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Carnegie Mellon Portugal - Annual Report

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Report 19

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Table of contents

From the Directors ....................................... 4 Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives ................. 102

CMU Portugal at a glance ................................ 10 Exploratory Research Projects ........................ 162
Timeline CMU Portugal Activities (2018-2019) ..... 28 ERPs 2017-2019 ......................................... 168
Governance ................................................. 32 ERPs 2019 ................................................ 198
Large- Scale Collaborative Research Projects .... 210
Talent Development ....................................... 38 Innovation and Entrepreneurship ..................... 242
Dual Degree Ph.D. Programs ............................ 44 Industrial Affiliates ........................................ 244
Students ............................................. 50 Industry Involvement in Projects ...................... 245
Alumni ................................................ 60 Startups ...................................................... 248
Mobility Programs ..................................... 72
Visiting Faculty and Researchers Program .. 74 Communication & Events ............................... 262
Visiting Students Program ....................... 78 New Image & Website .................................... 270
Advanced Training Programs ...................... 90 Communication Activities ............................... 278
Publications ............................................. 92 Events and Outreach ...................................... 290

Knowledge Creation ...................................... 98

Nuno Nunes Rodrigo Rodrigues José M. F. Moura
National Director at Portugal National Director at Portugal Director at CMU of the
of the Carnegie Mellon of the Carnegie Mellon Carnegie Mellon Portugal
Portugal Program Portugal Program Program

The mission of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

(CMU Portugal) is to place Portugal at the forefront of

From the
research and technological development in the area of
digital technologies, with a particular focus on the data

economy and foster interdisciplinary collaboration be-
tween industry and academia across different levels of
the "big data" development stack.

CMU Portugal strive to be the main data-economy driv-

er promoting an ecosystem with a tight coupling be-
tween cutting-edge research, world-class graduate
education, and highly innovative companies.
The overarching goal of the 3rd Phase is to foster in-
dustry-science relationships as agents of change with
a focus on data economy and research for social and
economic impact. Addressing these goals, the 3rd
phase deployed a set of new instruments: i) talent
development - revamping the dual-degree Ph.D. pro-
grams and launching a new generation of advanced
executive training for companies while continuing to
promote exchanges of faculty and students; ii) knowl-
edge creation - by launching small seed funding re-
search projects that bootstrap small-scale research
From the Directors 5
collaborations leading to new areas of interdiscipli- 2019 saw the launch of the new instruments planned
nary research; iii) innovation and entrepreneurship for the 3rd Phase. On this year, ten new faculty and
- by establishing and renewing the industry affiliates researchers completed visits to Carnegie Mellon
program and launching a new call for industry-fund- University under our mobility program. In June, we
ed flagship projects which forms the basis for struc- launched the call for Large-Scale Collaborative Re-
tural and finally iv) communication and outreach - by search Projects with industry, leading to the overall
renewing the image of the program as a platform for funding of 21M€ and ten projects. Still, in June 2019,
international scientific collaboration that positions we launched a call for Exploratory Research Projects
Portugal at the forefront of the Digital Economy and funding seven projects in a total of 800K€. Finally,
raising awareness about the potential of the country in October 2019, we opened the call for dual-degree
and its scientific community and digital ecosystem of Ph.D. scholarships and awarded a cohort of eight
companies to compete globally. new students to the program, 13 in total in the 3rd
Phase. During this period, the partnership promot-
Since the renewal of the international partnerships in ed outreach activities with a particular emphasis on
February 2018, the program's new leadership worked developing awareness about the Portuguese digital
in repositioning the program towards its third stage. ecosystems and promoting gender balance.
We (re)established the industry partnerships, namely
by including as industrial partners several innovative We conducted all of these activities in a short period
companies operating in the digital economy, including of time, and we ensured they were timely and effective
some longlasting supporters of the program and three from the launch of the call to the signing of the con-
companies that reached the status of unicorns. We tracts and scholarships. We firmly believe that CMU
opened a call for scientific directors, which appoint- Portugal is at the forefront of the instruments that
ed eight young talented faculty members to assist the FCT can promote to leapfrog the Portuguese science
leadership in shaping the future of the partnership. and technology system. The recent crisis is another
We hired an amazing executive team that oversees the example of the importance of interdisciplinary knowl-
program's daily activities and works closely with facul- edge, science, and technology to overcome the con-
ty students and companies, making sure they have full tinuous challenges of modern civilization. As we move
support working with CMU Portugal. Finally, we con- into the second year of this program's leadership, we
tinued the tradition of the program of continuously as- want to keep justice to the historical achievement of
sessing and reviewing the progress and results of the CMU Portugal and pave the way for a quick recovery
funded projects. and another period of impactful results.

6 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal From the Directors 7

The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portu-
gal) is a platform for education, research, and innova-
tion that brings together Carnegie Mellon University
(CMU) and several Portuguese universities, research
institutions, and companies. Its mission is to place
Portugal at the forefront of research and technologi-
cal development in the area of Information and Com-
munication Technologies (ICT), with a particular fo-
cus on the areas that have a direct impact on the data

CMU Portugal economy and foster interdisciplinary collaboration

between industry and academia across different lev-

Program at a glance
els of the “big data” development stack. To achieve
this goal, CMU Portugal works towards promoting an
innovation ecosystem with a tight coupling between
cutting-edge research, world-class graduate edu-
cation, and highly innovative companies in the da-
ta-driven economy. The Fundação para a Ciência e
a Tecnologia (FCT - the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology) supports the Program’s ac-
tivities, which are also sponsored by the Conselho
de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP)
and co-financed by industry partners and by Carne-
gie Mellon University.
This partnership was launched in 2006, and is cur-
rently in its 3rd phase, which started in 2018 and will
continue through 2030. The previous two phases,
comprising the first 11 years of the Program, suc-
cessfully promoted the development of talent and
the internationalization of Portuguese Universities,

CMU Portugal Program at a glance 9

and fostered cooperation among universities and of tutions in Portugal, 10 CMU Departments, nearly
university researchers with Portuguese companies, 150 companies, and over 400 faculty and senior re-
some of which emerged from this Program with a searchers in Portugal and at CMU. CMU Portugal has
strong focus on entrepreneurship. also established collaborations agreements with 14
new industrial affiliates, ICT leaders in Portugal and
In this new phase, the goal is to focus on high-im- worldwide.
pact science, and technology that takes advantage
of the extraordinary opportunities provided by the Principal Instruments of the
data economy as a driver of growth and change.
Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
Leaning on Carnegie Mellon’s experience as a dy-
namic economic engine in the Pittsburgh region, Talent Development
CMU Portugal aims to foster in Portugal a flexible tal-
ent-rich labor market; a vibrant private sector cata- In the scope of the CMU Portugal Program, Portu-
lyzed by the entrepreneurial spirit; strategic govern- guese universities and Carnegie Mellon University
ment investments in research and education; and offer Dual-Degree Doctoral Programs in the follow-
implement infrastructure that fosters collaboration ing areas: Computer Science, Electrical and Com-
across traditional boundaries. puter Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy;
Human-Computer Interaction; Language Technol-
The overarching mission of 3rd Phase is to foster in- ogies; Robotics; Software Engineering.
dustry-science relationships as agents of change
with a focus on data economy and research for so- Successful candidates to the CMU Portugal Dual-De-
cial and economic impact. Addressing these mission gree Ph.D. Programs spend up to two years at CMU
statements will require interdisciplinary efforts, and up to three years at a University in Portugal.
both within ICT areas and also across disciplinary They are awarded two Ph.D. degrees, one by CMU
boundaries and the other by the partner University in Portugal.
In 2018-2019, two calls for Dual-Degree scholarships
On its 3rd Phase, the collaborative network of CMU were open under the framework of the CMU Portu-
Portugal extends across the Portuguese universi- gal. These scholarships include a monthly stipend
ties, represented by CRUP, Associate Laboratories and cover tuition fees in Portugal and at CMU. During
in the area of ICT, and many other research insti- 2018 and 2019, 14 scholarships were awarded to can-

10 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal CMU Portugal Program at a glance 11
didates in Computer Science, Electrical and Com- The Program also included five Dual-Degree Pro-
puter Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy, fessional Masters in the areas of Entertainment
Language Technologies and Software Engineering. Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, Science
Since 2006, 125 doctoral students and 247 master’s Information Networking, Information Technology -
students have participated in the CMU Portugal Pro- Information Security, Software Engineering; and one
gram. In the last call for admission for the 2020/2021 Dual-Degree Professional Master/ MBA in Electrical
academic year, 8 scholarships were proposed to and Computer Engineering.
students at the following Ph.D. Programs:Computer
Science (2), Electrical and Computer Engineering (3), Of our Dual-Degree graduates, 80% and 55% of Mas-
Engineering and Public Policy (1), Language Technol- ters and Ph.D. alumni, respectively, have become
ogies (1) and Software Engineering (1), bringing the part of leading organizations and companies. 4,82%
number of currently enrolled Ph.D. Dual-Degree stu- of Master alumni and 38,46% of Ph.D. alumni current-
dents to 133. ly are working for Renown Universities and research
centers worldwide. Altogether, CMU Portugal alum-
In addition to Dual-Degree Ph.D. students, the Pro- ni are agents of change, ambassadors for the excel-
gram’s Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives (ERIs) lence of the Program’s activities and facilitators of
have directly funded 35 Ph.D., for a total of 160 Ph.D. Portugal’s embedment in international knowledge
students directly supported by the Program. and business networks.

CMU Portugal Mobility Programs support faculty,

doctoral and Master students through an intensive
immersion period at CMU to experience its educa-
tional, research, and cultural environment.

The Visiting Faculty and Researchers Program in

Phase III builds upon the success of the Faculty Ex-
change Program of Phases I and II and is targeted to
researchers that hold a doctoral degree. This initia-
tive supports an extended exposure to research and
education best practices at a global level, at Carn-
egie Mellon University. It fosters the integration of

CMU Portugal Program at a glance 13

faculty from Portuguese universities in internation- Knowledge Creation
al knowledge networks. The Visiting Students Pro-
gram, an evolution from the previous Undergradu- CMU Portugal supports research projects on the
ate Internship Program, provides an opportunity for broad area of Information and Communication Tech-
talented master students to immerse themselves nologies (ICT), with a particular focus on the areas
in a research project at Carnegie Mellon for up to 6 that have a direct impact on the data economy and
months. During this time, they have a chance to de- foster interdisciplinary collaboration between in-
velop their knowledge and skills as researchers and dustry and academia across different levels of the
explore new perspectives for graduate studies and “big data” development stack.
career opportunities in cutting-edge ICT areas. Since This includes research topics spanning from data
2018, CMU Portugal has opened two calls for visit- science and engineering for large-scale data sets,
ing faculty and one call for visiting students, which to artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine
have awarded mobility scholarships to 17 faculty and learning that enable extracting value from data, or
9 master students from 8 different Portuguese insti- to the sociotechnical systems and applications that
tutions. Overall, CMU Portugal, through its Mobility are catalyzed through these technologies. In 2018
Programs, has already supported 85 faculty and 50 and 2019, 20 CMU Portugal projects, 12 three-year
students to experience life at CMU in all its compo- Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives (ERIs) and 8
nents: learning, teaching, researching, and fully par- one-year Exploratory Projects (ERPs), were sup-
ticipating in its academic life. Besides these struc- ported across multiple Portuguese research insti-
tured semester long stays at CMU, the Program has tutions and CMU departments, strengthening the
organized and sponsored numerous visits from CMU international collaborative effort across institu-
researchers to Portugal and from Portugal to CMU. tions and in close collaboration with industry part-
Building on the success of the Dual-Degree mas- ners.
ter programs, which were active during the 1st and This commitment was further enhanced through
2nd phases, the Program has been working in close the launch of two new calls for projects in 2019: a
collaboration with Universities in Portugal, CMU de- call for new Exploratory Research Projects and a
partments and industry partners to establish a new call for Large-Scale Collaborative Research Pro-
education instrument through Advanced Training jects, representing the largest public and private
Programs in Data Science and Machine Learning and investment to date in research and technological
User Experience Design. Both programs are expect- development under the scope of the CMU Portugal
ed to start in early 2021. Program.
14 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal CMU Portugal Program at a glance 15
Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives (ERIs) are sci-
ence, engineering, management and policy projects
that jointly combine research, innovation and ad-
vanced training initiatives, in collaboration with com-
panies, with an emphasis on the commercialization
of technology with an economic and societal impact.
The projects have a maximum duration of 48 months
and are managed by a consortium of research teams
from two Portuguese universities, one from Carne-
gie Mellon University and at least one partner com-
pany. The 2013 and 2014 calls awarded 12 new grants ciety can be translated into 10 patents, development
with an overall funding of 10.8M€ public funding and of 92 prototypes, 448 peer-review publications, 40
2.6M€ through private companies’ investment. Of Ph.D.Thesis, 159 Master thesis and support fund for
these, five projects have ended in November and 204 researchers. ERIs have established collabora-
December 2018 and seven were still going in 2019. tions extending to 26 Portuguese research institu-
All projects supported by the CMU Portugal Program tions, 46 companies and 11 CMU Departments.
are selected through competitive calls by interna-
tional committees of experts that evaluate the pro- During 2018 and 2019, CMU Portugal supported
posals submitted and meet as a panel in Portugal 8 Exploratory Research Projects (ERPs). ERPs en-
for their final evaluation, ranking, and recommenda- courage new initiatives, with high impact potential,
tion for funding. The Program has also carried out with the main objective of promoting Information
mid- and final-term review of the progress of these and Communication Technologies projects in stra-
projects. For example, in 2019, CMU Portugal held a tegic emerging areas: Integrative research based
project review evaluation by an independent inter- in the context of the AIR Center, Data Science and
national panel of experts to analyze the progress of Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and
all the twelve large research projects and conduct- Computer Engineering, Applied Mathematics and
ed a mid-term of some and final assessment of the Technology, Management and Policy. The ERP call
remaining group of projects. The independent com- launched in 2017 recommended 8 one-year projects
mittee awarded the classification A (maximum) to 4 for funding, for an overall commitment of 1 430 000
out of the 5 projects that reached completion then. €. The ERPs supported 28 researchers and resulted
The impact of these ERIs on the economy and on so- in 4 prototypes,54 publications, 11 master thesis;
16 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal CMU Portugal Program at a glance 17
and involved 15 Portuguese research institutions el recommended the funding of 10 projects for the
and 4 CMU departments. next 3 years. Therefore, 10 new projects will start
A new call for ERPs was launched in 2019 to assist in 2020 led by top national ICT companies, includ-
teams of researchers from Portuguese institutions, ing the CMU Portugal Program startups Feedzai and
Carnegie Mellon University and industry partners, to Unbabel - which are now reinvesting in R&D, Comp-
bootstrap high-impact potential research activities ta, Farfetch, First Solutions, Glintt, GLSMED Learn-
of strategic relevance for the CMU Portugal Program. ing Health, Ingeniarius, Mobileum and Outsystems.
An overall funding of 820 000 € will support 7 new In addition to these 10 companies, the projects will
projects, out of 36 submissions, across 8 Portuguese involve 18 other Portuguese Institutions, from Uni-
research institutions and 4 CMU Departments. versities to Research Labs, Hospitals, and Compa-
nies plus 8 different Departments (Civil and Environ-
In 2019, the most ambitious call for research projects mental Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering
was launched under the CMU Portugal Program. For Research Accelerator, Heinz College of Information
the first time, the research projects are led by Por- Systems and Public Policy, Institute for Software Re-
tuguese companies and carried out in partnership search, Language Technologies Institute, Mechani-
between companies and non-corporate entities of cal Engineering, Robotics Institute). Overall the call
the R&D System and research groups at Carnegie represents a commitment of 21M€ from public fund-
Mellon. The Call for Large-Scale Collaborative Re- ing (PT2020 and FCT) and companies’ investment
search Projects was launched in May 2019 by ANI - into ICT R&D.
Agência Nacional de Inovação with an initial funding In summary, since 2006, the CMU Portugal Program
available for 3 to 4 projects. Due to the high quality launched nine calls for research projects and has
of the 17 proposals submitted, the evaluation pan- supported 55 R&D projects, to which we now add
10 Large-Scale, and 7 ERP to an overall number of
72 projects. In 2020, the new projects will further
support CMU Portugal’s mission to place Portugal at
the forefront of research and technological devel-
opment in ICT. Throughout the year, 10 large-scale
projects and 7 new ERPs will begin, representing the
most significant public and private financial com-
mitment to date under the scope of the CMU Portu-
gal Program.

CMU Portugal Program at a glance 19

Innovation and Entrepreneurship The CMU Portugal Program has been working to es-
tablish a very close relationship with the Portuguese
The 3rd Phase of the CMU Portugal Program aims at industry, namely through the companies that are
promoting an ecosystem of innovation in Portugal part of its Industrial Affiliates Program. Since 2018,
benefiting from Carnegie Mellon’s experience as a 14 CMU Portugal Industrial Affiliates have commit-
dynamic economic engine in the Pittsburgh region ted to actively contribute to the advanced educa-
and also the collaborative opportunities at the cam- tion and research programs of the partnership and
pus in Silicon Valley. also to increase their competitiveness by investing
in R&D, in advanced training of human resources,
and in building a highly-skilled workforce dedicat-
ed to innovation activities. CMU Portugal Industry
Affiliates includes 3 Portuguese unicorn companies
(Farfertch, Talkdesk and Outsystems), 3 CMU Por-
tugal startups (Feedzai, Unbabel, and Veniam) and
ICT leaders (Accenture, Altice, CEiiA, NOS, Priber-
am, REN, Talkdesk, Tekever, Thales, and Uniplaces).
Furthermore, Farfetch, Feedzai, Outsystems, and
Unbabel reinforced their commitment to the Pro-
gram by leading 4 out of the 10 CMU Portugal Large-
Scale Projects that will start in 2020.

CMU Portugal Program at a glance 21

CMU Portugal has also been a hub for faculty mem- business acceleration program for entrepreneurial
bers, students, and alumni to launch their entre- teams in the area of ICT. Some of these teams have
preneurial initiatives. The Program has supported developed into successful startups such as AddVolt,
the creation and development of 12 startups: Dog- whose founders have been nominated on the pres-
naedis, Feedzai, Geolink, Mambu, Orange Bird, Prs- tigious list Forbes 30 under 30 in Manufacturing &
ma,Red Light, Sentilant, Streambolico, Veniam and Industry.
Unbabel. Together these companies have attract- Since 2006, nearly 150 companies have been part-
ed more than 200M€ in venture capital investment ners at CMU Portugal promoted projects. In this 3rd
and created over 1.000 highly qualified jobs and are phase, CMU Portugal continues to strengthen the
already a reference in their activity sector, such as relationship between academia and industry. Lead-
Feedzai, who is also part of the CMU Portugal In- ing ICT companies are partners in research projects.
dustry Affiliates, and Veniam. During phase II, CMU Still, they also positioned themselves as promoters
Portugal program supported 14 teams through the and funding bodies of the projects, investing nearly
Entrepreneurship in Residence Program (inRes), a 3.5 M€ in the Large-Scale Projects of the Program.

22 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal CMU Portugal Program at a glance 23
Communication and Outreach well as raising awareness about its initiatives among
new stakeholders and audiences. The showcasing
CMU Portugal’s communication strategy supports of the outcomes of the Program continues to be a
the Program’s mission and goals outlined for this strong feature of these events, but also addressing
new chapter while recognizing the outcomes of the broad questions in ICT such as workshops on gender
past. balance and distinguished lectures on Artificial In-
In 2018, the CMU Portugal unveiled a new graphic telligence and User-Centered Design.
image and website that involved restructuring the
website, rethinking its navigation, usage and cross CMU Portugal also took part in outreach events (such
platform support. By the end of the year, the Program as Encontro Ciência and InCode) to interact with a
also launched its first bi-monthly digital newsletter, broad public to disclose and promote the Program’s
“News from the Fence”, to promote its initiatives, initiatives and activities.
including news, events, and CMU Portugal publica-
tions. Additionally, the Program organized high profile
The Program’s communication is strongly focused events to reach out to strategic stakeholders and
on online activities beyond its website, such as entities, including members from the Portuguese
social media networks (Facebook | Twitter | Linke- Government, Ministry of Science, Technology and
dIN | Youtube) and also in press and media activities Higher Education, Fundação para a Ciência e Tec-
through press releases highlighting the Program’s re- nologia (FCT), Carnegie Mellon University and CMU
search outputs and also faculty, students and alum- Portugal Governance among others.
ni achievements. In between newsletters, targeted
e-mail messages for specific audiences are used to
send invitations to events, announce calls and other
relevant pieces of information.
In 2018 and 2019, the CMU Portugal Program organ-
ized several events to bring together academic and
industry communities involved in the Program, as
24 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal
CMU Portugal
Activities (2018-2019)
Renewal of FCT International Partnerships
Establishment of an agreement for international
cooperation in science, technology, and higher July
education within the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
with 12 new industrial affiliates (two more companies Participation at
Encontro Ciência 2018
have joined in 2019, totalling 14 industrial affiliates)
Open call for applications for CMU Portugal
Carnegie Mellon Portugal Technical Workshops
scientific directors
- Over 140 attendees at workshops led by
- Selection of 8 new scientific directors
Portuguese and CMU researchers

Launch of CMU Portugal December
new image and website
Open Call for the Dual-Degree CMU
Portugal Program Scholarships
- 6 scholarships awarded
Participation at INCoDe Conference of the
National Forum for Digital Competences

26 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Timeline CMU Portugal Activities 27
The Minister of Science, Technology and Higher
Education, the President of FCT and a delegation of 12
Portuguese Researchers visit Carnegie Mellon University

June March
CMU Portugal Project Review meeting
Open Call for Large-scale
collaborative research projects Photo and Video Exhibition of the Screen DR project at FCT
Open Call for Exploratory Research Projects Open Call for visiting faculty and researchers at CMU

July September
Participation at Encontro Ciência 2019 CMU Portugal organizes Welcome
Reception for its Community in Pittsburgh
Presentation of the new ERP Call &
3rd phase Initiatives at CMU
CMU Portugal at the International Day
November (IDay2019) from Instituto Superior Técnico
Open Call for visiting faculty
and researchers at CMU December
Workshops on gender Balance in Stem
(Porto and Lisbon)
CMU Portugal Scientific directors promote CMU
Portugal activities at Carnegie Mellon University
CMU Portugal Distinguished lecture
“Beyond User Centered Design”
CMU Portugal Scientific directors visit CMU

CMU Portugal Distinguished lecture “Towards a

Conscious AI – A computer architecture inspired
by cognitive neuroscience” (Porto and Lisbon)
Timeline CMU Portugal Activities 29
The Board of Directors comprises the following four
– The President of the FCT or his/her designee (who
shall chair the Board)
The CMU Portugal collaboration is based on a contrac- – A representative of the Portuguese University part-
tual arrangement between CMU and the Portuguese ner institutions participating in
Science and Technology Foundation (FCT).
– The CMU Portugal Program or his/her designee, des-
The program’s governance structure begins with the ignated by the FCT
Board of Directors, who are responsible for policy – The President of CMU or his/her designee, and the Dean
oversight, approval of the annual plan and budget allo- of CMU’s College of Engineering or his/her designee.
cation for any proposed activities. An external review
committee (ERC) shall review the specified objectives In addition, one or more representative(s) of the main
and may suggest changes. The Board of Directors, Industrial and Institutional Affiliates, may also be mem-
ERC, Program directors, scientific directors and the bers of the Board. The Program Directors in Portugal
coordination office all work in conjunction as a unified and at CMU are non-voting members of the Board of Di-
body of leaders and manager to ensure that the pro- rectors.
gram works effectively.
The ERC’s duties shall consist of reviewing the CMU
Portugal Program’s programs (i.e., substantive scien-
tific auditing and independent evaluation of the pro-
Board Programs grams and the activities carried out and producing an
of Directors Directors evaluation report to the FCT and to the ICTI Board of
Directors) and in connection therewith, may suggest
specific changes.
Scientific Coordination
Directors Office The ERC is comprised of four members who are inde-
pendent members from the international scientific
External Review community (none of whom employed by FCT or CMU),
Committee and is appointed by and in the sole discretion of the FCT.

