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Internship Report Master's in Civil Engineering

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Internship Report

Master’s in Civil Engineering

Production Monitoring and Performance of Recycled Aggregates from

Construction and Demolition Waste

Kalyan Sagar Rajgopal Reddy

Leiria, October 2018

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Internship Report

Masters in Civil Engineering

Production Monitoring and Performance of Recycled Aggregates from

Construction and Demolition Waste

Kalyan Sagar Rajgopal Reddy

Report developed under the academic supervision of Doctor Miguel Filipe Barreto dos
Santos, professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute
of Leiria and Doctor João Paulo Veludo Vieira Pereira, professor at the School of
Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Report developed under
the company supervision of Engineer Fernando José de Oliveira Matos Romão, CEO of
AMBILEI, Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos S.A.

Leiria, October of 2018

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I wish to dedicate this report for my parents, my brother, sister and friends for their
encouragement in doing my masters. I would like to thank all Professors of Civil Engineering
Department of the School of Technology and Management and to all Professors from other
Department for the knowledge they have given me throughout my journey in this Institution.
I must also thank to the company AMBILEI, Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos
S.A. for giving me an opportunity to gain information and knowledge that was important for
carrying out my course. I feel happy in thanking Professor Miguel Barreto Santos and
Professor João Veludo for willing to clarify any questions or solve any problem that arose in
support of this report. I would also like to thank Engineer Vania Marques for her support and
guidance in Civil Laboratory of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.

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This internship report is about production, monitoring and performance of recycled

aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition wastes (CDW). Use of RA can be useful
for environmental protection and economic terms. The focus of this internship was to identify
the basic properties of RA produced in the company. Natural aggregates present in the
Laboratory of Institute Polytechnic of Leiria are used as reference aggregates. Similarly, the
properties of RA concrete were determined and explained here. Concrete is prepared
considering natural aggregate concrete as base concrete, RA of 20% and RA of 100%. Basic
concrete properties like slump test, compressive strength, Ultrasonic pulse velocity test
explained here for different combinations. Use of RA has been found useful for pavement
construction. Reasons for use of RA in pavement construction, with experimental results are
explained here in detail.

Keywords: Construction and demolition waste, Recycled Aggregates, Natural Aggregates,

Concrete, Pavement

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RA- Recycled Aggregates

NA- Natural Aggregates

CDW- Construction and Demolition Waste

RMA – Recycled Masonry Aggregate

LNEC – Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (National Laboratory of Civil Engineer)

BS EN – British Standard European Norm

CO2 – Carbon dioxide

CBR – California Bearing Ratio

W/C – Water Cement Ratio

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List of Figures

Figure 1.1 - Process of recycled aggregate ................................................................................ 2

Figure 1.2 Procees of Recycled aggregates ............................................................................... 6
Figure 1.3 Flow chart indicating the processing methods and layout in the Ambilei. .............. 6
Figure 2.1 General layout sequence of the CDW recycling plant (Coelho & Brito, 2013) ..... 12
Figure 3.1- Washed aggregate (left) and sieving machine (right). .......................................... 24
Figure 3.2 Fines- Sand equivalent test ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 3. 3 Methylene Blue test ............................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.4 Los Angeles Abrasion test ..................................................................................... 31
Figure 3.5 CBR and proctor test ............................................................................................. 33
Figure 3.6 container filled with the aggregate for determining loose density and voids ........ 34
Figure 3.7 Drying of aggregates in ventilated oven. ................................................................ 35
Figure 3. 8 Particle density and water absorption ................................................................... 37
Figure 3. 9 The Cumulative % passing of NA ......................................................................... 41
Figure 3.10 The slump of the mixed concrete. ....................................................................... 47
Figure 3.11 Compressive strength of concrete ....................................................................... 50
Figure 4. 1 Sieve analysis of aggregates .................................................................................. 53
Figure 4. 2 Proctor value. ........................................................................................................ 57
Figure 4. 3 The bulk density of RA and NA ........................................................................... 59
Figure 4. 4 The % of voids volume of RA and NA. ................................................................ 59
Figure 4. 5 The % of water absorption of RA and NA. .......................................................... 60
Figure 4. 6 The slump value of NA, RA-20, RA-100............................................................. 62
Figure 4. 7 Represents the ultra-sonic pulse velocity of NA, RA-20, RA-100. ...................... 63

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List of Tables

Table 2.1 Hand operated tools use in demolition´s (Lamond et al.,2002). ............................. 13
Table 2.2 Mechanical methods of demolition (Hendrics and pieterson, 2000). ...................... 13
Table 2.3 Thermal cutting equipment (Hendrics & Pieterson, 2000) .................................... 14
Table 2.4 Habitats and environmental impacts (Coelho & Brito, 2013). ............................... 20

Table 3.1 Assumed standard deviation Values (IS 456, 2000). ............................................... 38
Table 3.2 Indicating the values of cement content and w/c ratio (IS 456, 2000) ................... 39
Table 3.3 Maximum water content values (IS 456, 2000) ...................................................... 39
Table 3.4 Indicating the w/c ratio based on various zones (IS 456, 2000) ............................. 40
Table 3. 5 Denotes the Final concrete mix Proportion ............................................................ 40
Table 3. 6 Indicating the sieve analysis and fineness modulus of NA for mix design ............ 41
Table 3. 6 Cement dosage based on various size of aggregates. ............................................. 42
Table 3.7 Represents values of A and B. ................................................................................ 43
Table 3.8 Values denoting volume of voids based on ACI. .................................................... 43
Table 3.9 Represents the value of K and K’. .......................................................................... 44
Table 3. 10 Denotes the value of ‘a’ ....................................................................................... 45
Table 4. 1 Specification limits values for sand equivalent (Nikolaides et al., 2007)............... 55
Table 4. 2 Specification limits values for Methylene blue test (Nikolaides et al., 2007) ....... 55
Table 4. 3 Indicating the limiting values for the use of material. ............................................ 56
Table 4. 4 The general soil type and CBR limit values .......................................................... 58
Table 4. 5 The oven dry and saturated surface dry density values of RA and NA .................. 60
Table 4. 6 Results of hardened concrete value. ....................................................................... 62
Table A.1 Calculation of Sieve analysis of recycled and natural aggregate. ........................... 71
Table A. 2 Calculation of flakiness index of RA. .................................................................... 71
Table A. 3 calculation for Elongation of aggregates .............................................................. 72
Table A. 4 values of sand equivalent of fine aggregates ........................................................ 72
Table A. 5 Standard proctor test value..................................................................................... 72
Table A. 6 The soaking value of mould in CBR test ............................................................... 73
Table A. 7 The penetration value after soaking ....................................................................... 73
Table A. 9 Bulk density of natural aggregates ........................................................................ 74
Table A. 9 Bulk density of natural aggregates ......................................................................... 75

Table A. 10 water content of recycled aggregate drying in a ventilated oven........................ 76
Table A. 11 Tabulation of particle density and water absorption using pycnometer for
recycled and natural aggregates ............................................................................................... 76
Table A. 12 Calculation on slump cone test of fresh concrete ............................................... 77
Table A. 13 Compressive strength and ultrasonic velocity of hardened concrete .................. 77

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Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... v

Abstract ....................................................................................................................................vii

Acronyms .................................................................................................................................. ix

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... xi

List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... xiii

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Preamble ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objective .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Methodology .................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Internship overview .......................................................................................................... 4

1.4.1 About company.......................................................................................................... 4

1.4.2 Sources and production of RA in the company ......................................................... 5

1.5 Report organization .......................................................................................................... 7

2 Literature Review.................................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Production of recycled aggregates ................................................................................... 9

2.1.1 Compositions of Construction & Demolition waste.................................................. 9

2.1.2 Recycling Plant and equipment ............................................................................... 10

2.1.3 Quality of RA .......................................................................................................... 14

2.1.4 Standards and Specifications for the use of RA ...................................................... 15

2.2 Properties of RA ............................................................................................................. 16

2.2.1 Density ..................................................................................................................... 16

2.2.2 water absorption ...................................................................................................... 16

2.2.3 Size and Shape ......................................................................................................... 17

2.2.4 Contaminants ........................................................................................................... 17

2.3 Use of RA in construction .............................................................................................. 18

2.3.1 Experience in road base ........................................................................................... 18

2.3.2 Experience in concrete............................................................................................. 18

2.4 Environmental and Economic impact ............................................................................ 19

2.4.1 Environmental impact.............................................................................................. 19

2.4.2 Economic impacts.................................................................................................... 20

3 - Development of experimental work ................................................................................... 21

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 21

3.2 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 21

3.3 Geometrical Characterization ......................................................................................... 22

3.3.1 Sieve analysis .......................................................................................................... 22

3.3.2 Flakiness Index ........................................................................................................ 23

3.3.3 Elongation Index...................................................................................................... 26

3.3.4 Assessment of Fines- Sand equivalent test .............................................................. 27

3.3.5 Assessment of fines- Methylene Blue test ............................................................... 29

3.4 Mechanical properties of aggregates .............................................................................. 30

3.4.1 Determination of resistance of fragmentation – Los Angeles ................................. 30

3.4.2 Standard test method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio method) and Proctor test
for soil compaction ........................................................................................................... 30

3.5 Physical Properties ......................................................................................................... 32

3.5.1 Determination of Loose bulk density and Voids ..................................................... 32

3.5.2 Determination of water content by drying in a ventilated oven .............................. 33

3.5.3 Determination of Particle density and water absorption ......................................... 35

3.6 Study of concrete with recycled aggregates ................................................................... 37

3.6.1 Mix design (Faury and Indian method) ................................................................... 37

3.6.2 Mix preparation ....................................................................................................... 46

3.6.3 Testing Procedure .................................................................................................... 46 Slump test…………………………………………………………………...46

xvii Compressive strength test……………. ……………………………………..47 pulse velocity………………….…………………………………49

4 Results and discussion .......................................................................................................... 51

4.1 Geometrical Properties ……………………………………………………………. 51

4.2 Mechanical Properties ……………………………………………………………...54

4.3 Physical Properties ………………………………………………………………….56

4.4 Concrete Properties…………………………………………………………………59

5 Conclusion and Future work ................................................................................................. 63

References …………………………………………………………………………………...65

Annex A ……………………………………………………………………………………. 69

1 – Introduction

1.1 Preamble

This report describes all the work of research, experimentation, analysis and evaluation that
was made during the period of internship in company Ambilei (Valorização e Tratamento de
Resíduos Sólidos S.A.) about production monitoring and characterization of developed
recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW).

Since it was decided to make a study based on the materials that are produced in the
company. Company produce three types of RA that are mainly based on ceramic, stone,
concrete materials and other RA based on retention and RA based on bituminous mixture.
During the period of work, it was essential to know the usage of RA produced based on
ceramic, stone and concrete mixture that are obtained from CDW. Related to this field of
work some relevant scientific studies are made gathering the ideas of other authors
concerning to this work.

Large quantity of RA is being produced every year throughout the world. The use of RA is
gaining a potential nowadays, because the concrete industry is coming under intense scrutiny
and criticism due to increase in our environmental consciousness. Waste concrete can be
produced in number of different sources, the most common are CDW. The RA processed in
Ambilei is majorly of these CDW. Most of the research works are being processed
considering the coarse RA once rather than the fine RA, since the fine leaves a large amount
of cement paste adhered to the surface during the process of crushing.

1.2 Objective

This document includes a study related to recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and
demolition waste (CDW), produced in Ambilei. The studies on the use of RA have been
going on for past years, since the utilization of RA seems to be one of the solutions to the
waste material problem.

Therefore, it was decided to make an internship related to characterization of the material

produced in the company, production monitoring and products quality criteria, assessment of

the applicability of company aggregates, particularly in concrete and pavements. This part of
work is important to the company since the production of RA have implemented a control
system that aims to ensure in obtaining of CE marking, fulfilling the technical specifications
for the purpose for which they are intended. Thus, it was important in knowing the behaviour
of material that fit either to the concrete works or as a material for the road base. It was also
decided to appreciate the environmental and economic impact due to the use of RA from
CDW. Some studies concerning to the recent development and field of application of these
materials was analysed.

