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Heliyon: P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar

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Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

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CFD analysis on heat and flow characteristics of double helically coiled tube
heat exchanger handling MWCNT/water nanofluids
P.C. Mukesh Kumar a, *, M. Chandrasekar b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, 624 622, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology, Karur, Tamilnadu, 639114, India


Keywords: Double helically coiled tube heat exchangers are used in different heat transfer utilization due to higher heat
Mechanical engineering transfer capabilities and with their compactness. The double helically coiled tube heat exchanger increases the
Nanotechnology turbulence and enhances the maximum heat transfer rate than the straight tubes. In this investigation, the heat
Computational mathematics
transfer and pressure drop of the double helically coiled heat exchanger handling MWCNT/water nanofluids have
Volume concentration of nanoparticle
Double helically coiled tube
been analyzed by the computational software ANSYS 14.5 version. The computational analysis was carried out
MWCNT /water nanofluids under the laminar flow condition in the Dean number range of 1300–2200. The design of new shell and double
Computational fluid dynamics helically coiled tube heat exchanger was done by using standard designing procedure and 3D modeling was done
Pressure drop in Cre-O 2.0 parametric. The Finite Element Analysis software ANSYS Workbench 14.5 was used to perform CFD
Thermal conductivity analysis under the standard working condition. The MWCNT/water nanofluids at 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% volume
Nanofluid viscosity concentrations have been taken for this investigation. The major factors like volume concentrations of nanofluids
and Dean Number are considered for predicting the heat transfer rate and pressure drop. The simulation data was
compared with the experimental data. It is studied that the heat transfer rate and pressure drop increase with
increasing volume concentrations of MWCNT/water nanofluids. It is found that the Nusselt number of 0.6%
MWCNT/water nanofluids is 30% higher than water at the Dean number value of 1400 and Pressure drop is 11%
higher than water at the Dean number value of 2200. It is found that the simulation data hold good agreement
with the experimental data. The common deviation between the Nusselt number and pressure dropof CFD data
and the Nusselt number and pressure drop of experimental data are found to be 7.2% and 8.5% respectively.

1. Introduction VimalKumar et al. [1] revealed that there is a poor circulation of a

fluid in the shell region of the shell and single helically coiled heat
The design of heat exchangers and heat transfer enhancement tech- exchanger. Dean [2, 3] suggested that the helically coiled tubes are better
niques are picking up momentum nowadays because of the challenging than straight tubes in view of heat transfer rate as the coiled tube forms
in meeting out current cooling demand. Many researchers worked on the strong secondary flow and named the vortex as Dean vortex. Dean found
passive heat transfer enhancement techniques rather than the active heat that the secondary flow in coiled tubes (Dean vortex) is a function of
transfer enhancement techniques. However, the work on curved tubes Reynolds number and the d/D ratio. Dean [3] investigated the
and helically coiled tubes need more knowledge about the flow of pri- steady-state condition of incompressible fluid flow through the helically
mary and secondary flow formation. Helically coiled tube heat ex- coiled tubes. He reported that the mass flow rate decreases with respect
changers are used in power plants, nuclear plants, process plants, to the coil ratio. Mohammed et al. [4] numerically investigated the effect
automobile, refrigeration, heat recovery units, processing industries and of geometrical parameters of helical coil tube heat exchanger handling
steam generation in marine due to their compact shape and effective heat nanofluids. They revealed that the helix radius and inner tube diameter
transfer. The limitations of the shell and single helically coiled tube heat affect the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of nanofluids under
exchangers are the lower surface area of the flowing fluid and weaker laminar flow condition. They also revealed that the counter flow
turbulence creation than the double helically coiled tube heat configuration produces better result when compared with the flow
exchangers. configuration.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.C. Mukesh Kumar).
Received 1 January 2019; Received in revised form 28 February 2019; Accepted 28 June 2019
2405-8440/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 1. Secondary flow formation.

