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REG NO: INP16/00001/19





DATE: 15 NOV 2019

PHONE NO:0712576403
1. Using examples describe the different kinds of networks that exist. (20 marks)

A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the
computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and
applications.A computer network can be categorized by their size. A computer
network is mainly of four types

o LAN(Local Area Network)

o PAN(Personal Area Network)

o MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
o WAN(Wide Area Network)

LAN(Local Area Network)

o Local Area Network is a group of computers connected to each other in a small

area such as building, office.
o LAN is used for connecting two or more personal computers through a
communication medium such as twisted pair, coaxial cable, etc.
o It is less costly as it is built with inexpensive hardware such as hubs, network
adapters, and ethernet cables.
o The data is transferred at an extremely faster rate in Local Area Network.
o Local Area Network provides higher security.

PAN(Personal Area Network)

o Personal Area Network is a network arranged within an individual person,

typically within a range of 10 meters.
o Personal Area Network is used for connecting the computer devices of personal
use is known as Personal Area Network.
o Thomas Zimmerman was the first research scientist to bring the idea of the
Personal Area Network.
o Personal Area Network covers an area of 30 feet.
o Personal computer devices that are used to develop the personal area network
are the laptop, mobile phones, media player and play stations.

There are two types of Personal Area Network:

o Wired Personal Area Network

o Wireless Personal Area Network

Wireless Personal Area Network: Wireless Personal Area Network is developed by

simply using wireless technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth. It is a low range network.

Wired Personal Area Network: Wired Personal Area Network is created by using the

Examples Of Personal Area Network:

o Body Area Network: Body Area Network is a network that moves with a

person. For example, a mobile network moves with a person. Suppose a person
establishes a network connection and then creates a connection with another
device to share the information.
o Offline Network: An offline network can be created inside the home, so it is also
known as a home network. A home network is designed to integrate the devices
such as printers, computer, television but they are not connected to the internet.
o Small Home Office: It is used to connect a variety of devices to the internet and
to a corporate network using a VPN

MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

o A metropolitan area network is a network that covers a larger geographic area by

interconnecting a different LAN to form a larger network.
o Government agencies use MAN to connect to the citizens and private industries.
o In MAN, various LANs are connected to each other through a telephone
exchange line.
o The most widely used protocols in MAN are RS-232, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN,
OC-3, ADSL, etc.
o It has a higher range than Local Area Network(LAN).

Uses Of Metropolitan Area Network:

o MAN is used in communication between the banks in a city.

o It can be used in an Airline Reservation.
o It can be used in a college within a city.
o It can also be used for communication in the military.

WAN(Wide Area Network)

o A Wide Area Network is a network that extends over a large geographical area
such as states or countries.
o A Wide Area Network is quite bigger network than the LAN.
o A Wide Area Network is not limited to a single location, but it spans over a large
geographical area through a telephone line, fibre optic cable or satellite links.
o The internet is one of the biggest WAN in the world.
o A Wide Area Network is widely used in the field of Business, government, and

Examples Of Wide Area Network:

o Mobile Broadband: A 4G network is widely used across a region or country.

o Last mile: A telecom company is used to provide the internet services to the
customers in hundreds of cities by connecting their home with fiber.
o Private network: A bank provides a private network that connects the 44 offices.
This network is made by using the telephone leased line provided by the telecom

Advantages Of Wide Area Network:

Following are the advantages of the Wide Area Network:

o Geographical area: A Wide Area Network provides a large geographical area.
Suppose if the branch of our office is in a different city then we can connect with
them through WAN. The internet provides a leased line through which we can
connect with another branch.
o Centralized data: In case of WAN network, data is centralized. Therefore, we do
not need to buy the emails, files or back up servers.
o Get updated files: Software companies work on the live server. Therefore, the
programmers get the updated files within seconds.
o Exchange messages: In a WAN network, messages are transmitted fast. The web
application like Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype allows you to communicate with
o Sharing of software and resources: In WAN network, we can share the software
and other resources like a hard drive, RAM.
o Global business: We can do the business over the internet globally.
o High bandwidth: If we use the leased lines for our company then this gives the
high bandwidth. The high bandwidth increases the data transfer rate which in
turn increases the productivity of our company.

