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Aging Filipino Rice Farmers and Their Aspirations For Their Children

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Philippine Journal of Science

149 (2): 351-361, June 2020

ISSN 0031 - 7683
Date Received: 02 Apr 2020

Aging Filipino Rice Farmers and Their

Aspirations for Their Children

Florencia G. Palis*

Department of Social Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences
University of the Philippines Los Baños
College, Laguna 4031 Philippines

This study assessed the socio-demographic profile of Filipino rice farmers, their aspirations
for their children, and the factors that influence such aspirations. Both quantitative and
qualitative methods were used. Focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews
(KIIs), informal interviews, and intermittent field observations were conducted in 13 villages
of 12 municipalities in three provinces of the country – namely Agusan del Norte for Mindanao,
Iloilo for the Visayas, and Isabela for Luzon. A farmer household survey was also conducted
among randomly selected 923 farmers from these three provinces. The majority of the farmers
did not want their children to be rice farmers. Most of them aspired to their children's college
education for they want them to work on non-farming jobs in urban areas or abroad. Logistic
regression showed that age and number of children of farmers increase the likelihood that a
farmer aspires for at least one of his or her children to be rice farmers. On the other hand,
gender, tenure, and economic status of the province decrease that likelihood. The physical and
economic hardships experienced in rice farming are the major reasons farmers do not like
their children to follow their steps.

Keywords: aging, aspirations, Filipino rice farmers, Philippine rice self-sufficiency, youth

INTRODUCTION To date, rice self-sufficiency is still an elusive dream.

The country remains a rice importer, even more so with
The Philippines, a country heavily dependent on imported the recurrence of the 2018 food crisis. This resulted
rice, has launched its Philippine Rice Self-Sufficiency in the implementation of the Rice Liberalization Act
Plan in 2009. This was later renamed in many forms, in early-2019. Commonly called the Philippine Rice
such as the Agri-Pinoy Food Staple Self-Sufficiency Tariffication Law, its objective is to increase rice supply
Program (FSSP) in 2010 (DA 2012). The program aimed in the market by boosting rice importation (Briones 2019).
to achieve rice or food sufficiency for the country and, at
the minimum, reduce rice importation. It also intended to The country’s insufficient rice production is exacerbated
thwart the recurrence of the 2008 food crisis where people by the demographic changes in the agricultural workforce.
line up early in the morning to buy a cheaper and limited Dr. Asterio Saliot, the then-Director of the Agricultural
amount of rice (2 kg/capita/d) from government-allocated Training Institute (ATI), contends that the Philippines
rice stores (Regalado 2010). might reach a critical shortage of farmers in just 15 years
because they are already aging – 57 years old on the
*Corresponding Author: average (IRIN 2013). This is in contrast to the younger age

Philippine Journal of Science Palis: Aging Filipino Rice Farmers
Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

