs,t | between two vertices
Copyright c 2014, Association for the Advancement of Artificial s, t ∈ V is defined as a sequence πs,t = (s, u1 , . . . , u`−1 , t),
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. where {u1 , . . . , u`−1 } ⊆ V and {(s, u1 ), . . . , (u`−1 , t)}

⊆ E. The concatenation of two paths πs,t = (s, . . . , t) and Algorithm 1 PLT-P RECOMPUTE
πt,v = (t, . . . , v) is the combined path πs,v = πs,t + πt,v = Require: Graph G = (V, E), a set of landmarks U ⊂ V ,
(s, . . . , t, . . . , v). number of landmarks per node r.
The distance d(s, t) between vertices s and t is defined as
the length of the shortest path between s and t. The shortest 1: procedure PLT-P RECOMPUTE
path distance in a graph is a metric and satisfies the triangle 2: for v ∈ V do . Initialize empty arrays
inequality: for any s, t, u ∈ V 3: c[v] ← 0
4: for u ∈ U do
d(s, t) ≤ d(s, u) + d(u, t) . (1) 5: pu [v] ← nil
6: du [v] ← ∞
If the node u lies on or near an actual shortest path from 7: end for
s to t, the upper bound is usually a good approximation 8: end for
to the true distance d(s, t). This forms the core idea of all 9: Create an empty queue Q.
landmark-based approximation algorithms. 10: for u ∈ U do . Initialize queue
The simplest of them, Landmarks-Basic, first precom- 11: Q.enqueue((u, u, 0))
putes for a given landmark u the distance d(s, u) between 12: pu [u] ← u
u and each node s ∈ V in the graph. This allows to com- 13: du [u] ← 0
pute the upper bound approximation (1) for any s and t in 14: end for
constant time by simply adding two precomputed numbers. 15: while Q is not empty do
The Landmarks-LCA algorithm, instead, precomputes a 16: (u, v, d) ← Q.dequeue()
whole shortest path tree (SPT) for the landmark node u. This 17: for x ∈ G.adjacentN odes(v) do
makes it possible to further increase the quality of approxi- 18: if pu [x] = nil and c[x] < r then
mation by merging the paths from the nodes s and u to the 19: pu [x] ← v
landmark and removing a cycle if it occurs. The resulting 20: du [x] ← d + 1
path will essentially pass through the “least common ances- 21: c[x] ← c[x] + 1
tor” of s and t in the shortest path tree for landmark u. The 22: Q.enqueue((u, x, d + 1))
method presented in (Qiao et al. 2014) uses the same idea. 23: end if
Aside from computing distances, the method is capable of 24: end for
returning actual shortest paths. 25: end while
Both Landmarks-Basic and Landmarks-LCA are typically 26: end procedure
used with a set of k different landmarks: the method is ap-
plied for each landmark separately and the best result is re-
Finally, the Landmarks-BFS method precomputes short- i.e. when building the tree it ignores all nodes with distance
est path trees like the Landmarks-LCA does. The approxi- from the landmark larger than some fixed value. The draw-
mation is computed, however, by collecting all nodes lying backs of this strategy are that nodes are inequally covered
on all shortest paths from s and t to all the landmarks, and by landmarks and there may even exist nodes unconnected
then running a standard breadth-first (or Dijkstra) search on to any landmarks at all, which makes it impossible to ap-
the resulting subgraph. proximate distances between them and any other vertices.
In the work (Akiba, Iwata, and Yoshida 2013), a pruning
3 Algorithm Description and landmark selection technique is proposed, which en-
sures that each pair of nodes in the graph would share at
3.1 Pruned landmark trees least one common landmark node, located on a shortest path
Traditional landmark-based methods require the computa- between them. The resulting index can be used to quickly
tion of a shortest-path tree (SPT) for each landmark node u. compute exact shortest path distance between any pair of
A SPT is stored by keeping a parent pointer pu [v] for each nodes. The potential drawback of such an approach is the
v ∈ V , which indicates the node that follows v on the short- size of the index structure. As the size of the landmark set
est path from v to u. For the Landmarks-Basic method, only is not initially fixed, it can become prohibitively large for
the distance du [v] from v to the landmark needs to be kept. billion-node graphs.
In both cases, however, the space requirements for storing We propose a somewhat intermediate solution. A fixed set
the precomputed data for each landmark is proportional to of landmarks is selected first. Then for each node v ∈ V , our
the number of nodes n in the graph. For k landmarks this algorithm ensures that the size of the associated landmark set
results in the total memory requirements of O(kn). L(v) of that node is limited to a fixed number r of its closest
We propose to reduce this complexity by pruning the size landmarks. The motivation comes from the observation that
of the shortest path trees that need to be stored. Formally, quite frequently landmarks that are close to a node tend to
define a pruned landmark tree (PLT) as a shortest path tree provide the best distance approximations.
on a subset of nodes V 0 ⊂ V , with the landmark node as the This can be achieved using a modified BFS algorithm that
root. we call PLT-Precompute (see Algorithm 1). Similarly to the
There may be multiple pruning strategies. The method regular BFS it is based on an iteration over a queue. This
proposed in (Vieira et al. 2007) limits trees based on depth, queue contains tuples (u, v, d), where u is a landmark, v is