Ferng et al. [5] worked on the effect of changing the Dean number the spiral coiled tube and reported the heat transfer rate is affected by the
and pitch of the helically coiled tube on heat transfer. They revealed that secondary flow. The secondary formation strongly depends on the cur-
the creation of secondary flow becomes weaker when increasing the vature of the coil ratio (d/D ratio) with the effective centrifugal force.
coiled tube pitch. Berger et al. [6] are the first for carrying out the ex- The Secondary flow formation gives more mixing for the fluid flowing
periments on the flow through curved tubes. They studied the heat through the entire coils lengths. It is because the flow direction is
transfer rate of coiled tube and suggested that the effect of curved tube is perpendicular with an axial flow direction. Fig. 1 shows the formation of
the cause for strong turbulence formation. Narrein and Mohammed [7] secondary flow from the primary flow. The secondary flow is induced by
numerically studied the effect of Al2O3, SiO2, CuO, ZnO concentration centrifugal force while the primary flow is hitting the curved surface.
and size of the nanoparticles, different base fluids such as water, ethylene Bahiraei et al. [14] critically reviewed the recent research works on the
glycol and engine oil on the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics. use of nanofluids in heat exchangers. They summarized the recent
They suggested the nanofluids based on the SiO2 has higher pressure investigation on the application of nanofluids in plate heat exchanger,
drop than other Al2O3, SiO2, CuO, ZnO nanofluids. They found that the double pipe heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger and compact
pressure drop increases when increasing particle concentration and heat exchanger. they also revealed the challenges and opportunities for
decreasing particle diameter as a result of improved viscosity. The future research on nanofluids. Finally they summarized that the most of
nanofluid based on the engine oil has highest pressure drop when the researchers numerically examined the effect of nanofluids and
compared with the nanofluids based on the ethylene glycol and water. compared the effect of conventional fluids on the heat transfer rate. Most
Bahiraei et al. [8] investigated the entropy generation due to particle of the research reports concluded that the heat transfer rate is augmented
migration for a biologically produced nanofluids in a mini double pipe by increasing particle concentration and Reynolds number.
heat exchanger. They found that the nanofluid at higher concentration Ghorbani et al. [15] carried out the experimental work on the
and Reynolds number gives higher migration which generates more en- behavior of mixed convection heat transfer in a shell and coiled tube heat
tropy. They studied that the heat transfer contribution increases when exchanger. They found that the increasing the mass flow rate in the tube
the inlet water temperature raises to 360K. They also found that the leads to the better heat transfer in coiled tube heat exchangers. Bahiraei
entropy generation at the wall has smaller contribution to the total en- et al. [16] studied the thermal and hydraulic behavior of an ecofriendly
tropy generation. graphene nanofluid in spiral heat exchanger with the counter current
Naphon et al. [9] reported that the heat transfer characteristics of the condition. They revealed the nanofluids give greater pressure drop than
coiled tube heat exchanger with respect to the Dean number produces the base fluid when the Reynolds number is increased.. They concluded
better heat transfer coefficients with nominal pressure drop when the performance index of nanofluids is almost 142% when increasing the
compared with straight tubes. They suggested that the coiled tube heat Reynolds number from 1000 to 3000.
exchanger is highly efficient for transferring heat. Narrein and Moham- Yang et al. [17] worked on the characteristics of convective heat
med [10] critically reviewed the important aspects of nanofluids such as transfer of nanofluids in a helically coiled tube heat exchanger of the
types of nanofluids at different base material and base fluid, thermo- working fluid and revealed the nanofluids are superior heat transfer
physical properties, heat and flow behavior, limitations of nanofluids and fluids. Bahiraei et al. [18] numerically examined the hydro thermal
applications of nanofluids in helical coil tube heat exchanger. They behavior and energy performance of hybrid nanofluids in a triple tube
observed that the use of nanofluids in helically coiled tube heat heat exchanger fitted with rib. They concluded that the overall heat
exchanger leads to the penalty of pressure drop. They proposed the use of transfer co efficient and heat transfer rate increase with increasing
nanofluids in industrial applications in real situation need more nanoparticles concentration and by decreasing rib pitch. They also
understanding. studied the pressure drop is higher with smaller rib pitch and higher rib
Jayakumar et al. [11] analyzed the effect of changing pitch on Nusselt height. They suggested the heat exchanger with smaller rib and pitch and
number with the same length of a helical coil tube. They studied that the with higher nanoparticles concentration gives greater performance index
changing coiled pitch decresers the effective heat transfer. Bahiraei than the other cases.
[12] investigated the exergy distribution and entropy generation of Srbislav et al. [19] worked on the performance of double helically
graphite-silver composite nanofluids in a micro heat exchanger. They coiled tube heat exchangers by taking the coiled tube windings and the
reported the friction is more significant than the heat transfer in exergy pitch to study the heat transfer rate. They concluded that the heat
distribution and the entropy distribution increases when increasing transfer rate is higher than single tube based on the hydraulic diameter of
Reynolds number. They also presented the second law efficiency de- the tube. Jamshidi et al. [20] analyzed the heat transfer in a shell and
creases by decreasing Reynolds number or particle volume helically coiled tube heat exchanger. They found that the higher coiled
concentration. tube diameter, pitch, and flow rate enhance the heat transfer rate.
Naphon et al. [13] studied the flow and heat transfer characteristics of Jamshidi et al. [21] investigated the heat and flow behavior of helically

