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Writing 6:
1. They will not announce the decision formally.
No formal .....................
2. They believe that the robbers got into the bank through the roof.
The robbers.....................
3. Karajan was the first person to recognise her extra-ordinary musical gift.
It .....................
4. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto a unique language.
Unlike .....................
5. Thanks to Laura’s support I was able to finish the project.
Had it .....................
6. It was his over-confidence that led to his defeat in the Wimbledon final.
If .....................
7. They have been living in Germany for 5 years now.
It ....................
8. I have never been to Paris before.
This is .....................
9. I am determined to refuse his offer.
I have no .....................
10. “ Why don’t you buy a new coat?” – Mary said to her husband.
Mary suggested .....................
Writing 7:
1. In his recent article, Bob Lee pointed out all the faults in the government’s
new transport policy.
In his recent article, Bob Lee was.....................
2. The company have been reviewing their recruitment policy for the last
three months. The company’s .....................
3. I’m absolutely sure he took the money on purpose.
He couldn’t possibly.....................
4. He delayed writing his book until he had done a lot of research.
Only after.....................
5.They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
The excuse.....................
6. I feel that I don’t fit with the people in the new office.
I feel like.....................
7. Skysrapers in the USA are on average taller than anywhere else in
the world.
The average .....................
8. We were very impressed by the new cinema but found it rather expensive.
9. It’s more than a fortnight since anyone saw Julian.
10. The deadline for the receipt of complete application forms is 3.00p.m on
Friday, 18th December.
Complete application ....................
Writing 8:
1. Whoever did that must be very brave person.
Only .....................
2. Doris tiptoed up the stairs because she didn’t want to wake anyone up.
3. Nancy is proud of being a good cook.
Nancy prides .....................
4. My protests were ignored by everyone.
5. Kate is the only real friend that Doris has.
6.Rita doesn’t realise how serious her husband’s operation is going to be.
7. He decide to repair the things himself and not to take it back to the shop.
8. Offering her more money wouldn’t make any difference.
Even if.....................
9. Driving at that speed is dangerous, whether you are an experienced driver
or not.
10. It’s such a wonderful opportunity that we mustn’t miss it.
It is too.....................
Writing 9:
1. I can’t often afford to spend my holidays abroad.
I’m seldom.....................
2. The minister gave no precise figures about the casvalties.
The minister didn’t go.....................
3. Every possible effort was made by orphanage to find the boy’s parents.
The orphanage left no stone.....................
4. The company will make a profit next year.
I wouldn’t .....................
5. These problems of ours are just the tip of the ice-berg.
I’m afraid our problems.....................
6. They have been arguing about the motorway extension for years.
The proposed motorway extension has been a bone.....................
7. Please don’t give me an injection.
I’d rather .....................
8. Imagine my surprise when a policemen appeared at the door.
When a policeman appeared at the door, I was.....................
9. She slept well last night.
She had.....................
10. The new musical has taken theatre audiences by storms.
The new musical has delighted .....................
Writing 10:
1. There is no point in asking Gorge to help.
It isn’t .....................
2. I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs Elton you saw because she is in Bristol.
It can’t.....................
3. Their chances of success are small.
It isn’t .....................
4. We left quietly so that we wouldn’t disturb her.
So as .....................
5. I wasn’t surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
It came.....................
6. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star
Had it not.....................
7. My parents find fault with everything I do.
No matter .....................
8. If the work is finished by the lunch time, you can go home.
9. I didn’t realse who he was until later.
Only later.....................
10.The fate of the two climbers is unknown.
It is a mystery.....................
Writing 11:
1. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to
retire early.
But for his.....................
2. Mrs Wilson says she’s sorry she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday
Mrs Wilson sends.....................
3. We have been trying to sell our house for well over six months.
Our house.....................
4. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
5. Philip’s inability to make decisions dates from his accident.
6. The permit expires at the end of this month.
The permit is not.....................
7. As far as I know, There’s no reason for James to be so unhappy.
To the.....................
8. The hurricane blew the roof off the house.
The house.....................
9. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.
10. Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after the operation.
The operation left.....................
Writing 12:
1. We can start at either 1pm or
It makes.....................
2. The boy was about to cry when he was reprimanded by his mother.
The boy was on.....................
3. Why don’t you consult your legal advisor about the contract.
4. Although her leg hurt, she finished the marathon race.
In ....................
5. It was such a pity that I couldn’t go to the party.
6. The thief must have come in through the window.
The thief almost.....................