of 44, the reported average age of a Filipino farmer in the that Filipino parents would have a great influence on the
April 1971 Philippine agriculture census (Castillo 1979). aspirations, career, and future of their children, and this
would determine whether they become the next generation
This aging phenomenon of farmers, however, is not unique of rice farmers or not.
to the Philippines. It is a global phenomenon. This is
especially true among smallholder farmers in Asia (Rigg As there is limited empirical evidence on the aging
et al. 2019). The average age of farmers in Thailand is 52 phenomenon of Filipino rice farmers and their aspirations
years (Saiyut et al. 2017). In China, around a third of the for their children, this study attempts to fill that gap. It
farmers are more than 50 years old. In its three developed aims to a) determine the socio-demographic profile of
cities, Chinese farmers are 55 (Yang 2013). A similar aging Filipino rice farmers, b) explore the aspirations of Filipino
trend was also noted in Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, Africa, rice farmers for their children, and c) assess the factors
the United States, Japan, and the European Union (Jöhr that influence the aspirations of the Filipino rice farmers
2012; HelpAge International 2014). for their children. Understanding the socio-demographic
profile of Filipino rice farmers and their aspirations for
Focusing on rice farmers, Moya et al. (2015) found that their children can help the government formulate effective
the average age of Filipino rice farmers was 46 years old pro-poor policies and implement positive interventions
in 1966, increasing to 59 years in 2012. These findings, to address the aforementioned issues and contribute to
however, were limited only to Central Luzon rice farmers addressing the country’s food security or food staple
as their study was based on the Central Luzon loop survey sufficiency.
of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) from
1966–2012. Also, many of the original sample farmers
in 1966 were continually replaced over the years of the
survey due to several reasons such as deaths, migration,
and transfer of ownership.
This aging phenomenon of Filipino rice farmers needs The Setting
further empirical evidence by including farmer respondents The study was conducted in three provinces of the country,
from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Moreover, there is one province representing each of the three big islands:
already increasing preference or aspiration among the rural Isabela for Luzon, Iloilo for the Visayas, and Agusan del
population, particularly the youth, to work abroad and Norte for Mindanao. It formed part of a bigger project on
engage in non-farm jobs (Asis 2006; Canlas and Pardalis “Accelerating Philippine Rice Self-Sufficiency through
2009). So, the question now is: Who will be the future Unified Training, Research, and Extension,” between
Filipino rice farmers? PhilRice and IRRI from 2009–2012. The provinces and the
corresponding municipalities and villages or barangays
Aspiration is defined as ”hopes or ambitions to achieve
were selected based on the following criteria: the size of
something” (Copestake and Camfield 2010). It is
rice-growing area, presence of farmer field school Palay
viewed as multidimensional, multi-faceted, socially
Check training implemented by the Philippine Rice
embedded, and usually formed through social interaction
Research Institute (PhilRice) and ATI of the Department
(Appadurai 2004). Considering that aspirations are
of Agriculture (DA), accessibility, and – upon consultation
socially determined, understanding people’s aspirations
with local agriculture officials – peace and order situation.
requires a careful analysis of one society’s culture (Ray
2003; Appadurai 2004).
Sampling, Data Collection, and Analysis
The Filipino family, characterized by close family ties, Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used.
is traditionally given more emphasis than individuals FGDs, KIIs, informal interviews, and field observations
(Jocano 1997; Palis 2002; Hays 2008). The children were employed to gather qualitative data from the three
are highly valued, reared, and nurtured with much abovementioned provinces in 2009–2012. A farmer
personalized tender care resulting in the close parent-child household survey was also conducted among 923 farmers
relationship and sibling solidarity. Filipino children, on who were randomly selected from the three provinces.
the other hand, are expected to obey parental authority In addition, some observations from an ethnography
as a sign of honor and respect to their parents, with conducted in one village in the province of Agusan del
emphasis on interdependence and “utang na loob” or Norte in 2011–2012 were also utilized. This ethnography
debt of gratitude for their parents’ sacrifices in rearing village served as the pilot ethnography study of the bigger
them (Jocano 1997). The children’s respect for parental project, which this study formed a part of. A re-visit was
authority even extends through their adulthood, suggesting conducted in 2013 and 2018 in Agusan del Norte where
that Filipino children often value, if not constantly, the most informal interviews were conducted.
advice and decisions of their parents. This study argues

Philippine Journal of Science Palis: Aging Filipino Rice Farmers
Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

