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LG Air Conditioner: Owner'S Manual

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Air Conditioner

Type : Wall Mounted



• Please read this owner's manual carefully and thoroughly
before installing and operating your room air conditioner.
• Please retain this owner's manual for future reference after
reading it thoroughly.
Air Conditioner Owner’s Manual

A. Safety Precautions ..............................3 FOR YOUR RECORDS
B. Electrical Safety...................................6 Write the model and serial numbers here:
Temporary Use of an Adapter ...............6 Model #
Temporary Use of an Extension Cord ...6 Serial #
Symbols used in this Manual.................6 You can find them on a label on the side of each unit.
C. Product Introduction...........................7 Dealer's Name
Indoor Units ...........................................7 Date Purchased
Operation Indication Lamps ..................7 ■ Staple your receipt to this page in the event you need
it to prove date of purchase or for warranty issues.
Self-Diagnosis Function ........................7
D. Operating Instructions........................8
How to insert the Batteries ....................8
Wireless Remote Controller Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use
Maintenance..........................................8 and maintain your air conditioner properly. Just a little
preventive care on your part can save you a great deal
Operating Method..................................8 of time and money over the life of your air conditioner.
Wireless Remote Controller...................9 You'll find many answers to common problems in the
Operation Mode...................................10 chart of troubleshooting tips. If you review our chart of
Healthy Dehumidification Operation....11 Troubleshooting Tips first, you may not need to call
Auto Operation (Optional)....................11 for service at all.

Auto Changeover Operation

Jet Cool/Heat Operation......................12
Auto Clean ..........................................12 • Contact the authorized service technician for
repair or maintenance of this unit.
Energy-Saving Cooling Mode • Contact the installer for installation of this unit.
(Optional).............................................13 • The air conditioner is not intended for use by
Display Luminosity ..............................13 young children or invalids without supervision.
• Young children should be supervised to ensure
Forced operation .................................13 that they do not play with the air conditioner.
Sleep Mode .........................................14 • When the power cord is to be replaced,
Setting the Current Time .....................14 replacement work shall be performed by
authorized personnel only using only genuine
Timer Setting .......................................14 replacement parts.
Vertical / Horizontal Airflow
Direction Control..................................15
Air Circulation Mode ............................15
Auto Restart Function..........................15
Wired Remote Controller (Accessory) ....16
E. Maintenance and Service..................17
Outdoor Unit ........................................18
Operation Tips!....................................18
Troubleshooting Tips!
Save time and money!.........................19
Call the service immediately in the
following situations ..............................19

2 Air Conditioner
Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions
To prevent injury to the user or other people and property damage, the following instructions must be followed.
■ Incorrect operation due to ignoring instruction will cause harm or damage. The seriousness is classified by
the following indications.

This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury.

This symbol indicates the possibility of injury or damage.

■ Meanings of symbols used in this manual are as shown below.

Be sure not to do.

Be sure to follow the instruction.

Always use a power plug and socket with Do not use a defective or underrated Do not use a multi consent. Always use
a ground terminal. circuit breaker. Use the correctly rated this appliance on a dedicated cicuit and
breaker and fuse. breaker.
• There is a risk of electrical shock. • There is a risk of electrical shock . • Otherwise it can cause an electrical shock or
For electrical work, contact the dealer, seller, Always ground the product as per the Install the panel and the cover of control
a qualified electrician, or an Authorized wiring diagram. Do not connect the box securely.
Service Center. Do not disassemble or repair ground wire to gas or water pipes
the product by yourself. lightening rod or telephone ground wire.
• There is a risk of fire or electrical shock. • There is a risk of fire or electrical shock. • There is a risk of fire or electrical shock due
to dust , water etc.
Use the correctly rated breaker or fuse. Do not modify or extend the power cable. For installation, removal or reinstall ,
If the power cable or cord has scrathes or always contact the dealer or an
skin peeled off or deteriorated then it Authorized Service Center.
must be replaced.
• There is a risk of fire or electrical shock. • There is a risk of fire or electrical shock. • There is a risk of fire, electrical shock.,
explosion, or injury.
Do not install the product on a defective Never install the outdoor unit on a When the product is soaked (flooded or
installation stand. Be sure that the moving base or a place from where it submerged) in water , contact an
installation area does not deteriorate with can fall down. Authorized Service Center for repair
age. before using it again.
• It may cause the product to fall. • The falling outdoor unit can cause damage or • There is a risk of fire or electrical shock.
injury or even death of a person.
In outdoor unit the step-up capacitor When installing the unit, use the Be sure to use only those parts which
supplies high voltage electricity to the installation kit provided with the product. are listed in the svc parts list. Never
electrical components. Be sure to attempt to modify the equipment.
discharge the capacitor completely
before conducting the repair work.
• An charged capacitor can cause an electrical • Otherwise the unit may fall and cause severe • The use of inappropriate parts can cause an
shock. injury. electrical shock, excessive heat generation or
Owner's Manual 3
Safety Precautions

