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Permastore Brochure 2013

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. .. . The Company . .. .
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The Solution
Permastore is the market leader in the What is Glass-Fused-to-Steel?
manufacture and supply of Glass-Fused-to-Steel
Glass-Fused-to-Steel is a unique tank finish. Two materials
Tanks and Silos. Since 1959 the Company has
are fused together to achieve the best of both materials –
been providing durable and cost effectively the strength and flexibility of steel combined with the
engineered containment solutions in Municipal, corrosion resistance of glass. Applied to both interior and
Industrial and Agricultural environments exterior surfaces, Glass-Fused-to-Steel is able to provide
worldwide. Permastore exports to over 110 many years of trouble free service in harsh environments.
countries and in excess of 300,000 structures
have been installed worldwide, each with the • High performance and hard wearing
ability to withstand local environmental • As strong and flexible as steel
extremes, from the cold of the arctic to the heat • Inert silica glass
of the desert. Permastore offers a complete • Colour fast / UV stable
range of diameter and height options with
storage capacity solutions exceeding 50,000m3
(13,200,000 US Gallons). Features and Benefits of Glass-Fused-to-Steel

• ISO 9001:2008 – Accreditation of quality

standards to guarantee Customer satisfaction.
• International Standards – Permastore’s quality
systems ensure that products meet or exceed STEEL
the requirements of AWWA D103-09, EEA 7.20
and EN ISO 28765:2011 amongst others.
PERMASTORE® structures are engineered with a
predicted minimum 30 year design life in
accordance with the requirements of ISO 15686
Part 1 (2011), Part 2 (2012) and Part 3 (2002)
which provides a service life of up to 50 years.
• International Bodies – Permastore Quality
Standards are verified by MPA NRW. Certified
to NSF/ANSI 61. Approved by the UK Secretary BENEFIT TO THE
of State under Regulation 31 for drinking water CUSTOMER
and listed by DWI (Drinking Water Inspectorate)
Modular Design Site fabrication is not required
in its List of Approved Products.
simplifying build
• In-house Engineering Design and Contract
Management – This provides reassurance that Factory applied coating Consistent quality not
all structures arrive on schedule and are fit for dependent on site conditions
Strong adhesion Strength of steel with
• Production – All controlled at one corrosion resistance of glass
manufacturing site, thereby simplifying the
supply chain and providing a seamless service Abrasion & UV Ensuring long term aesthetics
to meet Customers’ requirements. resistance and reduced maintenance
• Technical Support – An experienced team that
interacts with our Customer base to ensure
Lifetime coating, Reduced operational costs
Customer demand is met. re-application not and downtime, improving the
• Modern Manufacturing Facility – A state of the required return on capital investment
art factory dedicated solely to the production of
Glass-Fused-to-Steel product. Corrosion allowance not Reduced capital expenditure
• Advanced Glass-Fused-to-Steel Technology
– This provides the ultimate in corrosion Potable water compliant Versatility at no extra cost
resistance for the life of the structure.
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The Quality Installation

Is independently Certified and meets or exceeds The modular tank system
International Quality Standards allows very rapid
installation when compared
A philosophy enshrined in Permastore’s procedures, which
to traditional concrete or
exceed the requirements of International Enamelling
welded tank construction.
Standards. All industrial grade finishes are subject to 100%
The structures supplied and
inspection and electrical testing of the contact surface. Any
installed by Permastore’s
panel having a discontinuity is rejected. Permastore has
Distributors are constructed
earned this reputation by dedication to the highest quality
in accordance with detailed
and commitment to ZERO DISCONTINUITY (defect free at
construction guides by
test voltage) glass fusion.
trained crews to give rapid
and high quality
MPA NRW – Fully independent completion on-site.
auditing of Permastore Quality
Standards and product testing Tanks and silos are each supplied as a complete kit of
since 1986. components ready for assembly. The kit design includes
features to ensure that the build can take place in the
optimum time and be “right first time”.
NSF /ANSI 61 – Certification for Tanks are usually designed to be mounted on prepared
product quality and suitability for concrete foundations. However PERMASTORE® structures
potable water storage. can include Glass-Fused-to-Steel floors or cones where