Disadvantages of Wide Area Network:

The following are the disadvantages of the Wide Area Network:

o Security issue: A WAN network has more security issues as compared to LAN
and MAN network as all the technologies are combined together that creates the
security problem.
o Needs Firewall & antivirus software: The data is transferred on the internet
which can be changed or hacked by the hackers, so the firewall needs to be used.
Some people can inject the virus in our system so antivirus is needed to protect
from such a virus.
o High Setup cost: An installation cost of the WAN network is high as it involves
the purchasing of routers, switches.
o Troubleshooting problems: It covers a large area so fixing the problem is
2. Describe using examples, the key elements of computer networks. (20 marks)

 These are objects basically used in computer network Elements. There are basically 4
computer networking elements:
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Transmission medium (wired or wireless)
4. Protocols
Network software


The backbone of any network is the hardware that runs it. Network hardware includes
network cards, routers or network switches, modems and Ethernet repeaters. Without
this hardware, computers have no means of accessing a network. Network cards give
computers direct access to network media and enable them to connect to other
equipment, including routers, switches, modems and repeaters. Routers or switches
allow a single network connection from a modem to be divided between several
computers. Repeater refresh the network signal between Ethernet cable segments,
allowing Category 5 cables to reach beyond their 300-foot maximum length without
signal loss.

In order for the hardware to interact with the network, it needs software to issue
commands. The primary form of networking software is protocols -- software that
instructs network devices on how to connect to the network and how to interact with
one another. Other examples of networking software include connection monitoring
software, networking clients and other tools designed to further facilitate your
computer's ability to connect to the network.
3. Transmission medium:
The means through which we send our data from one place to another is known as
Transmission medium.
Signals are used to represent data by computers and other telecommunication devices.
The signals (i.e., data or information) are transmitted in the form of electromagnetic
energy from one device to another. These signals travel through vacuum, air or other
transmission mediums to move from one point to another (from sender to receiver).
Transmission medium is of two types:
 (i) Wired or Guided: For example, Twisted Pair Cable , Coaxial Cable and Optical
Fibre Cable.
 (i) Wireless or Unguided: For example, Radiowaves , Microwaves and Infrared.
4. Protocols:
There are some defined rules and conventions for communication between network
These are called Protocols. Network protocols include mechanisms for devices to
identify and make connections with each other, as well as formatting rules that specify
how data is packaged into sent and received messages.
Protocols may be of 3 types:
1. Internet Protocols
2. Wireless Network Protocols
3. Network Routing Protocols
Network Software:
Network software is a foundational element for any network. This type of software helps
administrators deploy, manage and monitor a network. The traditional networks are
made up of specialized hardware, such as routers and switches, that bundle the
networking software into the solution.
Such type of software encompass a broad range of software used for design,
implementation, and operation and monitoring of computer networks. Traditional
networks were hardware based with software embedded. When the software like
Defined Networking (SDN) emerged , software is separated from the hardware thus
making it more adaptable to the ever-changing nature of the computer network.
3.Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various network media that exist. (20
Strengths of Network:

These are main srengths of Computer Networks:

1. Central Storage of Data –

Files can be stored on a central node (the file server) that can be shared and made
available to each and every user in an organization.

2. Anyone can connect to a computer network –

There is a negligible range of abilities required to connect to a modern computer

network. The effortlessness of joining makes it workable for even youthful kids to start
exploiting the data.

3. Faster Problem solving –

Since an extensive procedure is disintegrated into a few littler procedures and each is
taken care of by all the associated gadgets, an explicit issue can be settled in lesser time.

4. Reliability –

Reliability implies backing up of information. Due to some reason equipment crash, and
so on, the information gets undermined or inaccessible on one PC, another duplicate of
similar information is accessible on another workstation for future use, which prompts
smooth working and further handling without interruption.

5. It is highly flexible –
This innovation is known to be truly adaptable, as it offers clients the chance to
investigate everything about fundamental things, for example, programming without
influencing their usefulness.

6. Security through Authorization –

Security and protection of information is additionally settled through system. As just the
system clients are approved to get to specific records or applications, no other
individual can crack the protection or security of information.

7. It boosts storage capacity –

Since you will share data, records and assets to other individuals, you need to guarantee
all information and substance are legitimately put away in the framework. With this
systems administration innovation, you can do the majority of this with no issue, while
having all the space you requirement for capacity.

weaknesses of Network:

These are main weaknesses of Computer Networks:

1. It lacks robustness –

If a PC system’s principle server separates, the whole framework would end up futile.
Also, if it has a bridging device or a central linking server that fails, the entire network
would also come to a standstill. To manage these issues, gigantic systems ought to have
a ground-breaking PC to fill in as document server to influence setting to up and
keeping up the system less demanding.

2. It lacks independence –

PC organizing includes a procedure that is worked utilizing PCs, so individuals will

depend a greater amount of PC work, rather than applying an exertion for their jobs that
needs to be done. Beside this, they will be subject to the primary document server,
which implies that, in the event that it separates, the framework would end up futile,
making clients inactive.

3. Virus and Malware –

On the off chance that even one PC on a system gets contaminated with an infection,
there is a possibility for alternate frameworks to get tainted as well. Infections can
spread on a system effectively, in view of the between availability of different gadgets.4.
Lack of Independence
4. Cost of network –

The expense of executing the system including cabling and equipment can be

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