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Hybrid Search: Effectively Combining Keywords and Semantic Searches

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Hybrid Search: Effectively Combining Keywords and

Semantic Searches

Ravish Bhagdev1, Sam Chapman1, Fabio Ciravegna1, Vitaveska Lanfranchi1

and Daniela Petrelli2
Department of Computer Science and 2 Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street,
S1 4DP Sheffield, United Kingdom

Abstract. This paper describes hybrid search, a search method supporting both
document and knowledge retrieval via the flexible combination of ontology-
based search and keyword-based matching. Hybrid search smoothly copes with
lack of semantic coverage of document content, which is one of the main
limitations of current semantic search methods. In this paper we define hybrid
search formally, discuss its compatibility with the current semantic trends and
present a reference implementation: K-Search. We then show how the method
outperforms both keyword-based search and pure semantic search in terms of
precision and recall in a set of experiments performed on a collection of about
18.000 technical documents. Experiments carried out with professional users
show that users understand the paradigm and consider it very powerful and
reliable. K-Search has been ported to two applications released at Rolls-Royce
plc for searching technical documentation about jet engines.

Keywords: Semantic search, Semantic Web in use.

1 Introduction

The Semantic Web (SW) is a creative mix of metadata designed according to multiple
ontologies and unstructured documents (e.g. classic Web documents). The assumption
that the SW is not a Web of documents, but a Web of relations between resources
denoting real world objects [4] is too restrictive of the true nature of the SW. There
are a number of applications and situations where coexistence of documents and
metadata is actually required. One example is the legal scenario, where access to
documents is the main focus and the available metadata is the means to reach a
specific set of documents [5]. However it may well happen that the available metadata
does not cover parts of the document that are of interest to some users because: (i) the
ontology used for annotation has a different focus and does not model that part of the
content or (ii) annotations can be incomplete, whether user or system provided. A
human annotator may miss some or provide spurious ones; in the same way
automated means such as Information Extraction from texts (IE) may be unable to
reliably extract the information required. This is because IE is a technology that
performs very well on simple tasks (such as named entity recognition), but poorly on
more complex tasks such as event capture [8]. Therefore, some metadata modelled by
an ontology may be impossible to capture with IE thus preventing any future
operation (e.g. retrieval) via that metadata.
In this paper, we focus on searching the SW as a collection of both documents and
metadata, with the aim of accommodating different user tasks: document retrieval
and/or knowledge retrieval. A document retrieval task implies searching for
documents using concepts or keywords of interest; a knowledge retrieval task
concerns retrieving facts from a knowledge base (i.e. triples). Differently from
previous literature [1, 2, 3, 4, 9], we consider the issue of working in a complex
environment where metadata only partially covers the user information needs. We
therefore propose to use a strategy (called Hybrid Search, (HS) where a mix of
keyword-based and metadata-based strategies are used. We formally define the
approach and describe how to organise a HS architecture. We then describe K-Search,
a reference implementation of HS. In implementing an approach, a number of
decisions are made: methodological (e.g. we selected a form-based approach [1]), and
technical (e.g. on the expressivity of covered language and architecture design). We
discuss how these choices impact the HS mechanism. Then we present two
experiments performed using a K-Search application:
• in vitro: K-search was applied to a large corpus of legacy documents; an evaluation
of the resulting application shows HS outperforming both keyword based searching
and semantic searching;
• in vivo: the application was evaluated with real users; the results show that users
appreciate the full power of the HS concept.
Finally we compare our work to the state of the art, we discuss how it is possible to
extend the currently available semantic search paradigms to cope with HS, draw
conclusions and highlight future work.

