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Design and Application of Oral Colon Administration System

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Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry

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Design and application of oral colon

administration system

Hao Cheng, Shiyu Huang & Gangliang Huang

To cite this article: Hao Cheng, Shiyu Huang & Gangliang Huang (2019) Design and application
of oral colon administration system, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 34:1,
1590-1596, DOI: 10.1080/14756366.2019.1655406

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Published online: 03 Oct 2019.

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2019, VOL. 34, NO. 1, 1590–1596


Design and application of oral colon administration system

Hao Cheng, Shiyu Huang and Gangliang Huang
Chongqing Key Laboratory of Green Synthesis and Application, Active Carbohydrate Research Institute, Chongqing Normal University,
Chongqing, China


Oral colon administration system has become a new method to treat intestinal diseases. The implementa- Received 18 May 2019
tion of colon drug delivery system is restricted by many aspects, including physical and chemical proper- Revised 3 August 2019
ties, drug delivery mode, gastrointestinal physiological factors, and so on. Delivery methods to overcome Accepted 8 August 2019
these challenges revolve around the mechanisms of drug delivery, including the use of rational dosage
forms to avoid the complex pH environment, and the prevention of drug release and absorption in the Oral colon administration
upper digestive tract. system; design; application

1. Introduction delivery system, namely oral colon-targeted drug delivery system

(OCTDDS), has been introduced into the research field. By means
Colon is an important digestive organ of organism, and also the
of pharmaceutics such as drug modification and coating, the sys-
main site for microbial flora colonization. The microbial content in
tem avoids direct absorption of drugs in the anterior gastrointes-
colonic contents can reach 109–1011/g, accounting for 85–90% of
tinal tract after oral administration, and interprets drugs in the
the total microbial flora in intestinal microecosystem. Microbial
blind junction to achieve local therapeutic effect. As a fourth-
flora constructs a large external environment of microecosystem
generation drug formulation, the system can provide technical
in colon1–3. Colonic colonies play an important role in digestion
support for oral polypeptide drugs, which can prevent the degrad-
by decomposing macromolecule polysaccharides which are diffi-
ation of proteinase in gastrointestinal tract and inactivate
cult to digest. Colonic microorganisms also play an important role
them15,16. At the same time, it can improve the concentration of
in regulating intestinal and immune functions4. C. Bacillus in intes-
targeted drug by improving the targeting site orientation,
tinal flora can synthesize the important intermediate product
enhance the therapeutic effect, and reduce drug use and toxic
indole propionic acid (IPA) by decomposing tryptophan,
side effects. Therefore, the key issues of the system are targeting
strengthen the intestinal wall and enhance the absorption of
drug delivery mechanism, selecting drug carriers, and modifying
intestinal substances5. The experimental mice had autoimmune
carrier materials.
diseases by knocking out the PD-1 receptor and taking intestinal
At present, in terms of drug delivery mechanism, the system
flora as the research object6. In recent years, due to the abuse of
mainly achieves targeted drug delivery through the physiological
antibiotics and other issues, research on colonic and intestinal
characteristics of colonic segments and microbial releasing
flora has attracted much attention, such as diarrhea related to
enzymes colonized in colonic sites, such as: (1) The colon pH
antibiotic abuse7–9, colonic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)10–12,
ranges from 6.5 to 7.5, which is mainly affected by food structure
intestinal flora of AIDS patients contains more Escherichia coli and
and body condition. (2) The colonic segment is rich in microbial
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the content of Lactobacillus has sig-
flora that can secrete macromolecule material degradation
nificantly decreased13,14.
At present, oral medicines are the most commonly used way enzymes. (3) The peristalsis rate of colon segment is slow, and the
to treat colon diseases, but the delivery of polypeptide drugs is content stays in colon for a long time. (4) The colon absorbs a
very vulnerable to gastric acid or secretory protease degradation large amount of water, which leads to the solidification of the
and inactivation in the digestive tract. At the same time, the drug contents and the increase of intraluminal pressure. According to
is absorbed into the blood by the body before reaching the colon, these physiological characteristics, traditional drug delivery sys-
which makes it difficult to increase the drug concentration at the tems based on colonic physiological characteristics, such as pH-
focus and reduce the therapeutic effect. Therefore, the improve- dependent17, time-dependent18, and pressure-controlled19, have
ment of oral pharmaceuticals has attracted wide attention. been proposed. In addition, passive targeting drug delivery sys-
tems initiated by microbial flora, such as enzyme-triggered20, pro-
drug delivery systems21, enzyme-degradable polymer-coated drug
2. Advantages and development of oral colon-targeted
delivery systems22, and complex colon targeting drug delivery sys-
drug delivery system
tems23, which combine several delivery systems, are used. In the
In order to overcome the shortcomings of oral drug delivery sys- field of drug carrier materials, chemical modification of carrier
tem in the treatment of intestinal diseases, a new oral drug materials or carrier materials with strong sensitivity and specificity,