Governance 31
Board of Directors External Review Committee

Helena Pereira Professor Sir John O’Reilly (Chairman)

President of the Board of Directors. University College London, United Kingdom
President, Fundação para a Ciência Chairman, SERC, A*STAR, Singapore
e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Paulo Jorge Ferreira John Guttag

Rector, University of Aveiro Department of Electrical Engineering
Representative of Council of and Computer Science, Massachusetts
Portuguese Rectors (CRUP) Institute of Technology

James H. Garrett Fernando Pereira

Provost, Carnegie VP and Engineering Fellow at Google
Mellon University

Ali Sayed
William H. Sanders Dean of Engineering, EPFL School of
Dean of the College of Engineering Engineering
at Carnegie Mellon University

Giulio Sandini
Rogério Carapuça Senior Researcher, Founding Director,
President, Portuguese Association for Italian Institute of Technology
Development of Communications (APDC)
Representative of Industry
Yvonne Rogers
Professor and Director, Centre of Excellence
in Human-Computer Interaction, University
College London

32 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Governance 33

Program Directors

Nuno Nunes Rodrigo Rodrigues José M. F. Moura

National Director at Portugal National Director at Portugal Director at CMU of the
of the Carnegie Mellon of the Carnegie Mellon Carnegie Mellon Portugal
Portugal Program Portugal Program Program

Scientific Directors

Joana Mendonça Fernando Velez João Paulo Cunha Luís Filipe Antunes
Instituto Superior Técnico, Instituto de Telecomunicações Faculdade de Engenharia Faculdade de Ciências da
Universidade de Lisboa & Universidade da Beira interior da Universidade do Porto Universidade do Porto

Luís Caires Rui Maranhão Susana Sargento

Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia Paulo Marques Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Aveiro
da Universidade Nova de Lisboa CTO of Feedzai
Universidade de Lisboa

Coordination Office​
Portugal office

Mariana Alexandra
Sílvia Castro João Fumega Carmo Mendes
Executive Director Education Communications Project
Officer and Events Officer officer

Carnegie Mellon office

Megan Flohr Maya Colacito Adelson
Associate Director Administrative Administrative
Coordinator Coordinator

34 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Governance 35

The CMU Portugal Program has made a considerable
effort in its 3rd phase to expand its educational initia-
tives. The objectives are to encompass different levels
of education and to respond to new challenges based
on a demand that has grown in the last years in ICT re-
lated topics such has big data, artificial intelligence
(AI), and machine learning. The overarching strategy is
to maintain legacy initiatives, that are a core compo-
nent of the Program and a trademark of its excellence,
Education and but also aims to introduce new initiatives that broaden

Mobility Programs
the audience of the Program while respond to particu-
lar challenges that societies now face.
In the period that comprises this report between 2018-
2019, the Ph.D. Program in Human-Computer Interac-
tion was added to the Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs, and
the Ph.D. Programs in the Technological Change and
Entrepreneurship and Applied Mathematics were con-
cluded. The Ph.D. Programs requirements were also
revised. During CMU Portugal´s 2nd phase it was man-
datory for students' to develop their thesis within the
topics of specific research projects, now students can
explore a research topic within one of the main areas
of interest of the CMU Portugal Program, which broad-
ens the research produced via doctoral thesis. Simul-
taneously, there was an effort to increase the number
of awarded scholarships, reflected already in the 2019
call for admissions, and reinforced in the 2020 call.

Talent Development 39
The Mobility Programs are a key educational strategy bination of new educational methods and cutting
of the Program and have successfully attracted both edge tools. It was designed based on the past expe-
students and faculty since the 2nd phase of the Pro- rience of the Dual-Degree Master Programs that are
gram. During the 3rd phase of the Program, these in- now concluded, and was a response to a growing need
itiatives suffered significant changes. On one hand, that the Program faced by its industrial affiliates of a
the Visiting Students Program (which builds upon the more targeted, practical, and short duration training
Undegraduate Internship Program) now focuses on program. The Advanced Training Programs are being
master students, preferably in the 2nd and final year designed in partnership with Universidade de Lis-
of their master, instead of targeting students in the boa (FCUL and IST) and Universidade Nova de Lisboa
first year of their degree. This change has the objec- (FCT-UNL), and they are expected to launch in the be-
tive of creating a transition process in which master ginning of 2021.
students, future Ph.D. candidates, will have already
experienced CMU academic life, and had the opportu- To summarize, the main educational strategy for the
nity to establish networks and contact with high qual- 3rd phase of the Program will be to broaden the edu-
ity research and teaching, which will strength their cational initiatives portfolio in order to increase the
application to the Ph.D. Programs. Also, actions were outreach and contribution of the Program to the soci-
taken to increase the visiting period of these initia- ety: for master students to have a first contact with a
tives (up to 4 months for faculty and up to 6 months for different social and cultural environment, world class
students), and the total number of visiting students faculty and infrastructure to progress towards the
and faculty that visits CMU each year. Ph.D.; for Ph.D. students to have the unique opportu-
nity of having a Dual-Degree between Portugal and the
Finally, the Program has also been designing the Ad- U.S.; for scholars to establish or reestablish research
vanced Training Programs in Data Science and Ma- networks with other colleagues that could enable a
chine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction, joint research project, publication or other collabora-
which are a new educational initiative whose goal is tion; for workers in ICT related areas that want to get to
to provide a response to practical ICT related prob- know the latest tools, models and cutting edge knowl-
lems that companies face nowadays through a com- edge in a specific topic and apply it in their company.

40 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development 41

Since 2006, the CMU Portugal Program supports the
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs. Between 2018-2019 the
Program has opened 3 calls for scholarships (2018/2019,
2019/2020 and 2020/2021) for the following areas:
Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineer-
ing, Engineering and Public Policy, Human-Computer
Interaction (for 2020/2021), Language Technologies,
Software Engineering, and Robotics, in a collabora-
tion between 6 Portuguese Universities with various

Dual-Degree departments at CMU.

Ph.D. Programs Students in the Dual-Degree Program are actively reg-

istered in both Universities and conduct their stud-
ies both in Portugal and in the United States. The CMU
Portugal Program, through FCT, provides scholarships
that cover up to 5 years of funding, 3 years in Portugal
and 2 years at CMU. Students are co-advised by faculty
from Carnegie Mellon University and from Portuguese
partner higher education institutions. Graduates of
the program receive Dual-Degree conferred by CMU
and the affiliated Portuguese University.

Admission in the Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs is high-

ly competitive. The CMU Portugal candidates need to
present an application directly to CMU and be evaluat-
ed together with all the candidates that are applying
to that specific Ph.D. Program from all over the world.

Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 43

If they meet the minimum requirements for admis- University departments and also to FCT for schol-
sion, they are forwarded to an admissions commit- arship funding.
tee in Portugal, constituted by faculty from vari-
ous Portuguese higher education institutions, CMU The Dual-Degree Program provides a unique oppor-
faculty and chaired by the Directors of the Program. tunity for students to experience the advantages of
They will evaluate the applications for the awarding collaborative research between top-tier research in-
of the FCT – CMU Portugal scholarship. If the can- stitutions. The Program’s high scientific standards
didate attains the required evaluation to be con- have served and are expected to educate high-qual-
sidered for the Program, he/she will be proposed ity researchers, instructors, and innovators in ICT
for admission to the relevant CMU and Portuguese related areas for CMU Portugal´s 3rd phase.


Ph.D. CS-Robotics
Ph.D. CS
Ph.D. SE


44 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 45
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs The 3rd phase of the CMU Portugal Program introduced important
changes: in the admission process and in the increasing num-
ber of scholarships available, which can already be assessed in
Alumni, active & withdrawn students the following graphic where it is shown an increase of the
number of enrolled and active students in 2019. Since 2007, 125
students have enrolled in the Dual-Degree Ph.D. Program, with
Total 23 current active students. The number of students enrolled

since 2018, considering already the 2020 cohort which saw 8
new students enrolling in the Program, can be translated into
more enrolled students/ year on average (4,6) than the previous
80 phase (4,1).
From the 78 alumni of the Program only 5 are from calls that were
launched during the 2nd phase of the Program, 24 students (19%)
have withdrawn, suspended, or are in medical or parental leave.





‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19
46 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 47
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs: Regarding the number of enrolled students in each Ph.D.
Program, the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and
Students Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) Programs concentrated the
majority of the enrolled students. Since 2018, the distribution
Enrolled students in each Ph.D. Program of enrolled students across the Ph.D. Programs has been more
by entering year heterogeneous, with an important number of students also
enrolled in Language Technologies and Software Engineering.
This tendency was also registered and reinforced in 2020. In 2020,
from the 8 students enrolled in the Ph.D. Programs, 3 enrolled in
25 Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2 in Computer Science, 1
in Engineering and Public Policy, 1 in Software Engineering, and
1 in Language Technologies.



Moving Average


‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19
48 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 49
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs: From the 125 enrolled students, 41% were hosted in the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 26% in the Department of
Students Engineering and Public Policy, and 10% in the Department Computer
Science. The remaining students were enrolled in the Institute for
Enrolled students by host CMU department Software Research, Language Technologies Institute, Department
and Portuguese university of Mathematical Sciences, School of Public Policy & Management,
Robotics Institute, and Department of Social and Decision Sciences.
In Portugal, 59% of the students were enrolled in the University of
Lisbon, 24% in the University of Porto, and the remainder in the

Electrical Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade
and Computer
Engineering Católica Portuguesa and Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

and Public

30 Universidade
do Porto

125 4 Universidade
de Aveiro
3 Public Policy
& Management
2 Universidade
de Coimbra

Social and


Institute de Lisboa
for Software

2 Mathematical
9 Universidade
Católica Portuguesa

2 Robotics
Institute 6 Universidade
Nova de Lisboa

50 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 51
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs:
Regarding the nationality of the students enrolled in the Program,
52% are from Portugal, 21% from Asia and the Middle East and
Students 14% from North America. The remaining students are nationals
from countries located in South America, Europe or Africa, which
Enrolled students: nationality and gender illustrate the relative diversity of the students within the Program.
One important aspect is the overall high number of Portuguese
students, which acknowledges the quality of the Portuguese
higher education system. Between 2018 and 2019, of the 6 students
that were admitted and have enrolled, 3 are from North America
(United States of America), and 3 are from Portugal. In 2020, of
the 8 students admitted, 7 are Portuguese and 1 is from the United
States of America. Regarding gender balance, 20% of the students
are women, the majority of them (16) enrolled in the CMU Portugal
1st phase.

65 Portugal

17 North

4 Rest of

4 South
26 Asia and
Middle East

Dual Degree
Ph.D. Programs:
1 Africa

104 21 students
Male Female

52 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 53
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs Luis Borges
2018/2019 and 2019/2020 cohorts Cohort: 2019/2020

Ph.D. Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Research Topic: Neural Information Retrieval
Affiliation: IST and CMU
Supervisors: Bruno Martins (IST), Jamie Callan (CMU)
Alex Gaudio Currently, I am doing coursework in Portugal and
Cohort: 2018/2019
working on neural methods for tackling the MSMARCO
passage ranking task. For the following two years, I will be doing
Ph.D. Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering coursework in Pittsburgh and also continuing my research on
Ph.D. Research Topic: Explainability in AI for Medical Imaging the aforementioned topic. My last two years will be in Portugal,
Affiliation: FEUP and CMU where I will be doing directed research only.
Supervisors: Aurélio Campilho (FEUP), Asim Smailagic (CMU)

I authored four peer-reviewed works that contribute

towards the topic of explainability in AI for medical Maria Casimiro
image analysis. My recently accepted work on Pixel Color Cohort: 2019/2020
Amplification explains mathematical relationships between
four methods derived from dehazing theory and develops a Ph.D. Program: Software Engineering
family of interpretable image enhancement methods. These Ph.D. Research Topic: Resilient and
novel image enhancements significantly improve predictive Adaptive Machine Learning based Systems
performance on retinal fundus image segmentation tasks, Affiliation: IST and CMU
demonstrate that color values cause large differences in Supervisors: Paolo Romano (IST)
performance, and are visually stunning. In the following two David Garlan (CMU)
years of my Ph.D., I intend to expand on my advisors’ and my
existing works, and place special emphasis on explainable I believe the work I will develop during my Ph.D. has
analysis of Lung Radiography data. the potential to impact multiple sectors, ranging from
autonomous vehicles and robots to fraud detection and
medical diagnosis systems. I expect this to be a thrilling
journey, and in particular one that allows me to substantially
expand my knowledge in Software Engineering.
54 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 55
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs Neil Mehta
2018/2019 and 2019/2020 cohorts Cohort: 2019/2020

Ph.D. Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Research Topic: Developing and applying machine
learning techniques for non-invasive neuro-stimulation and
Diogo Cardoso neuro-sensing problems for applications in stroke rehabilitation,
Cohort: 2019/2020 chronic pain management, and prosthetic control
Affiliation: IST and CMU
Supervisors: Patrícia Figueiredo (IST), Pulkit Grover (CMU)
Ph.D. Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Research Topic: Improving the efficiency of distributed Currently, I am heavily involved in two projects - one with
optimization algorithms a goal in focusing currents in the brain to recruit specific
Affiliation: IST and CMU cortical cell types on a sub-micron resolution scale. The second
Supervisors: João Xavier (IST), Yuejie Chi (CMU) is more broadly focused on developing high resolution invasive
spinal cord stimulation techniques for fine motor control and
My research work focus on developing distributed algorithms potentially disruption of afferent pain-carrying fibers. In the
with faster convergence rates that require less communications coming years, I hope to gain an understanding of the different
between agents, alongside with the concern of determining neural representations of data that exist and apply this knowledge
and proving theoretically the conditions in which their towards developing more biologically plausible and useful deep
convergence to the result of interest is certain. To be a part of learning models.
the CMU Portugal program while working on this engineering
topic represents an unparalleled opportunity for my research. Rudolph Sanatorromana
On the one hand, I expect that the direct contact with leading Cohort: 2019/2020
experts and the newest developments in this area will impact
greatly my work and the way I approach research. On the other Ph.D. Program: Engineering and Public Policy
hand, I expect that the conditions gathered by this program, Ph.D. Research Topic: Deep decarbonization of economic sectors
such as the time divided between two top-tier Affiliation: IST and CMU
institutions, will turn out to be very enriching Supervisors: Joana Mendonça (IST), Granger Morgan (CMU)
for my personal and academic development. Regarding the following years, I plan to develop sim-
ulations, data analyses, technology assessments,
and policy recommendations to develop a low-car-
bon economy.

56 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 57
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs: On average 38% of the alumni finished the Ph.D. in the expected timeline

of 5 years and 28% in 6 years. Taking into account the number of enrolled
students previously mentioned, the majority of the alumni graduated
in Electrical and Computer Engineering (38%) and in Engineering and
Alumni by Ph.D. Program Public Policy (22%). Also important, especially at the beginning of the
and graduation year 2nd phase of the Program, the number of graduates in TCE (18%). EPP
is the Ph.D. Program with the highest completion rate (77%) together
with Applied Mathematics with 100% (in this case only two students
Considering the alumni average off each phase of the Program, the 1st in total were enrolled and graduated). All of the other Programs have
phase I (only two years with alumni) had an average of 5 alumni/year, completion rates above 50%. Software Engineering is currently an
the 2nd phase an average of 10,6 alumni/year and the 3rd phase (with 3 exception as from the 3 students enrolled, 1 has graduated, and 2 are
years), is currently with an average of 7,5 alumni/year. still active pursuing their Ph.D.





‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19
58 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 59
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs: From the 78 alumni, 40% were hosted in the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, 22% in the Department of Engineering
Alumni and Public Policy, and 10% in the Department of Computer Science.
The remaining students were enrolled in the Institute for Software
Alumni by host CMU department Research, Language Technologies Institute, Department of
and Portuguese university Mathematical Sciences, School of Public Policy & Management,
Robotics Institute, and Department of Social and Decision Sciences.
In Portugal 60% of the students were enrolled in the Universidade

Electrical de Lisboa, 23% in the Universidade do Porto, and the remainder in
and Computer the Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade
Católica Portuguesa and Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


and Public Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade do Porto (MAPi)

Social and
Decision 12 Faculdade de Engenharia
Universidade do Porto

78 4 Universidade
de Aveiro

Department Faculdade de
Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra


Instituto Superior Técnico
da Universidade de Lisboa

2 Mathematical

Católica Lisbon
School of Business

Institute & Economics

for Software
Research Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa

1 3
Faculdade de
Robotics Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa

60 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 61
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs: Regarding the alumni nationality, 46% are Portuguese, 23% are
from Asia and the Middle East countries, 14% from other European
Alumni countries and 12% from North America (all from the United States
of America). The remaining alumni are nationals from countries
Nationality and gender located in South America, and Africa. Of the alumni population 18%
are women and 82% are men.

36 Portugal

11 Rest of

9 North

18 Asia and
Middle East

3 South
1 Africa

78 Gender

64 14
Male Female

62 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 63
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs: The majority of the alumni that work in the U.S. are working in industry
(55%) followed by academia (38%) and governmental institutions (7%).
Alumni Apart the U.S., the most prominent job location for the CMU Portugal
alumni base is Portugal, which accounts for 20% of the total alumni.
Alumni job positions by type of employer In Portugal, the share of alumni working in industry is even higher than
and country of employment in the U.S. (60%), and most of them work in Portuguese ICT related
companies such as DefinedCrowd, Feedzai, Priberam, Unbabel,
In what concerns alumni job positions by type of employer and country Synopsys and NOS. A large share of the alumni work in other European
of employment, it was possible to complete the information for 74 of countries (17%), and in these cases the predominant type of employer is
the 78 alumni. From those, 40 alumni (54%) are working in the U.S., the academia (54%), followed by industry (38%), and non-governmental
of which 14 are Portuguese. Many alumni in the U.S. are working in institutions (8%). In these cases, alumni job positions range from
companies that are a reference in their area of activity (such as Utrecht University, Erasmus University and Eindhoven University to
Samsung, Google, Duolingo, JP Morgan) and top-tier universities (such Google, Amazon, and the European Commission. The majority of the
as Carnegie Mellon University, University of California, University of alumni that work in Asia and the Middle East is working in companies
Chicago, Princeton University). (72%) such as IBM, Alibaba or Mujin.

13 Rest of
Europe (8%)

17% 7
5 of total

40 7
United States Asia and
of America Middle East

3 Legend
(7%) (14%)

54% 15
Government 6 9% 1
of total (40%) of total
(38%) University 20% (14%)
of total
22 Non-Governmental
9 5
(55%) (72%)

64 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 65
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs: Rui Correia
Alumni Lead Machine Learning Engineer at DefinedCrowd

2018 and 2019 alumni Ph.D.: Language Technologies

Affiliation: IST/CMU Graduation year: 2018
Above all, it’s a privilege to be part of the CMU Portugal
João Semedo Program. The experience of pursuing your Ph.D. in two
Postdoctoral Research Associate different institutions, surrounded by two very distinct social
at Professor Yu’s Lab (CMU) and cultural surroundings was incredible.
Ph.D.: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Affiliation: IST/CMU Graduation year: 2018 Jayakorn Vongkulbhisal
My experience working at Professor Yu’s is being Research Scientist at IBM Research, Tokyo
absolutely fantastic! He is really inspiring, both
professionally and personally. The lab does leading work in Ph.D.: Electrical and Computer Engineering
systems neuroscience and is composed of very talented Affiliation: IST/CMU
people, who are great to work with every day. Graduation year: 2018

Soheil Hooshangi
Alexandre Ligo Assistant Professor at Bryan School of Business
Postdoctoral associate at CMU and Visiting Faculty at and Economics
Indiana University South Bend – Judd Leighton School
of Business and Economics Ph.D.: Technological Change and Entrepreneurship
Ph.D.: Engineering and Public Policy Affiliation: Católica/CMU
Affiliation: FEUP/CMU Graduation year: 2019
Graduation year: 2018

Shanghang Zhang
Filipa Reis Postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie
Mellon University
Invited Assistant Professor of Data Science at
Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics Ph.D.: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D.: Technological Change and Entrepreneurship Affiliation: IST/CMU
Affiliation: FEUP/CMU Graduation year: 2018 Graduation year: 2018

66 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 67
Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs:
2018 and 2019 alumni
João Saúde José Rodrigues
AI Research Scientist at Computer Vision Technical
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Lead at Mujin Inc.
Ph.D.: Electrical and Ph.D.: Electrical and
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Affiliation: IST/CMU Affiliation: IST/CMU
Zita Marinho Graduation year: 2018 Graduation year: 2018
Researcher at Priberam Labs

Ph.D.: Computer Science/Robotics

Affiliation: IST/CMU
Graduation year: 2018
My Ph.D. experience was very enrich-
Senbo Fu Luís Miguel Pinto
Collaborator PhD Researcher
ing, I had the chance of meeting and at ISEP
collaborating with other students and great Ph.D.: Electrical and Ph.D.: Electrical and
researchers at CMU. It was very motivating Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
and inspiring to be a part of my research lab, Affiliation: FCUP/CMU Affiliation: FEUP/CMU
and the campus provides a very intense and Graduation year: 2018 Graduation year: 2018
thriving student life.

Xuanle Ren
Research Scientist
at Alibaba Group
Baojiang (Chris) Yang Tiago Pereira
Data scientist at Houzz Design Engineer at ASML
Ph.D.: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D.: Electrical and Ph.D.: Electrical and
Affiliation: FEUP/CMU Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Graduation year: 2018 Affiliation: FCUP/CMU Affiliation: FEUP/CMU
Graduation year: 2018 Graduation year: 2019

68 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Dual-Degree Ph.D. Programs 69
The Visiting Faculty and Researchers Program and the
Visiting Students Program have been and continue to be
key educational initiatives of the CMU Portugal Program.
They have contributed to the strengthening of the re-
search networks that exist between the Portuguese Uni-
versities and CMU.

Since 2007, and considering the visiting students and

faculty that were admitted in 2020, 85 faculty affiliated
to Portuguese higher education institutions have partic-
ipated in the Visiting Faculty and Researchers Program
and 49 students under the Visiting Students Program. In

Mobility regards to the Visiting Faculty and Researchers Program,

of the 85 participants, 28 went on to participate in a CMU

Programs Portugal research project as PI's or researchers and/or

have supervised Dual-Degree Ph.D. students. As for the
Visiting Students Program, only 2 students who have vis-
ited CMU enrolled in the Dual-Degree Ph.D., which is why
the Program´s strategy for its 3rd phase is to target mas-
ter students, preferably in the 2nd year of the master, to
establish a coherent transition between the master and
the Ph.D., should the student decides to continue his or
her education.

Each year in average, and from 2007 to 2019, 10 faculty and/

or students visited CMU. The average length of the visits
is 3 months for the Visiting Faculty and Researchers and
4 months for the Visiting Students Program. Since 2018,
there have been two calls for the Visiting Faculty and Re-
searchers Program (in 2018 and 2019). The 2018 call admit-
ted 11 that visited CMU during 2019. The 2019 call, resulted
in 6 faculty accepted with visits scheduled for 2020. As for
the Visiting Students Program, a call was open in 2019 be-
ing that 9 students were selected to visit CMU in 2020.

