MS269xA - Brochure - New
MS269xA - Brochure - New
MS269xA - Brochure - New
Signal Analyzer
MS2690A: 50 Hz to 6.0 GHz
MS2691A: 50 Hz to 13.5 GHz
MS2692A: 50 Hz to 26.5 GHz
The MS2690A/MS2691A/MS2692A (MS269xA) Signal Wireless communications are tending toward use of higher
Analyzer has the excellent general level accuracy, dynamic frequencies above 3 GHz and wider bandwidths. However,
range and performance of a high-end spectrum analyzer. general-purpose spectrum analyzers suffer from a degraded
Its easy operability and built-in functions are perfect for noise floor above 3 GHz due to the 3-GHz baseband, so
tests of Tx characteristics. Not only can it capture wideband they cannot be used to verify the true product performance.
signals but FFT technology supports multifunction signal Because the MS269xA baseband can be extended up to
analyses in both the time and frequency domains. Behavior 6 GHz it offers excellent level accuracy and modulation
in the time domain that cannot be handled by a sweep type precision at frequencies from 50 Hz to 6 GHz. Adding the
spectrum analyzer can be checked in the frequency domain. full line of versatile analysis software options eliminates the
A wide frequency can be analyzed using sweep type need for an external PC at wireless modulation analysis.
spectrum analysis functions while detailed signal analysis of Moreover, installing a preselector bypass option
a specific frequency band is supported too. Moreover, the (MS2692A-067) enables use of the signal analyzer and
built-in signal generator function outputs both continuous modulation analysis functions up to 26.5 GHz (MS2692A).
wave (CW) and modulated signals for use as a reference Waveform creation software generates modulation signal
signal source when testing Tx characteristics of parts and patterns for all common wireless technologies to output
as a signal source for evaluating Rx characteristics. signals for the vector signal generator function.
The high-performance, multi-function MS269xA Signal
Analyzer supports better analysis than more expensive
standalone spectrum analyzers.
Signal Analyzer
MS2690A: 50 Hz to 6.0 GHz
MS2691A: 50 Hz to 13.5 GHz
MS2692A: 50 Hz to 26.5 GHz
2 Product Brochure l MS2690A/MS2691A/MS2692A
Key Features
10 12 13
4 11
19 17 18 16
1 Power switch: Press to switch move between the 12 Main function keys 2: Used to set or execute main
standby state in which AC power is supplied and the functions of the MS269xA.
Power On state in which the MS269xA in the operating Executable functions vary depending on the application
mode. currently selected.
2 Hard disk access lamp: Lights up when the MS269xA 13 Rotary knob/Cursor key/Enter key/Cancel key:
internal hard disk is being accessed. The rotary knob and cursor keys are used to select
3 Copy key: Press to capture a screen image from the display items or change settings.
display and save it to a file. 14 Shift key: Used to operate any keys with functions
4 Recall key: Press to recall a parameter file. described in blue characters on the panel. First press
the Shift key, then press the target key when the Shift
5 Save key: Press to save a parameter file. key lamp lights up green.
6 Cal key: Press to display the calibration execution 15 Numeric keypad: Used to enter numbers on parameter
menu. setup screens.
7 Local key: Press to return to local operation from 16 RF Input connector: Inputs an RF signal.
remote control operation through GPIB, Ethernet or
17 RF output control key: If the MS269xA-020 Vector
USB (B), and enable panel settings.
Signal Generator is installed, pressing enables (On) or
8 Remote lamp: Lights up when the MS269xA is in a disables (Off) the RF signal output. The lamp of the RF
remote control state. output control key lights up orange when the RF signal
9 Preset key: Resets parameters to their initial settings. output is set to On.
10 Function keys: Used for selecting or executing function 18 RF output connector (when MS269xA-020 installed):
menu displayed on the right of the screen. Outputs an RF signal.
11 Main function keys 1: Used to set or execute main 19 USB connectors (type A): Used to connect a USB
functions of the MS269xA. keyboard or mouse or the USB memory supplied with
Executable functions vary depending on the application the MS269xA.
currently selected.
20 21 22 23 24 32 27 28 29 30
25 26
20 Ref Input connector (reference frequency signal 25 Aux connector: Composite connector for Vector Signal
input connector): Inputs an external reference Generator options with Marker 1 to 3 outputs, pulse
frequency signal (10 MHz/13 MHz). It is used for modulation input, baseband reference clock signal
inputting reference frequency signals with accuracy input, and BER measurement Clock, Data, and Enable
higher than that of those inside the MS269xA, or for inputs. Converted to BNC using optional AUX Conversion
synchronizing the frequency of the MS269xA to that of Adaptor (J1373A).
another device.