CONTACT Gangliang Huang Chongqing Key Laboratory of Green Synthesis and Application, Active Carbohydrate Research
Institute, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China
ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

stable drug release process, and nontoxic side effects is currently solve the problems of brittleness of Eudragit S100 and high glass
a research hotspot in this field. transition temperature of the coating, plasticizer TEC and talcum
powder were added to reduce the adhesion between nanopar-
ticles. It was found that the drug was used in artificial gastric juice
3. Traditional drug delivery system based on colon under acidic conditions for 2 h and in small intestinal juice for 4 h.
physiological characteristics The dissolution rate of the drug was low, while the drug was
The pH of gastrointestinal tract in animals increases continuously released in a large amount in the slightly alkaline artificial colon
from stomach to small intestine and then to large intestine. solution, which proved that it had a good colon target-
During the period of no food digestion, the pH of gastric juice is ing effect27,28.
1–2, the pH of jejunum and ileum is about 6.5 and 7.5. After the Synthetic polymer coating materials affect the immunity of
cecum segment, the pH of colon first decreases and then organism, and polysaccharides are widely used in the preparation
increases, the pH of colon increases to 5.4, and the pH of trans- of drug coating. Alginate and carboxymethyl chitosan were used
verse colon and descending colon increases from 6.6 to 7.0. to prepare a hydrogel material with network interpenetration at
According to the difference of pH in different parts of gastrointes- molecular level. When pH ¼ 1.2, there was almost no drug
tinal tract, pHOCTDDS was designed. According to the molecular release. When pH reached 7.4, the drug release increased, which
structure of target drug, chemical modification or pH-sensitive made the drug specifically act on the target site29. When b-cyclo-
material was carried out to coat the drug. Drug release in stomach dextrin and retetracete were prepared into tablets, the drug was
and small intestine was controlled under acidic conditions. When safely delivered through the gastric and small intestinal segments
pH was about 7.0, chemical bond breakage or coating material and finally released in the colon. Compared with oral retetracete
disintegration occurred between carrier material and drug in colon tablets, the cumulative distribution of b-cyclodextrin and retetra-
segment, released drugs, and ultimately achieved colon target- cete in the colon tissue was increased by 6.3 times30.
ing effect24,25. In recent years, researchers have improved the morphology of
At present, the most commonly used carrier material for pH- carrier materials at the molecular level through advanced instru-
dependent drug delivery systems is acrylate copolymer (Eudragit), ments to improve the drug release effect. In order to overcome
which can obtain different pH sensitivity by changing R group26. the poor strength and stability of NaAlg hydrogels, pH-sensitive
For example, pH-dependent enteric coated Eudragit S100 based and porous NaAlg-g-P (NVP-co-NHMAA) hydrogels were prepared
on nanosuspension has the characteristics of small particle size by ultrasound-assisted free radical graft copolymerization to
and large surface area, which can effectively improve drug perme- reduce their release in acidic environment (Figure 1)31.
ability and drug dissolution rate. The preparation method of pHOCTDDS is simple, low cost, and
Baicalin was used as the target drug to prepare nanosuspen- easy to operate. However, pathological changes of gastrointestinal
sion. Eudragit S100 was used to coat the drug. The drug was dis- tract or poor dietary structure in animals lead to the fluctuation of
solved and disintegrated at pH >7 to release the drug. In order to gastrointestinal pH, which leads to premature disintegration of


2 O O




NH O 5-FU loaded
Hydrogen bonding


Figure 1. Preparation and mechanism of 5-FU loaded on NaAlg-g-p (NVP-co-NHMAA).

