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Power System Analysis

Prof. Debapriya Das

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 01
Structure of Power Systems and Few other Aspects- I

So, we will start this course as power system analysis. And So, power system is a core
course power system analysis for particular for various places in the in India, that is the
third year undergraduate electrical engineering course, it is a core course. And we will
try to cover some of the important topics for this course.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:47)

So, basically that your power system actually is the largest man made largest dynamic
system on the earth, right. So, basically your first initially we will discuss about structure
of power systems and few other aspects, right. So, first thing is generally there are 3
section we consider in power system generation, transmission and distributions system
are the main components of an electric power system, right. So, generating station and
distribution systems are connected through transmission lines, right. Normally
transmission lines implies the bulk transfer of power by high voltage lines between main
load centers. And distribution system is mainly responsible for the conveyance of this
power to the consumers by means of lower voltage Network, so generation, then
transmission, and then distribution. These are the 3 main components or these are main
part of the power system, right.

So, next one is that if we look into that schematic diagram of power system, right.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:13)

If we look into that schematic diagram of power system, so first one is a large generating
station mainly they will be thermal, may be hydro or nuclear power station, right. Then
we have a step up transformer. Generally generate terminal voltage in power system say
it depends of course, on the rating of the machine and power generating capacity of the
generator. But, generally it will be 10.8 kV or 11 kV or little bit more also, 11.2 depends
on the design of the generator of this power you know, in the thermal power plant hydro
power plant or nuclear power plant.

Then after this step up step up transformer is there then voltage will be stepped there is a
transmission system is coming. It will be 400 kV or 220 kv, right. When it is stepped up
after that this tie line to other system is, tie line means it is basically 3 phase transmission
line and showing just by single line arrow that thing because, transmission system is a
balance power system, balance your it is 3 phase by a all the 3 phase carrying that
balance power. So, just showing like this by a single line that tie line into other system,
right. Other system, means other power system it maybe power maybe it is connected to
other power system, right. Or it is connected to or that gone to another substations
somewhere, right. Then you have a step down transformer; that means, voltage will be
stepped down to 132 kV or 66 kV this portion we call sub transmission system, right.

So, and after that they showing here the large industrial consumers, there are many
industrial consumers large industrial consumers, they need power supply at the voltage
level 132 kV or 66 kV. That is why it is shown like schematically it is shown like this.
After that and here also small local independent power producers. Maybe private parties
are there who were also generating power. Their power, this they are generating their
generating unit this side same thing, right. And here also you have a this transformer a
step up transformer generate site to this site, right. And voltage will be either stepped up
to 66 or 132 kV. And they are also injecting power to SUB transmission system. These
are the local independent power producers we assume the private parties, right.

Then from 132 or 66 kV it will further step down, right. And then primary distribution
system it will come. So, primary distribution system means it will be 33 kV or 11 kV,
right. Here also medium large consumers there may be some small industries or medium
large consumers, who need power at the voltage level of 33 or 11 kV. So, that thing also
connected So shown like this. And here also at this voltage level 11 kV or 33 kV they
have small embedded generator for example, wind generators, right. Suppose this wind
power it may be, it may be utilities or it may be private parties also, right. And this
owned by this generator, right. They own generator we say, right. We know solar also
other distributing generating unit also no problem. In the case of solar you have convert
your what you call form dc to ac, right. But, anyway as like shown ac power will be

So, just to for that time you assume that is wind generator only, right. And here also this
is a step up transformer and power been injected. This same meaning this side also small
embedded generators both sides on, right. And then these are secondary distribution
system the voltage there is a 400 volt you might have seen, that 4 mounted distribution
transformer maybe near your collage, near your home, right. So, those transformer
generally 11 kV by 400 volt, maybe 433 volt, right. So, these are small consumers that
400 volt 3 phase or 230 per phase, right. So, in this case if it is they line to line voltage
then it will be 400 volt or 430 volt and if it is your single phase then line to neutral, then
it will be 400, if it is 430/√3 or if it is 430, then 430/√3, right.
So, what about is comes. So, I just written 230 volt per phase, right. So, this is a
schematic diagram of you know as a hole as a power system, right. So, that will this is
this just for you know, how the power system is I mean from generating station to the
distribution system between transmission and sub transmission systems are there.
Particularly 132 or 66 kV or transmission line we are calling it as a sub transmission
system, right. Then take this part of a power system.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:14)

