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Test On Phrasals

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Fill in the correct particle(s).

Phrasal Verbs
1. If you are seen stealing that car the police will be…... you. 1 after, back, for, through
2. What are the children..................? They are very quiet. 2 up, up to, up against, over
3. We are .......................... bad weather this week. 3 away, on at, in for, over
4. I hope nobody disturbs me; my favourite television programme will 4 out, off, after, on
be .......................... in five minutes.
5. I have broken my leg skiing, so l will be ......... work for two months. 5 over, at, back, off
6. If he is late for our date again, I will be ....................... with him. 6 over, through, out of, off
7. If you press the wrong buttons, the machine will break ............. . 7 down, in, off, through
8. School breaks .......:................... for Easter on 2nd April, 8 out, up, down, off
9. The robbers used iron bars to break......................... the bank. 9 in, into, through, away
10. When she was told her mum was in hospital she broke............. . 10 down, off, through, in
11. The water managed to break ................... the flood barrier. 11 off, down, through, over
12. Sheila broke........................... her engagement last week. 12 in, up, out, off

Fill in the correct preposition.

1 The president was accompanied..... his wife on his recent tour. 1 of, by, with
2 He could not account .............. £5,000 missing from the company's books. 2 of, for, in
3 You must be acquainted ........ all the facts before stating your opinion. 3 in, with, at
4 The police will advise you ............ how to discourage burglars. 4 of, on, to
5 Jane did not agree ................ John's interpretation of the situation. 5 to, of, with
6 She'll never agree ............... marry you. 6 to, with, in
7 He aimed ............... the target and fired his gun. 7 to, in, at
8 The money that the children collected amounted................ £590. 8 in, on, to
9 The government appealed ............... the public to stay calm during the crisis. 9 at, to, in
10 My parents do not approve ............ my new boyfriend. 10 of, for, on
11 Henry is very ashamed ............... his behaviour at last night's party. 11 for, of, with
12 She's extremely attached ............ her parents. 12 to, on, with
13 Thomas is always aware ............... his mother's over-protective attitude. 13 on, at, of
14 There has been another military attack .............. the bases in southern Spain. 14 in, for, on

1. Dave was very bad ...... maths and always failed the tests. 1 to, in, at
2. Sally was very bad....................... her brother. 2 at, to, on
3. Dad can't come to the phone. He's busy....................... the cooking. 3 in, with, on
4. This film is based....................... a true story. 4 on, over, in
5. You can't blame me....................... the accident; I wasn't even there. 5 with, of, for
6. She always puts the blame.............. me for things that I haven't done. 6 in, on, to
7. There will be an extra charge ....... delivering the goods to your 7 for, with, of
home. 8 in, with, for
8. The suspect has been arrested and charged....................... robbery. 9 of, in, about
9. It's very important nowadays to care....................... our environment. 10 of, for, with
10. Sarah was fond of Peter and cared....................... him very much. 11 about, with, of
11. You should take care....................... your teeth. 12 at, in, with
12. Jane was clever............ history and always received the highest marks. 13 at, of, for
13. It was very clever.............. you to find the answer. 14 with, to, of
14. The patient was complaining....................... a pain in his chest. 15 about, to, for
15. The secretary was always complaining ............ having too much work. 16 of, on, in
16. I would like to congratulate you ....................... passing your exams.
Fill in the correct preposition.
1 His failure ...... the exam meant he couldn't apply for the job in London. 1 at, to, in
2 She looks familiar ....................... me. Maybe she's an actress. 2 with, to, for
3 As he was familiar ....................... Japanese culture, he wrote an article on it. 3 with, to, for
4 I'm so fond ....................... skiing that I go for a week every winter. 4 at, of, for
5 London is famous ....................... its black taxis and red buses. 5 of, from, for
6 He was very fortunate ....................... finding a publisher for his book. 6 about, in, at
7 Tony was furious ....................... Jane for spending their savings on clothes. 7 to, with, by
8 Kevin's not very good ....................... football. He'd rather play squash. 8 in, to, at
9 My grandfather was always good ....................... my grandmother. 9 to, at, of
10 Paul is a genius .................... mathematics. 10 at, with, on
11 I haven't heard ....................... Sarah yet. I hope she will write soon. 11 of, from, by
12 Everybody has heard ....................... tea. You can buy it everywhere. 12 from, for, of
13 The police say that there is no hope ................... finding the stolen painting. 13 in, of, for
14 We’re having a picnic on Sunday so we're all hoping ..................... fine weather. 14 for, to, at
1 My grandmother takes great delight ...... telling stories. 1 on, in, with
2 David was delighted ................................. the tape he bought. 2 of, with, by
3 My grandfather died ................................. cancer. 3 by, at, of
4 Gary was driving too fast and died ................................. a car accident. 4 of, in, from
5 This holiday was different ................................. all the others. 5 of, from, between
6 There is a big difference ................................. English and Greek food. 6 between, of, from
7 Last night I dreamt ................................. my favourite pop star. 7 at, in, about
8 I can only dream ................................. owning a larger car. 8 in, for, of
9 He is an expert .................... repairing cars and knows everything about them. 9 for, about, at
10 Mr Parrs is an expert ............................. physics and has written many books. 10 with, of, in
11The teacher put emphasis ................................. completing the whole test. 11 to, on, in
12 Peter took exception ................................. having to smoke outside. 12 to, in, from
13 The children exclaimed ................................. the beauty of the scenery. 13 about, at, of
14 The school secretary was experienced ................................. first aid. 14 in, on, with