1592 H. CHENG ET AL.

drug-coated pH-dependent polymer materials and affects the is released. Capsule technology is currently more commonly used.
effect of drug treatment. Therefore, it is limited in clinical use32. For example, pressure controlled release system-PCDC (pressure
Time-dependent colon-targeted drug delivery system guides controlled release capsule) could be used to coat caffeine, the tar-
drug release according to the time when food arrives at the focus get drug was dissolved in water-soluble or fat-soluble matrices,
after oral administration. In general, gastric emptying time is such as polyethylene glycol or synthetic fatty acids, and it was
15–180 min, while chyme retention time is 3–4 h in the small coated with enteric-soluble capsules. The outermost layer was
intestine, and time-dependent delay is usually set to 5–6 h33. At coated with ethyl cellulose (EC), which was insoluble in water and
present, the drug is coated with insoluble coating materials which has better sustained-release effect39. By controlling the thickness
are difficult to decompose, and the drug release time is controlled of ethyl cellulose material and choosing to release drugs in differ-
by controlling the proportion and dosage of coating materials. ent parts of colon, the drug release was less than 25% in artificial
PEG6000 and PEG4000 are commonly used to coat the target gastric juice for 2 h and artificial intestinal juice for 4 h. According
drug. For example, the extraction of oridonin from plants limits its to the results of Tmax (5.67 ± 1.21) h and MRT (16.80 ± 1.74) h, caf-
clinical application because of its poor water solubility. The orido- feine was released and absorbed in the colon.
nin dropping pills were prepared by pressing oridonin powder At present, pressure colon targeting drug delivery system
tablets using PEG6000 and PEG4000 insoluble materials, and non- materials are usually combined with coating technology-capsules
permeable cysts were prepared by taking certain ethyl cellulose. to control drug release. The study on the physiological function of
Finally, the release delay of oridonin reached 5–6 h at the colon intra-colonic pressure is still in its infancy and has great develop-
action site34. ment space40.
With the development of technology, chemical modification of
mature time-delay materials to obtain drug delivery systems with
good drug release effect has become a research hotspot. For 4. Passive targeted drug delivery system initiated by
example, mesalazine for ulcerative colitis was coated with hydrox- microbial flora
ypropyl cellulose and microcrystalline cellulose, and then coated The colon targeting system of prodrugs refers to the inactive pro-
with isolation layer and Eudragit-RS30D time-lag layer by organic drugs formed by chemical bonding between active drug compo-
acid (tartaric acid) induction to prepare organic acid-induced nents and polymer carrier materials. Polymer carrier materials are
TDCT. It was found that organic acid-induced TDCT had a special only sensitive to the release of bacterial enzymes from certain
slow-release effect in conventional time-lag release, while the bacteria in the colon segment. After reaching the specific colon
uninduced coated TDCT had a sudden release effect35. flora position, the polymer carrier materials are degraded by spe-
In order to find cheap and environmentally friendly carrier cific bacterial enzymes and release the active ingredients at the
materials, researchers are paying more and more attention to pol- preset sites. This can increase the drug concentration at the site
ysaccharides widely existing in nature. For example, sodium to improve the efficacy41.
hydroxyacetate and diclofenac were prepared into tablet pills and At present, azo, glycosides, and dextrans are commonly used
coated with Eudragit RSPO, a traditional Eudragit polymer deriva- as carriers in colon-targeted drug delivery systems, among which
tive, to obtain a time-delay drug delivery system. In vitro experi- azo carriers are relatively mature. 5-Aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) can
ments showed that the drug delivery system containing 5% be used to treat colitis. Sulfadiazine was used as a carrier material
Eudragit RSPO could keep drug release within 5 h with good delay to modify the prodrug with 5-ASA azo bond. As a targeted drug
effect36. for colon, in vitro experiments showed that the prodrug could not
However, the system mainly controls drug release through the be released in the gastrointestinal tract due to the lack of azo-
thickness of the coating material. The cost is high and the differ- degrading enzyme. After reaching the colon segment, the prodrug
ence between the organisms is large. The retention time of the was degraded by the azo reductase released by colonic flora, and
intake in different intestinal segments of the animal body varies the azo bond was cleaved to form amino group. The amino group
greatly, and the pharmacodynamics and bioavailability of the drug was hydrolyzed by ester bond. Finally, the active 5-ASA, which
are limited. At present, the system is mainly optimized by combin- can treat colitis, was released and the drug targeting was
ing with other systems37. achieved42. Sulfadiazine has some toxic and side effects, while
Pressure-controlled drug delivery system uses peristaltic waves butyrate has been exploited for its advantages of fast metabolism,
generated by the characteristics and regular peristalsis of the low bioavailability, and short half-life. Butyrate and 5-ASA were
colonic solidification content to instantly increase the internal linked by azo bond, and nontoxic glycerol was used in the synthe-
pressure of the colonic segment, so that the encapsulated carrier sis process. Accordingly, the toxicity and side effects of the pro-
material disintegrates and releases the drug. There are peristaltic drug delivery system could be eliminated and the advantage of
waves in the body’s gastrointestinal tract, but a large amount of colon targeting could be maintained. In addition, modification of
small intestinal fluid in the small intestinal segment can effectively precursor materials with physiological functions has become a
buffer the intraluminal pressure, and the intraluminal pressure of new research method, such as inflammatory colitis, because mucin
intestinal contents decreases. However, the colon absorbs a large in colonic mucus is easily acidified by chyme, which damages
amount of liquid, and the contents solidify, the intracavitary pres- colonic mucus. Acidification sites are mainly targeted at oligosac-
sure is increased in the colon, the carrier material is cracked, and charide side chains of mucin. Aminosaccharides improve colonic
the drug is released to achieve colon targeting effect38. mucus toughness by protecting mucin structure and forming a
At present, polymer materials which are not affected by pH protective layer on the surface of colonic mucosa against acidifica-
and time are mostly used in pressure controlled release systems. tion. Mycophenolic acid (MPA) is a prodrug system composed of
Taking enteric-coated (PCDC) as an example, the small intestinal covalent amide bonds and glucosamine or glucan as carrier mate-
fluid buffer makes the small intestinal cavity pressure insufficient, rials. It not only improves the hydrophilicity of drugs, reduces the
and the coating can not rupture. When reaching the colon, com- release of drugs in the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT), but also
bined with the effect of colonic solidification, the pressure of releases MPA and aminoglycan precursors under the secretion of
PCDC drugs in the colon cavity increases and the content of drugs specific enzymes (N-acylamidase) by colonic microflora. Radiation