So, if you take like these are all small rectangular boxes are. So, on this are basically
circuit breakers, right. And suppose you have a generating stations this is generating

So, if we are have a this all transformers are step up transformer general transformers,
right. This is I have drawn just to show that there is a part of a power system. Then it is
all are coming to sub stations, right. This lines are coming here and there to sub stations.
And again here it is all this it is going to the loads, this is step down transformer again.
This is also same thing keep a loads and these are all load, these are all showing load,
and here also it maybe going to the other part of the system. So, to rest of the system, and
these are embedded generators, right.

For example, wind power generator. So, this is a simple structure of the part of the power
system, right. And it may be basically this the simplest way, but in a in a power network
you have so many generators and. So, many transmission lines, right. And those we will
see how to you know how to solve all this things when will come to the; you are what
you call that power flow or load flow studies, right.

So, these are the schismatic diagram of a this thing part of a power system. Next one is
that from SUB transmission system, this is typical distribution system, right.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:43)

Before staying anything oh in 3 h lines this lines I made means there is 3 phase line.
And when 2 such things are there that is single phase, right. Because sometimes you
need 3 phase particularly for the commercial phases we need 3 phase power supply, but
residential in a residential areas say what home you need 2 single phase power supply.
These are fuses, right. And for example, this is 66 by 11 kV this things these are all
boxes from circuit breakers. These are reclosers reclosers it is going to additional
feeders, right. And this all transformer these are pole mounted distribution transformer
they are 11 I have written 11 kV/400 volt or it may be 11 kV/ 430 or 440 volt also, right.

These are all pole mounted distribution transformer. And these are section point, these
are section point it may close maybe this thing may be opened, right. And another thing
is that this is your normally open tie switch, right. So, this is a, this a tie switch means
this a your 3 phase basically a 3 phase line, but one sectionalize will be there, right. If
you I mean if you want to operate manually, right. Nowadays, your, it may it you know it
sophisticated your control technique it can be automatically switched on or off, but why
this is normally open? As per as when power is being supplied by the both side and there
is no fault or no out age of the line then things are ok.

But suppose, suppose something as happened some fault has occurred here for example,
say, right. Or some fault has occurred here, then what comes and do is that, this line can
be isolated. This can be isolated, and this should be closed such that power can come
from through this and it can supply it can supply they affected your affected zone. But as
soon as you open this, this portion on affected because power will come from this, but
when something has happened here, this portion will not get power. So, suppose this is
open and you close this one. So, power will come from this side, right. So, that is why it
is called normally open tie switches. And this is something is written to secondary
distribution system, right.

So, these are all pole mounted your transformer. And here it is showing 66/11 kv, but
many parts or hill area it may not be 11 kV some cases it has low voltage level may be
6.6 kv, some cases even 3.3 kv, right, but standard in this thing 11 kV most of the places
you can see, right. And these are the schematic diagram of typical distribution system,
right. So, what we have discussed now little bit about power station or power system
generating sites, then transmission and then distribution site, right.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:51)

Next is that, next is the reasons for interconnection, right. Because many power system
they are interconnected together. So, generating station and distribution system are
connected through transmission lines.