ISO 9001:2008 – Accreditation of This modular bolted system gives the flexibility of
Quality Management Systems construction techniques to suit local conditions. For
since 1996 to guarantee consistent example, tanks and silos can be built with a jacking system
customer satisfaction. which allows the build work to be carried out at ground
level, giving build time benefits and crew safety benefits.
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. .. . The Market Sectors . .. .
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Potable Water Sewage Treatment

PERMASTORE® tanks are globally accepted for potable

water applications.

The Company’s Glass-Fused-to-Steel tank system has

NSF/ANSI 61 certification and is approved by the UK
Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks have a very high resistance to
Secretary of State under Regulation 31 for drinking water
corrosive attack and abrasion, and so are ideally suited for
and listed by DWI (Drinking Water Inspectorate) in its List of
use in sewage treatment applications. PERMASTORE® tanks
Approved Products.
have been successfully used for an extensive range of
The hard, inert and hygienic surface of the Glass-Fused-to- sewage treatment applications. Just some of the uses
Steel finish makes it simple to clean and disinfect water include:
• Clarifiers
A large range of water treatment processes can be • Aeration
accommodated within PERMASTORE® tanks, including • Membrane batch reactors (MBR)
borehole water, seawater desalination tanks, reverse
• Sequential batch reactors (SBR)
osmosis (RO), permeate tanks, settling tanks, filtration
tanks, disinfection tanks, coagulation/flocculation tanks, • Thickener tanks
aeration tanks, activated sludge tanks, filter tanks, • Sludge holding
sedimentation tanks, chlorine contact tanks and dosing • Sludge mixing
tanks, amongst others.
• Sludge treatment
The bolted tank and silo system allows structural designs to • Equalisation tanks
be used in various configurations including water storage • Trickling/filter media tanks
reservoirs, water standpipes, and elevated water
• Settlement
distribution tanks.
• Grey water
Designs can accommodate secure tank storage for local
• Storm water
environmental conditions, such as high wind speeds, snow
loads, or seismic areas. Permastore offers a complete range • Sludge cake silos
of diameter and height options with storage capacity
solutions exceeding 50,000 m3 (13,200,000 US Gallons).
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Industrial Effluent Process Water
There can be a high degree of variability in the effluent With existing certification for potable
from industrial sources. This places a great emphasis on the water storage to NSF/ANSI 61 and
ability of the storage and process tanks to withstand a approval by the UK Secretary of State
range of aggressive liquids. under Regulation 31 for drinking
water and listed by DWI (Drinking
The PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel solution provides
Water Inspectorate) in its List of
a high degree of protection for the tank for a large range of
Approved Products, PERMASTORE®
industrial processes from food waste to tannery effluent and
tanks are proven to be ideal for process water applications.
leachate amongst others.
For example, these can include food and beverage water
The advantages of the high corrosion resistance of Glass-
requirements, or alternative water applications such as fish
Fused-to-Steel together with the modular nature of the tank
farms, or demineralised water storage for industry such as
build give customers significant benefits in containment
power plants.
security, project build times and life-time costs.
These tanks take advantage of the inert properties of the
Glass-Fused-to-Steel finish and the fact that it does not
require recoating, giving users the re-assurance they require
for these critical applications.

Bulk Solid Storage

PERMASTORE® silos with the hard, inert finish offered by
Glass-Fused-to-Steel have exceptional resistance to abrasion
and present a hygienic, low friction surface to the stored
product. Some of the bulk storage applications include:

• Food production
• Coal
• Carbon black
• Fishmeal
• Limestone
• Powders
• Plastics
• Road salt
• Soya meal
• Grains or other whole or milled food stuffs