According with internship program, in first stage it was necessary to follow the source of the
material extracted and monitor the manufacturing process of the several RA. This was
important in understanding the type of materials dumped in company. During this period, a
knowledge about different component of materials used in recycling has been gained, later it
was important to study and analyse with the company about quality criteria and the minimum
requirements requested for the recycled aggregates produced. The example of process of the
aggregate in the company Ambilei is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Process of recycled aggregate

Second stage was fulfilled with transporting equipment’s. In this stage it was verified the
vehicles that are helpful for transporting to the destination place and functioning of various
crushing machines used in the company. While the process is carried out by the machines the
separation of material has been observed.

In third stage, it was important to know the characterization of RA according to geometrical,
physical and mechanical properties. It was decided to perform the most relevant laboratory
tests to aggregates as, test sieve; particle density and water absorption; bulk density and
voids; water content; Los Angeles abrasion; density and others. Characterization tests were
performed in Laboratory of Civil Department in School of Technology and Management
(ESTG) of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria). After obtaining the test results, some
comparison are made with concern to the natural aggregates (NA) and it was investigated the
behaviour of concrete with incorporation of RA studied.

Summarizing, the main objective of the work is study concerning production monitoring and
characterization of developed RA from CDW and also, study the possibility to use company
RA in concrete and road pavements. The main stages of work can be resumed as:

1. Studying the geometrical, physical, mechanical properties of RA that explains the main
characteristic behaviour of the material;

2. Based on the test results it can be examined the possibilities of using RA in concrete mixes
or as a pavement to the road;

3. The mix design has been calculated initially for the reference concrete and later to concrete
with company RA;

4. To investigate some fresh and hardness properties of concrete with RA.

1.3 Methodology

The internship plan contemplated the following tasks, developed during the same period:

Task 1: Production monitoring and products quality criteria: The first method that must be
followed is knowing the source of the supply of materials to the company which means
knowing briefly by collecting the information concerning to the source of waste generated to
the company.

Task 2: Physical and mechanical characterization of the developed recycled aggregates:

After the process of recycling it’s essential to know the characteristic of aggregates. It was
important to bring samples of the RA from Ambilei to IPLeiria labs for the experimental
tests. Since the sample has been brought directly from the site it contains various particles.
Before conducting the tests cleaning, washing and drying of the sample has done for some of
the tests. Several tests are conducted based on European Standard (EN) which relates to the
characterisation of aggregate as:
- Geometrical properties: Sieve analysis, Flakiness Index, Elongation Index, Fine Sand
Equivalent test, Fine Methylene blue test.
- Mechanical Properties: Determination of resistance to Fragmentation.
- Physical Properties: Determination of loose bulk density & voids, Determination of
Water content by drying in ventilated oven, Determination of Particle density and water

Task 3: Mix design and behaviour of concrete with incorporation of recycled aggregates:
Preparing the reference concrete with proper mix design to produce later concrete block is
prepared using RA. Conducting several tests to know the behaviour of produced concrete
like, slump test, compressive strength, ultra-sound velocity. Summary and conclusions based
on the test results obtained.

1.4 Internship overview

1.4.1 About company

Ambilei is a 12 years old company in production of RA. It was established in 2006 but started
its activity from 2009 as an intend of assuring its clients the quality of its service and the
correct management of the waste. At the beginning Ambilei is committed in giving CDW as a
second chance but now the focus of the company is related in producing aggregates using this

Name of the company Ambilei

Address Rua da calmeira, no 60, Andrinos, Apartado
2875, 2401-901, Leiria
Tel 244892236
Fax 244092892
E- mail

1.4.2 Sources and production of RA in the company

There are three stages of processing the materials in the company namely: reception, sorting
and recovery of the waste. The CDW are carried out from site to the storage area using some
of the transporting vehicles. The waste is discharged into the storage area and then subjected
to sorting, which results in the separation of inert residues (eg. bricks, tiles, concrete and
ceramic materials).

The company has four stages in processing material, at the beginning stage it aims in
dumping of material from the site to the plant using some of the load carrying vehicles
namely trucks as shown in Figure 1.2 (a). Later the material is being sorted separating the
inert residues and building materials i.e., CDW as shown in Figure 1.2 (d). After the material
is separated since the CDW contains dust the materials are being washed to reduce dust
pollution during processing as shown in Figure 1.2 (b). In the very next stage the washed
CDW is carried out for the process of crushing using some mechanical machines namely JCB
and transformed to the crushing machines for the process as shown in Figure 1.2 (c).

a) Dumping of CDW from site to recycling plant b) Washing of material

c) Recycling of material to obtain various sized aggregate d) separated plastic, wood and scrap

Figure 1.2 Procees of Recycled aggregates

The process of production is briefly detailed using the flowchart mentioned in Figure 1.3.



Discharge Conformity of Accompany Guide in Waste?


Weighing (Gross
Weighing Guide and Certificate of Receipt of Weight)

Weighing (Net Download in the Zone Waste Storage




Clean Lands Waste Sorting




Waste Concrete waste Waste mixtures

materials bituminous s /
ceramic, stone tar
and concrete

Recycled Recycled
Aggregates Aggregates
material base Recycled Aggregates with a concrete based on
ceramic, stone base mixtures
and concrete bituminous

Figure 1.3 Flow chart indicating the processing methods and layout in the Ambilei.

1.5 Report organization

The presentation of the work is organized in five chapters. The following distributions are

Chapter 1 – In this chapter introduction to the internship work is made. It is described the
aim, objective and methodology of work. This chapter also gives a brief explanation
concerning to the establishment, processing method and essential information related to
Ambilei company.

Chapter 2 – Several researchers have their own processed work related to RA. In this chapter
is presented reference works related to the use of RA. The most important conclusion of
such authors have been gathered and selective information that helps to this work are
mentioned. Finally, it explains about the environmental impact and also the cost of

Chapter 3 - This chapter describes the testing and experimental results that are obtained in
laboratory of IPLeiria. This chapter also analyse and discuss characterization of developed
RA according to results obtained in physical, mechanical and geometrical test. Results were
measured with European Standard limits and been analysed possibility to incorporate RA
(from Ambilei) in concrete or in basis road pavement. Further this chapter mentions the
results and discussion related to the experimental use of RA in concrete with comparison to a
concrete developed by only addition of NA.

Chapter 4- Contains the test results and discussion related to those tests.

Chapter 5 - Contains the conclusion and future work.

2 Literature Review

In this chapter it was essential and important to make the review of literature of several
authors regarding CDW and the use of RA. Further this chapter gives an discussion of
various aspects like recycling plant and equipment used during the process, quality criteria of
the produced product, standards and specifications used for several test methods and later
some observations related to properties of produced RA are being described in further work.

2.1 Production of recycled aggregates

2.1.1 Compositions of Construction & Demolition Waste

With the studies concerning to the waste generated in Portugal has been categorised into
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), and Construction Demolition Waste (CDW), in which MSW
generates about 4,550,000 ton/year waste, where CDW production rises to 6,440,000 ton/year
waste. This means that, at least in terms of quantity, CDW is a greater problem than MSW
(Coelho & Brito, 2010).

Concerning CDW composition, generally it is divided into five main fractions; metal,
concrete and mineral, wood, miscellaneous and unsorted mixed fraction. It may contain:
concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics, wood, glass, plastic, bituminous mixtures and tars, metals
(ferrous & non-ferrous), soils and stones, insulation materials, chemicals, waste electronic
and electrical equipment, packaging materials, hazardous substances (Pellegrino &
Faleschini, 2016)

The composition of CDW generally varies highly in relation to the site, because of the local
typology and construction technique, climatic conditions, economic activities and technologic
development of an area. The composition of CDW is also changing during time, due to
ageing of the existing buildings and hence it is difficult to define a composition representative
for a large region (Pellegrino & Faleschini, 2016).

2.1.2 Recycling Plant and equipment

There are two types of recycling plants as stationary and mobile. Stationary plants have
capacity of 100-350 ton/h usually adopt higher level of technologies and are typically
provided with the sorting equipment for the separation of unwanted fractions (Serdar et al.,

In general, they are suitable in high density areas, capable of producing a high quality of
product. However, the initial investment of setting such a plant can be in excess. Mobile
plants of which capacities are up to 100 ton/h treat smaller quantities of CDW in temporary
demolition worksites, and typically produce low grade recycling aggregates by in-situ
recycling. They are economically feasible and there are limited cleaning facilities in this type
of installation, and therefore the recycled product is normally of low quality (Kumbhar et al.,

Based on the studies concerning to the CDW recycling is highly mechanized facility, capable
of receiving a complete mixture of CDW and separating all the main valuable/marketable
constituents and rejecting only dangerous materials and wet sludge carrying ultra-fine mixed
particles. A general flow diagram, studied by the authors, is represented in Figure 2.1. Each
piece of equipment was characterized according to its power, initial cost, maintenance cost,
average service life, plus environmental factors such as intrinsic primary energy and carbon
which are relevant for other parts of the overall study (Coelho & Brito, 2013).

There are several demolition techniques and concrete removal methods. They may be
classified as manual or mechanical methods, thermal cutting and mechanical cutting. Manual
labour- based demolition is still being used in some countries where labour is cheaper than
the cost of buying demolition equipment’s. These has been used often after first and second
world war. Some of the hand operated tools are being mentioned below in the Table 2.1.
(Lamond, et al., 2002).

Figure 2.1 General layout sequence of the CDW recycling plant (Coelho & Brito, 2013)

Table 2.1 Hand operated tools use in demolition´s (Lamond et al.,2002).

Hammers, chisels, drills may be used for

Hand tools
removing small amount of materials
These have lower energy output, and mostly
Manual electric tools
used in confined areas
Small impact hammers, drills, saws and
Manual hydraulic tools
Pavement breakers available in a wide range
Manual pneumatic tools
of sizes

Mechanical demolition methods are normally associated with the heavy demolition of large
facilities. To demolish a structure impact, crushing or shear-based methods are used. Table
2.2 represents some of those equipment’s that are used as a mechanical operated equipment’s
(Hendrics & Pietersen, 2000).

Table 2.2 Mechanical methods of demolition (Hendrics and pieterson, 2000).

These are used commonly in demolition

Impact breakers and hammers industry. For underwater work pneumatic
and hydraulic breakers are used
These are used to break concrete pavements,
Spring-action hammers
decks, walls, and other thin members
This equipment is placed on pre-drilled
Mechanical splitters
These have a wide range of sizes and cutting
Concrete crushers jaw configurations. These can remove
kerbs, slabs, beams and wall sections

The object may be divided into smaller parts by creating narrow slots, like we can consider
that iron and steel are cut by heating them to high temperatures to initiate combustion and
then maintaining it. Some of the thermal cutting tools are described below in the table 2.3
(Hendrics & Pietersen, 2000).

Table 2.3 Thermal cutting equipment (Hendrics & Pieterson, 2000)

These tools work on oxygen and fuel gas.

Cutting torch The gases are obtained from high-pressure
These torches have three intakes: oxygen,
Powder cutting torch
fuel gas and pressurized air.
This unit has connections for oxygen and
Powder cutting lance the powdered air mixture. They are used for
steel and other metals
This method is used to separate concrete
Electrical heating
from around its steel reinforcements

2.1.3 Quality of RA
As we consider the use of recycled aggregates in construction it has high potential for reuse
and recycling of CDW since most of its components have a high resource value. The reuse
market for RA derived from CDW is especially adequate in landscaping, road construction
(unbound sub-base and base layers, bituminous surface pavements), increase the thickness of
concrete elements (Silva et al., 2014).

Recycled Masonry Aggregate (RMA) in general contains masonry rubble and is a collective
designation for various mineral building materials resulting from the construction and
demolition of structures. This family of materials may include lightweight concrete blocks,
ceramic bricks, blast-furnace slag bricks and blocks. Masonry rubble often contains mortar
rendering and burnt clay materials such as roofing tiles (Hansen 1992 cited in Silva et al,
2014). RMA typically have a higher porosity than NA, because concrete with RA absorbs a
higher amount of moisture than ordinary concrete (Hendriks & Pieterson, 1998).

The RA by comparison with NA have lower particle density and higher water absorption this
is because that there is tendency of RA mixes to require more mixing water than the NA
mixes. The relatively high-water demand of RA will have their impact on shrinkage. When
comparing aggregates of similar size, the RA have lower bulk density than the NA. this is due
to more porous nature and sharper shape of RA (Hansen 1992 cited in Silva et al, 2014).