2 Hybrid Search

HS combines the flexibility of keyword-based retrieval (as in traditional search

engines) with the ability to query and reason on metadata typical of semantic search
systems. Metadata is information associated to a document describing both its context
(e.g. author, title, etc.) and its content (as provided by RDF triples annotating portions
of the documents with respect to an ontology, e.g. <“installed_part” upon
“engine_type”>). In concrete terms, HS is defined as:
• the application of semantic (metadata-based) search for the parts of the user queries
where metadata is available;
• the application of keyword-based search for the parts not covered by metadata.
Three types of queries are possible with HS: (i) pure semantic search via unique
identification of concepts/relations/instances (e.g. via URIs or unique identifiers); (ii)
keyword-based search on the whole document and (iii) keyword-in-context search.
Keyword-in-context searches the keywords only within the portion of the document
annotated with a specific concept or relation; for example in the aerospace domain, it
enables searching for the string "fuel" but only in the context of all the text portions
annotated with the concept affected-engine-part. The keyword-in-context mechanism
was the core of the mechanism proposed in [14].
It is important to stress that differently from other approaches (e.g. [9]), in HS
conditions on metadata and keywords coexist. For example consider an application in
the aerospace diagnostic domain where metadata is associated to documents for
events described (e.g. discoloration) and the affected component (e.g. a high pressure
blade) but not for the part of the component affected (e.g. the trailing edge). An
example of hybrid query could be:
∀z /(discoloration y) & (component x) & (located-on y x) &
(provenance-text-contains x “blade”) & (document z) &&
(provenance y z) & (contains z “trailing edge”)
This can be read as: retrieve all documents (document z) that contain the string
“trailing edge” (contains z “trailing edge”) with associated metadata
(provenance y z) involving:
• an instance of discoloration – (discoloration y)
• an instance of component where the provenance text contains the word “blade”
(component x) & (provenance-text-contains x “blade”)
• the component is affected by the discoloration (located-on y x)
To our knowledge, no other approaches allows such flexibility in qiuerying, as most
of them just allow queries based on metadata [1, 2, 3, 4, 9].

2.1 Hybrid Search for Document Retrieval

The most commonly used method for document retrieval is keyword-based search
(KS). KS effectiveness is often affected by two main issues, ambiguity and
synonymity. Ambiguity arises in traditional keyword search systems because
keywords can be polysemous, i.e. they can have multiple meanings. A search
containing ambiguous terms will return spurious documents (low precision).
Synonymity is found when an object can be identified by multiple equivalent terms.
When searching documents using just one of the terms, the documents containing
other synonym are not retrieved (low recall). Semantic search as metadata-based
search defined according to an ontology, enables overcoming both issues because
annotations are unambiguous and do not suffer from synonymity.
Nonetheless when pure Semantic Search is applied to a document retrieval task, it can
fail to encompass the user information needs (either because of limitations in the
ontology or because the metadata is unavailable for a specific document), as it would
restrict the types of queries users can perform (low recall).
HS combines the disambiguation capabilities of semantic search (when metadata is
available) with the generality and extensibility of keyword-based search (for the other
cases). The expected result is that:
• precision and recall are increased with respect to the standard keyword-based
search because ambiguity and synonymity are dealt with by semantic search
when available;
• the use of keywords where metadata is missing enables to answer otherwise
impossible queries (increased recall with respect to semantic search). As
keywords are combined with metadata in the same query, the context given by
the available metadata helps in disambiguating keywords as well (higher
precision than keyword-based search).

2.2 Hybrid Search for Knowledge Retrieval

In addition to document retrieval, HS can provide highly effective knowledge

retrieval by using keywords as “context” of the metadata, hence enabling to further
focus the results in a way that is impossible with semantic search.
In the aerospace example, it will be possible to retrieve
∀y,x /(discoloration y) & (component x) & (contains-
keyword x “blade”) & (located-on y x) & (document
z) && (provenance y z) & (contain-keyword z
“trailing edge”)
Searching on metadata only allows a query like
∀y,x /(discoloration y) & (component x) & (located-on y x)
which would return a large amount of spurious results (low precision). The results of
the hybrid query would still be sub-optimal (i.e. not equivalent to a semantic search
where all the metadata is available) because the keyword search part will still suffer
problems of synonymity and polysemy, but it would be far more high quality than the
pure semantic search which will miss essential conditions. Also, it is expected that the
matching of metadata will help reducing the issue of polysemy because it will work as
context for the keywords.