The designs of the silos are tailored to suit specific material

properties and allow for a range of loading (filling) and
unloading (discharge) systems. They also can incorporate
roofs, cones and connections for pipework or sensors.
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. .. . The Market Sectors . .. .
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Biogas/Anaerobic Digestion
Permastore’s history of anaerobic digestion (AD) tanks The combination of Permastore’s inert Glass-Fused-to-Steel
exceeds 40 years, and the Company’s experience has finishes, combined with the strength of steel and the
expanded considerably over the decades. Glass-Fused-to- flexibility of modular construction give significant benefits
Steel tanks are utilised for mesophilic digesters, over other types of digester structures. These include:
thermophilic digesters, pasteurising digesters and
enhanced enzymic hydrolysis (EEH) digesters amongst FEATURE BENEFIT
various other processes and applications. Long life span Reduced replacement costs
and improved return on
In the industrial sector using anaerobic digestion to create investment
biogas is increasingly recognised as a valuable method to
Modular bolted tank Rapid and cost effective site
utilise waste streams to create renewable energy. construction installation – Reducing project
timescales, costs and
Almost any organic waste can be digested, opportunities requirement for on-site
have developed to utilise food processing waste, domestic equipment
waste and restaurant waste. In addition to this,
Flexibility to remodel and Tanks can be extended,
combinations of waste streams can be processed relocate dismantled and resited giving
incorporating municipal sludge effluent and farm waste long-term asset value
such as animal slurry to generate “green” energy.
Optimum corrosion resistance Safe and secure storage with
Biogas produced can be cleaned and introduced directly of Glass-Fused-to-Steel minimal maintenance costs
into the grid, or converted into electricity in combined heat Complete range of diameter Most cost effective solution to
and power engines (CHP). This also gives the opportunity and height options with meet customers’ needs
to generate heat energy in the form of hot water. storage capacity solutions
exceeding 50,000m3
At the end of the process the digested material can be (13,200,000 US Gallons)
considered for use as fertilizer, which increases the potential
revenue streams.

Modular design allows the flexibility to accommodate

various aspect ratios, process pressures and temperatures
to suit a variety of AD processes, designs and applications.

Glass-Fused-to-Steel is not only utilised for the tank walls

but also in the roofs on tanks such as digesters. This gives
the high degree of protection of Glass-Fused-to-Steel
throughout a digester, especially in the highly aggressive
gaseous zone.

These roofs are structurally designed to allow for local

environmental loading and can also support centrally
mounted mixer systems.

Additionally, Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks can also be used

for biogas storage by incorporation of double
membrane covers.
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Slurry Silos
Farm pollution control has become important and effective PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel silos provide clean
and secure slurry storage is a critical part of the solution. and efficient storage of grains and forage. The secure
sealed system of storage with capacities from 250 to 1400
Local environmental agencies around the world are using
metric tonnes (275 to 1540 US tons), gives significant
legislation and support schemes to encourage farmers to
benefits to livestock producers:
upgrade their slurry management systems. This includes
drivers such as the European Commission Nitrates Directive • High quality feed grain
and the US Natural Resources Conservation Service • Maximised nutrient value of the feed with lower
Environmental Quality Incentives Programme (EQIP). moisture loss

To safeguard the environment, slurry is required to be • Natural conservation without use of chemicals
stored at certain times of the year. This is where the high • No drying costs
level of security of the PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel • Exclusion of vermin and birds
tank system is particularly suited. Permastore have been • Natural suppression of diseases and weeds by the dark,
successfully supplying slurry tanks since the late 1960’s, oxygen limiting environment
demonstrating the durability and longevity of the product in • Suitability for organically grown produce
this harsh environment.
• Traceability of inputs for accreditation schemes
Complete range of diameter and height options are • Permits earlier harvesting to eliminate drying costs
available with storage capacity solutions exceeding • Harvesting flexibility and buffer storage for existing
50,000m3 (13,200,000 US Gallons). grain storage systems
• Greater palatability
for livestock
• High digestibility for
• High animal growth
rates and feed
conversion efficiency

The ECOFUSION® agricultural grade

finish is subject to Permastore’s
stringent manufacturing, inspection
and testing regimes in accordance
with BS and EN ISO standards.