Figure 1: Example graph with landmarks u1 , u2 , u3 .

Figure 2: Shortest path trees

Figure 3: Pruned landmark trees

the next node to be processed in the SPT for the landmark teed that for any pair of nodes (s, t) both of them will share
u, and d is the distance from u to v. The queue is initial- any common landmarks (i.e., belong to the same landmarks
ized with the set {(u, u, 0) : u ∈ U }, which, intuitively, shortest path trees). To address this problem we must use
corresponds to performing the BFS “in parallel” from all the a pair of landmarks u ∈ L(s) and v ∈ L(t) in the short-
landmarks. The difference with the regular BFS is that each est path distance approximation, including the precomputed
node can be visited by at most r different landmarks. This is distance d(u, v) between the landmarks into the equation:
implemented by keeping track of the set of associated land- dapprox (s, t) ≈ d(s, u) + d(u, v) + d(v, t).
marks L(v) = {u : pu [v] 6= nil} for each node. No further
traversal of a node is allowed when it has already been vis- To obtain the best approximation, we iterate over all pairs of
ited by r landmarks. The algorithm stops when the queue is landmarks (u, v) ∈ L(s)×L(t) and choose the one that pro-
empty. duces the smallest approximation. We refer to this method
After the algorithm completes, the resulting set L(v) for as the PLT-Basic, see Algorithm 2. Clearly, if there are com-
each node v will contain its min(r, k 0 ) closest landmarks, mon landmarks between s and t, for those landmarks this
where k 0 is the number of landmarks in the connected com- method produces the same result as the Landmarks-Basic
ponent of v. See Theorem 1 in Appendix A. algorithm.
Figure 1 presents an example of a small graph with three Consider the pruned landmark trees from Figure 3. Sup-
selected landmarks. Figure 2 illustrates the full shortest path pose that we want to estimate the distance between v5 and
trees obtained by the traditional landmark-based appoach, v4 . When we use landmarks u1 and u2 the resulting approxi-
and Figure 3 demonstrates the pruned trees ensuring r = 2 mate shortest path is computed to be (v5 , u1 )+(u1 , v1 , u2 )+
landmarks per node. (u2 , v4 ) of length 4. The two nodes are both present in the
landmark tree rooted at u3 , hence the PLT-Basic algorithm
3.2 Distance approximation with pruned trees will also find the path (v5 , v6 , u3 ) + (u3 , v3 , v4 ), also of
length 4.
Basic method As described in Section 2, the core
landmark-based approximation technique is based on the Cycle elimination Consider again the PLTs on Figure 3. If
simple triangle inequality. The same algorithm cannot be di- we use the PLT-Basic algorithm to estimate the distance be-
rectly applied to pruned landmark trees, as it is not guaran- tween v2 and v4 through landmarks u1 and u2 , we may end

