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Kinetics of Evaporation

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Int. J. of Thermodynamics, ISS.

N 1301-9724
Vol.8, (No1), pp.1-14, March-2005

Kinetics of Evaporation: Statistical Rate Theory Approach

Payam Rahimi
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T60 208, Canada

Charles A. Ward
Depar1ment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
University of Toronto, ON, MSS 308, Canada

Currently there are three theoretical approaches to study evaporation: Continuum
Mechanics, Classical Kinetic Theory, and recently Statistical Rate Theory (SRT). The
assumptions being used and the predictions resulting from the first two methods have not
been supported by experimental results which are in agreement with the SRT predictions. It
seems that SRT can predict the conditions existing at the interface during evaporation
better than other methods. This paper reviews some of the published evaporation studies,
par1icularly evaporation rate, thermocapillary convection, and temperature discontinuity at
the interface during evaporation and compares the results of different approaches.
Keywords: Evaporation, rate of phase change, surface temperature, convection, statistical
rate theory

1. The Evaporation Controversy condensed into a condenser. A thermometer was

sealed in the apparatus and touched the mercury
Evaporation is one of many phenomena in meniscus. The pressure at the evaporating
the general classification of interfacial molecular surface was measured by an absolute manometer
transport. In the case of evaporation, a molecule
which was made of mercury itself. The rate of
is transported across the interface between liquid
evaporation established from the drop of the
and vapour phases. In spite of the immense
scientific and technological importance of mercury meniscus was found to be between 0.08
evaporation, this ubiquitous phenomenon is not and 1.67 mm/min. From theoretical analysis of
well understood from a fundamental point of his experiment, Hertz arrived at the following
view. Specifically, the conditions existing at a fundamental conclusion: There exists for every
liquid-vapor interface during phase change substance a maximum rate of evaporation, which
processes have become controversial. The depends only on the temperature of the surface
controversy revolves around the possible and on the specific properties of the substance.
existence of a temperature discontinuity at the Experimentally, Hertz's measurements of the
liquid-vapor interface, its direction, magnitude, evaporation rate indicated a value that was
and the variables controlling the phase change approximately 10% of the maximum rate of
rate. To identify the issues in the controversy, the evaporation that he calculated from kinetic
results of studies regarding evaporation are first theory.
reviewed. In 1915, Knudsen (1915) and later others
1.1 Transport coefficients (Kennard, 1938) carried out an experimental
investigation of the rate of evaporation for pure
Classical kinetics theory has provided the mercury. The results consistently indicated that
molecular basis for the understanding of the evaporation rate was less than the maximum
evaporation for over a century (Hertz, I 882, rate predicted from classical kinetic theory.
Stefan, 1889, Knudsen, 1915, Kennard, 1938, Knudsen's work is especially
Knacke, 1956). In 1882 Hertz tried to investigate significant because he introduced the concept of
the rate of phase change. In his experiment, the the evaporation coefficient. This coefficient,
whole apparatus was evacuated and mercury in a although unknown, was to account for the
tube was heated to a temperature between 100 deviation from the maximum evaporation rate.
and 200 C. Then the mercury vapor was

Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1) 1

To describe the Hertz-Knudsen formula for mation to obtain the expression for the absolute
the rate of evaporation, we first consider the (or uni-directional) condensation rate is to
maximum rate of evaporation, as defined in assume that the distribution function in the vapor
classical kinetic theory, under equilibrium phase is Maxwellian at the vapor pressure and its
conditions. On a molecular level, the processes temperature. These are the usual boundary
of evaporation and condensation involve a conditions assumed at a liquid-vapor interface
molecule escaping from a surface or an incident under nonequilibrium conditions (Barret and
molecule being captured by a surface. Under Clement, 1992). Then, the Hertz-Knudsen
equilibrium conditions, the number of molecules formula for the net evaporation rate is expressed
evaporated from the liquid phase must be equal as the difference of the absolute rates of
to those condensed from the vapor phase. The evaporation and condensation such that
vapor and condensed phases are considered to be
essentially uniform and to be separated only by a 1 ( Psa,(TL) pY ) ( 3)
mathematical plane. It is a necessary condition
under equilibrium conditions that liquid and
J = ~2pmk 0-e frC 0-c Jrv
vapor temperaturesare uniform,since otherwise where ae and ere and are the evaporation
there would be a t1ow of heat between the and the condensation coefficients, superscripts L
phases. However, depending on the curvature of and V indicate that the parameters are evaluated
the interface, the pressure in the condensed phase in the liquid and the vapor phases individually.
could be different from that of its vapor. The This equation includes the general case in which
distribution function for molecular velocity far the substancedoes not evaporateinto a vacuum,
away from the interface is Maxwellian (Fowler, but shows an actual vapor pressure at the
1965), and if it is assumed that the interface itself boundary condition. Knacke and Stranski (1956)
is not a disturbing influence on the distribution considered the evaporation results from previous
function, then the Maxwellian distributions exists experiments and stated that in the case of
right up to the interface, i.e. substances with a vapor pressure higher than
312 13.3 Pa, it is no longer possible to maintain a
= n(~)2kpT exp(-~cc~
+cf +c;)) (I) high vacuum experimentally, and condensation
has to be taken into account.
where n is the numberdensity of molecules, ci is One of the major assumptions in applying
the motion of the mass center described in kinetic theory to phase change is that the
velocity space, k the Boltzmann constant, m the absolute rates of evaporation and condensation
mass of the molecule, and T the temperature. If are uncoupled. Under equilibrium conditions,
equation (I) is used to calculate the maximum these two coefficients must be equal. However,
rate of evaporation, one finds that the assumption that they have the same value
under nonequilibrium conditions may not be
J = P,a,CT) (2) valid (Plesset, 1956). Barrett and Clement (1992)
max ~2pmkT found that there was not a complete equivalence
between the evaporation and the condensation
where Psat is the saturation vapor pressure at
coefficients, and that the evaporation coefficient
temperature T. This implies that every incident
depends only on the properties of the liquid
molecule condenses.
surface, while the condensation coefficient is a
Under non-equilibrium conditions, there could be function of the properties of both the liquid and
a net mass t1ow across the interface. The the vapor. Young (1991) pointed out that the
maximum evaporation rate will not usually be condensation and evaporation coefficients are
achieved. This means that only a fraction of the not necessarily equal. However, it is usually
molecules crossing a plane adjacent to the liquid assumed that the evaporation coefficient and the
surfaceenters the vapor,whose molecularflux is condensation coefficient are equal. This
called the uni-directional (or absolute) rate of coefficient has to then be evaluated
evaporation. Now consider a small departure experimentally (Barrett and Clement, 1992).
from equilibrium. The absolute evaporation rate There is one considerationwhich will have
is expressed assuming that the Maxwell some effect on the absolute rate of evaporation.
distribution in the vapor is characterized by the This is the fact that if the mass transfer across an
temperature and pressure in the liquid phase near interface is occurring, the mean velocity of liquid
the surface. Hence, the mechanism of molecules molecules at the surface is not zero with respect
leaving the surface depends only on the state of to the coordinate axes which have been located
the liquid and is not affected either by the state of there. This will probably cause the absolute rate
the vapor or by the net transfer of mass, of evaporation as well as the velocity distribution
momentum, and energy. Similarly, the approxi- of molecules emitted from the surface to be