protects colonic mucosa and optimizes the therapeutic effect Table 1. Main types and representative drugs of COCTDDS.
of IBD43. Modifying material Carried drug Representative type
At present, the key problem is to select the right drug carrier Alginate gel/Chitosan Emodin Alginate gel/chitosan composite
material for POCTDDS. Because the cost of prodrug delivery sys- particles52
tem is too high and most precursor materials have some side Eudragit/Chitosan Indomethacin Eudragit-chitosan membrane colon
targeted mini dispersible tablets
effects, clinical application is limited44. Ethyl cellulose (EC)/ Curcumin Curcumin pills
There are a large number of microbial flora in the colon of Eudragit FS30D
healthy animals, secreting and degrading bacterial enzymes such Eudragit S/Eudragit RS Indomethacin Electrospinning nanofibers
as b-glucosidase, b-glucosidase, cellulase, nitroreductase, azo indomethacin
reductase, a-dehydroxylase, cholesterol dehydrogenase, and so
on45. The drug delivery system is called bacteria triggered
BtOCTDDS (Enzyme-triggered colon targeted drug delivery sys-
single-factor drug delivery system, such as the pH-dependent type
tem), which uses specific bacterial enzyme-sensitive macromol-
is affected by the physiological state of the animal body and the
ecule materials as drug carriers and modifies drugs through
types of food; the time-controlled targeting system is affected by
coating or capsule technology to release drugs in the colon. It has
the individual differences between the animal body; the target
the advantages of high biocompatibility, safety, nontoxic side
drug is modified by the precursor targeting drug delivery system,
effects, and strong targeting46.
which is susceptible to interference from external factors. In order
Using xanthan gum and guar gum coated with metronidazole
to enhance the accuracy and stability of drug delivery system, the
file, stomach and small intestine fluid were simulated with
combination of multiple oral colon targeting systems has become
0.1 mol/l hydrochloric acid and pH 7.4 phosphate buffer, and
a research hotspot44. The main reagents of COCTDDS were shown
colon fluid was simulated with 4% W/V cecum content pH 6.8
in Table 1.
phosphate buffer. The drug release rate in vitro was only
COCTDDS mainly includes pH and time-dependent colon-tar-
12%–33% in stomach and small intestine in the first 5 h, reaching
geted drug delivery system, pH-flora/enzyme-triggered colon-tar-
the colon segment and drug release in large quantities47.
geted drug delivery system and pH-dependent/bioadhesive colon-
Compared with traditional drugs, drug delivery systems of car-
based drug delivery system. Curcumin was coated by centrifugal
rier proteins and polypeptides have developed rapidly. With
granulation and EC and Eudragit FS30D were coated according to
bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model protein drug model, the
pH and time-dependent colon targeting drug delivery system53.
chitosan-loaded nanoparticles were first prepared by ionic gel
The delayed inner coating solution was composed of 3.0% EC,
method. Using alginate as the shell layer with slow release effect,
0.6% diethyl phthalate, and 25% ethanol; the weight of the coat-
coaxial nanoparticles were prepared by coaxial electrospinning. It
ing is controlled by 2.0%. The outer coating solution based on
was found that the two level structure of encapsulated BSA hardly
pH was composed of Eudragit FS30D, 40% talc powder, and 3.0%
changed, and no release was found in the stomach and small
triethyl citrate, and the weight of the coating was controlled
intestine. The ileocecal 75% BSA was released in the simulated