Indoor/outdoor wiring connections must Safely dispose off the packing materials. Make sure to check that the power cable
be secured tightly and the cable should Like screws, nails, batteries, broken plug is not dirty, loose or broken and
be routed properly so that there is no things etc after installation or svc and then only insert the plug completely.
force pulling the cable from the then tear away and thraw away the plastic
connection terminals. packaging bags.
• Improper or loose connections can cause • Children may play with them and cause • Dirty, loose or broken power plug can
heat generation or fire. injury. cause an electrical shock or fire.

Be sure to check the refrigerant to the Don't use a power cord, a plug or a loose Do not touch , operate, or repair the
used. Please read the label on the product. socket which is damaged. product with wet hands. Hold the plug by
hand when taking out
• Incorrect refrigerant used can prevent the • Otherwise it may cause a fire or electrical • There is a risk of electrical shock or fire.
normal operation of the unit. shock.

Do not place a heater or other heating Do not allow water to run into electric Do not store or use or even allow
appliances near the power cable. parts. Install the unit away from water flammable gas or combustibles near the
sources. product.
• There is a risk of fire or electrical shock. • There is a risk of fire, failure of the product, or • There is a risk of fire.
electrical shock

Do not use the product in a tightly closed Do not open the front grille of the product If strange sounds, smell or smoke comes
space for a long time. Perform ventilation during operation. (Do not touch the from product.Immediately turn the breaker
regularly. electrostatic filter, if the unit is so equipped.) off or disconnect the power supply cable.
• Oxygen deficiency could occur and hence • There is a risk of physical injury, electrical • There is a risk of electrical shock or fire.
harm your health. shock, or product failure.

Ventilate the product room from time to Turn the main power off and unplug the When the product is not to be used for a
time when operating it together with a unit when cleaning or repairing the long time, disconnect the power supply
stove, or heating element etc. product. plug or turn off the breaker.
• Oxygen deficiency can occur and hence harm • There is a risk of electrical shock. • There is a risk of product damage or failure,
your health. or unintended operation.

Take care to ensure that nobody Take care to ensure that power cable Do not place ANYTHING on the power
especially kids could step on or fall onto could not be pulled out or damaged cable.
the outdoor unit. during operation.
• This could result in personal injury and • There is a risk of fire or electrical shock. • There is a risk of fire or electrical shock.
product damage.

Do not plug or unplug the power supply plug to turn the unit When flammable gas leaks, turn off the gas and open a window
ON/OFF . for ventilation before turn the product on.
• Do not use the telephone or turn switches on or off. There is a risk of
• There is a risk of fire or electrical shock. explosion or fire.

Two or more people must lift and Do not install the product where it will be Install the drain hose to ensure that the
transport the product. exposed to sea wind (salt spray) directly. condensed water is drained away properly.
• Avoid personal injury. • It may cause corrosion on the product. • A bad connection may cause water leakage.

Keep level even when installing the Do not install the product where the noise Always check for gas (refrigerant)
product. or hot air from the outdoor unit could leakage after installation or repair of
damage or disturb the neighborhoods. product.
• To avoid vibration or noise. • It may cause a problem for your neighbors • Low refrigerant levels may cause failure of
and hence dispute. product.

4 Air Conditioner
Safety Precautions

Do not use the product for special purposes, Do not block the inlet or outlet of air flow. Use a soft cloth to clean. Do not use
such as preserving foods, works of art, etc. It harsh detergents, solvents or splashing
is a consumer air conditioner, not a precision water etc .
refrigeration system.
• There is a risk of damage or loss of property. • It may cause product failure. • There is a risk of fire, electrical shock, or

damage to the plastic parts of the product.