3 Architecture for Hybrid Search

This section discusses a generic architecture for HS, while the next one presents an
actual implementation.
At indexing time, documents are indexed using a standard keyword–based engine
such as SolR1. Annotations (e.g. generated by an IE system) are stored in a
Knowledge Base (e.g. a triple store like Sesame2) in the form of RDF triples.
Provenance of facts must be recorded, for example in the form of triples connecting
the facts’ URIs and those of the document of origin, as well as the original strings
used in the documents.
At retrieval time, HS performs the following steps:
• the query is parsed and the different components (keywords, keywords-in-context
and metadata-based) identified;
• keyword matches are sent to the traditional information retrieval system;
• metadata searches are translated into a query language like SPARQL3 and sent
to a triple store;
• keywords-in-context queries are matched with the provenance of annotations in
documents (again using SPARQL and a triple store);

• finally, the results of the different queries are merged, ranked and displayed.

Merging of results. A direct matching between keyword and semantic results is not
straightforward as their results are incompatible. Keyword matching returns a set of
URIs of documents (KSDocUriSet) of size n.
KSDocUriSet ⊂ URIs, where KSDocUriSet =

while a semantic search performed on a knowledge base returns an unordered set rSet
(size m) of individual assertions < subj, rel, obj>4

OSTripleSet = all triples ∈ R that satisfy the Ontology-based Query

Using the provenance information associated to each triple, it is possible to compute

the set of documents that contain the information retrieved from the RDF store.

OSDocUriSet = Union of Provenance(triplei) for all i where triplei ∈


In order to provide the answer for users interested in document retrieval, the list of
URIs of documents generated using provenance information is now directly
compatible with the output of keyword matching. The result of the query is given by
the intersection of the two sets of document URIs.
HybridSearchUriSet= KSDocUriSet ∩ OSDocUriSet

In order to provide answers to users interested in knowledge retrieval, a list of triples

must be returned. In this case, the list of triples is filtered so to remove those whose
provenance does not point to any of the documents returned by the keyword-based
search engine. Formally:

All triples ∈ OSTripleSet

HSTripleSet =
Where Provenance(triplei) ∈ KSDocUriSet

Ranking. Effective ranking (i.e. the ability to return relevant documents first) is
extremely important for a positive user experience. The results returned by the
different modalities provide material for orthogonal ranking methods:
• keyword-based systems like Lucene enable ranking of documents according to (1)
their ability to match the keyword-based query; (2) the keywords used in anchor
links (i.e. the text associated to hyperlinks pointing to a specific document) and (3)
the document popularity measured as function of the weight of the links referring
to the document itself;

Both ontology-based and keyword in context queries are covered here.
• semantic search ranks according to the presence and quality of metadata.
Different ranking solutions can be adopted accordingly to the use case. The most
natural one is to adopt the ranking provided by the keyword based search, as it is
based on solidly proven methods, especially the use of anchor texts and hyperlinking
However more sophisticated strategies can be designed, especially for organisational
repositories where such interlinking is generally not present [14].
Presentation of results. Depending on the task (i.e. document retrieval Vs
knowledge retrieval), results can be presented in different ways: as a list of ranked
documents, as aggregated metadata (e.g. via graphs or charts) with associated
provenance, etc.

4 K-Search: putting hybrid search into practice

K-Search is an implementation of the HS paradigm. In realising HS in a real world

system, a number of choices need to be made in order to:
• create an interface that communicates to the user the optimal strategy to mix
metadata and keywords for the task at hand, so to maximize effectiveness and
efficiency of searches;
• decide what strategies to adopt for ranking, visualisation, annotation, etc.

Figure 1 - Interface detail: the query form. Clicking a concept on the ontology creates a form
item enabling inserting restrictions on metadata. Disjunctions are easily introduced by clicking

