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Lsm55 Three Phase Electricity Smart Meter: Item Moe Specification Company Specification Page No

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Item MoE specification Company specification Page No.
General specification:
Single and three phase energy smart meters, designed for LSM Series Active-Reactive Electric Electricity Meters can
measuring and registration of active, reactive and apparent measure and record active import energy. Voltage and
energy for direct connection network, and to be remotely current measurement, and energy calculation is carried
controlled from a main data collection center. The out by the microprocessor in the meter. If energy is in
customer can get the consumption information timely by reverse direction, the import meter takes its absolute
(HAN) and IHD (in-Home Display option) in order to make value and assumes it as positive. The import-export meter,
1 a policy decision for efficient use of energy. And the energy however, measures and stores the data of Page 8
suppliers can get the information timely or regularly by import and export energy separately. Additionally,
WAN and MDMS as well, so that they can manage the reactive energy, apparent energy can also be measured
energy supply properly and provide better service. Energy and recorded. Program memory is fully
smart meter is provided with the metering ability, and the protected for fraud attempts and tamper with the
most important advantage is two-way communication program code.

Environmental specifications:
Ambient temperature:
Highest max. (in the shade): (+55 deg.C.(About 6 hours a Operating Temperature Range: -40⁰C + 85⁰C
2 day)) Page 43
Lowest min. (-10 deg.C)
Max Yearly average: (+30 deg.C)
Sun Temperature
Black object under direct sunshine may attain a Operating Temperature Range: -40⁰C + 85⁰C
3 Page 43
temperature of (+85 deg.C)

Air Humidity
Max: (92% at 40 deg.C) Relative Air Humidity: 95%
4 Page 43
Min: (12%)
Yearly average: (44%)
Altitude Till 2000 m from sea level
5 Page 43
from sea level up to (1000m)

Technical Requirement:
Features: The smart energy meters have many features including those related to (AMl) functions as follows:
- Metering import\export, active\reactive, energy in four LSM series capable of measuring;
quadrants and demand. - Active energy in all 4 quadrants as import energy or
6 Page 8
- Measuring instantaneous voltage current active power, import/export energy.
reactive power, apparent power, power factor, Vrms, Irms - Reactive energy in all 4 quadrants as reactive import
frequency, energy or reactive import/export energy

Page 1 of 6
- Support maximum 8 tariffs. TOU of total import\export, - Total import and export active power, total import and
active energy, reactive energy. export reactive power. Calculation period is
- Metering data will be refreshed every second. programmable.
- Metering data is stored in EEPROM, store the maximum - Instantaneous voltage, current, active power, reactive
active demand with time and data stamps. power, apparent power, power factor, frequency for each
- Cumulative demand indication. phase or total three phase.
- Reactive energy of Q1+Q2 and Q3+Q4 quadrants. (3.8.0
and 4.8.0)
Communication interface Communication port
- Optical communication port comply with IEC 62056-21 - Optical port feature enables data transfer and
Module-E protocol and supports local data exchange and programming in compliance with EN 61107
reading. communication protocol
- RS485 port – RS232 port, UART interfaces. - RS485 Communication Port: In case there is only one
- Ethernet port meter connected to the data line, the meter can be
- Optical fiber port small form-factor pluggable (SFP) for readout using the format “/?!CRLF” via RS485 protocol.
connecting meter to DCU via fiber optic cable. - Pluggable Ethernet Module: It is designed as an
- For a detachable modem, the meter provides with the external Ethernet module. It can be easily plugged and
isolated signal interface for data exchange and supplies the detached to meters which have an external module
power source to the modem. support. All connection steps are done automatically.
- The meter can connect to the modem such as PLC, GPRS - PLC Communication: The meter can have an integrated
3G-4G –RF Zigbee or Xbee (the products must be certified PLC module to support PLC communication. Then, it can
Zigbee complained platform as well as Zigbee certified be readout and controlled using a Data Concentrator(DC)
7 product certification), -M-BUS and else. and from LUNA Metrum remotely. Page 20 & 29
- The meter provides AES, SHA-DLMS-HLS-(AES-128- - GPRS Communication Module: The meter can have an
GCM) security. integrated GPRS module to support GPRS
- The protocol employed shall use only open system communication. Then, meter data can be readout and
architecture based on publically available international meter can be controlled from LUNA Metrum remotely
standards and freely available to any third party. over GPRS.
- Meters shall use a protocol that allows it to be - RF Communication: The meter can have an integrated
automatically detected (Plug and play) when connected to RF module to support RF communication. Then, it can be
a communication bus e.g. using IEC 62056, DLMS \COSEM readout and controlled using a Data Concentrator(DC) or
under IDIS certificate, or OSGP (the meter must have a
underground conformance test tool “OCTT” that have GSM Modem and from LUNA Metrum remotely.
been validated and accepted by NMI certain) - DLMS Communication: The meter supports DLMS
-The communication interface could be modified due to the Communication over communication ports.
rapid development in the communication and technology
Firmware upgrade Firmware upgrade
Firmware can be updated locally by optical port as well as LSM meters can optionally support firmware upgrade.
8 remotely upgraded in accordance with the DLMS\COSEM Firmware can be updated locally by optical port or can be Page 29
or OSGP identification system and interface classes. updated by remotely with using PLC, RF, GSM or any other
communication interface.
Service disconnect \reconnect Latching relay
- Switch relay ON\OFF 10000 times with Imax current The electricity of the meter can be
9 Page 22
- The meter can be remotely off & on electricity supply connected/disconnected immediately or at a certain time,
from a central data center. remotely or locally by the latching relay inside the meter
10 Load control Load profile Page 10

Page 2 of 6
- If the overcurrent is higher than the configurable LSM meters store the load profile data in its non-volatile
threshold is detected, the disconnect switch will be memory for the past 90 days with 15 minute period, 180
disconnected immediately. days for 30 minute period and 360 days for 60 minute
period by default. The load profile memory can be
extended by request to support storing of over 20 years
of load profile data.
Anti-tampering Anti-tampering
- The meter is sealed with no hardware interface or - Main Cover and Terminal Cover Openings: The first
component exposed. main cover opening date and time information is stored in
- Various anti-tamper events such as terminal cover \ top the non-volatile memory of the meter.
cover opening, magnetic fields disturbance and neutral - Magnetic Interventions: The last 10 intervals when
Pages 12-13-
11 current and balanced can be detected. magnetic field is applied and the number of magnetic
- When these events happen, alarm will be triggered and interventions are stored in the non-volatile memory of the
corresponding events will be recorded. meter.
- Neutral Measurement: LSM series meters can
optionally support detection and recording of neutral
current events.
Calendar and clock Calendar and clock
- Calendar and clock are related to a time control and - LSM meters support Gregorian, Hijri and Persian
management system. all data related to data and time, calendars. All records and calendar events are stored
including leap years and deviation of the local time to according to the calendar type. Default calendar of the
generalized time reference (Greenwich Mean Time meter is Gregorian.
(GMT)), are controlled by this module. Time deviation - RTC is in compliance with EN62054-21 (former EN
between local time and standard time could vary with 61038) standard. The maximum time deviation is ±0.5
season second daily at 23°C temperature.
- Real time clock has 0.5 S per day accuracy according to - time screen and date screen: is “DD-MM-YY” and for
IEC 62054-21. This clock could be synchronized with HES time is “HH-MM-SS”
(Head End System) by remote communication. - The meter operates with one main battery and optional
- Display format for data information is “DD-MM-YY” and secondary battery. The battery / batteries provide Pages 11-22-
for time is “HH-MM-SS” necessary power supply in case of absence of line power. 35-
- In case of power outage, the calendar power will be (battery life: Operating: 10 years, shelf: 4 years)
powered and by an internal super – capacitor and then by
battery whose minimum standby life is over 15 years
without any user’s operations.
- If the battery is failed or in low level voltage, low battery
icon on LCD screen will flash and this event will be
- Load surveys and event logs will always use standard time
for the data stamp.
- If the time is changed for DST (daylight saving time) start
or end, conducts TOU metering function adjusted time.
Time of use TOU Time of use TOU
- The meter support programmable 2 sets of tariff - Main Tariffs and Tariff Intervals: LSM Series Active-
structure, up to 8 tariffs for maximum demand, kWh and Reactive Electric Electricity Meters are able to split day
13 Pages 9-11
kAVh energy, etc. time, and store measurement data for 4 tariffs and 8
- According to IEC 62056-62, active season, week, day billing periods for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays
table, tables for different selectable. separately.