7. All of you are likely to be able to enter college.
8. Alice lost all her hope; she decided to stop her business.
9. Let’s eat out this evening.
10. It was disappointing their son failed the entrance exam to university.
Their son.....................
Answers 1:
1. No formal announcement of the decision will be made.
2. The robbers are believed to have got into the bank through the roof.
3. It was Karajan who first recognised her extra-ordinary musical gift.
4. Unlike other languages, Esperanto has no irregular verbs.
5. Had it not been Laura’s support, I would not have been able to finish the project.
6. If he hadn’t been (so) over-confidence, he wouldn’t have been beaten in the
Wimblendon final.
7. It is 5 years since they moved to// went to live in Germany.
8. This is the first time I have been to Paris.
9. I have no intention of accepting his offer.
10. Marry suggested to her brother that he should buy//buy//bought a new coat.
Answer 2:
1. In his recent article, Bob Lee was critical of the government’s new
transport policy.
2. The company’s recruitment policy has been under review for the last
three months.
3. He couldn’t possibly have taken the money by mistake.
4. Only after he had done a lot of research did he begin to write the book.
5. The excuse for the declaration of war was the defense of their territorial rights.
6. I feel like a fish out of water in the new office.
7. The average skyscraper in the USA is taller// higher// bagger than anywhere else
in the world.
Or : The average height// size of skyscraper in the USA is greater than anywhere
else in the world.
8. Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.
9. Julian was last seen ( more than) a fortnight // two weeks ago.
10. Complete application forms must be handed in// returned// received// submitted
by// no later than 3.00 p.m on Friday, 18th December.
Answer 3:
1. Only a brave person could have done that.
2. To avoid making anyone up, Doris tiptoed up the stairs.
3. Nancy prides herself on her cooking.
4. Nobody took any notice of my protests.
5. Except for Kate, Dolly has no real friend.
6. Little does Rita realise how serious her husband’s operation is going to be.
7. Rather than take it back to the shop he decided to repair the things himself.
8. Even if you offered more money, it wouldn’t make any difference.
9. However experienced a driver you are// maybe, driving at that speed is
10.It’s too wonderful an opportunity for us to miss.
Answers 4:
1. I’m seldom able to afford to spend my holiday abroad.
2. The minister didn’t go into details about the casvatlies.
3. The orphanage left no stone unturned in their attempt to fond the boy’s parents.
4. I wouldn’t be surprised if the company made profit next year
5. I’m afraid our problems are only just beginning.
6. The proposed motorway extension has been a bone of contention for years.
7. I’d rather you didn’t give me an injection.
8. When a policeman appeared at the door, I was pretty taken back.
9. She had a good sleep last night.
10. The new musical has delighted theatre audiences throughout the country.
Answers 5:
1. It isn’t worth asking George to help.
2. It can’t have been Mrs. Elton you saw because she is in Bristol.
3. It isn’t very likely they will succeed.
4. So as not to disturb her, we left quietly.
5. It came as no surprise to me that Harry had failed his driving test.
6. Had it not been for the attendance of a famous film star the party wouldn’t have
been a success.( would have been a failure)
7. No matter what I do my parents find fault with it.
8. Get the work finished by the lunchtime and you can go home.
9. Only after did I realise who he was.
10. It’s a mystery (as to) what (has) happened to the two climbers.
Answers 6:
1. But for his father’s early retirement Richard would not have taken over the
family business.
2. Mrs. Wilson sends her apologizes for not having attended// attending
the meeting yesterday morning.
3. Our house has been on the market// (up) for sale for well over six months.
4. Refusal to give a breath sample (to the police) could led to your arrest.
5. Ever since (he had) his accident, Philip has been unable to make decision.
6. The permit is not valid after// from// beyond (the end of) this month.
7. To the best of my knowledge, there’s no reason for James to be so unhappy.
8. The house had the roof blown off by// in// during// because of the hurricane.
9. Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye.
10. The operation left Simon feel weaker than he (had) expected.

Answers 7:
1. It makes no difference whether we (will) start at 1pm or 2pm
2. The boy was on the point of crying when his mother reprimanded him.
3. If I were you I would consult my legal advisor about the contract.
4. In spite of a paint in her leg, she finished the marathon race.
5. I’d like to have gone to the party./ I’d rather have gone to the party.
6. The thief almost certainly came in through the window.
7. The chances are that all of you will be able to enter college.
8. Such was her hopelessness that Alice decided to stop her business.
9. How about eating out this evening?
10. Their son disappointingly failed the exam to university.

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