We have chosen to model our search interface on a form data entry paradigm. The
interface (Figure 1) works in a standard browser and enables the definition of
complex hybrid queries in an intuitive way. Keywords can be inserted into a default
form field in a way similar to that required by search engines; Boolean operators OR
and AND can be used in their combination. Conditions on metadata can be added to
the query by clicking on the ontology tree (left side of interface in Figure 2). This
creates a form item to insert conditions on the specific concept. As multiple
constraints can be added to the query, the logical language is restricted to provide a
simple and intuitive interface: only common Boolean combinations are supported.
This decision was supported by the observation that in carrying out their tasks, users
adopted strategies that do not require the full logical language; furthermore research
done in human-computer interaction shows that graphical representation of the whole
Boolean logic is not understood by most users [10].
AND constructs are allowed among conditions checking different concepts in the
ontology. So for example, contains(removed-component, “fuel”) AND contains(jet-
engine-name, “engineA”) is acceptable, but contains(removed-component, “fuel”)
AND contains(removed-component, “meter”) is not. The latter is acceptable if
formulated as contains (removed-component, “fuel meter”). Conditions in AND are
displayed on different lines in the interface (Figure 3 shows an example of a
combination of removed-component AND operational-effect). The expressivity
restrictions are motivated by the results of our user studies, which showed which
types of queries the users wanted to make.
OR constructs are acceptable only if between conditions on the same concept. So
contains(removed-component, “fuel”) OR contains(removed-component, “meter”) is
accepted, but contains(removed-component, “fuel”) OR contains(jet-engine-name,
“engineA”) is not. The latter must be split into two different queries. Again, these
restrictions are motivated by results of our user studies.
Figure 1 shows how the query retrieve all events where removal of a fuel meter unit
caused delay or cancellation” - logically translated in (contains(removed-component
“fuel meter unit”)) AND equal(operational-effect (delay OR cancellation)) - appears
at the interface level: two concepts (removed-component and operational-effect) have
been selected; removed-component has been specified with a single option (fuel meter
unit) while operational-effect covers two alternatives (delay or cancellation).

4.1 Ranking and Presentation of Results

In K-Search the ranking of results is performed by relying on the keyword ranking, in

this case based upon TF/IDF, because - as the matching on the metadata part of the
query is strict (i.e. only the documents that match all the conditions are returned) - all
the documents tend to be equivalent in semantic content. However, the visualisation
interface enables the user to change the ranking by focusing on specific metadata
values. For example, given the query in Figure 1, documents can be sorted according
to e.g. the value of the removed part (this is done by clicking on the appropriate
column header of the interface shown in Figure 2).
K-Search supports the tasks of document retrieval and knowledge retrieval also at the
presentation level, by providing different views on the search results. The default use
of K-Search is for document retrieval. Therefore when a query is fired, a set of ranked
documents displayed as a list are presented (see mid-right panel of the interface in
Figure 2). Each item in the list is identified by the title (or file name) of the document
and the values in the metadata that satisfy the semantic search. Clicking on one item
in the list opens the corresponding document on the bottom right. The document is
presented in its original layout with added annotations via colour highlighting;
advanced features or services are associated to annotations [12, 13], including refining
the current query. Multiple documents can be opened simultaneously in different tabs.
As for knowledge retrieval, K-Search provides two ways of inspecting the returned
metadata. On the one hand the triples extracted are visible in the document list,
because the values that satisfy the semantic query are listed for each document
(middle panel). This enables an exhaustive and user-friendly inspection of the content
of the triples and re-ranking of results according to these values. On the other hand,
K-Search enables the creation of bi-dimensional graphs via selection of style (pie or
bar chart) and variables to plot (e.g. engine Vs affected component). The graph in
Figure 2 plots the results of the previous query by location and engine type. Each
graphic item (each bar in the example) is active and can be clicked to focus on the
subset of documents that contains that specific occurrence. All retrieved triples can
be exported in RDF or in CSV format for further statistical processing.

Figure 2 - The interface showing the list of documents returned (centre top), an annotated
document and a graph produced from the results (image modified to protect confidential data).

4.2 Indexing and Annotation

In order to make available document metadata and indexes, K-Search uses: (i) SolR
for indexing documents and (ii) a generic semantic annotation plugin . Plugins
currently exist for AktiveMedia (manual and semi-automatic annotation [6]) and
some information extraction tools (T-Rex, an ontology-based IE tool [15] and Saxon,
a rule-based extraction system5). Extracted information (ontology-based annotations)
is stored in the form of RDF triples according to OWL or RDF ontologies into a triple
store. K-Search provides plugins for Sesame and 3store; query languages supported
are SPARQL and SeRQL.