26 GPIB connector: Used when controlling the MS269xA
21 Buffer Out connector (reference frequency signal externally via GPIB.
output connector): Outputs the reference frequency
27 USB connector (type B): Used when controlling the
signal (10 MHz) generated inside the MS269xA.
MS269xA externally via USB.
It is used for synchronizing the frequencies between
other devices and the MS269xA based on the reference 28 Ethernet connector: Used for connecting to a personal
frequency signal output from this connector. computer (PC) or for Ethernet connection.
22 Trigger Input connector: Inputs a trigger signal from an 29 USB connectors (type A): Used to connect a USB
external device. Refer to the operation manual of each keyboard or mouse or the USB memory supplied with
application for operations when a trigger signal is input. the MS269xA.
23 Sweep Status Out connector: Outputs a signal that is 30 Monitor Out connector: Used for connection with an
enabled when an internal measurement is performed or external display.
measurement data is obtained. 31 AC inlet: Used for supplying power.
24 IF Out connector: Outputs an IF signal. 874.988 MHz 32 Noise Source Drive connector: This is available when
is specified as the center frequency during spectrum the Option 017/117 is installed. Supply (+28 V) of the
analyzer operations, and 875 or 900 MHz is specified Noise Source Drive.
during signal analyzer operations. (Bandwidth ≤31.25
MHz: 875 MHz, Bandwidth >31.25 MHz: 900 MHz)
The IF signal is output without band limitation by RBW
during both spectrum analyzer and signal analyzer
The MS269xA has a basic band that goes to 6 GHz without a MS2692A-067∗ Microwave Preselector Bypass
preselector. Most spectrum analyzers may use a preselector in the Bypasses the preselector to improve the RF frequency
high band to clean-up images but it is extremely difficult to stabilize characteristics and the in-band frequency characteristics.
the amplitude and frequency characteristics of the preselector. This When the preselector option is set to On, the image response
instability is the main cause of degraded level accuracy and elimination filter is bypassed.
modulation precision in measuring instruments. Therefore, this function is not appropriate for spurious
Additionally, the preselector passband frequency can cause measurement to receive the image response.
limitations at analysis bandwidths. No preselector means greater ∗: Opt. 067 can be installed in MS2692A.
measurement accuracy.
The MS269xA total level accuracy includes: The absolute amplitude accuracy specifications of
• Frequency characteristics other spectrum analyzers excludes:
• Linearity • Frequency characteristics
• Attenuator switching error • Linearity
• Attenuator switching error
The measuring instrument level error cannot be said to really meet the specifications if measurement requires addition of a margin to the
product test specification. Since specifications with added margin are severe, even genuinely passing products may sometimes be evaluated
as failing due to this margin.
Dynamic range is a key specification for spectrum analyzers. Low The MS269xA has an excellent dynamic range supporting true
displayed average noise level (DANL) as well as high TOI are performance measurements of devices, such as base stations,
important too. requiring wideband measuring instruments.
Low TOI may cause distortion with high-level carrier signals. For example, the 3GPP category-B spurious measurement
Inserting an attenuator can lower the carrier level but this has the specification requires a measuring instrument with severe dynamic
effect of lowering the level of weak spurious, making it hard to range specifications. If the measurement is within the MS269xA
measure. dynamic range, measurement jigs such as filters and amplifiers are
unnecessary and troublesome calibration is omitted, helping simplify
setup and cut costs.
-70 (RBW: 30 Hz)
2 3 30 MHz to 2.4 GHz
1 2 2nd
-90 Harmonic Distortion
400 MHz to 3 GHz
3 3rd
Order Intermodulation
400 MHz to 4 GHz
-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
Mixer level (dBm)
–80.62 dBm Example of Sweep Mode Switch Error: (CW –10 dBm input)
Level Error when Switching from Normal to Fast
–80.63 dBm
Measurement Results
Selected Part
No Trace
No Trace mode does not execute signal analysis. Therefore, “IQ
data output” and “IQ data readout using remote commands” can be
executed quickly without the need to wait for completion of
The MS269xA is fully loaded with all the functions required for Occupied bandwidth is measured by selecting either the N% or X-dB
evaluating Tx characteristics. Tests can be performed simply and in mode.
accordance with standards using functions tailored to measurement Pre-installed templates for each standard support easy parameter
contents. setting.
Measure Function SPA*1 VSA*2
Channel Power
Occupied Bandwidth
Adjacent Channel Leakage Power
Spectrum Emission Mask Bandwidth
Burst Average Power
Spurious Emission
AM Depth
FM Deviation
Multi-marker & Marker List
Highest 10 Markers
Limit Line
Frequency Counter
2-tone 3rd-order Intermodulation Distortion Measurement Results
Phase Noise Independent function
Power Meter Independent function*3
Noise Figure Opt. 017*4
*1: SPA (Spectrum Analyzer) Measurement Results
*2: VSA (Vector Signal Analyzer) ■ Bandwidth for specified conditions
*3: Use USB Power Sensors
*4: Use Noise Sources (Noisecom, NC346 series)
Channel Power SPA VSA Adjacent Channel Leakage Power SPA VSA
This function measures channel bandwidth power. Three types of This function measures carrier adjacent channel (offset) power
filters (Rect, Nyquist, Root Nyquist) can be selected. (In-Band).
