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AcryliCo Races Ahead With CrystalCoat MP 100

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Customer Success Story
AcryliCo races ahead with SDC Technologies
CrystalCoat™ MP-100 CrystalCoat™ solution for plastics

“CrystalCoat MP-100 is making

it possible for acrylics and poly-
carbonates to compete suc-
cessfully with glass. Being able
to run a windshield wiper on
polymers is newsworthy. The
buzzword across the transpor-
tation industry is “Lightening”
and your products ensuring
weight savings with the use of
polymer transparencies which
are half the weight of glass.”

Carlos Cavanagh
President & CEO

Wholesale manufacturer of
quality windshields

Product Focus Executive Summary About AcryliCo

≈ Windshields The objective in high performance boating Established in 2005 by Control Logistics,
≈ Center Console Windshields is to maximize speed efficiency through Inc. AcryliCo is an award winning manu-
≈ T-Top Windshields innovative lightweight design. Technically facturer of acrylic and polycarbonate boat
≈ Bass, Bay and Deck Boats advanced materials and equipment are key windshields, hatches, instrument covers
≈ Fast Boat Windshields to enhancing acceleration competitiveness. and live bait wells for the OEM boat build-
≈ Performance Boat With speeds reaching 100 mph or more in ing industry. AcyliCo’s innovative products
Windshields boat racing, stability, durability and safety dominate the most technically advanced
≈ Hullside Windows are vitally important. and respected manufacturers of yachts,
motorboats, vessels, and high performance
Technical Innovation Since its beginning, AcryliCo research and fast boats designed for cruising, fishing,
development has been on the forefront of water sports and racing.
≈ Stretched Acrylics engineering. Operating on a passionate
≈ Polycarbonates mission to continuously deliver innovative AcryliCo is a member of the (ABYC) American
≈ Superior Optical Quality design technologies that advance product Boat & Yacht Council, (IBBI) Independent
Forming Techniques durability, quality, and performance within Boat Builders, Inc., and (UMMA) United
≈ Hard Coatings the boating industry. Marine Manufacturers Association.

Trends birefringence effects) and offer high perfor-

mance strength and durability properties
A recent trend in boat design is hullside comparable to glass alternatives.
windows to open up space below. Exterior
windows are coated to a hardness compara- Boat designers are encouraged to maximize Boat Builder’s Windshields
ble to glass to resist scratching and chemicals, the capabilities of acr ylics as opposed Molded to Perfection
which may wash down from the decks above, to glass; due to its molecular properties,
and harmful UV rays protecting the cosmetic polymers can achieve far more radical
appearance of interior components from fading. shapes and compound curves, which are AcryliCo is a venture established
simply beyond the capabilities of glass. by the ownership of Control Lo-
The Challenge gistics Inc.; a major supplier of
Need for a Solution windows, windshields, canopies
When it comes to competition and perfor- and lenses for the US Army,
mance boats, polycarbonate windshields “One large dominant glass windshield sup- Navy and Air Force. The com-
are a necessary requirement due to their plier became an open target when they prehensive and in-depth exper-
superior temperature and impact resist- used their monopoly position to pressure tise we have gained over time
ance. However, polycarbonate windshields customers on price and availability. Further- has afforded us the opportunity
and canopies can be challenging for several more, acrylic is half the weight of glass, and to secure highly sought after
reasons: in the marine industry weight matters if you acco unt s wit h some of the
want to minimise drag.” industry’s most famous and im-
≈ The production process of extrusion portant manufacturers.
makes optical quality problematic Decision Process
≈ Polycarbonate has a low hardness Through advanced technical
rating which can scratch easily “We did explore other product solutions prior innovation and stringent produc-
≈ Prolonged exposure to UV rays causes to SDC. AcryliCo had done considerable tion methods, AcryliCo is able
degradation (yellowing) and requires hard development using products from another to produce the most complex
coating after being formed coating company because they were very shapes in windshield design.
open in their technical guidance and prod-
Substrate Material Alternatives uct support. However, the problem is their 2008 IBEX (International Boat-
product was unstable. builders Exhibition & Confer-
Polycarbonate (i.e. Lexan®) or Acrylic (PMMA ence) Innovation Award recipient
known by popular brand names such as The objections a new product faces is that for excellence in the Industry.
Plexiglas®, Acrylite®, Lucite®, Perspex®, if it fails, it turns customers away for a very
are excellent materials for boat windows and long time. Since we had a few failures early IBEX is owned by produced by
windshields. These substrates are lighter, on using alternative coatings we decided to Professional BoatBuilder mag-
optically clear (transparent with no optical try something else.” azine and the National Marine
Manufacturers Association.