It has to be because bulk power will transfer through transmission line only. That
transmission system of a particular area say state is known as a grid, right. And this way
this way you can define you can define anyone can define in other way also, but
generally the transmission have particular area. Say it a reason is suppose for example,
state is known as a grid now different grids are inter connected through tie lines tie line
means it is a 3 phase transmission line, right. To form a regional grid so also called
power pools, right. This is actually power pools, right. So, different grids so in there will
be inter connected through tie lines; that means, 3 phase line that it will form a regional
grid also and this is also called power pools, right. And different regional grids are
further connected to form a national grid.

So, transmission system particularly is knows as a grids. And different grids are
interconnected to 3 phase lines that is tie lines; that means, they tie together suppose, 2
grids are interconnected by you know, so through tie lines, right. To form a regional grid
and different regional grids are further connected to from a national grid, right. So, these
are the these are the meaning of this you know, your what you call that grid regional grid
and national grid. So, next is that reason for interconnection. Now cooperative assistance
is one of the planned benefit is of interconnected operation, because when 3 pool power
systems are interconnected together.

So, basically this is for cooperative assistance, right. Interconnected operation is always
economical and reliable, right. More we will see later, right, when we will come to the
different topic, so it is always economical and very much reliable, right.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:02)

For this thing, economic advantage of interconnection is to reduce the reserve generation
capacity in each area. Details to at this moment it is the just I am giving that your basic
thing when we will come to a different topic more thing can we discussed, right later,
right. But economic advantage of interconnection to reduce the reserve generation
capacity in each area I mean each area means it is part a power supply system, right. So,
when so many power systems are interconnected. So, in that case reserve generation
capacity in each area it can be reduced, latter I will try to explain, right.

If there is sudden increase of load or loss generation in one area, it is possible to borrow
power from adjoining interconnected areas, right. It is something like this for example,
suppose you have, suppose you have this is one power system say area 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:52)

Suppose it is connected to another one area 2, suppose it is connected to another one area
3, right. Suppose another one is there, right. Say area 4 it is also connected, it is also
connected, say this one also connected, right. So, suppose 4 areas are there. 4 different
thing, but they are all connected, they are all interconnected.

So, if suppose every are, every are, every are it is power system it is a here it is area 1
area 2 area 3 area 4. Each one is a power system everyone is having a power demand,
every generating unit is generating power to supply it is load, right. Here also here also
suppose sometimes it may happen, that your this area it needs power from the other
areas. Because, here load demand is more, but it is generating capacity is less. So, at that
time this particular area can borrow or purchase power from this 3 areas, if it is
interconnected, right; that means, that means, although load is more generacy is less; that
means, it is reserve capacity is less, but it can assuming that this power system they have
the sufficient reserve capacity, then it can borrow power from other interconnected, other
interconnected power system.

So, this is that that is your that is the advantage; that means, economics advantage of
interconnection is to reduce the reserve generation capacity in each area. Now if there is
a sudden increase in load or loss of generation in one area, it is possible to borrow power
from adjoining interconnected area; that means, suppose load has increased, I told you
that it can borrow power from this or from this power from this 3 power systems. Or
suppose you have suppose you have for example, here you have 5 generating unit is say
5 generating unit is, right. Suppose one of the generating unit is right, you what you call
suddenly stopped I mean loss of generation. So, 4 units are there. So, load generation
will be much less load will be more, right. So, in that case from these adjoining areas
interconnected power supply systems that this additional load can be supplied from this
power system. So, if they are assuming they have the sufficient generating capacity right,
such that they can supply that this additional load.

So, that is why that if there is sudden increase of load or loss of generation in one area it
is possible to borrow power from adjoining interconnected areas. So, these are the major
advantage of interconnected operation, right. Now to meet sudden increase in load a
certain amount of generating capacity in each area known as the spinning reserve is
required, right. I mean load suddenly increases and initially we want to and immediately
we want to supply this additional load, right. And; that means, a certain amount of
generating capacity in each area known as the spinning reserve is required. This consist
of generators running at normal speed and ready to supply power instantaneously; that
means, I mean they should, I mean as soon as the load has increase right, that this
generators they means spinning reserve means this required this consist of generator
running at normal speed and ready to supply power instantaneously.