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 2. Modeling.

coiled tube by using nanofluids as target fluids. They suggested that the fluids. The nanoparticles have been dispersed into the base fluid and
helically coiled tube heat exchanges gives improved heat transfer co- named as nanofluids. The nanofluids are reported they have been higher
efficients with the nominal pressure drop and friction factor. Yang San thermal conductivity than the traditional fluids with more potential to
et al. [22] analyzed the heat transfer coefficient, friction factor of heli- applied in the heat transfer area.
cally coiled tube heat exchanger. They found that the friction factor in- Alywaell [31] carried out the CFD analysis to investigate the effect of
creases with increasing diameter and length of the pipe and friction nanofluids on heat and flow behavior in a double helically coiled tube
factor decreases with increasing Reynolds Number and also found that with Al2O3/water nanofluids. The heat transfer coefficient is improved
the Nusselt number increases with increasing Reynolds number. by increasing the nanofluid volume concentrations with the pressure
Austin [23] studied that the effect of pitch in a double helically coiled drop increased up to 2%. Huminic et al. [32] numerically investigated
tube heat exchanger on heat transfer and pressure drop. They reported the heat transfer enhancement in a double helically coiled tube heat
the friction factor is decreased by increasing the pitch. Yang et al. [24] exchanger by using CuO and TiO2 nanofluids, Dean number is the
investigated the helically coil tube pitch affects the Nusselt number and function of curvature ratio and it affects the heat transfer than water.
friction factor and pressure drop in free and forced convection. Prab- Jayakumar et al. [33] Mukeshkumar et al. [34] revealed the CFD Nusselt
hanjan et al. [25] carried out the experiment on convective heat transfer number data holds good with experiment. Palanisamy et al. [35]
in helical coil tube heat exchanger. They found that the tube side Nusselt experimentally investigated the effect of MWCNT/water nanofluids on
number is better than the tube with the higher tube diameter. heat and flow behavior of cone helical coiled tube. They reported that the
Akhavan-Behabadi et al. [26] conducted an experiment on helically MWCNT/water nanofluids offers maxumum heat transfer than water
coiled tube heat exchanger by changing the pitch and coiled tube with negligible pressure drop.
diameter to study heat and flow behaviors. They found that the helically Mukeshkumar et al. [36] experimentally studied the effect of the
coiled tubes are creating more pressure drop than that of the straight MWCNT/water nanofluids concentration on stability. The stability de-
tube. Pramod et al. [27] analyzed the effect of changing the diameter termines the thermal conductivity of nanofluids. They reported the
ratio changes the intensity of secondary flow formation to achieve MWCNT/water nanofluids with crown oil as base fluid have more sta-
maximum heat transfer rates. Jayakumar et al. [28] experimentally bility than other two base fluids. Muruganandam et al. [37] experi-
analyzed the heat transfer of a helically coiled tube. They found that the mentally analyzed the effect of MWCNT/water nanofluids on exhaust gas
maximum heat transfer coefficient is obtained by maintaining a steady temperature in a diesel engine. They reported the diesel engine run by
state condition. Prabhanjan et al. [29] and Piazza et al. [30] investigated MWCNT/water nanofluids as a coolant gives lower exhaust gas temper-
the effect of curvature ratio on creating turbulence in a helically coiled ature up to the level of 10–15% than water. Chaves et al. [38] numeri-
tube. They proposed the curvature ratio is the key parameter to intensify cally investigated with CFD software to study heat exchanger effect of the
the flow in the coil tubes. helically coiled tube. The outlet temperature of the fluids is found to be
Many works have been carried out to improve the heat transfer co- decreasing when increasing the number of coil turns. Increasing the
efficient by different techniques. The one among them is the changing the number of coil turns increases higher heat transfer rate in the coiled tube
thermal conductivity of the heat-flowing fluid. In this point of view, the heat exchanger.
solid micro particles have been dispersed into traditional heat transfer Jayakumar et al. [39] computationally studied the heat transfer rate
fluids and named as micro fluids. However, most of the researchers of double helically coiled tube heat exchanger with CFD software. They
proposed that the micro fluids are not suitable for improving the heat suggested the curved tube gives better heat transfer coefficient than
transfer as the rapid settlement of micro-sized solid particles in the base straight tube and the curved tube gives more intensity of turbulence and
resulting in better mixing. Kumar et al. [40] numerically investigated the
heat transfer and friction factor double helically coiled tube heat
Table 1 exchanger with ANSYS. The meshing was generated ANSYS FLUENT.
Dimensional parameters of Double helically coiled tube. They revealed that the CFD Nusselt number and friction factor data hold
Helically coiled tube Copper reasonably good agreement with the experimental data.
It is studied from the literature review that most of the experimental
Inner diameter of inner coil (dii) 5.85mm
Outer diameter of inner coil (dio) 6.35mm works on double helically coiled tube heat exchanger have been done by
Internal diameter of outer coil (doi) 12mm using oxide nanofluids. Very little works have been done on double he-
External diameter of outer coil (doo) 12.7mm lically coiled tube heat exchanger by using MWCNT/water nanofluids
Coil pitch(P) 20mm with CFD software. Therefore this investigation deals with the thermal
No.of Coils turns(n) 15
Mean Coil inner diameter (Di) 100mm
and flow behavior of double helically coiled tube heat exchanger
Mean Coil outer diameter (Do) 125.35mm handling MWCNT/water nanofluids at three different volume
Thermal conductivity of copper K 401W/m K concentrationss.
Density of copper 8960 kg/m3