2 Int J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1)

different from what they are in an equilibrium the variation of the coefficient has not been
case. Schrage (1953) assumed that the established. However, it is possible that the
distribution of incoming molecules in the vapor inaccurate surface temperature measurement
phase could be represented by a Maxwellian with large temperature gradient and the
distribution with a net bulk velocity Ub such that contamination level would have affected the
value of the evaporation coefficient. It should be
noted that no direct measurement of the
fs =n(i:Tr temperature at the interface in either phase was
(4) actually performed in these experiments.
exp(- ;T((cx-Ub) +cf+c~)) In summary, although the Hertz-Knudsen
2 formula and the Schrage formula have been
He then assumed the evaporation and widely used to calculate the rate of liquid
condensation coefficients were equal, and gave evaporation, the difficulties are those of knowing
the expression for the net rate in terms of one the value of the evaporation coefficient and the
coefficient which he called the condensation conditions that exist at the interface of the
coefficient (Schrage, 1953). evaporating liquid. The evaporation coefficients
defined by classical kinetic theory must be
If Schrage's expression for the distribution determined experimentally. Marek and Straub
function of the molecules leaving the liquid is (2001) have recently surveyed the reported
used to calculate the expression for the rate of values of these coefficients for water and pointed
evaporation, the Maxwellian distribution is out the wide variation at nominally the same
assumed to describe the condensing molecules, experimental conditions. The results of this
and both the evaporation and condensation survey suggest that the basic definitions of these
coefficients are included, then provided the bulk coefficients is inadequate in some as yet
vapor velocity is small one finds (Barrett and undefined way or that the experiments are not
Clement, 1992) that being performed under the conditions assumed.
One of the possible experimental difficulties is
J_ 1 ( O'e Psat(TL) convection--either buoyancy or surface tension-
- ~2pmk 1-0.5crc JrL driven.
O' pY )
1.2 Anomalous temperature profiles
1-0.;crc R Another major result of classical kinetic
theory studies is the prediction of "anomalous"
By comparing equation (3) with equation temperature profiles. Interestingly, several
(5), it may be seen that when o,=o,=1, Schrage's theoretical studies based on this theory predicted
formula predicts twice the flux predicted by the a temperature discontinuity before any
Hertz-Knudsen formula (Barett and Clement, experimental investigation was undertaken. The
1992). Some indirect evidence also suggests that first predictions were presented by Pao (1971,
the Hertz-Knudsen theory under predicts growth I 973a) who applied the linearized Boltzmann
rate of small water droplets in low pressure, pure equation to examine the energy and mass transfer
steam by a factor of about 2 (Young, 1991). between two parallel liquid films that were
assumed to be maintained at different but
Wylie and Brodkey (1972) applied the constant temperatures. At one liquid film,
Schrage formula with two coefficients to their evaporation was occurring and at the other,
experiments with mercury and found that the condensation was taking place. His analysis
value of the condensation coefficient was equal indicated that at the evaporating interface, the
to that of the evaporation coefficient, and each temperature was larger on the liquid side of the
was approximately 0.6 I under non-equilibrium interface than on the vapor side of the interface,
conditions for a condensation flux of 3.0 g min' and at the interface where condensation took
cm2 They also stated that there is no reason for place, the relation between the interfacial
the coefficients to be less than unity. If the temperatures was reversed. However, the
evaporation and condensation coefficients based predicted magnitude of the temperature
on the Schrage formula are equal, Mills and discontinuity led to controversy for substances
Seban (1967) listed the experimentally having a latent heat (hr,) divided by the gas
determined values of the evaporation- constant (R) and the temperature (T), greater
condensation coefficient for water. The values than a limiting value. For example if the ratio
vary from 0.006 to 0.1 for the evaporation of a h,,IRT were greater than approximately 4.5, it
suspended water droplet and for the evaporation was predicted that the temperature discontinuity
of a horizontal liquid surface, and vary from 0.35 at the liquid-vapor interface would be so large
to near 1.0 for the jet evaporation (Mills and that the temperature gradient in the vapor would
Seban, 1967). The quantitative explanation for be the reverse of the applied temperature
Int. J. of Thermodynamics,Vol.8 (No.1) 3
gradient. Such a profile was labelled than in the vapor appears to be a prediction that
"anomalous" (or inverted), and since for many follows from kinetic theory and from
substances h,gfRT is approximately I 0, the nonequilibrium thermodynamics, and this is an
prediction would be that under steady state essential feature of the prediction of anomalous
conditions most two-film systems would exhibit temperature profiles. Hence, these predictions
anomalous temperature profiles (Pao, I 971, can be viewed as either the prediction of
I 973a, 1973b). important new phenomena or as predictions that
Since such a prediction seems raise doubts about the fundamental theory from
unreasonable, a number of theoretical which the predictions were obtained . Koffman,
investigations have been conducted to examine Plesset and Lees (1984) have adopted the latter
different assumptions in the theoretical point of view. Barrett and Clement (1992)
procedure adopted by Pao. Several of these have suggest that these predictions "contradict
used the linearized Boltzmann equation to common sense".
perform similar investigations (Siewert and 1.3 Experimental investigation of the
Thomas, 1973, Cipolla, Lang and Loyalka, 1974, temperature near the interface of an
Onishi, 1986). Others have investigated evaporating liquid
nonlinear effects using numerical methods
(Cercignani, Fiszdon, and Frezzontti, 1985, The way the predictions from kinetic theory
are viewed should be decided by experimental
Murakami and Oshima, 1974), the six-moment
method of Lees (Koffman, Plesset and Lee, investigation, but the experimental results have
1984), and the thirteen-moment method of Grad not led to a consistent interpretation. For
(Young, 1991). All of these theoretical studies example, Shankar and Deshpande (1990) have
reportedan experimentalinvestigationin which a
suggest that the reason for the prediction of
anomalous temperature profiles is the boundary liquid film was on each of two parallel metal
plates. Under "quasi-steady" conditions,
conditions assumed (Koffman, Plesset and Lee,
1984). Cercignani et al. (1985) used a linearized evaporation occurred from the liquid film on the
lower metal plate and condensation on the upper
moment method to investigate the effect of
film. They studied water, Freon I 13, and
different boundary conditions and concluded that
predictions from classical kinetic theory would mercury. For both water and Freon, the measured
be that an anomalous temperature profile would temperature profile in the lower liquid film
be observed if water were evaporating at indicates thermal conduction of energy to the
temperatures below approximately 65 'C. interface where the evaporation took place. In
other words, for these liquids, the heated plate
The existence of an anomalous temperature supplies energy to the interface to evaporate the
profile has also been investigated using the liquid-the interface is the coldest place in the
formalism of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. evaporating liquid. The thermocouple wire used
Hermans and Beenakker (1986) point out that the to measure the temperature had a diameter of 300
rate of entropy production is positive when an m- the junction or bead would have been
anomaloustemperatureprofile exists in a system; larger. For these liquids, there was no measured
thus, an anomalous profile cannot be excluded on temperature discontinuity, but the size of the
the basis of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. thermocouple junction would have prevented the
Further, Bedeaux et al. (1990) used temperature close to the inte1face being
nonequilibrium thermodynamics to investigate measured.
the same circumstance as Pao and found that the
results obtained reduce to those found from For mercuryevaporation,the authorsclaim
kinetic theory. to have measured an interfacial temperature
discontinuity in which the interfacial vapor
One of the essential characteristics of the temperature was less than the interfacial liquid
anomalous temperature profile is that at the temperature-the direction of the discontinuity
interface where evaporation is occurring, the predicted from classical kinetic theory- but the
temperature in the liquid is greater than that in temperature profile in the lower liquid film
the vapor. This prediction is not unique to the indicates the highest temperature was at the
two liquid-layer circumstance considered by Pao interface of mercury with its vapor where
and subsequent investigators. Kinetic theory evaporation was assumed to be taking place! No
investigations that assumed only the evaporating direct measurement of the rate of evaporation
liquid interface to be present and assumed the was made, and no explanation was given for why
vapor to be removed at infinity also indicate that the evaporation did not cool the liquid phase. To
at the interface the temperature in the prevent corrosion reactions, the authors report
evaporating liquid would be greater than that in the plates had to be nickel coated and the
the vapor (Sone and Sugimoto, 1993). thermocouples had to be coated with an
Thus, the prediction of the temperature at insulating epoxy. The temperature profile in the
an evaporating interface being larger in the liquid liquid film that was evaporating suggests there