The household survey employed a three-stage stratified ethnography village, were integrated into the discussion
simple random sampling with unequal proportions of quantitative findings.
in the first and second stratum. The first stratum was
the municipality, the second stratum was the village,
and the third was farmers. Farmer respondents were
randomly selected from a list of farmers in each chosen RESULTS
village. Depending upon the number of rice-growing
municipalities and villages per municipality (including Socio-demographic Profile of Filipino Rice Farmers
cities), a range of 5–7 municipalities and 4–6 villages per The overall average age of farmer respondents was 53
municipality/city were randomly selected. And then, 10 years, with Iloilo farmers significantly older than farmers
farmers were randomly selected per village. from Agusan del Norte and Isabela (Table 2). The average
The FGDs conducted covered a total of 13 villages in 12 age of farmers in the three provinces ranged from 50–59
municipalities of the three provinces, with a total of 165 years, whereas for individual farmers, the youngest was
participants: 87 male and 78 female farmer participants 16 years from Agusan del Norte and the oldest was 89
(Table 1). These FGDs were conducted as part of the years from Iloilo. The average number of years they were
monitoring and evaluation activities of the bigger project, engaged in farming was 25 years (range: 22–30 years). The
which this study was a part of. They were done in four average farm size was 1.3 ha (range: 1.0–1.43 ha). Iloilo
municipalities and villages selected in each province from farmers had significantly higher farm experience and farm
the household survey, except in Agusan del Norte where size (1.4 ha), although these were statistically the same
the ethnography village was included. In addition, two key as those of Isabela farmers. Overall, male farmers (70%)
farmer informants and two municipal agricultural officers exceeded women farmers (30%) and they were mostly
were interviewed in each province. married (85%). The average household size was five and
the average number of children was four.
Table 1. Number of FGD participants (2009–2012).
Participants Table 2. Socio-demographic profile of Filipino rice farmers in three
major rice-growing provinces: Agusan del Norte, Iloilo, and
Province Municipality Village Men Women Total Isabela (n = 923, 2010–2011).
mean mean
(range) (range) Variable Agusan Iloilo Isabela Total
(n = 359) (n = 282) (n = 282) (n = 923)
Agusan 4 5 5 (3–7) 8 (5–9) 64
del Norte Age (years)
Iloilo 4 4 7 (4–8) 6 (4–8) 52 Mean 51.13b* 58.50a 50.13b 53.07
Isabela 4 4 9 4 (2–6) 49 Standard deviation 11.66 12.93 12.69 12.43
Range 16–83 26–89 24–87 16–89
Total 12 13 87 78 165
Education (years)
Mean 8.25a 8.96a 8.80a 8.63
The group size for each FGD varied, but it generally Standard deviation 3.04 3.40 3.20 3.21
consisted of 8–16 farmers. The group was a mixture of Range 1–15 1–15 1–15 1–15
men and women but, in Agusan del Norte, the majority Farm experience (years)
were women. Each group was assigned one facilitator, a
Mean 21.88b 29.70a 24.66b 25.12
local interpreter, and one local recorder who took notes of
farmers’ responses. A tape recorder was made available in Standard deviation 12.87 15.95 14.27 14.36
every session. The recorded FGDs were transcribed and Range 1–78 2–70 1–66 1–78
translated from local to the English language. Farm size (ha)

Thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative Mean 1.04b 1.41a 1.43a 1.29
data – from FGDs, KIIs, and answers from open-ended Standard deviation .63 .80 .85 .76
questions in the semi-structured survey questionnaire. Range .13–3.25 .10–4 .15–4 .10–4
Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis
Household size
were used to analyze the quantitative data. Binary logistic
Mean 5.05a 4.48b 4.18b 4.61
regression was used to determine the factors that affect
the aspirations of farmers for their children, e.g. whether Standard deviation 2.18 2.18 1.82 2.06
to be rice farmers or not. The themes generated, including Range 1–15 1–13 1–14 1–15
field observations in the three provinces and from the

Philippine Journal of Science Palis: Aging Filipino Rice Farmers
Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