Algorithm 2 PLT-BASIC Algorithm 3 PLT-CE
Require: Graph G = (V, E), a set of landmarks U , pre- Require: Graph G = (V, E), a set of landmarks U , a PLT
computed distance du [x] from each node x to each land- parent link pu [x] precomputed for each u ∈ L(x), x ∈
mark u ∈ L(v), precomputed distance d[u, v] for each V.
pair of landmarks (u, v) ∈ U × U .
1: function E LIMINATE -C YCLES(π)
1: function PLT-BASIC(s, t) 2: S←∅
2: dmin ← ∞ 3: T ← Empty stack
3: for u ∈ L(s) do 4: for x ∈ π do
4: for v ∈ L(t) do 5: if x ∈ S then
5: d ← du [s] + d[u, v] + dv [t] 6: while x 6= do
6: dmin ← min(dmin , d) 7: v ← T.pop()
7: end for 8: Remove v from S.
8: end for 9: end while
9: return dmin 10: else
10: end function 11: Add x to S
12: T.push(x)
13: end if
14: end for
15: return T , converted from a Stack to a Path
16: end function
17: function PATH -T Ou (s,π)
Returns the path in the SPT pu from the vertex s
to the closest vertex q belonging to the path π
18: Result ← (s) . Sequence of 1 element.
19: while s ∈
/ π do
20: s ← pu [s]
21: Append s to Result
Figure 4: Cycle elimination examples. 22: end while
23: return Result . (s, pu [s], pu [pu [s]], . . . , q), q ∈ π
24: end function

up with a path containing a cycle, as shown on Figure 4a. 25: function PLT-CE(s,t)
Analogously, when estimating the distance between v5 and 26: dmin ← ∞
v6 , even through the same tree of the landmark u1 , the re- 27: for u ∈ L(s) do
sulting path will contain a cycle of length 2 (see Figure 4b). 28: for v ∈ L(t) do
The PLT-CE algorithm (Algorithm 3) implements the cy- 29: π ← PATH -T O(s, (u)) +
cle elimination technique to improve the results of the PLT- 30: PATH -B ETWEEN(u, v) +
BASIC. To achieve that, it computes actual paths (not just 31: R EVERSED(PATH -T O(t, (v)))
distances), and relies on a fairly straighforward use of a stack 32: d ← |E LIMINATE -C YCLES(π)|
and a set data structures to remove the loops. The issue of ef- 33: dmin ← min(dmin , d)
ficiently obtaining pieces of the path between the landmarks 34: end for
(the PATH -B ETWEEN function) is discussed below in Sec- 35: end for
tion 3.2. The PLT-CE method can be regarded as a pruned 36: return dmin
version of the previous Landmarks-LCA approach. 37: end function

Pruned landmark BFS Suppose that we want to get the

shortest path between nodes u1 and v3 using pruned land- turns a path that does not contain cycles.
mark trees depicted in Figure 3. Both PLT-Basic and PLT- The PLT-BFS algorithm (Algorithm 4) is the adapted ver-
CE algorithms can only return paths with distance 3 while sion of L ANDMARKS -BFS that operates on pruned land-
the true shortest path (u1 , v2 , v3 ) is of distance 2. The reason mark trees. This time the induced graph is constructed on
is that edge (v2 , v3 ) is not present in any of the used PLTs. the set of vertices composed of all shortest paths from the
The previous Landmarks-BFS algorithm proposes to ap- source and destination nodes s and t to their known land-
proach this problem by running a BFS on a subgraph in- marks L(s) and L(t) as well as all nodes on the interland-
duced by the source and destination nodes and the paths mark paths {πu,v |u ∈ L(s), v ∈ L(t)}.
from these to all the landmarks. This method makes use of
shortcuts – edges that are present in the graph but are not Computing paths between landmarks All the three pro-
present in landmark trees and therefore requires the graph posed algorithms (PLT-Basic, PLT-CE, PLT-BFS) require
itself. Another benefit of running BFS is that it always re- the precomputation of the shortest path between each pair of

Algorithm 4 PLT-BFS Algorithm 5 PATH -B ETWEEN -L ANDMARKS
Require: Graph G = (V, E), a set of landmarks U , an SPT Require: Graph G = (V, E), a set of landmarks U , an SPT
parent link pu [x] precomputed for each u ∈ L(x), x ∈ parent link pu [x] and a distance value du [x] precom-
V. puted for each u ∈ L(x), x ∈ V .
1: function PLT-BFS(s,t) 1: procedure C ALCULATE -W ITNESS -N ODES
2: S←∅ 2: for x ∈ V , u ∈ L(x), v ∈ L(x) do
3: for u ∈ L(s) ∪ L(t) do 3: if w[u, v] = nil or
4: S ← S ∪ PATH -T O(s, (u)) 4: (du [x] + dv [x] <
5: S ← S ∪ PATH -T O(t, (u)) 5: du [w[u, v]] + dv [w[u, v]]) then
6: end for 6: w[u, v] ← x
7: for u ∈ L(s) do 7: end if
8: for v ∈ L(t) do 8: end for
9: S ← S ∪ PATH -B ETWEEN(u, v) 9: end procedure
10: end for 10: function PATH -B ETWEEN(u,v)
11: end for Returns the path between landmarks u and v
12: Let G[S] be the subgraph of G induced by S.
13: Apply BFS on G[S] to find 11: π ← PATH -T O(w[u, v], (u)) +
14: a path π from s to t. 12: R EVERSED(PATH -T O(w[u, v], (v)))
15: return |π| 13: return π
16: end function 14: end function