5 Evaluation

Tests were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness and the user acceptance of the HS
paradigm. The evaluation was performed using the K-Search Event Reports
application (developed for Rolls-Royce plc) in two separate steps:
• in vitro: first of all the precision and recall of the IE system used in the specific
case were evaluated; then 21 user-defined topics were translated into queries using
three options: keyword-based searching, ontology-based searching and hybrid
searching and the performances were recorded; these tests enabled us to evaluate
the effectiveness of the method in principle;
• in vivo: 32 Rolls-Royce plc employees were involved in a usability test and
commented on efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction; this evaluation enabled
measuring the extent to which users understand the HS paradigm and feel that it
returns appropriate results.

5.1 In vitro evaluation

The in vitro evaluation is composed by two parts, one to evaluate the effectiveness of
the IE, the second to compare HS to keyword-based and semantic search.

IE evaluation
We analyzed a corpus of 18,097 reports on operational conditions of jet engines
provided by Rolls-Royce plc. They are semi-structured Word documents containing
tables and free text. As these documents are generated as part of the same
management process, they all contain broadly the same relevant information but
tables are user defined, so in principle each document can contain different types of
table. However, some regularity occurs in tables across documents as users tend to re-
use previously generated documents as template. The documents were converted into
XML and HTML then indexed using SolR and metadata were generated using T-Rex.
The ontology included concepts like the location where the event occurred, installed
component(s), removed component(s), event details, what was the operational effect
on the flight (delay, cancellation etc.), location, author, etc. The evaluation of the IE
system was performed in order to understand which metadata were recognisable with
an acceptable accuracy. Information in tables tends to be captured reliably by the IE
system. This is because, although tables are irregular (e.g. sometimes the semantics is
on the rows, sometimes on the columns, sometimes the information is spread over
multiple cells, sometimes multiple information is compressed in one single cell), they
roughly contain the same information and derive from evolution of common tables. T-
Rex’s learning curve assumed an asymptotic shape after learning from about 200
manually annotated documents. The combined evaluation results on all fields
obtained in a two-cross folder test using 400 documents were Precision=98%,
Recall=99%, (harmonic) F-Measure=98%. Information in tables contained most of
the metadata required in the ontology with the exception of the event cause.
As for the information contained in the free text (which was mainly describing the
event cause), instead, accuracy was not at a level adequate to the user expectations
(which was – according to our studies very close to 100% for recall and >90% for
precision) therefore it was not made available to semantic search; it was however still
available for searching via keywords.

Hybrid Search Comparative Evaluation

The goal of the comparative evaluation was to show that HS can provide better results
than the pure keyword based or semantic search, by combining their reciprocal
strengths. The evaluation was done considering a set of 21 topics generated on the
basis of observed tasks, sequences of user queries recorded in the event corporate
database or as elaboration of direct input from users (i.e. examples of their recent
searches). Each topic represents a realistic information-seeking task of Rolls-Royce
engineers, which typically could be previously answered only via repeated searches
and extensive manual work. As it turned out, some topics, like ''How many events
happened during maintenance in 2003'', can be answered using pure semantic search
(because all the relevant metadata was captured by the IE system), others, like "What
events happened during maintenance in 2003 due to control units?" can only be
answered by combining annotations and keywords (in this case due to the lack of
metadata about the cause of the event). Finally one topic could only be answered
using keyword-based search, as no parts of it are covered by metadata.
During evaluation, topics were transformed into queries by manually translating the
topics into semantic, hybrid and keyword-based queries. An example of hybrid query
is ((flight-regime maintenance) AND (event-date year-2003)) + (keywords-contained
"control unit" OR "control" OR "unit").
Precision and Recall were computed on the first 20 and 50 documents returned by
each modality. We used standard Precision and Recall measures.
Correct System Answers Correct System Answers
Precision = Recall=
System Answers Expected Answers

Evaluation of results on such a large amount of documents is quite a difficult issue.