Page 3 of 6
- Each tariff rate programmable for different periods of the - Advanced Tariff: LSM meters optionally have advanced
day. tariffs structure. 8 different tariff
- User who has sufficient permission can read TOU scheme profiles can be defined for each day in a week and specified
by communication port. holidays.
But only the user who has highest security authorization - communication ports are available to readout the meter.
with password can set the TOU scheme. - Eeprom or Flash Ic is used for data backup and log
If the scheme is incorrected programed, such as time set records.
overlap in same day-ID or tariff exceeds 8, the setting will
be rejected.
- The new programmed TOU scheme will be activated at
the designated time, and the meter will immediately
register metering data by the new tariff
- The meters supports with calendar clock capability &
memory to support TOU & outage recording functions,
demand management functions, logic capability for
advanced application of integrated disconnect, self-
diagnostic features as well as tamper-evident features &
communication interfacing facility with security features.
Billing Billing
- Only users with correct password can set the billing data- - Authorized personnel can write only the parameters to
time. the meter using the meter password.
- Energy and maximum demand - The maximum demand is stored as the maximum
- Consumption and accumulated dept. demand of the previous month, at the end of each billing
- When the designated data-time arrives, monthly billing period. Then, this para- meter is cleared by the meter. This
and daily billing would execute according to present billing process is done automatically at the end of month, if the
14 Pages 9-10
present time. maximum demand is not reset manually within that
- If a monthly billing happens in power failure, the meter month. LSM series meters stores the maximum demand
will execute billing after power restore. and date and time of the maximum demand for the last 24
- More than 12 months of billing data for tracking, billing months.
period is programmable.
- Bidders should also make suggestions on the most
appropriate methods off bill delivery.
Profiles for energy and power quality Load profile
- Up to 8 programmable channels for energy and demand LSM meters store the load profile data in its non-volatile
load profiles storage capacity: 260 days for 1 channel (15 memory for the past 90 days with 15 minute period, 180
15 min period). days for 30 minute period and 360 days for 60 minute Page 10
- Programmable profiles period (typically 5, 10, 30 or 60 period by default. The load profile memory can be
minutes). extended by request to support storing of over 20 years
of load profile data.
Event record Event record
- The meter support more than 20 kinds of event record - Meter Status Recorders: LSM Series Meters have 4
with time stamp. status codes for reading the meter information, errors,
- Power off and power on. disconnected\reconnected warnings and features. Pages 13-17-
remotely locally\locally or over threshold. - Meter logs: Meter keeps logs of various errors and 28
- Multiple utility controlled password protection with events in its non-volatile memory.
access records with both correct and incorrect.
- Communication module change.

Page 4 of 6
- password security levels: LSM meters optionally
support multiple password levels for writing parameters
to the meters. Each password level has different purposes.
17 - Three LEDs for active energy to be available, reactive - Active Power Consumption LED Page 30
energy and alarm signal output. - Reactive Power Consumption LED
LCD - LCD Backlight: The backlight is turned on when menu
- The meter has segment type LCD with configurable button is pressed or optionally on read or write attempt
backlight brightness. on the meter if electricity is available.
- not more than 8 digits display for data display. - The meter displays energy data and other parameters on
18 Pages 22-30
- the content display will be clearly indication on the its 5-integer (optionally 6 integer), 3-decimal digit LCD
nameplate of meter. screen. It also displays symbols for the notifications
described above. Detailed information about LCD can be
found in the LCD Screen Information section.

Technical Specifications
Service Type :- Three Phase four wire (3P4W), Direct Three phase 4 wire meter, CT-VT connected
19 Page 43
20 Terminal Connection :- Bottom Connected Terminal Connection :- Bottom Connected Page 44
Accuracy class : Class 0,5 for kWh, Class 2 for kVarh, Accuracy class :- Class B/C
21 Page 43
Class 1 for kvah Class 2 for reactive measurement
Meter Constant: 10000 imp/kWh (default), 10000 Test output: 10.000 imp/kWh
22 Page 43
imp/kvarh (default)
23 Frequency :- 50 Hz ± 5 % Nominal Frequency Hz: 50 Hz ± %2 Page 43
24 Real-time clock :- ≤ 0.5seconds per day (<5 ppm) RTC: ±0.5 seconds daily Page 11
25 Display :- LCD with backlight Display: LCD with backlight Page 22
26 Operating temperature :- -40⁰C ~ 70⁰C Operating temperature :- -40⁰C ~ 85⁰C Page 43
27 Limited temperature range of storage : -40⁰C ~ 85⁰C Limited temperature ranges of storage: -40⁰C ~ 85⁰C Page 43
28 Relative humidity :- ≤ 95%, non-condensing Relative humidity:- 95% Page 43
29 Ingress protection :- IP54 without suction Protection Class: IP54 OUTDOOR Page 43
30 Insulation protection :- Class II Insulation protection :- Class II Page 43
31 Meter life : ≥ 15 years Meter life: can last more than 15 years. Page 44
32 Data retention :- >20 years Over 20 years of load profile data Page 44
Battery life : 15 years (internal built-in battery) Lithium Battery life: (lithium type)
33 Page 43
type or other advace technology. Operating 10 years \ shelf 5 years
34 Enclosure material :- Poly carbonate + Glass fiber Raw material: Poly carbonate + Glass fiber
35 Dimensions :- ≤ (176 x 272 x 75.5) mm Dimensions: 257.40mm \ 173.80mm \ 92.64mm Page 44
36 Weight : ≤ 1.8 Kg without modem Weight: 1413 gr Page 43
Input Voltage
37 Nominal Voltage (Un) :- AC 3 x 63.5/110V 3 x 63,5/110V Page 43
38 Operating voltage :- 70% ~ 120% Un 70% Un … 120% Un Page 43
Power Consumption in voltage circuit : ≤(2.0 w,10VA per in voltage circuit:≤ 2.0 w,10VA per phase
39 Page 43
input ac current
40 Nominal Current (In): 5 A Nominal current: 5 A Page 43
41 Max. current (Imax) : 10 A IMAX = 10 A Page 43
42 Starting current : 2.5 mA Starting current: 0,002A Page 43

Page 5 of 6
43 Power consumption in current circuit : ≤ 0.5 VA per phase in current circuit : ≤ 0.5 VA per phase Page 43
auxiliary relay contact
44 Current: 25A Relay output 10A/250VAC (optional) page 20
45 Max.Operation: > 10000 More than 10,000 times Page 22

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Revision History

Version Date Comments

00.01 12.06.2019 First Edition

GENERAL FEATURES...................................................................................................8
1.1. Metrology.....................................................................................................................8
1.2. Software Version......................................................................................................... 8
1.3. Tariffs........................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1. Main Tariffs and Tariff Intervals...................................................................................... 8
1.3.2. Advanced Tariff (Optional).............................................................................................. 9
1.3.3. Passive Tariffs (Optional)................................................................................................. 9

1.4. Maximum Demand...................................................................................................... 9

1.5. Load Profile................................................................................................................ 10
1.6. Writing Parameters of the Meter............................................................................. 10
1.7. RTC..............................................................................................................................11
1.8. Battery Operation......................................................................................................11
1.9. Logs and Info..............................................................................................................11
1.9.1. Phase Interruptions, Phase Sequence and Reverse Current Detection........................ 11
1.9.2. Phase Failure Notice...................................................................................................... 12
1.9.3. Phase Active Energy Records.........................................................................................12
1.9.4. Main Cover and Terminal Cover Openings....................................................................12
1.9.5. Advanced Terminal Cover Opening Event (Optional)....................................................12
1.9.6. RTC Failures....................................................................................................................12
1.9.7. Magnetic Interventions................................................................................................. 13
1.9.8. Production Date.............................................................................................................13
1.9.9. Meter Status Recorders.................................................................................................13
1.9.10. Meter Logs................................................................................................................... 17