the number of landmarks, Θ(k). In the proposed approaches

landmarks. The straightforward method to do it is to run BFS
the query time does not depend on the total number of land-
from each landmark and save distances to all other ones.
marks, but rather is Θ(r2 ) as the search is performed over
Such a procedure, however, requires O(k(m + n)) time for
pairs of landmarks.
k landmarks. The linear time dependency on k makes it pro-
Thus, both in precomputation and query time the new
hibitive to use the number of landmarks significantly larger
approaches are comparable to the previous ones whenever
than in previous landmark-based methods, which somewhat
r2 ≈ k.
reduces the benefits of the new approach.
In terms of space complexity, the new methods require
We propose to tackle this problem by calculating ap- Θ(rn) space to keep landmark data plus Θ(k 2 ) for stor-
proximations of interlandmark shortest path distances from ing interlandmark witness nodes or distances. This compares
the data already collected by the PLT-P RECOMPUTE algo- favourably with the Θ(kn) complexity of the previous ap-
rithm. The idea is to find a witness node w[u, v] for each proaches whenever n  k, which is true for most large
pair of landmarks u ∈ U and v ∈ U such that w[u, v] graphs.
is present in the pruned landmark trees for both u and v,
i.e. {u, v} ⊂ L(w[u, v]). The approximation of the distance
between the landmarks can then be computed through this
4 Experimental Evaluation
node as du [w[u, v]]+dv [w[u, v]]. Also the approximate path 4.1 Datasets
between the landmarks can be restored via the witness. We tested our approach on four real-world social network
Obviously, if several witness nodes exist for a pair of land- graphs, representing four different orders of magnitude in
marks, we choose the one which minimizes the approxima- terms of network size. Those are the same datasets that were
tion. The implementation is provided in the C ALCULATE - used in (Tretyakov et al. 2011), the dataset descriptions be-
W ITNESS -N ODES procedure in Algorithm 5. When this low are presented verbatim from that paper.
procedure finishes, the approximated shortest paths between • DBLP. The DBLP dataset contains bibliographic in-
the landmarks can be obtained using the function PATH - formation of computer science publications (Ley and
B ETWEEN. Reuther 2006). Every vertex corresponds to an author.
Two authors are connected by an edge if they have co-
Algorithm complexity The proposed modifications to the authored at least one publication. The snapshot from May
traditional landmark algorithms affect their runtime com- 15, 2010 was used.
plexity twofold. On one hand, computation of pruned land-
mark trees requires visiting each node and each edge up to r • Orkut. Orkut is a large social networking website. It is
times and therefore pruned trees can be built in Θ(r(m+n)) a graph, where each user corresponds to a vertex and
time. This is more efficient compared to Θ(k(m + n)) com- each user-to-user connection is an edge. The snapshot of
plexity of computing full SPTs in the regular landmark- the Orkut network was published by Mislove et al. in
based methods. On the other hand, the need to precompute 2007 (Mislove et al. 2007).
distances between pairs of landmarks (Algorithm 5) intro- • Twitter. Twitter is a microblogging site, which allows
duces an additional Θ(r2 n) term. users to follow each other, thus forming a network. A
The time per query of the original methods was linear in snapshot of the Twitter network was published by Kwak