Quality management is a crucial step towards increasing the confidence in the CDW. Some
of the following factors influence the quality management of these materials that includes:

1. Quality of primary process: Quality management at this process has high end application
and in large volumes, since it contains various materials like unbound RA, asbestos, and
some of the recovered plastics and wood.
2. Quality management at waste identification, source separation and collection stages:
Quality control during pre – demolition and demolition should be taken seriously, in terms of
CDW materials, because if hazardous substances are not removed properly entire waste
streams can get contaminated.
3. Quality management during CDW transport: CDW should be transported safely and
legally without causing any harm to the environment or risking workers health.
4. Quality management during CDW processing and treatment: The recycling company
ensures good quality of input materials and elimination of hazardous substances and
impurities during the treatment process.
5. Quality of products and product standards: CDW recycled materials must be assessed in
accordance with requirements of European product standards when covered by them.

2.1.4 Standards and Specifications for the use of RA

In Portugal, the use of RA for structural purposes is regulated by specification LNEC E 471
(2009) from Nacional Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC). This specification classifies
coarse RA and defines minimum requirements for their use in concrete. Various other
standards exist about the use of RA for several applications. LNEC E 472 focuses on hot mix
asphalt applications, LNEC E 473 is about unbound pavement layers, and LNEC E 474 is
about embankment and capping layer of transport infrastructures (LNEC E 471, 2009).

The British Standard European Norm (BS EN) classifies the various aggregates based on
their sites of application, according to BS EN 13242 standard. This specification classifies
aggregates for unbound RA in pipe bedding drainage, granular fill and general fill capping
and for the sub base. BS EN 12620 standard specifies RA for concrete and BS EN 13043
standard specifies general use of aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments
for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas.

2.2 Properties of RA

Characterization of aggregates can be observed based on the properties with respect to the
geometrical, physical and mechanical. Further it has been discussed about general behaviour
of RA based on density, water absorption, size, shape.

2.2.1 Density

The simplest and most common way to characterize the aggregate is normal weight, light
weight and high weight. RA also belongs to this characterization group. Several parameters
can be identified that can affect RA density. Since mortar is less dense than NA, the more
adhered cement paste in coarse RA the lower the density of the aggregates. Another aspect of
recycling procedure is the existence and quality of sorting techniques. Recycling plant
separate the major part of light contaminants.

Some researchers, who examined the effects of the number of crush stages on the properties
of coarse RA, found that the higher the levels, the higher the density of the resulting RA due
to the cumulative breaking up of adhered cement paste on the surface of coarse RCA (Silva,
et al., 2014).

An increase in a share of recycled aggregate in total mass of component aggregate reduces

the bulk density of fresh concrete (Pani & Concu, 2011).

2.2.2 Water absorption

Water absorption of RA differs most from the aggregate obtained from natural resources. It is
because that the older cement material adhered to the aggregates. According to all the
research available states that the recycled concrete aggregate has higher water absorption
level compared to that of NA. The reason for that is original cement mortar, which is integral
part of recycled aggregate, which has significantly more porous structure compared to natural
aggregates, its porosity depends on the water-cement ratio of the old concrete. Smaller the
fraction, greater the amount of cement mortar as well as the level of water absorption
(Marinkovic et al., 2009).

2.2.3 Size and Shape

Size and shape of the resulting aggregates are influenced by the number of processing stages
and type of crushing devices used to break down into larger pieces. In the process of
recycling normally uses primary and secondary crushing stages. In the primary crushing stage
jaw crushers are used that provide the best grain-size distribution of RA for concrete
production. To obtain round and less sharp particles second crushing is done (Ferreira et al.,

Cone and impact crushers are used as secondary crushers, as cone crushers have 200 mm
maximum size and give a spherical shape to RA. To produce good quality coarse aggregates,
it can be done by simply adjusting the setting of crusher aperture (Hansen, 1992 cited in silva
et al, 2014).

2.2.4 Contaminants

After the demolition of existing structure that severely degrade the strength of concrete
variety of contaminants can be found in RA. These materials include asphalt, gypsum,
metals, plastic and other contaminants.

Bituminous materials have a general effect of reducing strength, depending on their

construction application. In a report related to Hansen states that the addition of 30% by
volume of asphalt reduced 30% of compressive strength (Hansen, 1992 cited in silva et al,

In most of the parts of Europe, glass is removed from buildings and has given the recycling
efforts. The sorting of material is vital because glass is brittle and ends up with fine content
during crushing in recycling plants. In some of the proposed amendment to EN 12620 and
other specifications glass content is specified not to exceed 1% by mass (EN 12620, 2002)

Wood and plastic are difficult to separate from CDW during process of crushing. These
materials can be separated using air blowers. And can also be separated by hand from a
conveyor belt moving between the primary and secondary crushing. Wood and plastic that
float in water are classified as floating non-stone material.

2.3 Use of RA in construction

CDW constitute a major portion of total solid waste production in the world. Some studies
have estimated that up to 90% of demolition waste going to the landfills can be recycled and
reused as a concrete or as a road base material and other civil construction works. There is
high potential for recycling and re-use of CDW, as few components have high resource value.
In general, there is a re-use market for aggregate derived from CDW in roads, drainage and
other construction projects (Herrador et al., 2012).

2.3.1 Experience in road base

Worldwide many studies are being conducted to know the possibility of using recycled
CDW. Research focus mainly on the use of RA of concrete and RA of ceramic bricks in the
construction of lower layers of roadways (Vivian et al., 2018).

In some European countries, the use of RA of concrete has been used since 1970s and in the
Netherlands, the use of recycled aggregate coming from concrete and bricks as a road base is
a common practice (Herrador et al., 2012).

Arisha & Gabr (2018) evaluated the use of CDW materials, particularly mixture of
aggregates of recycled concrete with recycled crushed bricks as unbound granular material
for road construction in Egypt. They discovered that the recycled unbound granular material
showed better pavement performance in terms of rutting and fatigue cracking as compared to
virgin aggregate.

Diagne et al. (2015) made an investigation on using mixture of RA of concrete with recycled
crushed bricks as unbound base course in pavement construction. The authors used various
proportions of RA of concrete and RA of bricks in their experiments.

2.3.2 Experience in concrete

RA can be designed for concrete mixes in the same way as used for NA, considering the extra
water absorption in the former material that determines the unit water content (Akash et al.,

2007). According to RILEM (1994), there are some of the salient features that are
recommended for proportioning of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC):
 when designing a concrete mix using RA of varying quality, a higher standard
deviation should be employed to determine target mean strength;
 when coarse RA is used with natural sand, at the design stage it may be assumed
that the free W/C ratio required for certain compressive strength will be same for
coarse RA as for conventional concrete.
 for a RA mix to achieve same slump, the free water content will be approximately
5% more than for conventional concrete.
 The sand-to-aggregate ratio for coarse RA is the same as when using NA.

The use of RA as concrete in construction work is a subject of high priority in building

industry throughout the world. 10% of used aggregates in Great Britain are RAC, 78000 tons
of RAC were in Holland in 1994. The rapid development in research on the use of RAC to
produce new concrete has also led to the production of concrete of high strength
performance. It is noted that use of coarse RAC upto 30% is normally recommended
(Oikonomou, 2005).

2.4 Environmental and economic impact

Large variety of aggregate sources are available including quarries, alluvial such as gravel
and river sands, or recycled aggregates from different commercial and industrial waste
materials mainly CDW. The extraction of these virgin natural resources and crushing them in
quarries to produce aggregates is hugely damaging the environment by depletion of natural
resources (SICEST, 2016).

2.4.1 Environmental impact

Recovering and recycling CDW have four highly important benefits considering reduced use
of natural resources, reduced transportation, reduced consumption of energy and reduced
CDW volume sent to land-fill.

Coelho & de Brito (2013) made an analysis on environmental sensitivity of CDW recycling
plant in Lisbon area, Portugal. The installation factors include incorporated, operation and
transport, which then converts into energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. In the work that

conducted authors observed that environmental benefits of installing such a recycling plant
are substantial, the process involved in recycling and using recycled materials from this plant
in construction applications generated nearly 90% less carbon dioxide (CO2) emission than
using natural resources. Table 2.4 describes the positive environmental impacts on RA using.

Table 2.4 Habitats and environmental impacts (Coelho & Brito, 2013).

Habitats Impacts
Reduced use of natural resources Less damage to habitat and less visual
Reduced transportation of natural Reduced greenhouse gas emission, pollution
resources emissions, less use of fossil fuel resources
Reduced energy consumption Greenhouse gas emission, pollution emission
reduces, less fossil fuel resources
There are some of the energy related costs involved in the manufacturing process of RA
which involves the aggregate washing which may involve amounts of to remove
contaminants which will not be disposed properly and may pollute the groundwater.
Considering all these aspects CDW recycling operations are likely to generate some of the
main environmental impacts that includes (Coelho & de Brito, 2013):
 Visual and aesthetic impacts of recycling plant and the loss of natural features and
 During the storage, processing and transportation of materials the dust that has been
 Some of the transportation impacts like road delay, poorer safety;
 Noise, vibration, gas emission and odour derived from processing operation and
transportation vehicles.

So considering above all factors it is essential to produce and process the RA either during
the transportation of material, during the process and some other environmental issues has to
be considered during procedure.

2.4.2 Economic impacts

Söderholm (2011) made an analysis on the efficiency of environmentally motivated taxes on

virgin raw materials. Author analyzed both the economic-theoretical foundations of virgin
natural resource taxation, as well as the empirical experiences of aggregates taxes in three

European countries, i.e., taxes on, for instance, gravel, rock, stone etc. The theoretical
analyses showed that taxing natural resource output or use typically represents a ‘second-
best’ policy alternative, which could be used when, for instance, the monitoring of non-point
source emissions and/or efficient property rights regimes are hard to implement. The
empirical analysis shows that low own-price elasticities typically lead to low aggregate
demand responses and limited substitution to alternative (recycled) materials.

Tam (2008) carried out a detailed comparative analysis of the costs and benefits of
conventional practice of CDW disposal relative to a recycling approach. In that study,
conventional practice means that CDW are dumped in landfills and concrete is produced with
natural resources (energy is wasted in both the disposal of CDW and the production of NA
for concrete manufacture). The proposed recycling method consisted of sending CDW to
processing plants (i.e. reduced NA extraction- related energy and amount of landfilled
materials) the result of which would be used in concrete production. After having conducted
detailed interviews with the staff of various construction and demolition companies, recycling
plants and landfills, the results showed that the recycling method had a positive net benefit of
nearly € 20 million per year, while the conventional method had a negative net benefit of
about $44 million per year.

3 - Development of experimental work

3.1 Introduction

Ambilei produce and market RA of extensive granulometry and clean lands. They offer three
types of RA: RA based on ceramics, stone and concrete materials, RA based on retention, RA
based on bituminous mixture. But in this work, it was essential to know the properties of RA
based on ceramic, stone and concrete materials produced in the company. Hence it was
important to know properties of RA in accordance with the laboratory results that are
obtained to compare with the NA. Chapter 3 describes and explain several tests that have
been conducted. To characterize aggregates, it was studied the geometrical behaviour of
aggregate like sieve analysis, flakiness index, elongation index, assessment of fines - sand
equivalent and methylene blue test. Some physical properties were also analysed as bulk
density, water content, determination of voids, particle density and water absorption, along
with some mechanical properties consists of Los Angeles abrasion test, California bearing
resistance (CBR), standard proctor test. All RA results are compared and discussed taking
into account NA results and main properties. Results are discussed in chapter 4.

3.2 Materials

RA used in the experimental study are obtained from the Ambilei, and it is mostly used in the
road base. The set of RAs consists mainly of: ceramics of 20%, concrete material of 40%
and rest stone materials.

Maximum size of RA used in the study are 31.5 mm. The natural aggregate used in the
experiment is obtained from the laboratory of IPLeiria with three various samples of size 22.4
mm with Di/di dimension as 5.6/22.4 (of coarse aggregate), 8 mm with 4/11.2 (of medium
sized), fine aggregate of size lesser than 4 mm with 0/2. It was used cement CEM I 52.5 R to
concrete mix. Reference for testing of the aggregates is based on several European standards
that are described under for individual tests.