1.10. Optional Integrated Features..................................................................................18

1.10.1. Import-Export Energy Measurement.......................................................................... 18
1.10.2. RS485 Communication Port.........................................................................................18
1.10.3. DLMS Communication................................................................................................. 20
1.10.4. PLC Communication.....................................................................................................20
1.10.5. RF Communication.......................................................................................................20
1.10.6. GPRS Communication Module.................................................................................... 20
1.10.7. Calendar Support......................................................................................................... 22
1.10.8. kWh Limitation.............................................................................................................22
1.10.9. LCD Baclight................................................................................................................. 22
1.10.10. Latching Relay............................................................................................................ 22
1.10.11. Non-Volatile Memory................................................................................................ 22
1.10.12. Buzzer........................................................................................................................ 23
1.10.13. Over- Under Voltage Record..................................................................................... 23
1.10.14. Over Current Record..................................................................................................23
1.10.15. Auto Disconnect LR on Over/Under Voltage............................................................. 24
1.10.16. Auto Disconnect LR on Over Current (Consumption Limitation).............................. 24
1.10.17. Auto Disconnect on Very High Voltage..................................................................... 25
1.10.18. Meter Write Logs....................................................................................................... 25
1.10.19. Programmable LCD.................................................................................................... 25

1.10.20. Modifiable LCD Fraction............................................................................................ 26
1.10.21. Relay Output.............................................................................................................. 26
1.10.22. Neutral Measurement............................................................................................... 26
1.10.23. Demand Reset Button................................................................................................26
1.10.24. Harmonic Measurement............................................................................................27
1.10.25. Pulse Outputs.............................................................................................................27
1.10.26. External Menu Scroll Button......................................................................................27
1.10.27. Production Date.........................................................................................................27
1.10.28. Instantaneous Active Power and Reactive Power.....................................................27
1.10.29. Prepayment............................................................................................................... 27
1.10.30. Password Security Levels...........................................................................................28
1.10.31. Pluggable Module Support........................................................................................ 28 Pluggable PLC Module.................................................................................... 29 Pluggable RF Module...................................................................................... 29 Pluggable GSM Module.................................................................................. 29 Pluggable Ethernet Module............................................................................29 Pluggable Optical Fiber Port Module..............................................................29
1.10.32. Firmware Upgrade..................................................................................................... 29

OPERATING ELEMENTS............................................................................................30
SECURITY NOTICES...................................................................................................31
LCD SCREEN INFORMATION.................................................................................... 31
MENUS..................................................................................................................... 33
PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OF THE METER.................................................................. 41
CONNECTIONS......................................................................................................... 42
GENERAL MECHANICAL SCHEME............................................................................ 42
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................................43

10001 Str. No:9 Atatürk O.S.B.
35620 Çiğli / İzmir - TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 232 472 15 45 Fax: +90 232 472 15 50


Main Technical Service:

10001 Str. No:9 Atatürk O.S.B.
35620 Çiğli / İzmir - TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 232 472 15 45 Fax: +90 232 472 15 50

The assembly of LSM Series Active-Reactive Single Phase meter should be
in accordance with to the connection schemes in the manual and executed
by authorized personnel. Otherwise, the warranty does not cover any
damage costs to the meter.
The compatibility of the meter to the energy lines and facility where as-
sembly takes place should be verified by authorized personnel. Incorrect
meter choice and connection damages the meter. Such meters are out of
warranty cover.
LUNA Electronic Electricity Active Meters have five (5) year warranty co-
vering any manufacturing defects. In case of intervention by any individual
or organization apart from authorized personnel defined by Central Meter
Calibration Station, the warranty will be void.
Defects due to misuse of determined technical features in user’s manual of
LUNA Electronic Electricity Meters (usage out of range set in the manual)
are not considered under cover of warranty.
LSM Series Active-Reactive Multi Tariff Single Phase Electronic Electricity
Meters are, Hardware and software of, designed by R&D department of
LUNA and manufactured by itself.
LSM Series Active-Reactive Electronic Electricity Meters satisfies the
requirements of 2004/22/AT Measuring Tool Article, EN 50470 standards.
LUNA ELEKTRIK ELEKTRONIK SAN. and TIC. A.S has no liability if the
operating instructions in the manual are not complied.
In the following cases warranty will be void
Warranty is void if seals of LUNA ELEKTRIK ELEKTRONIK SAN. and TIC.
A.S are broken.
Damages to the mechanical and electronical structure of the meter due to
external interference are out of warranty cover.
All physical damage during the mounting of the meter (fractures, cracks) are
out of warranty cover.
All damages caused during mounting by unauthorized personnel is out of
warranty cover.

General Safety Precautions
• The mounting of the meter should be executed by expert personnel
provided with technical information in accordance with connection schemes
and safety regulations in the manual.
• There’s danger of electric shock in live electronic electricity meters
connector covers and near the electricity board where connection is made.
• Energy should be turned off during mounting and demounting of the meter.
• For longer life and smooth usage of the mounted Electronic Electricity
Meter board regulations defined by the electricity distribution company must
be complied. Humidity, direct exposure to sunlight, rain and cold should be
• As electricity measurement are performed using electronic components, to
avoid any damage, no physical impact should be applied to the meter.
• Despite having OUTDOOR feature, LSM40 Active-Reactive Three Phase
Electronic Electricity meters should by no means be exposed to immersion.
Outer surfaces of the meters should be cleaned by solvents.
• All meters are calibrated in accordance with defined articles and regulations.
No other routine maintenance by the client is necessary.
• Meters by no means should be opened by the user and interve- ned for
• Optical port interface on the meters should only be used for data transfer
set by electric distribution company regulations.
• Although humidity and temperature are not a concern during storage, it is
not advised to keep the meters at maximum values of these parameters.

1.1. Metrology
LSM Series Active-Reactive Electric Electricity Meters can measure and
record active import energy. Voltage and current measurement, and energy
calculation is carried out by the microprocessor in the meter. If energy is in
reverse direction, the import meter takes its absolute value and assumes it as
positive. The import-export meter, however, measures and stores the data of
import and export energy separately. Additionally, reactive energy, apparent
energy can also be measured and recorded. Program memory is fully
protected for fraud attempts and tamper with the program code.

LSM series capable of measuring;

- Active energy in all 4 quadrants as import energy or import/export energy.
- Reactive energy in all 4 quadrants as reactive import energy or reactive
import/export energy
- Total import and export active power, total import and export reactive power.
Calculation period is programmable.
- Instantaneous voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power,
power factor, frequency for each phase or total three phase.
- Reactive energy of Q1+Q2 and Q3+Q4 quadrants. (3.8.0 and 4.8.0)

1.2. Software Version

Meter Software version can be readout from e-meter via OBIS code 96.97.

1.3. Tariffs
1.3.1. Main Tariffs and Tariff Intervals
LSM Series Active-Reactive Electric Electricity Meters are able to split day
time, and store measurement data for 4 tariffs and 8 billing periods for
weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays separately. The measured energy is
added to both total tariff (T) and the corresponding tariff (T1, T2, T3 or T4).
The tariff information can be viewed on LCD or read out using the OBIS
codes from 1.8.0 to 1.8.4 (import) and from 2.8.0 to 2.8.4 (export**) in the
format: (000000.000*kWh)
1.8.0 and 2.8.0 gives the total tariff (T) information and 1.8.1,... ,1.8.4 and
2.8.1,..., 2.8.4 gives T1, T2, T3, T4 information of import energy and export
energy respectively.
At the end of each month, T, T1, T2, T3 and T4 data is automatically stored
in the non-volatile memory of the meter as the previous month’s record. Last

24 months’ data is always stored in the non-vo- latile memory automatically.
The previous months’ tariff data can be read using OBIS codes from 1.8.1*1
to 1.8.4*24 (import) and from 2.8.1*1 to 2.8.4*24 (export**). For instance,
1.8.1*1 OBIS code corresponds to the previous month’s Import Tariff 1
record; the last 24 month’s Import T1 parameter can be read with OBIS
codes from 1.8.1*1 to 1.8.1*24.
Tariff intervals are pre-programmed as follows Tariff 1: 06:00 - 17:00
Tariff 2: 17:00 - 22:00
Tariff 3: 22:00 - 06:00
Tariff 4: -
Automatic daylight saving is active by default. It can be disabled using the
OBIS code 96.98(10) and re-enabled with 96.98(00).
In case extra intervals or tariff changes are needed, it can only be performed
by authorized personnel using optical port interface.