Number of children the 41–60 year -bracket, which was at around 54%: 47%
in Iloilo, 52% in Isabela, and 60% in Agusan. However,
Mean 4.49a 4.45a 3.46b 4.16
for farmers with ages of more than 60 years, the overall
Standard deviation 2.73 2.75 2.28 2.59 percentage was 28%: Agusan at 21%, Isabela at 22%, and
Range 0–22 0–15 0–12 0–22 the highest in Iloilo at 43%.
Gender (%)
Male 56.5 71.3 83.3 70.4 Aspirations of Rice Farmers for Their Children
Female 43.5 28.7 16.7 29.6 Around 65% of the farmers wanted their children to stay
Civil status (%)
away from rice farming, while only more than a third of
them (35%) wanted their children to be rice farmers (Table
Single 3.9 6.0 5.0 5.0
4). Most of the farmers in the three provinces did not want
Married 86.7 80.8 87.5 84.9 their children to be like them, as rice farmers: 73% in
Widow/widower 7.5 12.8 5.7 8.7 Iloilo, 72% in Isabela, and 53% in Agusan del Norte.
Separated 1.9 00.4 1.8 1.4
Occupation (%) Table 4. Aspirations of farmers for their children in the three
Rice farming 72.4 76.6 81.2 76.7 provinces.
as primary Agusan Iloilo Isabela Total
occupation Farmers’ (n = 359) (n = 282) (n = 282) (n = 923)
Rice farmers w/ 49.3 26.6 30.9 35.6 F % F % F % F %
secondary occupation
“I want my 169 47.1 77 27.3 80 28.4 326 35.3
*Means in a row with the same letter are not statistically significant at the 0.05 children to be
level of significance using t-test.
rice farmers”
“I do not want 190 52.9 205 72.7 202 71.6 597 64.7
my children
to be rice
Most of the farmers had elementary education. The farmers”
average years spent in school by the farmers was 8 years,
an equivalent level of 2nd year high school before quitting.
Around 77% of them had rice farming as the primary
Major Reasons of Rice Farmers for Wanting Their
occupation, and 36% had secondary sources of income.
Children to Be Like Them
The overall percentage of farmers with ages 30 years old Around half of the respondents (46%) expressed the
and below was 2.3%: 0.7% in Iloilo, 2.0% in Agusan, and sentiment that at least one of their children should continue
3.6% in Isabela (Table 3). For ages 40 years old and below, the management of their farms, making this the top reason
the overall percentage was around 18%, with the least in for wanting their children to be rice farmers (Table 5).
Iloilo at 10%, followed by Agusan at 17.6% and highest They noted also that rice farming ensures the food on
in Isabela at 26%. The majority of the farmers belonged to their family’s table (21%), is a source of family’s income
or additional income (22%), and is the only option for
livelihood (23%) of their children since they have not
Table 3. Frequency distribution of farmers’ age in Agusan del Norte, obtained college and even secondary education.
Iloilo, and Isabela provinces.
Agusan Iloilo Isabela Total
Age Major Reasons of Rice Farmers for Not Wanting
n % n % n % n %
Their Children to Be Like Them
Most farmers believed that their children would not have
10–20 2 0.6 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.2
a future if they become rice farmers like them (73%)
21–30 7 2.0 2 0.7 10 3.6 19 2.1 (Table 6). They expressed the opinion that rice farming is
31–40 54 15.0 26 9.2 63 22.3 143 15.5 physically tiring and not economically rewarding. Although
41–50 115 32.0 50 17.7 75 26.6 240 26.0 farming is their life, they wanted a college education for
their children for them to have a stable job and income
51–60 105 29.3 82 29.0 73 25.9 260 28.2
(32%). Importantly, according to parent farmers, their
61–70 52 14.5 61 21.6 40 14.2 153 16.6
children were not interested in rice farming (21%).
71–80 23 6.4 54 19.1 20 7.1 97 10.5
81–90 1 0.3 7 2.5 1 0.4 9 1.0
Total 359 100 282 100 282 100 923 100

Philippine Journal of Science Palis: Aging Filipino Rice Farmers
Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

Table 5. Major reasons for rice farmers wanting their children to Table 6. Major reasons for rice farmers not wanting their children
be like them. to be like them.
Agusan Iloilo Isabela Total Reasons Agusan Iloilo Isabela Total
(n = 169) (n = 77) (n = 82) (n = 326) (n = 169) (n = 177) (n = 176) (n = 522)
Someone to No future in 64.4* 76.9 76.8 72.7
manage the rice farming
farm and
48.2* 50.7 37.7 45.8 Children 33.7 31.5 29.3 32.02
continue the
need to
rice farming
Rice farming education
is a source of 21.9 18.2 23.4 21.3 for better
income income and
stable job
Rice farming
is the only Children are 20.3 18.8 21.9 20.6
23.2 24.7 28.6 21.4
livelihood not interested
option in rice farming
Rice farming *Multiple responses
20.6 15.9 17.5 18.8
household food
*Multiple responses