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Table 2 coarser meshing is created throughout the effective length of the tube.
Testing conditions of MWCNT/water nanofluids. Fig. 3 represents the meshing of double helically coiled tube heat
S.No Constraints Range/standards exchanger used in this CFD analysis. The meshing contains the collabo-
rated cells for triangular and quadrilateral expressions at boundary
1 Inner tube fluid (Inner coil) MWCNT/water
nanofluids conditions. Much effort is given to the structured hexahedral cells. The
2 mass flow rate of inner coil 0.050–0.08 kg/m3 smooth meshing is created, edges, as well as regions of temperature and
3 Dean number 1300 < De < 2000 pressure constraints, meshed. Tables 3 and 4 show the meshing infor-
4 Initial temperature of coil tube (inner tube) 305 K (32  C) mation of the test section.
5 Flow velocity of coil tube 1.2–2 m/s
6 volume concentration of nanofluid 0.2%,0.4%, and 0.6%
The following are the consideration for this CFD analysis: The
7 Density of nanofluid 0.2%,0.4% and 0.6% 1220, 1440, and 1660 kg/ MWCNT/water nanofluids are incompressible fluid and single phase
m3 fluid. The effect of radiation and net convection are neglected. The
8 Thermal conductivity of nanofluid 0.2%,0.4% 0.62, 0.625, and 0.635 W/ thermo physical properties are not temperature dependent. Uniform
and 0.6% mK
dispersion nanoparticles. The flow is hydro dynamic. And constant heat
9 Specific heat of nanofluid 0.2%,0.4% and 0.6% 3086, 1663, and 1014 J/
kgK flux condition is used. Fig. 4 shows the boundary conditions of the test
10 Viscosity of nanofluid at 0.2%,0.4% and 0.6% 0.825, 0.83, and 0.85 section.
11 Outer coiled tube fluid (Outer coil) Hot fluid (Water)
12 Mass flow rate of Inner tube 0.139 kg/m3
13 Dean number differences 1300 < De < 2000
14 Initial temperature of coil tube (outer tube) 338 K (65  C)
15 Outer tube velocity rate 1.2–2 m/s
16 Hot water density 997 kg/m3 Table 3
17 Hot water viscosity 0.7 Details of meshing.
18 Hot water specific heat capacity 4181 J/kg K
Domain Nodes Elements
19 Hot water thermal conductivity 0.613 W/m K
Cold_fluid 389108 340938
Hot_fluid 4327200 327825
2. Methodology Inner-pipe 183624 100533
Outer_pipe 253576 139872
All domains 1263508 909168
2.1. Helical coil modeling

The computer system with i3-6006U core processor, 2.00 GHz, and 8
GB RAM capacity was used to model, mesh and simulate the MWCNT/
water nanofluids in the test section. Governing equations are solved with Table 4
the software package of ANSYS R14.5. The double helically coiled tube Boundary conditions.
heat exchanger is modeled with Cre-O software. Fig. 2 demonstrates the Domain Cold fluid Hot fluid Boundaries
modeling of double helically coiled tube heat exchanger used in this CFD Boundary Nanofluid inlet Hot inlet Mass-flow-
analysis. The test section has two helically coiled tubes. One is inner tube inlet
handling nanofluids and (outer tube) tube annulus handling hot water. Nanofluid outlet Hot outlet Pressure-
The test section is made with 17 coiled turns with a helical sweep. Table 1 outlet
Wall cold fluid inner pipe Wall hot fluid inner pipe Wall
and Table 2 show the geometrical parameters, input data and physical shadow shadow
properties. Wall hot fluid outer pipe shadow Wall
Wall inner pipe Wall
Adiabatic wall Wall
2.2. Meshing Wall hot fluid outer pipe Wall
Wall outer pipe Wall

The modeling of the test section is meshed with ANSYS 14.5. The

Fig. 3. Formation of meshing.

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 4. Boundary conditions of the test section.

∂U ∂V
þ ¼0 (2)
∂x ∂x1

¼ 0 ðfor incmpressible fluidÞ (3)
The momentum balance follows Newton's second law. Two forces are
acting on the body and surface pressures. CFD software provides, the
momentum equation is given by
∂U ∂V ∂ρ ∂2 y
ρ u þv ¼  ρg  þ μ 2 (4)
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
The governing energy equation is given by:
∂T ∂T ∂2 T
ρCp u þv ¼k (5)
∂x ∂y ∂y2

where ρ is the density kg/m3, t is the time in s, U, and V are velocity

components, Cp is the specific heat in J/kgK, u,v are velocity along x and
y directions respectively and k is the thermal conductivity in w/mK. T is
the temperature in K.

Fig. 5. Grid density (cell/m3).