1.3.2. Advanced Tariff (Optional)

LSM meters optionally have advanced tariffs structure. 8 different tariff
profiles can be defined for each day in a week and specified holidays.
Likewise, 8 different season profiles can be defined and 4 different weekly
profiles can be defined for seasons. Different tariffs can be assigned for each
day in a week. Unlimited holidays can be defined for the next 10 years.

1.3.3. Passive Tariffs (Optional)

Passive tariffs are used in order to change the used tariffs structure after a
certain date. LSM meter reading software is used to create and write the
passive tariffs structure, in the same format as the active advanced tariffs
structure. In addition to the passive tariffs structure, the activation date needs
to be written for the passive tariffs to be activated when required. Once the
time of activation comes, the passive tariffs are overwritten to the active
tariffs in the memory of the meter, and the passive tariffs data and the
activation date are deleted.

1.4. Maximum Demand

The maximum demand is stored as the maximum demand of the previous
month, at the end of each billing period. Then, this para- meter is cleared by
the meter. This process is done automatically at the end of month, if the
maximum demand is not reset manually within that month. LSM series meters
stores the maximum demand and date and time of the maximum demand for
the last 24 months. The current value of maximum demand and its date and
time can be viewed on LCD or read out using the OBIS codes 1.6.0 (import)

2.6.0 (export). The previous months’ information can be read out with the OBIS
codes from 1.6.0*1 to 1.6.0*24 (import) and from 2.6.0*1 to 2.6.0*24 (export).
The maximum demand information is read in the following format

1.5. Load Profile

LSM meters store the load profile data in its non-volatile memory for the past
90 days with 15 minute period, 180 days for 30 minute period and 360 days for
60 minute period by default. The load profile memory can be extended by
request to support storing of over 20 years of load profile data.
The meter recognizes the following format:
and responds in the following format:

1.6. Writing Parameters of the Meter

Authorized personnel can write only the following parameters to the meter
using the meter password:

 Meter Date
 Meter Time
 Meter Day of the Week
 Tariff Intervals
 Tariff Hours
 Maximum Demand Period
 Load Profile Period
 Automatic Daylight Saving Parameter
 New Password
Other than the parameters above, none of the meter parameters can be
changed in any way.

1.7. RTC
RTC is in compliance with EN62054-21 (former EN 61038) standard. The
maximum time deviation is ±0.5 second daily at 23°C temperature.

1.8. Battery Operation

The meter operates with one main battery and optional secondary battery. The
battery / batteries provide necessary power supply in case of absence of line
power. Battery powered supply allows the meter to be awaken with Menu
Button in the absence of phase energy. While the LCD is on, the meter data
can be viewed on the LCD, or can be read out using optical port.
The battery condition can be read by OBIS code “96.6.1”. The data in the
response from the meter is:
96.6.1(0) : battery is empty,96.6.1(1) : battery level is OK.

1.9. Logs and Info

Eeprom or Flash Ic is used for data backup and log records. The meter keeps
logs of the following information in its non-volatile memory:
1.9.1. Phase Interruptions, Phase Sequence and Reverse Current
The start and end-time of phase interruptions are stored in the non-volatile
memory of the meter. The meter records the date and time of last 10 phase
interruptions. The number of total phase interruptions and the total phase-off
duration can be read by OBIS code “96.7.1” and 96.77.11 respectly, the date
and time information of last 10 phase interruptions can be read by OBIS
codes from “96.77.1*1” to 96.77.1*10”.

Three phase meters check phase sequence continuously. If phase sequence

is not correct then it is shown on LCD. In this state L1L2L3 segments blink
continuously. Event start date and time are recorded to related obis code.
Event finish date and time will be recorded when the phase sequence are
fixed and three phase applied to meter. . Related obis codes can be found on
Obis Code List.

Three phase meters detect if any phase is connected to neutral input of

meter instead of phase input. In this state related phase segment (L1, L2 or
L3) blinks continuously. Authorized personnel needs to change neutral line
cable and blinking line to be able to get the right connection.

Meters are able to sense current direction. If one or more phases have
reverse current then start date and time of this event is recorded to related
obis code. In this state, reverse current is shown on LCD and related line
current segments blink continuously. Event finish date and time will be
recorded when related phase currents are positive. Related obis codes can
be found on Obis Code List.

Please note that all events has different sensing time to be able to prevent
erroneous detection.

1.9.2. Phase Failure Notice

If there is no consumption record on any phase for 30 days, phase failure
message is received. For this failure 98.11 OBIS code is used.

1.9.3. Phase Active Energy Records

Total active energy consumed from ever phase is measured and recorded
separately. This value is shown on the screen for every phase. These values
are hold by OBIS code and can be taken through the optic port. OBIS codes
used for these values:
For active power hold from L1 phase: 21.8.0 For active power hold from L2
phase: 41.8.0
For active power hold from L3 phase: 61.8.0

1.9.4. Main Cover and Terminal Cover Openings

The first main cover opening date and time information is stored in the
non-volatile memory of the meter. It can be read by OBIS code
“96.70”.Terminal cover opening date and time of current and past 24 months
are recorded in the non-volatile memory. The current information can be
read by OBIS code “96.71” and the past information can be read by OBIS
codes from “96.71*1” to “96.71*24”. Main cover and terminal cover detection
is also possible when the power is not applied to meter.

1.9.5. Advanced Terminal Cover Opening Event (Optional)

The last 30 terminal cover opening events in the last month are recorded
along with the date and time of occurence. The current record can be read
by 96.91 OBIS code, while the previous month’s records are read using
96.91*1,. ,96.91*12 OBIS codes.

1.9.6. RTC Failures

When RTC failure occurred, a clock icon is displayed on the LCD. In this
failure condition, the meter only records to T1 tariff. The icon disappears and
the fault is cleared when date and time information is written to the meter.
The meter can optionally display a constant message on its screen in this
case unless the menu button is pressed and auto scrolling is off.

1.9.7. Magnetic Interventions

The last 10 intervals when magnetic field is applied and the number of
magnetic interventions are stored in the non-volatile memory of the meter.
The number of magnetic interventions can be read by OBIS code “96.80”
and the date and time information of last magnetic in- terventions can be
read by OBIS codes from “96.80*1” to 96.80*10”.

1.9.8. Production Date

The production date is stored in the memory and can be read with OBIS
code “96.1.3”.

1.9.9. Meter Status Recorders

LSM Series Meters have 4 status codes for reading the meter information,
errors, warnings and features. The statuses have the following OBIS codes:
F.F.0: Critical Meter Errors F.F.1: Warnings
F.F.2: Meter Information F.F.3: Meter Features
Each status has a structure in the form of FFFFFFFFh. One F corresponds
to 4 bits in binary and each bit is either 1 or 0. The meaning of each bit which
is set is described below:
From right to Left (LSB to MSB):
F F F F F F F F → 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
1: meter time was/is invalid
1: rtc module error occured
1: meter is uncalibrated
1: reserved

1: soft reset occured

1: hard reset occured
1: reserved
1: meter supply is out of range

1: error in metrology current measurement section

1: error in metrology voltage measurement section

1: communication error with metrology IC
1: fatal metrology error occured

1: checksum error occured within consumption data

1: checksum error occured within 1st backup of consumption data
1: flash memory write error occured
1: other fatal errors occured

1: external memory error occured

1: reserved
1: PLC module error occured
1: RF module error occured

1: RS485 port error occured

1: meter is locked to any intervention
1: reserved
1: reserved

1: extremely high demand value recorded

1: extremely high energy consumption recorded
1: reserved
1: reserved

1: general system error occured

1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: over voltage is applied on at least one of the phases of the meter currently
1: under voltage is applied on at least one of the phases of the meter currently
1: over current is drawn by the consumer currently
1: the current on at least one of the phases is reversed

1: phase sequence is correct

1: phase R is on
1: phase S is on
1: phase T is on

1: phase RST off event started

1: phase R off event started
1: phase S off event started
1: phase T off event started

1: active energy limit reached
1: reactive energy limit reached
1: at least one of the phase currents in the poly-phase meter is unbalanced with respect to the
average current of all phases
1: at least one of the phase voltages in the poly-phase meter is unbalanced with respect to the
average voltage of all phases