Table 7. Logistic regression predicting farmers’ aspiration for their children to become rice farmers.
Wald χ2
Average marginal
Predictor β Odds ratio
χ2c p-value effect

Age 0.035 24.949 0.001** 1.04 0.005

Gender –0.518 9.513 0.002** 0.60 –0.060
Education –0.117 0.373 0.542 0.89 –0.014
Total no. of children 0.091 8.286 < 0.004** 1.10 0.020
Farm size 0.018 0.114 0.736 1.02 < 0.001

Owner 0.024 0.018 0.894 1.02 0.003

Leaseholder –0.385 3.315 0.069* 0.68 –0.042

Iloilo –1.136 32.440 0.001** 0.32 –0.135
Isabela –0.741 13.687 0.001** 0.48 –0.100
*Significant at 10%
**Significant at 5%

Factors Influencing Aspirations of Farmers for had a negative and significant influence on farmers’
Their Children to be Rice Farmers aspiration for their children to be rice farmers. Education
Using binary logistic regression, Table 7 shows the variables likewise had a negative influence, but it was not significant.
considered as determinants affecting the likelihood that a
farmer aspires for his children to be rice farmers or not.
These variables include age, gender, education, number
of children, farm size, tenure, and province. The age and DISCUSSION
number of children had a positive and significant influence
The aging phenomenon of Filipino rice farmers is further
on farmers’ aspiration for their children to be rice farmers.
established in this study where today’s average age was 53
Farm size, however, had a positive but not significant
years, older than the average age of 46 in 1966 (Moya et
influence. On the other hand, gender, tenure, and province
al. 2015). Furthermore, more than 50% of the respondents

Philippine Journal of Science Palis: Aging Filipino Rice Farmers
Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

fell under ages 41–60, 28% with ages more than 60 years, in rice farming as also reported by Tafere and Woldehanna
and only 18% below 40 years old. This aging phenomenon (2012) and Verkaart et al. (2018).'
of Filipino rice farmers is very apparent when compared
to the age distribution in 1966 (Moya et al. 2015). Here, The hardship in rice cultivation is clearly depicted in our
most of the rice farmers were younger: 53% were below country’s famous folk song, “Planting rice is never fun,”
46 years old and 47% were above 46 years. In this study, or Magtanim ay di biro. A farmer is portrayed bending
37% were below 46 years old and 63% were above 46 the whole day in planting rice; he or she could not even
years. More so, compared with the general age distribution sit or stand and even rest for a little while. This was
of farmers regardless of agricultural commodity, only demonstrated by Aling Tasya, “My waist and back are
about 15% were within the 55–64-year range and 7% painful, especially during and after transplanting the rice
were more than 65 years in 1971 (Castillo 1979). In this seedlings. I need to bear these pains so that I can provide
study, 24% were within the 55–64-year range and 16% some food for my family.”
were more than 65 years. The poverty incidence in the country is highest in the
With the Filipino rice producers getting older, including those agricultural sector at 34.3%, higher than the general
from our major exporting countries such as Vietnam and population poverty incidence of 21.6% in 2015 (PSA
Thailand (Jöhr 2012; HelpAge International 2014; Saiyut et 2015). The average annual income of rice farmers was
al. 2017), the country’s continued dependence on rice imports Php 20,000 with an estimated monthly income of Php
would not guarantee us that another food crisis would be 1,667 (BAS 2012). But with the current rice liberalization
averted in the future. Complex biophysical, environmental, policy, Briones (2019) projected that it will lead to a
and natural factors such as pest infestations, extreme weather 1.8-percentage-point reduction in rice farmers’ income
events, natural disasters, and climate change (Sebastian et that would make them worse off, implying the increase
al. 2000; Stuecker et al. 2018) could also contribute to the of poverty incidence in the agriculture sector.
likelihood of a similar food crisis scenario in 2008. The 2007 Palis et al. (2015) found that Filipino rice farmers are
major brown planthopper pest outbreak in Vietnam resulted trapped in the cycle of poverty since most of them
in a loss of around 1 M tons of rice, causing the Vietnamese have insufficient capital to commence rice cultivation.
government to freeze their rice exports in 2008 (Heong et Like most of the farmer participants in the FGDs, they
al. 2013). Thus, even though the Philippines may have the branded themselves as borrowers or mangungutang. With
resources to import rice, the food crisis might happen again high input costs, they are forced to borrow money from
with limited rice supply from exporting countries. informal lenders who charge them with high-interest
As aspirations are socially and culturally embedded (Ray 2003; rates, or traders who require them to sell their produce
Appadurai 2004), farmers’ aspirations for their children are to immediately after harvest with a low paddy price.
be linked with the Filipino culture, characterized by children’s
respect of parental authority and valuing parental advice and “Almost all of us borrowed money from informal lenders or from
decisions (Almirol 1982; Jocano 1997; Palis 2002). Hence, our frequent traders or buyers (suki),” quipped Manang Bella. She
farmers’ aspirations for their children to do rice farming or non- continued, “We rice farmers are always under the mercy and control
of private money lenders who usually charged us with 20% monthly
farm jobs in urban settings or abroad could highly influence interest, and rice buyers or traders who usually dictate the price of
the country’s state of food security or sufficiency. freshly harvested rice (palay).”