For example, it is always better to keep gas turbine and hydro generators as spinning
reserve. The reason is gas turbines can be started and loaded in just 3 minutes or less.
Because, it is very it can generate power very quickly, gas turbine or hydro unit is can be
even quicker, right. So, this gas turbines and hydrogen is this 2 generating, your what
you call a power generating unit is they will be very useful as a spinning reserve.
Suppose you load has suddenly increase suddenly increase, but as you do not have
sufficient this thing, your what you call sufficient capacity to this thing, that you have to
immediately supply that load. So, in that case your gas turbine or hydro unit is will be
very, very effective because they can generate power very quickly, right.

Thermal power plant there will be the thermal unit it has some limitation. Later if
possible I will tell you thermal hydro generate power generate very quickly does not
have any I mean that constant is not stringent in type or has high hydro case for thermal
case that is constant is very stringent type sorry, but hydro case it is it can generate
power very quickly, right. So, that is why gas turbines or hydro turbines hydro
generating unit is they should be you know, they should be kept as spinning reserve.
Next is, so these are general ideas that some advantages of interconnected power system,
right. Next is that load characteristics.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:51)

So, general nature of load is characterized by load factor, then demand factor, then
diversity factor, power factor and utilization factor. There are some more factors later
you will see. In general, the types of load can be divided into following categories. There
are 4 categories. Domestic, commercial, industrial and agriculture, right.

So, domestic loads this you will be knowing what is domestic load. Domestic load
mainly consists of lights, fans, refrigerators, air conditioners, mixer, grinders, heaters,
ovens, small pumping motors etc. These are domestic loads, right. Similarly, commercial
loads basically lighting for shops, then offices, then advertisements etc. Fans, heating,
then air conditioning, again and many other electrical appliances used in market places
restaurant etc. So, domestic load then commercial loads, right. So, so generally so loads
of and different loads domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural they have different
type of you know characteristic. So, next is this thing that industrial loads.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:09)

So, industrial loads that the time of talking about this power system I think I told you,
that industrial basically it takes power at very high voltage level, particularly large

So, industrial loads consists of small scale industries, medium scale industries, large
scale industries, heavy industries and cottage industries. These are, these are following
under industrial loads, right. There load curve will be different commercial will be
different, right. Then domestic will be different may if the agricultural load basically is a
mainly motor pump sets, right. For this integration purposes say agricultural loads. So,
there are 4 different type of loads. Now after this, that power factor of various
equipments, right.

For example induction motors. Generally 0.6 to 0.85 then fractional horse power motors
0.5 to 0.8, then fluorescent lamps, 0.55 to 0.90, then fans, 0.55 to 0.85. As you see that
some data inductant induction furnaces 0.7 to 0.85. And then arc welders 0.35 to 0.5
these are the range of power factors for you know, various your equipments, electrical
equipments. Some ideas regarding the power factor of the you know, some your
equipments, right.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:46)

Next is basic definitions of commonly used terms, right. So, first is we talk about that
connected load. This are common sense you can apply that what will be the connected
load. So, each electrical device has it is rated capacity. Every, every device electrical
equipments or component you know it has it own rated capacity. The some of the
continuous ratings of all the electrical devices, connected to the supply system is known
as connected load. For example, you take the example of your home, right. You know
light fans AC and other thing geezer another things, right. So, if you add their total rated
capacity then that will be the connected load of your home, right. So, these are the
commonly known as a connected load, right.

Then demand the demand of an installation or system, right. Is the load at the receiving
terminals, right. Averaged over a specified interval of time. I mean demand of an
installation of system is the load at the receiving terminals averaged over a specified
interval of time. That means you have some time definition and take the load at every
hour and half an hour what say hour. After that you make the take average of it over a
given interval of time, right. Here the load may be given in kilowatt may be kilovolt or
kva or kiloamperes or amperes the way you define, but generally in power system mostly
we will define kilowatt or kva, right.