The problem comes in computing recall’s Expected Answers without manually
matching all the 18,097 documents against all 21 topics. Therefore, we decided to
approximate Expected Answers with the cardinality of the set of all the relevant
documents returned by any of the three modalities. We believe that this measure is
enough for the purpose of this evaluation because our goal is to demonstrate that HS
outperforms the other two approaches in terms of precision and recall in returning
relevant documents in the first 20 and 50 returned results; this means HS must show
the ability:
(i) not to omit relevant documents identified by the other methodologies when
intersecting the two sets (high recall)
(ii) to rank the relevant documents in the first 20 and 50 respectively (high precision)
Moreover, consider that HS is defined as ranked intersection of results from the other
two methodologies; therefore it cannot discover more documents than the other two
methods. So its recall is a direct function of the recall of the other two modalities.
The experiments showed that semantic search has very high precision, but the lowest
recall in identifying relevant documents in the first 20 returned results (Figure 3).
Figure 3 - Comparative Evaluation of KS, pure semantic search, and HS on 20 queries. POS are
the possible correct answers. COR is the number of correct answers returned by the system.
ACT is the number of total answers provided by the system. EXP=min(POS, 20) and is the
number of correct answers expected, given the limitation to 20 hits.

This is because the metadata did not cover completely 6 of the topics. Keyword-based
search has the lowest precision and fair recall in the same task. Hybrid Search reports
very high precision (same as OS, +51% with respect to KS), and the highest recall
(+46% with respect to keywords and +109% with respect to ontology-based search).
(weighted harmonic) F-Measure is +49% with respect to keywords and +55% with
respect to ontology-based. In conclusion, in our experiment HS outperforms the other
methods in ranking relevant documents within the first 20 results. Experimental
results for the first 50 returned documents are largely equivalent.

5.2 In-Vivo Evaluation

A user evaluation was carried on with 32 users (recruited from a number of

departments of Rolls-Royce plc) that individually tested the system. The goal was to
evaluate K-Search as a means for both document retrieval and knowledge retrieval.
The individual sessions lasted an average of 90 minutes. After a short introduction to
the system participants were asked to carry out an assisted training task to familiarise
with the features of K-Search and the idea of HS. Then they were asked to carry out a
second task without assistance. Finally they were asked to propose and carry out a
task that reflected their work experience and interests. A user satisfaction
questionnaire was filled in at the end of the test; a short interview on the experience
closed the session.
Figure 4 - Results of evaluation of K-Search by 32 users (values are in %).

The data collected allows assessing the validity of the HS paradigm as well as the
usability of K-Search (Figure 4):
• Use of HS: all users appeared to have grasped the concept of HS. Users adopted
different strategies: some started querying using keywords and added conditions on
metadata in a second iteration; others instead composed conditions on metadata
and keywords in a single search; others used metadata search initially and added
keywords later to refine the task. This means that different user’s searching
strategies can be accommodated within the framework.
• Learning: 75% of users found easy or very easy to learn to use the system, 25%
found it average.
• System accuracy (system reliability in retrieving relevant documents): 82% of the
users judged K-Search reliable or highly reliable; although this could seem a
feature of the system rather than of HS, in our view the comment refers to the fact
that with HS the searches were effective.
• Searching experience: 82% of users found K-Search easy or very easy to use; the
ease of use was often commented about in the interviews;
• System Speed: the system was judged fast or very fast in executing the queries
allowing a quick task completion by 98% of users.