3.3 Geometrical Characterization

3.3.1 Sieve analysis

This test has been performed based on the European standard (BS EN 933-1) that describes
the distribution of aggregate based on the size. This analysis is important and useful that
gives the cumulative percentage by weight of the total sample.

Principle: The test consists of dividing and separating a material into several particle size
classifications of decreasing sizes by means of a series of sieves.

Apparatus: Test sieves, tightly fitting pan and lid for the sieves, ventilated oven, washing
equipment, trays, brushes, sieving machine.

Procedure: It describes the performance of laboratory work conducted in which various

steps are being performed like separation of the aggregate, washing and finally sieving the
sample. Below it describes the detailing of the test conducted.

(1) Washing

Initially the sample has been weighed as M1 that is required for the test which is described
based on the standard, later the test portion is placed in a container, further it is continued by
washing the sample until the water passing the 0.063mm test sieve is clear as represented in
left side of Figure 3.1 (this is important in order to remove the adhered particle stuck to the
aggregate). Drying of the residue has been done by placing in a ventilated oven that is
retained on the 0.063 mm sieve to constant mass.

(2) Sieving

The sample is taken out after drying it in ventilated oven for ± 24 hours and the weight of
sample is recorded as M2. The sample is poured into the sieving column. The column
comprises several sieves fitted together and arranged from top to bottom in order of
decreasing aperture sizes considering the main series of sieves (31.5, 22.4, 16, 11.2, 8, 5.6, 4,
2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.063 mm) with the pan and lid.

The column is being mechanically shaken as represented at the right side of the figure 3.1.
Then sieves are removed one by one commencing with the largest aperture size opening.
Each sieve is manually shaken ensuring no material is lost.

(3) Weighing

The retained material for the sieve with the largest aperture size is weighed and its mass is
recorded consequently as R1, R2…….Rn. Finally, the weight of screened material if any
remaining in the pan is recorded as P.

Finally, the calculation is carried out with respect to the cumulative % passed and cumulative
% retained and graph is being obtained with respect to sieve number in X- axis and
cumulative % passed in the Y-axis.

Figure 3.1- Washed aggregate (left) and sieving machine (right).

3.3.2 Flakiness Index

This test is used to determine the particle shape of the aggregate and each particle being
preferred under specific condition like particle size depends on the shape. BS EN 933-3
describes the reference method, used for type testing and in case of dispute, for the
determination of the flakiness index of the aggregates.

Principle: The test consists of two sieving operations. First using test sieves, the sample is
separated into various particle fractions di/Di, each of the particle size fractions di/Di is then
sieved using bar sieves which have parallel slots of width Di/2.


- Test sieves, with square aperture, conforming with the following aperture sizes; 100,
80, 63, 50, 40, 31.5, 25, 20, 16, 12.5, 10, 8, 6.3, 5.4.
- Corresponding bar sieves, comprising parallel cylindrical bars conforming to; 80/100,
63/80, 50/63, 40/50, 31.5/40, 25/31.5, 20/25, 16/20, 12.5/16, 10/12.5, 8/10, 6.3/8,
5/6.3, 4/5.
- Balance or scale

Procedure: The sample of aggregate is weighed based on the specifications, and later the test
has been performed in two sieves, below it has been detailed about the procedure of two

(1) Sieving on test sieves

Initially the particles are separated and discarded all particle passing the 4-mm sieve and
retained on the 100-mm sieve.

The weight of the particles is taken in each particle size fraction di/Di.

(2) Sieving on bar sieves

Sieving is done based on each particle size fraction di/Di on the corresponding bar sieves.
This sieving operation is carried out manually and separated. Finally, the particles are
weighed considering the material from each particle size fraction passing through the
corresponding bar sieve.


𝐹1 = (𝑀1) ∗ 100 Equation 1


M1 = sum of the masses of the particle in each of the particle size fraction di/Di, in grams

M2 = Sum of the masses of the particles in each particle size fraction passing the
corresponding bar sieve

Validation of results: If the sum of the masses R1 together with the masses of any discarded
particles and any size fractions that are not tested differ by more than 1 % from the mass M0
the test shall be repeated using another test portion. In the test that has been conducted
obtains the following result.

𝑚0{£𝑅1+£(𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠)} 5000{2920+2028}

100 ∗ 100 ∗ = 1 < 1%
𝑀0 5000

3.3.3 Elongation Index

This test has been conducted to know the shape index of the particle either cubical or non-
cubical, which corresponds to the further improvement of the work to be done. BS EN 933-4
describes the method used for type testing and in cases of dispute, for the determination of
the shape index of coarse aggregates.

Principle: Individual particles in a sample of coarse aggregate are classified based on the
ratio of their length L to the thickness E using a side gauge where necessary. The shape index
is calculated as the mass of particles with a ratio of dimensions L/E more than 3 expressed as
a percentage of the total dry mass of particles tested.

Apparatus: Particle slide gauge, Test sieves, Tightly fitting pan and lid, Balances or scales,

Procedure: The particles are initially separated by sieving in accordance with EN 933-1.
Later the particles smaller than di and any larger than Di are discarded. The mass is recorded
for the particle size fraction di/Di that is to be tested.

Later the length (L) and the thickness (E) of each particle is assessed using the particle slide
gauge. The classification of cubical and non-cubical particles is set aside as those particles
which have a dimensional ratio L/E > 3 is being classified as non-cubical and mass of those
particles is taken as M2 and the remaining particles are being considered as cubical with mass
M1 as mentioned in the data obtained in Table A.3 of annex A.

3.3.4 Assessment of Fines- Sand equivalent test

This test is conducted to describe the equivalent value to the relative amount, fineness and
clay like material present in the specimen of test. The European Standard (BS EN 933-8)
specifies a method for the determination of the sand equivalent value of the 0/2 mm fraction
in fine aggregates.

Principle: The sand equivalent value is calculated as the height of sediment expressed as a
percentage of the total height of the flocculated material in the cylinder.

Apparatus: Two graduated cylinders, Test plunger assembly, stop clock, 500 mm scale, test
sieve, sieve brush, Spatula, washing tube, Flask, Rubber, Funnel, Shaking machine,
Thermometer, balance, Filter paper.

Procedure: Sample of 200 gram for each cylinder is to be sieve using the sieves of 0/2 mm
to obtain the fine sample. Siphon washing solution is added to each cylinder up to the mark
on the graduated cylinders.

Using the funnel, the test portion is to be poured into each cylinder and the bottom of the
cylinder is tapped several times to remove the air bubbles. Each cylinder is left for 10 min to
soak as mentioned in the Figure 3.2 After 10 min of soaking one of the cylinders is been
sealed using the rubber cork and fixed onto the shaking machine for around 30 secs as shown
in the figure after the first cylinder is shaken well it is been replaced by the second cylinder.

When the both cylinders are shaken well now the rubber corks are removed, and the cylinders
are washed ensuring all material is returned to the cylinder. The washing is done throughout
the cylinders locating no particles are stuck to the glass. By leaving each cylinder to settle,
without disturbance for 20 min at the end of the period the height h1 of the upper level is
measured using rule. Now the plunger is slowly lowered inside until the end piece rests on
the sediment which is been determined as height h2 as mentioned in the Figure 4.2

Finally, the sand equivalent is obtained by the ratio of height h2 to the height h1 times 100.

a) filling of aggregate b)) settlement of sample at the bottom of the cylinder

c) shaking the sample d) measurement of settled sample.

Figure 3.2 Fines- Sand equivalent test

Calculation: Sand Equivalent Value (SE)- The average of two test specimens is given as,

SE = 100 ∗ ( ) Equation 2

SE= 54.61 ~55

Validation of results: After calculating the ratio (h2/h1) *100 for each cylinder to one decimal
place. If the values differ by more than 4 the test procedure shall be repeated. In the test that
has been conducted details the value which is equal to 55.03-54.19 = 0.84 which is less than

3.3.5 Assessment of fines- Methylene Blue test

This test is used to determine the harmful and non-harmful material of the fine aggregate.
European Standard (BS EN 933-9) describes the reference method used for type testing and
in cases of dispute for the determination of methylene blue value of 0/2 mm fraction in fine

Principle: Increment of a solution of methylene blue are added to a suspension of the test
portion in water. The adsorption of dye solution by the test portion is checked after each
addition of solution.

Apparatus: Burette, filter paper, glass rod, balance, stopwatch, test sieve, beaker, flask.

Procedure: This procedure contains three steps for the determination of fineness of the
aggregate, in the beginning the stain is to be prepared, later the suspension is to be set, finally
the dye adsorbed is determined.

The sample is prepared by sieving the sample of 200 grams as mentioned in the standards.
Place 500 ml of distilled water in the beaker and test portion is added and it is stirred well
with the spatula. Then the beaker is placed upon the agitator to a speed of 600 min-1 and by
starting the agitator the sample inside the beaker is stirred. Later by placing the filter paper
for every 5 min of agitating the sample is dropped on the filter paper.

The stain test consists of taking a drop of suspension in the glass rod and depositing it on the
filter paper. The stain is determined when the deposit that expands is generally solid blue
colour, surrounded by a colourless wet zone and the test is continued till the wet zone
surrounding consists of a light blue ring as represented in figure 3.3.

a) sample on the agitator with the dye solution in the b) the adsorbent of the dye solution at volume of 30 ml.

Figure 3. 3 Methylene Blue test

3.4 Mechanical properties of aggregates

It has been absorbed in the above tests that describes the shape, size which relates to the
geometrical properties of the aggregates. In the further test it is concerned with the physical
and mechanical characterization of the aggregate that corresponds to the Los Angeles test,
Standard proctor and CBR test which denotes the mechanical characterization of the

3.4.1 Determination of resistance of fragmentation – Los


This test is used to indicate aggregate toughness and abrasion characteristics (BS EN 1097 –
2). The Los Angeles test used for type testing in case of dispute for determining the resistance
to fragmentation of coarse aggregate and aggregates for railway ballast.

Principle: A sample of aggregates is rolled with steel balls in a rotating drum. After rolling is
complete, the quantity of material retained on a 1.6 mm sieve is determined.

Apparatus: Test sieves, balance, Los Angeles test machine, hollow drum, ball load, motor,

Procedure: Initially the test sample must be prepared by taking 15 kgs. of particles that
passing the 14-mm test sieve and retained on the 10-mm test sieve. The grading of the sample
has been divided into following test portion by considering 60 or70 % passing 12.5 mm
sieve, and remaining sample of 30 or 40 % passing 11.2 mm sieve.

The collected sample is carried to the Los Angeles machine, initially the drum is being
cleaned before loading the sample, after that sample is poured inside and drop the 10 balls
into it later cover has been placed and machine is being started by setting 500 rotations at a
constant speed between 31 and 33 min-1 as shown in the Figure 3.4. Finally, after 500
rotations the sample has been removed out into a tray locating no loss of any material inside
the drum. Then the retained sample is sieved using 1.6 mm sieve.

Calculation: Later the calculation is carried out as shown below.

31 r/min with 500 rotations

LA = (5000-3000)/50 = 40

a) Setting of the machine b) aggregate inside the machine after 500 rotations.

Figure 3.4 Los Angeles Abrasion test

3.4.2 Standard test method for CBR (California Bearing

Ratio method) and Proctor test for soil compaction

ASTM 1883 – 07 method gives the determination of California Bearing Ratio of a compacted
soil. The main factor of this test is to determine the required thickness of flexible pavements
for roads. In other words, strength of a subgrade, subbase and base course materials are
expressed in terms of their California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value.

Apparatus: Test sieves; Cylindrical metal mould, a steel rod; A steel straight hedge, spatula,
Filter papers; Base plate, dial gauge, surcharge discs.

Sample preparation: Proctor test and CBR test is carried out on material passing the 20 mm
test sieve. So initially the materials are sieved accordingly and weighed before preparing the
sample. As per the standards (LNEC E 197-1996) it states that if the fraction of sample is
greater than 25 % retained on 20 mm sieve then the test is not applicable.


Step 1 – Initially sample has placed on a large pan, later water is added beginning from 6 %
to the total weight of the sample. Sample is mixed well using spatula so that water should get
mixed up with each material of sample.