Then demand interval it is the time period over which the average load is computed.
Suppose, suppose for a day you have a 24 hours. So, every hour every hour load you
know then if you try to compute the average load for 24 hours, right. So, that it is the
time 4 per hours is the demand interval, if you that is mean the time period over is the
average load is computed. We will take an we will many examples at the time you will
see, right. So, so connected load demand interval.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:58)

Next is maximum demand. This maximum demand of an installation or is the greatest of

all demands which have occurred during the specified period of time. So, specified
period of time specified time is period is specified, and then maximum demand of an
installation is that greatest of the demands which have occurred during that specified
period of time.

Suppose you have a, you have a say you take from your today this thing from mid night
to next mid night. So, 24, 24 hours during 24 hours you see that for a particular
installation of system demand is increasing and decreasing. So, this 24 hours you take
note down what is the maximum demand. So, that is why during the specified period of
time that will be the maximum demand, right. Then another thing is another terminology
they use that coincident demand or diversified demand, right. It is the demand of the
composite group as a whole, right. Of somewhat unrelated loads over a specified period
of time, right.

So, you have a different composite group not only on the single load there may be many,
right. And some industrial commercial agriculture domestic say different group you
have, right. over a specified period or that it is the demand of composite group as a
whole, as whole of somewhat unrelated loads over a specified period of time. It is the
maximum sum of the contributions of the individual demands to the diversified demand
over a specific time interval. So, everywhere has time interval is specified, right. So, it is
it is the maximum sum of the contribution of the individual demands, right. To the
diversified demand over a specific time.

That every hour, Suppose you have a 4 groups of load, every hour you are adding those
load and trying to find out what is the maximum sum, right. Of the individual demand to
the diversified demand over a specific time interval, right. So, this is called coincident
demand. Then noncoincident demand, it is the sum of the demands of a group of loads
with no restrictions on the interval to which is demand is applicable. So, in that case d or
what you call that your into interval is not no restrictions of the interval. So, it is just sum
of the demands of a group of a loads with no restrictions on the interval to which the
demand is applicable, right. This is called sometimes noncoincident demand, right.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:40)

Next is another one is demand factor. It is the ratio of the maximum demand of a system
to the total connected load of the system. Thus, the demand factor is defined DF is given
as. So, it is the ratio of the maximum demand of the system to the total connected load.
So, demand factor can be given as maximum demand divided by total connected load.
So, this is say equation 1, right. The demand factor is usually, less than 1 because
generally if maximum demand is equal to total connected load then it will be your what
you call only one otherwise generally maximum demand is because at a home you have
all light fan switches everything, light fan TV refrigerator geezer, everything is there all
your not switching on switching on at one time. So, naturally maximum load is less than
the total connected load, usually less than one, right. So, demand factor gives an
indication of the simultaneous operation of the total connected load, right.

Next is utilization factor, utilization factor. So, it is the ratio of the maximum of a system
to the rated capacity of the system, right. So, later this is we define, that is the ratio of the
maximum demand of a system to the rated capacity of the system.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:06)

So, utilization factor you define UF is can be given as, maximum demand of the system
divided by rated system capacity, right. So, this is equation 2, and next one is plant
factor. Sometimes this plant factor also known as capacity factor or use factor. It is the
ratio of the total actual energy produce over a specified period of time to the energy that
would have been produced if the plant or generating unit is had operated continuously at
maximum rating, right. So, this is known as plant factor.

Capacity factor or use factor this is particular for the generating station this terminologies
is true, right. So, it is the ratio of the total actual energy produced over a specified period
of time say annual to the your say, annually how much energy that that was produced to
the energy that would have been produced if the plant or generating unit is had operated
continuously at maximum rating. So, this is called plant utilization sorry, plant factor or
capacity factor or use factor.

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