Do not touch the metal parts of the Do not step on or put anyting on the Always insert the filter securely after
product when removing the air filter. product. (outdoor units) cleaning. Clean the filter every two weeks
or more often if necessary.
• There is a risk of personal injury. • There is a risk of personal injury and failure of • A dirty filter reduces the efficiency.

Do not insert hands or other objects Be cautious when unpacking and If the refrigerant gas leaks during the
through the air inlet or outlet while the installing the product. repair, do not touch the leakaing
product is operating. refrigerant gas.
• There are sharp and moving parts that could • Sharp edges could cause injury. • The refrigernat gas can cause frostbite (cold
cause personal injury. burn)

Do not tilt the unit when removing or Do not mix air or gas other than the If the refrigerant gas leaks during the
uninstalling it. specified refrigerant used in the system . installation, ventilate the area immediately.
• The condensed water inside can spill . • If air enters the refrigerant system, an • Otherwise it can be harmfull for your health.
excessively high pressure results, causing
equipment damage or injury.

Dismantling the unit, treatment of the Replace the all batteries in the remote Do not recharge or disassemble the
refrigerant oil and eventual parts should control with new ones of the same type. batteries. Do not dispose off batteries in
be done in accordance with local and Do not mix old and new batteries or a fire.
national standards. different types of batteries.
• There is a risk of fire or product failure. • They may burn or explode.

If the liquid from the batteries gets onto If you eat the liquid from the batteries, Do not let the air conditioner run for a
your skin or clothes, wash it well with brush your teeth and see doctor. Do not long time when the humidity is very high
clean water. Do not use the remote if the use the remote if the batteries have and a door or a window is left open.
batteries have leaked. leaked.
• The chemicals in batteries could cause burns • The chemicals in batteries could cause • Moisture may condense and wet or damage
or other health hazards. burns or other health hazards. furniture.

Do not expose your skin or kids or Do not drink the water drained from the Use a firm stool or ladder when cleaning,
plants to the cool or hot air draft. product. maintaining or repairing the product at
an height.
• This could harm to your health. • It is not sanitary and could cause serious • Be careful and avoid personal injury.
health issues.

Owner's Manual 5
Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety
• This appliance must be properly grounded.
To minimize the risk of an electrical shock, you must always plug into a grounded outlet.
• Do not cut or remove the grounded prong from the power plug.
• Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance
unless the cover screw is metal and not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded through the
house wiring.
• If you have any doubt whether the air conditioner is properly grounded, have the wall receptacle and
circuit checked by a qualified electrician.

Temporary Use of an Adapter

We strongly discourage the use of an adapter due to potential safety hazards. For temporary connections,
use only a genuine adapter, available from most local hardware stores. Ensure that the large slot in the
adapter is aligned with the large slot in the receptacle for a proper polarity connection.
To disconnect the power cord from the adapter, use one hand on each to avoid damaging the ground
terminal. Avoid frequently unplugging the power cord as this can lead to eventual ground terminal damage.

• Never use the appliance with a broken adapter.

Temporary Use of an Extension Cord

We strongly discourage the use of an extension cord due to potential safety hazards.

This appliance should be installed in accordance with national wiring regulations. This guide acts as a
guide to help to explain product features.

Symbols used in this Manual

This symbol alerts you to the risk of an electrical shock.

This symbol alerts you to hazards that may cause harm to the
air conditioner.

NOTE This symbol indicates special notes.

6 Air Conditioner
Product Introduction

Product Introduction
Here is a brief introduction of the indoor and outdoor units. Please see the information specific to your
indoor unit type.

Indoor Units
Standard Split Type
Display panel LED indicators
Air inlet
Plasma filter (Optional)

Front grille

Air filter ON/OFF button

Signal receiver
Flap(Horizontal blade)
Air outlet
Louvers(Vertical blades) Display

Operation Indication Lamps

The display will be activated for 10 seconds during STARTing operaion or by pressing any button on the
remote controller. After 10 seconds, display retains about 50% luminosity.
• Blue lamp : during Cooling, Dehumidification, Auto Operation cooling, Auto Changeover cooling, Air
circulation Operation. Error code (1 digits)
• Red lamp : during Heating, Auto Operation heating, Auto Changeover heating .
Error code (10 digits)