Pre-installed templates for each standard support easy parameter 1 to 12 carriers can be set and switched instantaneously on-screen.
setting. True ACLR performance is measured using the noise cancellation
function to subtract main-frame noise from the measurement result.
Pre-installed templates for each standard support easy parameter
Measurement Results
Measurement Results
Measurement Results
■ Absolute power per Hz in channel band
■ Total power in channel band
Measurement Results
■ Absolute power of Offset channel
■ Relative values in relation to reference power selected in
ACP reference
This function splits the offset part into up to 12 segments; the This function splits the frequency range into up to 20 segments for
measurement parameters and limit lines can be specified to sweeping; the measurement parameters and limit lines can be
measure the peak power and margin for each segment. The results specified to measure the peak power and margin for each segment.
are tabulated below the trace and marked PASS/FAIL. Pre-installed The results are tabulated below the trace and marked PASS/FAIL.
templates for each standard support easy parameter setting. In particular, all tests can be completed up to the final stage without
an external PC because the zero-span capture function described
in the technology compliance test is built-in.
Offset Carrier Offset
Limit Line
Limit Line
Measurement Results
Measurement Results
Measurement Results
■ Peak power (or margin) at offset
■ Each peak frequency Measurement Results
■ Each segment peak power and margin
■ Each peak frequency
The average power for the range specified by two markers is Example: Spurious Emission
displayed in the time domain. Measurement only requires setting
The Japanese Radio Law governing measurement of spurious
the measurement start and stop positions on the screen. True
performance is measured using the noise cancellation function to specifies searching for the peak level in the swept frequency
subtract main-frame noise from the measurement result. Pre- segment using different parameter settings and then
installed templates for each standard support easy parameter performing zero-span measurement of the found peak point.
setting. The MS269xA spurious measurement function not only
performs the sweep search but also performs the zero-span
measurement automatically as well, and displays the results of
both. Using zero-span measurement, the search screen is
Start Stop displayed as is while zero-span measurement runs in the
background and the result markers are plotted on the search
screen. Time wasted by screen switching is reduced and the
correlation with the search results can be seen at a glance.
Measurement Example
The Power vs. Time trace measurement function is used to confirm Up to 10 markers can be set for this function. Markers may be
AM depth. either a spot or a zone. Using a zone marker, the peak of a signal
It measures the measured signal AM based on trace data at the with an unstable variable frequency can be tracked and measured.
displayed marker. When marker is Off, the whole range is Not only can the 10 markers be listed below the trace but the
measured. differences between markers can be calculated and displayed
using the delta setting.
Time Threshold
Measurement Results
Measurement Results
■ +Peak, –Peak, (Peak-Peak)/2, Average Measurement Results
■ Marker point frequency
■ Marker point power
■ Absolute power per Hz in marker bandwidth
FM Deviation VSA ■ Total power in marker bandwidth
■ Difference between any markers
The Frequency vs. Time trace measurement is used to confirm the
FM deviation. It measures the maximum and minimum frequencies
from trace data in the marker range. When marker is Off, the whole
range is measured.
Highest 10 Markers SPA VSA
This function sets the threshold level and auto-detects peaks in the
X (frequency) and Y (level/time) directions.
Sort X
Sort Y
Measurement Results
Measurement Results
■ +Peak, –Peak, (Peak-Peak)/2, Average
Measurement Results
■ Peak Search Y:
Sets up to 10 markers in order of peak level
■ Peak Search X:
Sets up to 10 markers in order of frequency (time) level
At the spectrum display (frequency domain), two limit lines are set Distortion
and evaluation is performed based on these set lines. Either Upper
By inputting two different frequency CW signals (desired waves),
Limit or Lower Limit can be selected. The line settings set the
two-tone third-order intermodulation distortion is generated close to
frequency/level of the crossover point sequentially from the lowest
the desired waves according to non-linear characteristics of Device
frequency. Up to 100 crossover points can be set. (In the diagram
Under Test (DUT). Then, Third Order Intercept (TOI) is calculated
below, Limit1 is 6 points and Limit2 is 4 points.) In addition, when a
from the two-tone third-order intermodulation distortion.
margin is set at each of Limit1/2, evaluation can be performed
using the lines, taking into account the margins. Once Limit1/2 has
been set, the level direction can be fine-adjusted by the margin
setting. Wanted Wanted
Line: Limit1, Limit2 Signal Signal
Judgment type: Upper Limit, Lower Limit 2-tone 3rd-order 2-tone 3rd-order
Crossover (point): 1 to 100 Intermodulation Intermodulation
Margin: Limit1, 2 + Display margin line Distortion Distortion
Measurement Results
■ TOI: [dBm]
■ Amplitude: [dBc]
Phase Noise
Measurement Results This function measures phase noise in the 10 Hz to 10 MHz
■ Evaluation: PASS, FAIL frequency offset range.