ECOFUSION® is used for:

• Livestock effluent tanks
• Moist grain silos
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. .. . The Market Sectors . .. .
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The mining industry requires treatment tanks which must The bolted nature of the tanks allow them to be built very
resist the highly abrasive nature of the contents and the quickly when compared to welded structures. It also allows
corrosive environment of mining processes. the existing tanks to be unbolted and moved on to new
locations when required, significantly increasing asset value.
PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks are ideal for this
application. PERMASTORE® tanks are suited to tough Both process and effluent treatment can be carried out in
environments where dependability is a vital characteristic. PERMASTORE® tanks in most applications which can
They can withstand the extremes of the environment in include mines for gold, silver, coal, copper, diamonds, iron
these remote locations, and the modular design principle of ore, cobalt, nickel, platinum, potash, rare earth metals,
the tank kits offers ease of transport and assembly at site. uranium, zinc and many other minerals.

The biofuel industry is growing around the world as an from sugar and starch crops such as sugar cane to
environmentally acceptable renewable energy source vegetable oils or animal fats. Also storage is required for
generated from biomass. Biofuel use can reduce emissions the finished product as well as for feed water and fire water
of green house gases, lower the demand for fossil fuels and tanks on-site. BIOTANQ® modular tanks and silos can be
is often supported by government subsidies. utilised in these areas giving significant benefits over
traditional welded structures.
The main biofuels are, bio-ethanol or alcohol made from
fermentation and bio-diesel produced by transesterifi- International Standards – For biofuels storage, Biotanq’s
cation. They are both derived from organic biomass. The quality systems provide a credible alternative to the API 650
plants manufacturing these biofuels therefore have standard for welded tanks and to the 12B specification for
requirements for tanks and silos for the input ingredients, bolted tanks.

Benefits For The End User:

The BIOTANQ® Glass-Fused-to-Steel finish combined with
its modular design and build concept, offers an array of
benefits to contractors and end users.

• Long Life
• Low Capital Cost
• Low Maintenance Costs
• Rapid more economical Site Installation Times when
compared to welded structures
• Economic Worldwide Shipments
• Flexible to Remodel, Extend, Dismantle and Resite
• Optimum Corrosion Resistance
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. .. . Roofs, Covers and Ancillaries . .. .
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Comprehensive Roof and Comprehensive Ancillary Range and other

Cover Range available options

PVC Cover
Glass-Fused-to-Steel Floors

Ladders & Platforms

Dome Roof


Trough Deck Roof



Double Membrane Cover


Level Indicators

Glass-Fused-to-Steel Roof Walkways

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. .. . Industrial Glass Grades . .. .
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ISOFUSION® V700 is the primary industrial contact surface HV ISOFUSION® is the premium grade of the ISOFUSION®
finish generally used for bulk solids, storm water, filter tanks range. Combining the commercial benefits of ISOFUSION®
and sludge storage. An established low cost solution glass and the established confidence associated with high
delivering security and protection through Permastore’s voltage testing. Delivering a high grade zero discontinuity
100% inspection, high voltage zero discontinuity coating coating for optimum protection in specific areas of
specification which is defect free at test voltage. application which is defect free at test voltage.

• Application: pH 3-9 • Application: pH 3-10

• Type: 2 coat, 1 fire • Type: 2 coat, 1 fire
• Thickness: 200-360 microns • Thickness: 200-360 microns
• Test Regime: Zero discontinuities at 700V • Test Regime: Zero discontinuities at 900V
• Exceeds quality requirements of EEA 7.20 • Exceeds quality requirements of EEA 7.20
• Meets or exceeds the glass coating requirements of • Meets or exceeds the glass coating requirements of
AWWA D103-09 – Section 10.4 AWWA D103-09 – Section 10.4
• Meets or exceeds quality requirements of • Meets or exceeds quality requirements of
EN ISO 28765:2011* EN ISO 28765:2011*