1 If you don't pay your water bill, your water supply will be cut ...... . 1 across, off, back, in
2 I'm not cut .............................. working in an office. 2 out, out for, up, to
3 You must cut .............................. the amount of sugar you consume. 3 into, in, off, down on
4 I wanted to overtake the lorry but a car from behind cut ..... between us. 4 to, through, up, in
5 He cut .............................. the conversation to ask to go out. 5 across, into, up, down
6 The village was cut .............................. for days because of the snow. 6 off, out, up, to
7 The Prime Minister's decided to cut ................. government spending. 7 off, through, back on, up
8 Most countries have done .............................. the death penalty. 8 out, away with, with, up
9 You shouldn't do your parents ......................... . They care about you. 9 out, with, down, up
10 I'm really thirsty. I could do.............................. a drink. 10 up, with, out, in

Fill in the correct particle(s).

Phrasal Verbs
1 Please draw ......... from the edge of the cliff. 1 in, on, back, up
2 He went to the bank to draw..................... some money. 2 on, out, up, in
3 Look! The train has just drawn..................... . 3 in, out, back, on
4 The lawyer drew .............. the contract for the sale of the property. 4 out, on, in, up
5 I'm afraid you've fallen ..................... with your schoolwork. 5 for, in, behind, through
6 He fell ..................... his father's point of view. 6 in with, into, off, out
7 When John lost all his money, he fell ........... his father for support. 7 apart, in, back on, on
8 The starving men fell ..................... the food greedily. 8 out, upon, for, through
9 The roof is in danger of falling ..................... . 9 in, off, behind, back
10 He fell..................... her at first sight. 10 through, out, through, for
11 They got .................................. the stolen goods. 11 off, on, through, away with
12 Ann is getting ..................... her colleagues. 12 on, on with, by, round
13 I don't understand what you are getting..................... . 13 in, at, through to, out
14 He always gets ..................... me by buying me presents. 14 off, round, up, on with
15 I tried to call you last night but I couldn't get ..................... you. 15 on, over, across, through to
16 Get ..................... the train quickly, before it leaves. 16 round, up, with, on

Fill in the correct preposition.

1 He is identical …..his brother. 1 to, as, with
2 We were impressed ..................... her performance. 2 of, with, on
3 Claire made a bad impression ..................... Steve's parents. 3 by, with, on
4 She is jealous ..................... her well-off sister-in-law. 4 of, with, for
5 Mr Smith is keen ..................... photography. 5 with, on, to
6 This diet is lacking ..................... vitamins. 6 of, to, in
7 There is a lack ..................... iron in her blood. 7 at, of, in
8 Don't lean ..................... the window; it may break. 8 at, to, against
9 Sheila got married ..................... a pop singer. 9 to, with, at
10 There is no need ..................... more petrol. 10 to, in, for
11 The Browns are new ..................... this area. 11 at, with, to
12 It is obvious ..................... everyone that the painting is a forgery. 12 with, to, in
13 The accident victim has to be operated ..................... immediately. 13 about, for, on
14 He took no notice ..................... the warning and entered the building. 14 about, of, for
Phrasal Verbs
1 Her secret was given ..... by her friend by mistake. 1 out, away, up, off
2 He has tried to give ...................... smoking twice. 2 away, off, up, out
3 When milk turns sour, it gives ...................... a horrible smell. 3 in, up, off, to
4 The teacher's patience finally gave ...................... . 4 away, back, up, out
5 They were forced to give...................... to the enemy. 5 in, back, off, out
6 Ricky went ...................... the flu. 6 down with, up, over, away
7 My aunt has gone ...................... that pop quiz. 7 along, back on, in for, by
8 The fireworks went ...................... at midnight. 8 into, off, on, out
9 There wasn't enough cake to go ...................... . 9 for, down, through, round
10 Before going to bed, we watched the fire slowly go ...................... . 10 out, off, up, with
11 The detective carefully went ...................... the facts with the witness. 11 away, by, back on, over
12 The film was so sad she couldn't hold ...................... her tears. 12 down, back, off, on
13 I was asked to hold ......... while Mr Smith was fetched to the phone. 13 to, with, down, on
14 We were held ...................... on the motorway for three hours. 14 back, up, to, over
15 I held ...................... my anger until he'd left the room. 15 with, off, in, up
Fill in the correct preposition.
1 If you persist...... talking during class, I will have to punish you. 1 on, in, at
2 Our tour guide was very pleasant ...................... us during our holiday. 2 for, to, about
3 John was very pleased ...................... the way his painting turned out. 3 to, in, with
4 He took pleasure ............ watching his grandchildren play in the garden. 4 in, on, of
5 May I have the pleasure ............... your company at the dance tomorrow? 5 at, of, with
6 She is very popular ...................... her classmates. 6 in, about, with
7 Thick fog prevented the plane ...................... taking off. 7 from, of, in
8 His father was proud ...................... the way Tim performed. 8 by, of, in
9 They had a quarrel ...................... the date of the party. 9 about, with, of
10 I had a quarrel ...................... Stephen last night. 10 to, with, against
11 It took him a long time to recover ................... the injuries. 11 after, of, from
12 There was no reason ...................... his reckless actions. 12 of, for, at
13 I tried to reason ...................... her, but she didn't pay attention. 13 for, on, with
14 There is a strong relationship ................. smoking cigarettes and lung cancer. 14 in, between, of
15 Jim has a good relationship ...................... his parents. 15 between, in, with

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