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DLP Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
District of Lipa
Lodlod Integrated National High School
Lodlod, Lipa City

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 7

At the end of the class, students are expected to:
1. Recall
(a) similar and dissimilar fraction,
(b) converting mixed number to improper fraction
(c) getting LCD
2. Add and subtract fractions and mixed number.
3. Show camaraderie in performing activities.


A. Topic: Operations on Rational Numbers: Addition and Subtraction of Fraction
B. Reference: Elementary Algebra; pages 55-58
Fundamentals of Mathematics 1; page 39
Realistic Math; pages 2-7
C. Materials: visual aids, cardboards, cards, chalk


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
Let us all stand and pray.

2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good Morning ma’am
Grade 7- Mars, how are you today?
(student’s answer may vary)
3. Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, let us have a
MATH check.
M- ake your day great.
A- lign your chair properly and pick up the
mess under your seat
T- ake a deep breath
H- ave your seat and listen carefully

4. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absentee for today? (students’ answer may vary)

B. Priming
So, class, are you familiar with the
letters of the alphabet? Yes Ma’am

Since you are very much familiar with

the letters of the alphabet, this will truly help
you in our simple activity. You need to
substitute the correct letters of the alphabet
that signifies them. Yes Ma’am
Are my instructions clear?

A=1; B=2; C=3; D=4; E=5; F=6; G=7; H=8;

I=9; J=10; K=11; L=12; M=13; N=14; O=15;
P=16; Q=17; R=18; S=19; T=20; U=21;
V=22; W=23; X=24; Y=25; Z=26

1 4 4 9 20 9 15 14

1 14 4

19 21 2 20 18 1 3 20 9 15 14

15 6

6 18 1 3 20 9 15 14 19
Class, who among you can fill up the boxes
1 4 4 9 20 9 15 14
with their designated letter? I need at least
five students.
1 14 4
19 21 2 20 18 1 3 20 9 15 14
15 6
6 18 1 3 20 9 15 14 19


Based on our activity, what do you think is
our topic for today?

You got it right!

Since we already know our topic for today,

let’s start our lesson in recalling what are
similar and dissimilar fractions.

A. Activity Similar fractions are fractions with the same

Class, please read. denominator while dissimilar fractions are
fractions with different denominator.

For example:
8 3
1. and
5 5

Example number 1 are similar fractions

because they have the same denominator
which is 5.
5 7
2. and
7 9
Example number 2 are dissimilar fractions Yes Ma’am
because they have different denominator
which is 7 and 9.

Is that clear?

Class, in order for us to add or subtract

fractions, we need first to identify if the
given fractions are similar or dissimilar.

I know a game entitled “Raise Me Up”. The

class will be grouped into four. I will give
you a cardboard and a chalk. All you need to Yes ma’am
do is to write your answer on your cardboard.
Raise the cardboard as you finish writing
your answer while singing “raise me up”.

Are my instructions clear? 1. Similar fractions

2. Dissimilar fractions
Class, you need to identify the fractions 3. Dissimilar fractions
whether it is a similar or dissimilar fraction. 4. Similar fractions
3 4 5. Dissimilar fractions
1. and
7 7
19 17
2. and
27 43
3 1 2
3. , and
4 4 5
1 1
4. 3 and 1
2 2
5 27
5. 4 and 2
27 45

Since group ___ is our winner, give them a

‘raise me up’ clap. Similar fraction Ma’am.

Now, take a look at this class, let’s try to add

and subtract fractions.

3 1
1.) +
5 5

Is this similar or dissimilar fraction?

Very good!

In adding similar fraction class, we simply

add the numerators and copy the common
denominator. Reduce the resulting fraction to
its simplest form, if possible.

3 1 3+1 4
+ = =
5 5 5 5
5 1
And it is the same in subtracting similar -
12 12
fraction class, we simply subtract the
numerators and copy the common 5−1
denominator. Reduce the resulting fraction to 12
its simplest form, if possible. We have, 4 1
= or
12 3
5 1
2.) -
12 12

Who among you can try to solve this on the

board? Anyone? Yes Ma’am.

1 2
3.) 4 +1
3 3

1 2
Is 4 +1 a have the same denominator?
3 3

Very good!

You can notice class that our given number 3

is a similar mixed number, right?

In adding similar mixed number class, these

mixed numbers should be converted first to
improper fractions with the same
denominator before adding.

Listen very carefully,

4 when we converted to improper fraction
is because 3 multiplied to 4 is 12 plus 1 is
equals to 13, then copy the denominator
which is 3.

1 when we converted to improper fraction
is .

