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Spiritual Stars of The Golden Age Mother Meera Avatar of Shakti Links

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Mother Meera


Spiritual Stars of the Golden Age

Mother Meera
Avatar of Shakti

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An Avatar of Shakti?

Mother Meera Mother Meera was born on December 26, 1960 in the village of Chandepalle in southern
India. She soon showed herself to be an unusual child: by the age of three She would report "going to various

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Mother Meera

lights." Her parents treated Her as an exceptional child and loved Her very much. Her family was not
especially religious and She was not brought up in any tradition. Her real parents were the spiritual guides that
She met in vision; it was from these that She received the love and help She needed. The state of samadhi was
constant for Her. Under the auspices of Her uncle, Mr.Reddy, She lived for some time in Pondicherry where
Her extraordinary presence attracted considerable attention.

In 1982 she was married to a German man, who stays with the Mother in in Thalheim, a quiet village in
Germany. Although She has not sought publicity, thousands of people from all over the world come to receive
Her darshan, her silent bestowal of grace and light through Her gaze and touch. Mother Meera is worshipped
as the Divine Mother in India.

The unique gift of Mother Meera to the world is to make available for the first time in the history of the Earth
the radical transformative Light of Paramatman, the Supreme Being. In this time of crisis and growing
spiritual hunger, the Mother offers Her children a direct transmission of Light that dissolves all barriers and
changes the entire being. This Light can be received by all who are open, whether or not they have met
Mother in the body.

No sacred text lays down rules to regulate the lives of the great, prescribing the habits and
attitudes that they must adopt. They themselves know the path they must tread; their wisdom
regulates and makes their acts holy. Self-reliance, beneficial activity -- these two are their special

Mother Meera, who chooses to live in Germany, asserts that she is an Avatar of Shakti: "As an Avatar," she
says, "I have no special path, but come to give grace and power to those on all paths. ... People from all faiths
can receive help from me."

A Divine Presence

"The Divine Mother has always been worshipped as the sustaining soul and force of the universe.
Although some of the faces she wears are well known - Kali, the Virgin Mary, Isis, for example -
many of Her embodied forms have chosen to work quietly in the world. In turbulent times such
as these, several incarnations of the Divine Mother move among us, each with Her particular task
of healing or protection, or transformation. One of the most widely revered and loved of these
Avatars of the Divine Mother is Mother Meera." (Answers)

Mother Meera declares to us that mankind is about to experience a great acceleration in consciousness. Says

The consciousness of mankind is being prepared for great leaps and discoveries in a gentle way
wherever possible. ... God is giving man a great chance. Many divine persons are here. We are
showing man a way out; we are offering him the divine Light, the divine Knowledge. We are
bringing down into the consciousness of the Earth the divine Consciousness. Now man must
choose. Man is free; God will not force his children to do anything. He wants their free love.
Mercy and love are always there. (3)

Are these "many divine persons" the same as the "many spiritually advanced souls" whom Swami says are
"here today, full of understanding [who] all have a part to play in helping humanity"? (4)

Intriguingly, Mother Meera reveals that many Avathars of the Mother (Shakti or the Holy Spirit ) have
incarnated on the planet today.

Q: Are there other incarnations of the Divine Mother on Earth at this time?

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Mother Meera

MM: Yes, many. Some will be known, others wish to remain secret. The work of each is different. Each
expresses a different aspect of the Divine Mother. My scope is very broad and more integral. I help people at
all stages of life.

Mother Meera declares her work unstoppable.

Nothing can and nothing will interfere with my work. If the whole world came to me, my work would not be
interrupted or deflected for a moment. I am working on all planes. I am working everywhere. This Earth is
only one of the planes where I am working. How could anything disturb my work?

Great changes take time. They have to be worked for, aspired [to]. Man has to do a great labor; God will not
do everything. When people become conscious of the presence of the Light, the transformation can go faster.
It is working anyway, but few people are conscious. More will be conscious soon, many more, and then the
work can be done with greater efficiency. But, in the meantime, enjoy the Light. It is here; let it change you.
The transformation will come in its own time. ... It will take time and go slowly. Its foundations have to be
made firm.

Nothing must be avoided. Those who love me will work with everything in the world all the darkness and all
the difficulties. Do people imagine I do not work, or that the realized man does not work? Divine work is the
hardest work, and it is without end. I am asking people to take on the whole difficulty of matter and of reality.
I have come in a body to show this is possible ... I have not come only to be a refuge; I have also come to give
joy and strength necessary for change.

Mother Meera highlights the amount of work that will be necessary to benefit from the "evolutionary leap"
that is coming.

