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I Woke Up Early in The Morning

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I woke up early in the morning

*Sam’s POV*
I woke up early in the morning. Brush my teeth, and dressed before I went
downstairs. For some reason, I got my own room as I entered sixteen which made
‘some person angry’. I ate my breakfast silently as usual. I noticed a glare from
someone but I pretended not to notice which drove to a further anger. Before I went
to school, mom gave me thumbs up which she’d always give when it was the first
day of school after holiday. But that also resulted another glare which again, I
pretended not to notice. My other siblings were not walking with me as we went to
different schools. I go to high school while they go to primary school. But Sara, who
was also studying at the same school as mine wouldn’t even walk beside me like
she’d always did which was no problem to me.

*Sara’s POV*
I woke up early in the morning. Brush my teeth and dressed. I met mom at the stairs.
She was going to wake Jake and Drake up like always. For some reason, I hadn’t got
my own room yet which I think unfair because Sam got her own even though she’s
just one year older than me. When I reached the dining room, Sam was already
there. She’d always be the one earlier which made me accidentally glared at her but
she didn’t even notice.
*Sam’s POV*
I woke up early as usual. I brushed my teeth and dressed before I went downstairs.
Mom asked, “Have they woke up?” “Not yet.” I said and went straight to the dining
room. Dad had already finished his breakfast and started leaving for work. “Hi, dad.”
I said. “Bye, Sam.” Dad said and left after he took a look at his watch. I ate my
breakfast silently.. Then Sara was on the table, too. She glared at me but I pretended
not to notice her. Perhaps she was mad at me because for some reason, I got my
own room for three days ago when I entered sixteen. I ate faster than her and I have
to wait until she finish her bread to go to school. While she was eating, I read Rick
Riordan’s story which resulted me another glare which again, I pretended not to
notice. Noises of two children came up, Jake and Drake. They are twin. I didn’t even
flinch from my book. Then, when Sara finished her breakfast, we left for school and
as usual, we got a hug from mom which she’d always did when it was the first day of
school after a long holiday. We walked to school because it was not far from home.
The walk was silent.

*Sara’s POV*
I woke not so early that day. I slept late last night as I chatted with my friend, Amy.
We had lots to talk about as we were best friends. I brushed my teeth and dressed. I
met mom at the stairs. She’d wake Jake and Drake like usual. I greeted her with a
smile and I got an even brighter smile as a reward. When I reached the dining table,
Sam was already there. I remembered about she having her own room. It was unfair.
She’s only a year older than me. I glared at her automatically. She didn’t notice.
When she finished her breakfast, I haven’t. Then, she read her book like waiting for
me was forever. I knew that she likes books but it still irritated me when she did that.
I automatically glared at her again but she didn’t even notice. Nice. Jake and Drake
came. They are twin and talk a lot about transformers stuffs which was not my
interest. We left for school and got mom’s warm hug which I like very much but to
Sam, it didn’t make her to smile honestly. I knew that her smile was a made-up. We
walked to school together where I kept my pace away from her because she really
pissed me off.

*Sam’s POV*
At class, everyone was new including me but most of them were at the same school
from last year which I wasn’t. The class went on quickly as for the first period, we’d
only introduce ourselves. I was not good at making friends as I read books a lot and
talk so little. It was recess then. I didn’t go to canteen but instead I went to sit under
a tree to read a book. Then, somone jumped from the lowest branch beside me. I
know that person instantly. Well, how could I forget my best childhood friend? Even
though he changed a bit. “Glenn!” I said just before he walked off. He turned around
and asked, Do I know you?” I pulled his brown hair and said, “I’m Sam, old man.” His
eyes lit up too but confused, “Sam? Is that you? But Sam is a boy!” “What?! I AM
Sam from the foster home and I’M female!” I said, annoyed. He laughed and
somehow I laughed too. “So, where do you live now?” He asked and we talk a lot
until recess was over. I learnt that Glenn’s parent were still as busy as ever. Just like
when I first met him at the foster home. He was not orphan like me but his parents
are always busy. (Well, they are rich.) And it happened to be that his aunt was the
care keeper of the home. I was new orphan that time. It was only a week I’ve been in
that home. Got no friends. Girls didn’t befriend with me because I used their dolls as
my robot toy victims. As for boys, they didn’t like me because I always won in their
games which made them irritated. But when Glenn came, he got no friends, too. So,
I approached him and we played together. We always played sword-fighting and I
always win but he didn’t mind. But he’d only be present in the afternoon until
evening as he went home with his parents in the evening and now, I found that book
was most interesting. They don’t just consist of fightings but also a story. I’m glad to
see Glen because somehow, I’ll be myself when he’s around.

*Glenn’s POV*
Today, I met my childhood best friend. At first I thought that she was just like those
girls who chase me for my parents wealth but I recognize the way she talk. Just like
my boy friend Sam who I repected because he was good at all games. It was just
today that I learned that Sam was a girl, short name of Samantha. Well, I couldn’t
blame myself because the Sam I knew had short hair like a boy’s but maybe it’s
because she was raised by her dad alone who passed away too. Now, she lived with
a foster family and she really do changed a lot in appearence. Her brown hair is long,
past shoulder-length and tied into two ponytails for each left and right. She also
wore glasses which she didn’t back then. Now, everyone who meets her will never
think that she was very good at playing boys’ games. Especially the ones which
included fighting. I bet even though she looks like a girl now, (which she is) I still can
sense the aura of unfeminism in her which was quite cool.