Talent Development - Mobility Programs 71

The Visiting Faculty and Visiting Faculty and Visiting Students

Researchers Program
Researchers Program Program

& Visiting Students Program

Number of visits per year
57 22 30 10
Male Female Male Female



11 11


4 3 3
1 1
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019

72 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 73
Faculty and In regards to the visiting faculty host department at CMU, and

Researchers Program considering the visits until 2019, 79 visiting faculty had the
opportunity to collaborate with a CMU counterpart in research,
co-teaching and other academic activities. From those, 27%
By host CMU Departments and Portuguese Universities were hosted in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, 18% in the Institute for Software Research, 14% in the
Department of Computer Science, 13% in the Human-Computer

21 2
Electrical Civil and Interaction Institute, and the remaining in various departments
and Computer Environmental and institutes as it can be seen in the figure. Regarding the
Engineering Engineering affiliation to the Portuguese higher education institution 20% of
the visiting faculty were affiliated to Universidade de Lisboa, 19%

14 2
Institute to the Universidade de Coimbra, 19% to the Universidade do Porto,
for Software Machine
Learning 13% to the Universidade da Madeira, 10% to the Universidade de
Aveiro, and the remaining to other Universities and Polytechnics
Institutes Portuguese
in Portugal university
as it can be seen in the figure.


11 Computer
12 Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

Instituto Politécnico do Porto

Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Human-Computer Chemistry Universidade Católica de Lisboa
Interaction Universidade da Beira Interior
Institute Universidade de Trás-os-Montes

1 Visiting Universidade do Algarve

Universidade do Minho

Engineering Psychology
and Public Faculty 15 Universidade
do Porto

1 8
Mechanical Universidade

de Aveiro
Chemical Engineering
15 Universidade
de Coimbra


Systems &
Institute Management 16 Universidade
de Lisboa

3 Universidade


Nova de Lisboa
Tepper Engineering
School Institute
of Business 10 Universidade
da Madeira

74 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 75
Visiting Students Program In regards to the visiting students host department at CMU, and
considering the number of visits until 2019, 40 visiting students
had the opportunity to attending courses, participating in
By host CMU Departments and Portuguese Universities
research projects and immersing in the CMU community. From
those, 35% were hosted in the Department of Computer Science,
30% were hosted in the Department of Electrical and Computer

Computer Engineering, and 10% were hosted in the Robotics Institute. The
remaining visiting students were hosted in various departments
and institutes as it can be seen in the figure. Regarding the
affiliation to the Portuguese higher education institution, 43% of

Electrical the visiting students were affiliated to the Universidade de Lisboa,
and Computer 38% to the Universidade do Porto, 10% to the Universidade de
Engineering Coimbra, and the remaining to other Universities and Polytechnics
Institutes in Portugal, as it can be seen in the figure.

4 Robotics

15 Universidade

do Porto


Technologies Universidade
Visiting de Coimbra

2 1
Engineering Instituto Politécnico
and Public de Coimbra

for Software
17 Universidade
de Lisboa

2 Mechanical
2 Universidade
Nova de Lisboa

Department 1 Universidade
da Madeira

76 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 77
Visiting Faculty Program Andreia Mordido
Invited Assistant Professor I
2019 Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)
Host at CMU: Frank Pfenning
Host Department: Computer Science
Research Area: Probabilistic logic, Probabilistic satisfiability, Type
theory, Formal methods
Petia Georgieva “As initially planned, our research work focused on the equiv-
Assistant Professor I Universidade de Aveiro
alence of session types with type constructors. Our main pur-
pose was not only to analyze the decidability of this problem
Host at CMU: Pei Zhang but also to propose a practical algorithm to decide it and to be
Host Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering integrated into a compiler. […] Inspired in existing work on the
Research Area: Machine Learning, Control Systems, System Theory, equivalence of languages generated by deterministic push-
Deep Learning down automata (DPDA), we have proposed a transformation on
session types with (n-ary) type constructors that ensures they
“We have worked on product label recognition in auton- become normed after the transformation. […] Currently, we
omous stores. […] We have proposed an Optical Char- are working on the incorporation of the algorithm to decide the
acter Recognition (OCR) approach for label detection and tran- bisimilarity of simple grammars, that I proposed to the TACAS
scription from natural scene images, not specifically taken for 2020 conference, with Pfenning's current parser for session
product characterization. This is the first autonomous store types with arithmetic refinements.[…] During my visit to CMU,
system that considers an OCR sensing modality, to the best of I presented my previous and ongoing work in the PoP seminar,
our knowledge. This is a step toward a closer approximation to hosted by the Principles of Programming group at the Com-
the natural way humans acquire information in product pur- puter Science Department. […] With this program, I had the
chase activity. […] In the framework of the course on Mobile opportunity to present and integrate my work in another set-
and Pervasive Computing given by Dr. Pei Zhang I gave a lec- ting and, hopefully, and ultimately, it will allow me to contrib-
ture on Machine Learning, Data Collection and Sensor fusion. ute to a better understanding of the problem of equivalence
I have updated my lectures and labs for the course on Machine of session types with type constructors and their connection
Learning, as an outcome of this activity. I teach in the Univer- to DPDAs. I do not consider this program is over. I instead feel
sity of Aveiro, based on Python programming. I have also pre- it is present in my life every single day, either
pared a new course on Deep Learning based on Tensorflow and through the work I have continued to carry out
Keras programming environments for Deep Learning models with Frank Pfenning, Ankush Das, and Henry
development. In conclusion, this was a very fruitful and suc- DeYoung, or through the regular meetings we
cessful professional period for me.” have had since I arrived in Portugal.”
78 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 79
Vânia Silvério Vasco Miguel Gomes Nunes Manquinho
Postdoctoral researcher | INESC-MN Associate Professor I Universidade de Lisboa (IST)
Invited Assistant Professor I Universidade de Lisboa (IST)

Host at CMU: Ruben Martins

Host at CMU: Carmel Majidi Host Department: Computer Science Department
Host Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Soft Research Area: Program synthesis, usage of computational logic
Machines Laboratory (SML) methods for verification
Research Area: Combining nanotechnology with simulation tools “[…] The focus of my research work was on program synthesis. […]
for the development of microfluidic devices and sensors. Our research work focused on automatically generating programs
based on input-output examples. The work was divided into three
main tasks: (1) automatic generation of data transformations
“The activities considered during the 3 month-period spent at in R and SQL, (2) automatic generation of data transformations
the Soft Machines Laboratory (SML) […] are summarized:[in from visual elements in the examples, and (3) disambiguation of
what regards laboratory efforts] “Understand the hierarchy the programs generated in a program synthesis tool. First, a new
of molecular, microscale, and mesoscale structures and tool for generating programs for table transformations in R and
ordering of Liquid Crystal Elastomers (LCE); Define the SQL was developed. Given a database with several tables and the
protocol for the preparation of the LCE for the current expected output table, our tool is able to generate the necessary
experiments, based on existing protocols; Define the protocol sequence of operations (in R and SQL) to produce the output table
provided by the user. The tool SQUARES is available for download at
for the inclusion of Liquid Metal in LCE matrix for a soft […] We have also worked on a new
multifunctional composite (suitable for sensing, mechanically
framework for table transformations, where the user provides a
robust electronic connectivity and active shape morphing); chart instead of an output table. […] A paper submission on this work
Characterize thermally and topographically the compliant is being finalized. […] The third task focused on the disambiguation
and deformable LCE matrix that can achieve macroscopic of programs. Note that in a program synthesis tool there might be
shape change through a liquid crystal phase transition; Define several programs that satisfy the user specification. Therefore,
a new protocol for the inclusion of Phase Change Materials we plan to use model checking techniques for automatic test
(PCM) in the LCE matrix, for thermal management; Design and generation to find new input examples where the program’s found
fabricate individual planar thermal microactuators by laser by the synthesizer differ on the output. Next, interaction with the
depaneling, separation, and singulation; Experimental tests user follows to remove the undesired programs. Instead of asking
(experimental mounting, Infrared imaging, Matlab scripts for the user for additional examples, the goal is to generate those
examples automatically to disambiguate the programs. I would like
acquisition and data analysis); Public presentation of the
to thank the CMU-Portugal program to support the advancement of
results and discussion.“ The visiting faculty also
this new line of research. This will have an impact on the teaching
attended various seminars, training courses and activities at the Computer Science Department at IST, as well as
visited other facilities related to the research area. on the research at INESC-ID.”

80 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 81
Pedro Manuel Soares Moura Paulo Dias
Assistant Professor I Universidade de Coimbra Assistant Professor I Universidade de Aveiro

Host at CMU: Javad Mohammadi Host at CMU: Daniel Siewiorek and Asim Smailagic
Host Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering Host Department: HCI Institute (School of Computer Science)
Research Area: Distributed energy resources, such as electric Research Area: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR),
vehicles (EV) and solar photovoltaic (PV). applications and practices.
“I was involved in several meetings regarding a VR project aiming to
train amputees for the use of prosthetic limbs. The project involves
“The developed research work has resulted not only in
the capture of bio-signals (myo-armband) and the use of VR to
the preparation of three publications but also on the first train the use of prosthetic, avoiding muscle atrophy, and providing
steps to ensure a future implementation of the designed training while expecting prosthetics under development. It involves
algorithms. The objective is to continue the collaboration bio-signal capture, classification, and creation of VR serious games
to ensure in the short term the implementation of the (currently a preliminary demonstration simulates a shopping
management algorithms in a building management system activity). I was involved in several meetings within the “prosthetic
using VOLTTRON ( as software project” led by CMU hosts. During one of these meetings, I present
platform and conduct a pilot at the University of Coimbra. To the work under development at the University of Aveiro in this area.
ensure it, the objective is to submit a proposal for the next […] I also gave several AR industry projects taking place in Aveiro.
I also had meetings with Chris Harrison and Adam Perer that teach
call for research projects. This visit was very important to
courses similar to those I teach in Aveiro, respectively, “Design of
the future development of my career since it allowed me to Human Computer Software” and “Information visualization”. We
develop research and academic activities in an institution shared material and experiences teaching these topics and gave
implementing cutting-edge research and world-class me the possibility to assist in some classes. One of the significant
education, as CMU. This contact with new cultures and benefits of being at the CMU campus, was the number of talks, Ph.D.
best practices in research will proposals and defenses taking place regularly in the most various
be fundamental do define new topics. I had the chance to assist many of them. […] Besides this, the
research lines and objectives experience of leaving abroad immersed in a different culture and to
for my research group.” meet new people is always an enriching experience from a personal
and professional point of view. From the less positive side, I would
say that finding a host at CMU was not very easy and I would have
expected additional help from the program to
get in touch with potential hosts[…] Overall it
was a wonderful experience professionally and
personally, and I’m grateful to CMU Portugal
program to provide me this opportunity.”

82 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 83
Bruno Direito Leitão Élvio Rúbio Gouveia
Postdoctoral Researcher I Assistant Professor I Universidade da Madeira
Universidade de Coimbra
Host at CMU: Marcel Just Host at CMU: Daniel Siewiorek
Host Department: Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging (CCBI), Host Department: HCI Institute (School of Computer Science)
Department of Psychology Research Area: Technologies for the improvement of Quality of Life (QoL)
Research Area: Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), functional mag-
netic resonance imaging neurofeedback, neurorehabilitation and ML

“The opportunity to collaborate with CCBI allowed me to study “The main purpose of this visit to the Hu-
novel approaches to the analysis of real-time functional Magnetic man-Computer Interaction Institute Depart-
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) neurofeedback data. [Regarding the ment at Carnegie Mellon University was to tar-
classification of emotional imagery in ASD], “results suggest that get future collaborative research in the quality
i. discriminability of the neural activation based on this paradigm of life topic. The specific objectives of this
is possible using multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) - mean rank visit were: (a) to establish stronger links with
accuracy 71.7% (considering the control group), and ii. neural
the Quality of Life Technology research group
signatures of emotion imagery changes / and discriminability
of emotions improves after the neurofeedback training in the of CMU, enabling synergies and networking
clinical population tested […] [Regarding changes in functional to promote collaborative research projects in Madeira, Portugal;
connectivity after the neurofeedback training] Preliminary results (b) to acquire new skills/collaboration through examples of good
obtained during the visiting period, suggest that there are changes teaching practice at Carnegie Mellon University, and (c) to work on
in the functional connectivity between the baseline and the transfer research papers to be submitted during the year 2019. [Regarding
measurements. Moreover, a measure of average connectivity in the promotion of collaborative research projects], it was developed
the network […] shows that connectivity in the networks analyzed and submitted a proposal entitled "Assisted Living Technologies
increased in all tasks.[…] During the visit, two presentations for Healthy Ageing" to Europe under the call “Work Programme for
were hosted within CCBI. During this period, I also attended Research & Innovation 2018-2020”, namely, Health, Demographic
multiple research meetings with faculty and students, industrial Change, and Wellbeing. [On the topic of examples of good teach-
partners, that I believe may represent future collaborators. ing practice at CMU], several meetings with professors Daniel
CMU Portugal program also provided the opportunity to attend
Siewiorek and Asim Smailagic from the Human-Computer Inter-
seminars, and meet some of the most influential researchers
action Institute Department were performed. In those meetings,
in multiple research fields. Two manuscripts presenting these
research developments are being prepared in collaboration. […] there were discussed research practices, and examples of good
The success of the visit is reflected in the tangible outcomes teaching practice. [Regarding research papers to be submitted]
of this period, namely the research developments (and possible an article entitled “The Efficacy of a Multicomponent Functional
future collaborative publications) and a very positive personal Fitness program based on Exergaming on the Cognitive Function
experience. Moreover, the success of the program may pave the of Healthy Older Adults: a randomized controlled trial” was writ-
way for future collaborations between CIBIT (UC) and CCBI (CMU).” ten.”
84 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 85
of the weekly visitors was impressive, and
“Regarding research, I worked I reckon it is one of the most significant
mainly with Professor Jason benefits of being in such a big university.
Hong’s research group (Chimps Furthermore, auditing classes enhanced
Labs) on a MementoKey project my knowledge of the educational methods
over the passwords generation used at CMU and helped me understand
system in Cybersecurity and their teaching strategies better. Therefore,
privacy in the area of Human- I consider that the main goals of my visit
Computer Interaction (HCI). This lead to to CMU were achieved and, additionally,
the opportunity to also collaborate on it was possible to capture a holistic view
a project over a privacy manager with of a distinguished university. I deem that
his research group. Currently, we are this exchange semester contributed to
collecting data. Consequently, we expect strengthening the relationship between
the result to be published in international ITI/LARSyS and CMU, what most probably
journals by the end of 2020, the beginning will translate into further research
of 2021. Moreover, I participated in collaborations.”
periodic research meetings, where I had
the chance of being involved in productive
discussions over the work done at the HCII,
particularly the research project that I
was concerned about. By participating in
the faculty exchange program, I had the
Bongkeum Jeong
Researcher I ITI from LARSyS
exciting chance of regularly interacting
with researchers from the SCS and the
HCII. [...] Throughout my stay at CMU, Host at CMU: Jason Hong
I attended seminars, talks, and classes Host Department: HCI Institute (School of Computer Science)
at the Human-Computer Interaction Research Area: Interactive technologies for HCI, issues of wearable
Institute (HCII) and the SCS.[…] The quality computing, mobile computing, and context-aware computing.

86 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Mobility Programs 87
The CMU Portugal Program has been designing two Ad-
vanced Training Programs: Data Science and Machine
Learning; and Human-Computer Interaction. These in-
itiatives will be offered by the Universidade de Lisboa
(IST through Técnico+ and FCUL) and Universidade Nova
de Lisboa (FCT-UNL) together with CMU and are expect-
ed to launch in the beginning of 2021. Several meetings
were held between the partners to define the Program´s
structure, content and budget. The CMU Portugal coor-
dination office also met with multiple industry affiliates

Advanced and other companies related to the areas of the Pro-

grams, and their inputs were crucial to define the struc-

Training ture of the Programs.

The Advanced Training Programs were designed in close
collaboration with CMU, in terms of the structure of the
programs, the modules that will be offered and their
content. The objective of the training programs will be
to provide professionals who work in ICT related areas a
short and intensive educational program through which
they will have close contact with the latest developments
in their field of work but also cutting-edge methods and
tools. The programs will encourage participants with a
wide range of professional backgrounds and skills and
will be an opportunity to share experiences with people
from different areas: from software engineers, to data
scientists to product managers. The faculty involved in
the Programs will be composed of high-profile faculty
from the participating universities but also of experts
from industry.

As of 2019, both Programs already have the course struc-

ture defined, being that in 2020 the Program is working
in the budget and final agreement to be signed by the
parties so that the Programs can start in 2021.
Talent Development - Advanced Training Programs 89
The scientific output assessment of the CMU Portugal Pro-
gram is of critical importance to understand the quality and
impact of the research that is being produced by the Ph.D.
students, Post-Doc researchers and faculty.

Looking into the more than 1,500 publications reported by

the Program community since 2007 and made in the scope
of the CMU Portugal Program, it is possible to identify two
main tendencies. The first, of a steady growth in the total
number of publications until 2013, and then a second ten-
dency of a decrease in the number of publications to 2014,
which have then remained relatively regular in their growth
pattern. It is important to underline that the biggest dif-
ferences in the number of publications produced per year
were registered in years that followed the transition of one

phase to another: from 230 publications to 101 from the 1st
phase (2013) to the 2nd (2014), and from 136 to 90 from the
2nd phase (2018) to the 3rd (2019).

The graphic bellow shows the publications authored or co-authored

in the scope of the CMU Portugal Program (2007-2019).

250 230 Journal Paper

221 Conference
200 186 Books and book chapter
Active students
138 136
150 122
121 118
92 90

50 34
‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19
Talent Development - Advanced Training Programs 91
The number of active students decreasing until 2018 also When analyzing solely the publications authored or
explains this tendency, which will be discussed further in coauthored by dual degree Ph.D. students or alumni, one of
this chapter. Despite this decrease in the total number of the factors that had a higher contribution to the decrease
publications, there has been an increase in the number of in the total number of publications was the decrease in
journal papers produced since 2015 (with the exception the number of active students, which led to a reduction
of 2017). In the period of 2018-2019 43 and 45 papers were in the number of publications authored or co-authored by
produced respectively, which remains above the average Ph.D. students almost consistently since 2014 as it can be
of 40 journal papers produced per year since 2007. Regard- seen in more detail in the figure below. To note, the major
ing the books and book chapters that were produced, they discrepancies are most visible in the conference papers.
have been in a tendency of relative growth since 2014, be- Between 2018-2019 16 and 14 conference papers were
ing that the books and book chapters produced in 2018 and produced respectively, below the average of 23 papers
2019 (7 and 5 respectively) are on pair with the average of since 2007. Regarding the books and book chapter, from
5 since 2007. The decrease in the total number of publica- 2018-2019 2 books or book chapters were produced in
tions corresponds with strong negative growth of the publi- 2018 and 0 in 2019. On the other hand, the journal papers
cations in conference proceedings which have, in the tran- present a steadier base of production. Between 2018-2019
sition from the 1st phase to the 2nd phase, decreased from 8 journal papers were produced each year (but still below
more than 100 per year to less than 100 per year, and then the average of 10 since 2007).
in the reporting period again decreased from 86 in 2018 to 80
Journal Paper
40 in 2019.
Books and book chapter
Active students
60 60
Books and 519
book Chapter Journal
(4%) Paper
1594 (32%) 40
(64%) 20

From the more than 1,500 publications reported, 64% are

conference papers, 32% journal papers and 4% books and 0
book chapters. ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19
92 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Advanced Training Programs 93
> 100 0
Considering the distribution of the publications authored Citations Citations
or co-authored by Ph.D. students, which account for 438 (7%) (9%)
publications, the majority of the publications (64%) were
conference papers, followed by journal papers (28%), and
books and book chapters (8%).

11-100 1-10
36 Citations Citations
Books and 124 (40%) (44%)
book Chapter Journal
(8%) Paper
438 (28%)
2500 14000
publications Year of citations (total)
278 Total citations
2000 11200

1500 8400

According to the Google Scholar website, used to analyze 1000 5600

the impact of the publications: only 9% of the publications
had 0 citations, 44% had from 1-10 citations, 40% had
11-100 citations and 7% had more than 100 citations.
Analyzing the number of citations per year, strong growth 500 2800
was registered until 2015 which stabilized from 2016
onwards, maintaining the number of citations along the
years despite, as we have seen before, a decrease in the
number of publications produced. 0 0
‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19
94 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Talent Development - Advanced Training Programs 95
CMU Portugal supports research projects in the broad area of Infor- In 2018 and 2019, 20 CMU Portugal Projects, 12 Entrepreneurial
mation and Communication Technologies (ICT), with a particular fo- Research Initiatives (ERIs) and 8 Exploratory Projects (ERPs), were
cus on areas that have a direct impact on the data economy and fos- conducted across multiple Portuguese research institutions and CMU
ter interdisciplinary collaboration between industry and academia departments, strengthening the international collaborative effort
across different levels of the "big data" software stack. This Includes across institutions and in close collaboration with industry partners.
research topics spanning from the technologies for processing large- This commitment was further enhanced through the launch of two
scale data sets, to the artificial intelligence techniques that enable new calls for projects in 2019: a call for new Exploratory Research
extracting value from data, or to the sociotechnical systems and ap- Projects and a call for Large- Scale Collaborative Research Projects.
plications that are catalyzed through these techniques. This last call represented the most significant public and private
investment to date in research and technological development under
Since 2006, the CMU Portugal Program has launched 9 calls and fund- the scope of the CMU Portugal Program with a total of 21 000 000
ed 72 projects. € of funding awarded. Together with the 2019 Exploratory Research
Projects calls, which managed to award 820 000 € of funding, these
2008 Call for Projects two calls represented a total investment of 21 820 000 €. of public
Broad ICT and Computer Science area and private funding in high quality and innovative research in ICT.
10 Projects approved
Concluded in 2012-2013
2014 Call for Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives
2009 Call for Projects Integrated activities in research, innovation, advanced education with industry
collaboration for real world impact
Broad ICT and Computer Science area
12 Projects approved 6 Projects approved
Concluded in 2013-2014 6 Projects still active in 2018-2019

2009 Joint Call for Projects with UT Austin 2017 Call for Exploratory Research Projects
Identify emerging key strategic areas for a potential third phase
Partnership with UT Austin Portugal in Applied Mathematics
3 Projects approved 8 Projects approved
Concluded in 2012-2013 Concluded in 2018-2019

2013 Call for Early Bird Projects 2019 Call for Exploratory Research Projects
Jumpstart new high-impact initiatives emphasis on exploratory research
Jumpstart new high-impact initiatives with na emphasis on exploratory research
10 Projects approved 7 Projects approved
Concluded in 2015-2016 Starting in 2020

2013 Call for Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 2019 Call for Large-scale collaborative Projects
Integrated activities in research, innovation, advanced education with industry Led by national companies in partnership with non-corporate entities
of the R&D System and Carnegie Mellon.
collaboration for real world impact
6 Projects approved 10 Projects approved
Concluded in 2018-2019 Starting in 2020

98 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation 99

Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives (ERIs) are science,
engineering, management and policy projects that jointly
combine research, innovation and advanced training
initiatives, in collaboration with companies, with an
emphasis on the commercialization of technology with
an economic and societal impact.

The projects have a maximum duration of 48 months

and comprise a consortium of research teams from
two Portuguese universities, one from Carnegie Mellon

Entrepreneurial University and at least one partner company. The 2013

and 2014 competitive calls awarded 12 new grants with

Research an overall funding of 10,8 M€ public funding and 2.6M€

financial commitment by private companies.

Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives

ERI 2013
An international innovation engine is a symbiotic relation-
ship between researchers and industry partners, embed-
ded in global knowledge and business networks, to create
new ideas and translate them into products, processes,
and services. Ultimately, ERIs seeks to foster a culture that
integrates discovery, innovation, and internationalization
by acting as international innovation and growth engines.