TRIFUSION® has rightfully become the standard by which TRIFUSION® PLUS finish takes Permastore’s acclaimed
all other finishes are assessed. This proven high quality TRIFUSION® standard to an even higher level, for use in
contact surface finish sets the benchmark for use in the the most extreme of environments. Aggressive chemical
more demanding areas of industrial effluent treatment and and high temperature processes can be considered with
sludge digestion. An additional protective layer, together this high quality contact surface finish, offering zero
with the zero discontinuity finish tested at an exacting 1100 discontinuity when tested to 1500 Volts.
Volts, provides exceptional security and continuous
• Application: pH 1-14
• Type: 3 coat, 2 fire
• Application: pH 2-11
• Thickness: 340-500 microns
• Type: 3 coat, 2 fire
• Test Regime: Zero discontinuities at 1500V
• Thickness: 280-460 microns
• Exceeds quality requirements of EEA 7.20
• Test Regime: Zero discontinuities at 1100V
• Meets or exceeds the glass coating requirements of
• Exceeds quality requirements of EEA 7.20 AWWA D103-09 – Section 10.4
• Meets or exceeds the glass coating requirements of • Meets or exceeds quality requirements of
AWWA D103-09 – Section 10.4 EN ISO 28765:2011*
• Meets or exceeds quality requirements of
EN ISO 28765:2011*

* Note: EN ISO 28765:2011 Vitreous and porcelain enamels – Design of bolted steel tanks for the storage or treatment of water or municipal or
industrial effluents and sludges, covers both the glass coating requirement and the tank structure design and as such is the first dedicated international
standard specifically created for the Glass-Fused-to-Steel product applicable for water and wastewater applications.
A Zero Discontinuity policy applies to ISOFUSION® V700,
HV ISOFUSION®, TRIFUSION® and TRIFUSION® PLUS for the tests shown.
All applications are subject to concentration and temperature considerations. All specifications relate to the contact surfaces only.

A detailed specification is available on request.

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. .. . Application Guide . .. .
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Edible / Vegetable Oils

Dry Bulk Solids

Farm Digesters (Liquid Zone)

Storm / Fire Water
20 - C - 40

Potable Water (NSF / ANSI 61) (RAL 5013)

Filter Tanks

Municipal Sludge Storage (Open Topped)

Municipal Sludge Treatment (Open Topped)

Municipal Mesophilic Digester (Liquid Zone)

Drinking Water (DWI, Reg 31 Approved)
20 - C - 40

Municipal Backwash Effluent (RAL 5013)
Municipal Sludge Cake Storage
Farm Digesters
(Roof & Rings Exposed to Gaseous Zone)

Municipal Sludge Storage (Tanks with Roof)

Municipal Sludge Treatment (Tanks with Roof)

Industrial Effluent and/or Aeration Process 14 - C - 40
(RAL 7009)

Food Process Washings
Liquid Leachates
Municipal Mesophilic Digester
(Roof & Rings Exposed to Gaseous Zone)
Thermophilic Digester (Liquid Zone)
Thermophilic Digester
(Roof & Rings Exposed to Gaseous Zone)
14 - C - 40
(RAL 7009)

High Temperature Applications
Aggressive / Chemical Industrial Effluent

Standard External Colours

20 - C - 40 12 - B - 29
(RAL 5013) (RAL 6006)

Optional External Colours

MUNSELL 00 - A - 05 14 - C - 39
7.5YR 7/4 (RAL 7004) (RAL 6028)

Further external colours are available on request. All colour

identification numbers are the closest visual match only. All
panel exteriors are Glass-Fused-to-Steel environmental
specification. Optional colours at additional cost.
Permastore Limited
Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7HS, England
+44 (0)1379 870723
+44 (0)1379 870530

Only products bearing the NSF mark are Certified.

Permastore Limited of the United Kingdom.

Because Permastore Limited is constantly improving products, it reserves the right to change design
and/or specification without notice. This brochure reflects the general presentation of product only
and any application is subject to limitations of data made available at time of purchase.

©Copyright 2013 Permastore Limited


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