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Playing A Murder Mystery Game: © 2019 Freeform Games LLP

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Playing a Murder Mystery Game

If you have never played a Freeform Games murder here. If you already know something about the other
mystery before, some concepts in the game materials may character (you may have information in your character
be unfamiliar to you. Our murder mystery games are pack or someone else has already told you something
different from others – so you may want to review these about them), you can ask them about that.
guidelines before you start. Tips for beginners: Your character pack contains tips
Our murder mystery games are completely interactive. for people who haven’t played our games before. The tips
You decide who to interact with and when. You also are optional, but they may help you get started.
decide what you tell them and whether you tell them the Find your friends and enemies: In each game, there are
truth or not. Of course, the same goes for everyone else those who will help you and those who will oppose you.
playing the game… It’s important to find both – although asking your
Participating in a Freeform Games murder mystery friends for help may require you to help them in return.
involves pretending to be someone else (your character) Ability cards: You will have special ability cards that you
in a fictional setting. You will meet and interact with can use to help achieve your goals. The cards are self-
other characters and everyone will be trying to achieve explanatory and generally have a limited number of uses.
their own goals. We don’t provide a script – the direction You may need to think carefully about who you want to
you take your character is entirely up to you. use them on.
Here are some tips to help you enjoy the game: The Host: Ideally, you shouldn’t need the Host to
Three basic requirements: Playing a murder mystery achieve your goals – talking and negotiating with the
game requires just three basic attributes – a sense of fun, other characters is usually enough. You should consult
an ability to strike up a conversation with another the Host if you have a question about the rules, but you
person, and the willingness to pretend to be someone else certainly shouldn’t ask for help in accomplishing your
for an evening. If these abilities are within your comfort goals, as that is up to you!
zone, you should have no trouble! Act the part: Don’t start talking about football or
Read your character pack: Your character pack explains current affairs or anything else that isn’t part of the game.
who you are, who you know, and what your objectives It’s more fun if everyone tries to maintain the illusion
are. Your character pack also describes what your that the party is genuine.
character believes, not necessarily the actual truth! Keep Read your character pack yet again: If you find yourself
your character pack handy, as you will need to refer to it at a loose end, find some space and re-read your character
throughout the evening. pack. You may find there’s someone you haven’t spoken
Goals: Your goals describe the objectives your character to yet or something you still need to do.
is trying to achieve during the game. You should attempt The murder: Who carried out the murder? Finding out
every goal, although it is unlikely you will achieve them is a matter of talking to people and following the clues.
all (since other characters may be trying to oppose you).
Finally: Remember, the most important thing is to have
Introduce yourself: Once the game starts, you will need a good time!
to talk to other players while pretending to be your
character. The easiest way is to introduce yourself to
someone as your character. If you don’t know anything
about them, you can ask who they are and why they are

© 2019 Freeform Games LLP

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