Step 2 – Now sample has been placed in the mould considering three layers. For every
individual layer 25 number of blows has been applied using the machine as shown in the left
of figure 4.5

Step 3 – Again sample has been removed from the mould and water of addition 2% is added
and the above step has been repeated.

Step 4 – Addition of water is carried out till the value get increased at one point and
gradually start decreasing the value as shown in the table of annex A.

Step 5 – Now to conduct the CBR test, same amount of sample is used with the appropriate
percentage of water obtained in proctor test. Finally, the same procedure is repeated as
mentioned in step 2 and 3

Step 6 – Again after placing the sample in the mould a solid baseplate has been used, and
collar is fitted to the other end of the mould.

Step 7 - The mould assembly is being placed in the empty soaking tank, and the filter paper
is placed on top of the sample followed by a plate. Dial gauge is mounted on the top of the
extension collar.

Step 8 – Soaking tank is filled with water just below the top of the mould extension collar.
Reading has been recorded.

Step 9 – Now after recording the readings, the dial gauge and all the accessories are removed.
Finally, the sample is tested in the soaked condition as shown in the right of figure 3.5

(a) compaction of sample (b) CBR test of soaked sample

Figure 3.5 CBR and proctor test

3.5 Physical Properties

3.5.1 Determination of Loose bulk density and Voids

Test describes a practical way of determining the bulk density and unit weight on
undistributed sample. European standard BS EN 1097-2 specifies the test procedure for the
determination of the loose bulk density of dry aggregate. The test is applicable to natural and
recycled aggregates up to the maximum size of 63 mm.

Principle: The dry mass of aggregates filling a specified container is determined by weighing
and the corresponding loose bulk density is calculated. The percentage of voids is calculated
from the loose bulk density and the particle density.

Apparatus: Cylindrical container, balance, scoops.

Procedure: The container is placed on the balance and the empty weight is taken as M1.
Then the aggregate is dropped inside the container using the scoop resting it at the height
more than 50 mm above the rim of the container.

The sample is filled until the top of the container and excess aggregate is removed using any
flat scale or wooden piece and the weight of the container along with the sample is taken as
M2 as shown in Figure 3.6. Then the aggregate is dropped out into the tray and the three test
specimens are carried out with the same process and the readings of those are taken as shown
in the Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 container filled with the aggregate for determining loose density and voids

3.5.2 Determination of water content by drying in a

ventilated oven

This test is performed to determine the amount of water present in a soil expressed as a
percentage of mass of dry soil. European Standard (BS EN 1097-5) describes the
determination of water content of aggregates by drying in a ventilated oven.

Principle: The oven-drying method provides a measure of the total free water present in a
portion of aggregate. The water can be from the surface of the aggregate and from water
accessible pores within the aggregate particles. The water content is determined as the

difference in mass between the wet and dry mass and is expressed as percentage of the dry
mass of the test portion.

Apparatus: Container, heat resistant stirrer, balance, ventilated drying oven, trays.

Procedure: Clean and dry trays to contain the test portion during drying is taken. Mass of the
trays are taken as M2. Sample of all in all aggregates are taken to determine the moist present
in it and the sample is poured into the tray, mass of the sample along with tray is taken as M 0.
The mass of sample is determined by subtracting M2 with M0.

The sample is later placed in the ventilated oven at constant temperature as set for around 24
hours as shown in the (Figure 3.7). Later the mass of the dry sample is taken as M3. In this
test three sample of the aggregates are taken and test has been conducted, finally the
calculations are carried out.

Figure 3.7 Drying of aggregates in ventilated oven.

3.5.3 Determination of Particle density and water


BS EN 1097-6 test gives an expression to know the bulk density of particles corresponding to
their size fraction as in this test it is considered particles that are passing 31.5 mm test sieve

and retained on 4 mm as coarse ones, and particles that are passing 4 mm sieve and retained
on 0.063 mm of recycled aggregates are being considered. This test is used for the
determination of particle density and water absorption of normal weight and lightweight

Principle: Particle density is calculated from the ratio of mass to volume. The mass is
determined by weighing the test portion in a saturated and surface- dried condition and again
the oven-dried condition.

Apparatus: Ventilated oven, balance, thermometer, test sieves, trays, dry soft absorbent
cloths, Pycnometer.

Procedure: This test is carried out for two different sample one with the aggregate particle
passing the 31.5 mm test sieve and retained on 4 mm test sieve, one more with aggregate
particle passing the 4-mm test sieve and retained on 0.063 mm test sieve. The sieved sample
is immersed in the pycnometer and entrapped air bubbles are gently removed in a tipped
position. Place the sample in the water for around 24 hours later, measure the temperature of
water using thermometer as shown in Figure 4.7. At this movement the Pycnometer is again
filled with water till the mark and the temperature of water is again taken, the weight of the
filled Pycnometer is taken as M2. the aggregate is removed from the water and dried for few
minutes by pressing the coarse aggregate using dry soft absorbent cloth and for further drying
both the samples are placed in the ventilated oven for few more minutes. Then water is
poured again in Pycnometer and the weight is taken as M2.

Finally, the saturated and surface dried test portion is taken from the oven and weight of the
aggregate is taken as M1. At the last stage all masses of the test portion are taken as M4 and
the calculations are carried out as shown in Table A.10 of annex A.

Figure 3. 8 Particle density and water absorption

3.6 Study of concrete with recycled aggregates

From the above studies concerned to the economic and environmental benefits it is known
that using RA as concrete provides both financial and environmental benefits to the
consumers and contractors. It also reduces the use of landfill space and cuts down on the use
of raw materials. Hence in this work it has been decided to prepare concrete using RA.

After the concrete mixes are prepared the common characterization should be done for fresh
and hardened concrete, to measure the consistency of fresh concrete before it sets and also to
indicate improper batch mix slump test has to be performed. With respect to the hardened
concrete to determine the performance of the concrete during service conditions and to define
the resistance of failure under the action of compressive forces the hardened concrete should
be determined by compressive strength. Since we are adopting RA in concrete it is essential
to determine the quality of concrete hence ultrasonic test of concrete should be conducted that
determines the qualitative strength, any discontinuity in cross section like cracks, and depth
of surface crack in the concrete can also be determined.

3.6.1 Mix design (Faury and Indian method)

After all the characterization of RA it was essential to know the performance of the
aggregates in a concrete mix. So, it was decided to have the basic comparison of mix design
relating to Faury and Indian method. In further the detail step by step procedure is being
calculated to obtain the quantity of aggregates that are supposed to use for the concrete.

a) Concrete mix design by Indian Standard method (IS 10262-2009)

Data: Grade designation: ordinary concrete

Type of cement: Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

Exposure condition: Severe

Compressive strength: 20 N/mm2


1. According to IS 456 (2000), the characteristic strength is defined as the value below which
not more than 5 per cent results are expected to fall, in which case the target mean strength
for mix design is:

𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 1.65𝑠 Equation 3

= 20 + 1.65*4 = 21.6 MPa

Where, fck = characteristic compressive strength at 28 days

S = standard deviation (Assumed values are being mentioned below in table 3.1)
Table 3.1 Assumed standard deviation Values (IS 456, 2000).

Sl. no Nominal Maximum size of Assumed Standard deviation

aggregate N/mm2

1 M 10
2 M 15

3 M 20
4 M 25

5 M 30

6 M 35

7 M 40
8 M 45

9 M 50

10 M 50

2. Selection of water/cement ratio consider from the specified table 3.2 for exposure
condition as preliminary w/c ratio that must be further checked for limiting value ensuring
Table 3.2 Indicating the values of cement content and w/c ratio (IS 456, 2000)

Sl Exposure Plain concrete Reinforced concrete

Min. cement Max. free Min. grade of Min. cement Max. Min.
content W/C ratio concrete content free W/C grade of
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) ratio concrete
1 Mild 220 0.60 - 300 0.50 M 20
2 Moderate 240 0.60 M 15 300 0.50 M 25
3 Severe 250 0.50 M 20 320 0.45 M 30
4 Very severe 260 0.45 M 20 340 0.45 M 35
5 Extreme 280 0.40 M 25 360 0.40 M 40

As per the above table 3.2 for the severe exposure condition w/c ratio is 250 kg/m3

Maximum free w/c ratio = 0.50

3. Calculation of water content allows use of water reducers and specifies the alteration in
water content accordingly based on the values presented below in table 3.3
Table 3.3 Maximum water content values (IS 456, 2000)

Sl. No Nominal max. size of aggregate Max. water content (kg/m3)

1 10 208
2 20 189
3 40 165

Maximum water content: 20 – 189, 22.4 -? 40 - 165

Hence by interpolating: 22.4 – 186.12 kg/m3

Cement content = 186 / 0.50 = 372 kg/m3 (greater than the minimum of 250 kg/m3)

As known that w/c ratio is 0.50 and its essential to adopt lesser value compared to that of
standards hence its 0.45.

4. Proportioning of volume of CA and FA has been derived knowing volume of CA

corresponding to 22.4mm size. For w/c ratio as given below in table 3.4 is of 0.50 = 0.61
considering of zone 1, but in the present case w/c ratio is 0.45. Therefore, volume of CA is
required to be increased to decrease the FA. As the w/c ratio is lower by 0.10, the proportion
of volume of CA is increased by 0.02. Therefore, corrected proportion of volume of CA for
w/c ratio for 0.45 = 0.63.

Hence, volume of CA = 0.63*0.9 = 0.57

Volume of FA content = 1-0.57 = 0.43

Table 3.4 Indicating the w/c ratio based on various zones (IS 456, 2000)

Sl. No Nominal size Zone IV Zone III Zone II Zone I

of aggregate
1 10 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
2 20 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
3 40 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69

5. Mix calculation

a) Volume of concrete: 1 m3
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 1
b) volume of cement: Mass of cement: ∗ Equation 4
𝑆𝑝.𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 1000

372 1
= 3.15 ∗ 1000 = 0.118 𝑚3

𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 1 195 1

c) Volume of water: 𝑆𝑝.𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ∗ 1000 = 1
∗ 1000 = 0.195 𝑚3 Equation 5

d) Volume of all in aggregates = [a- (b + c)] Equation 6

= 1- (0.118+0.195) = 0.687 m3

As we have two different CA it is important to consider maximum sized aggregate as 60%

(0.60 of 0.57) and other sized aggregate of 40% (0.40 of 0.57). i.e.,

22.4 mm sized aggregate = 0.57*0.60 = 0.342

11.2 mm sized aggregate = 0.57*0.40 = 0.228

e) Mass of 22.4 mm sized aggregate = 𝑑 ∗ 𝑣𝑜𝑙. 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝐴 ∗ 𝑆𝑝. 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝐴 ∗ 1000

= 0.687*0.342*2.71*1000 = 637 kg

f) Mass of 11.2 mm sized aggregate = 𝑑 ∗ 𝑣𝑜𝑙. 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝐴2 ∗ 𝑆𝑝. 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝐴2 ∗ 1000

= 0.687*0.228*2.71*1000 = 424 kg

g) Mass of Fine aggregate = 𝑑 ∗ 𝑣𝑜𝑙. 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝐴 ∗ 𝑆𝑝. 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 ∗ 1000

= 0.687*0.43*2.69*1000 = 795 kg

The Final mix proportion is shown in Table 3.5

Table 3. 5 Denotes the Final concrete mix Proportion

Material Weight (kg/m3)

Cement 372 kg/m3
Water 196 kg/m3
Fine aggregate 795 kg/m3

CA-1 637 kg/m3
CA-2 424 kg/m3

b) Concrete mix design using Faury method

It was essential to produce concrete C25/30 of consistency S2 (slump between 50 to 90mm)

with the aggregates indicated.

i) Determination of dimension di/Di and fineness modulus

Table 3. 6 Indicating the sieve analysis and fineness modulus of NA for mix design

Sieve opening CA 1 CA 2 FA
31.5 100 100 100
22.4 92.75 100 100
16 38.98 100 100
11.2 2.33 100 100
8 0.68 99.9 100
5.6 0.44 70.34 98.8
4 0.38 19.4 89.48
2 0.36 2.16 68.02
1 0.36 0.51 41.89
0.50 0 0.19 16.37
0.250 0 0 5.23
0.125 0 0 1.22
0.063 0 0 0.03
Dimension di/Di 5.6/22.4 4/11.2 0/2
Fineness modulus 7.59 5.78 3.78

Analysis of aggregates in the grading curve, using Faury scale.