Testing and Implementation The Solution

“Hard coating remains a black art requiring a “AcryliCo offers boat builders high quality
great deal of equipment and know how. It’s a windshields and hullside windows utilizing
technical science involving skill and precision. MP-100 hard coating to deliver best-in class Continuous Product
Furthermore, there is not a lot of documenta- abrasion, chemical, impact and UV resistant Innovation Since 2005
tion available on instructional best practices for performance. Specific features and benefits
coating application processes. This results in a include:
lot of trial and error, creating a challenging bar- From the simplest to the most
rier to new entrants in the marketplace. ≈ Coated acrylic offers glass-like features complex designs, Acr yliCo’s
such as a highly durable surface at a technical resources provide
Our affiliated company, Control Logistics, lower price and weight. Additionally, this complete flexibility to develop
had been using SDC’s Crystal-Coat because surface can be applied to far more radi- very specific requirements for
this was mandated on a Government speci- cal shapes any boat model.
fication. They had good results so we de- ≈ Water will also bead off with the added
cided to try it despite the fact, that in our bonus of being scratch resistant Specializing in bass, bay and
opinion, it was too expensive for the marine ≈ Wash downs can be carried out with the center console boats, exper-
market. Crystal-Coat also easily integrated same ammonia or acetone-based prod- tise is benchmarked on pro-
into AcryliCo’s existing production process ucts as used on the boat and will not ducing the best possible wind-
environment as coating development was cause crazing (microscopic cracks) shields at the most competitive
already established for application protocols.” ≈ Windshields can withstand the use of price. By tackling near impossible
a wiper without distorting, hazing or projects, often surpassing client’s
Recommendations scratching expectations and fulfilling these
to exceptional standards, an out-
“To be successful in implementing stable Features and Benefits standing service reputation has
coating solutions, one must be willing to been secured.
invest heavily in a clean room, ancillary equip- CrystalCoat MP-100 multi-purpose coating
ment, and testing time. AcryliCo has invested is ideally suited for acrylic and polycarbon- Driven to continuously introduce
a substantial amount of capital in R & D to ate substrates. Optically clear and durable, ground-breaking advancements
develop state-of-the-art innovative high per- this coating provides abrasion and chemi- in production and durability and
formance coating applications.” cal resistance, out-door durability as well as focused on the most visible
primer-free adhesion to PMMA. This one- component of quality, the wind-
part system also helps to streamline set-up shield is where AcryliCo excels.
and processing time.
Prime objective is to manufac-
ture the best quality OEM wind-
shields at the most economical
prices, combined with durability
to provide many years of trou-
ble-free service.

Business Impact The Results

“Our customers are looking for lightweight “We use large amounts of CrystalCoat™
scratch and chemical resistant transparencies MP-100 in the marine industry, and with
at a reasonable price. Insofar as we know, we one customer alone Sea Ray® Boats, we
are the only company applying hard coats in have sold in excess of 12,000 hullside win-
the recreational boating industry. As a result, dows finished with MP-100 coating. Another 2633 Lantana Road,
we have a high degree of market penetration, customer, Grady-White Boats™, has been Suite #6
especially in the higher end water-craft seg- running wipers on acrylic windshields Lantana, FL 33462 USA
ment”. treated with your coating for many years,” Tel: +1-561-304-2921
Carlos Cavanagh, AcryliCo’s President Fax: +1-561-304-2922
Before using CrystalCoat MP-100 hard coat- and CEO explained.
ing, AcryliCo was competing against glass Images courtesy of AcryliCo
windows and windshields in the marine For More Information Acrylite and Plexiglas® are registered
market. Not only is glass a heavier substrate, trademarks of Evonik.
but the tooling process is more expensive, To find out on how CrystalCoat can improve
requiring higher volumes to break even. The the performance of your products and CrystalCoat™ is a trademark of SDC
development of a technology to protect lighter enhance your competitive edge, please visit: Technologies, Inc. SDC is a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Mitsui Chemicals,
weight plastics was a watershed milestone, Inc.
even though the more price sensitive custom-
ers were unable to use it as yet. The ability to For information on AcryliCo highly durable Grady-White™ and Grady-White
run a windshield wiper on an acrylic windshield and lightweight boat windshields and win- Boats™ are trademarks of Grady-White
Boats, Inc.
was an industry breakthrough, earning dows, please visit:
AcryliCo the 2008 Innovation Award at IBEX.”* Lexan® is a registered trademark of

Lucite® is a registered trademark of


*International Boatbuilders Expo & Conference Perspex® is a registered trademark of

Lucite International, a member of the
Mitsubishi Rayon Group.

Sea Ray® is a registered trademark of

the Brunswick Boat Group, a division of
the Brunswick Corporation.

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