4 Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1)

was a reaction taking place at the liquid-vapor 3D-Thermocouple
interface. Pump Positioner
Shankar (1993) later pointed out that in the
work of Shankar and Deshpande (1990) they
were unable to find "definite evidence for or
against the anomalous temperaturedistribution" Vapor

that had been predicted from classical kinetic
Hisatake et al. (1993) used a 127 m-
diameter thermocouple to measure the
temperature profile in both phases as water
evaporated into air. The temperature profile in
water shows the temperature decreasing as the
thermocouple approached the interface from
within the liquid and then a very sharp increase
as it crossed the interface and entered the vapor- Evaporation Water from a
air mixture. Chamber syringepump

However, rather than interpreting their

measurements as indicating a temperature Figure 1. Schematic of the evaporation
discontinuity, Hisatake et al. (1993) assumed the apparatus used in the experiments of Ward et al.
temperaturewas continuousat the interface.This /2004, 1999)
requiredthe temperatureto have a minimum in
the liquid phase. In other words, they could not A 25 m-diameter thermocouple was
measure the temperature exactly at the interface mounted on a positioning micrometer that
and, therefore, interpreted their result to be allowed the water to be measured in three-
consistent with the continuumapproximationin dimensions. One of the temperature profiles
which the temperature exactly at the interface is measured on the center-line of the funnel during
assumed continuous. However, for the steady-state water evaporation is shown in
temperature profile to have a minimum in the Figure 2 (Ward and Duan, 2004). Three features
liquid phase near the interface, as the authors of this temperature profile should be noted.
supposed, does not seem physically possible
because it would mean that there was thermal I. The interface is the coldest place in the
conduction of energy to the mm1mum fluids: energy is conducted to the interface
temperature location from both sides. Such a region from both the liquid and vapor phases.
temperature profile could exist only if there were 2. At the interface a very large temperature
an energy "sink" at the site of the minimum discontinuity exists with the temperature in the
temperature. vapour at the interface much larger than that in
If Hisatake et al. had interpreted their the liquid at the interface. A temperature
results as indicating a temperaturediscontinuity discontinuity in this direction has also been
at the interface; they would have obtained results measured under different circumstances for
similar to those reported later by Ward and water and two other liquids (Fang and Ward,
colleagues (Ward and Duan, 2004, Ward and 1999a, 1999b). In one steady-water evaporation
Fang, 1999, Fang and Ward, 1999a, 1999b). In experiment, it was possible to get the
the latter studies, water evaporating into its own
thermocouple within approximately one mean-
vapor was examined. The apparatus used is
free-path of the interface (Fang and Ward,
shown schematically in Figure 1. Water that had
1999a). In that experiment, a temperature
been de-ionized, distilled, nano-filtered, and
degassed was transferred directly into a syringe discontinuity of 7 .8C was measured, the largest
mounted in a syringe pump. The prepared water discontinuity reported to date.
could be pushed by the pump into the throat of a A temperature discontinuity in the direction
stainless steel funnel where the water measured is in the opposite direction of that
temperature was brought to a pre-set value and predicted by Pao (1973a, 1997b) and others from
then on to the funnel mouth. The maximum classical kinetic theory when the evaporation and
height of the liquid-vapor interface above the condensation coefficients were assumed to be
funnel mouth was limited to approximately 1 unity (Siewart and Thomas, 1973, Cipolla, Lang,
mm. This ensured the interface was very nearly Loyalka, 1974, Onishi, 1986, Cercignani,
spherical. The interface could be seen from Fiszdon and Frezzontti, 1985). Furthermore, a
outside the evaporation chamber with a
series of steady state experimentswas conducted
cathetometer, and its height measured with an
(Ward and Stanga, 2001) in which condensation
accuracy of 10 m.

Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1) 5

occurred at the water-vapor interface. These interface. Since water has its maximum density
experiments indicated that there was a at 4 C and its density decreases monotonically
temperature discontinuity in the same direction with a decrease in temperature, the lightest liquid
as observed in the case of evaporation-the was at the interface. Thus, there was no potential
temperature in the vapor was greater than that in for buoyancy-driven convection, but as indicated
the liquid- but the magnitude of the in Figure 2 the uniform-temperature layer was
discontinuity was smaller than in the case of clearly present.
evaporation. In view of the observed direction of
The possible presence of thermocapillary
the discontinuities, it seems unlikely that an
convection was investigated (Ward and Duan,
anomalous temperature profile would be
2004) by inserting a 12 m-diarneter, 54 m-in-
observed physically.
length cantilevered wire to a depth of
In a numerical simulation of the molecular approximately 40 m into water at the mid-point
dynamics of Argon at the liquid-vapor interface, between the center-line and funnel rim as water
Wang et al. reached the conclusion that a high evaporated under steady-state conditions while it
kinetic energy component normal to the interface was maintained at the circular mouth of a
is an important character of the interphase stainless steel funnel (Figure I). The deflection
transport process (Wang, Chen and Guo, 2003). of the cantilevered probe tip was measured, and,
This conclusion is in agreement with' the from the elastic properties of the probe material,
measurements of Ward and Fang (1999). the speed of the fluid flow required to cause the
3. Immediately below the liquid-vapor measured deflection of the cantilevered probe
interface (Figure 2), a thin layer of liquid was was determined by assuming the force on the
observed to have a uniform temperature (Ward probe resulting from drag.
and Stanga, 2001). In general, below this layer, This speed was determined a second way:
the temperature profile in the liquid phase the temperature profile parallel to the water
indicated there was thermal energy transport to surface was measured. As indicated in Figure 3,
the interface by conduction. The source of the the interfacial temperature profile was found to
uniform temperature layer was initially unclear. be parabolic, with the temperature maximum at
Its presence suggests thermocapillary convection the funnel rim and a minimum on the funnel
is present at the liquid-vapor interface. center-line. This temperature profile would have
However, although thermocapillary (or produced a gradient in the surface tension in
surface tension-driven or Marangoni-Benard) which the maximum surface tension was on the
convection has been well documented for fluids center-line and a minimum was at the funnel rim.
other than water (Chai and Zhang, 1998,
Assenheimer and Steinberg, 1993, Buffone and 0.4
Sefian, 2004), in 1984 Cammenga et al. (1984)
pointed out the absence of experimental evidence
for thermocapillary convection during water 0.2 Vapor
evaporation. Earlier work had attributed this
absence to contamination. However, in the I 111 Interface
experiments of Barnes and Hunter (1982) and 01---------------

t Uniform-
particularly those of Carnmenga et al. (1983) and
Schreiber and Cammenga (1981) measures were ,,.
\,. __IemperatureLayer Liquid

taken to ensure cleanliness, but they did not '

-0.2 ,
interpret their measurements as indicating the
presence of thermocapillary
(Cammenga et al., 1984).
To investigate the source of the uniform
temperature layer, a set of experiments was ''
conducted using the apparatus shown -0.6 ''
schematically in Figure I to study water
evaporation when the temperature of water
entering the funnel throat was brought to a ~ ~

~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~
temperature of less than 4 C (Ward and Duan,
2004). Evaporative cooling at the liquid-vapor
interface reduced the liquid phase temperature Figure 2. Temperature profile measured in
below that at the throat, with the minimum the centerline of the evaporating liquid system
temperature occurring at the liquid-vapor ( Ward and Duan, 2004)

6 Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1)

