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Geometry of Gauge Fields: Michal Kosztolowicz June 15, 2010

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Geometry of gauge fields

Michal Kosztolowicz
June 15, 2010

The aim of this article is to give a mathematical formulation of Yang-
Mills gauge theory. Formalism of vector bundles and interpretation of a
field as a section of a vector bundle will be introduced. Using this language
notion of gauge transformation will be given and finally a connection on
a vector bundle will be defined, an object to be recognised as a gauge

1 Introduction
A gauge theory is a field theory in which the lagrangian is invariant under a
group of local transformations. Starting with the lagrangian which invariance
is only global, we can achieve a local invariance at the expense of introducing a
gauge field Aµ . It is used in a redefinition of a partial derivative inserted in the
∂µ −→ Dµ = ∂µ + Aµ
Transformation rules of this new field are given as follows:

A0 µ = U (g)Aµ U (g)−1 + (∂µ U (g))U (g)−1

where U (g) is a local gauge transformation.

The rest of this paper will be dedicated to introducing a mathematical object
that has above mentioned properties.

2 Vector bundles
Definition 1 A vector bundle is a quadruple (B, M, π, F), where B, M- smooth
manifolds called total space and base respectively, F - n dimensional vector space
called standard fibre and π : B → M is an onto map called projection, such that
following condition is satisfied:
Let {Uα } be the open covering of M. Then, for every α there exists a
tα : π −1 (Uα ) −→ Uα × F

such that its restriction tα,p ≡ tα |p : Bp ≡ π −1 (p) −→ {p} × F is a linear
isomorphism. This diffeomorphism (together with a set Uα ) is called a local
trivialization of a bundle.

It is worth emphasizing that it is enough there exists at least one open

covering satisfying condition from the definition to be able to talk about a
vector bundle. This covering dooes not need to be an atlas from differentiable
structure on M. The notion of a fibre, defined as Bp = π −1 (p), is a subset
of total space. In arbitrary local trivialization, such that p ∈ Uα , this fibre is
isomorphic to the standard fibre F.
The idea of a vector bundle appears naturally in mathematics, what is easily
seen in a following
Example 2 A cylinder is an example of a vector bundle. In this case whole
cylinder is identified with the total space, S ∞ is a base manifold and R1 is a
standard fibre. An arbitrary local trivialization is of the form Uα × R1 . In this
special case one can choose even Uα = S ∞ , what makes a cylinder being a trivial
vector bundle.
It is instructive to consider a different vector bundle that in local trivial-
ization looks like Uα × R1 , namely a Mobius strip. It is obvious that although
locally identical globaly it is a different object than a cylinder.
Suppose now that there are two trivializations (tα , Uα ) and (tβ , Uβ ) of the
same vector bundle, such that Uα ∪ Uβ 6= ∅. It makes sense to introduce a
transition function, defined as gαβ (p) = tα (p) ◦ tβ (p)−1 for p ∈ Uα ∪ Uβ . This
mapping transforms vectors from a fibre while changing a local trivialization. In
gauge theory one demands that it is not an arbitrary isomorphism, but rather
an isomorphism from a certain group G, called gauge group.
The notion of a vector bundle can be generalized using construction that
can be made of a single vector space. Consider for example a dual space F ∗ .
Then, there is a well defined notion of a dual vector bundle B ∗ . One can think
of it simply as a vector bundle which fibre is a dual space F ∗ . In a similar way
one can construct tensor bundle B ⊗ B ∗ etc.

3 Section of a vector bundle

Definition 3 A function s : M −→ B such that for every p ∈ M s(p) ∈ Bp
(equivalently, Π ◦ s = id ) is called a section of a vector bundle. The set of all
sections of a bundle B will be denoted as Γ(B)

That means that a section is a function that for every point p from the base
manifold picks out a single vector from a fibre π −1 (p). Shortly speaking, section
of a vector bundle is a vector field over a base manifold.
There always exists a global section of a vector bundle (that is defined on the
whole M, not only on a certain open subset). For example, one can consider
the zero section - it maps every point into zero vector and is independent of

local trivialization, since zero vector is always mapped into zero vector by an
In a natural way there can be an addition and a multiplication by a function
from C ∞ (M) introduced in the set Γ(B). We define:

(s + s0 )(p) ≡ s(p) + s0 (p)

(f s)(p) ≡ f (p)s(p)
for arbitrary s, s0 ∈ Γ(B) and f ∈ C ∞ (M ). Using above it makes sense to talk
about a linear dependence of sections:
Definition 4 We say that e1 , e2 . . . en ∈ Γ(B) form a basis of sections, if every
s ∈ Γ(B) can be written as
s = si ei
where si are appropriate functions from C ∞ (M).
A basis of sections can be only defined for trivial bundles. That means
that for an arbitrary vector bundle we can have a basis only localy (for local