Furthermore, the projects strategically use professional

master or doctoral education programs in Portuguese uni-
versities, including the dual degree programs of the CMU
Portugal Program.

Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 101

ERI 2013 Call
Project Portuguese PI Institutions CMU PI Organizations

AHA Alexandre Bernardino IST-ID; FMH; Daniel P. Siewiorek PLUX; YDreams

ID.FCT Asim Smailagic

HYRAX Fernando Silva INESC TEC; IT; Priya Narasimhan Geolink; Wavecom;

E4VALUE Miguel Amaral IST-ID; IDMEC; Granger Morgan CEIIA; Embraer Portugal

INSIDE Francisco Melo INESC ID; IST-ID; Manuela Veloso Hospital Garcia de Orta;

TEIPL Pedro Oliveira CLSBE/UCP; Lee Branstetter INNOSABI; Microsoft;


VR2MARKET João Paulo Cunha INESC TEC; Fernando De la Torre Biodevices; Future Cities-
(INESC TEC; FEUP) IT; UA (RI) UPorto; Hospital de Gaia;

102 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 103
ERI 2014 Call
Project Portuguese PI Institutions CMU PI Organizations

+ATLANTIC Ramiro Neves IST-ID; ARDITI; H. Scott Mathews AM; CEIIA; EMAM; ISQ;

BioVisualSpeech Sofia Cavaco NOVA.ID.FCT; Maxine Eskenazi CHLC; ESSA; HDE; SCML;
(NOVA.ID.FCT; FCT/UNL) INESC ID (LTI) Voice Interaction

GoLocal João Magalhães NOVA.ID.FCT; Jamie Callan CML; Priberam;


S2MovingCity Susana Sargento IT; UA Manuela Veloso APD; CMP; Veniam

(IT/UA) (CS)

SCREEN-DR Aurélio Campilho INESC TEC; UA Gustavo Rohde ARSN; BMD; CHTS;
(INESC TEC; FEUP) (BE) First Solutions; HSJ;

STRETCHTRONICS Aníbal Traça de Almeida ISR-Coimbra; Carmel Majidi CENTIMFE


104 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 105
Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives
By host CMU Departments and Portuguese Universities

Civil and

Engineering CRACS
Computer IT Porto

Electrical IT Aveiro
and Computer UAveiro

Accelerator 2 ISR-COIMBRA
and Public IPLeiria

Heinz IN+

Institute IMM-FMUL
Language UNICEE
Technologies UCP
Institute IT


Social and
Sciences 3 ARDITI

106 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 107
Publications Industrial partners
Action Modulers (AM) IncidentAid inc.
Administração Regional de Saúde do innosabi GmbH (INNOSABI)

Peer -review Norte (ARSN)

Microsoft (MSFT)
Prototypes conference AED Cluster Portugal - Aeronautics, Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade
Space and Defence
papers (ISQ)
Associação Porto Digital (APD) Organização Nacional da Indústria
Biodevices, Sistemas de Engenharia do Petróleo (ONIP)

10 Patents 40 Ph.D.
Biomédica, S.A. (BioDevices)
BMD Software (BMD)
Bombeiros de Vila Real
Lusotechnip Engenharia,
Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda
Bombeiros Voluntários de Albergaria- MR Terapias

141 159
Peer-review Master NAV, EPE
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML)
papers Thesis Novartis Farma – Produtos
Câmara Municipal do Porto (CMP) Farmacêuticos S.A. (NOVARTIS
CEIIA -Centre of Engineering and Petratex – Confecções SA
Product Development
Petróleos de Portugal – PETROGAL,
Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, SA (PETROGAL/Galp-E)
Plux, Engenharia de Biosensores
Centro para a Excelência e Inovação
Researchers funded by the Project na Indústria Automóvel (CEIIA)
Lda (PLUX)
PLUX, Wireless Biosignals, SA
Centro Tecnológico da Indústria de
Moldes, Ferramentas Especiais e Priberam Informática, S.A.
Plásticos (CENTIMFE) (Priberam)

25 45
Post Ph.D. Embraer
EMEPC, Estrutura de Missão para a Steinbeis Advanced Risk
Docs (total) Extensão da Plataforma Continental Technologies (R-Tech)
First Solutions Veniam, Lda. (Veniam)
Future Cities – Uporto Voice Interaction

17 73
Dual Ph.D. MSc Geolink VoiceInteraction – Tecnologias de
degrees Hospital de Gaia Processamento da Fala, S.A. (Voice
Hospital de São João (CHSJ)
Wavec/Offshore Renewables
Hospital Dona Estefânia (HDE)
– Centro De Energia Offshore
Hospital Garcia de Orta, EPE (HGO) (WAVEC)

Other ICNF - Instituto de Conservação da Wavecom
researchers Natureza e das Florestas
YDR, YDreams Robotics
IDMIND – Engenharia de Sistemas,

Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 109

The collaborations established through the Program’s 12 ERIs the 5 projects, i.e., “the projects scientific objectives have been
brought together industry, academic partners and people – faculty, fully achieved. The results show high scientific quality, including at
researchers, industry experts, and students– in Portugal and at the level of publications in international journals or other relevant
Carnegie Mellon. The networks established within these projects indicators, and are widely accepted by the Scientific Community in
involved 26 Portuguese institutions and 46 companies across the area where the project is integrated. The projects contributed to
the country, and 11 CMU Departments (Civil and Environmental the training of young researchers and the international projection of
Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, the teams involved.”
the Engineering Accelerator, Engineering and Public Policy, Heinz,
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Language Technologies Overall, the committee praised the scientific and technological
Institute, Mechanical Engineering, Social and Decision Sciences, impact of the projects.
and Robotics). People were at the center of these consortiums, with
ERIs’ impact on the development of qualified human resources in
Portugal and CMU. Overall, more than 310 researchers participated "The project appears to be performing world leading
in the ERIs and 204 researchers were funded directly by the project: research in the area of stretchable electronics. The work
25 post-doctoral fellows, 45 Ph.D. students – of which 17 were Dual- has been published at top international conferences
Degree Ph.D. students, 73 Master students and 44 other researchers. and in top-tier journals. It has resulted in a patent application
The collaborative projects can also be translated into their scientific describing both a new material and a new fabrication process,
achievements with 141 publications in international peer-review and a spin-out, which already appears to be active exploiting
publications, 307 peer-review conference papers, 40 Ph.D. and 159 aspects of this technology.”
Master theses developed within the context of the ERIs.
In the area of innovation, the projects reported the development of 92
“The scientific output of the project is impressive. There have
prototypes and the submission of 10 new patents. The information of
been a number of deployments of the system with real end-users
each ERI, including summary and outputs, is compiled in the following
to fully evaluate it, and these evaluations, along with contributions
involving the necessary signal processing to detect stress from
On March 25-26th, 2019, at FCT, Lisbon, the CMU Portugal Program biological measurements, have been published in a large number
organized mid-term and final project evaluations of the 12 approved of peer reviewed venues, including international conferences
projects: 5 final evaluations (projects that ended in November and (including UbiComp and MOBIQUITOUS) and top tier journals.”
December of 2018) and the assessments of 7 active projects. The
independent international panel of experts was comprised by Alex
Rogers (AR), University of Oxford; Giulio Sandini (GS), Istituto Italiano “The quality of the scientific research is excellent. They have
di Tecnologia; Manuel Gomez Rodriguez (MGR), Max Planck Institute made significant progress on developing a platform for automatic
for Software Systems; Marina van Geenhuizen (MvG), Delft University diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening by creating highly valuable
of Technology; Sergey Gorinsky (SG), IMDEA Networks Institute annotated datasets and leveraging state of the art machine
learning techniques. It is encouraging that a version
The final reports of the projects AHA, Hyrax, E4value, INSIDE of the platform is already in production and they have
and TEIPL were all accepted by the evaluators and 4 out of the 5 published an impressive number of peer-reviewed
projects were awarded the classification A (maximum) to 4 out of publications (journal paper and conference papers)”

110 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 111
+ Atlantico Principal
Start: 01/04/2016
End: 31/01/2020
Ramiro Neves
The ultimate goal of the +Atlantic project is to promote a IST
consortium in the form of an International Observatory, to
stimulate participatory risk governance activities, to support
the design of public policies and the sustainable development
of industry, so as to foster the endogenous development of Scott Matthews
Atlantic regions. It is particularly aimed to help improving our CMU
understanding of new innovation dynamics and technology-
based services for offshore sustainable industries over the
The project was planned as an initial step for a large cross Atlantic
initiative, connecting the north and the south, fostering the Keywords
collaboration between industry and academy. Oil&Gas growth · Communication Platform
new needs of this industry along a chain of different technological
and scientific suppliers was foreseen as major driving force for
· Advanced technologies for inspection
the project, but during project implementation marine energies and maintenance of subsea systems
and aquaculture together with the north-south link became the · 3D forecast models
focus of the project.
Techno-economical and Environmental analysis assessment of
marine energies, aquaculture offshore Oil&Gas and Deep Sea
Mining and supporting technologies (modeling, monitoring and
robotics) for spatial planning and exploitation where developed,
including a climatological atlas, a monitoring buoy and a IT tool to Website:
manage robotics data and a platform to support regional ocean
Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 113
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da 4 4
Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI) Post Ph.D.
Docs (total)
· Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a
Investigação e o Desenvolvimento (IST-ID)
Prototypes 2
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
· Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI)
9 Peer-review
papers 4 Peer-review
conference 3 Ph.D.
· Action Modulers (AM)
· Centro para a Excelência e Inovação na Indústria
Automóvel (CEIIA)
Selected publications
· Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (ISQ); Organização
Nacional da Indústria do Petróleo (ONIP) Saraiva S.,Fernandes L., van der Meer J., Neves R., Kooijman,
(2017);” The role of bivalves in the Balgzand: First steps on an
· Wavec/Offshore Renewables – Centro De Energia integrated modelling approach“, Ecological Modelling Journal.
Offshore (WAVEC) Volume 359, 34-48,
The main project stakeholders were:

· Petróleos de Portugal – PETROGAL, SA Franz G., Delpey M. T., Brito D., Pinto L., Leitão P.,Neves R. (2017):
(PETROGAL/Galp-E) “Modelling of sediment transport and morphological evolution
· Lusotechnip Engenharia, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda under the combined action of waves and currents”. Ocean Sci.
Volume 13, 673-690,
· EMEPC, Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da
Plataforma Continental, Caldeira, R. M. A. (2018). “Island Wakes”. Reference Module in
· Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies (R-Tech) Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.Volume 3, 83-91 .
114 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal
AHA – Augmented Principal
Human Assistance
Alexandre Bernardino
IST, ISR | Lisboa
Start: 01/08/2014
End: 31/12/2018

Aging and sedentarism are two main challenges for social and Daniel P. Siewiorek
health systems in modern societies. To face these challenges
a new generation of ICT based solutions is being developed
to promote active aging, prevent sedentarism and find
new tools to support the large populations of patients that Asim Smailagic
suffer chronic conditions as result of aging. We highlight the CMU, ICES
development of a set of exergames specifically designed for
sedentary prevention and motor rehabilitation, customizable Keywords
to the motor limitations of each individual, projected in the
environment through augmented reality techniques that
· Active Aging
create an immersive and engaging experience. Virtual and · Assistive Robotics
Robot coach techniques are able to monitor the correctness · Augmented Reality
of the exercise, give immediate feedback to the user, and
complement the role of the therapist. We have performed
several end-user studies that validate the proposed
approaches. Together, or in isolation, these solutions provide
users, caregivers, health professionals and institutions,
valuable tools for health promotion, disease monitoring and
Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 117
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a
1 6 2 6 9
Investigação e o Desenvolvimento (IST-ID) Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc Other
Docs (total) degrees researchers
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

· Fundação da Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia Prototypes 17 Patents 2

da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (F-FCT/FCT/UNL)

· Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade Publications

de Lisboa (FMH)

· Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI)

17 Peer-review
papers 45 Peer-review
conference 2 Ph.D.
Thesis 17 Master

Selected publications
· PLUX, Wireless Biosignals, SA
Muñoz J., Gonçalves A., Gouveia E., Cameirão M., Bermúdez i
· YDR, YDreams Robotics Badia Sergi. (2019) “Lessons Learned from Gamifying Functional
Fitness Training Through Human-Centered Design Methods
in Older Adults”.Games for Health Journal. Volume 8, 387-406.

Čaić M., Avelino J., Mahr D., Odekerken-Schröder G., Bernardino

A. (2019) “Robotic Versus Human Coaches for Active Aging: An
Automated Social Presence Perspective.” International Journal of
Social Robotics.

Lee M., Bernardino A., Badia S., Smailagic A., Siewiorek D.

(2019) “Learning to Assess the Quality of Stroke Rehabilitation
Exercise”.Proc. 24th International Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces, 218-228.
BioVisualSpeech Principal

Start: 01/04/2016
End: 31/03/2021 Sofia Cavaco
BioVisualSpeech, proposes to research natural
and multimodal human computer interaction
mechanisms for providing bio-feedback in speech Maxine Eskenazi
and language therapy through the use of serious CMU,LTI
digital games. To this end we have been developing
tools for speech and language therapy that
combine visual feedback and the gamification of
the speech-language therapy exercises. Several
serious games have been developed along with
tools assist the speech and language pathologist · Speech therapy
(SLP) in examining the patient progress and · Visual feedback
characterize the patient disorder. The developed · Serious games
games include games for voice disorders and for
sigmatism that are already available to the public.
All the work has been assessed by SLPs and has
been the result from the collaboration between
computer scientists and SLPs.

Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 121

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT
3 1 3 7
(NOVA.ID.FCT) Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc Other
(total) degrees researchers
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

· Escola Superior de Saúde de Alcoitão (ESSA) - Santa Prototypes 3

Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML)

· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Publications

Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC ID)
1 Peer-review
papers 20 Peer-review
conference 1 Ph.D.
Thesis 11 Master
Industry papers

· Voice Interaction
Selected publications
Industry collaborators
(not formal project partners) Lopes V., Magalhães J.,, Cavaco S. (2019) “Sustained Vowel
MR Terapias Game: A Computer Therapy Game for Children with Dysphonia.”
Proceedings of Interspeech 2019 , 26-30.
Other partners
Hospital Dona Estefânia (HDE) - Centro Hospitalar de
Lisboa Central, EPE (CHLC) Viegas C., Lau S.-H., Maxion R., Hauptmann A.(2018) “ Distinction of
Stress and Non-Stress Tasks using Facial Action Units” Proceedings
of the 20th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
(ICMI). 1-6.

Guimarães I., Ascensão M., Grilo M., (2019) “Speech sounds data
for typically developing European Portuguese children 6-9 years
old” . International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
E4Value Principal

Start: 01/06/2014
End: 31/11/2018 Miguel Amaral
E4Value assesses technology, businesses and value
chains in aeronautics. The project sheds a new light
on the aeronautics industry in Portugal, unveiling
the role played by key actors, existent capabilities, Granger Morgan
barriers and opportunities for building a resilient CMU, EPP
cluster. Throughout the project we: (i) conducted
dozens of interviews and ‘in situ’ visits; (ii) trained
several MSc and Ph.D. national and international
students; (iii) published many research papers in Keywords
renowned journals; (iv) attended several scientific
· Aeronautics
meetings and conferences; (v) involved multinational
research teams and specialists across the globe; (vi) · Industrial Cluster
organized multiple practical workshops and initiatives · Technological Change
with companies and (vii) strengthened the network
on Industrial Dynamics and Systems of Engineering
research between Portugal and USA (CMU) as well
as with other international partners. Companies,
research institutions and decision-makers benefited Website:
from the networking and research outputs promoted
by the project.
Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 125
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
5 5 2 3
Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc
· Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Docs (total) degrees
Research (IN+)

· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores,

Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC)
· Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica (IDMEC)
8 Peer-review
papers 4 Peer-review
conference 4 Ph.D.
Thesis 2 Master

Selected publications
· CEIIA -Centre of Engineering and Product Development
Mendonça, J., Heitor, M.(2016) .”The changing patterns of
· Embraer industrial production: how does it play for the Iberian Peninsula?”.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change.Volume 113, 293-
· AED Cluster Portugal - Aeronautics, Space and Defence 307.

Bonnín Roca, J., Vaishnav, P., Fuchs, E., & Morgan, M. G. (2016).”Policy
Needed for Additive Manufacturing. Nature Materials”. Nature
Materials. Volume 15, 815-818.

Soares, B. A. R., Henriques, E., Ribeiro, I., & Freitas, M. (2018). “Cost
analysis of alternative automated technologies for composite
parts production”. International Journal of Production Research.
Volume 57, 1-14.

126 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal

GoLocal Principal

Start: 01/03/2016
End: 31/11/2020 João Magalhães
Each tourist stays in Lisbon 2 to 2.5 days, which is a very short
window of opportunity for recommending one of the many
attractions or cultural events. GoLocal proposes to advance Jamie Callan
big data technology in the development of new information CMU,CS
businesses and services. Our long-term vision aims at making
big data economically useful by realizing the full potential
of big data analysis technologies in the design of innovative
services for the end-consumer.
Tourism data can be used to recommend a full-day of tourist
activities, to detect the right consumer for a given promotion, · Data streams
or to monitor a brand reputation. In this context, the project · Social-media
will target two technological goals. First, we will investigate · Context-aware recommendation
media monitoring technology to track the popularity or
reputation of entities on the Web. Knowing the right market
value of a brand or a product is a valuable information with
many uses. The second technological objective concerns
context-aware recommendation. We propose to innovate in
this area by investigating new ways of inferring clues from the Website:
user context and by compiling a set of items to recommend to
groups of users.
Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 129
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da
8 1 4
Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc
FCT (NOVA.ID.FCT) (total) degrees

· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

Prototypes 2
· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores,
Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC ID) Publications

· Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) 4 Peer-review

papers 25 Peer-review
conference 3 Ph.D.
Thesis 3 Master

Selected publications
· Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML)
Carvalho A., Calado P., Carvalho J.P.(2017) “Combining Ratings
· Priberam Informática, S.A. (Priberam) and Item Descriptions in Recommendation Systems using
Fuzzy Fingerprints”. IEEE International Conference in Fuzzy
Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) 2017.

André F. T. Martins, and Julia Kreutzer. “Learning What’s

Easy: Fully Differentiable Neural Easy-First Taggers.(2017)”
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2017), 349-362.

Martins F., Magalhães J., Callan J.(2019) ” Modeling Temporal

Evidence from External Collections”. Proceedings of the 12th
ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining,
Hyrax Principal
Start: 21/04/2014
End: 31/07/2018 Fernando Silva
Universidade do Porto, INESC TEC
HYRAX is a middleware that establishes communication links
between nearby mobile devices to form edge-clouds and cloudlets
networks. HYRAX provides mechanisms for network formation Luís Lopes
and routing, that are automated, churn-tolerant and employs Universidade do Porto, INESC TEC
different wireless communication technologies simultaneously,
forming an overlay network for data dissemination.
The societal impact of the Hyrax project is significant as we
have demonstrated prototypes that unambiguously prove the Priya Narasimhan
usefulness of edge-clouds for real world problems. We highlight
three examples. One of the prototypes uses device-to-device
communication to stream multimedia contents relieving the Keywords
WiFi infrastrutures in stadiums, congress halls and other
· Cloud Computing
venues from bandwidth bottlenecks while providing better QoS.
Another prototype uses devices deployed in a disaster area to · Mobile Distributed Computing
opportunistically gather the intelligence required for planning the · Security
establishment of rescue teams by exchanging geo-referenced,
time-stamped video, audio, photos and text notes. The crowd-
sourced information can then be used to automatically generate
reports to be analyzed at headquarters. Finally, another prototype
implements distributed face-recognition algorithms that could Website:
allow a missing person to be located in a crowded area by taking
advantage of photos from the devices of passers by.
Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 133
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da
2 3 2 16 1
FCT (NOVA.ID.FCT) Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc Other
Docs (total) degrees researchers
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

· Center for Research in Advanced Computing

Systems (CRACS)
· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computa-
dores, Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC)
2 Peer-review
papers 41 Peer-review
conference 7 Ph.D.
Thesis 16 Master
· Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) papers

Selected publications
· Geolink
Silva N., Marques E., Lopes L.(2018) “Flux: a Platform for
· Wavecom Dynamically Reconfigurable Mobile Crowd-Sensing”. ACM
Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), Vol. 14, 3-4
· YinzCam
Nwebonyi N., Martins R., Correia M.(2018)” Reputation based
approach for improved fairness and robustness in P2P protocols”,
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer, 1--18
INSIDE Principal

Start: 01/08/2014
End: 31/12/2018 Francisco Melo
The INSIDE initiative explored both scientific and
technological challenges involved in developing
symbiotic multimodal human-robot interactions in Manuela Veloso
the context of a physical game involving children. CMU, CS
INSIDE contributed a number of scientific advances
in human robot interaction, exploring the idea of
symbiotic interaction, multi-modal interaction and
the impact of technology on therapy, leading to over
10 journal publications and almost 100 conference
and workshop papers. INSIDE also supported the · Human-robot Interaction
deployment of a robotic “therapy assistant” that · Symbiotic Interaction
was tested in actual therapy sessions with children · Multiagent Planning
with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Hospital Garcia
de Orta.


Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 137

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a In-
3 2 2 15
Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. Other
vestigação e o Desenvolvimento (IST-ID) Docs (total) degrees researchers
· Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da
FCT (NOVA.ID.FCT) Prototypes 7
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores,
Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC ID) 13 Peer-review
papers 44 Peer-review
conference 6 Ph.D.
Thesis 13 Master
· Hospital Garcia de Orta, EPE (HGO)
Selected publications
· IDMIND – Engenharia de Sistemas, Lda (IDMIND)
Melo F. S., Sardinha A., Belo D., Couto M., Faria M., Farias A., Gamboa H.,
· Plux, Engenharia de Biosensores Lda (PLUX) Jesus C., Kinarullathil M., Lima P., Luz L., Mateus A., Melo I., Moreno P.,
Osório D., Paiva A., Pimentel J., Rodrigues J., Sequeira P., Solera-Ureña
· VoiceInteraction – Tecnologias de Processamento da R., Vasco M., Veloso M., Ventura R. (2019) “Project INSIDE: Towards
Fala, S.A. (Voice Interaction) autonomous semi-unstructured human-robot social interaction in
autism therapy.” Journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume 96,
Baraka K., Couto M., Melo F. S., Veloso M. (2019) “An optimization approach
for structured agent- based provider/receiver tasks.” Proc. 18th Int. Conf.
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 95-103.
Sequeira P., Alves-Oliveira P., Ribeiro T., Di Tullio E., Petisca S., Melo F. S.,
Castellano G., Paiva A. (2016) “Discovering social interaction strategies
for robots from restricted-perception Wizard- of-Oz studies. “ Proc. 11th
ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. Human-Robot Interaction,97-204.
S2MovingCity Principal
Start: 01/03/2016
Susana Sargento
End: 31/07/2020 IT/UA

The S2MovingCity is making use of a unique vehicular and

sensing infrastructure to focus on providing the city of Porto
with a more “effective” solution to support planning and city- Manuela Veloso
wide management to improve the city comfort on city dwellers
(transportation, people and institutions). This project has been
delivering new knowledge and a proof of concept for massive
urban sensing of people, vehicles, and environment, supporting Peter Steenkiste
data-driven city planning and decision making. The resulting CMU, ECE
knowledge and technologies of the project are improving the city
environment and adapting the city planning and transportation Keywords
according to its demands. In terms of innovation and product,
this project will culminate in 3 innovations: · Smart Moving City
1)Improveavehicularnetworkequipmentthroughtheintegration · Sense and Serve the City
with sensors, development of delay tolerant protocols, network · Vehicular and Sensing Network
coding and security;
2) Decision dashboards for the decision support and prediction
(tools for city planning);
3) Mobile applications for smart-cities and city participation,
including 3rd party companies and users, which will have wide Website:
access to the anonymized information.

Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 141

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
4 5 1 6 7
Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc Other
Docs (total) degrees researchers
· Instituto de Telecomunicações Aveiro (IT Aveiro/IT)

· Universidade de Aveiro (UA) Prototypes 17 Patents 3


Industry 26 Peer-review
papers 58 Peer-review
conference 3 Ph.D.
Thesis 31 Master
Partners papers

· Associação Porto Digital (APD)

· Câmara Municipal do Porto (CMP)

Selected publications
· Veniam, Lda. (Veniam)
Shi R., Steenkiste P., Veloso M. (2020).” Improving the On-
Vehicle Experience of Passengers Through SC-M*: A Scalable
Multi-Passenger Multi-Criteria Mobility Planner.” IEEE
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1-15.
Santos P., Rodrigues J., Cruz S B., Lourenco T., d’Orey P., Luis
Y., Rocha C., Sousa S., Crisóstomo S., Queirós C., Sargento
S., Aguiar A., Barros J. (2018). “PortoLivingLab: an IoT-based
Sensing Platform for Smart Cities”. IEEE Internet of Things
Journal, Volume 5, 523-532.
Cirne P., Zúquete A., Sargento S., Luís M. (2018) “The Impact
of ECDSA in a VANET routing service: Insights from Real Data
Traces”, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 90,
SCREEN-DR Principal
Start: 01/04/2016
End: 30/09/2020
Aurélio Campilho
The North of Portugal Health Administration INESC TEC, FEUP
is implementing a mass screening for diabetic
retinopathy (DR). The goal is to perform an eye exam
on about 75% of identified diabetics. The goal of the
SCREEN-DR consortium is to create a distributed
Asim Smailagic
and automatic screening platform for DR, based
on PACS management, Machine Learning and
Image Analysis, enabling an immediate response
from health carers, allowing accurate follow-up
strategies, and fostering technological innovation. Keywords
The main objectives are: automatically assessing
· Computer-aided diagnosis
image quality, automatically detecting and grading
diabetic retinopathy, which can be mild non · Collaborative PACS-Cloud
proliferative, moderate/severe non-proliferative · Diabetic retinopathy screening
and proliferative. The results achieved so far are
very promising with a performance close to the
medical experts, in particular for the automatic
detection of DR. This may have a large positive
impact on population healthcare and can reduce
drastically the work load of the ophthalmologist in
the screening process.

Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 145

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
3 2 1 2
Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. Other
Docs (total) degrees researchers
· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores,
Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC)
Prototypes 9 Patents 1
· Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
(in preparation)

Industry Publications
· Administração Regional de Saúde do Norte (ARSN)
10 Peer-review
papers 27 Peer-review
conference 16 Master

· BMD Software (BMD)

· First Solutions

· Hospital de São João (CHSJ) Selected publications

Costa P., Galdran A., Meyer M., Niemeijer M., Abramoff M.,
Mendonça A., Campilho A. (2018) “End-to-End Adversarial Retinal
Image Synthesis”.IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Volume
37, 781-791.

Costa P., Galdran A., Smailagic A., Campilho A. (2018) “A Weakly-

Supervised Framework for Interpretable Diabetic Retinopathy
Detection on Retinal Images”. (2018) IEEE Access, Volume 6, 18747-
18758, 2018.

Smailagic A., Costa P., Gaudio A., Khandelwal K., Mirshekari

M.,Fagert J., Walawalkar D., Xu S., Galdran A., Zhang P., Campilho
A., Noh H. (2020).” O‐MedAL: Online active deep learning for
medical image analysis”. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge

Start: 01/08/2014
End: 12/10/2020

Stretchtronic has focused on methods for scalable Aníbal Traça de Almeida

fabrication of thin-film stretchable electronics, ISR-Coimbra; UC
including various printing techniques. It as well
demonstrated application of these systems in pressure
sensing films, electronic skins for robotics, and health
monitoring electronic tattoos. Also application of Carmel Majidi
the system was demonstrated in novel forms of HMIs CMU, ME
in hybrid devices that combine 3D printed forms and
electronic interfaces. Such efforts resulted in a joint
patent application between ISR, UC and CMU, and
numerous publications in high impact factor journals
such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Healthcare
Materials, and ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Keywords
and was reported by various scientific portals and
· Soft MEMS
news agencies, including Reuters, and American
Society of Chemistry Headline Science. The team · Human Machine Interaction
Wearable technology
expects important socio-economic impacts in the
healthcare, and advanced manufacturing sectors. · Additive Manufacturing

Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 149

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
1 2 1 19
Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc
Docs (total) degrees
· Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica (ISR-COIMBRA)

· Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPLEIRIA) Prototypes 8 Patents 1

· Universidade de Coimbra (UC)

16 Peer-review
papers 5 Peer-review
conference 1 Ph.D.
Thesis 19 Master
· Centro Tecnológico da Indústria de Moldes,
Ferramentas Especiais e Plásticos (CENTIMFE)
Selected publications
· SoftBionics
Tavakoli M., Malakooti M H., Paisana H., Ohm Y., Marques D
G., Lopes P A., Piedade Ana P., Almeida A T., Majidi C. (2018)
“EGaIn‐Assisted Room‐Temperature Sintering of Silver
Nanoparticles for Stretchable, Inkjet‐Printed, Thin‐Film
Electronics”. Advanced Materials, Volume 30.
Lopes P., Paisana H., Almeida A., Majidi C ., Tavakoli M. (2018)
“Hydroprinted Electronics: Ultrathin Stretchable Ag-In-Ga
E-Skin for Bioelectronics & Human-Machine Interaction”, ACS
Applied Materials and Interfaces, Volume 10, 38760-38768.
Marques D., Lopes P., Almeida AT., Majidi C., Tavakoli M. (2019)
”Reliable interfaces for EGaIn multi-layer stretchable circuits
and microelectronics”. Lab on a Chip, Volume 19, 897-906.
TEILPL Principal

Start: 01/12/2014
End: 30/11/2019 Pedro Oliveira
TEIPL is a multidisciplinary organization, bringing
together leading academic and corporate partners
that aims to create a world class research and policy Lee Branstetter
center that investigates technological innovation by CMU, SDS/Heinz
both users and producers to transform healthcare
by optimizing resource allocation, reducing costs,
improving diagnoses and enabling novel therapies.
Patient Innovation, an outcome of the project, is
an online platform where patients and caregivers Keywords
around the world connect to share and create · User Innovation
solutions they developed themselves or had the help · Innovation Policy
from collaborators to cope with a health-related
· Innovation in the Health-care Sector


Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 153

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
2 6
Dual Ph.D. MSc
· Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM-FMUL) degrees

· Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)

· Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP)

· Unidade de Investigação em Ciências Económicas

17 3 6
Peer-review Ph.D. Master
e Empresariais (UNICEE) papers Thesis Thesis

Industry Selected publications

DeMonaco, H., Oliveira P., Torrance A.W., von Hippel C., von
· innosabi GmbH (INNOSABI) Microsoft (MSFT) Hippel E. (2019) “When Patients Become Innovators,” MIT Sloan
Management Review, Volume 60 ,81-88.
· Novartis Farma – Produtos Farmacêuticos S.A.
(NOVARTIS) Oliveira, P., Zejnilovic L., Azevedo S., Rodrigues A.M., Canhão H.
(2019) “Peer-adoption and development of health innovations
by patients: a national representative study of 6204 citizens.”
Journal of Medical Internet Research, Volume 21.

Rodrigues A., Gregório M., Gein P., Eusébio M., Santos M.,
Sousa R., Coelho P. S.,Mendes J., Graça, P., Oliveira P., Branco
J., Canhão H. (2017) “Home-Based Intervention Program to
Reduce Food Insecurity in Elderly Populations Using a TV App:
Study Protocol of the Randomized Controlled Trial Saúde.
Come Senior”. JMIR Research Protocols, Volume 6, 1-11.
VR2Market Principal

Start: 15/07/2014 João Paulo Cunha

End: 30/06/2019 INESC TEC; FEUP

VR2Market explored the synergies between innovative

wearable technologies, scattered sensor networks
and localization to provide more secure, reliable and Fernando De la Torre
effective health and wellbeing management solutions.
VR2Market was able to develop a novel wearable quantified
Occupational Health (qOH) platform devoted to monitor
first responder’s health status, geo-location and body-
area ambient parameters, providing reliable first-response Keywords
information in emergency scenarios’ management. This · Wearable technologies
solution has unique and distinctiveness functionalities, in
· Quantified Occupational health
terms of innovative user profiling, intelligent alerting and
self-monitoring services and is totally scalable to other · First responders
occupational groups. The system was tested in several
scenarios and more than 1500hrs of real world data were
collected. VR2 Market also achieved an excellent scientific
impact publishing in renowned journals, top conferences,
and also submitted three patents. The devoted collaboration Website:
of the team was of high importance to reach the project
Knowledge Creation - Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives 157
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University
2 5 2 10 3
Post Ph.D. Dual Ph.D. MSc Other
· Institute of Electronics and Telematics Engineering of Docs (total) degrees researchers
Aveiro (IEETA)

· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Prototypes 18 Patents 3

Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC)

· Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) Publications

· Universidade de Aveiro (UA) 18 Peer-review

papers 34 Peer-review
conference 7 Ph.D.
Thesis 25 Master

Partners Selected publications
· Biodevices, Sistemas de Engenharia Biomédica, S.A. Cunha J. P. S., Rodrigues S., Dias D., Brandão P., Aguiar A., Oliveira I.,
Fernandes J.M., Maia C., Barros A., La Torre F.(2018) “VitalResponderR:
(BioDevices) Wearable Wireless Platform for Vitals and Body-Area Environment
· Future Cities – Uporto Monitoring of First Response Teams”. Wearable Technologies and
Wireless Body Sensor Networks for Healthcare, 387-416.
· Hospital de Gaia https://doi.org10.1049/PBHE011E_ch12
· Petratex – Confecções SA Rodrigues S., Paiva J.S., Dias D., Aleixo M., Filipe R., Cunha
· IncidentAid inc. J.P.S.(2018) “Cognitive Impact and Psychophysiological Effects of
Stress Using a Biomonitoring Platform”, International Journal of
· NAV, EPE Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 15, 1-14..
· Bombeiros Voluntários de Albergaria-a-Velha
Ribeiro R., Cunha J.P.S.(2018) “A Regression Approach based on
· Bombeiros de Vila Real Separability Maximization for Modeling a Continuous-valued Stress
· ICNF - Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Index from Electrocardiogram Data”, Biomedical Signal Processing
and Control. Vol.46, 33-45

158 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal

Exploratory Research Projects (ERPs) encourage new
initiatives, with high impact potential, with the prima-
ry objective of promoting Portugal’s international com-
petitiveness and innovation capacity in Science and
Technology (S&T) in strategic ICT emerging areas of in-
terest to the CMU Portugal Program. ERPs are select-
ed through Exploratory Research project Calls, funded
by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for
12 (twelve) months. In 2014, the Early Bird Projects Call
awarded the first 10 exploratory projects. This initial call

Exploratory was followed by two new calls for ERPs in 2017 and 2019.

Projects Exploratory Research Projects

ERPs 2017
The main objective of the 2017 call for Exploratory Pro-
jects was to identify and assess strategic areas for the
third phase of the CMU Portugal Program. Therefore, the
call addressed initiatives with high impact potential in
6 strategic emerging areas: Integrative research based
in the context of the AIR Center, Data Science and En-
gineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Technology, Man-
agement, and Policy. With an overall commitment of 1 430
000 € to support resources and activities in Portuguese
research institutions and complementary activities at
Carnegie Mellon University, the call awarded funding for 8
new projects, out of 21 proposals, that were developed in
2018 and 2019. All the 8 projects have reached their con-
clusion within the expected timeline (2018- 2019).
ERPs 2017
Project Portuguese PI CMU PI Institutions

Conquest Fernando Velez John Peha (ECE) IT; UBI ; UC


DoubleChain Pedro Sanches Amorim Nicolas Christian FEUP; INESC TEC


FeedBot Manuel Marques Manuela Veloso IST-ID; MITI

(IST – ID) (CS)

DeepData Inês Lynce Ruben Martins INESC ID;IMAR


THz Kazi Huq Douglas Sicker IT Aveiro; UA

(IT Aveiro) (EPP)

eCSAAP Hugo Paredes Jeffrey Bigham INESC TEC; UTAD; IDL;

(INESC TEC; UTAD) (CS) Fciências.ID

PoliTechWaste Paulo de Brito Inês Azevedo IPPortalegre;UA

(IPPortalegre) (SEEES)

Privacy Preserving Middleware Luis Antunes FCUP;UA; APD

Platform for IoT (FCUP)

162 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 163
The ERPs promoted research networks across 15 Por-
tuguese institutions across the country, and 4 CMU De-
partments (Center on Sustainable, Equitable, Efficient
Energy Services: Computer Science; Electrical and Com-
Publications puter Engineering; Engineering and Public Policy). ERPs
supported 33 researchers during their 12-month dura-
tion: 2 postdoctoral fellows, 12 Ph.D. students, 13 master
students, and 6 other researchers. The ERP exploratory

5 16 Peer-review character, enabled researchers to sow the seeds for fu-

Prototypes ture projects, and their innovative nature was reflected
on the development of 4 new prototypes. Although their
outputs were expected to go beyond the publication of
Peer-review articles and other metrics, the researchers published

43 conference
papers 11 Master
16 articles in international peer-review publications,
43peer-review conference papers and 11 Master theses
were developed within the context of the ERPs.

Researchers funded by the Project

Docs 12 Ph.D.

13 MSc
6 Other
Exploratory Research Projects 2017
By CMU Departments and Portuguese institutions
(proponent or participant)


Department 4 IT- Aveiro


and Public


1 IPPortalegre

and Computer
Engineering 4 IPPortalegre


166 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal


Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 167

Conquest Principal
Start: 01/09/2018
End: 31/12/2019
Mobile network operators need new approaches to keep up Fernando José da Silva Velez
with traffic, which is doubling roughly every 1.5 years. These Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) (UBI)
new approaches bring new challenges. Conquest – Carrier
AggregatiON between Licensed Exclusive and Licensed
Shared Access FreQUEncy BandS in HeTerogeneous
Networks with Small Cells - has explored allowing mobile
Jon Peha
devices to use multiple spectrum bands at once (carrier
aggregation), using multiple cellular infrastructures at
once (multi-network access), using small cells, and using
spectrum at higher frequencies than was previously cost-
effective (millimeter wave bands). It has developed new
approaches to assessing the capacity of small cells at high Keywords
frequencies, and thus designing microcellular networks. · Licensed Shared Access
It finds that the distinct propagation characteristics of
· Heterogeneous Networks
millimeter-wave spectrum lead to unexpected capacity
levels when cells become small. This work has also shown · Carrier Aggregation
that much greater capacities can be achieved with no
increase in infrastructure costs or spectrum holdings
through multi-network access, provided that the towers
of different mobile network operators are not co-located.
PDMFC is interested in the technology (we started a MSCA
ITN "TeamUp5G" with this Portuguese SME).
Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 169
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
6 3
Ph.D MSc
· Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) (UBI) (total)

· Universidade de Coimbra (UC)

Prototypes 1


4 Peer-review
papers 2 Books
13 Peer-review
conference 2 Master

Selected publications

Barroca N., Borges L.M., Velez F.J. and Chatzimisios P. (2019),

“Performance Enhancement of IEEE 802.15.4 by employing RTS/
CTS with Packet Concatenation,” IET Wireless Sensor Systems

Derogarian F., Ferreira J.C., Grade Tavares V.M., Silva J.M. and
Velez F.J. (2020), “A Multifunctional Integrated Circuit Router for
Body Area Network Wearable Systems,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on

Queiroz S., Vilela J., and Monteiro E. (2020) “Optimal Mapper for
OFDM with Index Modulation: An Spectro-Computational Analysis,”
IEEE Access, vol. 8
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2986131
DeepData Principal

Start: 01/09/2018 Inês Lynce

End: 31/08/2019 INESC-ID

The DeepData project launched a concrete research

challenge: To develop the theory, the algorithms Ruben Martins
and the tools to make automatic data analysis CMU
and predictive species distribution modeling both
accurate and efficient. The goal of the DeepData
project is therefore to advance the state of the art in
Telmo Morato
the exploitation of data referring to Azores’ deep sea. IMAR
This project delivered DeepData, a tool containing
a web-based database of deep-sea species that
automatically extracts information from existing Keywords
databases or from user-defined databases. This · Data Science
information is used by the DeepData tool to estimate
· Automated Reasoning
species distribution models for deep-sea species
by using different statistical models. To facilitate · Deep Sea
the integration of new data, we also developed
SQUARES, a program synthesis tool based on input-
output examples that can automatically extract and
transform data using SQL queries and R scripts.

Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 173

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
1 3
Ph.D MSc
· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, (total)
Investigação e Desenvolvimento (INESC ID)

· IMAR – Instituto do Mar (IMAR) Prototypes 2


1 Peer-review
papers 6 Peer-review
conference 3 Master

Selected publications
Orvalho P, Terra-Neves M., Ventura M., Martins R., Manquinho V.(2019)
“Encodings for Enumeration-Based Program Synthesis” .Proc. 25th
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming , 583-599.

Martins R., Chen J., Chen Y., Feng Y., Dillig I.(2019) “Trinity: An
Extensible Synthesis Framework for Data Science” .Proc. of the
VLDB Endowment, Volume 12, 1914-1917.

Terra-Neves M., Lynce I., Manquinho V., (2018) “Multi-Objective

Optimization Through Pareto Minimal Correction Subsets” .Proc.
27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 5379-
DoubleChain Principal

Start: 01/09/2018 Pedro Sanches Amorim

End: 29/02/2020 FEUP

In markets with highly concentrated firms, consumers

are often subject to excessive prices, and lack the tools
to tilt the balance in their favour. The Doublechain project Nicolas Christian
intended to study the applicability of Blockchain technology
to address this issue, by creating a marketplace that
helps consumers to coordinate and engage in syndicated
buying. The approach deviated significantly from typical
group buying websites since orders could be initiated
by consumers and suppliers enter reversed auctions to Keywords
bargain on the price to close the deal. As transactions of
· Blockchain
this type carry some risks, decentralized technologies
were used to create a governance network that provides · Cadeia de abastecimento
well-defined rules and privacy-preserving distributed data · Contratos inteligentes
governance, bringing a human-centric solution to society.
A successful prototype was built, allowing stakeholders
to close an aggregate purchase deal - A
scientific article was also submitted to IEEE Transactions
on Engineering Management. Website:

Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 177

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
2 3
Post Other
· Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Docs researchers

· INESC Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC) Prototypes 1


1 Peer-review
papers 1 Master

Selected publications
Fostering consumer bargaining and e-procurement through a
decentralized marketplace on the blockchain – Manuscript ID: TEM-
19-0522.R1 (under re-evaluation after minor review)
eCSAAP Principal
Start: 01/09/2018
End: 29/02/2020 Hugo Silva
eCSAAP project aims to explore the application of crowdsourcing
in climate and climate change research, through expert crowd
annotation of atmospheric phenomena. Atmospheric phenomena Jeffrey Bigham
annotation aims to bring new dimensions to current big data CMU, CS
problems in climate and atmospheric sciences, so automated
methods and computational resources can be optimized in a
future hybrid approach.
The project developed a set of modular tools, available online Margarida Liberato
that allow the acquisition, processing and visualization of
climatic data available in open databases, in several formats.
The tools are available through the eCSAAP platform, which has Keywords
been integrated with crowdsourcing tools for the data semantic
annotation. The integration process was enhanced by developing · Crowdsourcing
an ontology for extreme atmospheric phenomena that was used · Climate change
for the generation of crowdsourcing task templates. · Semantic annotation
The instruments developed have been used to study the behavior
of specialists in the atmospheric data annotation process. These
studies will allow advances in state of the art of the influence of
pre-existing annotations on the behavior of specialists, as well
as the potential for developing collective intelligence through
these mechanisms.

Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 181

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
3 1
Ph.D Other
· Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, (total) researchers
Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC)

· Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL)/Associação para a Investigação Prototypes 1

e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (Fciências.ID)

1 Peer-review
papers 14 Peer-review

Selected publications
Hénin R., Liberato M.L.R., Ramos A.M., Gouveia, C.M. (2018).”Assessing
the Use of Satellite-Based Estimates and High-Resolution
Precipitation Datasets for the Study of Extreme Precipitation
Events over the Iberian Peninsula”. Water, Volume 10, 1688.

Correia A., Paredes H., Schneider D., Jameel S., Fonseca B.

(2019). “Towards Hybrid Crowd-AI Centered Systems: Developing
an Integrated Framework from an Empirical Perspective”. IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics ,4013-

Paredes H., Reis A., Martins P., Barroso J., Liberato M. (2018).”Expert
Crowdsourcing for Semantic Annotation of Atmospheric
Phenomena”. 13th APCA International Conference on Control and
Soft Computing (CONTROLO).
FeedBot Principal

Start: 01/09/2018 Manuel Marques

End: 31/12/2019 IST – ID

In Feedbot project, we developed a low-cost

autonomous robot for meal assistance to motion-
impaired people. The mobile arm is capable of Manuela Veloso
reaching a specific destination in 3D space, as
tasked by a vision system, and can adapt to the
movements of each individual. We also developed
a new framework to learn and classify different
head movements. With its autonomy and learning,
we foresee that FeedBot will have a great impact Keywords
in the quality of life of people with a wide range
· Assistive-robotics-technologies
of motion-related disorders, such as Parkinson’s
disease, cerebral palsy or stroke. · 3D/2D recognition and tracking
· Data-driven personalization


Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 185

Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
2 1
MSc Other
· Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a researchers
Investigação e o Desenvolvimento (IST-ID)

· MITI – Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute Prototypes 1

Associação (MITI)

3 Peer-review
conference 3 Master

Selected publications
Candeias A., Rhodes T., Marques M., Costeira J., Veloso M. (2018).
“Vision Augmented Robot Feeding.” Workshop on Assistive
Computer Vision and Robotics - ECCV 2018.