oppositely directed fluid streams together. The
3u ~t~ shear produced would give rise to intense
,;L -9.0
~t -9.2 mixing. The uniform-temperature layer could be
3~ .9.4 the result. At the highest rates of evaporation,
.s -9.6
evidence has been cited that indicates the shear
-9.8 .
produced by these two oppositely directed
g-95.00 streams can give rise to turbulence (Ward and
~; 4.75 Duan, 2004).
. 4.50
"''" 4.25
2. Statistical Rate Theory (SRT) Description
'E 4,00
& ;t 3.75 of Evaporation or Condensation
.s~ 3.50
3.25 Since the measured temperature dis-
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 continuity is in the opposite direction of that
-Horizontalposition(mm) I Horizontal
position(mm) -+
predicted from classical kinetic theory when the
~=90 ~=0
evaporation and condensation coefficient are
assumed to be unity, the question arises as to the
Figure 3. The abscissa indicates the
theoretical basis for the measurements.
position measured from the centerline in each of
Consequently, the measured conditions during
two horizontal directions separated by 90. The
upper ordinate gives the interfacial liquid steady state evaporation have been investigated
temperature. The lower gives the interfacial with statistical rate theory (SRT) (Ward, 1977,
temperature discontinuity 1983, 2002, Ward, Findlay, and Rizk, 1982).
This quantum-thermodynamic based theoretical
Thus, a thermocapillary flow would have approach has the distinct advantage of leading to
been generated by this surface tension gradient an expression for the evaporation flux that is free
that was directed from the funnel rim toward the of any fitting parameters. Also, it has been
center-line. When the flow probe was inserted successfully applied to a number of other
between the center-line and the funnel rim, the interfacial molecular transport processes. These
deflection was toward the center-line, as include condensation (Ward and Fang, 1999),
expected. When the measured gradient in the droplet evaporation (McGaughey and Ward,
smface tension was equated to the viscous stress 2002), gas adsorption on single crystal metal
parallel to the liquid surface, a second equation surfaces (Findlay and Ward, 1982, Ward,
was developed that could be solved to determine Farahbakhsh and Venter, 1986, Ward and
the speed. The value of speed determined in this Elmoslehi, 1986, 1988, Elliott and Ward, 1997a,
fashion agreed reasonably with that determined 1997b, 1995) and on heterogeneous materials
from the probe deflection (Ward and Duan, (Elliott and Ward, 1997c, Panczyk and
2004). This agreement indicates that it was a Rudzinski, 2003, 2002, Rudzinski and Panczyk,
gradient in surface tension that produced the 2000, Rudzinski, Borowieck, Dominko and
fluid flow that deflected the flow probe. In a Panczyk, 1999, 2000a, 2000b), temperature
series of experiments, it was found that as the programmed desorption (Rudzinski, Borowieck,
evaporation rate was increased (by lowering the Dominko and Panczyk, 2000c), surface diffusion
pressure in the vapor phase) the thermocapillary- of CO on stepped Pt(l 11) surfaces (Elliott and
induced speed increased parabolically reaching a Ward, 1997d), rate of electron transfer reactions
maximum of approximately 0.5 mm/s. between ions in solution (Ward, 1977), transport
gas molecules across the interface between a
The uniform-temperature layer is possibly liquid-gas solution and a gas mixture (Torri and
generated by the thermocapillary flow. For Elliott, 1999, Ward, Rizk, and Tucker, 1982,
example, the thermocapillary flow from the rim Ward, Tikuisis and Tucker, 1986), ion
toward the center-line and parallel to the permeation across biological membranes
interface for the experiment indicated in Figure 2 (Tikuisis and Ward, 1992, Skinner, Ward and
is two-orders of magnitude higher than the flow Bardakjian, 1993, Bordi, Cametti and Motta,
perpendicular to the interface that is required to 2000), crystal dissolution (Bordi, Carnetti and
maintain the evaporation at a steady rate. Also Naglieri, 1998), and osmotic transport (Dejmek
the temperature of the liquid at the interface is and Ward, 1998).
well below the temperature at the throat. Thus,
when the lighter liquid at the interface, moving The expression for the net evaporative flux,
from the rim toward the center-line, reaches the hv that is obtained from SRT is in terms of two
center-line it must penetrate the denser liquid thermodynamic functions, i\SLv and K,, and, for
below the interface and return toward the funnel a spherical interface, may be written (Ward,
rim. Buoyancy would tend to push these 2002, Ward and Fang, 1999) as

Int J. of Thermodynamics,Vol.8 (No.1) 7

JLv = 2Kesinh(LlSLv/k) (6) substance evaporating,Psat, YsatL and yLV; and the
molecular properties of the evaporating
where k is the Boltzmann constant. Local
substance, m, roL and q,;b"For water, all of the
equilibrium is assumed valid in each phase; and
material and molecular properties have been
if the chemical potential at the interface in phase-
; is denoted as ; and the temperature by T;, then previously and independently determined; thus
the expression for the evaporation flux does not
the function LlSLvmay be written as
containany fitting parameters.
LlSLV=(L _ V )+ h V
J") (7) To examine the expression for the
evaporation flux, one would ideally measure the
local equilibrium properties in each phase and
where h v is the intensive enthalpy in the vapor the local evaporation flux and then compare the
phase at the interface" The thermodynamic predicted flux with that measured at each point
function K, may be expressed by on the interface, but a method to measure
pressure at a point has not yet proven possible,
P,a1 (TL)exp(:;{ (P,;"-P,a 1 (TL))) nor has measuring the local evaporation flux"
However, the average evaporation flux can be
Ke ----"'?==~--~ (8)
determined using the apparatus shown
..f21tmkTL ,
schematically in Figure l" The total evaporation
where the pressure P/ is determined as the flux can be measured with an accuracy of
iterative solution of approximately 05% (by measuring the

P,L = P,,. (TL) exp [ :t,~

[ peL- P,at(TL)]]
movement of the syringe pump piston)" The area
of the interface, Am, can be calculated by
measuring the maximum interface height above
the funnel mouth, Xm, and knowing the radius of
+ 2y the funnel mouth, z0 " Thus,
Ro (12)
In equation (9), Ro is the radius of curvature and
This allows the average evaporation flux to
f vis the surface tension.
be calculated" Although the temperature varies
An approximate expression for LlSLv has along the interface, as indicated in Figure 3, the
been obtained from statistical thermodynamics total change in the interfacial liquid phase
(Ward and Fang, 1999) such that temperature, even at the very high evaporation
rate of this experiment, is only a fraction of a
LlsLv = 4 ( 1_ Tv )+(-1 __ 1 ) degree-C. Thus, on the absolute temperature
k TL TV TL scale, this is a very small percentage change in
temperature along the interface. Also, as
"3 (hro 1
hro1/k ) indicated in this figure, the interfacial
- 2k exp(hro1/kT v )-1 temperaturediscontinuitywas almost uniformat
(10) 3.8C. Thus the variation in the interfacial vapor
temperature would also have been only a fraction
of a degree-C. The vapor-phase pressure for each
steady-state experiment was measured with an
Hg manometer and cathetometer. The accuracy
of the determination was 13.3 Pa (Fang and
Ward, 1999a, 1999b, Ward and Fang, 1999,
where qvib is the vibration partition function Ward and Stanga, 2001). It is unlikely that the
given by variation in the intetfacial pressure along the
interface would have been measurable with this
qvib = rr
exp(-hffiJ / 2kT)
1- exp(-hro 1/ kT)
(II) technique.
3. Examination of the Statistical Rate Theory
For the water molecule, the three measured Expression for the Phase Change Rate
fundamental vibrational frequencies are 1590,
3651 and 3756 s-1 (Fang and Ward, 1999b). If an average is taken of equations. (6) to
(11), the result may be_functionally written as
The expression for the evaporation flux
may be viewed as depending on three sets of Jev =f(TL ' TV ' pV ' R0 ) (13)
variables: the instantaneous values of the local
equilibrium properties in each phase: TL, Tv, pV A sensitivity analysis of the variables appearing
and Ro (or PL); the material properties of the in the expression for the evaporation flux has