et al. in 2010 (Kwak et al. 2010). Although originally the In random selection we make sure to use the same nodes
network is directed, in our experiments we ignore edge in the experiments with equal landmark set sizes in order to
direction. make results more comparable.
• Skype. Skype is a large social network for peer-to-peer
communication. We say that two users are connected by 4.4 Results
an edge if they are in each other’s contact list. The snap- Approximation Error Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8 present the
shot was obtained in February 2010. approximation error for DBLP, Orkut, Twitter and Skype
The properties of these datasets are summarized in Ta- graphs correspondingly. The error values are present for
ble 1. The table shows the number of vertices |V |, number different landmark selection strategies (rows), algorithms
of edges |E|, average distance between vertices d (computed (columns), numbers of landmarks per node (bar colors) and
on a sample vertex pairs), approximate diameter ∆, frac- number of landmarks (x-axis). The dashed black line is the
tion of vertices in the largest connected component |S|/|V |, baseline. As the baseline for PLT-Basic we use Landmark-
and average time to perform a BFS traversal over the graph Basic, for PLT-CE we use Landmark-LCA and for PLT-BFS
tBF S . Note that the reported time to perform a BFS differs we use Landmark-BFS. Each of the baseline algorithms is
from the one given in (Tretyakov et al. 2011) due to the fact used with 100 landmarks and the values are obtained from
that we use a different programming language (Java) to im- (Tretyakov et al. 2011).
plement our experiments. Landmark selection strategy is a very significant fac-
tor for approximation quality, especially for PLT-Basic and
Dataset DBLP Orkut Twitter Skype PLT-CE algorithms. For the PLT-BFS method, however,
|V | 770K 3.1M 41.7M 454M randomly selected landmarks provide accuracy comparable
|E| 2.6M 117M 1.2B 3.1B with the highest degree method and sometimes even outper-
d 6.25 5.70 4.17 6.7 form them, as in the case for the Twitter graph. This effect
∆ 23 10 24 60 was also observed for Landmark-Basic and Landmark-BFS
|S|/|V | 85% 100% 100% 85% in (Tretyakov et al. 2011).
tBF S 343 ms 25.4 sec 11 min 33 min Higher number r of landmarks per node leads to con-
sistent reduction of the approximation error, as one might
Table 1: Datasets. expect. Increasing the total number of landmarks k, how-
ever, may sometimes have no or even an opposite effect, as
observed in the results for Orkut and Twitter with random
4.2 Experimental setup landmark selection strategy. The reason for this lies in the
In each experiment we randomly choose 500 pairs of ver- fact that increasing the number of landmarks, while keep-
tices (s, t) from each graph and precompute the true distance ing the number of landmarks r per node fixed, results in the
between s and t for each pair by running the BFS algorithm. shrinking of pruned landmark trees and therefore using more
We then apply the proposed distance approximation algo- distant pairs of landmarks for the approximation.
rithms to these pairs and measure the average approximation The obtained results also reconfirm that the accuracy of
error and query execution time. the different algorithm highly depends on the internal prop-
Approximation error is computed as (`0 − `)/`, where `0 erties of graphs themselves. While the PLT-BFS method can
is the approximation and ` is the actual distance. Query exe- return exact values in almost all cases on the DBLP graph
cution time refers to the average time necessary to compute (approximation error less than 0.01), the lowest obtained er-
a distance approximation for a pair of vertices. ror for the Skype graph is still as high as 0.15.
All experiments were run under Scientific Linux release The comparison with regular landmark-based algorithms
6.3 on a server with 8 Intel Xeon E7-2860 processors and confirms the idea that our methods can achieve similar accu-
1024GB RAM. Only a small part of the computational re- racy with much less memory usage. For example, in Skype
sources was used in all experiments. graph with highest degree landmark selection strategy, 5
The described methods were implemented in Java. Graphs landmarks/node and 10000 landmarks we achieve about the
and intermediate data were stored on disk and accessed same approximation error as the regular landmark-based
through memory mapping. methods with 100 landmarks.

4.3 Landmark selection 4.5 Query execution time

As the proposed methods are focused on using larger num- Query time was computed as the average value among 500
ber of landmarks than the previous techniques it becomes random queries in each graph. The total measured time ex-
very important to choose scalable selection strategies. We cludes time needed to load the index into main memory, but
use two strategies in our comparisons: Random selection and as our implementation uses the mmap Linux operating sys-
Highest degree selection. tem feature, which does not guarantee that all the data is
One or both of these strategies have been used in many immediately loaded into RAM, a part of the measured time
previous works that involve landmark-based methods (Gold- may also include time for loading parts of the index file.
berg and Harrelson 2005; Potamias et al. 2009; Tretyakov et Figure 9 presents the results. The query time did not de-
al. 2011; Vieira et al. 2007; Zhao et al. 2010). pend on the number of landmarks k, hence this aspect is not