1: 00 = battery 1 empty, 01 = battery 1 level low, 11 = battery 1 level good

1: 00 = battery 1 empty, 01 = battery 1 level low, 11 = battery 1 level good

1: maximum demand limit exceeded

1: reactive energy consumption limit exceeded
1: considerable amount of neutral current is drawn
1: reserved

1: tariff settings are written to the meter

1: date/time is written to the meter
1: other parameter is written to the meter
1: reserved

1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: parameter(s) written to the meter locally
1: parameter(s) written to the meter remotely
1: meter time synchronized locally
1: meter time synchronized remotely

1: Main cover of the meter is currently open

1: Main cover of the meter has been opened
1: Terminal cover of the meter is currently open
1: Terminal cover of the meter has been opened

1: Strong magnetic field is currently being applied

1: Strong magnetic field has been applied
1: reserved
1: reserved

1: Latching relay is connected
1: Latching relay status has been changed
1: Latching relay error occurred
1: reserved

1: PLC module is connected to the PLC network

1: RF module is connected to the RF network
1: reserved
1: reserved

1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved

1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved

1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: RS485 communication is supported
1: RF communication is supported
1: PLC communication is supported
1: Plug&Play communication module is supported

1: Latching Relay is supported

1: EEPROM is supported
1: SPI flash is supported
1: Software upgrade is not supported

1: Export energy measurement feature is enabled

1: Reactive energy measurement is supported
1: Load Profile recording is supported
1: reserved

1: LCD backlight is supported

1: Advanced phase interruptions feature is supported.

1: Holiday tariff feature is supported
1: LCD sub-menu is supported

1: Advanced log feature is supported

1: DLMS communication is supported
1: If 1, 10000 impulse mode; if 0, 1000 impulse mode
1: reserved

1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved

1: Over and under voltage detection are supported

1: Over current detection is supported
1: Magnetic tamper detection is supported
1: Daylight saving time feature is enabled

1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved
1: reserved

The statuses can also be easily read with the LSM meter reading software
using the Status tab. After reading the statuses, the bits which are set appear
in bold on the left with their meanings. Note that, some of the status bits
may not be available in all meter models.
Optionally, the meter status registers can also be displayed on the LCD.

1.9.10. Meter Logs

Meter keeps logs of various errors and events in its non-volatile memory.
These logs can be read using 96.75*1(00),..., 96.75*150(00) OBIS codes.
The log data is in (YY-MM-DD,hh:mm:ss |<error code>) format.
The complete logs can be read by asking the meter 96.75*X(00) OBIS code
starting with X as 1, and incrementing X until an empty log data (--------,--: |--)
is received or X reaches 150. The basic error codes
are as follows:
01: Current energy consumption values inconsistent
02: Extreme energy consumption value measured
06: Meter is initialized
07: Hard reset occured
08: Soft reset occured
12: EEPROM write error
16: Meter is programmed
19: RF module malfunctioned
20: PLC module malfunctioned
24: Battery 1 level dropped to critical level
25: Battery 2 level droped to critical level
33: Error reading time backup
35: Load profile structure error
38: RTC module malfunctioned
40: Flash memory write error
50: Meter firmware upgraded
51: SPI Flash write error
52: Total energy consumption value increased too much in a short time.

1.10. Optional Integrated Features

1.10.1. Import-Export Energy Measurement
LSM series meters can optionally measure energy bidirectionally. The
measured export energy is recorded apart from the import tariffs and added
to the total export active tariff -T and the corresponding export tariff from -T1,
-T2, -T3, -T4. The export reactive consumptions are also recorded
separately from the import reactive consumptions and added to the -Ri, -Rc
export reactive tariffs. The export energy in- formation can be viewed on the
LCD following the related OBIS codes (2.8.0, ..., 2.8.4, 7.8.0, 6.8.0). Export
-T, -T1, -T2, -T3, -T4, -Ri (inductive), -Rc (capacitive) consumptions have
OBIS codes of 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.8.2, 2.8.3, 2.8.4, 7.8.0, 6.8.0 respectively. The
export measurement values are displayed with a negative (-) sign to the left
(-T, -T1, -T2,-T3, -T4, -Ri, -Rc).
Export measurement feature can be turned on by writing 1 or turned off by
writing 0 to 96.74.18 OBIS code. After export feature is disabled or enabled,
the past load profile data is erased. If export feature is enabled, import and
export consumptions are recorded; however, if export feature is disabled,
only the import consumption is recorded, which significantly increases the
maximum number of records the load profile can hold compared to

1.10.2. RS485 Communication Port

In case there is only one meter connected to the data line, the meter can be
readout using the format “/?!CRLF” via RS485 protocol. On the other hand, if
multiple meters are connected to the same data line, the meters can be read

individually using the format “/?XXXXXXXX!CR- LF” where XXXXXXXX is
the serial number of the meter to be readout.

1.10.3. DLMS Communication
The meter supports DLMS Communication over communication ports.

1.10.4. PLC Communication

The meter can have an integrated PLC module to support PLC com-
munication. Then, it can be readout and controlled using a Data Con-
centrator(DC) and from LUNA Metrum remotely.
The PLC module uses CENELEC A band and DCSK modulation for power
line communication. It supports communication speed of up to 2.5kbps.
No setup or connection is required for PLC communication on the meter

1.10.5. RF Communication
The meter can have an integrated RF module to support RF communication.
Then, it can be readout and controlled using a Data Concentrator(DC) or a
GSM Modem and from LUNA Metrum remotely.
The RF module uses 868MHz ISM band and a custom protocol by LUNA
meters for communication. It supports communication speed of up to
No setup or connection is required for RF communication on the meter side.

1.10.6. GPRS Communication Module

The meter can have an integrated GPRS module to support GPRS
communication. Then, meter data can be readout and meter can be
controlled from LUNA Metrum remotely over GPRS.
Hardware specifications:
•Quad-Band GSM/GPRS /EDGE GSM850/ GSM900/ DCD1800/
•GPRS-EDGE connection: Multi-slot class 12, Mobile station class B
Dynamic IP and Static IP compatible
•4MB (upgradable upon request) non-volatile memory Local USB port
•GSM Module control with external microprocessor
•Automatic GSM Module control and reset (Soft-reset and Hard-reset)

•1 Relay output 10A/250VAC (optional)
•External GSM antenna
•Opportunity to use internal and external box aerial. High receiver power
•By local meter reading feature; opportunity of Modem and meter connection
control on site (optional)
•Reading other meters through RS485 (optional) Software specifications:
•Compatible with various AMR software. JSON , XML communication
protocol support
•Full control and software update remotely or from USB port, locally
•Opportunity to authorize modem for task of reading 120 meters
•Interior task handler, Recording 50 OBIS packet on modem.
•Defining remotely and locally connection parameters
•Data compaction and enciphering feature (optional)
•lntegrated RTC module
•Finding position automatically through surrounding base stations (patented}
•Receiving time clock automatically from connected base station (patented}
•lnstant, periodic, repetitive scheduled task running feature Remotely exit
•Log records
•Notices tor instant meter and modem alarm
USB output for local connection and RS485 connection tor reading
various meters beside available meter, is presented as optional and
attached if requested.
SIM Card input of GSM/GPRS module integrated on LSM40 meter and
external RS485 connection are located under meters’ terminal cover and
preserved by seal to avoid unauthorized interference.
external aerial, mili run aut and RS485 connection are located under
meters’ terminal cover and preserved by seal to avoid unauthorized


1.10.7. Calendar Support
LSM meters support Gregorian, Hijri and Persian calendars. All records and
calendar events are stored according to the calendar type. Default calendar
of the meter is Gregorian.

1.10.8. kWh Limitation

If the meter includes this feature, it is activated by default. It can be disabled
by writing 0 or re-activated by writing 1 to 96.74.22 OBIS code. When the
subscriber reaches the monthly consumption limit defined in 96.73.30 OBIS
code, the subscriber’s electricity will be disconnected if the feature is enabled.
If the Consumption Limitation Repeat (96.74.24) feature is enabled (value 1),
the electricity can be reconnected for Allowed Button Connect Count
(96.73.33) times by pushing the menu button of the meter. The limit is reset
at the end of each month.