Man must work for [the evolutionary leap], must hunger to change, must desire this leap for it to happen.
Aspiration and work are everything.... Pray to Him that there should be peace. Bring down Light into your life
so that you can do His work of peace in the world. Understand that the pain of the world will only be healed
when the world is transformed in God, and work with all your heart and being that this should be
accomplished. Do not be distracted by anything from this work.

God created normal human beings, not imperfect ones. But he gives mankind permission to do as it will. ...
God gives us the chance to use our intellects for harmony; if we misuse them for destructive purposes, God
gives us the opportunity to change. God will allow us to continue in this way until the situation becomes
critical. Then he will stop what we try to do will not work. The Divine will intervene, but not in a destructive
way. Divine grace is always operating, but in a crisis the degree of divine intervention is much greater.

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Mother Meera

Mother Meera of Germany


Question: When we have your darshan we do pranam (bow down) in front of you and you take our heads
between your hands, what are you doing?

Mother Meera: On the back of the human being is a white line that runs from the toes to the head. In fact,
two lines start from the toes, rise along the legs, join at the base of the spine and then become a single line
reaching to the top of the head. This line is thinner than a hair, and has some knots in it here and there, which
divine personalities help to undo. It is very delicate work and great care has to be taken to undo the knots, as
there is danger for your life if the thread is broken. When I hold your head I am untying these knots. I am also
removing other obstacles to your sadhana, practice.

Question: When we have done pranam, we look into your eyes in silence (darshan). What are you doing?
Mother Meera of Thalheim

Mother Meera: I am looking into every corner of your being. I am looking at everything within you to see
where I can help, where I can give healing and power. At the same time, I am giving Light to every part of
your being. I am opening every part of yourself to Light. When you are open you will feel and see this clearly.

Question: What do you see when you look into people's eyes during darshan?

Mother Meera: I see the difficulties in their lives and the obstacles to their sadhana.

Question: How does the work that you do during pranam differ from that during darshan ?

Mother Meera: The work of each is different. During pranam , the work is on the deep aspect of the being,
the soul, while darshan helps the personality and the life situation.

Darshan in Germany
When Mother Meera is not traveling, at all other times she will give Darshan in Germany at the residence the

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Mother Meera

castle (Schloss) called Schaumburg, in Balduinstein, not far from the Black Forest region of Germany.

Schloss Schaumburg, where Mother Meera gives darshan

Address for Darshan

Schloss Schaumburg,
65558 Balduinstein, Germany Map

Phone: +49 6436 91050 or +49 6436 91051

Fax: +49 6436 2361

For Darshan Reservation call every day between 10am to 5pm , (CET)
Time in Germany now: 2:46:28 AM

Attending Darshan

Darshan takes place in a comfortable room in Schloss Schaumburg. Wear comfortable loose clothing. No
religious paraphernalia. In the darshan room, silence prevails, before, during and after darshan.

Darshan follows a particular etiquette; there is no talking, no turning of heads, no crossing or extending legs,
and no fidgeting. Attendance is requested after each person receives Mother's attention and until the last
attendee is touched by her, and she leaves the large room where the service is conducted. Peace, relaxation
and harmony are the themes encouraged for the 2 1/2 to 3 hours of each evening's Darshan. Queue for
darshan involves sitting on the floor (carpeted). Europeans are accepted for two evenings of a weekend;
Americans and those from very far distances are allowed to stay the full four evenings of an extended
weekend. Mother Meera has given Darshan to large audiences weekly for at least a dozen years.

Ring and Book first. Arrive 5.30PM, join the queue to the front door and check in.

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Mother Meera

Mother Meera of Germany

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In the book Mother Meera Answers Part I, Mother Meera speaks of the
Divine Mother in this way:

"The Divine Mother answers our prayers. She has pure love for humans
and protects them and promotes harmony and peace. When humans
sincerely aspire for happiness, harmony, peace and light, then it is the
Divine Mother who helps. She gives help for physical, mental, vital and
spiritual well-being, giving peace, and helping people to obtain their needs.
When humans on Earth are afflicted with difficulties, it is the Divine
Mother who relieves suffering and lifts them up. The Earth always needs
the Divine Mother's light and protection. She is a child that needs Mother's
Divine help." (p.20-22)

When asked, "Are there incarnations of the Divine Mother on Earth at this
time?" she answers, 'Yes, many.' Some will be known, others wish to remain
secret. The work of each is different. Each expresses a different aspect of
the Divine Mother. My scope is very broad and more integral. I help people
at all stages of life and I also work with Sri Aurobindu and Sweet Mother."

When asked, "What is the difference between the Divine Mother and the
Divine Father?" she says,

"The Father is stricter; the Mother is more loving and soft. She is more
patient than the Father and more accepting."


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