Figure 5: Approximation error for the DBLP graph Figure 7: Approximation error for the Twitter graph

Figure 6: Approximation error for the Orkut graph Figure 8: Approximation error for the Skype graph

shown. It has a quadratic dependency on the number of land- est degree landmarks.
marks per node r, as expected.
The pruned landmark tree computation heavily depends
Query time depends mostly on the choice of the algo-
on the size of the graph. For example, for 20 landmarks/node
rithm and the graph. The average query time of PLT-Basic
it ranges from about 21 seconds in DBLP to almost 45 hours
and PLT-CE methods never exceeds 7 milliseconds for 20
in Skype. The quadratic dependency of the preprocessing
landmarks/node and is less than a millisecond for 5 land-
time on the number of landmarks per node prevents increas-
marks/node in all cases. Unlike these two methods, the per-
ing this parameter for very large graphs.
formance of the PLT-BFS highly depends on the dataset and
the landmark selection strategy. For example, with 20 land-
marks/node and the highest degree strategy the results vary Graph Landmarks / Node
from 4 milliseconds on the DBLP graph to 4 seconds on the 5 10 20
Twitter graph. DBLP 3.6 s 8.6 s 21.1 s
Orkut 87 s 207 s 463 s
4.6 Preprocessing time Twitter 48 m 105 m 247 m
The preprocessing time almost does not depend on the num- Skype 4.4 h 18.6 h 44.9 h
ber of landmarks and their selection strategy. Table 2 con-
tains time values obtained during the pruned landmark trees Table 2: Preprocessing time for 1000 landmarks with highest
computation for different values of number of landmarks per degree selection strategy
node in each dataset. The data was collected for 1000 high-

much better than simply running a separate single-source
shortest path (SSSP) traversal from each vertex. The latter
approach, however, can be optimized by pruning the traver-
sals in a smart way. A recent algorithm (Akiba, Iwata, and
Yoshida 2013) computes for each node a limited set of dis-
tances to landmarks, ensuring that any pair of nodes shares
at least one landmark on the shortest path between them.
Such a data structure makes it possible to answer exact short-
est path queries. Although it is computed by performing a
SSSP traversal from each node, the traversals can be heav-
ily pruned and the method is shown to scale to graphs with
millions of nodes and hundreds of millions of edges.
Approximate shortest path algorithms trade off accuracy
in exchange for better time or memory requirements. Most
approximate shortest path methods rely, in one way or an-
other, on the idea of precomputing some distances in the
graph and then using those to infer all other distances. Most
commonly the distances are precomputed to a fixed set of
landmark nodes (Cowen and Wagner 2004; Goldberg and
Figure 9: Average query time for the Skype graph Harrelson 2005; Vieira et al. 2007; Potamias et al. 2009;
Das Sarma et al. 2010; Gubichev et al. 2010; Tretyakov et al.
2011; Agarwal et al. 2012; Cheng et al. 2012; Jin et al. 2012;
4.7 Memory usage Fu and Deng 2013; Qiao et al. 2014), which enables the
use of the Landmarks-Basic algorithm and its derivatives.
The main benefits of the proposed methods relates to mem- Some variations of the basic algorithm allow to compute ac-
ory savings. Whilst the previous approaches use Θ(kn) tual shortest paths rather than just distances (Gubichev et al.
space to store k complete landmark trees, the requirements 2010; Tretyakov et al. 2011). It allows to further increase the
for pruned landmark trees are Θ(rn + k 2 ), which is signifi- accuracty and support dynamic updates to the data structure.
cantly smaller whenever k  n. A variation suggested in (Agarwal et al. 2012) computes,
The described property can be observed in Table 3, which for each node, besides the distances to the landmarks, also
shows the total amount of disk space consumed by the in- the distances to all nodes in its vicinity. At the cost of some
dexing structures. Notice how, for small r values, the sizes additional memory, the resulting algorithm is capable of an-
for DBLP and Orkut graph significantly depend on the to- swering shortest path queries exactly for as much as 99.9%
tal number of landmarks. For the larger Twitter and Skype of node pairs in the graph.
graphs this effect is practically unnoticeable. The last col- So far there are no strong theoretical guarantees on ap-
umn of Table 3 shows the baseline scenario of using 100 full proximation quality of landmark-based methods (Kleinberg,
landmark shortest path trees from (Tretyakov et al. 2011). Slivkins, and Wexler 2004). However, they have been shown
To store the trees we use a compact representation, where to provide good accuracy while keeping the query time in the
for each node we keep r (landmark id, node id) pairs. order of milliseconds, even for very large graphs (Potamias
The nodes are identified using 32-bit integers. et al. 2009; Das Sarma et al. 2010; Gubichev et al. 2010;
Tretyakov et al. 2011; Agarwal et al. 2012).
5 Related Work All of the approaches mentioned above, however, require
A large body of work exists on the problem of finding no less than O(kn) disk space to store the index structure,
shortest paths between nodes in a graph. The methods can where k is the number of landmarks. Reducing this memory
roughly be divided in to exact and approximate. The sim- requirement without significantly compromising the accu-
plest example of an exact shortest path method is the Dijk- racy or query time is the central problem addressed in this
stra’s algorithm (Dijkstra 1959). In a general graph with n work.
nodes and m edges, this algorithm computes paths from a Finally, a smart choice of a landmark selection strategy
single source to all other vertices in O(m) space and no less can have a significant positive effect on accuracy. Several
than O(m + n log n) time. The runtime of the approach can strategies have been proposed and evaluated in previous
be improved by running a bi-directional search (Pohl 1971) works (Potamias et al. 2009; Tretyakov et al. 2011). The
or exploiting the A* search algorithm (Ikeda et al. 1994; general result seems to be that picking the landmarks with
Goldberg and Harrelson 2005; Goldberg, Kaplan, and Wer- the highest degree would often provide very good results at
neck 2006). a low computational cost.
Sometimes it makes sense to precompute shortest paths
between all pairs of nodes. Numerous techniques have been 6 Conclusion
proposed for this all-pairs-shortest-path (APSP) problem In this work we introduced and evaluated pruned landmark
(Zwick 2001). Most of them run in O(n3 ) time, with a few trees as an improvement for landmark-based estimation of
subcubic solutions for certain types of graphs. This is not shortest paths. With respect to previous related work, this