Self-Diagnosis Function
❈ Error Indicator : lights up Blue lamp and red lamp alternately
Number of lamp's blink : indicate Error code

Error code Description

01 Indoor ROOM themistor error (TH1)

02 Indoor IN-PIPE thermistor error (TH1)
03 Remote controller error
05 Communcation error between in and out
06 Indoor OUT-PIPE thermistor error (TH2)
10 Indoor BLDC fan lock
12 Indoor MID-PIPE thermistor error (TH3)

Owner's Manual 7
Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions
How to insert the Batteries
1. Remove the battery cover by pulling it according to the arrow
2. Insert new batteries making sure that the (+) and (-) of battery are
installed correctly.
3. Reattach the cover by sliding it back into position.

1. Always use/replace both batteries of same type.
2. If the system is not to be used for a long time, remove the
batteries to save their working life.
3. If the display screen of remote controller starts fading, replace
both of the batteries.
4. Use 2 AAA(1.5 volt) batteries.

Wireless Remote Controller Maintenance

1. Choose a suitable place where its safe & easy to reach.
2. Fix the holder to wall etc with the supplied
screws firmly.
3. Slide the remote controller inside the holder.

1. Remote controller should never be exposed to
direct sunlight.
2. Signal transmitter & receiver should always be
clean for proper communication. Use a soft
cloth to clean them.
3. In case some other appliances also get
operated with remote control, change their
position or consult your serviceman.

Operating Method
1. The signal receiver is inside the unit.

2. Aim the remote controller towards the unit to operate it.

There should not be any blockage in between.

8 Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions

Wireless Remote Controller

The controls will look like the following. START/STOP BUTTON
Used to turn off/on the unit.

Used to select the operation mode.
Used to select the room temperature.
Used to select fan speed in four steps
low, medium, high and CHAOS.
Used to start or stop the speed cooling/heating.
(It operates fan in super high speed)
Used to stop or start louver movement and set the
desired up/down airflow direction.
Used to set the time of starting and stopping
Used to adjust the time.
Used to set and to cancel the timer operation.
Used to set sleep mode auto operation.
Used to circulate the room air without cooling or
Flip-up door
(opened) heating.
Operation Mode
Cooling Operation Used to check the room temperature.
Auto Operation or Auto Changeover Used prior to resetting time.
Healthy Dehumidification Operation Used prior to using modes printed in blue at the
bottom of buttons.
Heating Operation AUTO CLEAN BUTTON
Used to set auto clean mode.
• Cooling Model( ), Heat Pump Model( ) In some models this button has a 2nd function of
display luminosity.

To use the functions printed in blue at the bottom of the buttons press 2nd F button first and then the required function
button. Pressing the 2nd F button activates the blue printed function of the respective button. To cancel the function
press the 2nd F button again else it will automatically cancel if remains idle after 10 seconds.

Owner's Manual 9
Operating Instructions

Operation Mode

1 Press the START/STOP BUTTON to

turn the unit on.
The unit will respond with a beep.

1 Open the door of the remote controller and press the

2 operation mode button. Each time the button is pressed, the
3 operation mode is shifted in the direction of the arrow.

Cooling Single : Auto Healthy Heating
Changeover Dehumidification (Heat pump model only)
Multi : Auto Operation

For cooling or heating operation set the desired indoor

3 temperature by pressing the ROOM TEMPERATURE To raise the temperature
For cooling the temperature can be set within 18°C~30°C and
for heating the temperature range is 16°C~30°C. To lower the temperature

Set the fan speed with the remote controller. You can select the fan speed in four steps-low,
4 medium, high and CHAOS by pressing the INDOOR FAN SPEED SELECTOR BUTTON.
Each time the button is pressed, the fan speed mode is shifted.

CHAOS Air Fan speed is on low. Fan speed is on medium. Fan speed is on high.

Natural wind by the CHAOS logic

❏ For fresher feeling, press the INDOOR FAN SPEED SELECTOR BUTTON selector and set to CHAOS mode.
In this mode, the wind blows like a natural breeze by automatically changing fan speed according to the CHAOS logic.