by 4.0%. The results showed that the cumulative release rate of
colon fluid48. The main carrier materials of BtOCTDDS are azo and
pellets from artificial gastric juice was less than 15%, and the
polysaccharide polymers, and the polysaccharide carrier materials
cumulative release rate of pellets from artificial intestinal juice
are water-soluble polymers. was more than 85% in 5 h, which had obvious colonic targeting
In addition to using polysaccharide polymer as carrier material, characteristics.
the carrier material can also be modified by adding metal ions, The material modification is also one of the means to improve
polysaccharides, lipids, and other substances49. Ketoprophene the targeting effect. For example, Eudragit S and Eudragit RS were
(KTF) was used as the drug model, pectin was used as the carrier coated with anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of nanofibers by
material, chitosan and lecithin were added to form the composite coaxial electrospinning. Nanofibers had the advantages of porous
mixed gel ball, and metal ions (Ca2þ and Zn2þ) were added to and large body surface area, which could enhance the drug
study the modification of carrier material. Chitosan and lecithin release effect54. In addition, using lactic acid glycolic acid copoly-
could increase the encapsulation efficiency of pectin carrier (from mer (PLGA) and pH-sensitive methacrylic acid copolymer as carrier
57.59% to 77.63%). Zinc pectin system released 10% in simulated materials, nano-modified carrier materials were used to analyze
small intestinal fluid (SIF) and 83.21% in simulated colon fluid the therapeutic effect and drug release effect of budesonide
(SCF), which proved that metal ions can improve the performance nanospheres in mice with colitis. It was found that budesonide
of carrier materials. nanospheres were enriched in the area of colon lesions in mice,
BtOCTDDS is a passive targeting mechanism for the degrad- which proved that budesonide nanospheres had a good colon tar-
ation of polysaccharide carrier materials by bacterial enzymes geting effect in vivo55.
released from microbial flora. It has the advantages of high biose- In the study of pH-enzyme triggered colon-targeted drug deliv-
lectivity and nontoxic side effects. The key to the use of enzyme- ery system, dextran was used as matrix material to prepare cross-
triggered colon-targeted drug delivery system is to select the linked microspheres C (Dex-g-PSSS) by graft polymerization and
carrier polymer materials correctly and obtain high-quality carrier inverse emulsification cross-linking technology56,57. Under the con-
materials through reasonable modification and modification of dition of pH ¼ 2, the gelled microspheres with double control of
other polymer materials50. At present, the use of other molecular enzymes and pH had strong adsorptive power to 5-fluorouracil,
materials to modify carrier materials remains to be further studied. and hardly release the drug. However, under the condition of pH
7.2 in small intestinal fluid with glucanase, the drug was suddenly
released in colon region. In addition, pH-dependent materials
5. The complex OCTDDS (COCTDDS)
such as Eudragit and chitosan, the trigger materials of polysac-
Integrated colon targeting drug delivery system is a colon target- charide microbial enzymes, have also been developed and utilized.
ing drug delivery system constructed by combining two or more For example, solid nanoparticles made of enzyme-triggered chito-
mechanisms of colon targeting51. There are some drawbacks in san indomethacin were prepared and Eudragit resin was used as a
1594 H. CHENG ET AL.

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