8 Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1)

indicated an error of 13.3 Pa would change the and methylcyclohexane molecules have not been
calculated value of the evaporation flux by two measured, a prediction of the pressure at which a
orders of magnitude. Thus, since J , Tv , particularrate of evaporation is achieved cannot
-L ev
T and R 0 can more accurately be measured be as rigorous as with water. For these
relative to Pv , equation (13) was inverted to substances, vibration effects were neglected.
obtainan expressionfor pv such that equation (10) then simplifies to
-y -L -y -
P ~f(T ,T ,JevRo) (14) i\sLv =4(1- TV)+ v!-,, (PL _p (TL))+
-y k TL kTL sat
The values of P calculated from equation
(14) for the series of experiments reported by (15)
Ward and Fang (1999) are shown in Figure 4.
The values of T' and Tv measured on the
center-line were used in the calculations. As fJ'
be seen in the figure, the calculated values of P When the vapor-phase pressure that resulted in a
are in agreement with the measurements to particular average evaporation flux was predicted
within the measurementerror. on the basis of equation (14), the results shown
in Figure 5 were obtained (Fang and Ward,
700 1999b). There were error bars associated with the
c--: 600 data, but the error bars are not visible on this
g_ scale. Thus, as with the water, experiments
' 500 carried out with the apparatus shown
-E schematically in Figure I did not indicate any
.s 400
e discrepancy between the statistical rate theory
~ 300
e predictions and the measurements.
:;; 200
e However, it should be recalled that the
~ tOO -- 451ine statistical rate theory expression for the
i o+---~--~--~----~-~ evaporation rate is very sensitive to the vapor-
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 phase pressure (see below), and in these
Pressurein the vaporpredictedby SRT(Pa) experiments, this pressure could only be
measured with an accuracy of 13.3 Pa. A more
Figure 4. Pressure in the water vapor accuratemeasurementis described below.
predicted by the SRT expression using measured
values of temperature at the inte,face in the ~ 3000
vapor and the liquid and the curvature of the
inte,face at the measured rate of evaporation. i 2500

The pressure difference between the predictions 2000

and measurements was within the measurements .5
] 1500
error of I 3.3 Pa iii
When this result was obtained, it was - 45" Line
thought that the close agreement may have "
~ 500 Octaneexperiment

resulted from some special property of the water 0

o Methylcyclohexaneexp

0 500 l 000 I500 2000 2500 3000

molecule. Thus, two other substances were Pressurein vaporcalculatedby SRT (Pa)
examined: octane (molecular weight 114) with
its "straight chain"-like molecule with one
Figure 5. Pressure in the vapor predicted
methyl group (CH3) at each end and six by the SRT expression using measured values of
methylenes (CH2 ) between, and methyl- temperature at the inteiface in the vapor and the
cyclohexane (molecular weight 98) with its ring- liquid and the curvature of the interface at the
like structure containing five methylenes and measured rate of evaporation
CH-CH 3 at one corner. Five experiments were
performed with each of these substances. Another aspect of statistical rate theory has
For each, a temperaturediscontinuity was been examined by Ward and Stanga (2001) who
found at the interface during steady-state noted that SRT can also be used to predict the
evaporation, and the direction of the rate of condensation: The net rate of
discontinuity was the same as that of water: the condensation is simply the negative of J'". The
interfacial vapor temperature was greater than apparatus shown in Figure I was modified to
that in the liquid in each case. Since the that shown schematically in Figure 6. A series of
fundamental vibration frequencies of the octane experiments was performed in pairs. First, an

Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1) 9

evaporation experiment was run and then, with Thermocouples Pressure
Transducer Fillingtube Vacuumpump
water in the reservoir surrounding the funnel aud
maintained at a chosen temperature, the
temperature in the liquid phase was inverted by Clamp
cooling the liquid at the funnel throat. This Glass lid
produced condensation on the water interface
maintained at the mouth of the funnel.
A temperature discontinuity was found to C1 C2 C3 C4 Capillary
exist at the interface where condensation was
taking place in each of the steady-state
experiments, and the direction was the same as Vapor
that found when water was evaporating: the Phase
interfacial temperature of the vapor was greater
than that of the liquid. When statistical rate
theory was used to predict the vapor-phase
pressure at which water either condensed or
evaporated at a particular rate, the results shown
in Figure 7 were obtained.
G!ass Container
Figure 8. Schematic of the apparatus used
in the evaporation studies of Rahimi and Ward