10 Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions

Healthy Dehumidification Operation

During Healthy Dehumidification Operation

❏ If you select the dehumidification mode on the OPERATION MODE

SELECTION BUTTON, the product starts to run the dehumidification
function. It automatically sets the room temperature and airflow volume to
the best condition for dehumidification, based on the sensed current room
Healthy temperature.
Dehumidification In this case, however, the setting temperature is not displayed on the remote
controller and you are not able to control the room temperature either.
❏ During the healthy dehumidification function, the airflow volume is
automatically set according to the optimization algorithm responding to the
current room temperature status, so that the room condition is kept healthy
and comfortable even in the very humid season.

To run the healthy dehumidification mode follow steps 1, and 2 and 4

(See operation mode)

Auto Operation (Optional)

In this operation the actual operating mode is automatically set by the

electronic control logic based on the current room temperature or other
connected indoor unit. If you feel hot or cold, you can set the temperature
or fan speed for more cooling or heating effect.
Setting Temp. Range : 18~30°C

Operation To run the auto operation follow steps 1, and 2. (See operation mode)

Auto Changeover Operation (Optional)

Auto operation basically is heating or cooling function of the air

But during this operation the controller changes the operation mode
automatically to keep the temperature within ±2°C with respect to the
setting temperature.

To run this operation follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4. (See operation mode)

Owner's Manual 11
Operating Instructions

Jet Cool/Heat Operation

Jet Cool function can be used to cool the room quickly in hot summer. When this
function is turned on, the air conditioner runs in cooling operation mode with super
high fan speed and 18°C setting temperature for 30 minutes for fast and effective
Similarly,Jet Heat function (available only in some models) warms up the room quickly
by operating at super high fan speed and 30°C setting temperature for 30 minutes.

You can activate this operation by pressing the JET COOL/HEAT BUTTON.
To change from Jet Cool mode to high fan speed cooling mode, press the JET COOL/HEAT BUTTON or

• Jet Cool/Heat operation cannot be activated during Air Circulation operation, Auto operation and Auto
changeover operation.
• Jet Heat operation cannot be activated when wired remote controller is connected.
• You can use Jet Heat function by pressing JET COOL/HEAT BUTTON in heating operation.

Auto Clean
❏ Auto Clean function remove moisture in indoor units after cooling operation(cooling, healthy dehumidification,
auto operation cooling, auto changeover cooling)
1. Press the AUTO CLEAN BUTTON to activate this function.
2. Now whenever the unit is turned off, the indoor fan is still running for about 30
minutes internally without cooling or dehumidification operation. Also the louver is
3. This dries up any remains of moisture & cleans the unit internally.
4. If you press AUTO CLEAN BUTTON again during operation, this function is
NOTE cancelled.

❏ During Auto Clean function, you can use only START/STOP BUTTON, PLASMA BUTTON and AUTO

12 Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions

Energy-Saving Cooling Mode (Optional)

Energy-saving cooling mode can save energy in cooling operation, because it can operate efficiently by
setting body-adaptation time according to the change of time and temperature and adjusting desired
temperature automatically .

1. Press the START/STOP BUTTON to start the unit.
2. Open the door on the remote controller. Select cooling operation.
4. To cancel the energy-saving cooling mode, press the ENERGY-SAVING COOLING

Display Luminosity
The Display Luminosity can be adjusted by using the remote control.
Press the start/stop button to start the unit. Open the door on the remote control, press the 2ndF button
and press display luminosity button.
Then, display will be off after activated 10 seconds during STARTing operation or by pressing any button
on the remote controller. After the display will be activated 10 seconds, it retains 50% luminosity or off
whenever you press the button.

Forced operation

Operation procedures when the remote control can't be used.

The operation will be started if the ON/OFF button is pressed.
If you want to stop operation, re-press the button.


In case of requesting initial operating mode judgement, the indoor unit running air circulation operation
during 15 second. And then, operating by room temperature condition. (mentioned below Table)

Heat pump Model

Cooling Model
Room Temp. ≥ 24°C 21°C ≤ Room Temp. < 24°C Room Temp. < 21°C
Operating mode Cooling Cooling Healthy Dehumidification Heating
Indoor FAN Speed High High High High
Setting Temperature 22°C 22°C 23°C 24°C

Test operation
During the TEST OPERATION, the unit operates in cooling mode at high speed fan, regardless of room
temperature and resets in 18 minutes.
During test operation, if remote controller signal is received, the unit operates as remote controller sets.
If you want to use this operation, Press and hold the ON/OFF button for 3~5 seconds, then the buzzer sound
1 "beep". If you want to stop the operation, re-press the button.