2.4. Numerical analysis

2.3. Numerical simulation The geometric modeling of the helically coiled tube was modeled by
using ANSYS R14.5 software. To confirms the meshing of the coil, the
The Numerical simulation was performed by the steady state with grid independence test was conducted and finalized the quality of the
pressure oriented methods. The partial differential equation is used to meshing. Independency test was performed with four grid systems to
find out the mass and momentum values under steady state condition. check the accuracy and validity of the results. The grid densities between
Pressure and velocity are found by the basic algorithms and discretion 1109 and 4109 were generated. Fig. 5 illustrates the Nusselt number
equations used are in second order. All the governing equations have and friction factor with various grid densities. It is studied that no change
been used for simulation and various tests have been conducted based on in Nusselt number and friction factor with the grid 2.15109 density and
the same. The k-epsilon model is chosen for this analysis as the k-epsilon the same density is taken for this analysis.
model predicts well far from the boundaries (wall) and k-omega model Initially, hot and cold water are used to check the simulation and
predicts well near wall. Continuity, energy and Navier Stokes equations recorded the pressure and temperature of MWCNT/water of nanofluids
are used to find the conditions for flowing fluid in the helically coiled at 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% volume concentrations with the Dean number
tube with Eqs. (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5). range of 1300–2000. The sample temperature and pressure profiles of
The continuity equation gives the conservation of mass and is given 0.2% MWCNT/water nanofluids at the Dean number 2000 is taken for
by this CFD analysis. Total number of trails: 4 flow rate in LPH  4 (1 Base
fluid þ3 different volume concentrations of MWCNT/water nanofluids)
∂ρ ∂ρU1 ∂ρU2 ∂ρU3
þ þ þ ¼0 (1)  1 (parallel or counter flow) ¼ 16 trails. Every trail has taken more than
∂t ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
7 h for simulation. Tables 3 and 4 show dimensional parameters and test
conditions of MWCNT/water nanofluids in double helically coiled tube.
Pak [41] proposed Eqs. (6), (7), (8), and (9) for calculating the

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 6. Static temperature contours of 0.2 % MWCNT/water nanofluids.

Fig. 7. Total temperature contours of 0.2% MWCNT/water nanofluids in a section YZ level.

thermo physical properties MWCNT. ρcp nf
¼ ð1  ϕÞ ρcp þ ϕ ρcp S (7)
Density in kg/m3
Effective thermal conductivity in W/mk
ρnf ¼ ϕρS þ ð1  ϕÞρw : (6)
¼ 1 þ 7:47ϕ (8)
Specific Heat in J/kg K kf

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 8. Pressure drop in a section YZ level.


De ¼ Re ðr=RÞ0:5 (10)

hi *di
Nu ðnfÞ ¼ (11)

f ¼ (12)
2*ρ*v2 L
In this analysis, the validation of CFD data is carried out with the
experimental data proposed by Chandrasekar et al. [42] who conducted
an experimental test on laminar convective heat transfer and flow
behavior of double helically coiled tube heat exchanger in the Dean
number range of 1300–2000. Experimentally found heat transfer coef-
ficient increase with increasing the MWCNT nano particle volume con-
centration. The maximum heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number
were found to be 50%, 56%, and 60% respectively higher than water at
0.6% MWCNT nano particle volume concentration. Fig. 10 illustrates the
experimental Nusselt number and CFD Nusselt number for water under
Fig. 9. Heat transfer coefficient vs Dean number. laminar flow condition.

Dynamic viscosity in kg/m2s 3. Results and discussion

¼ 1 þ 39:11ϕ þ 533:9ϕ2 (9) 3.1. Heat transfer coefficient
Figs. 6, 7, and 8 represent the points of static temperature, total From Fig. 9, it is seen that the Nusselt number increases with
temperature and pressure drop of particles respectively. It is shown that increasing Dean number and volume concentrations of nanofluids. The
the two regions like minimum temperature color is marked as blue, a Nusselt number of nanofluids is found to be higher than the water with
minimum pressure drop color is marked as blue in the inlet of the coil. respect to increasing Dean number in the range 1300–2000. It is studied
Maximum temperature region color is marked as green; the maximum that the rate of change of increase of Nusselt number is increased with
pressure drop color is red at the outlet of the coil. The inner coil fluid inlet respect to the Dean number. The maximum rate of change of Nusselt
temperature is 304 K, outer coil outlet fluid temperature is 338 K and the number is found to be at the highest Dean number.
pressure drop occurred in 0.65 bar. The Nusselt number of MWCNT/water nanofluids is found to be 20%,
The laminar convective heat transfer and pressure drop of double 24%, and 30% at 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% volume concentrations respec-
helically coiled tube heat exchanger are described with the following tively higher than that of water at the Dean number range of 1300–2000.
dimensionless number and various parameters (Eqs. (10), (11), and This is simply because of the higher thermal conductivity of nanofluids