Macedo, M., Candeias, A., & Marques, M.(2019).” Motion Analysis

for People with Cerebral Palsy: A Vision Based Approach” .IEEE
International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2019.
PoliTechWaste Principal
Start: 01/09/2018
End: 30/08/2019
Paulo Sérgio Brito
The main goal of this project was to understand the viability of IPPortalegre
using MSW and biomass blends to produce cheaper and high-
quality syngas for energy purposes (complementary solution
to current grid infrastructure), as well as to understand the Valter Silva
environmental, health and climate change consequences of IPPortalegre
this technology use.
It was demonstrated that it is possible the co-gasification
of Solid Waste (processed as Refused Derived Fuel-RDF)
Luís Tarelho
with biomass in a pilot-scale fluidized bed reactor (75kWth), UA
producing a raw gas with suitable characteristics to be used
as energy vector for further applications.
The economic models applied to the gasification of residual
biomass and municipal solid waste presented a positive Inês Azevedo
prospect admitting the viability of setting the conceived CMU, SEEES
projects in the determined regions under current market
conditions. Residual biomass and MSW used in this project
usually have low valorization, being mostly deposited in landfills.
In this sense, the demonstration of the viability of converting
these wastes into syngas promotes the idea of their recovery,
which constitutes an economic opportunity for value creation,
and represents a fundamental issue in the framework of waste
management in the circular economy concept.
Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 189
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
4 3 1
Ph.D MSc Other
· Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPPortalegre) (total) researchers

· Universidade de Aveiro (UA)


2 Peer-review
papers 3 Peer-review
conference 1 Master

Selected publications
Silva V., Cardoso J., Brito P., Azevedo I., Tarelho L., Copa Rey J.R.,
Macebo J.L.(2019) ”Municipal Solid Waste as a valuable recycled asset
for small-scale electricity production in rural communities”. 4th
International Conference on Energy, Environment and Economics,
THz Principal
Start: 01/09/2018
End: 31/08/2019
Kazi Mohammed Saidul Huq
THz seems to be the key to providing the orders of magnitude IT,UA
of gain required to meet the challenge of this project which
will provide the springboard ready to embark on his 5G legacy
and beyond. The primary focus of this project is to identify
key use cases and frequency bands for THz-based mobile Douglas Sicker
communications; develop new Generalized Hybrid Beamforming CMU, EPP
for Vehicular Connectivity using THz Massive MIMO and study
the impact of 3D channel modeling for ultra-high speed B5G
networks that take into account spatial coupling by re-examining
legacy engineering tools such as mobility modeling through Keywords
interdisciplinary design. Moving toward making THz a reality for
broadband communication, this project address a few essential · 5G
issues. These are: · Mobility
· Impact of 3D Channel Modeling for Ultra-High Speed Beyond- · THz
5G Networks.
Terahertz Massive MIMO for Beyond-5G Wireless Communication.
· Generalized Hybrid Beamforming for Vehicular Connectivity
using THz Massive MIMO.
· Parameter Modeling for Small-Scale Mobility in Indoor THz
Communication. Website:
· Mobility-induced Outages in THz- A Beyond 5G (B5G) application.
· An Analytical Model for Efficient Indoor THz Access Point
Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 193
Research Researchers funded by the Project
· Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
2 2
Ph.D MSc
· Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) (UA) (total)

· Universidade de Aveiro (UA)


4 Peer-review
papers 8 Peer-review
conference 1 Ph.D.

Selected publications
Huq K.M.S., Busari S.A., Rodriguez J., Frascolla V., Bazzi W., Sicker
D.C.(2019) “Terahertz-Enabled Wireless System for Beyond-5G
Ultra-Fast Networks: A Brief Survey”. IEEE Network, Volume 33,

Busari S.A., Huq K.M.S., Mumtaz S., Rodriguez J., Sicker D. (2019)
“Generalized Hybrid Beamforming for Vehicular Connectivity Using
THz Massive MIMO”. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
Volume 68, 8372-8383.

Singh R., Sicker D.(2019) “Parameter Modeling for Small-Scale

Mobility in Indoor THz Communication.” IEEE Global Communications
Conference (GLOBECOM 2019),.
Exploratory Research Projects scope, the fully developed and ambitious final results
that are typical of longer-term projects. However,

ERPs 2019 the proposals must be very concrete on the activities

and outcomes that the consortium have proposed to
carry out and achieve in the scope of the ERP, and link
them to its longer-term objectives. The 2019 call for
The CMU Portugal Program supported under the 2019 proposals featured a total of 38 projects submissions
call, 7 Exploratory Research Projects (ERPs) designed from 20 different proponent Portuguese institutions
to assist teams of researchers from Portuguese and 9 CMU Departments. From this pool, an independent
institutions, Carnegie Mellon University and industry international committee recommended 7 projects for
partners, to bootstrap high-impact potential research funding by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
activities of strategic relevance for the Carnegie Mellon under the scope of CMU Portugal. The selected
Portugal Program. projects will explore diverse themes such as robotics,
artificial intelligence, intelligent transport systems,
language processing, among others. The projects will
run at 12 Portuguese research units from all over the
A new call for ERPs was launched in 2019 to assist country in collaboration with 4 different departments
teams of researchers from Portuguese institutions, at Carnegie Mellon University (Computer Science;
Carnegie Mellon University, and industry partners, to Electrical and Computer Engineering; Language
bootstrap high-impact potential research activities Technologies Institute, Mechanical Engineering) and
of strategic relevance for the CMU Portugal Program. will benefit from overall funding of 814 000 €.
The 2019 call for Exploratory Projects* was open
Announcement for the 2019 Call For Exploratory
to high-risk/high-reward ICT projects that showed
Research Proposals Under The Carnegie Mellon
promise and strategy for significant future expansion Portugal Program
of the project’s goals. ERPs under this call should aim
at formulating and launching longer-term projects, Terms of Reference for CMU Portugal
i.e., they will not be required to achieve, within their Exploratory Research Projects 2019

196 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 197
ERPs 2019
Project Portuguese PI CMU PI Institutions

Automatic generation of Ana Paiva Louis-Phillippe Morency INESC-ID; IST; ISCTE

humor for social robots (INESC-ID/IST) (LTI)



Intelligent Beamforming Stanislav Maslovski Sheng Shen IT-Aveiro; UA

Metasurfaces for Future (IT-Aveiro/UA) (MechE)

PassCert João Ferreira Nicolas Christin INESC-ID; IST; INESC-TEC


Privacy in speaker diarization: Isabel Trancoso Bhiksha Raj Ramakrishnan INESC-ID; IST
Detecting “who spoke when” (INESC-ID/IST) (LTI)

SecurityAware Rui Maranhão Hakan Erdogmus INESC-ID; IST


Synthesizing Network Luís Pedrosa Justine Sherry INESC-ID; IST; FCiências.ID

Accelerators using (INESC ID/IST) (CS)
Programmable Switching

198 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 199
Exploratory Research Projects 2019
By CMU Departments and Portuguese institutions
(proponent or participant)


2 UAveiro
IT Aveiro


and Computer


Institute INESC ID

1 Mechanical

200 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 201
2019 ERPs Title:
Intelligent Beamforming Metasurfaces for Future
Title: Automatic generation of humor for social robots
· Humor · Human-Robot Interaction · Multimodal Interaction Keywords:
· Antenna · Neural network · Metasurface · Beamforming
Project Start Date: 01/01/2021 Project End Date: 31/12/2021
PT PI: Ana Paiva Project Start Date: 01/07/2020 Project End Date: 30/06/2021
PT CO PI: Patricia Arriaga PT PI: Stanislav Maslovski (UA)
CMU PI: Louis-Phillippe Morency PT CO PI: Nuno Borges Carvalho (IT)
Research Institutions: CMU PI: Sheng Shen
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e
Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Research Institutions:
Lisboa; ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Language Technologies Universidade de Aveiro (UA); Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT)
Institute – Carnegie Mellon University Aveiro; Department of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon
Summary University.
Humour is a natural and pervasive feature of everyday interactions. As technolo-
gy, such as personal assistants and social robots, become more ingrained in peo- Summary
ples’ lives, humorous interactions between humans and these types of interac-
tive computerized agents become increasingly more common. In this work, we
argue that since humour is an important feature of human communication, it can The AI-BEAM project is devoted to developing intelligent,
be leveraged to create more naturalistic and lifelike interactions with robots and reconfigurable multibeam antennas for future device-to-
agents and general. Although, there is some work on “computational humour”, device communications. Smart two-dimensional materials –
the complexity and subjectivity of humour appraisal and generation has led to
most systems disregarding the users’ sense of humour and, as often happens in
programmable metasurfaces – powered by artificial intelligence
natural language processing, have the user adapting to the system instead of the (AI) techniques are proposed for high-throughput millimeter/sub-
other way around. The lack of context, the disregard of user’s preferences and millimeter band communications. Metasurfaces have emerged as
the over-reliance on certain formats of jokes (e.g. word puns, one-liners) are still
versatile tools for controlling wave fronts and performing nearly-
limitations found in a large number of current approaches to humour detection,
classification and generation. The AGENTS' project will leverage the power of hu- instantaneous operations on the propagating electromagnetic
mour to foster natural interactions with social robots by focusing on the delivery waves. Offsetting parts of the signal processing and control
of user-personalized humour in naturalistic settings. We argue that psychologi- associated with formation and tracking of communication beams
cal models of humour and its’ everyday functions can be of use when attempting
to create a top-down approach of humour that can be modelled to match each to the metasurface layers results in reduction of computational
user’s preferences. We propose the creation of a dataset of jokes and the appli- overhead, which is required when dealing with the evergrowing
cation of supervised machine learning techniques that will allow us to extract and throughput needs for future telecommunications. The proposed
automatize multimodal humour delivery according to the style of humour of the
user. The long-term vision of this process would be the implementation of user
architecture enables real time and dynamic channel estimations
personalized humoristic interactions in the context of a group card game involv- and adaptive beamforming by using a trained AI network that
ing more than one human and more than one robot. This is expected to lead to incorporates the programmable metasurfaces as an integral part
better interaction outcomes and increase the value perception of the robot, by of such network.
contributing to greater user’s task enjoyment, more positive perception of the
robots and intention to interact again with these social agents in the future.

202 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 203
Title: Title:
PassCert - Exploring the Impact of Formal Verification on Privacy in speaker diarization:
the Adoption of Password Security Software Detecting “who spoke when” privately
Keywords: Keywords:
· Formal verification · Password security · Usable security · Diarization · Speaker turn · Deep learning · Cryptography
Project Start Date: 01/01/2021 Project End Date: 31/12/2021 Project Start Date: 01/01/2021 Project End Date: 31/12/2021
PT PI: João Ferreira PT PI: Isabel Trancoso
CMU PI: Nicolas Christin CMU PI: Bhiksha Raj Ramakrishnan
Research Institutions: Research Institutions:
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores,
Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Instituto Superior Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; Inesc Tec – Instituto de Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; Language Technologies Institute
Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência; – Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Computer Science- Carnegie Mellon University
Automatic Speaker Diarization is often referred to as the problem
Despite years of searching for viable alternatives, text passwords of determining “who spoke when” in a recording. It allows users to
remain the dominant access control mechanism to access pro- search for specific speakers or audio events. In security applica-
tected data. However, studies show that users tend to choose weak tions, the target speaker may be a potential blacklisted criminal.
passwords that are easy to guess by password cracking software. In clinical interviews, it may be the patient. In language acquisi-
To address this problem, security experts recommend the use of tion recordings it may be a child. The list of scenarios is extensive,
password managers that combine secure password storage and encompassing courtrooms, meetings, sociolinguistic interviews,
retrieval with random password generation. However, despite its broadcast news, etc.
critical importance, the adoption of password managers is still Delegating this task to an external service may jeopardize the
low. Reasons for this include distrust on the storage mechanisms speakers’ right to privacy. In fact, current AI models can determine
and on the quality of generated passwords. from speech characteristics such as age, gender, height, weight,
The goal of PassCert is to build a password manager that, through ethnicity, personality traits, and physical and mental health of the
the use of formal verification, guarantees properties on data speaker. This project addresses these privacy issues by combin-
storage and password generation. The project aims to determine ing state-of-the-art diarization methods (e.g. speaker embed-
whether formal verification can increase users’ confidence in dings obtained from the hidden layers of deep neural networks)
password managers and thus increase their adoption. The work with cryptographic techniques such as homomorphic encryption
developed in this project has the potential to improve the quality and secure multi-party computation. The timeliness of this topic
and security of current password managers and to increase their is more and more evident in a world where speech data and the
adoption, thus contributing to a more secure and resilient society. info that may be extracted from it may be legally regarded as Per-
sonable Identifiable Information.

204 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 205
Title: Title:
SecurityAware: Fine-grained approach to detect and Synthesizing Network Accelerators using Programmable
patch vulnerabilities Switching Equipment
Keywords: Keywords:
· Security · Software Engineering · Static Analysis · Synthesis · Network Function Virtualization
· Automated Program Repair · Software-Defined Networking
Project Start Date: 02/09/2020 Project End Date: 31/08/2020 Project Start Date: 01/10/2020 Project End Date: 30/09/2021
PT PI: Rui Maranhão PT PI: Luís Pedrosa
CMU PI: Hakan Erdogmus PT Co-PI: Fernando Ramos
Research Institutions: CMU PI: Justine Sherry
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, CMU Co-PI: Ruben Martins
Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Instituto Superior Research Institutions:
Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa ; Department of Electrical and Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores,
Computer Engineering – Carnegie Mellon University Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Instituto Superior
Summary Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; Department of Computer
Science- Carnegie Mellon University
Software vulnerabilities lead to massive financial losses for software
companies as a result of business disruption, loss of privacy, reputation- Summary
al damage, legal implications, and life-threatening situations. Continuous
Integration (CI), is an increasingly popular practice among modern devel- From firewalls, to web caches, and even 4G and 5G network cores,
opment teams, as it enables a team to safely build, test, and deploy their
network functions (NFs) are pivotal in modern networks. As de-
code. However, due to the overwhelming amount of information generat-
ed by all of these phases and tools, software engineers feel that some of velopers and operators seek increased flexibility in the way they
the production phases are frustrating and tend to ignore valuable output. develop and deploy NFs, networks have been moving away from
Following the CodeAware vision (CodeAware is sensor- based fine-grained fixed-function hardware and exploring a variety of solutions from
monitoring and management of software that can easily be integrated network function virtualization (NFV) to software defined network-
into the CI pipeline), we propose the development of a novel framework for ing (SDN) and even new classes of programmable network devic-
automatically and efficiently detecting security issues that can be inte- es. This platform fragmentation introduces a new challenge: Can
grated with confidence on the CI pipelines through the implementation of developers take advantage of multiple platforms without reim-
more fine-grained approaches to CI static analysis. This research aims to plementing NFs for each? Our goal with SyNAPSE is to allow pro-
(i) understand and evaluate how current static analysis techniques fare in
grammers to write NF code once, and for a synthesizer to gener-
vulnerability detection performance, and (ii) craft a unified technique that
intelligently combines the output of several promising techniques to im-
ate code for any or even a combination of the available platforms.
prove flexibility, and (iii) develop novel techniques to rank warnings to im- With SyNAPSE we aim to not not only create a proof of concept,
prove software engineers’ CI experience. All these exploratory approaches but to also lay down the ground work for future research. 60 years
will be available as open source within the CodeAware framework to pave ago compilers revolutionized the way software was developed. We
the way to other research works. imagine a future where synthesis can have a similar impact.

206 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Knowledge Creation - Exploratory Research Projects 207
In March 2019, the most ambitious call for research
projects under the scope of the CMU Portugal, Large-
Scale Collaborative Research Projects*, was launched by
Compete 2020, ANI, and FCT under the “Go Portugal – Global
Science and Technology Partnerships Portugal” initiative
sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and
Higher Education. This call was open to projects partnering
with two additional international partnerships under the

Large-Scale strategic initiative GoPortugal.

Through the previous research calls, CMU Portugal has

Collaborative created new opportunities for the development of networks

of world-class research and innovation, stimulating a

Research Projects culture of highly qualified entrepreneurship in Portuguese

universities and creating an ecosystem of support for R&D
activities by companies in close articulation with academic
institutions. Research topics have also been aligned with
the interests of Portuguese companies for the development
of new products and/or services.

Announcement 04/SI/2019 for System of Incentives

for Research and Technological Development (SI R&D),
Cooperation Projects - International Partnerships

Terms of Reference for projects submitted 04/

SI/2019 for System of Incentives for Research and
Technological Development (SI R&D), Cooperation
Projects - International Partnerships

Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 209

The 2019 call aims to build from this previous experience, · Data Science and Engineering;
maintaining the path to strengthen the entrepreneurship · Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Language
competencies and R&D capacities of Portuguese Technologies, Data Analytics and Cloud Computing;
companies and research institutions and promoting the · Autonomy and Mobility;
internationalization of their R&I activities by exposing them · Design in a Variety of Societal Settings and Applications
to new dynamics through the CMU Portugal partnership. such as tourism, logistics or creative industries.
The projects' leadership is now given to the national
companies that assume the role of dynamizing networks Additionally, it is intended that these projects will help to
and collaborative projects, relying on Portuguese R&D reinforce the intergovernmental “Atlantic Interactions”, a
institutions and taking advantage of the experience and new intergovernmental initiative to unleash the potential of
knowledge of Carnegie Mellon. Thus, it seeks to complete the Atlantic for Society implemented through the Atlantic
the transition process of International Partnerships, International Research Centre (AIR Centre).
from an initial model that is based on the dynamism of
Portuguese universities, for a model that gives Portuguese The initial total funding available for the CMU Portugal
companies the leadership of the process of modernizing Program was 5M, with an indicative budget of 1,25 M€
the national economic fabric, reinforcing the innovation per project. Under this call, ANI, the governmental body
ecosystem. Therefore, the projects are led by a Portuguese responsible for receiving and evaluating the projects,
company, carried out in partnership between companies received 41 applications corresponding to a proposed
and non-corporate entities of the R&D System and with the global investment of over 71M€, of which almost half
participation of at least one CMU principal investigator. For (34.6M€) represent companies’ investment. With 17
3 years, the projects should involve industrial research and projects, the CMU Portugal Program registered the
experimental development activities, leading to the creation most significant number of applications, with the
of new products, services, processes, and systems. This may other 2 international partnerships receiving 14 and 10
also include the introduction of significant improvements applications. The 17 applications involved 32 promoters,
in existing products, services, processes, or systems. 25 of which were companies (17 leaders and 8 partners)
Projects under the CMU Portugal Program should address and 17 were non-corporate entities of the Research
issues that are relevant to the industry covering one or more and Innovation System (SI&I), revealing a substantial
of the following topics: commitment of the national innovation ecosystem
210 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 211
the European COMPETE 2020 Program and the Portugal
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT); 6M€ are
through the CMU Portugal Program at CMU; and 3.5M€ from
Portuguese ICT companies.

Portuguese companies lead all projects in partnership

with 13 research groups from Portuguese Universities
and research groups from 8 different departments
at CMU. The projects will be led by top national ICT
companies, including the CMU Portugal Program startup
Feedzai and Unbabel, which are now reinvesting in
R&D, Compta, Farfetch, First Solutions, Glintt, GLSMED
Learning Health, Ingeniarius, Mobileum and Outsystems.
In addition to these 10 companies, the projects will involve
18 other Portuguese Institutions, from Universities to
in partnering with CMU experience and expertise. An Research Labs, Hospitals, and Companies plus 8 different
independent international committee organized by CMU Departments (Civil and Environmental Engineering,
ANI, evaluated the 41 proposals submitted under this Computer Science, Engineering Research Accelerator,
call and selected for funding 25 projects increasing the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy,
total funding to 55.2€ M for the next 3 years, including € Institute for Software Research, Language Technologies
16.7M financed by American Universities and € 7.7M of Institute, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics Institute).
business self-financing. The awarded projects cover the areas of Data Science
Due to the high quality of the 17 proposals submitted, and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Machine
10 of the 25 approved projects will occur in collaboration Learning, Design and Engineering applied to social
with CMU under the scope of the CMU Portugal Program. problems, addressing problems in the health sectors,
Overall the 10 selected projects represent a commitment forest fire-prevention, data management, mobility, and
of 21M€ from public funding (PT2020 and FCT) and language technologies. A summary of each project can
companies' investment into ICT R&D: 11.4 M€ come from be found here bellow.
212 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 213
Large-Scale Collaborative
Research Projects 4 Administração Rregional de Saúde do Norte, I.P.
Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research
INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e
By CMU Departments and Portuguese research institutions Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência

7 Associação para o Desenvolvimento

da Aerodinamica Industrial
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de

Computer Coimbra, E.P.E.
Science Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica-I.S.R.
Department Universidade de Coimbra

1 13
Civil and Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Environmental INESC ID - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e

Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Institute em Lisboa
for Software Instituto de Telecomunicações
Research Instituto Superior Técnico

LSCRP IST-ID, Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico

Language para a Investigação e o Desenvolvimento
Technologies Universidade Nova de Lisboa

1 Heinz
Industry Promoters

Compta- Emerging Business S.A. , Farfetch Portugak - Unipessoal LDA,
Institute Feedzai - Consultoria e inovação tecnológica, S.A., First Solutions-
Sistemas de informação S.A., Glintt- Health care solutions, S.A,

Engineering Glsmed Learning Health, S.A., Ingeniarius, LDA , Mobilium,
Research Outsystems - Software em redes S.A., Unbabel, LDA

1 Mechanical
Industry Co-Promoters
Priberam Informática, S.A.
Hospital da Luz S.A.
Silvapor, Ambiente & Inovação LDA
3 Drivers - Engenharia, Inovação e Ambiente, lda

214 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 215
In summary, since 2006, the CMU Portugal Program
has launched nine calls for research projects and has
supported 55 R&D projects to which we now add 10
Large-Scale, and 7 ERP to an overall number of 72
projects. In 2020, the new projects will further support
CMU Portugal's mission to place Portugal at the forefront
of research and technological development in ICT.
Throughout the year, 10 large-scale projects and 7 new
ERPs will begin, representing the most significant public
and private financial commitment to date under the
scope of the CMU Portugal Program. These new projects
reflect CMU Portugal's commitment to fostering the
cooperation between Portuguese university researchers
and Portuguese companies, promoting innovation
and technology development directly impacting the
competitiveness of Portuguese companies in the global

216 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal

2019 Large- Scale Collaborative
Research Projects
Partner Institutions and Team Members:
AIDA: Adaptive, Intelligent and Distributed Assurance
Promoter Mobileum Ricardo Marques
Platform Carlos Martins
David Sampaio
Global Investment (Private + Public): 1 883 005,93 €
Leading company in Portugal: Mobileum Helder Marques
Raul Azevedo
Project Start Date: 01/05/2020 Rosa Vieira
Project End Date: 31/10/2020

Summary Academic INESC TEC - Ricardo Vilaça

Co-Promoters Instituto de Alípio Jorge
RAID is Wedo's flagship end-to-end real-time data management Engenharia João Gama
platform handling the entire risk management lifecycle of enterprises. De Sistemas e João Vinagre
RAID provides a highly flexible and robust processing pipeline Computadores, José Pereira
consisting of data collection, monitoring, notification, discovery Tecnologia e Paula Rodrigues
and actuation phases. Wedo's platform is currently applied around Ciência Rui Camacho
the world to handle, among others, revenue assurance, business Rui Oliveira
assurance and fraud management.
The overarching goal of the AIDA project is to conceive a new version
of the current Wedo platform in which some of the pipeline phases Universidade Marco Vieira
can be dynamically moved to the edges of the system. As of today, de Coimbra Edmundo Monteiro
the platform is fully deployed in physically colocated servers, either João P. Vilela
on premises or in the cloud. While some phases are likely to always José Flora
be kept under the platform's service owner, with AIDA data collection Marilia Curado
and monitoring, and even actuation phases should be prepared to Nuno Antunes
run in diverse hardware architectures outside the platform's owner
physical or even administrative control. AIDA should provide for
Computer Science Christos Faloutsos
highly configurable data collection and monitoring while preserving
Department at David Garlan
the current real-time, security and dependability guarantees.
Carnegie Mellon Justine Sherry
A complete prototype of AIDA will be deployed and demoed by the end University Rashmi K. Vinayak
of the project in a realistic scenario in the area of telecommunication

218 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 219
· Waste · PAYT · Blockchain Partner Institutions and Team Members
Global Investment (Private + Public): 2 701 173,98 €
Leading company in Portugal: COMPTA – EMERGING BUSINESs Promoter COMPTA - Paulo Fernandes
Project Start Date: 01/05/2020 Business, S.A.
Project End Date: 30/04/2023


Bee2WasteCrypto will focus on data science to maximize value

Industry 3 DRIVERS - António Lorena
and contribute to a sustainable waste management strategy at
Co-Promoters Engenharia,
a local level with a global scope.
Inovação E
It will develop a new and innovative IT tool that aim to contribute
Ambiente, Lda
to empower Regional Waste Management Utilities (RWMU) in
their dual role of designers and managers of decentralized and
customized solutions and as promoters of new citizen behavior
in terms of waste generation and handling. The RWMUs will
be able to choose the best set of technologies to help in their
operation, namely in terms of the quality and quantity of waste
generated and also regarding materials to be produced from
waste processing, under environmental and economic criteria;
Academic Universidade Miguel Neto
Co-Promoters Nova de Lisboa
This IT tool will facilitate Pay As You Throw (PAYT) schemes, by
using blockchain technologies to produce liable information and
establish recycling rate credits based on the performance of
each RWMU in the national recycling scenario (an analogue of Instituto Superior Paulo Ferrão
carbon credits in the energy sector). Técnico

Civil and H Scott Matthews

Engineering at
Carnegie Mellon

220 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 221
CAMELOT: autonomiC plAtform for MachinE Learning
using anOnymized data
Keywords: Partner Institutions and Team Members
· Fraud detection · Machine Learning · Anonymization
Global Investment (Private + Public): 1 998 086,94 € Promoter FEEDZAI - Pedro Bizarro
Leading company in Portugal: FEEDZAI Consultadoria Miguel Araujo
E Inovação Mariana Almeida
Project Start Date: 01/05/2020 Tecnológica, S.A. João Ascensão
Project End Date: 30/04/2022 João Veigas
Pedro Cardoso

The CAMELOT (autonomiC plAtform for MachinE Learning using Academic Universidade Bruno Cabral
Co-Promoters de Coimbra João Paulo
anOnymized daTa) project aims at developing an innovative
machine learning platform, which will tackle three key issues that
hinder the efficiency and accuracy of modern AI applications:
Nuno Lourenço

• Ensuring real-time constraints during both the training and Faculdade Alcides Fonseca
inference phases of machine learning models, while minimizing de Ciencias Vasco Vasconcelos
operational costs deriving from the use of cloud resources. Da Universidade Antónia Lopes
de Lisboa
• Enabling learning over anonymized data, thus circumventing
the privacy issues that currently prevent the reuse of information
across models trained on datasets belonging to different entities Instituto Superior Paolo Romano
(e.g., different financial institutions). Técnico Luís Rodrigues
Miguel Correia
• Integrating information from different, independent and
heterogenous data plataforms (e.g., key-value stores, relational
and graph databases) in an automatic approach that maximizes
the performance of machine learning applications. The Institute for David Garlan
Software Research Heather Miller
at Carnegie Mellon

222 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 223
GOLEM: Automated Programming to Revolutionize App
Keywords: Partner Institutions and Team Members
· Automated-Programming · Program-Synthesis · App-development
Promoter OutSystems João Abril de Abreu
Global Investment (Private + Public): 1 860 048,76 € António Alegria
Leading company in Portugal: OUTSYSTEMS
Miguel Neves
Hugo Lourenço
Project Start Date: 01/05/2020
Gonçalo Veiga
Project End Date: 30/04/2023
Alex Namir
Andreia Mesquita
Vasco Andrade e Silva
All businesses need to become digital to survive. However, there's
a shortage of talent for programming enterprise applications. Academic INESC ID - Instituto Inês Lynce
And the problem is only getting worse. Co-Promoters de Engenharia Vasco Manquinho
de Sistemas e Mikolas Janota
GOLEM will enable everyone to create enterprise applications with Computadores, Pedro Monteiro
no code. It will all be made possible through Artificial Intelligence Investigação e
(AI) and a rich set of language abstractions. OutSystems is aiming Desenvolvimento
high to automated programming, guided by the user through em Lisboa
natural interaction.