1.10.9. LCD Baclight

The backlight is turned on when menu button is pressed or optionally on read
or write attempt on the meter if electricity is available.

1.10.10. Latching Relay

The electricity of the meter can be connected/disconnected immediately or
at a certain time, remotely or locally by the latching relay inside the meter.
The latching relay state can be changed by the below OBIS code and data
through optical port/RS485/smart communication mo- dule.

Opareting Date Operator

Optional ID Optional
where X = 0 for connect or X = 1 for disconnect operation. Entering an
operator ID is optional. Additionally, if the latching relay is to be connected
immediately, there is no need to enter an action time while writing the OBIS;
while, a date-time of operation can be written as in the above format if
needed, the number of operations for relay is more than 10,000 times.

1.10.11. Non-Volatile Memory

For higher memory requirements the meter may have addtional non-volatile
memory IC.

1.10.12. Buzzer
It is used for audible alarm functions of the meter. For example if meter
terminal cover is removed, meter can produce alarm tone for a defined
period of time if this feature is turned on.

1.10.13. Over- Under Voltage Record

LSM series meters can optionally support detection and recording of over
voltage and under voltage events. When instant voltage exceeds the defined
over voltage parameter (96.73.20) value or falls below the defined under
voltage parameter (96.73.21) value, over voltage or under voltage event
records the beginning time of the respective event. When the over or under
voltage condition ends, the end time of the respective event is recorded and
the counter and total duration of that event are updated. The start-end time
of over voltage and under voltage events can be read using the OBIS codes
of 96.77.30*1,...,12 and 96.77.40*1,...,12 respectively. The total number and
duration of over voltage events can be read with OBIS codes of 96.77.30 and
96.77.31, whereas those of under voltage events can be read using the
OBIS codes of 96.77.40 and 76.77.41 respectively.
All of the Over Voltage and Under Voltage parameters can be changed
through Features tab of the meter reading software. The parameters related
to over and under voltage events that can be changed are as follows:
val_ov(96.73.20): The value of voltage over which over-voltage is detected
val_uv(96.73.21): The value of voltage below which under-voltage is
ouv_record_delay(96.73.24): the minimum duration of an over/under
voltage event to start or end recording.

1.10.14. Over Current Record

LSM series meters can optionally support detection and recording of over
current events. When instant current exceeds the defined over current
parameter (96.73.22) value, over current event records the beginning time of
the event. When the over current condition ends, the end time of the event is
recorded and the counter and total duration of the event are updated. The
start-end time of over current events can be read using the OBIS codes of
96.77.50*1,...,12. The total number and duration of over current events can
be read with OBIS codes of
96.77.50 and 96.77.51 respectively.
All of the Over Current parameters can be changed through Features tab
of the meter reading software. The parameters related to over current
events that can be changed are as follows:

val_oi(96.73.22): The value of current over which over current is detected
oi_record_delay(96.73.24): the minimum duration of an over current event to
start or end recording.

1.10.15. Auto Disconnect LR on Over/Under Voltage

LSM Series meters can optionally support disconnecting the latching relay of
the meter in case over/under voltage occurs. If this feature is supported in
the meter, feat_lr_auto_ouv_err(96.74.20) OBIS code can be read or written
to. The descriptions of the related OBIS codes for this feature are as below:
feat_lr_auto_ouv_err(96.74.20): if 0, auto disconnecting on over/ under
voltage is disabled; if 1, auto disconnects on over/under vol- tage and
connects back at nominal voltage for counter_lr_auto_ ouv(96.73.23) times
and then doesn’t reconnect after the next disconnection on over/under
voltage; if 2, auto disconnects on over/under voltage and connects back at
nominal voltage without limit; if 3, auto disconnects on over/under voltage
and connects back at nominal voltage for counter_lr_auto_ouv (96.73.23)
times and then doesn’t disconnect after that.
counter_lr_auto_ouv(96.73.23): the number of times the meter is
disconnected or connected if feat_lr_auto_ouv_err (96.74.20) is 1 or 3
dur_lr_auto_ouv_err(96.73.26): the event duration after which the
latching-relay of the meter will be disconnected if feat_lr_auto_ouv_
err(96.74.20) is not 0 or limit is not reached in limiting modes (1 and 3)
feat_lr_reset_limit_endofmonth(96.74.21): If this feature is enabled (value
1), the number of times the meter was disconnected/connected is reset and
the blocking of lr is removed at the end of every month. Additionally, if a
manual disconnection (by optical port or remotely) is issued, the over/under
voltage event cannot reconnect the lr until the end of the month if this feature
is enabled.

1.10.16. Auto Disconnect LR on Over Current (Consumption

LSM Series meters can optionally support disconnecting the latching relay of
the meter in case over current occurs. If this feature is supported in the meter,
feat_lr_auto_oi_err(96.74.21) OBIS code can be read or written to. The
descriptions of the related OBIS codes for this feature are as below:
feat_lr_auto_oi_err(96.74.21): if 0, auto disconnecting on over current is
disabled; if 1, auto disconnects on over current and con- nects back after
dur_lr_off(96.73.29) seconds for counter_lr_auto_ oi(96.73.37) times and
then doesn’t reconnect after the next discon- nection on over current; if 2,
auto disconnects on over current and connects back after
dur_lr_off(96.73.29) seconds without limit; if 3, auto disconnects on over
current and connects back after dur_lr_ off(96.73.29) seconds for
counter_lr_auto_oi(96.73.37) times and then doesn’t disconnect after that.

counter_lr_auto_oi(96.73.37): the number of times the meter is
disconnected or connected if feat_lr_auto_oi_err(96.74.21) is 1 or 3
dur_lr_auto_oi_err(96.73.27): the event duration after which the
latching-relay of the meter will be disconnected if feat_lr_auto_oi_
err(96.74.21) is not 0 or limit is not reached in limiting modes (1 and 3)
feat_lr_reset_limit_endofmonth(96.74.21): If this feature is enabled (value
1), the number of times the meter was disconnected/connected is reset and
the blocking of lr is removed at the end of every month. Additionally, if a
manual connection (by optical port or remotely) is issued, the over current
event doesn’t disconnect the lr until the end of the month; if a manual
disconnection is issued, the lr stays disconnected forever until the next
manual connection command if this feature is enabled.

1.10.17. Auto Disconnect on Very High Voltage

If this feature is supported in the meter, 96.74.26 OBIS code can be read or
written to. If this feature is supported and enabled in the meter (value 1),
when more than 320V is applied to the monophase meter for 3 seconds, the
meter disconnects its latching relay to protect the consumer’s devices. It
reconnects its latching relay if less than 320V is applied to the monophase
meter for 3 seconds.
This feature works independently from Over/Under Voltage Record feature.
Moreover, this feature overrides Auto Disconnect LR on Over/ Under Voltage
(96.74.20) feature. In other words, if both features (96.74.26 and 96.74.20)
are enabled, 96.74.26 feature will be used; whereas, if 96.74.26 is disabled
(value 0) and 96.74.20 is enabled (value 1), 96.74.20 feature will be used.

1.10.18. Meter Write Logs

LSM series meters can keep logs of the writings to the meter, along with their
date-time, password level, operator id and OBIS code including its data. The
writing log is read in (YY-MM-DD,
hh:mm|A1|000000|<OBIS code with data>) format, where A is the password
level (0,1,2).
The complete writing logs can be read by asking the meter 96.92*X(00)
OBIS code starting with X as 1, and incrementing X until an empty writing log
data (00-00-00,00:00|00|000000) is received.

1.10.19. Programmable LCD

LSM series meters have an optional feature that allows configuration of lcd
pages as desired. The customer can select which OBIS code values to
display on LCD in which order. The Programmable LCD tab in LSM GUI
software is used to define the lcd pages by entering their OBIS codes in
desired order, seperately for main menu and sub menu.

Contact the manufacturer to request non-standard OBIS codes to be
displayable on LCD.

1.10.20. Modifiable LCD Fraction

The number of integers and decimals displayed on LCD for consumption
data can optionally be modified using the OBIS code 96.90.7(XY), where X
is number of integers and Y is number of decimals to display.