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 10. Nusselt number Vs Dean number for water.

Fig. 11. Nusselt number Vs Dean number for 0.2% MWCsNT/water nanofluids.

Fig. 12. Nusselt number Vs Dean number for 0.4 % MWCNT/waternanofluids.

and intensification of secondary flow formation leading to lower the contributes a little to enhance the heat transfer.
residence time dispersion of nanoparticles and base fluids. This lower It is seen from Fig. 10 that the Nusslet number increases with
residence time dispersion is resulting better mixing of the fluid and increasing Dean number. The Nusselt number is minimum at the Dean
nanoparticles. Apart from this the Brownian motion of MWCNT number 1300 and the maximum at the Dean number 2000. It is found

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 13. Nusselt number Vs Dean number for 0.6 % MWCNT/water nanofluids.

Fig. 14. Friction factor with Dean number.

Fig. 15. CFD pressure drop Vs experimental pressure drop.

that the CFD results hold good agreement with the experimental results. minimum at the Dean number of 1300 and the maximum at the Dean
The relative error between the CFD result and the experimental results is number of 2000. It is observed that the CFD results close to the experi-
6.5%. mental values. The relative error between the CFD result and the
Fig. 11 shows the experimental Nusselt number and CFD Nusselt experimental result is 5.5%.
number for 0.2% MWCNT/water nanofluids under laminar flow condi- Fig. 12 represents the deviation between the CFD Nusselt number vs
tion. Found that the Nusslet number increases with increasing Dean experimental Nusselt number for 0.4% MWCNT/water nanofluid under
Number. This is due to higher mass flow rate. The Nusselt number is laminar flow condition. It is studied that the Nusslet number increases

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

Fig. 16. Before test surface of coil inner surface. Fig. 17. After test surface of coil inner surface.