Cummulative % passed






0.063 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 5.6 8 11.2 16 22.4 31.5 45
Sieve no.
CA-1 CA-2 FA

Figure 3. 9 The Cumulative % passing of NA

ii) Cement dosage

- Resistance class > concrete 25/30
- Cement class – CEM 1 – 52.5R
- Workability S2 (slump between 50 to 90 mm)

As the max size of aggregate is 22.4mm, the concrete manufacture is between 350 to 400
kg/m3 i.e., consider dosage of 375 kg/m3 as per table

Table indicates the recommended dosage of cement as a function of maximum size of

aggregate D
Table 3. 7 Cement dosage based on various size of aggregates.

Concrete Class D (Maximum Size of the

aggregate) Kg/m3
38.1 mm 19.1 mm
C 12/15 270 310
C16/20 300 325
C20/25 325 360
C25/30 350 400
C30/37 460 530

Mixture ideal grading curve of aggregate + cement

1st point, D = 22.4; 100% passed

2nd point, D/2 =11.2; PD/2 % passed

3rd point, 0.0063 mm; 0% passed

PD/2 is calculated according to Faury

Equation 7

A=30, B = 2 (Table 3.7), R/D = 1

PD/2 = 69.65 %

ii) Calculation of percentage of mixture of aggregates + cement

The below graph indicates the % mixture of aggregate and cement

Volume of fraction of concrete

1= c + a + I + v Equation 8

a) Volume of cement

c = C/3110 = 375/3110 = 0.120 m3/m3

Where, c – volume of cement

C – mass of cement
Table 3.8 Represents values of A and B.

Values of A and B
Values of A
Ways of Aggregate nature
Workability compaction that Crushed sand. Values of B
Crushed coarse
can employ NCA Crushed coarse
Very Vibration
powerful and
Wetland possible < 18 < 19 < 20 1
compression (pre-

Powerful vibration
Dry (pre-fabrication) 20 & 21 21 & 22 22 & 23 1 & 1.5

Plastic (S1) Average Vibration 21 & 22 23 & 24 25 & 26 1.5

Mole (S2 and
Attachment 28 30 32 2
Scattering and
Fluid (S4) compaction by 32 34 38 2
own weight

b) Volume of voids in concrete

Volume of voids is calculated using table of ACI (American Concrete Institute), Table 3.8.

Hence, V = 0.00170 m3/m3 (Since maximum size of aggregate used is 22.4 mm, so
interpolation has done between the values of 20 and 15)
Table 3.9 Values denoting volume of voids based on ACI.

Maximum Size of aggregate (mm) Volume of Voids (l/m3)

9.5 30
12.7 25
19.1 20
25.4 15
38.1 10
50.8 5
76.2 3
152.4 2

c) Volume of water

Equation 9

Where, K = 0.37, K’ = 0.003 (from table 3.9)

Table 3.10 Represents the value of K and K’.

Values of K & K’
Values of K
Aggregate nature
Ways of Crushed sand.
Crushed coarse
Workability compaction that NCA Crushed coarse Values of K’
can employ Aggregate
Very Vibration
powerful and
Wetland possible 0.24 0.25 0.27 0.002
compression (pre-
Powerful vibration
Dry 0.25 & 0.27 0.26 & 0.28 0.28 & 0.30 0.003
Plastic (S1) Average Vibration 0.26 & 0.28 0.28 & 0.30 0.30 & 0.34 0.003
Mole (S2 and
Attachment 0.34 & 0.36 0.36 & 0.38 0.38 & 0.40 0.003
Scattering and
Fluid (S4) compaction by > 0.36 >0.38 >0.40 >0.004
own weight

I = 0.202 m3/m3

Mix water, a = I - V = 0.202 – 0.0017

a = 0.202 m3/m3

d) volume of aggregates


I = 1- (0.120 + 0.200 + 0.0017) = 0.678 m3/m3

iii) Calculation of % of mixture of aggregate + cement

% of cement relative to solid particles

% c = c / (I + c) = 0.120/ (0.678+0.120) = 0.150

% c = 15%

% of aggregate (separating cement and sand)

Cement = 15 %

CA 1 = 37 %

CA 2 = 10 %

Fine + cement = 53 – 15 = 38%

iv) Refining of solid particle mixture

The percentage obtained above will be corrected so that the fineness modulus is equal to the
fineness modulus of the Faury reference curve.

Fineness modulus of the mixture

0.15*0 + 0.38*3.78 + 0.37*7.59 + 0.10*5.78 = 4.82

The ideal fineness modulus was obtained from table as a function of parameter a.

a= 38. Ideal fineness modulus = 4.31

Table 3. 11 Denotes the value of ‘a’

Hence adjusted percentages:

Cement - 11%: CA 1 - 34%: CA 2 22%: FA - 43%

Concrete design

CA 1: 2710 (0.120 + 0.678) * 0.34 = 735.27 kg/m3

CA 2: 2710 (0.120 + 0.678) * 0.22 = 475.76 kg/m3

FA: 2690 (0.120 + 0.678) * 0.43 = 923 kg/m3

Water: 195 l/m3

Cement: 375 kg/m3

Hence in the mix design of concrete it has been done based on Indian method of calculation
since it has found appropriate.

3.6.2 Mix preparation

26 concrete mixes were produced. A reference concrete (RC) mixture with only NA, a
mixture with 20% of RA (which comprises of 20% of coarse RA and 100% of fine NA) and a
mixture with 100% RA. The aggregates were considered fine when their particles passed
through a 4 mm sieve and considered as coarse when they retained on the sieve. The
maximum particle size used was 22.4 mm.

NA were replaced by RA in volume and by size fraction, as shown in Annex A, hence to

keep constant in the aggregates size distribution of the RC. In this work no admixtures were
used. Every mix was produced with a 75 mm slump (S2 – between 50 to 90mm) but real
slump limit was 26 mm, for a better comparison between them. For this purpose, in a
preliminary stage the water was adjusted, when necessary, to each mix to reach the reference
concrete requirements.

The RC composition was determined comparing Faury method and Indian method with
C30/37 target strength class. The RC was prepared based on the composition of material as
expressed earlier and other mixes were designed based on the same composition with slight
changes in solid volume to comply with the apparent w/c ratios that was required to keep all
mixes within target slump.

3.6.3 Testing Procedure Slump test

Slump test, according with BS EN 12350-2 is the most commonly used method of measuring
consistency of concrete. The slump occurs in three patterns, if the concrete slump is even
then it is called true slump. If one half of the cone slides down, it is called shear slump. If the
concrete slump collapse, then it’s called as failure slump.

Apparatus: A metallic mould, Tamper, Ruler, containers for mixing like concrete mixer


1. Mould is placed on the flat, moist, rigid surface. Then the mould is filled approximately
in three layers, one third the volume of mould.

2. Each layer is tampered by tamping rod with 25 strokes.

3. After proper tampering mould is immediately removed from the concrete by raising it
carefully in the vertical direction.

4. Slump is immediately measured by determining the vertical difference between top of

the mould and displaced top surface of the specimen as shown in the Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.10 The slump of the mixed concrete.

47 Compressive strength

BS EN 12390-3 test method is used to determine compressive strength of cubic concrete

specimens. It consists of applying a compressive axial load to standard cubes within a
prescribed range until failure occurs. Test is being recognised by ages of test specimens, the
usual being 7, 14 and 28 days. At least three specimens are made from different batches for
testing at each selected age.

Apparatus: Cube moulds – The mould is of 15*15*15 cm size. Testing machine, weights
and weighing device, Tools and containers for mixing, vibrator.


Initially the concrete mix was made, and procedure is as follows

1. Sampling of materials – sample of aggregates are prepared for each batch of concrete
with the desired grading.

2. Proportioning - The materials including water is being proportioned to obtain suitability

of materials available.

3. Weighing – The quantities of cement, each size of aggregate, and water for each batch
is determined by weight.

4. Mixing concrete – The concrete shall be mixed by hand, or preferably in a batch mixer,
in this work the laboratory batch mixer is used in such a manner to avoid loss of water
or other materials.

5. Mould – Properly mixed concrete is placed in a cubical mould that has size of 15*15*15

6. Compacting – As soon as mixed concrete is placed in the cubical moulds it must be

compacted to avoid voids among the materials, hence vibrator is being used to equally
compact the concrete.

7. Curing – After all the sample of cubes are made they are let to be placed in water for

After the compacting of concrete is made the moulds are let to the curing period and then
the compressive strength of the hardened concrete is as follows,

8. Placing the specimen in the testing machine – The surface of the testing machine shall
be wiped clean to remove loose sand material from the surface of the specimen and is
placed in the testing machine as shown in the figure

9. Application of load – The load is being applied without shocks until the resistance of
the specimen to the increasing load breaks down.

10. Finally the maximum load applied to the specimen shall then be recorded in the type of
failure occurred.

a) prepared concrete mix in the cube

b) specimen is placed in the testing machine c) After application of load.

Figure 3.11 Compressive strength of concrete Ultra – sound velocity

Ultrasonic velocity method, according to BS EN 12504-4, is used to establish the
homogeneity of the concrete, the presence of cracks and voids. It can also detect the quality
of concrete in relation to the standard requirements.

Apparatus: Electric pulse generator; One pair of transducers; Amplifier and electric timing


1. Before taking the specimen for the compression test, the surface must be cleaned and
carried out for the ultrasonic velocity test.

2. In this test method, ultrasonic pulse is produced by the transducer which is held in
contact with one surface of the concrete member, this must be done by marking the
centre point on the specimen.

3. The second transducer is held in contact with exactly opposite surface of the concrete
member and thus the electronic timing enables the transit time of the pulse.

4. Thus the test is repeated for other samples to know the ultrasound velocity (µS) of the

4 Results and discussion

4.1 Geometrical properties

Particle size distribution

Particle size distribution of RA has been taken by considering the averages of two samples,
designated by European norms. In NA three-dimension Di/di of materials are chosen to study
and use in reference concrete. It was used fine dimension 0/4 designated by FA, and coarse
dimension 4/11 and 8/22.4 designated by CA-2 and CA-1, respectively. NA are commonly
used in IPLeiria laboratory. The test results are represented in Figure 4.1 for both type of
aggregates and test data is represented in Table A.1 of Annex A

(a) sieve analysis of NA

(b) sieve analysis of RA

Figure 4. 1 Sieve analysis of aggregates

In NA the results validation feels within the limits set by standard NP EN 933-1. The sum of

the material retained and of the residue differed less than 1% in mass from the dry mass of
material over 0.063 mm.

Similarly, in RA the validation of result complies with the limit set by standard NP EN 933-1.
The sum of retained material and the residue differed by 0.96% which is less than 1% in mass
from the dry mass of material over 0.063 mm

Flakiness and Elongation index

Also, the shape of material of RA is determined by flakiness and elongation index in which
the overall flakiness is determined by the expression,

𝐹 = 𝑚1 ∗ 100 𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟏𝟎

𝐹= ∗ 100 = 20.17

Hence the flakiness index of the RA is 20.17, and the validation of result has been obtained
by the sum of masses of particle size together with the masses of discarded particles and any
fractions that are not tested differ by not more that 1% i.e. the value obtained is 0.93, hence
the test result complies with the EN 933-3 standard norms and the test result is denoted in
table A.2 of Annex A.

Elongation index of RA has been done considering the cubical and non – cubical materials
and the tabular results are mentioned in the table A.3 of Annex A. During this test it has
observed that most of the particles are of non- cubical form since the old mortar adhered to
the particles. Hence this shape of the materials may create a gap between the particles during
the concrete mix, which reduces the bonding of materials.

Sand equivalent test

To determine the fineness of sand there are two tests that are being conducted as stated sand
equivalent test and methylene blue test which derives a average value of 55 as shown in
Table A.4 of Annex A. A low value of sand equivalent characterizes the fine aggregate as
dirty and indicates that possibly the clay materials are harmful. The result obtained here is bit
higher and the aggregate can be used in bituminous mixture for wearing and base course and
for unbound base and sub- base course as denoted by ASTM standards given in Table 4.1.