Graph Landmarks Landmarks / Node Baseline
5 10 20 (100 SPTs)
100 30M 59M 117M
DBLP 1000 34M 63M 121M 300M
10000 411M 441M 499M
100 118M 235M 469M
Orkut 1000 122M 239M 473M 1.2G
10000 499M 616M 851M
100 1.6G 3.2G 6.3G
Twitter 1000 1.6G 3.2G 6.3G 16G
10000 2.0G 3.5G 6.6G
100 17G 34G 68G
Skype 1000 17G 34G 68G 170G
10000 18G 35G 69G

Table 3: Total PLT index memory usage

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A Proofs preceding.
We have shown that if u ∈ / L(v) there must be r other land-
Theorem 1 The Algorithm 1 (PLT-Precompute) selects the set marks closer to v than u. It remains to show that after algorithm
L(v) of the closest landmarks for each node v ∈ V . The size of
completes, |L(v)| = r for all nodes v .
the set |L(v)| is equal to min(r, k0 ), where k0 is the number of Assume that for some v it is not the case, i.e. |L(v)| < r.
landmarks in the connected component of v . Then the condition on line 18 was never false for v . Hence, if
Before we can prove this theorem, we need an auxiliary result. any landmark u was ever associated with a neighbor w of v , it
Let the set of landmarks be U = {u1 , . . . , uk }. Without loss must have been also associated with v , i.e. L(w) ⊆ L(v). But
of generality, we shall assume there is an ordering among the then |L(w)| < r and we may repeat this logic recursively, ulti-
landmarks (e.g. landmark u1 will be considered to be preceding mately concluding that for any other node w in the same con-
u2 , denoted as u1 ≺ u2 ) and that the landmarks are first pushed nected component, L(w) ⊆ L(v). But then also ∪w L(w) ⊆
into the queue on lines 10–14 of the algorithm in this particular L(v). The set ∪w L(w), however, contains all the landmarks
order. from the connected component. We assumed there to be more
Note that at first the queue Q contains k tuples of the form than r of them, hence r < | ∪w L(w)| ≤ |L(v)| which is a
(u, u, 0), ordered according to the landmark ordering. After k it- contradiction.
erations of line 16, those tuples are removed from the queue and


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