with increasing Dean number. The Nusselt number minimum at the Dean
inlet temperature. Therefore the improved temperature of nanofluids
number 1300 and the maximum at the Dean number 2000. CFD results
while passing through the coiled tube reduces the viscosity and its effect.
show that better performance with the experimental values. The relative
The viscosity of nanofluids is reduced by the increased temperature of
error between the CFD result and the experimental result is 7%. The
nanofluids when nanofluids passes through the coiled tube. Therefore
increase in Nusselt number with respect to Dean number is due to the
pressure drop depends on the inlet temperature of nanofluids.
higher mass flow rate of the fluids.
Fig. 13 illustrates the experimental Nusselt number and CFD Nusselt
3.3. Inner tube surface modifications
number for 0.6% MWCNT/water nanofluids under laminar flow condi-
tion. It is seen from Fig. 13 that the Nusslet number increases with
George et al. [43] reported that the wear of the tube surface depends
increasing Dean Number. The Nusselt number is minimum at the Dean
on nanoparticles size, shape, velocity, particles concentration and tur-
number of 1300 and the maximum at the Dean number of 2000. The CFD
bulence of the fluids. The MWCNTs are deposited in the inner tube and
results show that better performance with the experimental values. The
they create the wear and erosion. They are shown in Figs. 16 and 17.
relative error between the CFD results and the experimental results is
Figs. 16 and 17 show that there is small amount of MWCNT are deposited
7.5%. The increase in Nusselt number with respect to Dean number is due
due to higher static time of MWCNTs while passing through the coiled
to the higher mass flow rate of the fluids.
tube over many trails. This is because of higher volume concentration
3.2. Friction factor and pressure drop analysis
4. Conclusions
Figs. 14 and 15 show the effect of nanofluids on friction factor and
presuure drop resprctively. It is observed that the MWCNT nanoparticle In this analysis, the heat transfer and pressure drop of a double he-
volume concentrations gives remarkable changes in the flow behavior. It lically coiled tube heat exchanger handling MWCNT/water nanofluids
is found that the friction factor increases when particle volume concen- have been studied with CFD software package. Initially, hot and cold
trations is increased. Recorded that the friction factors are 12%, 22% and water are used to check the simulation and recorded the pressure and
30% greater than water for 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% MWCNT/water temperature of MWCNT/water of nanofluids at 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%
nanofluids respectively at the Dean number of 2000. The is due to volume concentrations with the Dean number range of 1300–2000. The
loading more particles which leads to more contact area with the heat sample temperature and pressure profiles of 0.2% MWCNT/water
transfer surface area. Moreover the higher particle loading is resulting nanofluids at the Dean number 2000 is taken for this CFD analysis. Total