Measurement Results
■ Carrier level
■ Error between set frequency and carrier frequency
■ Marker point phase noise level
Measurement Results
■ Marker point frequency
Power Meter
Power meter function can connect a USB power sensor to the MS2830A and read the measurement values.
Measurement Results
■ Power: [dBm], [W]
■ Relative power: [dB]
Measurement Result: Example of Graph display Measurement Result: Example of Spot display
(Frequency Mode: Sweep, Screen Layout: Graph) (Frequency Mode: Fixed)
Typical Low Frequency Insertion Loss measured Insertion Loss and Return Loss measured on
on K261 over the range of 1 kHz to 1 MHz. K261 over the range of 40 MHz to 40 GHz.
K261 DC Block Return Loss
Recommended DC blocks / Adaptor combinations for MS269xA/MS2830A series signal analyzer
Recommended DC Block Recommended Adapter
Model Frequency Range RF connector
Order Name Order Name
MS2690A 50 Hz to 6 GHz N (F) J1555A J0004
MS2691A 50 Hz to 13.5 GHz N (F) J1555A J1398A
MS2692A 50 Hz to 26.5 GHz N (F) J1554A J1398A
MS2830A-040 9 kHz to 3.6 GHz N (F) Not required Not required
MS2830A-041 9 kHz to 6 GHz N (F) Not required Not required
MS2830A-043 9 kHz to 13.5 GHz N (F) Not required Not required
MS2830A-044 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz N (F) J1554A J1398A
MS2830A-045 9 kHz to 43 GHz K (F) K261 Not required
The Vector Signal Generator (Opt. 020) frequency range is 125 MHz
to 6 GHz, covering the key wireless communication range.
Frequency [MHz]
Wanted Signal
Simulation Screen
Convert Screen
MS2690A/MS2691A/MS2692A-008 MS2690A/MS2691A/MS2692A-040
6 GHz Preamplifier Baseband Interface Unit
This option increases the sensitivity of the spectrum/signal analyzer The MS269xA is an all-in-one solution supporting DigRF 3G RFIC
functions and is used for examining low-level signals such as Tx/Rx measurements using a combination of the MS269xA-020
interference waveforms. Vector Signal Generator, MX269040A RF UMTS Measurement
Software, and MX269041A DigRF2.5G/3G Digital I/F Control
Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 6 GHz Software.
Gain: 14 dB (≤3 GHz)
13 dB (3 GHz < Frequency ≤ 4 GHz) *: See each catalog for details.
11 dB (4 GHz < Frequency ≤ 5 GHz) MS2690A/MS2691A/MS2692A-050
10 dB (5 GHz < Frequency ≤ 6 GHz) HDD Digitizing Interface
MS2692A-067 Microwave Preselector Bypass Installing the MS269xA-050 HDD Digitizing Interface option
Bypassing the preselector used for the microwave band improves captures up to 4 hours of 20 MHz wideband RF signals. It is
RF frequency characteristics and in-band frequency characteristics. convenient for troubleshooting uncommon faults.
∗: Cannot be installed simultaneously with MS2692A-003/008
IQproducer License for MS269xA-020 VSG Waveform Patterns for MS269xA-020 VSG
Waveforms generated by IQproducer can be downloaded to the Various waveforms with preset parameters matching each
MS269xA main frame in which the MS269xA-020 Vector Signal communication method are provided. The MS269xA-020 Vector
Generator is installed, but the following licenses (option) are Signal Generator option outputs RF signals.
required to output the signal. Pre-installed reference waveforms are saved on the MS269xA hard
disk for free use.
• MX269901A HSDPA/HSUPA IQproducer
• MX269902A TDMA IQproducer • Pre-installed Patterns
• MX269904A Multi-Carrier IQproducer - W-CDMA
• MX269905A Mobile WiMAX IQproducer - HSDPA (Test Model5)
• MX269908A LTE IQproducer - CDMA2000 1xEV-DO
• MX269908A-001∗1 LTE-Advanced FDD Option - CDMA2000
• MX269909A XG-PHS IQproducer - GSM/EDGE
• MX269910A LTE TDD IQproducer - Digital Broadcasting (ISDB-T/CS/BS/CATV)
• MX269910A-001∗2 LTE-Advanced TDD Option - WLAN (IEEE802.11a/b/g)
• MX269911A WLAN IQproducer - Bluetooth
• MX269911A-001∗3 802.11ac (80 MHz) Option
• MX269912A TD-SCDMA IQproducer • Option Patterns
*1: Requires MX269908A. - MX269970A 1xEV-DO Reverse Receiver Test Waveform Pattern
*2: Requires MX269910A.