With the real-life challenging experiences – physical, financial, Manong Ernesto continued, “At harvest, most of us immediately sell
and psychological – in rice farming, the majority of the rice the fresh weight palay to pay off our debts. If our palay is still wet,
especially during the wet season, buyers would still take out 5–7 kgs
farmers did not want their children to be like them. For them, for every bag of fresh palay as resiko, equivalent to the amount lost
rice farming is a strenuous job, and yet, it is not financially if the grains were dried. There is nothing that we can do but we are
rewarding. Thus, they mostly believed that there is no future forced to grasp the knife blade (kapit sa patalim).”

As Manong Henry described it, “Rice farming is hard and a no-joke

job (mahirap at hindi birong trabaho). It takes long working days, The risk associated with rice farming as a means of
especially when preparing the land (paghahanda ng bukid) and livelihood further discourage parent farmers to aspire for
irrigating the paddy field (patubig). And yet, the returns I get from
their children to be like them. The uncertainty in yield and
rice farming is not even enough for the needs of my family. Thus,
my family until now remains poor.” income is real to them and they attribute it to unpredictable
weather situations, unstable output price and input costs,
Tatay Isyo, a senior citizen farmer, further commented: “Rice
and natural disasters like heavy rains, floods, and drought,
farming is a difficult job because despite weather conditions, rain
or shine, we farmers are still working on our respective ricefields” including pest and disease infestations (Aditto et al. 2012;
(Ang pagsasaka ay mahirap na trabaho dahil umulan, umaraw, Palis et al. 2015; Bordey et al. 2016).
nagtatrabaho sa bukid).

Philippine Journal of Science Palis: Aging Filipino Rice Farmers
Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