Owner's Manual 13
Operating Instructions

Sleep Mode
1. Press the SLEEP MODE AUTO BUTTON to set the time when you want the unit to stop automatically.
2. The timer is programmed in one-hour increments by pressing the SLEEP MODE AUTO BUTTON 1 to 7 times.
The sleep mode is available for 1 to 7 times.
To alter the time period in steps of 1 hour, press the SLEEP MODE AUTO BUTTON while aiming at air conditioner.

• The sleep mode will operate indoor fan at slow speed in cooling mode and at low speed in heating mode for
pleasant sleep.
In cooling mode or healthy dehumidification mode:
The setting temperature will rise automatically two times by 1°C over next consecutive 30 minutes (2°C in 1 hour) for a
comfortable sleep. Now this will be the final setting temperature as long as sleep mode is functioning.
In heating mode:
The setting temperature will drop automatically two times by 1°C over next consecutive 60 minutes for a comfortable
sleep. Now this will be the final setting temperature as long as sleep mode is functioning.

Setting the Current Time

1. Time can be set only when you press the RESET BUTTON. Having replacing the batteries,
you should press the RESET BUTTON to reset the time. Press the Start/Stop button.
2. Press 2nd F button and check if icon is on.
3. Press the TIME SETTING BUTTONS until the desired time is set.

Check the indicator for A.M. and P.M.

Timer Setting
1. Make sure to set current time correctly on the display of the remote controller.
2. Press 2nd F button.
3. Press the ON/OFF TIMER BUTTONS to turn timer on or off.

4. Press the TIME SETTING BUTTONS until the desired time is set. CANCEL

5. To set the selected time, press the TIMER SETTING BUTTONS aiming the remote controller at the SET

signal receptor.

To cancel the timer setting

Check if icon is off.
Press the TIMER CANCEL BUTTON aiming the remote controller at the signal receptor. SET

(The timer lamp on the air conditioner and the display will go off.)

Select one of the following four types of operation.

Delay off timer Delay on timer Delay off and on timer Delay on and off timer

14 Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions

Vertical / Horizontal Airflow Direction Control

The up/down airflow (Vertical airflow) can be (Optional)
adjusted by using the remote controller. The left/right(Horizontal airflow) can be adjusted

1. Press the START/STOP BUTTON to start the by using the remote control.
unit. 1. Press the START/STOP BUTTON to start the
3. The louvers will swing left & right
3. The louvers will swing up &
down automatically. 4. To stop the louvers at a desired
angle, press again.

4. To stop the louver at a desired

angle, press again (Optional)
Adjust the horizontal airflow
direction by manually moving the
horizontal airflow direction louver
by hand. At this time, be careful
not to touch the fan with hands.

• By pressing the CHAOS SWING BUTTON the horizontal air flow direction is changed automatically based on the chaos
algorithm to distribute the air in the room evenly and at the same time to make the human body feel most comfortable as if
enjoying natural breeze.
• Always use the remote controller to adjust the up and down air flow direction. Manually moving the vertical air flow
direction louver by hand could damage the mechanism.When the unit is shut off, the up/down airflow direction louver will
close the air outlet vent of the system.

Air Circulation Mode

This operation circulates the air without cooling or heating. It can
be activated by pressing the AIR CIRCULATION BUTTON. Once
the air circulation is activated you can select the air speed by

CHAOS Air economizes power consumption and prevents overcooling. The fan speed is automatically
changed from high to low or vice versa, depending on the ambient temperature.

Auto Restart Function

This function is useful in the situation of power failure. When power regains after a failure this feature restore
the previous operating condition and the air conditioner will run in the same settings.

This feature is enabled by factory default setting, but you can disable it
by pressing the ON/OFF button for 6 seconds. The display will
double-blink 3~4 times. To enable it, press the button again for 6
seconds. The display will blink 3~4 times. button

Owner's Manual 15
Wired Remote Controller (Accessory)

8 2
12 5 • Some products don't receive the
13 wireless signals.

• To check the indoor temperature,
press button.
Please attach the inform label inside of the door.
Please choose proper language depend on your 13 ROOM TEMPERATURE BUTTON

❊ Some functions may not be operated and displayed depending on the product type.
❊ Read Remote Controller's Owner's manual for detail operation method.