Table 4. 1 Specification limits values for sand equivalent (Nikolaides et al., 2007)

Aggregate for Greek Revised Greek ASTM 2940 French

Specification specifications ASTM 3515 Specification
Bituminous >55
mixtures for >50 >60
wearing courses >55
Bituminous base >50 >50 >50
Unbound base >50 >35
course >40 >40 or >50 or >60
Unbound sub-base >40 >35 (>30)
Cold bituminous >50
- For wearing >55
course - -
- For binder >45
Surface dressing >55 - - >60

The methylene blue test determines whether the clay minerals are active and harmful. The
active clay materials expand depending on the moisture content, the result of methylene blue
test is as obtained, there aren’t many countries that include this test in their specifications but
below table 4.2 denotes the limit values as per France, USA in their specifications.
Considering the French specifications, the material is suitable for unbound and bituminous
layers, wearing courses, since the value is 1.5.

Table 4. 2 Specification limits values for Methylene blue test (Nikolaides et al., 2007)

Aggregate for French Specifications ISSA (TB Greek

145) Specifications
Unbound and <2.0 when S.E.<60 <3.0 <10
bituminous layers <2.5 when S.E.<50 <10 -
<3.0 when S.E.<40
Wearing courses <2 <10 - - <10
Concrete <1 <10 - - -
Railway works <1 & <2 - - - -
Micro-surfing and <2 <10 <10 or <7 - <10
cold mixtures

Dry mass of test portion 0/2 mm (M1) = 200

Total amount of dye solution added (V1) = 30 ml
MB value expressed in grams of dye per kilogram of the 0/2 mm fraction = 1.5
MB = (V1/M1) *10 = (30/200) *10 = 1.5

4.2 Mechanical Properties

To know the bond, strength, toughness and hardness of the aggregate, some of the
mechanical characterization are tested. Los Angeles abrasion test was used to evaluate the
suitability of RA for use in road construction and abrasion resistance when incorporated in a
concrete. California Bearing Ratio and Proctor test was conducted to study the possibility of
incorporation of RA in subgrade, sub-base or base course materials. Detailed results are
mentioned in Table A.6, A.7 and A.8 of annex A.

With concern to Los Angeles test following observations are made,

Original weight of aggregate sample (W1) = 5000 g

Weight of aggregate sample retained (W2) = 3000 g

Weight passing 17 mm Sieve (W1 – W2) = 5000 – 3000 = 2000 g

𝑊1−𝑊2 5000−3000
Abrasion value = ∗ 100 = ∗ 100 = 40 %
𝑊1 5000

Coarse RA is relatively weaker than compared to that of natural aggregates against

mechanical actions. Results obtained in work shows a Los Angeles abrasion value of 40%,
which denoted that the aggregate is suitable for either water bound macadam surfacing
course, bituminous penetration macadam. This limit values are denoted by Indian standard
specification IRC 15-(2002) and code of practice for construction of concrete roads indicates
maximum permissible abrasion value of aggregates to use in pavement according with Table

Table 4. 3 Indicating the limiting values for the use of material.

Max. permissible
Sl. No. Type of Pavement
abrasion value in %

1 Water bound macadam sub base course 60

2 WBM base course with bituminous surfacing 50
3 Bituminous bound macadam 50
4 WBM surfacing course 40
5 Bituminous penetration macadam 40
Bituminous surface dressing cement concrete
6 35
surface course

7 Bituminous concrete surface course 30

Proctor test is performed for the RA and initially water has been added based on percentage
of mixture, as shown in table A.5 of Annex A (6%, 8%, 10% and so on). The weight of the
compacted aggregate gets increased with every increase of water percentage but at some
particular addition the weight of compacted aggregate get decreased suddenly as shown in the
Figure 4.2 and the water content is determined by the maximum increase of unit weight.

Figure 4. 2 Proctor value.

As specified that harder the material, higher will be the CBR value. A CBR value of 2 % is
found for clay, high-quality sub- base will have CBR values between 80 and 100%, and some
sands may have values of around 10%.

The course – grained soils are divided into gravelly soils and sandy soils. CBR values of
gravelly soils range from 20 to 80%, and the CBR value of sandy soils range from 5 to 40%.
Finally, the CBR value of fine-grained soils range from 5 to 15%. Some of the values are
denoted in Table 4.4.

The result of CBR is denoted in Table A.7 of Annex A and the average CBR value is 10%
and based on the above table it can be concluded that the aggregate is of coarse-grained soil
of Medium sand and poorely graded sand.

Table 4. 4 The general soil type and CBR limit values

General soil type Soil type CBR range

Well graded 40-80
Poorly graded 30-60
Salty gravels 20-60
Coarse-grained soils Clayey gravels 20-40
Well graded sand 20-40
Medium sand 10-40
Poorly graded sand 10-40
Clayey sand 5-20
ML 15 or less
CL LL<50% 15 or less
OL 5 or less
MH 10 or less
Fine grained soil CH LL > 50% 15 or less
OH 5 or less

4.3 Physical properties

In this study, the RA and NA were tested for various physical properties, like bulk density,
voids volume, water absorption and particle density all the results are being tabulated in
Table A.8, A.9, A.10, A.11 of Annex A.

Bulk Density

For the bulk density the RA are washed and dried to perform the test as they contain most of
the dust particle during the crushing process. In order compare the result of RA the NA
available in laboratory of IPLeiria are selected in which three various sized aggregate are
chosen and named as CA 1, CA 2 and FA. The results are obtained as shown in Figure 4.3
Smaller the fraction, greater the amount of cement mortar in the total mass of aggregates, so
the bulk density of RA is lower (Jevtic et al. 2009). According to practical experience it was
shown that the bulk density of RA on average 10% lower compared to the bulk density of
natural aggregates.

Figure 4. 3 The bulk density of RA and NA

Volume of voids

Voids volume is denoted for the RA and NA (CA 1, CA 2 and NA) as shown in Figure 4.4.
Comparing to CA 1, CA 2 it is clearly seen that the volume of voids is more in the RA. This
is because of irregular shape of the aggregates. As it has been observed in the elongation test
that most of the RA are of non – cubical shape. Fine NA has lower voids volume since they
don’t form any gap between the individual particle.

Figure 4. 4 The % of voids volume of RA and NA.

Water absorption

Water absorption test has conducted by placing the material in water for 24hrs to know the
absorbing percentage. Results of water absorption is tabulated in table A.11and the test result
are represented in Figure 4.5 and it clearly denotes that the RA has greater capacity to absorb
water than the NA. This is due to the adhered mortar to the surface of NA.

RA are constituted by NA and a portion of mortar adhered to this one that makes them more
porous. According to some authors (Rao et al., 2007; Katz, 2003; Gomez-Soberón, 2002), the
RA can absorb about 3 to 12% of water, depending on whether they are coarse or fine RA or
and the type of original concrete used. Coarse and fine NA achieve significantly lower water
absorption values.

Figure 4. 5 The % of water absorption of RA and NA.

Oven dry density and saturated surface dry density

There are three kinds of density in which bulk density of aggregate have been discussed
earlier and the test results of oven dry density and saturated surface dry density results are
tabulated in Table A.8 & A.9 of Annex A. The results are briefly derived in Table 4.5

Table 4. 5 The oven dry and saturated surface dry density values of RA and NA

Property RA CA 1 CA 2 FA
Saturated surface dry density 2.48 (passing 31.5mm),
2.71 2.71 2.69
(Mg/m ) 2.21 (passing 4 mm)
Oven dry density (Mg/m3) 2.5 2.01 1.61 1.69

4.4 Concrete properties

After analysing the properties of the aggregates, the suitability of aggregate has been
determined by performing some tests related to fresh and hardened concrete, to study
concrete behaviour with partial or total replacement of NA by RA from company. As it has
been stated, the concrete was prepared with 20% of replacement (RA-20) and 100% of
replacement (RA-100) and compared with performance of reference concrete with 100% of
NA. The analysis considered slump test in fresh concrete and compressive strength and
ultrasonic pulse velocity in hardened concrete at 7, 14 and 28 days. Table 4.6 shows results
obtained in concrete.

Workability of fresh concrete

Workability is a property of fresh concrete and it is measured by the slump test. The
Water/Cement (W/C) ratio content of all concrete mixes was adjusted to obtain concrete
having a slump value between 50 to 90 mm (S2). The base concrete has prepared considering
the workability as S2 and it has achieved 75 mm of slump with 0.50 w/c ratio. But with the
same water content it was not able to obtain the slump for other two concrete mixes, hence it
was necessary to increase the amount of water and the slump for individual mix is denoted in
Figure 4.6. This can be referred to more angularity in shape and rough surface of RA and the
existence of adhering mortar to the aggregates. Several authors (Pellegrino & Faleschini,
2016) have confirmed this problem, the reason for this behaviour are closely related to the
physical properties of RA: higher water absorption, higher angularity and rough surface
texture. Full replacement of NA with RA requires still more % of water in mixing free water
to achieve the same workability.

Figure 4. 6 The slump value of NA, RA-20, RA-100

Compressive strength

Table 4.6 shows the results of NA, RA-20 and RA-100 at 7, 14 and 28 days. It is observed
that the compressive strength of RA is lesser compared to that of NA. This may be because of
materials that are present in RA. Hansen (1992) also found that the RA with greater ceramics
content cause a greater mechanical strength loss than the RA from concrete. Rodrigues et al.
has made a study based on fine RA and verified that the fine particles coat the RA grains and
absorb the mixing water, besides hindering an adequate bond between the RA and the cement
paste, weakening the cements inner structure. There are several factors that affect the
concrete strength, as seen firstly from the w/c ratio , which is particularly important because
it directly affects concrete interfacial transition zone (ITZ) (Pellegrino & Faleschini, 2016).

In addition, aggregate size also particularly relevant in influencing concrete strength. Quality
of RA can also affect the concrete properties too. This is the reason that the strength of RA -
20 reduces by 13% compared to NA at 28 days, and strength of RA-100 reduces by 40% by
strength of NA.

Test NA RA- 20 RA-100

Compressive 7 14 28 7 14 28 7 14 28
strength 61.98 64.03 67.78 54.89 57.92 58.80 37.91 40.41 40.74
(N/mm )
Ultrasonic 29.1 29.1 28.2 30 27.9 27.0 36.7 32.6 30.1
pulse velocity
Table 4. 6 Results of hardened concrete value.

Ultrasonic pulse velocity

Ultrasonic pulse velocity test has been conducted for 3 different case of concrete mix i.e. for
normal concrete, 20% of replacement with RA, 100% RA for different age of concrete
corresponding to 7, 14, 28 days. And the results are presented in the below Figure 4.7.

As it is known that the Ultrasonic pulse velocity test is one of the best-known techniques
which can be used for measurement of concrete uniformity. From the results in the Table
A.13 of Annex A it is clearly observed that as the age of concrete increases the ultrasonic

pulse velocity decreases, this represents the bonding of concrete as age increases. And also,
from the below figure it is clearly seen the difference between the natural and replaced
aggregate that represents the higher value which confirms the uniformity of concrete.

Figure 4. 7 Represents the ultra-sonic pulse velocity of NA, RA-20, RA-100.

5 Conclusion and future work

Recycling of aggregates is becoming an interesting and wide spreaded topic all around the
world, and industries that produce these aggregates is such a place where the accuracy and
quality are the important factors that are supposed to be considered. During the internship
period in Ambelie it was able to go through various sections and understood the supply,
process, manufacturing and other several sectors of recycling aggregates. It was much
interesting in learning about the quality control and problem detection which I came to know
about it for the first time. In concern to the problem identification company can focus on
better improvement in material separation and washing of aggregates in order to obtain the
higher quality of final product. Before I conclude, I would like to share that this internship
has been a great work to understand the quality criteria and production methodologies in the

Taking into consideration of test results derived for the aggregates conducted in the
Laboratory of Institute polytechnic of Leiria. Some of the material characterisation has done
comparing with the natural aggregates that are present in the laboratory, as per that results
conclude as, bulk density of recycled aggregate is lower compared to natural aggregates that
may cause bulking of concrete. Water absorption test has been conducted to know the
absorbing percentage of aggregates placing them in oven for 24 hours and this has been
concluded stating that water absorbing percentage of recycled aggregate is much higher
compared to natural aggregates this is mainly because that the old mortar adhered to the
surface of material. From all the above test results, as per my point of view it can be slightly
noted that 100% of recycled aggregate cannot be used for the concrete works. But from the
test results of Los Angeles Abrasion, standard proctor test and CBR test it is prioritized to be
used these materials in the road pavements.