*3: Requires MX269911A.
without MS269xA-008, or Preamp: Off
DANL to +30 dBm
Measurement Range
with MS269xA-008, Preamp: On
DANL to +10 dBm
without MS269xA-008, or Preamp: Off
CW Average power: +30 dBm (Input attenuator: ≥10 dB)
DC Voltage: 0 Vdc
Max. Input Level
with MS269xA-008, Preamp: On
CW Average power: +10 dBm (Input attenuator: 0 dB)
DC Voltage: 0 Vdc
Input Attenuator 0 to 60 dB, 2 dB steps
Referenced to 10 dB input attenuator
without MS269xA-008, or Preamp: Off
Frequency band mode: Normal
±0.2 dB (≤6.0 GHz, 10 to 60 dB)
±0.75 dB (>6.0 GHz, 10 to 60 dB)
Input Attenuator
Frequency band mode: Spurious
Switching Error
±0.2 dB (<3.0 GHz, 10 to 60 dB)
±0.75 dB (≥3.0 GHz, 10 to 60 dB)
with MS269xA-008, Preamp: On
Frequency band mode: Normal
±0.65 dB (≤6.0 GHz, 10 to 60 dB)
RF Frequency without MS2692A-067, or Microwave Preselector Bypass: Off, after Preselector tuning
Characteristics ±1.50 dB (6.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
(3.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
±2.50 dB (13.5 GHz < Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz)
with MS269xA-008, Preamp: On
±0.65 dB (100 kHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
(100 kHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
without MS269xA-008, or Preamp: Off, Mixer input level
≥+3 dBm (100 MHz ≤ Frequency < 400 MHz)
≥+7 dBm (400 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
(400 MHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
≥+3 dBm (3.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious) (MS2691A)
(6.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz) (MS2691A)
1 dB Gain Compression ≥0 dBm (3.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious) (MS2692A)
(6.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz) (MS2692A)
with MS269xA-008, Preamp: On, Preamp input level
≥–20 dBm (100 MHz ≤ Frequency < 400 MHz)
≥–15 dBm (400 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
(400 MHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
Spurious Response
without MS269xA-008, or Preamp: Off, Mixer input level: –30 dBm
Harmonic (dBc) SHI (dBm)
≤–60 ≥+30 (10 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 400 MHz)
≤–75 ≥+45 (400 MHz < Frequency ≤ 3.0 GHz)
without MS2692A-067, Mixer input level: –10 dBm
Harmonic (dBc) SHI (dBm)
≤–90 ≥+80 (>3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
≤–90 ≥+80 (≥1.5 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
2nd Harmonic Distortion
with MS2692A-067, Microwave Preselector Bypass: Off, Mixer input level: –10 dBm
Harmonic (dBc) SHI (dBm)
≤–70 ≥+60 (3 GHz < Frequency ≤ 13.25 GHz)
with MS269xA-008, Preamp: On, Preamp input level: –45 dBm
Harmonic (dBc) SHI (dBm)
≤–50 ≥+5 (10 Hz ≤ Frequency ≤ 400 MHz)
≤–55 ≥+10 (400 MHz < Frequency ≤ 3.0 GHz)
Frequency: ≥1 MHz, Input attenuator: 0 dB, 50Ω terminated
Residual Response Signal Analyzer: with MS269xA-077/078, Except bandwidth setting: >31.25 MHz
≤–100 dBm
General Specifications
Dimensions and Mass 340 (W) × 200 (H) × 350 (D) mm (Excluding projections), ≤13.5 kg (Excluding options)
100 V(ac) to 120 V(ac), 200 V(ac) to 240 V(ac) (–15/+10%, 250 V max.), 50 Hz/60 Hz (±5%)
Power Supply
≤260 VA (Excluding options), ≤440 VA (Including all options, max.)