16 Air Conditioner
Maintenance and Service

Maintenance and Service

Before performing any maintenance, turn off the main power to the system, disconnect the circuit breaker and

unplug the power cord.

Clean the unit with a soft dry cloth. Do not use bleach or abrasives.

Never use any of these

• Water hotter than 40°C. It may cause deformation and discoloration. Pow
d er
G a s o li n e

• Volatile substances. They may damage the surface of the air conditioner.

Air Filters
The air filters behind the front panel / grill should be checked and
cleaned once in every 2 weeks or more often if necessary. To
remove the filters see the self explanatory diagrams for each
model type. Clean the filters with a vacuum cleaner or warm
soapy water. If dirt is not easily removed, wash with a solution of
detergent in lukewarm water. Dry well in shade after washing and
reinstall the filters back in place.

Allergy Free Filter + Triple Filter

Remove the Allergy Free Filter + Triple Filter behind the air filter
and expose them in direct sunlight for 2 hours.
And then insert these filters into original position.

Removal of Filters
Open the front panel as shown.
Then pull the filter tab slightly forward to remove the air filter.
After removing the air filter remove the Allergy Free and Triple filter by slightly pulling forward.

Allergy filter
Triple filter

Owner's Manual 17
Maintenance and Service

Outdoor Unit
The heat exchanger coils and panel vents of the outdoor unit should be checked regularly.
If clogged with dirt or soot, the heat exchanger and panel vents may be professionally steam cleaned.

Dirty or clogged coils will reduce the operating efficiency of the system and cause higher operating costs.

Operation Tips!
Do not overcool the room. Keep blinds or curtains Keep the room temperature
closed. uniform.
This is not good for the health and Do not let direct sunshine enter Adjust the vertical and horizontal
wastes electricity. the room when the air conditioner airflow direction to ensure a
is in operation. uniform temperature in the room.

Make sure that the Clean the air filter Ventilate the room Use high fan speed
doors and windows regularly. occasionally. for effective and fast
are shut tight. cooling.
Avoid opening doors and Blockages in the air filter Since windows are kept The unit gives its rated
windows as much as reduce the airflow and closed, it is a good idea cooling capacity when the
possible to keep the cool lower cooling and to open them and fan speed is high.
air in the room. dehumidifying effects. ventilate the room now
Clean at least once every and then.
two weeks.

18 Air Conditioner
Maintenance and Service

Troubleshooting Tips! Save time and money!

The air conditioner may be operating abnormally when:

Problem Possible Causes What To Do

■ The air conditioner is • Make sure the air conditioner plug is
unplugged. pushed completely into the outlet.
■ The fuse is blown/circuit • Check the house fuse/circuit breaker box
breaker is tripped. and replace the fuse or reset the breaker.
Air ■ Power failure. • If power failure occurs, turn the mode
conditioner control to OFF.
does not start When power is restored, wait 3 minutes to
restart the air conditioner to prevent
tripping of the compressor overload.
■ High voltage. • If the voltage is unusually very high or low
the circuit breaker will trip.

■ Airflow is restricted. • Make sure there are no curtains, blinds, or

furniture blocking the front of the air

■ The air filter is dirty. • Clean the filter at least every 2 weeks.
See the Maintenance and Service section.
Air ■ The room may have been hot. • When the air conditioner is first turned on,
conditioner you need to allow time for the room to cool
does not cool down.
as it should
■ Cold air is escaping. • Check for open furnace floor registers and
cold air returns.
■ Check the temperature settings. • Make sure they are correct.
■ There might be any heating • Check and remove such source or turn it
source in the room. off while using the air conditioner.

Call the service immediately in the following situations

1. Anything abnormal such as burning smell, loud noise etc. happen. Stop the unit and
turn the breaker off. Never try to repair by yourself or restart the system in such cases.
2. Main power cord is too hot or damaged.
3. Error code is generated by self diagnosis.
4. Water leaks from indoor unit even if the humidity is low.
5. Any switch, breaker (safety, earth) or fuse fails to work properly

User must carry routine checkup & cleaning to avoid unit’s poor performance.
In case of special situation, the job must be carried out by service person only.

Owner's Manual 19
20 Air Conditioner
P/No.: MFL63265201 Printed in Korea
After reading this manual, keep it in a place easily accessible to the user for future reference.

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