4 Gauge transformation
Using above introduced formalism notion of a gauge transformation can be
defined. For this purpose one needs a section of an endomorphism bundle which
is the same as just mentioned tensor bundle B ∗ ⊗ B, due to the isomorphism
V∗ ⊗ V ∼= End(V), where V is an arbitrary, finite dimensional vector space. Let
T ∈ Γ(B ∗ ⊗ B). It can be shown that T (p) ∈ Bp∗ ⊗ Bp ∼ = End(Bp ), so it is a
linear map acting on vectors from Bp . Thus, given a section s ∈ Γ(B) T defines
a new section T (s) ∈ Γ(B) as follows:

T (s)(p) = T (p)s(p)
After this introduction a definition can be given:
Definition 5 We say, that T (p) ∈ End(Bp ) lives in G, if it is of the form
v → gv for some g ∈ G and v ∈ Bp . If T (p) lives in G for every p, then we call
T a gauge transformation.

Since a vector field is defined as a section of a vector bundle and a field

equation is a differential equation in general, one needs to know how to differ-
entiate sections. It is not a straightforward problem, since a first guess to define
it as for usual functions would require an operation of addition of vectors form
different fibres - an operation that is not cannonicaly given. For this reason a
notion of connection is provided.

5 Connection on a vector bundle
5.1 Definition and transformation rules
Definition 6 Connection on a vector bundle is a map

D : Γ(B) −→ Γ(T ∗ M ⊗ B)

which satisfies the following conditions:

1. For any s1 , s2 ∈ Γ(B)

D(s1 + s2 ) = D(s1 ) + D(s2 )

2. For s ∈ Γ(B) and f ∈ C ∞ (M)

D(f s) = df ⊗ s + f Ds

Suppose now that (Uβ , tβ ) is a local trivialization of T ∗ M ⊗ B and ui are

local coordinates on U. Then dui ⊗ eα forms a basis of Tp∗ M ⊗ Bp for every
p ∈ U, where eα is a basis of sections of vector bundle B on U. Since Deα is a
local section on U of T ∗ M ⊗ B, it can be written locally as

Deα = ωαβ i dui ⊗ eβ

where ωαβ i are smooth functions on U.

Using notation
ωαβ = ωαβ i dui
one obtains
Deα = ωαβ ⊗ eβ
It is convienient to introduce a matrix notation, that is
 
 .. 
S= . 

ω11 ω1n
 
ω =  ... ..
 
. 
ωn1 ··· ωnn
Then we end up with a simple realtion

DS = ω ⊗ S (1)

where ω is called the connection matrix. If a basis of sections is chosen, connec-

tion is locally given by a matrix ω. Change of a basis of sections corresponds
to a transformation of physical fields. We want to figure out transformation

properties of the connection matrix. For this reason consider change of a basis
of sections given by a matrix A

S 0 = AS
Putting it into (1) one finds
DS 0 = D(AS) = dA ⊗ S + ADS = dA ⊗ S + A(ω ⊗ S) = (dA + Aω) ⊗ S =
= (dAA−1 + AωA−1 ) ⊗ S 0 = ω 0 ⊗ S 0
An improtant formula for a transformation of connection is then derived:
ω 0 = dAA−1 + AωA−1
One immediately notices that this is precisely a transformation rule of a
potential of a gauge field. That is why those objects are identified.

5.2 Covariant derivative

Having a notion of a connection introduced, we can give a following
Definition 7 Let X be a smooth vector field on a base manifold M. The co-
variant derivative of a section s along X is a map DX : Γ(B) −→ Γ(B)

DX s ≡< X, Ds >
If X = ∂µ , we denote D∂µ ≡ Dµ . We can rewrite Dµ s in terms of basis sections
eα of Γ(B) as follows:
Dµ s =< ∂µ , Ds >=< ∂µ , D(sα eα ) >=< ∂µ , dsα ⊗ eα + sα Deα >=
=< ∂µ , dsα ⊗ eα > + < ∂µ , sα ωαβ ⊗ eβ >= dsα (∂µ )eα + sα ωαβ (∂µ )eβ =
= ∂µ sα eα + sα ωαβ µ eβ = (∂µ sα + sβ ωβα µ )eα
As a result, we arrive at a desired formula for a coordinate representation of the
covariant derivative:
(Dµ s)α = ∂µ sα + sβ ωβα µ

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