Based on the fresh and hardened concrete the slump test is performed for natural aggregate,
recycled aggregate of 100%, recycled aggregate of 20%, in which test has conducted
considering natural aggregate as a base concrete, hence slump of 75mm (S2) is obtained.
Keeping this slump various mix proportions are being done, later the compressive strength of
each block has conducted at different days of curing for suppose 7, 14, 28 days. Based on all

these results it has been concluded that compressive strength of recycled aggregate is lower
than the natural aggregates.

Future work on this material contains effective focus on conducting various other laboratory
test relating to know the suitability of these aggregates for road pavement.

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Annex A
Table A.1 Calculation of Sieve analysis of recycled and natural aggregate.

Sample Sample Averag CA-1 CA-2 FA

A B e
Cumul Cumul cumula
Cumulativ Cumulativ Cumulative %
Sieve no. ative % ative % tive %
e % passed e % passed passed
passed passed passed
45 100 100 100 100 100 100
31.5 84.16 79.73 81.945 100 100 100
22.4 77.64 70.88 74.26 92.75 100 100
16 69.51 61.29 65.4 38.98 100 100
11.2 59.78 52.33 56.055 2.33 100 100
8 51.86 46.15 49.005 0.68 99.9 100
5.6 45.34 41.13 43.235 0.44 70.34 98.8
4 40.2 33.56 36.88 0.38 19.4 89.48
2 31.11 25.67 28.39 0.36 2.16 68.02
1 22.77 18.95 20.86 0.08 0.51 41.89
0.5 13.46 11.28 12.37 0.08 0.19 16.37
0.25 5.33 4.13 4.73 0.08 0.063 5.23
0.125 1.48 1.57 1.525 0.08 0.063 1.22
0.063 0.09 0.08 0.085 0.08 0.063 0.03

Fineness Modulus 8.252 7.59 5.78 3.78

Dimension Di/di 0.5/31.5 5.6/22.4 4/11.2 0/2

Table A. 2 Calculation of flakiness index of RA.

Sieving on test sieves Sieving on bar sieves

Particle size Mass R1 of particle Nominal width of slot Mass M1 passing FL1 = (m/R1)
fraction d/Di (mm) size fraction d/Di (g) in bar sieve (mm) bar sieve (g) *100
80/100 0 50 0 0
63/80 0 40 0 0
50/63 0 31.5 0 0
40/50 0.34 25 0 0
31.5/40 0.6 20 0.2 33.33
25/31.5 0.16 16 0.041 25.62
20/25 0.22 12.5 0.072 32.72
16/20 0.24 10 0.09 37.5
12.5/16 0.3 8 0.057 19
10/12.5 0.26 6.3 0.028 10.76
8/10 0.24 5 0.029 12.08
6.3/8 0.2 4 0.028 14

5/6.3 0.2 3.15 0.024 12
4/5 0.16 2.5 0.02 12.5
£M1=2.92 £M2=0.589

Table A. 3 calculation for Elongation of aggregates

Particle size fraction Mass M1 (g) Mass M2 (g) SI = (M2/M1) *100

d/Di (mm)
45/63 880 120 13.6
31.5/45 160 80 50
22.4/31.5 120 200 166.6
16/22.4 240 100 41.6
12.5/16 200 40 20
11.2/12.5 80 50 62.5
10/11.2 49 39 79.6
8/10 129 121 93.8
5.6/8 210 180 85.7
4/5.8 200 110 55

Table A. 4 values of sand equivalent of fine aggregates

Sl. No 1st specimen 2nd specimen

1 h1 (mm) 15.5 14.9
2 h2 (mm) 8.4 8.2
3 100(h2/h1) 54.19 55.03

Table A. 5 Standard proctor test value

% of water 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%

Added water cm3 300 403 500 600 700 800

Hum. Medium % 9.61 11.61 14.80 14.85 12.91 17.83

𝑔𝑑 =
100 + 𝑊 4.10 4.14 4.15 4.17 4.16 3.92
(g/cm3 ) d)
𝑔𝑑 =
100 + 𝑊 4103.71 4142.65 4154.83 4171.20 4159.52 3923.65
(kg/m3) d)

Table A. 6 The soaking value of mould in CBR test

Date Hour Frequency of hours Readings (mm)

24/07/17 10: 35 0 1600
11: 35 1 1598
12: 35 2 1598
02: 35 4 1598
05: 35 7 1596
25/07/17 ----------- 12 ---------
25/07/17 10:35 24 1596
-------------- 36 ---------
26/07/17 10: 35 48 1596
27/07/17 10:35 72 1596

Table A. 7 The penetration value after soaking

Penetration (mm) Ring reading (div.) Load (KN)

Top Bottom Top Bottom
0.0 0 0 0 0
0.5 3 3 0.059 0.059
1.0 12 13 0.235 0.255
2.0 19 20 0.372 0.392
2.5 28 29 0.549 0.568
3.0 39 40 0.764 0.784
4.0 63 69 1.352 1.352
5.0 106 105 2.078 2.058
6.0 147 145 2.881 2.842
7.5 206 211 4.038 4.138
8.0 225 230 4.410 4.508
10.0 309 309 5.939 6.056
12.5 387 387 7.585 7.624
Mold Top (%) Bottom (%) Average (%)
Penetration at 2.5 mm 4.1 4.3 4
Penetration at 5.0 mm 10.4 10.3 10

Values corresponding to standard specimen

Penetration (mm) Force

Kgf KN
2.5 1355 13.279
5.0 2033 19.923
7.5 2575 25.235
10.0 3177 31.135

12.5 3500 34.300

Table A. 8 Bulk density of natural aggregates

Aggregate ID- 1 10l=0.01 m3

Vrec - container volume 0.01

m1 - mass of empty container 11312 11312 11312 [g]
m2 - Mass of test specimen and container 26990 26520 26670 [g]
Individual bulk density ρbi= (m2 - m1)/Vrec 1.6 1.5 1.5 [Mg/m3]
Average bulk density (ρb) 1.54 [Mg/m3]
Particle density according EN 1097-6 (ρrd) 2.5 [Mg/m3]
voids volume v = ((ρrd-ρb ) /ρrd) x 100 38.1

Aggregate ID- 2

Vrec - container volume 0.01 [l]

m1 - mass of empty container 11312 11312 11312

m2 - Mass of test specimen and container 26260 26120 26190 [g]

Individual bulk density ρbi= (m2 - 1)/Vrec 1.5 1.5 1.5

Average bulk density (ρb) 1.49
Particle density according EN 1097-6 (ρrd) 2.5
voids volume v = ((ρrd- ρb) / ρrd) x 100 40.2

Aggregate ID - 3

Vrec - container volume 0.01

m1 - mass of empty container 11312 11312 11312

m2 - Mass of test specimen and container 26440 26400 26420


Individual bulk density ρbi= (m2 - 1)/Vrec 1.5 1.5 1.5


Average bulk density (ρb) 1.51
Particle density according EN 1097-6 (ρrd) 2.5
voids volume v = ((ρrd -ρb) / ρrd) x 100 39.5
Table A. 9 Bulk density of natural aggregates

Aggregate ID – Coarse natural

aggregate - 1

Vrec - container volume 0.01 [l]

m1 - mass of empty container 11312 11312 11312 [g]

m2 - Mass of test specimen and container 25180 25350 25540

Individual bulk density ρbi= (m2 - 1)/Vrec 1.38 1.40 1.42 [Mg/m3]
Average bulk density (ρb) 1.40 [Mg/m3]
Particle density according EN 1097-6 (ρrd) 2.01 [Mg/m3]
voids volume v = ((ρrd -ρb) / ρrd) x 100 30.13 [%]

Aggregate ID – Coarse natural

aggregate - 2

Vrec - container volume 0.01 [l]

m1 - mass of empty container 11312 11312 11312 [g]
m2 - Mass of test specimen and container 25410 25310 25250 [g]
Individual bulk density ρbi= (m2 - 1)/Vrec 1.40 1.39 1.39
Average bulk density (ρb) 1.40 [Mg/m3]
Particle density according EN 1097-6 (ρrd) 1.61
voids volume v = ((ρrd -ρb) / ρrd) x 100 12.97

Aggregate ID – Coarse fine


Vrec - container volume 0.01 [l]

m1 - mass of empty container 11312 11312 11312 [g]

m2 - Mass of test specimen and container 28250 28030 28230

Individual bulk density ρbi= (m2 -
1.69 1.67 1.69
m1)/Vrec [Mg/m3]

Average bulk density (ρb) 1.68
Particle density according EN 1097-6 (ρrd) 1.69
voids volume v = ((ρrd -ρb) / ρrd) x 100 0.25

Table A. 10 water content of recycled aggregate drying in a ventilated oven

Mass(g) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

M0 - Dry mass of specimen and recipient(g) 5200 5180 7000 7300

M1 -Wet mass of specimen (g) 4020 3980 6860 6260

M2 - Mass of recipient (g) 1180 1200 140 1040

M3 - Dry mass of the specimen in the drying 3860 3800 6760 6140
oven (g)

𝑴𝟏−𝑴𝟑 4.15 4.74 1.48 1.95

Moisture content (%) = ( 𝑴𝟑
)∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎

Table A. 11 Tabulation of particle density and water absorption using pycnometer for recycled and natural aggregates

Mass Recycled aggregate Natural CA Natural CA - Natural

(Mg) Passing Passing 4 - 1 2 FA

31.5 mm mm

M1 – Saturated mass of the 0.00482 0.00092 0.003223 0.001320 0.001270

specimen with dry surface

M2 – Mass of the pycnometer 0.0095 0.00366 0.009872 0.004977 0.004164

containing the saturated

M3 – Mass of the pycnometer 0.00648 0.00312 0.007829 0.004140 0.003363

filled with water

M4 – Dry mass of specimen in 0.00448 0.00084 0.00320 0.001310 0.001264

the drying oven

𝝆𝒘 = 23.8 0c 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998

Density of particle in drying
oven (Mg/m3)
(𝑀1 − (𝑀2 − 𝑀3)] 2.48 2.21 2.71 2.71 2.69
= 𝑀1/[

Water absorption after 24h of

immersion (%)
𝑀1 − 𝑀4 7.59 9.52 0.62 0.8 0.47
= 100 ∗
Table A. 12 Calculation on slump cone test of fresh concrete

Aggregate replacement ratio Slump (mm) W/C ratio

Natural aggregate 75 0.50
RA-20 79 0.52
RA-100 81 0.53

Table A. 13 Compressive strength and ultrasonic velocity of hardened concrete


Days 7 days 14 days 28 days

Number of 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Weight (kg) 8.13 8 --- 8.148 8.508 8.260 7.954 8.534 8.009
Strength 61.55 62.42 -------- 66.28 64.39 61.44 69.43 66.17 67.55
Breaking 1384.9 1404.5 -------- 1491.2 1448.9 1382.4 1562.1 1488.9 1519.8
load (KN)
Ultrasonic 29.1 29.1 28.2


Days 7 days 14 days 28 days

Number of 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Weight (kg) 8.163 8.299 8.004 7.809 8.356 8.290 7.837 8.042 7.876
Strength 59.11 52.12 53.46 57.62 56.64 59.50 59.86 58.86 57.69
Breaking 1329.9 1172.6 1202.9 1296.4 1274.5 1338.7 1346.8 1324.3 1298.0
load (KN)
Ultrasonic 30.0 27.9 27.0


Days 7 days 14 days 28 days

Number of 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Weight (kg) 7.689 7.760 7.446 7.323 7.473 7.337 7.335 7.565 7.351
Strength 38.35 37.15 38.23 40.79 40.23 40.23 41.67 39.18 41.39
Breaking load 862.9 834.5 860.21 917.7 905.2 905.1 937.5 881.5 931.2
Ultrasonic 36.7 32.6 30.1


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