As narrated by Manong Roger: “Rice farming is like a gamble (ang the trend in the 1970s and 1980s where there was more
pagsasaka ay parang sugal). When you have bad luck as you have women participation in agriculture – the era called the
not yet harvested your crops before a typhoon or continuous heavy feminization of agriculture (Castillo 1986; Agarwal
rains, then you will lose (‘pag minalas ka kagaya ng hindi ka pa
2011). As such, it is mostly the male parent farmers who
nakaani at may bagyo na o tuloy tuloy na lakas ng ulan, malulugi
ka). However, when you have good luck, like having a good harvest, experienced the physical, psychological, and financial
then you have a higher profit (‘pag swertehin ka naman kagaya ng hardships in rice farming.
malaking ani, may malaki kang kita).”
The economic status of the province significantly and
Manong Isko added further, “when you plant late or early due to
negatively influenced the aspirations of farmers for their
weather or financial constraints, your farm would be the eating
grounds of rodents. They cut your seedlings and outsmart you by children to be rice farmers as manifested by those in
harvesting your rice crop first before you do. Rodents are intelligent Iloilo and Isabela provinces. In 2009, poverty incidence
(matalino ang mga daga).” among families in Agusan was 37%, higher than that
in Isabela and Iloilo provinces with 23% and 20%,
respectively (PSA 2015). Briones (2017) found that,
Parent farmers wanting their children to go away from rice since 2011, the proportion of agricultural workers has
farming is further intensified when a farmer is a leaseholder been declining, whereas that of industry and services
because the land that he tills may be demanded back by the has been increasing. For instance, bank density ratio has
owner either at an agreed time or anytime. With no land of increased for all regions except in Caraga, where Agusan
his own, his children will inherit nothing even if he works del Norte province belongs to. Thus, despite Iloilo and
hard on the leased farm. Hence, leaseholder farmers prefer Isabela being top rice-producing provinces, more than
non-farming occupations for their children. 70% of the farmers from these two provinces did not
want their children to be like them. This is attributed to
The non-farming jobs are seen to be better as these are the availability and accessibility of more non-agricultural
placed on a higher level than doing farm labor (Leavy and opportunities in urban centers.
Hossain 2014). As Tatay Berto recounted, “My grandson, a
vocational graduate, worked in the Middle East. He gives The age of farmers and the total number of children of a
monthly support to his parents. He already bought a rice farming household, however, have positive and significant
field and his parents are managing it. My daughter’s family effects on farmers’ aspirations for their children to be like
is no longer borrowing money to use as capital in their them. With farmers getting old, they wanted someone
farm production. They have also improved their house.” in the family to manage the farm and continue the rice
farming tradition. As Ball and Wiley (2005) found,
The preference of the rural population – both adults and farmers with more children tend to aspire for at least one
youth – to work abroad and to do non-farm jobs result or more of their children to be like them. This is probably
in labor out-migration from rural to urban areas (Asis because, in a large family, the farmer cannot likely send
2006; Moya et al. 2015; Briones 2017). Unemployment, all his/her children to school with his/her limited income.
low wages, low profitability in farming, and lack of Rice farming is also viewed as a last resort and the only
infrastructure facilities in the rural areas are some livelihood option for their children in the absence of
reasons people leave their villages and look for promising college or even secondary education as they are already
opportunities elsewhere (Paris et al. 2009; Man and knowledgeable about this enterprise. Tadele and Gella
Sadiya 2009). The challenges such as access to land, (2012) found, however, that farming is viewed as a last
high costs of inputs, unstable and low market prices, and resort means of livelihood and not an option.
insufficient vocational agricultural education were also
found to discourage the youth from farming (Tafere and Although rice farming is also viewed as a source of income
Woldehanna 2012). More so, with the current low farm and an activity that helps meet household needs, this is often
gate price of rice as an offshoot of the rice tariffication true to those who have primary non-farming jobs where
policy in the country (Briones 2019), it becomes harder rice farming is only considered an additional source of
now to convince the youth and adults in the rural income. It is remarkable to note that, on the average, only
population to go into rice farming and show that it can less than 20% of the farmers who aspired for their children
be a profitable venture. to be like them mentioned that rice farming is their source
of household food security. This is presumably because
The significant negative effect of gender on the aspirations 75–80% of the harvest is sold for paying debts and 20–25%
of farmers for their children showed that the male is stored for home consumption, including the rice to be
parent farmers are less likely to aspire for their children given to children and other relatives. In turn, the stored
to become like them. This is so because rice farming paddy for household consumption does not often last until
today is now a male-dominated means of agricultural the next harvest and they again buy or loan milled rice from
livelihood as confirmed by Briones (2017), reversing local stores (Palis et al. 2015).