1.10.21. Relay Output

A relay output is available if requested. It can be opened or closed by
96.74.1 obis code. Relay has two output connector on meter cover. These
are NO or NC and COMMON relay pins. If relay is switched on then output
connectors will be in closed or open state. The relay has two output
connectors on meter cover as NO and COMMON relay pins. The relay can
be switched on or off by writing 1 or 0 to 96.74.1 OBIS code, respectively.

1.10.22. Neutral Measurement

LSM series meters can optionally support detection and recording of neutral
current events. When the magnitude of the neutral current is measured at
least 0.5A greater than the magnitude of the vectorial sum of phase, neutral
current event records its beginning time and the neutral current miss-match
icon ‘n’ is blinked on the LCD of the meter during the event. When the neutral
current event ends, its end time is recorded and its counter is incremented.
The start-end time of neutral current events can be read using the OBIS
codes of 96.77.9*1,...,10. The total number of neutral current events can be
read with OBIS code of 96.77.60.

1.10.23. Demand Reset Button

Manually performs month-end operations, resets demand. With this button,
the past month information about invoice periods can be given. Example
1.8.1 * 1 The OBIS value indicates the T1 consumption rate for the previous
invoice period.
If any manual reset is not performed inside a month then automatic demand
reset occurs at the end of the month. Tx tariff values are recorded as
previous month parameters, actual demand value, date and time also
recorded as previous month demand parameters, then actual demand value,
date and time is set to zero for new month record.
In addition, month end operations can be performed with optical port or
remote communication. The user who has security authorization with
password can perform execution of month end operations via optical port
interface or remote communication interface.

1.10.24. Harmonic Measurement
LSM series meters can optionally measure the total harmonic distortion
(THD) for voltage and current. The voltage THD values for R, S, T phases
have OBIS codes of 32.7.1, 52.7.1, 72.7.1; the current THD values for R, S,
T phases have OBIS codes of 31.7.1, 51.7.1, 71.7.1 respectively. They can
be read by their corresponding OBIS codes and can optionally be displayed
on the LCD of the meter.

1.10.25. Pulse Outputs

Pulse outputs are Opto-isolated. The output is connected to fully isolated two
terminals of the meter. + is connected to A terminal and - is connected to the
B terminal.
Monophase meters have 1 active pulse output, three-phase meters have 1
active and 1 reactive pulse output by default.
Pulse Output is configured as 500p/kWh (2Wh/Pulse) by default. It can be
factory programmed to a different value by request of the customer.

1.10.26. External Menu Scroll Button

The meter has the internal menu button and an external menu button output.
External menu output is used for remote menu switching if the meter is
mounted in a place difficult to reach.

1.10.27. Production Date

The production date of the meter can be read with OBIS code of 96.1.3. The
year of production can optionally be displayed on the LCD with the same
OBIS code.

1.10.28. Instantaneous Active Power and Reactive Power

Absolute instantaneous active and reactive power can optionally be
displayed on the LCD sub menu. For three phase meters, absolute
instantaneous active power for phases R, S and T are displayed with OBIS
codes of 35.7.0, 55.7.0 and 75.7.0 respectively. If the three pha- se meter
has reactive measurement support, absolute instantaneous reactive power
for phases R, S and T are also displayed with OBIS codes of 37.7.0, 57.7.0
and 77.7.0 respectively.

1.10.29. Prepayment
LSM meters support prepayment feature which requires the subscriber to
load credit into the meter in order to use electricity. If the meter doesn’t have
any credit loaded in it or if the credit in it is used up, the internal relay of the

meter will power off the electricity of customer. The relay will be activated
again if credit is loaded again to the meter.
Prepayment feature in meters can be activated or deactivated by encrypted
writing to the meter. If prepayment feature is disabled, the relay of the meter
turns on electricity of subscriber. If the prepayment feature of the meter is
enabled, the meter must be loaded not to power off electricity.
The credit is loaded or called back with AES encryption using PC software or
remotely from HES in either kWh or currency format. The credit is loaded
together with the current unit price value. The meters with prepayment
feature allow calling back the whole or partial amount of credit within the
The total amount of credit in the meter can be read in kWh or currency format
with OBIS code of U.1.10 or U.1.13 respectively. The current unit price
written in the meter is read with OBIS code of U.1.40. The current credit and
unit price are displayed on the LCD of the meter.
There are daily credit loading and loading attempt limits in the meter. After
too many loading attempts or too many credit loading processes, the meter
blocks loading of credit until the next day.
The logs of the credits loaded into the meter or called back can be read with
U.1.75*1,...,10 OBIS code.
LSM meters can optionally support multiple credits. Multiple credit fe- ature is
mainly used when different unit price and credit amount are required for
different source of electricity (i.e. generator).

1.10.30. Password Security Levels

LSM meters optionally support multiple password levels for writing
parameters to the meters. Each password level has different purposes as
Level 1: Used for writing general basic parameters such as load profile
interval, demand period etc.
Level 0A: Used for subscriber relevant parameters such as relay con-
nect/disconnect, credit loading.
Level 0B: Used for removing meter lock states.
Level 0C: Used for writing date-time and related parameters.
Level 2: Master password. It has permission for writing every parameter
except credit loading and other credit related writing.

1.10.31. Pluggable Module Support

LSM20, LSM45 and LSM55 type of meters has plug and play module slot.
This feature gives an option to user for using alternative communication
module with same meter. RF, PLC, Ethernet, GSM or other communication
modules can be used and can be changed without replacing the meter.
Module can be plugged and detached easily. In addition, module is designed
to mount under the terminal cover so that it can be sealed by authorized
personnel. Modules can be changed without cutting off the power of meter.
Initilization and completion of registration is automatically done when the
module is mounted to meter and power is applied. Then, data concentrator
or head-end system can directly communicate with meter.
Communication modules have internal watchdog control mechanism to be
able to prevent hanging situations. External PLC, RF, GSM, Ethernet
modules may have additional RS485 communication port if requested. Pluggable PLC Module

It is designed as an external PLC module. It can be easily plugged and
detached to meters which have an external module support. It has the
same communication properties with internal PLC module. Section 1.10.4
can be taken as a reference. Pluggable RF Module

It is designed as an external RF module. It can be easily plugged and
detached to meters which have an external module support. It has the
same communication properties with internal RF module. Section 1.10.5
can be taken as a reference. Pluggable GSM Module

It is designed as an external GSM module. It can be easily plugged and
detached to meters which have an external module support. It has the
same communication properties with internal GSM module. Section 1.10.6
can be taken as a reference. Pluggable Ethernet Module

It is designed as an external Ethernet module. It can be easily plugged and
detached to meters which have an external module support. All connection
steps are done automatically. Pluggable Optical Fiber Port Module

It is designed as an external Optical Fiber Port module. It can be easily
plugged and detached to meters which have an external module support.
All connection steps are done automatically

1.10.32. Firmware Upgrade

LSM meters can optionally support firmware upgrade. Firmware can be
updated locally by optical port or can be updated by remotely with using PLC,
RF, GSM or any other communication interface.

2.1. LCD
The meter displays energy data and other parameters on its 5-integer
(optionally 6 integer), 3-decimal digit LCD screen. It also displays symbols for
the notifications described above. Detailed information about LCD can be
found in the LCD Screen Information section.

2.2. Menu Button

The LCD menus can be browsed by pressing the menu button.

2.3. Active Power Consumption LED

Active led pulse output can be used for active power accuracy control. Each
light pulse indicates 1 Wh active power consumption if meter is designated as
1000imp/kWh. Each light pulse indicates 0.1Wh active power consumption if
meter is designated as 10.000imp/kWh.

2.4. Reactive Power Consumption LED (On Active-Reactive

Reactive led pulse output can be used for reactive power accuracy control.
Each light pulse indicates 1 VArh reactive power consumption if meter is
designated as 1000imp/kVArh. Each light pulse indicates 0.1VArh reactive
power consumption if meter is designated as 10.000imp/kVArh.
Total Reactive power can be indicated with one LED output or reactive
inductive and reactive capacitive power can be indicated with two leds

2.5. Optical Port

Optical port feature enables data transfer and programming in compliance with
EN 61107 communication protocol.
A receiver and a transmitter diode is used for optical communication.
Communication interface provides all index info, index and demand data from
past months, and enables officials to make authorized changes.