One of the major differences of the SRT

expression for the rate of the phase change
compared to classical kinetic theory is that based
on SRT, the unidirectional liquid evaporation
rate is predicted to depend on the conditions in
both liquid and vapor phases whereas in classical
kinetic the01y it is usually assumed to be
Figure 6. Schematic of the apparatus used independent of the conditions in the vapor phase.
in the condensation experiments pe,formed by As a result, based on evaporation studies using
Ward and Stanga (2001) SRT, it was predicted that the rate of evaporation
has an extraordinary sensitivity to the vapor-
4000 phase pressure (Faug and Ward, 1999a). Even a
small change in the vapor-phase pressure on an
3500 order of magnitude of mPa is predicted to change
C4 the rate of evaporation. This sensitivity cannot be
g 3000 modelled by classical kinetic theory. To examine
,! the validity of this prediction by SRT, an
ai'.l 2500 experimental study was performed (Rahimi and
;; Ward, 2004).
Jg_ 2000 The experimental apparatus is shown
schematically in Figure 8 and consisted of four
'!J 1500 half-closed capillaries which were open at the
, top and closed at the bottom. The capillaries
j 1000
were partially filled with liquid water to different
heights. In a constant gravitational field, this
500 meant that the vapor-phase pressure acting on the
interface of each capillary was different; it was
lowest at the capillary with the highest interface
500 1000 ! 500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Predicted Vapor-PhasePressure,(Pa)
height and highest at the capillary with the
lowest interface height. The difference between
the highest and lowest interface position at the
Figure 7. Comparison between the
beginning of the experiment was only 42 mm
calculated vapor-phase pressure from SRT using
corresponding to a chauge in vapor-phase
the measured rate of evaporation (EI-E4) and pressure at the interface of about 3 mPa. Even
condensation (CI-C4) to that measured though this pressure difference could not be

1O Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1)

directly measured, it was still predicted to cause interface of an evaporating water system with
the capillary with the lowest vapor-phase that predicted from classical kinetic theory (and
pressureto have a largerevaporationrate. non-equilibrium thermodynamics), and the
difficulties of determining the evaporation and
The evaporation rate inside each capillary
condensation coefficients defined by classical
was measured by measuring the rate of change of
kinetic theory, it seems that a new theoretical
the interface position. It was found that the
approach that can model the kinetics of the
capillaries were evaporating at different rates, in
interface during phase change must be
a way that the capillary with the lowest vapor-
introduced. Based on the results of the studies
phase pressure (or highest interface position) was
discussed above it seems that statistical rate
evaporating faster than the others (see Figure 9).
theory can model the conditions at the interface
After several days, all the capillaries had during evaporation better than classical kinetic
the same interface position and they evaporated theory. The evaporation rate of water predicted
with the same rate from then on. The interface from SRT has no fitting parameter, an advantage
position inside each capillary is shown in Figure when compared to other theoretical methods.
9. The vapor-phase pressure acting on each
interface was calculated from the measured rate
of evaporation using the SRT expression for the
evaporation flux. This calculated value was then
compared with the calculated value from
assuming equilibrium in the vapor phase and
knowing the position of the interface inside each
capillary compared to a reference bulk-liquid
phase (see Figure 8). The results are listed in
TABLE L The agreement between the two
values were found to be 0.004 Pa which is four
orders of magnitude better than had been
reported by others (Ward and Duan, 2004, Fang
5 IO 15 20 25 30 35 40
and Ward, 1999a, 1999b, Ward and Stanga, Time(days)
4. Conclusion Figure 9. Liquid-vapor interface positions
within capillaries and the bulk phase that were
Because of the disagreement of measured measured during the experiment of Rahimi and
liquid and vapor-phase temperature at the Ward (2004)


Day Interface Measured Predicted Vapor Pressure Agreement

Position Evaporation Vapor Pressure from (Pa)
(mm) Rate from SRT (Pa) Equilibrium
(10' 3 mol/m2 .s) (+0.0001) (Pa) (+ 10'6)
0 127.71 7.93 907.584 907.645 0.039
2 94.83 2.88 907.625 907.648
4 81.37 1.50 907.636 907.648
6 73.27 0.92 907.641 907.649
10 64.67 0.52 907.644 907.650
12 61.59 0.47 907.644 907.650
16 55.96 0.34 907.645 907.650
18 53.67 0.37 907.645 907.650 0.005
20 52.13 0.22 907.646 907.650
22 50.02 0.31 907.646 907.650
24 48.43 0.23 907.646 907.651
26 46.61 0.18 907.647 907.651
28 45.73 0.22 907.646 907.651
30 43.98 0.29 907.646 907.651
32 43.39 0.29 907.646 907.651
34 41.92 0.20 907.646 907.651
36 39.35 0.12 907.647 907.651 0.004

Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.8 (No.1) 11

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