*Sam’s POV*
Today at school, class went quickly. I like Art subject the most. At recess, I didn’t
meet Glenn. Well, he’s in different class, Science Class. Only after school did I met
him and it was when I was waiting for Sara at the bus stop. Glenn wasn’t alone. He
was with a blonde girl. He went straight to me when he saw me. It irritated me a
little. Why was he with this girl? I thought he didn’t like girls who love him for his
parents’ wealth. “Sam, I introduce you to Dayana. Dayana, Sam.” He said. The girl
instantly hugged his arm and said, “I’m his girlfriend.” So what? I didn’t even care a
crap about it. Do you think I want to steal him from you? That was the voice in my
head but instead, I said without a smile, “Nice, Dayana.” For a moment, there was an
awkward silence. Then, Glenn said, “Umm. Dayana, you can go home first. I still want
to chat with Sam.” Dayana kissed Glenn on the cheek. “Okay, bye bye, honey. I’m
not really worried about you because Glenn said you’re like a boy and there’s no way
Glenn would like you.” She said to me and walked off. “Wow. She ‘really’ do love you
a lot.” I said to Glenn. “I’m sorry for what she said to you. She’s usually not like that.
She’s nice and I myself is surprised.” He said. “Whatever.” I said and we talk a lot
about our childhood memories. Then Sara came and I bid him goodbye.

*Glenn’s POV*
After school, Dayana and I walked together. We’ve been together since last holiday.
(Three months). I don’t actually love her. The word ‘love’ in my world has not come
yet. I just like her because she agrees with me with everything. It happened that she
confessed to me one day and I said we are better to be friends but she breaks so
much that I changed my mind. Today, I’m surprised with her behaviour towards Sam.
But Sam seems to be cool with that. Now, I think Sam is cooler ever since she left the
foster home. But I wonder, why didn’t she get many friends? Perhaps it’s because
she don’t talk much to people except me.

*Sara’s POV*
My class finishes late. When I came out, Sam was with a boy. Quite hot but not my
taste. Sam seems to be talking a lot with that boy and her face lits up when she talks.
Very much unlike her. When we’re walking together, I asked her who the boy is.
“Childhood friend” Is all that she says. So, I ask no more as she does not talk much to
me which is the exact opposite of the purpose why mom took her from the foster
home. She’s supposed to play with me when we’re little as I don’t have any sister. I
tried to get her attention by asking many questions but she seems to like books
better than me. Well, that was for the first week she’s in the family. Perhaps, she’s
still not used to new family yet. That, I forgave. Then one day, mom organized a
birthday party for her. Dad took a day off for that. Despite the effort that we give, all
she did was reading books in the room we used to share. When she came out, it was
a surprise. All was ready. Neighbours and friends were there. We sang the birthday
song together. She cried. She was touched or so we thought. All of us thought that
but it was ruined. She yells, telling them to stop it, “Stop this stupid party! Stupid
party!” She kept repeating the ‘stupid party’ word. Mom tries to calm her down but
instead, she throws her cake onto the floor, smashes all her presents, violently
acting. Then, people were in rage. Some cursed. Mom cried, I cried, Sam cried, my
twin brothers cried but only dad remains calm although I can sense his
dissapointment. From then on, we don’t celebrate Sam’s birthday anymore and Sam
doesn’t celebrate anyone’s birthday. Whenever we celebrate a birthday parth
whether it’s me or Jake’s and Drake’s, she lock herself into the room. I just couldn’t
understand her. Since that day, I never want to be close to her anymore which is just
the right thing to do.

*Sam’s POV*
Today’s Friday and tomorrow’s Saturday. There’s this plan in my head. I want to
invite Glenn to my secret place. It’s not actually secret. It’s just that only me who
knows about this cliff that has great view. I always read my books here or when I feel
like shouting, I climb this cliff. I’m not really sure why I want to show it to him.
Perhaps it’s because I didn’t have the chance to show him something like this when
we’re still kids. Funny, isn’t it? I feel like I’m trying to deny that I’m just a lonely kiddo
who needs a friend. I tried to act tough and strong in front of my family as I don’t
want them to treat me nicely out of sympathy. I feel like I’m actually a jerk to Sara,
Jake and Drake. I love them. Maybe that’s how it feels having siblings. Despite all the
years we’ve been living together, Sara still thinks that I’m a stranger. That’s my fault,
too. I admit. Maybe she still can’t accept how much I hate birthday parties. They are
meant for happiness but to me they are my most disastrous day. I hate it. Just to
think about it makes my head spin.
*Glenn’s POV*
Today, I met Sam at recess. She invites me to where she says a cliff with beautiful
scene. I’m not as interested as she looks but still, I agreed because I know that I’m
her only friend. Then Hardy comes and invites me to his birthday party. He told me
that they would be playing games, soccer and interesting stuffs. Well, it’s a big party
as he’s also rich. However, I saw Sam squinted. Then, I felt guilty because I had just
agreed with Sam back then. Although I want to accept Hardy’s invitation, I refused,
“I’m so sorry Hardy. I promised to go with Sam somewhere.” Then, Hardy looked at
Sam as if he just noticed her there. “Oh, really? How about I invite her too? She will
have company but to my party.” To my surprise, Sam says, almost shouting, “No! I
won’t! Glenn! Go to his party if you want to! I’m not even forcing you to accompany
me!” Then she left. We were left in confusion. “What’s wrong with her, man?” Hardy
asked, annoyed.

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