Philippine Journal of Science Palis: Aging Filipino Rice Farmers
Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

CONCLUSION AND School of UP Los Baños is promoting; and

RECOMMENDATIONS d) fostering farmers as certified seed growers, either as
This study has shown that Filipino rice farmers are indeed an individual farmer or a group of adjacent farmers at a
aging. Most of them do not want their children to be sub-village level (purok), with financial, technical, and
rice farmers because of the physical, psychological, and marketing support of the government. Many neighboring
financial difficulties they encountered. Rice farming is farmers normally belong to a certain kin group because
labor-and capital- intensive and yet, income is low and of our inheritance system where farmland is equally
uncertain. It is viewed that their children would not have distributed to children. For non-kin farm neighbors, a
any future in it and it, therefore, is considered the last bond of camaraderie is usually formed since they spend
resort. Instead, parent farmers dream that their children most of the time on the farm, where spontaneous huntahan
will have non-farm jobs, either in urban areas or abroad, or conversation related to farming happened. In effect,
to have a higher and more stable income and to get out farmers in the community would have easier coordination
of poverty. and be induced to be entrepreneurs singly or as a group. At
the same time, certified seeds would be readily available
Age and number of children positively influence farmers’ in rice farming communities, thereby increasing rice
aspiration for their children to be rice farmers, whereas production of the country.
gender, tenure, and economic status of geographic location
have a negative influence. While education negatively Addressing food security with increasing importation
influences farmers’ aspiration for their children to be like through the rice tariffication law would be putting
them, it is not statistically significant. Related studies the country at risk: both for the country’s rice supply
though have shown that education is seen as the only way requirements and the livelihood of the Filipino rice
for their children to land a better job and alleviate them farmers. The recurrence of food crises is inevitable when
from poverty. Perhaps, more geographic locations under there is less rice supply from exporting countries and when
various socio-economic classifications in the country their farmers are aging. Moreover, the decrease in farm
can be considered in future studies. This could be one gate prices due to rice tariffication law would consequently
limitation of this study. amplify the poverty incidence in the farming sector and the
speedy moving away of the young generation from rice
Considering the influence of parents on their children farming. The questions to continuously ponder upon then
in the context of Filipino culture, children would more are: Who would be the next Filipino rice farmers? What
likely have a negative attitude towards rice farming. The would happen to the rice farmers and farming households?
Philippine government and agricultural institutions need Would this current policy of rice liberalization assure us
to formulate on-the-ground strategies that will raise the of zero rice crisis?
motivation of farmers and their children to continue rice
farming and, thereby, contribute to attaining the country’s Instead of spending so much on rice importation, investing
rice self-sufficiency goal. Some strategies to consider are in price support to assist Filipino rice farmers to increase
the following: their local production and income could be considered.
Also, developing our own rice agriculture and agricultural
a) strengthening and aggressively implementing enterprises in general, coupled with financial assistance
nationwide the 4H clubs and associated programs and community development, might be more beneficial
among the rural youths, with a focus on agriculture and to our local farmers. There is a pressing need to assess
entrepreneurship, currently spearheaded by ATI; the impact of rice tariffication law on the plight of our
b) providing college scholarships to the youth in pursuing Filipino rice farmers, considering that – with this current
agriculture-related courses. This would not be limited policy – farm gate price has dramatically dropped relative
to students graduating with honors, as children of rice to the retail rice price.
farmers who completed secondary education can also be Moreover, there is a need to pay attention to rural
beneficiaries; services for agricultural extension, like farmer-friendly
c) expanding and reassessing the technical-vocational- access to financial capital (free from too much paper
livelihood track strand of agriculture, as to whether requirements). The present structure of agricultural
i) agriculture courses be required or enhanced in the extension in the country needs to be seriously analyzed to
elementary and high school curriculum, or ii) additional reach more farmers effectively and adequately to address
path be found for agriculture as a science strand, perhaps farmers’ needs on time, and to facilitate access to rice-
embedded in the “STEAM” (instead of “STEM”) strand and agriculture-related innovations – such as land and
– science, technology, agriculture, and mathematics like capital, information sources, and market linkages, among
what the University of the Philippines (UP) Rural High others. The agricultural extension should not only focus

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Vol. 149 No. 2, June 2020

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