Optical port uses totally independent port for communication. Other port
communication doesn’t affect optical port interface and communication can be
realized at the same time without having any disruption or delay.

2.6. Sealing Spots

Embedded spots are found on the meter case to prevent intervention to the

The meters should be mounted/dismounted by authorized personnel. The
energy should be cut off while mounting/dismounting the meters.
After the mounting the meters, in case of intervention by any individual or
organization apart from authorized personnel, the non-volatile memory will
record this intervention.


Generally, LCD of the three phase meters indicates 6 integers and 3 decimals
and LCD of the monophase meters indicates 5 integers and 3 decimals.
Integer and decimal values can optionally be modified with designated obis
code (Detailed in clause 1.10.20). In addition, monophase meters may have 6
integers and 3 decimals on LCD if requested.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

5.1. Main Menu
When the device is connected to energy, the list indicating Total Import Active
Energy menu will appear in terms of kWh on the LCD screen. At 5 second
intervals T1, T2, T3, T4, Reactive Inductive, Reactive Capacitive, Demand,
Total Export, Export T1, Export T2, Export T3, Export T4, Export Reactive
Inductive, Export Reactive Capacitive, Export Demand, Date, Time and Serial
Number menus will appear on the screen respectively and scroll automatically.


The menu that shows the total amount of
energy consumed in the other defined tarif

The menu is as records of the energy used
at the specified time interval.

The menu is as records of the energy used
at the specified time interval.

The menu is as records of the energy used
at the specified time interval.

Menu reserved for weekend and season
tariff that the distribution company will
prepare and take into action.

Indicates the consumed reactive- inductive

Indicates the consumed
reactive-capacitive energy.

The screen, that shows total active power
hold from L1 phase.


The screen, that shows total active power
hold from L2 phase.


The screen, that shows total active power
hold from L3 phase.


The menu that shows total export energy
amounts, recorded from other defined tarif

The menu is as records of the export
energy used at the specified time interval.

The menu is as records of the export
energy used at the specified time interval.

The menu is as records of the export
energy used at the specified time interval

Menu reserved for weekend and season
tariff that the distribution company will
prepare and take into action.


Indicates the consumed export
reactiveinductive energy

Indicates the consumed reactive-
capacitive energy.

Indicates maximum positive active energy
demand value for determined time interval.

Indicates the date of the meter

Indicates the time of the meter

Indicates the serial number of the

Indicates the total amount of credit in
the meter (as kWh)


Indicates the current credit unit price

Critical Meter Errors


Meter Information

Meter Features


5.2. Notification
The visual on this notice on the screen indicates that terminal
cover previously opened. In case of unauthorized execution of this
process, warranty will be invalid and penalty fees may be incurred.


It indicates that main cover is opened. In case of unauthorized
execution of this process, warranty will be void and penalty fees
may be incurred.


battery level
This notice appears on the screen when the
is lower than a certain voltage level.
When you see this sign, please inform
authorized personnel and/or organization.


This sign means Real-time clock is disrupted for any reason. In
this case, the meters write the values at the “Tarif T1”.


This sign means there is a magnetic intervention to the meter.

If the meter is able to communicate the icon is displayed
on the screen.



Energy connected,
Energy disconnected
the status of latching relay is shown as above.

For prepaid meters, this symbol is shown on the display if
credit is loaded.


This sign indicates that the meter is recording the import
energy at the moment.


This sign indicates that the meter is recording the export
energy at the moment.


This sign indicates that the meter is recording the reactive
inductive energy at the moment.


This sign indicates that the meter is recording the reactive
capacitive energy at the moment.

Appears and remains on the lcd
persistently after a real-time-clock
error occurs.


If there is no consumption record on any
phase for 30 days, it appears on the
screen. Shown on the screen continuously.


Shown on the screen If there is
magnetic intervention on meter.
Stays on the screen continuously .

NOTE: LCD screen display can be changed upon request.

5.3. Sub Menu

To display ”Sub Menu” on the screen, press and hold the menu button of the
meter for 4 seconds. In the sub-menu; Voltage, Current, Power Factor,
Frequency information and previous month information of T, T1,T2, T3, T4,
Reactive inductive, Reactive Capacitive, Demand will appear onthe screen
respectively and scroll automatically. To quit ”Sub Menu”, press and hold the
menu button of the meter for 4 seconds.

Instant voltage screen

Instant current screen

Total consumed active energy in

previous month menu (T blinks)

Instant power factor screen

Total consumed energy T1 tarif in

previous month menu (T1blinks)

Instant frequency screen

Total consumed energyT2 tarif in

previous month menu (T2 blinks)

Total consumed energy T3 tarif in

previous month menu (T3 blinks)

Total consumed energy T4 tarif in

previous month menu (T4 blinks)

Total consumed energy

Reactive-Inductive in previous month

Total consumed energy

Reactive-Capacitive in previous month

Total demand in previous month


(P blinks)

Maximum demand date in previous

month menu (P blinks)

Maximum demand time in previous

month menu (P blinks)

Demand reset count

Demand reset date

Demand reset time

On the meters that have bidirectional communication (import-export) feature,

previous month energy data of expert energy is screened respectively on





Service Type Three Phase four wire Three Phase four wire

Nominal Voltage AC 3 x 240/416V 3 x 63,5/110V


Operating 70% Un … 120% Un 70% Un … 120% Un


Nominal Current (max) AC 5(100)A 5(10)A

Starting Current mA 20mA 0,002A

Test Output 1000 imp/kWh(default)Configurable 10.000 imp/kWh

meter constant property can be added.

in voltage circuit :- (per phase) ≤ 1.8W in voltage circuit:≤ 2.0 w,10VA per phase
Power Consumption
in current circuit : ≤ 0.5 VA in current circuit : ≤ 0.5 VA per phase

Nominal 50 Hz ± %2 50 Hz ± %2
Frequency Hz

Method of Directly connected to primary CT / VT - connected


Accuracy Class Class B/C Class B/C

Class 2 for reactive measurement Class 2 for reactive measurement
LCD Screen 6 integers, 3 decimals 6 integers, 3 decimals

Communication RS485 /PLC/ RF / GSM RS485 /PLC/ RF / GSM

Protocol (optional) (optional)


Comm. Modules

Protection Class IP54 OUTDOOR IP54 OUTDOOR

Insulation protection Class II Class II
Relative Humidity %95 %95
Sea Level Till 2000 m from sea level Till 2000 m from sea level
Operating -40 °C...+85 °C -40 °C...+85 °C
Temperature Range

T1 Tarif T1 (06:00-17:00) T1 (06:00-17:00)

T2 Tarif T2 (17:00-22:00) T2 (17:00-22:00)

T3 Tarif T3 (22:00-06:00) T3 (22:00-06:00)

Daylight Last Sunday of March from 02:00 to Last Sunday of March from 02:00 to
Saving Time 03:00 03:00
Last Sunday of October from 03:00 to Last Sunday of October from 03:00 to
02:00 02:00

Battery Life Operating: 10 years, shelf: 5 years Operating: 10 years, shelf: 5 years
Lithium Type Lithium Type
Weight 1413 gr 1413 gr

X/5 Mul� Voltage Import - Export / Ak�f - Reak�f Sayaç
Smart Meter structure appropriate for pluggable communica�on modules

Integrated Op�onal Features

RS485 communica�on port

RF-ID module op�on Technical Specifica�ons
Detec�on and record magne�c interven�ons
Three phase 4 wire meter
LCD backlight
Ac�ve-Reac�ve / Import-Export
Export energy measurement
Ac�ve Class: C Reac�ve Class: 2
Total Harmonic Distor�on (THD)
CT / VT / CT-VT connected
1(6)A current
3 x 63.5/110VAC 3 x 240/416VAC
Op�onal Pluggable Modules reference voltage
10.000imp/kWh - 10.000imp/kVArh
PLC communica�on module GSM
-40°C...+85°C temp. range
communica�on module
IP54 protec�on class
RF communica�on module 188 segments LCD screen
Ethernet module Op�cal port communica�on
Load profile records up to 20 years 15m/90days - 30m/180days - 60m/360days
Load Profile record periods
Meter life: ≥ 15 years
Enclosure material :- Poly carbonate + Glass
Terminal Connection: Bottom Connected

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