Temperature Range Operating: +5˚ to +45˚C, Storage: –20˚ to +60˚C
EMC EN61326-1, EN61000-3-2
LVD EN61010-1
18˚ to 28˚C, Detector: Sample, VBW: 1 Hz (Video Average), Input attenuator: 0 dB
without MS269xA-008, 6.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz: without MS2692A-067
Frequency Max. Frequency band mode
100 kHz –135.0 [dBm/Hz]
1 MHz –145.0 [dBm/Hz]
30 MHz ≤ Frequency < 2.4 GHz –155.0 [dBm/Hz]
2.4 GHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz –153.0 [dBm/Hz]
3.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 4.0 GHz –153.0 [dBm/Hz] Normal
4.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 6.0 GHz –152.0 [dBm/Hz] Normal
6.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 10.0 GHz –151.0 [dBm/Hz] Normal
10.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz –150.0 [dBm/Hz] Normal
13.5 GHz < Frequency ≤ 20.0 GHz –147.0 [dBm/Hz] Normal
20.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz –143.0 [dBm/Hz] Normal
18˚ to 28˚C, after CAL, Input attenuator: ≥10 dB, Auto Sweep Time Select: Normal, RBW: ≤1 MHz,
Detection: Positive, CW, Excluding the noise floor effect
without MS269xA-008, Preamp: Off
Total Level Accuracy∗ Mixer input level: ≤0 dBm,
±0.5 dB (50 Hz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
∗: The Total level accuracy (50 Hz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
is found from root sum of after Preselector tuning
squares (RSS) of RF ±1.8 dB (6.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
characteristics, linearity (3.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
error, and input attenuator ±3.0 dB (13.5 GHz < Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz)
switching error.
with MS269xA-008, Preamp: On
Preamp input level: ≤–20 dBm
±1.0 dB (100 kHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
(100 kHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
Sweep Mode Single, Continuous
Sweep Time Setting range: 2 ms to 1000 s (Span: ≥300 Hz), 1 µs to 1000 s (Span: 0 Hz)
Waveform Display
Detector Pos&Neg, Positive Peak, Sample, Negative Peak, RMS
1001, 2001, 5001, 10001 (Span: >500 MHz)
101, 201, 251, 401, 501, 1001, 2001, 5001, 10001 (100 MHz < Span ≤ 500 MHz)
(300 Hz ≤ Span ≤ 100 MHz, Sweep time: >10 s)
Number of Trace Points
11, 21, 41, 51, 101, 201, 251, 401, 501, 1001, 2001, 5001, 10001 (300 Hz ≤ Span ≤ 100 MHz, Sweep time: ≤10 s)
(Span: 0 Hz, Sweep time: ≤10 s)
101, 201, 251, 401, 501, 1001, 2001, 5001, 10001 (Span: 0 Hz, Sweep time: >10 s)
Log display: 10 div/12 div, 0.1 to 20 dB/div (1-2-5 sequence)
Lin display: 10 div, 1 to 10%/div (1-2-5 sequence)
Trigger mode: Free Run (Trig Off), Video, Wide IF, External (TTL)
Trigger Function
SG Marker (with MS269xA-020), BBIF (with MS269xA-040)
Gate mode: Off, Wide IF, External
Gate Function
SG Marker (with MS269xA-020), BBIF (with MS269xA-040)
Measurement Functions
Adjacent Channel Reference: Span Total, Carrier Total, Both side of Carrier, Carrier Select
Leakage Power (ACP) Adjacent channel specification: 3 channels × 2 (Normal Mode), 8 channels × 2 (Advanced Mode)
Burst Average Power In time domain, displays average power in specified time
Channel Power Absolute value measurement: dBm, dBm/Hz
Occupied Bandwidth (OBW) N% of Power, X-dB Down
Spectrum Emission Mask Pass/Fail evaluation at Peak/Margin measurement
Spurious Emission Pass/Fail evaluation at Worst/Peaks measurement
Span: ≤1 MHz, RBW: 1 kHz, S/N: ≥50 dB, Gate time: ≥100 ms,
Accuracy ± (Marker frequency × Frequency reference accuracy + (0.01 × N/Gate Time[s]) Hz)
N: Mixer harmonic order
Gate Time
100 μs to 1 s
2-tone 3rd-order
Measures IM3 and TOI from two-tone signal.