When we converted the mixed numbers to

improper fraction, we can add the improper
fractions like the usual adding of similar
1 1 21 6
We have 4 -1 = -
5 5 5 5
1 2 13 5 21−6
4 +1 = + =
3 3 3 3 5
13+5 15
= = or 3
3 5
= or 6

And it is the same in subtraction, we need to

convert the mixed number into improper
fraction first, then we can proceed in Dissimilar fraction Ma’am

1 1
4.) 4 - 1
5 5

Try to solve this on the board. Anyone?

Let’s have the fifth example.

1 1
5.) +
4 2

Is this a similar or dissimilar fraction?

Very good!
Fifteen (15) Ma’am
In adding dissimilar fraction, the first thing to
do is to find the LCD of it. Take a look at the
denominator of two fractions, we have 4 and
2. The LCD of 4 and 2 is 4.

By finding the LCD, we can now perform the

addition. Reduce the resulting fraction into
lowest term, if possible.

1 1 1+ 2 3
+ = =
4 2 4 4

Same as in subtraction dissimilar fraction. 3 11

2 =
4 4
2 2 1 3
6.) - 1 =
3 5 2 2
What is the LCD of 3 and 5?

Very good!

2 2 10−6 4
- = =
3 5 15 15 Four (4) Ma’am

3 1
7.) 2 +1
4 2

Example number 7 is a dissimilar mixed

number. To add, we have to convert it into
improper fraction first;

3 1
Who among you can convert 2 and 1 into
4 2
improper fraction?

Yes Ma’am
Second is to find the LCD, and we can
proceed in addition. 3 15
3 =
4 4
What is the LCD of 4 and 2? 3 19
2 =
8 8
Very good!

Now that found the LCD, lets solve it.

3 1 11 3
2 +1 = +
4 2 4 2
11+ 6
17 1
= or 4
4 4

And it is the same in subtraction.

3 3
8.) 3 -2
4 8
3 3
Convert 3 and 2 into improper fraction.
4 8
1. In adding and subtracting similar fraction,
Is there anyone of you can convert this in to simply add or subtract the numerator and copy
improper fraction? the common denominator.

2. The first thing to do in adding or subtracting

similar mixed number is to convert it into
improper fraction.
The LCD of 4 and 8 is 8. Then proceed in

3 3 15 19
3 -2 = -
4 8 4 8
11 3 3. Yes Ma’am
= or 1
8 8

B. Analysis

Based on our lesson:

1. How to add and subtract similar fractions? 4. To convert it into improper fraction and to
find the LCD before performing the operation
2. What is the first thing to do in adding or
subtracting similar mixed number?

And class, when we converted mixed

numbers into improper fraction, we can
simply add or subtract the fraction.

3. Is Least Common Denominator or LCD

useful in adding or subtracting dissimilar

Very good. Because in order for us to add or

subtract dissimilar fraction, we need to know
first the LCD before performing operations.
4. In adding or subtracting dissimilar mixed
number, what are the things to do before
adding or subtracting given mixed numbers?

C. Abstraction
To add or subtract similar fractions, we
simply add or subtract the numerators and
copy the common denominator. Reduce the
resulting fraction to its simplest form.

When we add or subtract mixed fractions that

are similar, convert it first into improper
fraction and perform the operation. Reduce
the resulting fraction to its simplest form.

To add or subtract dissimilar fractions, we

change them into improper fraction and then
perform operation using least common
denominator (LCD). Reduce the resulting
fraction to its simplest form.

When we add or subtract mixed fractions that

are dissimilar, change them to improper
fraction and determine the LCD of the
fractions. Perform the operation using LCD.
Reduce the resulting fraction to its simplest

D. Application

For better understanding, let us have

our last game entitled, “I am a Superhero”.
You need to write the name of the superhero
you want to be with your initial on a piece of
paper. If I’ll pick your paper, you need to
come here in front, say your Superhero name
and do the task I will give you.

Perform the indicated operations and express

your answer in simplest form.

8 3
1. -
9 9
2 6
2. +
5 10
1 2
3. 8 - 1
4 3
103 3
4. +
120 120
5 5
5. 3 - 2
9 6

To test if you truly understand our lesson for today, let us have an individual quiz.

Solve the following:

1 3
1. + =?
13 13
2 1
2. 15 - 2 =?
3 3
4 2
3. 1 + 3 =?
5 3
9 1
4. - =?
10 8

Solve the following:
1 2 7 1
1. + 6. −
3 3 10 3
5 1 11 7
2. + 7. −
8 4 12 12
7 2 8 7
3. + 8. −
8 3 9 8
2 4 13 1
4. 5 +3 9. 1 −3
3 5 17 12
9 1 1 1
5. 7 +1 10. 13 - 11
10 10 2 2

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