GOLEM will advance the state-of-the-art of AI applied to code, Universidade Nova Luís Caires
program synthesis, and all automated programming techniques. de Lisboa João Costa Seco
OutSystems will set a new benchmark for easy-to-use enterprise Carla Ferreira
application development platforms, and revolutionize the low- Irene Rodrigues
code and no-code development market. Bernardo Toninho

Computer Science Ruben Martins

Department at Jonathan Aldrich
Carnegie Mellon

224 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 225
ifetch: Multimodal conversational agents for the online
fashion marketplace
Keywords: Partner Institutions and Team Members
· Conversational Agents · Machine Learning · E-Commerce
Promoter FARFETCH Ricardo G. Sousa
Global Investment (Private + Public): 2 364 910,44 € PORTUGAL - Luís Carvalho
Leading company in Portugal: FARFETCH PORTUGAL
Unipessoal Lda Marcus Wittmann
Project Start Date: 01/04/2020 Marcelo Fernandes
Project End Date: 31/03/2023

Academic Universidade Nova João Magalhães
Conversational systems have seen a significant rise in demand Co-Promoters De Lisboa Nuno Correia
due to modern commercial applications using these types of Flávio Martins
systems such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana David Semedo
and Google Assistant. Multimodal chatbots is a widely unexplored
area, where users and the conversational agent communicate by
natural language and visual data.
iFetch proposes to research and deliver a new generation of task- Instituto Superior João Paulo Costeira
oriented conversational agents that interact with users using Técnico João Xavier
verbal and visual information in a seamless manner. Jacinto Nascimento
The project ambition is to make research on the technology that Carlos Santiago
will make an impact for the future. To fulfil this ambition, two João Pedro Gomes
critical research challenges will be addressed: a) tracking the
evolution of the information needed in the conversation, with
memory neural networks; b) visual data analysis that can relate
product categories and characteristics to the conversation, thus The Language Alexander Hauptmann
leading to a better user engagement in the shopping experience. Technologies Alexander I Rudnicky
iFetch is at the core of a dominant technology that, in the near Institute at
future, will empower consumers, constituents and citizens to Carnegie Mellon
access information more naturally and thus take better informed University

226 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 227
Title: Partner Institutions and Team Members
lntelligentCare: Intelligent Multimorbidity Management
Promoter GLSMED Learning Francisca Leite
Keywords: Health, S.A. Nuno André da Silva
· Health Data Science · Value-based healthcare · Multimorbidity Rita Eça
Carlota Lucena
Global Investment (Private + Public): 2 554 042,26 € Vera Vilar
Leading company in Portugal: GLSMED LEARNING HEALTH

Project Start Date: 01/04/2020 Industry Priberam Cláudia Pinto

Project End Date: 01/04/2023 Co-Promoters Informática, S.A. Zita Marinho
David Nogueira
Hospital da Luz Bernardo Neves
The growing population aging with multimorbidity (MM) hinders S.A. João Sequeira Carlos
the sustainability of the healthcare sector. MM is typically Filipe Costa
associated with high healthcare usage and costs, which do not
always translate to better outcomes for patients. Consequently, Academic INESC ID - Instituto Mario Gaspar Silva
there is a significant need to develop new tools to manage this Co-Promoters de Engenharia Bruno Martins
condition. De Sistemas e
The IntelligentCare project aims to develop a patient centric Investigação e
and personalized tool to manage MM using analytical methods to Desenvolvimento
explore data from electronic health records as well as measures em Lisboa
reported remotely by patients, such as life events, quality of life
and physical activity, amongst others, using smart sensors and IST-ID, Associação José Santos Victor
mobile solutions. The IntelligentCare tool will aid clinicians and do Instituto Plinio Moreno
other health care professionals in the process of understanding Superior Alexandre Bernardino
and predicting individual patient interactions with the hospital, Técnico para a José Gaspar
with the ultimate goal of improving quality of care for MM patients Investigação e o Jorge Marques
while contributing to hospital resources optimization, effectively Desenvolvimento
moving towards a value-based healthcare model.
Heinz College of Pedro Ferreira
Information Systems Rema Padman
and Public Policy Jeremy Weiss
at Carnegie Mellon Asim Smailagic

228 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 229
Title: Partner Institutions and Team Members
MAIA: Multilingual Virtual Agents for Customer Service
Keywords: Promoter UNBABEL, LDA
Ricardo Joge Ferreira Araújo
· AI · Machine Translation · Conversational support Rafaela Cortez Gonçalves
Maxim Khalilov
Global Investment (Private + Public): 2 251 038,72 € Vasco M. R. Calais Pedro Miguel Coimbra Vera
Leading company in Portugal: UNBABEL João de Almeida V. Graça Christine Anne Maroti
Alon Lavie Artur David Félix Ventura
Flávio M. Rocha Azevedo Fernando Miguel Ferrão do Amaral
Project Start Date: 01/04/2020 Filipe Domingos Simões Barbosa
Ana Marisa Rocha Correia
Project End Date: 31/03/2023 Paulo Arrais Dimas Almeida Gina Dragulin
João Luís Vazão Vasques Sónia Maria da Luz Coelho Romão
Summary CarlaTeresa Escartin Parra Sónia Maria da Luz Coelho Romão
Catarina da Cruz Coelho da Silva Sebastien G. Christophe Prioris
The growing population aging with multimorbidity (MM) hinders Miguel F. M. Sousa Filipe Eduardo Fierro Farah
Jonay Gaêl Trénous Tiago Manuel Paulo Travanca
Online conversational support – chat – is the fastest growing Fábio Natanael Kepler João Daniel Fernandes Godinho
customer service channel, being the preferred way for millennials Mohammad Amin Farajian José Maria Pedro Libano Monteiro
to obtain customer service. Today, supporting international António Luís V. dos Santos Lopes Rui Pedro Duarte Santos
Sofia Carla Gregório Perdigão
customers in this channel is mostly done by using human agents António Miguel da Rocha G. Góis
Ricardo Costa Dias Rei Bruno Alló Bacarini
that speak different languages – a scarce and costly resource. Luís Filipe Pinto Bernardo Mariana Ferreira Amaro e Silva
On MAIA, we'll develop a multilingual conversational platform,
supported by machine translation and dialogue systems, where
human agents are assisted by AI agents. This approach will Academic Instituto de André Martins
overcome limitations of existing customer service channels by Co-Promoters Telecomunicações Mário Figueiredo
targeting the following scientific and technological goals: Vlad Niculae

INESC ID - Instituto Helena Moniz

• New memory-efficient neural models for context-aware
de Engenharia Isabel Trancoso
machine translation
de Sistemas e Luísa Coheur
• New answer generation techniques to support the decisions
Computadores, João Paulo Carvalho
of human agents
Investigação e
• New techniques for conversational quality estimation and
sentiment analysis Desenvolvimento
• Integration of the scientific advances above into a full end- em Lisboa
to-end product
The Language Graham Neubig
Technologies Internship from CMU
Institute at Carnegie
Mellon University

230 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 231
Title: Partner Institutions and Team Members
Safeforest: Semi-Autonomous Robotic System for
Forest Cleaning and Fire Prevention
Promoter INGENIARIUS, LDA Micael Couceiro
Keywords: Ahmad Nasir
· Forestry robotics · Sustainable forest management · Wildfire prevention André Araújo
Samuel Pereira
Global Investment (Private + Public): 1 671 167,64 €
Leading company in Portugal: INGENIARIUS

Project Start Date: 01/03/2020 Industry SILVAPOR, José Gameiro

Project End Date: 01/03/2023 Ambiente & Cátia Caroço
Inovação Lda
The world has been affected by an alarming number of wildfires
every year, ravaging millions of hectares of forestry areas and
resulting in an unacceptable amount of human losses. SafeForest Academic Instituto de Aníbal de Almeida
deals with the development of an advanced robotic system for Co-Promoters Sistemas e João Filipe Ferreira
the prevention of wildland and wildland-urban interface (WWUI) Robotica-I.S.R. Luís Ferreira
fires. Vegetation cleaning in corridors along high voltage Paulo Peixoto
electric lines will be central in the project to avoid forest fire Urbano Nunes
risks that recently led to massive fires in countries, such as USA
and Portugal. The SafeForest consortium will design a semi-
autonomous robot system to clean vegetation in rough and sloppy
areas, creating opportunities for controlling fire propagation and Associação Para O Domingos Xavier Viegas
to prevent the possibility of larger forest fire events. SafeForest Desenvolvimento Carlos Viegas
will also encompass the design of an advanced mapping and Da Aerodinamica
characterization system of the terrain and its detailed vegetation Industrial
cover. These ambitious objectives will pave the way towards
the deployment of autonomous and semi-autonomous forest
maintenance strategies to significantly reduce wildfire hazard
potential, thus conserving natural resources and creating The Robotics Kantor George
ecosystems that are resilient to climate change. Institute at David Wettergreen
Carnegie Mellon Pei Zhang

232 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 233
Title: Partner Institutions and Team Members
TAMI: Transparent Artificial Medical Intelligence
Keywords: Promoter FIRST SOLUTIONS Celestino Ramalho
· Artificial intelligence · Computer-aided decision · Healthcare - Sistemas de Francisco Borges
Informação S.A. João Monteiro
Márcio Barreto
Global Investment (Private + Public): 1 791 467,33 € Marta Rodrigues
Leading company in Portugal: FIRST SOLUTIONS Rute Jesus
Susana Seixas
Project Start Date: 01/04/2020 Tiago Oliveira
Project End Date: 01/03/2023
Associação André Pereira
Academic Fraunhofer Cristiana Braga
Summary Co-Promoters Portugal Research Filipe Soares
Luís Rosado
The aim of the project TAMI is to create a new platform for Micaela Amaral
commercial, scientific and academic use that will provide Paulo Silva
"consumers" access to results and explanations of registered Pedro Almeida
Pedro Faria
diagnostic orders, filtered data sets access for investigators or
Teresa Conceição
scientists and a knowledge base for academic purposes. In order
to accomplish that, TAMI will use clinical data from structured INESC TEC - Ana Filipa Sequeira
image data, in order to design and validate interpretable machine Instituto de Ana Maria Mendonça
learning models. Different multimodal settings will be tested Engenharia Aurélio Campilho
Catarina Carvalho
to allow for a better understanding of the AI-based decisions. de Sistemas e Hélder Oliveira
Moreover, the algorithms will be designed to generate self- Computadores, Jaime Cardoso
explanatory AI-based decisions, minimise bias, and act ethically Tecnologia e Joao Pedrosa
in their context. Ciência Wilson Silva

Administração Carla Costa

Proof-of-concepts and demonstrators of how to integrate the Regional De Saude Helena Pereira
researched explainable AI into workflows of cervical cancer Do Norte, I.P. Joana Abreu
treatment, pathology detection in chest X-Ray images, and Pedro Sousa
glaucoma detection in retinal fundus images will be developed Engineering Research Asim Smailagic
to validate the algorithmic solutions. Accelerator at Alex Gaudio
Carnegie Mellon Christos Faloutsos
University Hyun Ah Song
Klas Leino
Matt Fredrickson
Matt Gormley
Xinhe Zhang

234 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 235
Wow: Wireless biOmonitoring stickers and smart bed
architecture: toWards Untethered Patients
Keywords: Partner Institutions and Team Members
· Electronic skin (e-skin) patches · Wireless patient monitoring
· IoT infrastructure Promoter Glintt Healthcare Filipa Fixe
solutions, S. A.
Global Investment (Private + Public): 1 755 235,90 €
Leading company in Portugal: GLINTT – HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS

Project Start Date: 01/04/2020

Project End Date: 01/04/2023

Summary Academic Instituto de Aníbal T. de Almeida

Co-Promoters Sistemas e Mahmoud Tavakoli
Electronic skin (e-skin) patches that adhere to the human
Robotica-I.S.R. Paulo Peixoto
epidermis and collect physiological and behavioral data are
potentially transformative in patient monitoring to identify
physiological and emotional responses through the collection
and classification of data, including heart, muscle and brain
Universidade Jorge Coelho
activities, respiration rate, body temperature, contractions
de Coimbra Arménio C. Serra
during pregnancy, IR Response, blood oxygen, sweat analysis,
body motion, and emotional state through Galvanic Skin Response
WoW proposes a novel architecture centered on untethered,
simple and low-cost printed biomonitoring stickers, in which Centro Hospitalar Patrícia Dias
patients beds will have a central role, being equipped with a e Universitário de
smart IoT unit. The bed-sticker connection allows not only Coimbra, E.P.E.
for data acquisition and transmission, but also enables
energy transmission to the stickers. Each bed is an IoT node
that communicates with Globalcare, a proprietary Hospital
Information System developed by the project leader company
- Glintt. Mechanical Carmel Majidi
Engineering at
Carnegie Mellon

236 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects 237
Innovation and
Innovation and Entrepreneurship try Affiliates include 3 Portuguese unicorn companies
(Farfertch, Outsystems and Talkdesk), 3 CMU Portugal
Portugal as a hub for I&E startups (Feedzai, Unbabel, and Veniam) and ICT leaders
(Accenture, Altice, CEiiA, NOS, Priberam, REN, Tekever,
Thales, and Uniplaces). Furthermore, Farfetch, Feedzai,
The third phase of the CMU Portugal Program continues Outsystems, and Unbabel reinforced their commitment
to strengthen the relationship between academia to the Program by leading 4 out of the 10 CMU Portugal
and industry, promoting an ecosystem of innovation Large-Scale Projects that will start in 2020. Together,
in Portugal and benefitting from Carnegie Mellon's the 14 CMU Portugal Industrial Affiliates support the stra-
experience as a dynamic economic engine. The industry tegic management and development of the Program and
alignment that permeates the activities of this third promote their affirmation as technology-based compa-
phase comprises the ideal setting for the consolidation nies, intending to significantly strengthen their R&D and
of Portugal as a global innovation and technology hub. qualified employment by 2030. Within the scope of the
data economy, the industrial affiliates cover a wide range
of sectors enriching the Program's ecosystems and net-
Industrial Affiliates
Industry Involvement in Projects
The CMU Portugal Program has been working to estab-
lish a very close relationship with the Portuguese indus- The Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives (ERIs), com-
try, namely through the companies that are part of its In- bined research, innovation, advanced training initia-
dustrial Affiliates Program. Since 2018, 14 CMU Portugal tives, and established collaborations between academia
Industrial Affiliates have committed to actively contrib- -in Portugal and at Carnegie Mellon- and with industry.
ute to the advanced education and research programs of The 12 projects were developed in partnership with 46
the partnership and also to increase their competitive- companies from different sectors of activity, with in-
ness by investing in R&D, in advanced training of human dustry involvement translating to a 2.6M€ financial
resou rces, and in building a highly-skilled workforce commitment by private companies. Furthermore, tech-
dedicated to innovation activities. CMU Portugal Indus- nological companies have had their R&D activities suc-

240 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship 241
cessfully integrated with the activities of the academ- for Industry engagement with companies as the leading
ic partners, and have developed corresponding plans Project promoters as well as investors, with nearly 3.5
to improve their solutions, or collaboratively formulate M€ of private funding. Companies are now responsible
new solutions. User companies have provided access for the dynamizing networks, relying on Portuguese R&D
to test-bed infrastructures, critical for the success of institutions and Carnegie Mellon, therefore taking the
these projects. The potential impact of these collabora- lead in modernizing the national economic fabric and
tions is overall assessed as high. It features a multi-level reinforcing the innovation ecosystem. The 10 selected
nature, ranging from benefits to end-users (such as pa- projects will be led by top national ICT companies, in-
tients, tourists, or businesses), to benefits to established cluding the CMU Portugal Program startup Feedzai and
companies (through improved, new, or complementary Unbabel, which are now reinvesting in R&D, Compta, Far-
solutions to be commercialized), to contributions to the fetch, First Solutions, Glintt, GLSMED Learning Health,
definition of enhanced industrial policies and practices. Ingeniarius, Mobileum, and Outsystems. In addition to
These synergies also led to significant outputs with an these 10 companies, 4 others joined the consortiums as
emphasis on the development and commercialization of co-promoters including Priberam Informática, S.A- also
new technology with economic and societal impact, with a CMU Portugal Industrial Affiliate -Hospital Da Luz S.A.,
projects reported the construction of 87 prototypes and Silvapor, Ambiente & Inovação Lda and 3 Drivers - En-
the submission of 10 new patents. genharia, Inovação E Ambiente, Lda. The research net-
The CMU Portugal Call for flagship Large-Scale Collab- works will be completed by 14 other Portuguese Institu-
orative Research Projects has created a new strategy tions, from Universities to Research Labs, and 8 different
CMU Departments. Overall, 5 out of the 14 CMU Industry
affiliates – Farfecth, Feedzai, Outsystems, Priberan, and
Unbabel – are involved in the Large-Scale Collaborative
Research Projects, reinforcing their commitment to the
CMU Portugal Program. It is this consideration that the
data economy, due to its transversal nature, requires
companies to get closer to cutting-edge research and
from this results to real applications and problem solu-

Innovation and Entrepreneurship 243

CMU Portugal has also been a hub for faculty members,
students, and alumni to launch their entrepreneurial
initiatives. The Program has 12 startups that have been
launched or facilitated by activities of the Program:
Dognaedis, Feedzai, Geolink, Mambu, Orange Bird, Dognaedis is a startup established by Mário Zenha-
Prsma, Red Light, Sentilant, Streambolico , Veniam Rela, faculty at the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
and Unbabel. Together these companies have da Universidade de Coimbra (FCTUC) and Francisco
attracted more than $200 million in venture capital Rente, a Ph.D. student. The main business focus of
investment, created over 1,000 highly qualified jobs, this company is Information Security, focused in three
and are already a reference in their activity sector, major activity areas: Security Audit and Consultancy,
Software Assurance and Business Continuity Support.
such as Feedzai and Unbabel - who are also part of
This start-up was created because of all the
the CMU Portugal Industry Affiliates - and Veniam.
involvement that Mário Zenha-Rela has had within
the partnership: he spent a semester at Carnegie
Mellon in the beginning of the Program to get the
accreditation to teach some courses. During this stay
he felt that Carnegie Mellon faculty were encourage
having a strong relation with the industry world,
through de consultancy services or even creating
their own companies. When he returned to Portugal,
he started working in both, and after a while he
decided jointly with a Ph.D. student to create his own
company. Dognaedis works for the Portuguese central
administration: the Internal Affairs, the Ministry of
Justice, and the National Health Emergency Institute,
and to several companies.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship 245

FeedZai GeoLink

FeedZai is another start-up created as a result of the Carn- GeoLink is a start-up created by Michel Ferreira, faculty
egie Mellon Portugal Program. Paulo Marques and Pedro Bi- at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
zarro, two faculty members of the Faculdade de Ciências e (FCUP), focused in the management of geospatial infor-
Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (FCTUC), and Nuno mation. This start-up is fully involved in the Carnegie Mel-
Sebastião, product manager at the European Space Agency lon Portugal partnership throught the participation on the
(ESA), embarked on the adventure to create a startup spe- research project approved for funding in the Call of 2008:
cialized in processing large volumes of data with low-laten- DRIVE‐IN ‐ Distributed Routing and Infotainment through
cy producing actionable information in real-time. Vehicular Inter‐Networking, which equipped 500 taxi cabs
in the city of Porto.
This company brought to the market a revolutionizing
product in terms of real‐time data processing, which al- Geolink has a team with an expertise in the area of tech-
lows companies to look into their data in real‐time, as nology systems for the management of spatial informa-
things are happening, and understand in detail what is tion that joins research and helps to solve problems of
going on. It allows a telecommunication operator to know high complexity finding innovative solutions grounded in
in real-time how its network traffic is behaving and if it technology.
is following a ‘normal’ pattern or not; it allows an electri-
cal utility company to understand in detail the load that
is taking place in the network and if there are ‘unexpect-
ed leaks’ occurring. The partnership with Carnegie Mellon
University was very important in this process. Both, Pau-
lo Marques and Pedro Bizarro were adjunct professors at
Carnegie Mellon University which granted the company a
high degree of credibility which was critical when trying
to convince an established company to try out a new tech-
nology. On the other hand, there are a number of activi-
ties that the Carnegie Mellon Portugal program has been
promoting, where this startup have been present, which
opened FeedZai to new markets.