Intermodulation Distortion
Adjacent Channel Leakage Reference: Span Total, Carrier Total, Both Sides of Carriers, Carrier Select
Power Measurement (ACP) Adjacent channel specification: 3 channels × 2
Channel Power Absolute value measurement: dBm, dBm/Hz
Occupied Bandwidth (OBW) N% of Power, × dB Down
Digitize Function
Function Outline Outputs captured waveform data to internal hard disk or external device
Format: I, Q (32 bit Float Binary format)
Waveform Data Level: Sets 0 dBm input to √(I2 + Q2) = 1
Level accuracy: Same as Total level accuracy of Signal Analyzer
External Output Output to external PC via Ethernet
Measurement Range Displayed average noise level to +10 dBm
CW Average power: +10 dBm (Input attenuator: 0 dB)
Max. Input Level
DC Voltage: 0 Vdc
14 dB (Frequency ≤ 3.0 GHz), 13 dB (3.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 4.0 GHz), 11 dB (4.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 5.0 GHz),
10 dB (5.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz)
Noise Factor 7.0 dB (Frequency ≤ 3.0 GHz), 8.5 dB (3.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 4.0 GHz), 9.5 dB (4.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz)
Spectrum analyzer function: 18˚ to 28˚C, Input attenuator: 0 dB, Detector: sample, VBW: 1 Hz (Video average)
Vector signal analysis function: 18˚ to 28˚C, Input attenuator: 0 dB
Preamp: On
Max. (Spectrum Max. (Vector signal
Frequency Frequency band mode
analyzer function) analysis function)
100 kHz –150.0 [dBm/Hz] –147.5 [dBm/Hz]
1 MHz –159.0 [dBm/Hz] –156.5 [dBm/Hz]
30 MHz ≤ Frequency < 2.4 GHz –166.0 [dBm/Hz] –163.5 [dBm/Hz]
2.4 GHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz –165.0 [dBm/Hz] –162.5 [dBm/Hz]
3.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 4.0 GHz –164.0 [dBm/Hz] –161.5 [dBm/Hz] Normal
Displayed Average Noise 4.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 5.0 GHz –161.0 [dBm/Hz] –158.5 [dBm/Hz] Normal
Level (DANL) 5.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz –159.0 [dBm/Hz] –156.5 [dBm/Hz] Normal
Preamp: Off
Max. (Spectrum Max. (Vector signal
Frequency Frequency band mode
analyzer function) analysis function)
100 kHz –135.0 [dBm/Hz] –132.5 [dBm/Hz]
1 MHz –145.0 [dBm/Hz] –142.5 [dBm/Hz]
30 MHz ≤ Frequency < 2.4 GHz –153.0 [dBm/Hz] –150.5 [dBm/Hz]
2.4 GHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz –152.0 [dBm/Hz] –149.5 [dBm/Hz]
3.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 4.0 GHz –151.0 [dBm/Hz] –148.5 [dBm/Hz] Normal
4.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 5.0 GHz –150.0 [dBm/Hz] –147.5 [dBm/Hz] Normal
5.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 6.0 GHz –149.0 [dBm/Hz] –146.5 [dBm/Hz] Normal
Input Attenuator Frequency band mode: Normal
Switching Error ±0.65 dB (≤6.0 GHz, 10 to 60 dB)
Reference Level
18˚ to 28˚C, After CAL, Input attenuator: 10 dB
RF Frequency
±0.65 dB (100 kHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
(100 kHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
Excluding the noise floor effect
±0.07 dB (Preamp input level*: ≤–40 dBm)
Linearity Error ±0.10 dB (Preamp input level*: ≤–30 dBm)
Frequency band mode: Normal
±0.5 dB (Preamp input level*: ≤–20 dBm, frequency: ≤6.0 GHz)
Preamp input level*
≥–20 dBm (100 MHz ≤ Frequency < 400 MHz)
1 dB Gain Compression
≥–15 dBm (400 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Normal)
(400 MHz ≤ Frequency < 3.0 GHz, Frequency band mode: Spurious)
NF Measurement
Within the frequency range
Measurement range (Attenuator = 0 dB, Pre-Amp = On)
– 20 to +40 dB
Within the measurement range
ENR: 4 to 7 dB ±0.02 dB
Instrument Uncertainty
ENR: 12 to 17 dB ±0.025 dB
ENR: 20 to 22 dB ±0.03 dB
GAIN Measurement
Within the frequency range
Measurement range
–20 to +40 dB
Within the measurement range
Instrument Uncertainty
Resolution Bandwidth
Setting Range 100 kHz to 8 MHz
Connector: Rear Panel, BNC-J
Noise Source
Output Voltage: 28 ±0.5 V, Pulsed
*: Recommending the NC346 Series noise sources by Noisecom company
Output Level
Setting range –140 to +10 dBm (CW), –140 to 0 dBm (Modulation)
Units dBm, dBµV (Terminated, Open)
Resolution 0.01 dB
18˚ to 28˚C, CW
Output level: p
–120 ≤ p ≤ +5 dBm ±0.5 dB (≤3.0 GHz)
Level Accuracy –110 ≤ p ≤ +5 dBm ±0.8 dB (>3.0 GHz)
–127 ≤ p < –120 dBm ±0.7 dB (≤3.0 GHz)
–127 ≤ p ≤ –110 dBm ±2.5 dB (typ.) (>3.0 GHz)
