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I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the pupils must be able to visualize, names and describes polygons with 5 or
more sides.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Visualizing, Naming and Describing Polygon with 5 or More Sides.
B. Prerequisite Concepts / Skills
► Identifying Geometric figures
► Kinds of angles
C. Materials: cut-outs and pictures
D. References: K to 12 Grade 5 Curriculum Guide, p 61
Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics 5, p. 350-357
E. Value Focus: Cooperation

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Learner’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill: Semantic Mapping (Numeracy and Literacy, Integration
Content Within Curriculum- Math. English, Use Appropriate Teaching and
Learning Resources Including ICT)
- Teacher places the word “Polygon” at the center of the - Pupils will pick out the words that are related
board and ask pupils to pick out from the given words those that to the word “Polygon”
are related to the main topic. -Possible answer: quadrilateral, hexagon, plane
figure, shape, parallelogram, octagon, nonagon,
- Discuss the semantic mapping. triangle

2.Review: (Integration Content Within the Curriculum- Math)

- “What am I” – kinds of angles - Pupils will identify the angles being describe.
- The teacher flashes a card with the following questions. a. Acute Angle
Let it be answered by the pupils. b. Obtuse Angle
a. I measure less than 90°. c. Acute Angle
b. I measure 110° d. Right Angle
c. I measure 18° e. Obtuse Angle
d. I measure 90°
e. I measure more than 90° but less than 180°

3. Motivation (Integration Content Across the Curriculum-

Science, Use Appropriate Teaching and Learning Resources Including ICT,
Critical and Creative Thinking Skills as well HOTS)
- The teacher video clip about stars and a star figure. - Possible Answer
-Ask: What is the video clip all about? a. It’s about the stars in the universe.
What is a Star? b. A star is a huge ball of gas held together by
Name a star that you are familiar with. gravity.
Why stars are important? c. Sun, Rigel, Sirius, Vega
What will happen to us if there is no star? d. It helped seafarer during navigation. It
Present the star figure and ask pupils provides light and heat to support life.
“What do you see? e. There will be no light and human won’t exist.
How many sides are there in the picture? f. A star figure
d. 10 side
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation (Use Appropriate Teaching and Learning Resources
Including ICT)
- Present these figures

- Ask these question in each figures - Pupils will describe the figure, determine the
How will you describe the figure? number of sides and name each polygon.
How many sides does the figure have?
What do you call the figure?
2. Performing the Activities (Addressing Learner’s Gender, Needs,
Strengths, Interest and Experiences & Manage Classroom Structure to
Engage Learners,Positive and Non -Vioilent Discipline ) - Pupils will group themselves and work together
- Mechanics: to complete the task given by the teacher.
a. Divide the class into four groups.
- Group 1 (Bodily Kinestethic)
Make cutouts of the 5-12 sided polygons and match it
with its name.
- Group 2 (Linguistic)
Arrange the scramble words and match it with the given
- Group 3 (Visual Spatial)
Connect the points to form a polygon and name it.
- Group 4 (Intrapersonal)
Complete the worksheet by pasting the cutouts intended - Possible output:
for the different column as shown below.
Cutout Number of sides Name of polygon Cutou Number of Name of polygon
t sides
5 sides
5 sides Pentagon
6 sides
6 sides Hexagon
7 sides
7 sides Heptagon
8 sides
8 sides Octagon
9 sides
9 sides Nonagon
10 sides
10 sides Decagon
11 sides
11 sides Eneagon
12 sides
12 sides Dodecagon
- Emphasize the proper behavior in doing the activity (Rules)
- Present the scoring rubrics to be used.

Scoring Rubrics (All)

Description 5 4 3 2 1
1. All members actively participate.
2. All answers are accurate.
3. The activity was finished on time.
4.Working area is neat and clean.
5. Presented the idea with
understanding of the content.

3. Processing the Activities (Critical and Creative Thinking Skills as

well HOTS, (Use Appropriate Teaching and Learning Resources Including
- Call a leader to report for the group. - Leader in each group will present their output
- Ask: in class.
a. How did you find the activity? - Possible answer
b. How were you able to perform the activity? 1. Interesting and challenging
c. What do call those figures? 2. Work together and share ideas.
d. What are the different kinds of polygon? 3. Polygons
e. How will you describe each polygon? 4. Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon,
f. How do they differ from each other? Nonagon, Decagon, Eneagon, Dodecagon
5. Using the number of sides, vertices, and angle
- Present the chart of the different kinds of polygon and 6. Polygons differ in the number of sides.
discuss how to name and describe polygo
4. Reinforcing the Concept and Skill (Numeracy and Literacy,
Integration Content Across the Curriculum-English)

Complete the table.

Question Category Characteristucs
Pentagon A pentagon is a polygon with 5

How to
and name
5 or more

5. Summarizing the Lesson (Critical and Creative Thinking Skills as

well HOTS)
Ask: What are polygons?
How are they Polygons classified?
Can we can a 5 or more sided figure a polygon? Why?
How do we name and describe polygon?
How polygon differ from each other?

6. Applying the New and Other Situations Question Category Characteristucs

Name the figure below. ( Use Appropriate Teaching and Learning Pentagon A pentagon is a
Resources Including ICT) polygon with 5 sides
Hexagon A hexagon is a
polygon with 6 sides
How to Heptagon A heptagon is a
describe polygon with 7 sides
1 2 3 4 5 and Octagon A octagon is a polygon
name 5 with 8 sides
or more Nonagon A nonagon is a
C. Assessment (Use of Assessment Methods) sided polygon with 9 sides
Match column A with column B. polygon Decagon A decagon is a polygon
A B ? with 10 sides
1. a polygon with 5 sides a. pentagon Eneagon A eneagon is a polygon
2. a polygon with 10 sides b. octagon with 11 sides
3. a polygon with 8 sides c. nonagon Dodecagon A dodecagon is a
4. a polygon with 6 sides d. hexagon polygon with 12 sides
5. a polygon with 9 sides e. decagon

D. Home Activity
Complete each statement.
a. Dodecagon has ____ angles
b. a nonagon has _____ vertices
c. an octagon has _____ angles 1. Polygons are closed plane figure that formed
d. A decagon has _____ vertices by the line segments that meet only at their
e. A heptagon has _____ sides endpoints. They are classified according to the
number of their sides and angles.

2. Yes, polygons can havr 5 or more sides.

3. We describe polygons according to the

number of its sides, angles and vertices.

4. They differ in the number of their sides.


1. Pentagon

2. Dodecagon

3. Hexagon

4. Hexagon

5. Pentagon


1. A

2. E

3. Bs

4. D

5. C

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

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