246 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship 247
Mambu Orange Bird

Established in May 2011, Orange Bird is a startup created

Mambu is a startup company established by two
by Paulo Silva Pereira, Pedro Domingos and Yoann
alumni of the Master in Human Computer Interaction,
Nesme, all 3 full-time students of the International
namely Eugene Danilkis and Frederick Pfisfered.
LisbonMBA, together with Professor Pedro Oliveira
This company was designed to support the unique
from the Católica Lisbon School of Business and
needs of small and medium sized organizations (MFIs)
Economics and director of the Dual-Degree doctoral
providing microcredit services. It was built by working
program in Technology Change and Entrepreneurship
closely with organizations, observing their work and
offered by Católica-Lisbon, IST/UTL and CMU in the
determining their needs and challenges.
scope of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program,
who is conducting research on the role of users in
The idea to create this company started during their
developing innovative financial services, including
Professional Master when they made their Capstone
Project, a mandatory project were students work in
interdisciplinary teams with an industry sponsor to
The goal of this startup is to promote the concept
produce a working prototype that serves as a proof
of crowdfunding (collective finance) in Portugal and
of concept of a novel service or product idea. Mambu
to boost entrepreneurship and social development
was the name of the project created by these two
within the country, through a crowdfunding interface
entrepreneurs with more colleagues, which goal was
called PPL.
to build an online portfolio management software
service for growing microcredit organizations.

248 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship 249
Prsma RedLight

RedLight Software is a process-driven software

Prsma is a company created by a M-ITI team associated
company providing solutions for the health sector in
with an entrepreneur from the electronics industry,
Europe. It is a technlogical startup originated from
to commercialize “ENERGY SPECTRUM “, a system
the Carnegie Mellon Portugal initiative as a direct
developed and tested in the framework of a success
outcome of the multidisciplinary partnership in
research project. Their sensing system is capable of
software engineering, quality processes (CMMI) and
disaggregating home energy consumption using a
human-computer interaction. It was created by Mário
low-cost and effective non-intrusive approach. The
Zenha-Rela, professor and researcher at Faculdade
sensing system is coupled with a middleware web
de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade de
system that supports novel eco-feedback strategies
that are meaningful and compelling for families and
RedLight Software is developing a cloud-based
multiplatform line of products targeting chronic
disease management (starting with Type 2 Diabetes)
to be launched at the first quarter of 2014. RedLight
was incorporated in January 2013 and has currently
clients in three European Countries.

250 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship 251
Sentilant Streambolico

Streambolico technology provides scalable WiFi

Sentilant, a spinoff from the Universidade de Coimbra,
video streaming in high density scenarios, by making
created in the scope of the CMU Portugal Program,
it possible to deliver video to 10 times more users per
was co-founded in May 2013 by Bruno Cabral and
WiFi hotspot. Streambolico revolutionizes the video
Jorge Granjal, faculty members of the Universidade
broadcast to any mobile platform using a ubiquitous
de Coimbra. The company is currently headquartered
new delivery channel, WiFi networks.
at Instituto Pedro Nunes, in Coimbra.
Users can watch their favorite TV channels in the food
Sentilant provides services and software products
court, in the airport or in any other public venue using
that allow people and organizations to collect,
their smart devices, while fans in sport and music
analyze and share business and real-time sentient
events can also view different cameras in their own
data from, and on, their mobile devices. The market
devices. One of the co-founders was João Barros,
will see the first version of their product next year. So
former national director of the CMU Portugal Program,
far, Sentilant has won two technological innovation
and Paulo Oliveira, a Ph.D student that spent several
awards with a product that uses sensorial data
periods at Carnegie Mellon University.
collected from smartphones to help users improve
driving efficiency: the Inov C Award (first place) of the
Competition “Arrisca.C’2012 – Ideas, Business Plans,
and Proofs of Concept”, and the second place in the
PT Galp Innovation Challenge.

252 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship 253
Unbabel Veniam

Unbabel’s Customer Service Solution allows modern Veniam’Works is a spin-off company of the Instituto
enterprises to understand and be understood by their de Telecomunicações and the Universities of Aveiro
customers in dozens of languages by combining human and Porto, which connects vehicles to the each other
expertise and artificial intelligence (AI). Powered by and to the Internet using vehicular mesh networking
AI and refined by a global community of translators, technologies Veniam designs, develops and deploys
Unbabel combines the speed and scale of machine vehicular ad-hoc networks for any type of business.
translation with the authenticity that can come only Using advanced simulation software, this startup
from a native speaker. is able to deliver detailed studies on the expected
quality of service, bandwidth, latency and coverage
Unbabel was funded by Vasco Pedro, a graduate from for different cities, vehicle densities and traffic
CMU’s Language Technology Institute (LTI) and a CMU scenarios.
Portugal project post-doctoral fellow, and André
Martins, CMU Portugal alumni, is the VP of Artificial Veniam is a startup company created by João Barros,
Intelligence Research. faculty at the Faculdade de Engenharia of the
Universidade do Porto, and Susana Sargento, faculty
at the Universidade de Aveiro. Veniam’Works is Track
Winner of the Building Global Innovators Venture

254 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship 255
Virtual Traffic Lights

Virtual Traffic Lights (VTL), LLC was founded in 2010

by Prof. Ozan Tonguz of Carnegie Mellon University
(CMU), along with co-founders Dr. Michel Ferreira
and Dr. Luis Damas of the University of Porto, as a
CMU spinoff targeting to solve some of the acute
transportation problems of our times by using vehicle-
to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)
communications paradigms based on the emerging
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
technology at 5.9 GHz in addition to other 2G, 3G, and
4G wireless and cellular technologies.

The proprietary technology (U.S. Patent pending)

developed by VTL is proven to increase the traffic
flows in urban areas by 60% during rush hours which
seems pretty significant and revolutionary. Such
an improvement has serious implications in terms
of reducing the commute time of urban workers,
mitigating congestion, lessening carbon footprint
of cars, increasing productivity, and supporting
a greener environment. In addition, the proposed
technology and the core invention of VTL will be an
indispensable building block for the ongoing research
efforts on autonomous driving.

256 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal

& Events
For 2018-19, the CMU Portugal program communication
goals were defined while taking into account the need
for a new strategy to support the program’s entrance into
a 3rd phase and strengthen the mission and objectives
outlined for this new chapter without disregarding the
outcomes of the past.

The key communication objectives for the CMU Portugal

Strategy & program in 2018-19 included:

Communication · Enhancing the program’s visibility, particularly in

online platforms;
· Supporting new initiatives and activities;
· Promoting a strong relationship with key
stakeholders and representatives of the program;
· Building a solid communication network with all
stakeholders to share initiatives and increase our

To fulfill these objectives, the program has implemented

a communications plan, which covered a wide spectrum
of actions:

- Create a new identity and website

- Enhance and increase online activities
- Support press and other media activities
- Participate and host strategic events

Communication & Events 261

In 2018, the partnership’s first concern was to work on the
development of a new website and brand identity that
reflects the renewal of the partnership and its goals for
the future.

Main Logo (Vertical)

Secondary logo (Horizontal)

Simultaneously during this period, the partnership
worked to improve its online visibility within the CMU
Portugal community (faculty, students, alumni, industrial
partners), media and a wider audience.

The coordination office, including a webmaster and a The opportunities used to highlight the program’s
designer, worked for over 8 months on the development initiatives included the new mission and strategy defined
of a new graphic image and website. This included re- for this new phase, the appointment of two new National
structuring the architecture of the website, rethinking Co-Directors, the growing number of partners involved
its navigation, usage and cross platform support. in the program’s initiatives, the two Calls for projects
launched during this period and other actions led under
the education flagship such as the mobility programs and
the call for the Dual-Degree Ph.Ds.

Between January 2018 and March 2019, the CMU Portugal

program was mentioned in 158 articles in the Portuguese
media, had over 50 articles published on its website, and
1285 posts published on social media.
Communication & Events 263
Strategy & Communication Overview In online Platforms
CMU PORTUGAL Website (since launch in Nov. 2018)
Communication in 53 +60
Numbers CMU Portugal
News articles
CMU Portugal
Papers shared

30 6
Events Shared Newsletters

Social Media (2018 - 2019)

440 8955
Published posts Interactions

Facebook +114k 650

Global Reach Nº of followers

712 212
Tweets Mentions in 2019

Summary of CMU Portugal Twitter 3912 1311

presence in the media (2018/2019) Profile Visits Nº of followers
CMU Portugal articles in the media

142 Online 133

158 13 Printed Articles Published posts
1 Video Coverage by Reuters
Published 1 Piece in TV
LinkedIn 579 463
in the Media Clicks Nº of followers
1 Piece in Radio
Communication & Events 265
New Image
& Website

To support the entrance into a new phase, the CMU

Portugal Program renewed its image and created a
brand-new logo and website.

Communication & Events - New Image & Website 267

New Image & Website

Image &

The new CMU Portugal Program logotype aims to Since the main area of focus of the Program is ICT, the
highlight the importance of the collaboration between new branding represents technology through the use
Portugal and Carnegie Mellon University focusing on the of a simplified icon inspired by networks and graphs.
ideas of partnership, collaboration and network. The Furthermore, the Carnegie Mellon Portugal program’s
connection of these two partners, these two “dots”, will branding keeps a strong connection to the Carnegie
lead to new paths, research, talent development, and Mellon main brand through the use of their word mark and
other innovative possibilities. color palette, but still being able to have its own identity.

The logotype is the visual support of the program’s

mission: placing Portugal at the forefront of innovation
in key focused areas of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) by promoting an innovation
ecosystem with a tight coupling between cutting-
edge research, world-class graduate education,
and highly innovative companies in the data-driven
economy. Therefore, the logotype should be present
on all the initiatives, communications and/or products
developed under the scope or funded through CMU
Portugal Program.

Communication & Events - New Image & Website 269

Additionally, and aligned to the main logo, other elements Activities icons
were developed including:
Secondary logotypes for each of the program’s Initiatives
and areas of activity, always aligned with the brand’s

New communication materials: roll ups, notebooks, pins,

greeting cards, folders, pens, bags, letter paper, and more

270 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal

New Image & Website The overall goal was to create a new website:

Website · Easy to navigate

· With clear contents
· Efficient search engines
· Cross platform support

During the transition process in between websites there

was an effort to keep the most relevant information
accessible on the new version including all the media
articles published since 2007. The new website was
The main goal for the new website was to improve the
launched in November 2018 and has been since then
previous version that was implemented since the first one of the main platforms to disclose the Program’s
phase and didn’t support its current vision. The strategy initiatives.
was to build a brand-new website aligned with the new
image and able to reflect a clean and modern perspective
of what the Program intends to be in its 3rd phase.
The Program’s communication activities
are actively focused on two main areas:

Online activities
Using CMU Portugal web-based platforms including
the website, which is a primary source for informa-
tion concerning the Program (
and the Program’s social media networks:

Communication Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube

Activities The use of web-based platforms is increasingly wide-

spread amongst individuals and organizations giv-
ing the opportunity to potentially establish dialogue,
build relationships and engage with your audience.
The Program’s main goal is to establish and increase
its audience through an active online engagement at
these selected platforms.

Press and Media Activities

For disclosing the Program´s activities to a broader
audience, the communications team from the CMU
Portugal Coordination Office works closely with the
National Directors and other members of the CMU
Portugal community (faculty, industry partners, stu-
dents and alumni etc.) towards enhancing the media
output related to the Program´s initiatives and pro-
moting it in the Media.
Communication & Events - Communication Activities 275
Communication Activities Therefore, a practice was implemented on several
web-based platforms:

Activities Website
The website is used to disclose news about Education,
Research, and Innovation, as well as events, news in the media
and other partner-related contents. Its contents include:

• News articles
With all the information about our latest activities and

Web based platforms are, as previously mentioned, an • Inside stories

essential support for the promotion and dissemination Monthly features with interviews and articles with
of the results achieved within the program. members of our community (industry partners,
students and faculty) but also online articles to follow
up relevant achievements (awards, papers etc.)

• Events
Disclosure of all events related to the Program
(Portugal and Pittsburgh).

• Publications
Regular updates of all publications related to the CMU
Portugal program, including those supported under
CMU Portugal projects, authored by CMU Portugal
Faculty, students, researchers etc..

Communication & Events - Communication Activities 277

The Program is strongly committed in building a strong
Social media platforms online network involving Partner Institutions such as
universities, research institutions, laboratories and
companies etc., that will be open to share and disclose
CMU Portugal’s initiatives and activities through their
online platforms. Between January 2018 and December
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube
2019, there was an effort to improve the Program’s social
media outlets which resulted in a total of 440 Facebook
The Program publishes posts every weekday on social posts, 712 on Twitter and 133 on Linkedin.
media, on a daily basis on Facebook and usually more
often on twitter. Linkedin is mainly updated to disclose
information about the Program’s initiatives and Facebook
announcements, and Youtube for video content. The Program’s Facebook page had 419 followers on
February, 2019, and reached 650 on December 31, 2019, an
increase of 231 followers equivalent to a 55.13% growth.
Updates and shares on CMU Portugal Program web
platforms, namely Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Twitter
Youtube are mainly focused on:
Twitter account also raised its number of followers, with a
growth of 311 followers since the beginning of 2018 for a total
• CMU Portugal initiatives
of 1311 followers by the end of 2019, an increase of 31.1%.
(activities, events & CMU Portugal publications);
• Carnegie Mellon University initiatives and LinkedIn
activities; LinkedIn account currently has 463 followers. For this
platform, the last data available is from the 2016 Report,
• Relevant information from partner Universities
which registered a total of 190 followers by March 2017.
and companies involved with the Program;
• News and trends on ICT or other relevant topics YouTube
to the community;
The YouTube channel is updated with new videos related
• Other general information that might be of to the Program’s initiatives or from the Program’s clipping
relevance to CMU Portugal audience. and has currently 892 subscribers.
278 Annual Report 18/19 - Carnegie Mellon Portugal Communication & Events - Communication Activities 279
Newsletter Direct-targeted mailing campaigns
On December 2018, the Program launched its first E-mail messages for specific audiences are used for
bi-monthly digital newsletter named “News from the announcements, invitations to events, recruitment for
Fence” to promote its initiatives, including news, events graduate programs, and other important information in
and CMU Portugal papers, distributed through electronic between newsletters. Myemma online mailing platform is
mail, shared on our social media networks and available used for this end (
our website.

The name chosen refers to the Carnegie Mellon Campus

Fence, an unofficial billboard that students use to paint
with poignant messages, to advertise upcoming events
or recent accomplishments.

The Program has released until the end of 2019,

6 Newsletters available here for consultation.

Since the launch of the website, 53 articles have been

published including 11 Inside stories and interviews
with CMU Portugal Stakeholders. Additionally, there
were 30 events disclosed on the website related to CMU
Portugal initiatives as organizer or invited participant.
Communication Activities Within this scope, a broad range of communication
activities are implemented, always aligned with the

Press and Media strategic objective of communicating CMU research

portfolio and education achievements, namely through:

Activities Press releases disclosure

Since February 2018, the CMU Portugal Program launched

a total number of 11 Press Releases to the Portuguese
Media, 5 in 2018 and 6 in 2019.

Until 2018 the program maintained a key collaboration with

LPM, a public relations agency that used to prepare and
Another important part of the process of communicating distribute the Program’s press releases to the media and
lays at the interface with the media. The CMU Portugal established all contacts with the media. When entering
communications team works towards enhancing the the 3rd phase, this collaboration has come to an end and
Program´s visibility in the media and disclosing the currently this work is done internally by the Portuguese
Program´s activities and outcomes throughout the year. Coordination Office.

One-to-one negotiations:

In addition to the Press Releases and when there is a

specific topic of interest to the Media regarding the
Program, efforts are made to establish strategic contacts
with journalists to promote interviews, opinion articles or
other media news.

Since February 2018, the Program managed to proactively

promote a set of 14 interviews and news articles by
reaching out directly to some targeted media to ensure
the coverage of some of its latest initiatives in more

Communication & Events - Communication Activities 283

Communication Activities


Overall, the Program´s media activities resulted in

more than 150 references in articles published in
the Portuguese media between February 2018 and
December 2019. The Internet was the main medium with
142 articles, followed by 13 press articles, 1 TV & Radio
news pieces, and a Reuters media coverage.

This media presence is the result of the Program’s

press releases and one-to-one negotiations which
in that period covered, among other themes, the Re-
newal of the partnership, CMU Portugal events and
the multiple calls – Ph. D. Scholarships, Visiting & Re-
searchers Program, Call for Large Scale Projects and
Exploratory Projects among others.

Communication & Events - Communication Activities 285

From January 2016 to March 2017, the CMU Portugal
Program organized several events targeting different
audiences, namely researchers, industry stakeholders,
government bodies, entrepreneurs, students, and

Events and faculty members.

All these events were organized and implemented with

Outreach the goal of bringing together the academic and industry

communities involved in the Program, as well as raising
awareness about the Program among new stakeholders
and audiences.

The showcasing of the outcomes of the Program

continues to be a strong feature of these events.

Next are highlighted the key events that occurred in

2018 and 2019, first CMU Portugal Outreach events
in which the Program participated with the goal of
interacting with a broad public to disclose and promote
the Program’s initiatives and activities; and high
profile events promoted by CMU Portugal addressed to
strategic stakeholders and high profile entities including
members from the Portuguese Government, Ministry,
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Carnegie
Mellon University and CMU Portugal Governance among
Communication & Events - Events and Outreach 287
Outreach and Public Events On December 12, the CMU Portugal Program
was at the “INCoDe 2030: 2nd Conference of the
National Forum for Digital Competences” with a
promotional stand. The event took place at the
Lisbon Congress Center and was an opportunity
Jul Participation at
Encontro Ciência
to show what is being done by the Program to a
broad audience and promote future initiatives.
2018 2018

On July 3, the CMU Portugal Program

hosted a session entitled “Information and
Dec Participation at “INCoDe 2030:
2nd Conference of the National
Communication Technologies: applications 2018 Forum for Digital Competences”
and challenges” at Ciência 2018, a major
Science Conference organized by the
Portuguese Government. The session included
talks from seven researchers of the Program´s
Exploratory Research Initiatives (ERIs) and “Look and See. Sense and Live” and “Other Portraits
addressed the main goals and results achieved and Self-portraits” Exhibit took place at Fundação
by the initiatives launched by FCT through the para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) from March
CMU Portugal Program. 25th to the beginning of May. The exhibition was
developed under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal
Program project SCREEN DR, led by Professor
Aurélio Campilho from INESC TEC’s C-BER Center
and later in Lisbon at FCT and Ciência 2019. The

Jul Participation at
Encontro Ciência
CMU Portugal Program was responsible for
settling the Exhibition at FCT and for all the related
2019 2019 logistics and disclosure of the event.

Between July 8th and 10th, the CMU Portugal Program

participated at the Ciência 2019 Summit to promote its
Mar to May Photo Exhibition of the
CMU Portugal Project
latest initiatives to the general public and present some 2019 SCREEN DR at FCT
of the research projects developed under the Program.
The CMU Portugal Program hosted the session “CMU
Portugal – Exploring New Research Frontiers in ICT”
in which stakeholders from different areas of ICT,
including representatives from Academia and Industry,
shared their vision for the future. During the event, the
CMU Portugal Program also held a stand to promote
its initiatives to the general public and show some
demonstrations of its ERIs and Exploratory projects.
The CMU Portugal Program hosted a Welcome
Reception in Pittsburgh to connect students living

Jul National Director Nuno Nunes in Pittsburgh, CMU Faculty members and Visiting
presents at CMU the CMU Faculty from Portugal during their stay at CMU.
2019 Portugal Calls and activities

On July 10th, CMU Portugal National Co-

Director, Nuno Nunes, presented at
Oct Networking event
at CMU for CMU
Carnegie Mellon University the new Call for 2019 Portugal affiliates
Exploratory Research Programs (ERPs)
and Phase III Initiatives. Professor Nunes
discussed the timeline of the ERP Call, the
applicable research areas, and connecting
with collaborators in Portugal and gave an
overview of the recently closed Large-scale
Collaborative Research Project Call, the Dual-
Degree Ph.D. Programs, the Mobility Programs, Lenore and Manuel Blum, both Professors at Carnegie
and the Executive Program Initiative. Mellon School of Computer Science, visited for the
first time Portugal under the CMU Portugal Program, to
participate in two seminars on gender Balance and for
the “duet-talk” “Towards a Conscious AI – A computer
architecture inspired by cognitive neuroscience” in Lisbon
Dec CMU Portugal Distinguished
lecture “Beyond User
(Instituto Superior Técnico) and Porto (INESC TEC and
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto).
2019 Centered Design”

The CMU Portugal Program supported the visit of

Yvonne Rogers from the University College London
Dec CMU Portugal Seminar “Why are we still
talking about Gender Balance in STEM?”
and Jodi Forlizzi from Carnegie Mellon University to 2019 and Distinguished Lecture “Towards a
Portugal, to give a Lecture on User Design at Técnico. Conscious AI – A computer architecture
These two brilliant women who lead the top Human- inspired by cognitive neuroscience”
Computer Interaction (HCI) Departments in the world
of Computer Science gave a talk entitled “Beyond User-
Centered Design” in front of a full audience at Instituto • 23 October at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Superior Técnico on December 18th. • 25 October at FCUP, Universidade do Porto

High Profile events

February 15th February 16th

Feb Official Renewal Ceremony Carnegie Mellon Portugal
2018 Technical Workshops at Porto
The CMU Portugal Program was renewed
Renewal of FCT for another decade in an agreement signed The CMU Portugal Program organized a
International between Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and series of technical workshops at UPTEC in
Partnerships the Portuguese Government at the ceremony Porto, open to the scientific community and
“GoPortugal Global Science and Technology led by Portuguese and CMU researchers. The
Partnerships Portugal,” which took place at six workshops were held simultaneously and
CEiiA in Porto. During the ceremony the Program had over 140 attendees, bringing together
also signed cooperation agreements with new not only faculty from Carnegie Mellon
Industrial affiliated partners for the 3rd phase of University and Portuguese universities,
the partnership. The agreement was signed by but also researchers and engineers from
FCT President Paulo Ferrão and by CMU Interim the many companies that are committed
President Farnam Jahanian, officially launching to participating in the third phase of the
a new phase of the CMU Portugal Program. program.
The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Minister of Science,
organized its annual Project Review Meeting Technology and Higher
at Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia on Education and President
March 25 and 26, to conduct mid-term and
final project evaluations held by an External
Feb of FCT visits CMU
with a delegation of 12
Review Committee. 2019 Portuguese Researchers

Mar CMU Portugal

Project Review The Minister of Science, Technology and Higher
2019 Meeting Education, Manuel Heitor, visited on February 1st
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) on an official visit, along
The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program held its annual Board with a delegation of 15 people including the President
Oct of Directors (BoD) Meeting at Fundação para a Ciência e of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Paulo
Ferrão; Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program National
2019 Tecnologia (FCT) Headquarters in Lisbon on September
20th. The BoD is part of CMU Portugal’s governing structure Co-Director, Nuno Nunes; representatives of Industry,
CMU Portugal and is responsible for policy oversight and discussion of the including REN and Altice; and faculty members of several
Board Meeting CMU Portugal Program plan of activities. Portuguese universities and research centers.

The visit was focused on strengthening the cooperation

in ICT between the Portuguese Government and CMU
Dec CMU Portugal Scientific directors
promote CMU Portugal activities through the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU
at CMU Portugal), by promoting strategic networking meetings
among the Portuguese delegation and research groups,
faculty, and leaders of CMU. The visit was hosted by the
Director at CMU of the CMU | Portugal Program José
A Portuguese delegation visited Carnegie Mellon University on December 12
Moura and included discussions with James Garrett,
and 13 for 2 days of networking with peers at CMU to strengthen cooperation
CMU’s Provost, and Farnam Jahanian, CMU’s President.
initiatives for the third phase of the program. The delegation was composed of
five CMU Portugal Scientific Directors from Portuguese Universities and by CMU
Portugal Executive Director in Portugal and its Head of Education. During the
visit, organized by the CMU Portugal coordination office at CMU, the Portuguese
committee had an opportunity to connect with CMU faculty leaders of strategic
research areas of the CMU Portugal Program, heads of department and doctoral
programs directors and managers of the CMU Portugal Dual-Degree programs.
#CMUPortugal /cmuportugal /cmuportugal

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