–136 ≤ p < –127 dBm ±1.5 dB (typ.) (≤3.0 GHz)
18˚ to 28˚C, CW, Referenced to –5 dBm output
Output level: p
–120 ≤ p ≤ –5 dBm ±0.2 dB (typ.) (≤3.0 GHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ –5 dBm ±0.3 dB (typ.) (>3.0 GHz)
Connector N-J connector, 50Ω [Front panel, SG Output (Opt.) ]
CW: ≤–5 dBm, Modulation: ≤–15 dBm
VSWR 1.3 (≤3.0 GHz)
1.9 (>3.0 GHz)
Max. Reverse Input 1 W peak (≥300 MHz), 0.25 W peak (<300 MHz)
Signal Purity
Output level: ≤+5 dBm, CW, Output frequency: ≥300 MHz
Harmonic Spurious
≤–30 dBc
Output level: ≤+5 dBm, CW, Offset: ≥15 kHz (from Output frequency)
<–68 dBc (125 MHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 500 MHz)
Non-harmonic Spurious <–62 dBc (500 MHz < Frequency ≤ 1.0 GHz)
<–56 dBc (1.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 2.0 GHz)
<–50 dBc (2.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 6.0 GHz)
Vector Modulation
18˚ to 28˚C, SG Level Auto CAL: On
W-CDMA (DL1code)
Vector Accuracy Output level: ≤–5 dBm, Output frequency: 800 MHz to 2700 MHz
≤2% (rms)
Output frequency: ≥300 MHz
Carrier Leak
≤–40 dBc
Output frequency: ≥300 MHz, Using 10 MHz max. sine wave
Image Rejection
≤–40 dBc
Output level: ≤–5 dBm,
ACLR Using W-CDMA (Test Model 1 64DPCH) signal, 300 MHz ≤ Output frequency ≤ 2.4 GHz
≤–64 dBc/3.84 MHz (5 MHz offset), ≤–67 dBc/3.84 MHz (10 MHz offset)
AWGN signal with bandwidth of 5 MHz, Output frequency: ≥300 MHz
CW and Level Error at
±0.2 dB (Output level: ≤–15 dBm)
Vector Modulation
±0.4 dB (typ., –15 dBm < Output level: ≤–5 dBm)
Spectrum Inversion Supported
Pulse Modulation
On/Off ratio ≥60 dB
Rising/Falling Edge Time ≤90 ns (10 to 90%)
Pulse Repetition Frequency DC to 1 MHz (Duty 50%)
External Panel Modulation
AUX connector (Rear panel), 600Ω, 0 to 5 V, Threshold value: approx. 1 V
Signal Input
BER Measurement
Connector AUX connector (Rear panel)
Input Level TTL Level
Input Signal Data, Clock, Enable
Input Bit Rate 100 bps to 10 Mbps
PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, ALL0, ALL1, 01 Repeat
Measured Patterns
PN9Fix, PN11Fix, PN15Fix, PN20Fix, PN23Fix, User Define
PN Signal: PN stage × 2 bit error free
At PNFix Signal: 0 PN stage × 2 bit error free, PN signal and sync establishment, establish sync with PNFix signal at PN stage
error free from PNFix signal header bit
Establishing Condition
ALL0, ALL1, 01 Repeat: 10 bit error free
User Define: 8 to 1024 bits (variable) error free, Select header bit used at sync detection
y = Measured bit count: Select from 500, 5000, 50000
Judgment Condition
x = y bit error bit count: Setting range 1 to y/2
Measured Bit Count ≤232 – 1 bits
Measured Error Bit Count ≤231 – 1 bits
Measurement End
Measured bit count, Measured error bit count
Auto Re-synchronization
Operation at Resync. Select from Count Clear, and Count Keep
Measurement Mode Single, Endless, Continuous
Display Status, Error, Error Rate, Error Count, Sync Loss Count, Measured bit count
Polarity Inversion Function Data, Clock, Enable polarity inversion
Clear Measurement Function Clear measured value saved at sync during BER measurement, and select measurement from 0
Frequency Range 6.0 GHz to 26.5 GHz
18° to 28°C, after CAL, Input attenuator: 10 dB, Microwave Preselector Bypass: On
±1.0 dB (6.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz)
RF Frequency Characteristics
±1.5 dB (13.5 GHz < Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz)
∗ with MS2692A-067, Microwave Preselector Bypass: Off, see Signal Analyzer/Spectrum Analyzer (RF Frequency Characteristics)
18° to 28°C, Detector: Sample, VBW: 1 Hz (Video average), Input attenuator: 0 dB
Microwave Preselector Bypass: On or Off
Displayed Average Noise –146 dBm/Hz (6.0 GHz ≤ Frequency < 10.0 GHz)
Level (DANL) –145 dBm/Hz (10.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 13.5 GHz)
–142 dBm/Hz (13.5 GHz < Frequency ≤ 20.0 GHz)
–138 dBm/Hz (20.0 GHz < Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz)
Microwave Preselector Bypass: Off
Image Responses
≤–60 dBc (6.0 GHz ≤ Frequency ≤ 26.5 GHz)
Typical (typ):
Performance not warranted. Must products meet typical performance.
Values not warranted. Included to facilitate application of product.
Performance not warranted. Data actually measured by randomly selected measuring instruments.
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