higher viscosity and in turn higher friction factor. This is may be due to number of trails: 4 flow rate in LPH  4 (1 Base fluid þ3 different volume
the centrifugal force which pushes the particles towards outside and concentrations of MWCNT/water nanofluids)  1 (parallel or counter
forming strong secondary flow in the coiled tube. flow) ¼ 16 trails. It is studied that the Nusselt number is 20%, 24%, and
Fig. 15 represents the effect of MWCNT/water nanofluids on pressure 30% higher than water at 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% nanofluids respectively
drop in the coiled tube. an increasing volume concentrations of MWCNT/ at the Dean number of 2000. These enhancements are due to the
water nanofluids creates the maximum pressure variations. The pressure improved higher thermal conductivity of nanofluids and generating
drop is found to be 4%, 6% and 10% for 0.2 %, 0.4% and 0.6% volume stronger secondary flow. Also found that the pressure drops are 4%, 6%
concentrations respectively greater than water at the Dean number of and 10% for 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% nanofluids respectively are higher
2000. The error between the CFD and the investigational range is 2%– than water. This is due to the effect of temperature on nanofluids vis-
2.5%. The maximum pressure drop is found to be 0.38 bar for water cosity. Finally the CFD data were compared with experimental data and
0.3914 bar for 0.2% nanofluids, 0.42 bar of 0.4%MWCNT/water nano- hold good agreement with the deviation of CFD Nusselt number and
fluids and 0.45 bar for 0.6% MWCNT/water nanofluids at the Dean pressure drop are 7.2% and 8.75% with the experimental data. Therefore
number of 2000. determining the Nusselt number and pressure drop of double helically
It is studied that the pressure drop increases with increasing nano- coiled tube heat exchanger handling MWCNT/water nanofluids with
fluids volume concentrations. The 0.6% nanofluid gives higher pressure CFD software analysis is the good choice.
drop than water and other nanofluids. This is simply because of improved
viscosity when particle volume concentrations are increased. It is studied Declarations
that the application 0.6% MWCNT/water nanofluids in helically coiled
tube, the secondary flow generation becomes very strong and the Author contribution statement
MWCNT s are thrown out towards the coiled tube wall and resulting
higher pressure drop than water. The higher pressure drop due to P. C. Mukesh Kumar: Conceived and designed the experiments;
MWCNT/water nanofluids may be expected more than 4%, 6% and 10% Analyzed and interpreted the data; Wrote the paper.
for 0.2 %, 0.4% and 0.6% volume concentrations respectively when the M. Chandrasekar: Performed the experiments; Contributed reagents,
nanofluids are passing through in the coiled tube with the same entry materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper.
temperature. This is because of the effect of temperature on viscosity. In
this investigation, the exit temperature of nanofluids is higher than the

P.C. Mukesh Kumar, M. Chandrasekar Heliyon 5 (2019) e02030

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