Santas Stuck - Dec 10
Santas Stuck - Dec 10
Santas Stuck - Dec 10
General Outcome:
1 – Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feeling
and experiences
1.1 - Experiment with language and forms: experiment with different ways of exploring and
developing stories, ideas and experiences
Students will ….
• Brainstorm ideas of how to get Santa unstuck from a chimney
• Tell students we will be writing how we would get Santa unstuck from a chimney, but
first we will brainstorm ideas together
o I will share an idea or two that I have for getting Santa unstuck
o Invite students to share with a partner their idea, and then one by one invite
students to share their ideas to the entire class
▪ As students share their idea write down the key word(s) on a piece of
paper which they can stick to the giant chimney
• Writing
o On paper with writing prompt students will finish the sentence – “If Santa was
stuck in my chimney, I would …”
▪ Students will have access to the pieces of paper on the chimney to help
with spelling
▪ Remind student to use neatest writing and proper spacing between
words because these will be displayed and we want everyone to be
able to read them
• Craft – creating the chimney and Santa’s legs
o As student finish their writing, they will start on cutting out Santa’s legs and
shoes to create the craft portion of this lesson (thinking majority of this portion
will happen during fix/finish up on Thursday)
• Students will share their writing with the class
Brainstorming ideas as a class will allow me to assess if students understand the writing prompt:
If Santa was stuck in my chimney, I would …
Students loved this activity! Every student had multiple creative ways of how to get Santa
unstuck from the chimney and enjoyed having the chance to share them with the rest of the class.
Would use this writing prompt again as a way of showing students how to brainstorm.
Have the ideas displayed on the chimney for students to access spelling allowed me more time to
assessed students with writing needs instead of having every student asking me how to spell the
word “rocket”.