6 Comparison with the state of the art

Most of the methodologies proposed for semantic search [1, 2, 3, 4, 9] consider

accessing documents using metadata only and do not consider the cases where
metadata is unavailable. However, the HS idea can in principle be implemented with
all the main types of semantic search described in literature. In [1] Uren et al classify
the approaches according to: keywords-based approaches, view-based approaches,
natural language approaches and form-based approaches. Keyword-based
approaches [3, 16] are based on the interpretation of keywords according to an
underlying ontology. They require translating all the keywords in order to perform the
query. These methods could implement HS by replacing keywords in the query with
concepts in the ontology when possible while leaving the rest for pure keyword-based
searching. A View-based approach [17] is based on querying by building visual
graphs exploring the ontology. This is quite effective and appealing method to query;
however as [2] noted, experimentally this is one of the least preferred methods for
querying. These approaches could easily support HS by just adding a new arc labelled
e.g. document-contains that sends the query to the indexer rather than to the
knowledge base engine. A natural language approach [18] addresses querying the
knowledge base using natural language. A parser and a semantic analyser interpret the
query and transform it into formal queries to the knowledge base. These methods are
quite appealing to users, but generally suffer from limitations in the expressiveness of
the underlying supported language [2]. They could implement the approach quite
naturally by recognising expressions like (“and the document contains…”). Finally,
we have seen HS can be implemented in a form-based approach. The model could
be easily built into other models of this type presented in literature [19]. We have
chosen to implement a form-based approach in K-Search because user analysis for the
use cases at hand showed that this was the way of interaction preferred by our users.
Concerning other hybrid models, Rocha et al [14] presented a hybrid approach where
users input a set of keywords which are sent to a search engine. The results of the
search engine are re-ranked using semantic information associated to fields in the
ontology. For example, they use the (generally long) provenance text of some
annotations to decide that some documents are semantically more relevant than
others. They have a spreading mechanism to reach also concepts not explicitly
mentioned in the document. This method is similar in spirit to the keyword-based
semantic searches such as [3] but it allows retrieval of the cases where there is no
metadata available. So it centres on some of our initial objectives. However, the
method is equivalent to the use of our keyword searching plus keyword-in-context
searching. There is no way to address unique concepts and relations directly as in our
model. Also, the keywords-first approach does not solve the issue of synonymity
mentioned for keyword-based searches.
KIM [9] provides keyword-based search and ontology-based search as alternative
options, i.e. a query is either based on keywords or on metadata but it does not enable
mixing them. This is quite reductive with respect to the full HS mechanism.
LKMS [5] enables integration of keyword-based search and ontology-based search,
but the actual functionality, the way the combination is performed, the expressive
power of the formalism used and a number of details are unclear in the literature. It
appears that their annotation is limited to named entities and that their form of HS
reduces to searching for the presence of a concept in a document or in the metadata.
They do not seem to provide any facility for Boolean queries. Also, even if the system
has dozens of real world users, it is unclear how and to what extent they actually use
the HS mechanism.
7 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we have proposed HS, a mixed approach to searching based on a

combination of keyword-based and semantic search. We believe that hybrid search is
interesting because it overcomes an implicit limitation of most of the current literature
that is that semantic search must rely on metadata only. We have given a formal
definition of the method and we have shown experimentally that HS outperforms both
keyword-based search and pure semantic search in a real case scenario. We have also
shown how the strategy is compatible with most of the current models presented in
literature. We believe that this is because:
• Hybrid search performs equally well as pure semantic search when metadata is
fully available for a specific query;
• When metadata does not cover the whole information need, HS reaches higher
recall than pure semantic search via the use of keywords for sections not covered
by IE. Recall is boosted with limited loss in precision;
• HS outperforms keyword-based search in terms of both precision and recall.
Higher precision is obtained by the use of metadata when available. Higher recall
is obtained thanks to better ranking capabilities due to the use of metadata.
• In cases where the metadata is unavailable, HS is equivalent to keyword-based
HS has been implemented in a working system, K-Search, and two real world
applications have been developed for Rolls-Royce plc. Such applications are currently
deployed for real users to (i) access event reports and (ii) retrieve document and
knowledge about requests of product technical variances. User studies carried out
before the launch of the applications have shown appreciation for the system and the
hybrid approach in general. More applications are being planned. A University spin-
out company has been created to exploit the HS approach and its applications.
Future work will clarify some outstanding issues. The major issue concerns the use of
IE in tasks where it does not perform at a very high standard. In those cases, the
findings could change; because it could be no longer true that semantic search
provides high precision. All the findings above are based on this important aspect.
With lower precision, the strategy of designing hybrid search as applying semantic
search when possible and resorting to keyword for the uncovered parts could actually
prove to be not the most effective strategy. Experiments have to be carried out to
understand the consequences of reduced precision and recall in the annotation

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by IPAS, a project jointly funded by the UK
DTI (Ref. TP/2/IC/6/I/10292) and Rolls-Royce plc and by X-Media (www.x-media-, an Integrated Project on large scale knowledge management across media, funded
by the European Commission under the IST programme, (IST-FP6-026978). Thanks to Colin
Cadas (Rolls-Royce) for the constant support in the past two years. Thanks to all the users for
their very positive attitude and the helpful feedback.

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